
NO. 34 JUNE 2009 ISSN 0859-9742


June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 342

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OUR ADDRESS. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand;Website: and; E-mail [email protected]; SEANAFE c/o World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)-SoutheastAsia Regional office, PO Box 61, Bogor 16001, Indonesia; Website:; E-mail [email protected]

PRODUCTION. Patrick B. Durst, Michael Pescott, Lutgarda L. Tolentino and Rowena D. Cabahug (Editorial Consultants); Leah P.Arboleda (Editor); Perseveranda G. Tubig and Reinelen M. Reyes (Production Assistants)

COVER PHOTO. Mr. Santiago Cepada and his wife established their large-scale integrated agroforestry farm in Nabunturan,Compostela Valley, southern Philippines with their children more than 10 years ago. The farm boasts a forest planted withdipterocarp species in the high elevated areas, and high-value fruit trees (durian, cacao, rambutan, and lanzones) in thelower areas. This family enterprise now grows crops commercially and provides employment to other people in thecommunity. In recognition of his leadership and efforts, Mr. Cepada has been the recipient of the Outstanding High ValueCommercial Crops Farmer Award, and the Gawad Saka Award for Outstanding Farmer Scientist, both given at the nationallevel.(Photo courtesy of the UPLB Institute of Agroforestry)

PRINTER. Thammada Press Co. Ltd., 86 Soi 501/1 Charansanitwong Road, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 Thailand

Dear readersWe welcome 2009 with the 34th issue ofAPANews. In this issue, we haveinteresting contributions from Nepal,the Philippines, and India.

The article from Nepal explores theeffects of a new Leucaena variety on thegrowth of Tarai male goats. It measuresthe effects of stall feeding and grazingon the goats’ body weight and dailyaverage feed intake. Read more on theresults of this new leucaena variety incombination with para grass on page 5.

Meanwhile, an article from Indiapresents the results of a study thatexplored how an indigenous tree can bean alternate source of raw material forpulp and paper. Read about Melia dubiaand why it is a suitable raw materialfor pulp and paper on page 2.

Another article from India discussesSantalum album L.. Sandal is a highlycommercial crop in India because of itsscented heartwood and oil. Read moreon the policies of producing andharvesting the East Indian sandalwood, how it can be domesticated, andthe results of the financial analysis onpage 9.

We also have two interesting articlesfrom the Philippines. One discusses astate college’s initiatives in promotingvermicomposting and vermimealproduction. Read more on theproduction processes ofvermicomposting and vermimeal, andthe different advocacy initiatives beingdone by the Kalinga-Apayao StateCollege in northern Philippines on page13. The other article presents theresults of research on the indigenousknowledge and practices of tribalgroups on community-based forestmanagement, or CBFM. This articleanalyzed how two tribal communitiesperceived the forests, and explored howtheir indigenous knowledge andpractices helped promote CBFM in LaUnion, northern Philippines.

All is set for the 2nd World Congress ofAgroforestry in Nairobi, Kenya.Knowledge sharing is the focus of thisCongress. Specific topics includeagroforestry markets, tree-basedrehabilitation, climate changeadaptation and mitigation,contribution to multifunctionalagriculture, policy options, andinstitutional innovations. Read more onwhat’s in store for this highlyanticipated event which will be held23-28 August 2009 on page 8.

The Philippine Agroforestry Educationand Research Network (PAFERN) and itspartner agencies are also set for the 4th

Philippine Agroforestry Congress. To beheld 18-20 November 2009, this eventwill gather agroforestry practitionersin the Philippines to share theirexperiences on agroforestry technologydevelopment, and promotion andadoption for climate change mitigationand adaptation. Farmers’ experiencesin agroforestry technology adoptionwill also be highlighted in the event.Find out the details on page 14.

We are once again presenting the latestnews on the Southeast Asian Networkfor Agroforestry Education (SEANAFE) inour featured SEANAFE News. This will bethe first time that SEANAFE News will bepublishing updates from all thenational networks. This issue alsowelcomes Malaysia in SEANAFE’s rosterof member-countries.

As always, find out the latestpublications and websites that may beof use in your various agroforestryinitiatives.

We hope you enjoy reading this issueand thank you once again to all thecontributors. We hope to receive morearticles from you in the future! –

The Editors

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 3


Integrating Melia dubia inagroforestry farms as analternate pulpwood speciesK.T. Parthiban ([email protected]), Akilesh Kumar Bharathi,R. Seenivasan, K. Kamala ([email protected]) and M. Govinda Rao

Continued on page 4

Because of its burgeoning population,India is under tremendous pressure tomeet the growing demand for wood andwood products, such as pulp and paper.

The current production of rawmaterials for pulp and paper is 2.76million tonnes, against the demand of5.04 million tonnes, a shortfall of 45percent. The projected demand by 2020is 13.2 million tonnes, which is stillmore staggering (Palsaniya et al.,2009).

Today, there are about 594 paper millsin India, with 34 considered as largecompanies. In the State of Tamil Nadu,there are 39 paper mills, including theTamil Nadu Newsprint and Paper Ltd(TNPL) and Shesayee Paper Boards Ltd(SPB). The demand for wood-basedproducts in Tamil Nadu is 8-10 lakhtonnes of wood pulp per year, which isgreater than the 4 lakh tonnes that arecurrently available (Parthiban andGovinda Rao, 2008).

Inadequate raw materials and stringentforest policies have forced the wood-based industries to become self-reliantin terms of acquiring their own rawmaterials. They establishedagroforestry farms through contractfarming. At present, these farmsintegrate the production of Eucalyptusspp. and Casuarina spp. as majorsources of raw materials for pulp andpaper. However, these two crops areconstrained by poor productivity, longrotation periods, and pests anddiseases. To address these concerns,studies were conducted to explore thepotential of indigenous trees asalternate sources of raw materials forpulp and paper.

Suitability of Melia dubia as pulpwood

To screen suitable pulpwood species,eight different fast-growing tree specieswere tested for their pulping quality. Thespecies were assessed based on theirphysical, chemical, and strengthcharacteristics using standardmethodologies (Tappi, 1980).

Among the tree species tested, Meliadubia emerged as a suitable rawmaterial because of its increased pulprecovery and exceptional strength. Pulprecovery was recorded at 50 percent,which is higher than that of eucalyptus(Table 1). Similarly, the Kappa number(used to assess bleachability) was lessthan 20, which is excellent ascompared with the traditional rawmaterial.

Measuring Melia dubia’s strength

Research results revealed that thepaper produced from M. dubiaexhibited excellent strength. In fact, thespecies recorded a burst index of 5.8kPa.m2/g and a brightness of nearly 82percent (Table 1).

In general, the research showed that M.dubia could be used as an alternativepulpwood species (Table 1).

Distribution of Melia Dubia

M. dubia occurs in the tropical moistdeciduous forests of the SikkimHimalayas, North Bengal and upperAssam, the Khasi hills of Orissa, N.Circars, Deccan and the Western Ghats,at altitudes of 1,500-1,800 meters. It isknown to yield useful timber.

This tree is often used as anornamental plant. It is also used asboundary and shade trees inplantations. Because it grows rapidly,M. dubia can be used for afforestation.

Environmental requirements

M. dubia grows on a variety of soils;however, it grows well in deep, fertileand sandy loam soils.

This tree species requires high lightintensity. Seedlings can tolerate frost,however, severe frost can result inplant death.

Like many other trees, M. dubia issusceptible to fire, and its saplings areat risk from livestock browsing.

Silvicultural characteristics Unrefined




Pulp yield 50.5 50.3

Kappa number 19.60 19.60

Acid insoluble lignin 24.7 24.7

Hollow cellulose 73.7 73.7

bulk (g/cm3) 1.70 1.42

Tensile index (Nm/g) 49.2 86

Tear index (mN.m2 g) 5.2 10.1

Freeness (ml CSF) 540 300

Burst index (kPa.m2/g) 2.4 5.8

Brightness (% ISO) 80 82

Opacity (%) 83.4 79.2

Scatterning coefficient (m2/kg) 48.4 38.5

Yellowness (%) 8.9 9.2

Table 1. Silvicultural characteristics of Melia dubia suitable for pulp.

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 344

Integrating Melia dubia...

Continued from page 3



M. dubia can be propagated by seed,cuttings and by tissue culture. Directlyplanting saplings or stumps isrecommended over direct sowing, asthe latter method has been recorded togive poor yield.

Seed treatment

Seeds are collected from ripened fruitsduring January and February. The seedsare rubbed, washed, and dried beforebeing stored in sealed tins. Using thismethod, seed germination is less than25 percent.

M. dubia seeds may also be raised innursery beds. The best treatmentinvolves soaking seeds in a cow dungsolution for one day prior to raising inthe nursery beds. With regularirrigation, the seeds then take one totwo months to germinate. It takes sixmonths for the M. dubia seedlings tocomplete the nursery stage.


Six to nine month-old seedlings areplanted using a spacing of 3 metres by3 meters, or 3 meters by

4 meters.

Pruning is done yearly to achievestraight cylindrical boles.

Irrigation and fertilizer requirements

During the dry season, M. dubia growswell if irrigated every 10-15 days.

The growth of M. dubia seedlings andtrees can be further enhanced with theapplication of a 25-50 gram mixture ofnitrogen, phosphorus, and potassiumper tree. This mixture is applied twotimes a year. Fertilizers can be appliedas needed, depending on the growthand development of the tree.

Other uses

The wood of M. dubia can be used aspacking cases, cigar boxes, ceilingplanks, building and constructionmaterials, agricultural implements,pencils, matchboxes, splints,kattamarams, musical instruments, teaboxes, and plyboard. In Ceylon, thewood is used to construct outriggersfor boats. It is also a good fuelwood(calorific value, 5.043 - 5,176 cal.). Thefruits of M. dubia are bitter andconsidered an anthelmintic.

Market and trade

M. dubia wood can be sold for pulp andused in the veneer industry. M. dubiatrees greater than 16 inches in girthcan be sold at a minimum price of Rs2,000 ($40 USD) per tonne for the matchindustry. For the veneer industry, themarket rate is a little higher.

Promoting Melia dubia as an industrialwood species through contract farming

M. dubia is currently being promotedas a source of industrial pulpwoodthrough contract farming. Thepromotional strategy applies thequadpartite model, comprising aninstitute to supply the geneticresources, farmers who cultivate theseeds and seedlings, industries thatbuy the products from the farmers, andfinancial institutions that providecredit to farmers.

This strategy shows encouragingresults. However, the availability ofquality planting materials remains amajor constraint.

The Tamilnadu Agricultural University,through the Forest College andResearch Institute, has initiated effortsto mass multiply quality seedlingsthrough clonal propagation and tissueculture. Clonal propagation is beingdone through cuttings, while tissueculture is being done through nodalcuttings. M. dubia is also beingintegrated as a pulpwood species in

agroforestry systems.

The authors can be contacted at the Forest

College and Research Institute, Tamilnadu

Agricultural University, Mettupalayam, India-641 301.

Acknowledgment: World Bank-fundedNational Agricultural Innovation Project.

References: 1) Srivastava, D. P., P. K. Srivastava,A. K. Goel and K. Thangavelu. 1993. Genetic

variability in Terminalia arjuna. Indian J. For.,

16: 223-225; 2) Srivastava, M. B. 2005.Timberindustries and non-timber forest products. CBS

Publication, New Delhi. Pp.518; 3) Tappi, 1980.

Standard and suggested methods. Technicalassociation of pulp and paper industry, New

York. pp. 200-265; 4) Parthiban, K. T. and M.

Govinda Rao. 2008. Pulpwood based industrialagroforestry in Tamil Nadu- A case study, The

Indian forester. Vol. 134: 155-163; 5) Palsaniya

D. R., S. K. Dhyani, R. K.Tewari, Ramesh Singhand R. S.Yadav. 2009. Marketing issues and

constraints in agroforestry. In Agroforestry:

Natural Resource Sustainability, Livelihoodand Climate Moderation (eds) O.P. Chaturvedi,

A.Venkatesh, R.S.Yadav, Badre Alam,

R.P.Dwivedi, Ramesh Singh and S.K. Dhyani).Satish Serial Publishing House. India.Pp.563 –


Figure 1. Counter clockwise from top: Melia dubia seeds, seedlings, and trees.

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 5


Grazing or feeding using the newLeucaena variety - which is betteron the growth performance ofgoats in Nepal?T P Barakoti ([email protected]) and M Sapkota

Grasslands and good pastures are rarein the Tarai and mid-hills of Nepalwhere goat farming is common.Nutritious and palatable tree fodder isdeclining in most parts of these hillsdue to the over-exploitation of foddertrees in the farmlands and surroundingnatural forests.

Meanwhile, overgrazing has caused thedeterioration of pastures and farmproductivity. Farmers can not affordconcentrated feeding. Instead, thefarmers traditionally feed their live-stock with various species of fodder.The average daily deficit of fodder isestimated at 0.8 kilogram per animal(Maharjan, 1987).

Thus, fodder and feed scarcity havebecome major problems in the produc-tion of livestock in Nepal. Ipil-ipil(Leucaena spp.), a fast-growing legumi-nous fodder containing 27-34 percentprotein (Baidya, 1985), has proved itssuitability for multiple uses includingfodder, fuelwood and green manure. Allparts of the ipil-ipil plant, including thesmall twigs can be eaten by livestock.However, the mimosine present in thefoliage is harmful to non-ruminants,causing weight loss and ill health(Anonymous, 1984).

For ruminants, especially cattle,buffalo and goats, the fodder isgenerally palatable, digestible andnutritious. Rangankar (1980) and Jones(1982) reported that ipil-ipil can be fedsafely to ruminants if their stomachcontains microorganisms that rendermimosine harmless. Neupane (1987)concluded that the growth performanceof the newly introduced varietyLeucaena leucocephala was much bettercompared to other species. Napier

grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and paragrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) are thecommon forage crops recommended fordifferent livestock.

This research explored the effects of thenew leucaena variety K-29, (Leucaenaleucocephla var.K29) on the growthperformance of Tarai male goats. Thetests involved feeding and grazing theTarai male goats with K-29 alone and K-29 in combination with other fodders(para grass and napier grass).

Materials and methods

Twenty-four male goats, of similar ageand weight, were selected from the Taraidistrict (Rautahat) of Nepal. They wererandomly grouped at four goats pertreatment. The experiments wereconducted at the Institute of Agricultureand Animal Science (IAAS) Rampur,Chitwan in 1999. Prior to experimenta-tion, the goats were surgically castratedand de-wormed with Banminth at adosage of one tablet per 20 kilograms ofbody weight.

The treatments were laid out in acompletely randomized design. Stallfeeding was done individually in a shedmanaged for this purpose. The mineralmixture Minamil, containing vitamins A,B, D, E, and K, and nutrient elements(calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc,iron, nicotinamide, choline chloride)was given at a dosage of 10 grams pergoat every 10 days from March to June.

The fodder species fed to the goats wereipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephla var.K29),para grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) andnapier grass (Pennisetum purpureum).These were grown at the IAASagroforestry site. The amount of feed

was calculated based on dry weight.The fodder left everyday was weighedand analyzed.

The grazing was done in the pasture ofthe IAAS livestock farm. The farm iswhere the major grass species werebeing grown, such as Cynodondactylon, Homarthria compressa,Digitaria abscendens, Oxalis corniculata,Cyperus spp. and Imperata cylindrica.

The parameters monitored werechanges in the livestock’s live weight,daily average feed intake and feedefficiency. Live weight was recorded at15-day intervals, while feed efficiencywas calculated monthly. The dailyaverage weight gain was calculatedbased on the initial and final weightsdivided by the number of goats andtrial period in days. The treatmentmeans were compared to thosegenerated by Gomez and Gomez (1981).

The daily average weight gain wascalculated using the following formula:

Daily average weight gain =Final weight - Initial weightNo. of days on trial x No. of animals

Feed efficiency was calculated usingthe following formula:

Feed efficiency (weight gain ratio) =Daily average feed intakeDaily average weight gain

Results and discussion

Live (body) weight increment

In general, the weight of the goatsincreased in the range of 0.25 to 4.84kilograms over the 90-day trial period.The treatment that resulted in thegreatest weight increase was freegrazing for 4 hours plus ad lib feedingof leucaena (4.84kg). This was followedby free grazing for 8 hours (3.50kg)(Table 1).

The increased weight gain in the lattergroup, as compared to the othertreatments, might be due to the goodgrass cover in the pasture land and thefreedom of the goats to move in the

Continued on page 6

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 346


Feeding or grazing... + 50 percent leucaena +50 percent paragrass (68 grams per day, 1st month).

The minimum weight gain was observedfrom the 0 grazing + leucaena ad libcombination (8 grams per day, 1stmonth), with weight loss occuringduring the third month for this treat-ment (-17 grams per day). This findingmight indicate an insufficient numberof microorganisms in the goats’stomachs to fight the harmful effects ofmimosine.

Daily average feed intake

The results indicate that dry matterintake (feed intake) increased duringthe second and third months ascompared to the first month. However,the live weights did not increaseproportionately as seen in Table 1. Thislack of change in the live weights maybe due to the warm temperature asexperimentation was done during thesummer months of Nepal, or possiblyinfluenced by goat age.

The feed intake was found to be highestin the zero grazing + 50 percentleucaena + 50 percent napier grasscombination (Figure 1). This wasfollowed by the zero grazing + 50percent leucaena + 50 percent paragrass combination. The analysis ofvariance of the data found the resultswere non-significant.

Grazing 4hr + leucaena ad lib wasfound to be better at increasing thebody weight gain of the goats, com-pared with other treatments.

Continued from page 5

Table 1. Total weight changes at monthly intervals

It was evident that stall feeding ofgoats with only leucaena, did notincrease their body weight, rather itresulted in weight loss as observedduring the third month.

Daily average weight gain

Daily average weight gain (grams) wasfound to be higher in the first monthand declined thereafter during thesecond and third months. The highertemperature in the summer monthswas attributed as a possible cause. Thegreatest weight gain of 72 grams perday (1st month) was found with thefree grazing for 4 hours + leucaena adlib combination, followed by 0 grazing

open field. However, there was nosignificant difference found betweenthe treatment groups.

Similar results were obtained in aprevious experiment (Anonymous1986). Bhandari and Reshami(1987) found that pigs fed with 15percent leucaena leaf meal gainedmore live weight than the group thatwas fed with 20 percent leaf meal.Buffaloes that were fed with ipil-ipil(25-30%) gained more body weightthan the group fed with non-ipil-ipil

fodder (Veldhuis 1988).


1st monthChange

2nd monthChange

3rd month FinalTotal

ChangeFree grazing (FG) 8 hrs 6.88 1.83 1.00 0.67 10.38 3.50

FG 4 hrs + leucaena ad lib 8.67 2.17 1.84 0.83 13.51 4.84

FG 4 hrs + para ad lib 8.00 1.25 1.00 0.34 10.59 2.59

0 FG + leucaena ad lib 7.25 0.25 0.50 -0.50 7.50 0.25

0 FG + 50% leucaena + 50% para 7.88 2.03 0.83 0.50 11.24 3.36

0 FG + 50% leucaena + 50% napier 8.00 1.33 0.67 0.50 10.50 2.50

F test NS NS NS

SD 2.61 2.76 2.39

CV % 33.00 31.00 27.00

Weight (kilograms)Treatment




20822475 2689














FG 8 hrs

FG 4hr + leuc.

FG 4hr + para

0 FG + leuc.

0 FG + 50% leuc. 

+ 50% para

0 FG + 50% leuc. 

+ 50% napier


 feed intake

 & live

 weight gain


Average Feed Intake and Live Weight Increment of Tarai Male Goats

Average feed intake

Average live weight gain

Figure 1. Average feed intake and live weight gain of the Tarai male goats (FG - free grazing)

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 7


Feed efficiency

The mean feed efficiency varied from17.8 (free grazing 4 hours + leucaenaad lib) to 40.4 (0 grazing + 50%leucaena + 50% napier grass) (Table 2).Feed efficiency declined as the dailyaverage weight rose from the first tothird month. Feed efficiency variedwith feed intake and daily weight gainregardless of the type of fodder used.

In terms of feed efficiency, free grazingfor 4 hours + leucaena ad lib was foundto be the best treatment for the malegoats (Table 2).

Conclusions and recommendations

This study thus presents the followingconclusions:

1. The live weights of four- to six-month-old Tarai male goatsincreased by 0.25 to 4.84 kilo-grams, depending on the combina-tion of stall feeding and freegrazing;

2. The live weight increment, dailyaverage weight gain, daily averagefeed intake and feed efficiency areinfluenced by fodder species, theproportion of the fodder used andgrazing time;

3. The combination of free grazing for4 hours + leucaena ad lib wasfound to be the most effectivemethod at increasing the growthperformance of the Tarai male goatsunder Chitwan conditions; and

4. Using Leucaena leucocephla var.K29alone is not recommended as it isnot digestible by goats and couldeven be harmful due to the

mimosine content.

Dr. Barakoti is a Senior Scientist (S-4) at the

Nepal Agricultural Research Council,Singhdurbar Plaza, Kathmandu, Nepal. Dr.

Sapkota is a Professor at the Institute of

Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur,Chitwan, Nepal.

Acknowledgment: International DevelopmentResearch Centre (IDRC), Canada; Mr. P.M. Dixit,

Coordinator of the Farm Forestry Project; Mr. G.

P. Kandel and Mr. M. Adhikari; and Mr. U. N.Dabadi.

References: 1) Anonymous. 1984. Leucaena:promising forage and tree crop for the tropics

Table 2. Feed efficiency (weight gain ratio) of the goats at monthly intervals.

Continued on page 8

Exploring the indigenousknowledge and practices ofPhilippine tribal groups on CBFMLilito D. Gavina ([email protected])

During the past two decades, efforts toencourage farmers to grow and managetrees in the Philippines have graduallyincreased. Most of these wereexternally sponsored interventionsbased on unconventional forestrytechniques. No attention was given tothe idea that local people were capableof not only developing viable solutionsto local problems, based on theirunderstanding of local conditions, but

also in implementing practical fieldexperiments in response to localconstraints and opportunities.

More recently, social forestry programshave aimed at involving the communityin forest management efforts, but wereexpected to do better in understandinglocal peoples’ knowledge and practices.The peoples’ indigenous forestmanagement practices reflect their

priorities, aspirations and constraints.Such knowledge is dynamic, and theresult of a continuous process ofexperimentation, innovation, andadaptation. More importantly, suchknowledge has been handed downverbally from generation to generation.

Indigenous peoples are believed tohave been practicing communityforestry from time immemorial.However, it was only recently that theidea of community forestry has beenrediscovered and reintroduced in theforestry sector by rural developmentprofessionals. As in in many parts ofthe world, most indigenous communityforestry practices in the Philippineshave been lost over time. The majority

First Second Third

Free grazing (FG) 8 hrs - - - -

FG 4 hrs + leucaena ad lib 6.70 14.40 32.20 17.80

FG 4 hrs + para ad lib 8.60 14.90 47.40 23.60

0 FG + leucaena ad lib 71.60 46.30 -42.50 25.10

0 FG + 50% leucaena + 50% para 8.70 34.80 53.60 32.40

0 FG + 50% leucaena + 50% napier 14.80 46.10 60.30 40.40

Month MeanTreatment

(second edition). National Academy Press,Washington D.C. 100 pp.; 2) Anonymous.

1986. Third Annual Report. Farm Forestry

Project IOF-IAAS, Tribhuwan University-IDRCNepal. pp 56-62; 3) Baidya, H. R. 1985. Ipil-ipil.

World Neighbors, Kathmandu, Nepal.; 4)

Bhandari, N. B. and T. B. Reshami, 1987. Theeffect of Leucaena leaf meal on swine.

Proceedings of Agriculture Resource

Management Seminar, Rampur 5 pp.; 5)Gomez, K. A. and A. A. Gomez. 1981. Statistical

procedures for agricultural research, second

printing, IRRI 294 pp.; 6) Jones, R. J. 1981.Wonder tree ipil-ipil for ruminants in tropics.

Asian Livestock 6(11): 11; 7) Maharjan, M. R.

1987. Agroforestry in community forestrydevelopment. Banko Janakari, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp

63-66.; 8) Neupane, S. P. 1987. Fodder tree

management in Chitwan. Proceedings ofAgriculture Research Management Seminar,

Rampur 9 pp.; 8) Rangankar, D. V. 1980.

Studies on utilization of subabul as fodder ofdairy cattle. Proceedings of seminar on ipil-

ipil, Gandinagar, Gujarat, pp 74-79; 9)

Veldhuis, M. 1988. Feeding ipil-ipil tobuffaloes. Banko Janakari, Vol2, No.1 pp 51-


Feeding or grazing...

Continued from page 6

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 348


of practices were not documented, yetmany believe that a lot of these ‘lost’practices could serve as the basis forsustainable forest management.

This study analyzed the perceptions oftwo tribal communities regardingforests and indigenous managementpractices. It demonstrated empiricalevidence, and documented theindigenous knowledge and practicesrelated to forest management. It alsosuggested ways in which indigenousknowledge and practices could be usedin the implementation of theCommunity-Based Forest Management(CBFM) Program.


The study was explorative in nature andmade use of qualitative andquantitative research methods. It wascarried out in the two barangays(villages) of Santol, La Union in thePhilippines. These barangays wereincluded in the CBFM Agreementawarded by the Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources(DENR) in 1996. They were treated asone case in the study because they didnot differ in respect to forest-relatedvalues and livelihood sources.

Exploring the indigenousknowledge...

Continued from page 7

Secondary data was obtained from theDENR, and primary data was collectedthrough semi-structured householdinterviews, group interviews, andparticipant observations. The semi-structured interviews were used toelicit information on household socio-economic characteristics, such aslivelihood sources and landholdingtypes. The open interviews describedthe perceptions on forest resources andtheir use. Descriptive statistics wereused to analyze the data.


Results revealed that values of thelocal people toward the forest andforest products are multi-dimensional.

The local use of the forests was notonly perceived in terms of wood andnon-timber forest products, but also interms of support provided to staple andnon-staple crop production in variouslandholding types, such as uma(swidden), bangkag (dryland), andtalon (wetland). These variouslandholding types were supported bythe forest in terms of soil and waterconservation. The environmentalprotective role of forests was alsorecognized.

The study demonstrated that localpeople have several indigenous

Agroforestry researchers, practitioners,educators and policy makers aroundthe world are gearing up for the 2nd

World Congress of Agroforestry to beheld 23-28 August 2009 in Nairobi,Kenya.

The Congress aims to strengthen theimpetus that started during the 1st

World Congress of Agroforestry in 2004in Florida, USA. It also hopes toenhance agroforestry knowledge-

All set for the 2nd WorldCongress of Agroforestry

practices related to forest management,especially with regards to the use offorest products and growing trees. Thepeople described their controlledpractices of forest management with theterms controlled utilization, protection/maintenance activities, andregeneration/propagation activities.These were applied in various types oflandholdings.

Forest values and the responsibility offorest management planning were nothighly influenced by the differences inage or the land property status.However, there is a clear genderdifferentiation with respect to authorityin forest management planning.

In the CBFM Agreement, consciousefforts have been undertaken toestablish interfaces between the officialand tribal institutions. However, localvalues and practices were not reflectedin the Agreement. The CBFM Programfocuses on plantation forestry ratherthan the integration of forestry into thelocal land-use system.


From the results, the study recommendsthat more research is carried out onindigenous knowledge systems,especially on the development ofappropriate methods to incorporatethem into forestry developmentprograms.

In terms of policy, it is recommendedthat indigenous knowledge systemsmust be understood and considerationof the interaction of traditional andmodern systems of governance shouldbe made. Such systems should berecognized as having specific technicaland institutional features. Morestringent government policy and serviceagency programs must be formulated for

indigenous communities.

Prof. Gavina is the Extension Facilitator of the

Institute of Agroforestry and WatershedManagement of the Don Mariano Marcos

Memorial State University, Bacnotan, La Union

in the Philippines.

sharing and support the increasingglobal interest in agroforestry.With the overall theme of ‘Agroforestry– the future of global land use,’ theCongress aims to promote the sharingof new findings, lessons, experiencesand ideas that impact people’slivelihoods and the environment as awhole. Moreover, opportunities to‘leverage scientific agroforestry’ will behighlighted to promote globalsustainable land use.

Continued on page 9

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 9


Plenary, symposia, concurrent sessions,and poster sessions will focus on:

Markets as opportunities anddrivers of agroforestry land use;Tree-based rehabilitation ofdegraded lands and watersheds;Climate change adaptation andmitigation;Agroforestry’s contribution to amultifunctional agriculture whichcombines productivity withenvironmental sustainability; andPolicy options and institutionalinnovations for agroforestry landuse.

Participants and agroforestersworldwide can look forward to thepublication of summary documents, abook of abstracts, refereed journalarticles, journal special issues, andbooks on the key topics covered in thesessions capturing the knowledgeshared among the participants. Adeclaration will also be a key output asit contains the deliberations andagreements made during the Congress.This will be a useful tool for policymakers and donor agencies who areengaged in efforts to advanceagroforestry initiatives worldwide.

For the latest information,

Domestication of Sandal(Santalum album L.) in India:constraints and prospects

Among the 16 species of theeconomically important genusSantalum, Santalum album L. or Indiansandalwood is highly prized for itsscented heartwood. The heartwoodyields the commercially known EastIndian sandalwood oil. The oil contains

90 percent α and β santalols whichare in high demand by perfumemanufacturers. The oil is also used inindigenous medicine, while the wood isused in the religious rituals of Hindus,Buddhists and Muslims.

The East Indian sandalwood has veryuniform fibers, and the grain is straightand close. These characteristics makeit one of the finest woods for carving.

As a tree, sandal is medium-sized andhemi-parasitic. Its average height is 12-13 m with a maximum girth of 2-2.5 m.The species is distributed fromIndonesia in the West to the JuanFernandez Islands in the East, and fromHawaii in the North to New Zealand inthe South (Srinivasan et al., 1992),including India.

In India, nearly 90 percent of sandalnaturally occurs across about 9,600

S. Viswanath (sviswanath@, Dhanya B. ([email protected])and T. S. Rathore ([email protected])

Figure 1. High-grade sandal wood stored for auction in a government depot.

Continued on page 10

All set for the 2nd WorldForestry Congress...

Continued from page 8

km2 of deciduous forests in the Deccanregion of Peninsular India (Gairola etal., 2007). The south Indian states ofKarnataka and Tamil Nadu harbor morethan 90 percent of sandal along withsome patches in the states of Kerala,Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra andMadhya Pradesh.

Socio-economic policies on sandalproduction and harvesting

The history of sandal conservation inthe southern states is filled withinstances of protectionist policieswhich were promulgated to maintain astate monopoly over the trade of thisprized resource. In 1792, Tippu Sultan,then ruler of Mysore (presentlyKarnataka), declared sandal as a royaltree (Rai, 1990) and even ordered thehands of sandalwood thieves to beamputated to enforce the royal decree(Shetty, 1977).

As recently as 2002, state governments,especially in Karnataka and TamilNadu, had a monopoly over the controlof all sandal resources. State lawsspecified that all sandal trees growing

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 3410


spike disease, proliferation of weedslike Lantana camara, and the introduc-tion of monoculture eucalyptus planta-tions in natural sandal areas. All thesefactors significantly contributed to thedecline of natural sandal populations.Hence, in 1998, the International Unionfor the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)listed the East Indian sandal as avulnerable species after its productionfell by at least 80 percent in 10 years(Awasthi, 2007).

From 4,000 tonnes in the 1950s, Sandalheartwood production fell to only 500tonnes in 2006 (Gairola et al., 2007).Meanwhile, demand for sandalwoodrose to 5,000–6,000 tonnes annually,and prices increased to $92,500 USDper tonne in 2007.

India was the leading exporter ofsandal oil especially during the 1980swhen it was exporting approximately

100 tonnes of oilannually. At present,production levels arefalling due to the declinein the extraction ofsandalwood and poorout-turn of extractedwood (Baruah, 1999).

Countries like Australiaand Indonesia havetaken steps to reduce thedeficit in Indiansandalwood productionand are gearing up tomeet the increasingglobal demand forsandalwood. In 2001,Australia had 830 ha ofIndian sandalwoodplantations. This isprojected to expand to2,300 ha by 2011(Awasthi, 2007).

Domestication of sandal

To address the decliningshare of sandal ininternational marketsand conserve it innatural areas, majorproducer states in India(e.g., Karnataka andTamil Nadu) relaxed the

existing rules and regulations related tosandal in 2001 and 2002. Thesemodified policies aim to encourageprivate domestication of sandal.Landholders now have legal rights overthe sandal trees on their properties. Itis thus now possible for growers toreceive as much as 100 percent of thevalue of the tree as determined by theforest department.

Cultivation of sandal on private landshas since become an attractive option.It is a suitable species for integrationin agroforestry farms due to itshardiness and resilience to bioticinterferences, including browsing andhacking. It also has the ability to growin a wide variety of soils, and can beeasily propagated through root suckers.The long maturation period of a sandaltree (15-20 years) before it can becommercially utilized for itsheartwood, also provides multipleopportunities for inter-cropping withother crops.

Analyzing the net present value (NPV),benefit-cost ratio (B/C ratio), internalrate of return (IRR), land expectationvalue (LEV), and equivalent annualincome (EAI)

A financial analysis on sandal as amonoculture plantation and sandalintegrated with Indian gooseberry(Phyllanthus emblica) in the drylands/semi-arid areas of India revealedpromising opportunities (Table 1).Indian gooseberry served as asecondary host for sandal. Annualcrops like horse gram (Dolichosuniflorus) could be cultivated in three-to four-year rotations.

All three options listed are financiallyfeasible since they have NPV valueshigher than zero and B/C ratios greaterthan one at both the discount rates.Sandal block plantations, with arotation period of 15 years, had thehighest NPV ($67,077 USD at 10% and$31,317 USD at 15%), B/C ratio (4.4 at10% and 3.3 at 15%), IRR (33%), EAI($8,819 USD at 10% and $5,356 USD at15%) and LEV ($88,189 USD at 10% and$35,705 USD at 15%). These high values

on any land, including private lands,belonged to the government. However,the landowners were responsible forpreserving the trees on their respectivelands. Only the government had theright to sell or trade the wood.

This system neither deterred the illegaland indiscriminate harvesting ofsandalwood by smugglers, nor did ithelp conserve the species in its naturalhabitat (Mahapatra, 2001). Moreover,the monopolistic laws acted as a hugedisincentive for the planting of sandalon private lands. Farmers evendestroyed the saplings that naturallygrew on their lands.

This situation was aggravated byrecurring annual fires, lopping of treesfor fodder/grazing, spread of the sandal

Continued on page 11

Domestication of Sandal...

Continued from page 9

Figure 3. A seven-year old sandal plantation on farm land.

Figure 2. The Marayoor sandal reserve in Kerala state isconsidered one of the vanishing treasures of India.

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 11


Domestication of Sandal...

Continued from page 10

The analysis also demonstrated that arotation period of 15 years is more

economical than 20 years for all themodels. However, these results are onlypossible in a liberalized policyenvironment with open markets wherethe owner is entitled to receive the fullmarket value of the wood uponextraction. The present policies,however, declare the state (the ForestDepartment and other public sectoragencies) as the sole buyer and seller,thereby denying farmers the full marketvalue for their produce and evencompelling them to go throughelaborate bureaucratic procedures toreceive the benefits.

Hence, a revamp of the legal provisionson sandal is needed to facilitate freetrade and ensure higher and speedyreturns to farmers. This revamp willlikewise encourage the privatedomestication of sandal.

Overcoming technical constraints insandal domestication

To make sandal cultivation a viableproposition, policy changes have to besupplemented with measures toovercome current technical constraintsin cultivation. These constraintsinclude lack of knowledge of propercultivation practices and inadequatesupply of quality planting stock.

To address these constraints, sufficientgermplasm, with a wide genetic base,should be established as clonal seedorchards (CSO). Sandal, being apredominantly outbreeding species,has enormous natural variability interms of leaf size, shape, floweringpattern (period), fruit/seed size,heartwood, and oil content (Srinivasanet al., 1992; Srimathi et al., 1995). These

Continued on page 12

Model IRR Rank

10% 15% 10% 15% (%) 10% 15% 10% 15%

15 63 932 29 411 3.8 2.8 29 8 405 5 030 84 054 33 531

20 39 638 11 832 2.7 1.7 21 4 656 1 890 46 559 12 602

15 64 308 29 764 3.8 2.8 30 8 455 5 090 84 548 33 934

20 40 013 12 186 2.7 1.7 21 4 700 1 947 46 999 12 979

15 67 077 31 317 4.4 3.3 33 8 819 5 356 88 189 35 705

20 41 290 12 371 3.0 1.9 22 4 850 1 976 48 499 13 176


LEV($*)Rotation period (years)

NPV ($*) B/C ratio EAI ($*)


Sl. No



Sandal block plantation 1





Table 1. Financial analysis of various sandal cultivation models in 1 hectare of land at different discount rates.

*1 US$ = Approx. 40 Indian Rupees. Source: Viswanath et. al. 2007

reflect the high returns of sellingsandalwood, and relatively low costs.Inter-cropping of sandal withgooseberry and horse gram (sandal +gooseberry, sandal + gooseberry +horse gram) showed slightly lowerfinancial returns compared to themonoculture plantations of sandal.

However, the possibility of yieldingannual returns from inter-croppingmakes sandal inter-cropping modelscomparatively more attractive tofarmers who prefer intermediatereturns as compared to sandalmonoculture plantations where returnsare delayed.

Figure 4. A young sandal plantation with mango trees as host. Figure 5. Seven-year old sandal plantation with Indian gooseberrytrees as host.

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 3412


differences provide a vast scope forgenetic improvement and immediateuse of superior genotypes/clones toimprove productivity.

Raising sandal seedlings from seedswould result in variations in growth,heartwood, and oil content since thesetraits are at least partially geneticallycontrolled. To yield clones, grafting iscommon practice, however it is notviable for fast and large-scalepropagation of sandal. In vitropropagation, through tissue culture, isthe only feasible option to achieveuniform quality planting stock.However, in vitro propagationprocedures have only beenstandardized under laboratoryconditions at the Institute of WoodScience and Technology (IWST), andhave yet to be tested under fieldconditions.

Domestication of Sandal...

Continued from page 11

In addition, the Institute has developedmodern nursery practices to producequality planting stock of sandal in roottrainers and polybags. At present, theInstitute supplies nearly 65,000 ofsandal seedlings annually. It alsoencourages private entrepreneurship insandal nursery technology to meet thegrowing demand for sandal seedlingsall over India.

Identifying gaps and actions

The growth data for sandal has so farbeen systematically recorded only inforest reserves. Research gaps existwith respect to the optimum age ofsandal for harvesting, heartwood yield,factors affecting yield, age ofheartwood initiation, and relationshipbetween tree girth and heartwoodcontent under managed conditions.

Cultivation packages also need to bestandardized according to the area’sagroclimatic situation, existingcropping pattern, and compatibility of

sandal with other herbaceousunderstorey crops. Data onsuitable host species forsandal have so far beenlimited to forest tree species.Research is hence needed onhorticultural species whichcan be integrated inagroforestry systems, likeIndian gooseberry and mango(Mangifera indica), which arehigh in demand and yieldregular returns.

At present, a large share ofinvestment on sandaldomestication goes intoprotection costs as the treesare highly prone to theft andsmuggling.

To address this problem, cost-effective electronicsurveillance systems can beestablished to make sandalcultivation moreeconomically attractive.Relaxation of policies canboost the domestication ofsandal. It will also help solveassociated technicalconstraints, as private

entrepreneurship may bring ininvestments to critical research anddevelopment areas.

If cost-effective solutions to technicalconstraints are developed, togetherwith initiatives to increase properpublic awareness on the economicprospects of sandal cultivation, and topromote policy changes, India maywitness an increase in thedomestication of sandal in the coming


S. Viswanath and T. S. Rathore are SeniorScientists, and Dhanya B. is a Senior Research

Fellow at the Tree Improvement and

Propagation Division of the Institute of WoodScience and Technology, Malleswaram,

Bangalore-560003, India

References: 1) Awasthi, K. 2007. Oz beats India.

Down to Earth, 15 July 2007. Published by

Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.p32.; 2) Baruah, A. D. 1999. The economics of

sandal oil. Indian Forester.125 (6):640-643.; 3)

Gairola, S. C., P. S. Aggarwal, G. S. Ravikumar.2007. Status of production and marketing of

sandalwood. Paper presented in National

Seminar on Conservation, Improvement,Cultivation and Management of Sandal,

Institute of Wood Science and Technology,

Bangalore. 12-13 December 2007.; 4)Mahapatra R. 2001. King without a Jungle.

Down to Earth. URL:

dte/dte20000831/dte_news.htm (Retrieved 19November 2007).; 5) Rai, S. N. 1990. Status and

cultivation of sandal in India, Proceedings of

the Symposium on Sandalwood in the Pacific.Hamilton, L. and Conrad, C. E. (editors). USDA

Forest service General Technical Paper, PSW-

122, Honolulu, 66-71.; 6) Shetty, J. B. 1977.Proposals for the adoption of adequate legal

measures for the protection of sandalwood.

Proceedings of All India Sandal Seminar, 7-8February, Bangalore: 198-204.; 7) Srinivasan V.

V., V. R. Sivaramakrishnan, C. R. Rangaswamy,

H. S. Ananthapadmanabha, K. H.Shankaranarayana. 1992. Sandal (Santalum

album L.). Published by the Director, Institute

of Wood Science and Technology (ICFRE),Bangalore, pp 233.; 8) Srimathi, R. A., H. D.

Kulkarni and K. R. Venkatesan. 1995. Recent

advances in research and management ofsandal (Santalum album L.) in India. Srimathi,

R. A., H. D. Kulkarni and K. R. Venkatesan

(editors), India: Associated PublishingCompany. p 416.; 9) Viswanath, S., B. Dhanya,

and T. S. Rathore. 2008. Financial viability of

sandal cultivation practices. Proceedings ofNational seminar on conservation,

improvement, cultivation and management of

sandal, Institute of Wood Science andTechnology, Bangalore. 12-13 December 2007.

Gairola, S., T. S. Rathore, A. N. Geeta Joshi,

Arun Kumar and P. K. Aggarwal. (editors).

Published by IWST (ICFRE) pp 158-165.

Figure 6. Sandal seedlings raised at the Institute ofWood Science and Technology nursery for privatedomestication.

Figure 7. Smugglers check for the presence of heartwood by cutting the base of the sandal tree.

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 13


KASC advocatesvermicomposting opportunities

Vermicomposting is the process ofusing earthworms to facilitate thedecomposition of organic matter tocreate high quality compost. Theprocess involves mixing dried ricestraws/grass clippings and farmmanure in correct proportions. Thisallows pre-decomposition to occur,producing heat and allowing suitableconditions for seeding earthwormssuch as African Nightcrawlers (Eudrillus

euginae). The decomposition processthen continues until vermicompost isproduced.

Vermimeal production is the process ofdrying and pulverizing the earthwormsused in vermicomposting, which is richin protein and other essential elementsneeded by animals and aquaculturespecies. In vermimeal production, themoisture level of the dried earthwormsmust be just right to avoid rancidityand growth of fungi (molds).

Vermicomposting and vermimealproduction provide a lot of benefitswhen integrated in agroforestry.According to Dr. Herbert Imatong,Vermiculture Project Leader, the use ofvermicompost can reduce thecommercial fertilizer requirements forfarmers. This will increase theirreliance on the wastes of their agro-livestock farms, promoting prolongedsoil fertility. Farmers are likewiseencouraged to develop their self-reliance to reduce the incidence ofpoverty. He added that instead ofburning agricultural wastes, thefarmers would be decomposing andfeeding these wastes to the earthworms.This process creates an environment-friendly approach by getting rid ofagricultural wastes.

Dr. Imatong also shared that vermimealis a potential feed ingredient in thelocal formulation of feeds for livestockand fish growers. If farmers are able tocompound their local feeds, the cost of

Perfelia R. Buen ([email protected])

feed will be reduced, therebymaximizing their net income fromintegrated animal-crop production.

KASC as a regional center forvermitechnology

Kalinga-Apayao State College (KASC)became involved in vermitechnologywhen it established the RegionalVermicompost and VermimealProduction Center in May 2007. Thiswas the offshoot of the NationalVermicompost and VermimealProduction Program (NV2P2) throughthe initiative of Dr. Rafael D. GuerreroIII, the Executive Director of thePhilippine Council for Marine andAquatic Resources Development(PCAMRD) of the Department of Scienceand Technology (DOST). This initiativewas supported by the Philippine-JapanSupport Fund for UnderprivilegedFarmers and coursed through theNational Economic DevelopmentAuthority. It was implemented by KASCin collaboration with state colleges anduniversities and local government unitsin the region.

Among the 16 regional vermicompostingcenters throughout the Philippines,KASC was chosen as the regional centerfor vermicomposting in the CordilleraAdministrative Region (CAR).

With Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang at the helm,the KASC regional vermicompostingcenter aims to:

1. Implement techno-transfer demon-strations on vermicomposting andvermimeal production;

2. Encourage the active involvement ofall participating families in theprovinces of CAR to produce theirown fertilizers from farm wastes tobe used in their home gardens/farms and for commercial pur-poses; Figure 1. African Nightcrawlers (Eudrillus

euginae) are weighed before being seededto the pre-decomposed breeding beds.

3. Demonstrate the commercialfeasibility of producingvermicompost and vermimeal asan economical and environment-friendly option for recyclingbiodegradable materials;

4. Mass produce the appropriateearthworm species (AfricanNightcrawlers) to be sold at aminimal cost; and

5. Foster a closer relationship amongcommunity-based organizations,the participating families/commu-nities and KASC.


Since its establishment, the Center hasforged a Memorandum of Agreementbetween Heifer International and otherprivate individuals to promotevermicompost and biogas production.It has conducted seminar-workshopson agri-waste management amonglocal partners, and the self-helpgroups of Heifer International based atKalinga, Mountain Province, andIsabela.

In terms of production, the Centergenerated an income of PhP 28,150($596 USD) from the sales ofvermicompost from May 2007 toJanuary 2008.

Advocacy initiative

The implementation of techno-transferdemonstrations resulted in theestablishment of 15 vermicompostingcenters in the province of Kalinga,

Continued on page 14

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 3414


three centers in the province of Apayao,one center in the province of Abra, andone center in Kabayan, province ofBenguet. These centers were establishedfrom October 2007 to May 2008.

This initiative was a continuation ofthe PCAMRD-DOST and NEDA project.The services of these centers have beenmodified to fit the existing ruralsituation of the provinces.

This advocacy initiative exemplifiesKASC’s belief that farmers should beempowered to increase the capacity oftheir land resources in a sustainedmanner. They must be taught initiativesto enhance human and animal health,without adversely affecting theenvironment. Vermicomposting, theproduction of vermimeal as a feedsupplement, and biogas production, aretimely opportunities for farmers at thistime.

The importance of recyclingAccording to Dr. Imatong, there is aneed to manage and divert the disposal

of agriculturalwastes and farmmanure.These productsproduce methane,which is agreenhouse gas,and thereforecontribute toclimate change.Likewise, ricestraws and otherfarm by-productsproduce carbondioxide in largequantities whenburned.

Vermicompostingand biogasproduction arealternative ways to better utilize theseagricultural wastes, farm manure, ricestraws, and other farm by-products.Aside from providing livelihoodopportunities and addressing poverty inthe countryside, vermicomposting andbiogas production could also helpmitigate climate change. Moreover, ifintegrated in agroforestry systems,vermicomposting, biogas production,and vermimeal production could

KASC advocatesvermicomposting...

realize the potential of agroforestry toachieve zero waste and proper wastemanagement.

For more information about vermitechnology, contact Dr. HerbertImatong, Project Leader, at


The author is the Board Secretary and RMIS

Coordinator of Kalinga – Apayao State College,

Buanao, Tabuk, Kalinga, Philippines.

The 4th Philippine Agroforestry Congress slatedfor November 2009

The Philippine Agroforestry Educationand Research Network (PAFERN),University of the Philippines Los Baños-Institute of Agroforestry (UPLB-IAF), andthe Misamis Oriental State College ofAgriculture and Technology (MOSCAT)are jointly organizing the 4th NationalAgroforestry Congress, with the theme“Agroforestry promotion for climatechange mitigation and adaptation: building lessons from the field.” To beheld 18-20 November 2009 at the ChaliBeach Resort and Conference Center inCagayan de Oro City, the Congress aimsto: a) enable the various stakeholdersto share experiences in agroforestry

Leila Landicho ([email protected])

technology development, promotionand adoption for climate changemitigation and adaptation; b) intensifyagroforestry promotion throughagroforestry road shows; and, c)highlight farmers’ experiences inagroforestry technology adoption. Interested paper or poster presentersmay submit abstracts on: the role ofagroforestry in climate changemitigation and adaptation; agroforestrytowards food security and biodiversityconservation; agroforestry enterprisedevelopment; and innovativeapproaches in agroforestry

development and promotion. The BestConcurrent Paper and Best Poster PaperAwards will be given during theConference. Registration forms may be submitted tothe Congress Secretariat ([email protected] and/[email protected] or by fax+63 49 536 3809) not later than 20September 2009. Registration fees mustbe remitted on or before 30 September2009, either via bank transfer or moneyorder. For more information, log on to

Figure 2. Participants of the 2007 Regional Training-Workshop onVermicomposting and Vermimeal Production with Dr. RafaelGuerrero III (center, in striped shirt) of PCAMRD and Dr. Eduardo T.Bagtang, KASC President (center, in white shirt).

Continued from page 13

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 15


perennial vegetables in temperateclimate;

protection of indigenous rights;soil food web in multistoryagroforestry systems;temperate edibles for use in aperennial homegarden;year-round fruit production;value-added products fromagroforestry;medicinal plants in agroforestry;andagroforestry and watershedprotection.

For those interested, articlecontributions must adhere to thefollowing guidlines:

be written for a general andworldwide audience of educators,extension agents, researchers,consultants, students andpractitioners;be well-written in English;be written in the third person;present brief examples of systemsand species from variousenvironments;be between 2,000 and 3,000 words,excluding references;include full references; andpossess high standards of integrity(e.g. proper citation of other worksand results, proper substantiationof scientific claims with data,proper acknowledgment ofcontributions, etc.).

Articles may also be a summary of alonger publication as long as writtenpermission has been obtained from theoriginal publisher for its publication.

Submit the articles in Word format or e-mail text to Craig Elevitch, Editor, TheOverstory, Permanent AgricultureResources, P.O. Box 428, Holualoa, HI96725 USA [email protected]

For more information,

Permanent Agricultural Resources(PAR) is inviting interested agroforestryresearchers, scientists, educators,extension agents, consultants, studentsand practitioners to submit articles forThe Overstory E-Journal. This is a freeagroforestry e-mail journal with over8,000 subscribers in 184 countries.

Since March 1988, The Overstory E-Journal has been featuring articles thatpresent broad rather than localperspectives that are of generalinterest to its target readers. Articlesmay focus on agroforestry; non-timberforest products; indigenous knowledge;land-use management approaches thatintegrate silvicultural, pastoral and/oraquaculture systems; economics ofagroforestry; small-scale forestry;training and education. Survey articlesthat focus on trees and their roles inagriculture, natural ecosystems, andhuman culture and economy arelikewise encouraged.

Other topics that PAR is eager topublish in future editions are thefollowing:

agrodiversity’s ecological andeconomic benefits;agroforestry to meet theMillennium Development Goals;agroforestry for povertyalleviation;agroforestry in saline soils;bamboo in agroforestry systems;biodiversity benefits ofagroforestry;comparing pests and diseases inmono- and polycultures;food insects with tree connections;highly useful multipurpose speciesof bamboo;human waste for fertility inperennial cropping systems;interactive learning environments;mangrove agroforestry;the benefits and drawbacks ofmonocultures and polycultures;multistory tree gardening intemperate climate;perennial leaf vegetables;

PAR invites contributions to theThe Overstory E-Journal

Continued on page 16


The following publications are newreleases from Springer Publications,CABI International, IIED, WorldAgroforestry Centre, and InternationalDevelopment Research Center.

Agroforestry Abstracts

This is a fully searchable database ofinternationally published research onagroforestry journal articles, bulletins,conferences, and books aboutagroforestry. Topics cover agroforestrysystems and other types of land use,trees and shrubs for agroforestry,horticultural and plantation crops foragroforestry, pasture and field cropsfor agroforestry, animals, agroforestryproducts, environmental and serviceaspects, sociological, cultural andeconomic aspects, and research anddevelopment, including techniques andmethodologies. For more information,visit

Green water management handbook:rainwater harvesting for agriculturalproduction and ecological sustainability

Edited by M. Malesu, A. R. Oduor and O.J. Odhiambo, this publication presentsthe concept of greenwater partition foragricultural production and ecosystemsustenance. To download this resource,visit

Indigenous fruit trees in the tropics:domestication, utilization andcommercialization

Written by F. K. Akinnifesi, R. R. B.Leakey, O. C. Ajavi, G. Sileshi, Z.Tchoundjeu, P. Matakala, and F. R.Kwesiga, this book discusses therelationship between husbandry andthe domestication of indigenous fruittrees with markets, and the growth andpoverty reduction among rural farmers.

June 2009 Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 3416


This is a pioneering attempt tosynthesize the state-of-the art forindigenous fruit trees in the tropics. Itpresents the latest concepts,approaches, case studies and results ofresearches conducted by ICRAF on thedomestication of indigenous fruit trees.For more information,

Knowledge to policy: making themost of development research

Written by Fred Carden, this bookexplains the extent of influence ofresearch on public policy and decisionmaking. It discusses the role ofresearch in achieving better governance– by encouraging open inquiry anddebate, empowering people with theknowledge to hold the governmentaccountable, and widening the policyoptions and solutions to the policyprocess. For more information,

Rainfed agriculture: unlocking thepotential

Edited by S. Wani, J. Rockstorm and T.Oweis, this book discusses the resultsof researche undertaken in Asia andAfrica by leading scientists from 10global organizations. The discussionsfocus on the potential of rain-fedagriculture in achieving food securityand reducing poverty. The resultshighlight the yield gaps of majorrainfed crops, and the possibletechnological, social and institutionaloptions to bridge these yield gaps. Formore information, visit

Supporting small forest enterprises: across-sectoral review of best practice

Written by Duncan McQueen, thisreport discusses the ‘market systemdevelopment’ framework which unitesinitiatives to strengthen enterpriseassociations, facilitate the provision offinancial and business developmentservices, and improve the businessenvironment. It reviews the bestpractices in small enterprise support,while providing specificrecommendations. For moreinformation, visit

Sustainable development andenvironmental management

Edited by Corrado Clini, Ignazio Musu,and Maria Lodovica Gullino, this bookdiscusses the new approach of theEuropean Union to environmentalmanagement, viewed from theperspective of sustainabledevelopment. Discussions focus onhow the European experience can helpcountries, like China, in dealing withboth economic growth andenvironmental protection, throughbetter environmental governance. Formore information,

Sustainable farmland management

Edited by R. Fish, S. Seymour, and M.Steven, this book examines therelationship between farmlandmanagement and sustainability.Discussions include information andknowledge for sustainable farmlandmanagement, ethical production andprotection, multifunctionality andsustainable farmland management,systems for sustainable farmlandmanagement, and scales of sustainablefarmland management. For more

information, visit

New information resources...

Continued from page 15

The following journals can be referredto for information and knowledgesharing on original agroforestryresearch and other relevant initiatives:

Environmental management

Edited by Virginia H. Dale, this journaloffers research and opinions on theuse and conservation of naturalresources, the protection of habitats,and the control of hazards that spanthe field of ecology. Contributions aresourced from the fields of biology,botany, climatology, ecology,ecological economics, environmentalengineering, fisheries, environmental

Journals for agroforestryknowledge sharing

law, forest sciences, geology,information science, public affairs,zoology, and others. Articles are alsocontributed by professionals from thebusiness, government, research, and thepublic sectors. For more information,visit

Journal of bamboo and rattan

This is a peer-reviewed scientificjournal which presents articles onbamboo and rattan’s potentials forincome security, craft industry, small-to medium-sized enterprises, industrialfiber, and fuel. Contributions on thenatural distribution and conservation

of bamboo, genetics and biotechnology,harvesting and production systems,environmental applications, marketingand policy restraints are alsopresented. For more information,

Small-scale forestry

Edited by J. Herbohn, this journal isproduced by the International Union ofForest Research Organizations (IUFRO)to help exchange information onresearch problems, ongoing researchefforts, and research results on themanagement of small-scale and non-industrial private forest woodlots.Contributions also include economicand policy issues. For moreinformation, visit

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 17


The United Nations Food andAgriculture Organization (FAO) hasproduced the following informationresource materials that may be relevantto agroforestry practitioners:

Conservation agriculture: whenagriculture is profitable and sustainable

This CD-ROM is part of FAO’s Land andDigital Media Series. It detailsinformation and literature onconservation agriculture to improve theknowledge base of those interested insustainable agriculture. It also aims toprovide technical staff and policymakers with information andarguments to support, promote andintroduce conservation agriculture.

Efficiency of soil and fertilizerphosphorus use: reconciling changingconcepts of soil phosphorus behaviorwith agronomic information

Written by J. K. Syers, A. E. Johnston,and D. Curtin, this FAO Fertilizer andPlant Nutrition Bulletin (No. 18)presents a review, analysis andsynthesis of information on theefficient use of soil and fertilizerPhosphorous (P). The bulletin discussesplant availability of soil and fertilizerP, with focus on soil-plant interactions.It details the changing concepts on thebehavior of both soil and fertilizer P,and the need to define and assess theirrecovery for P to be used efficiently.

Farm ponds for water,fish and livelihoods

Written by James W. Miller, this FAODiversification Booklet presents basicand practical information on multiple-use smallholder farm ponds.Discussion covers how ponds addvalue to farming activities in terms of:a source of domestic and livelihoodwater supply, a source of irrigation forcrops, and opportunities to improvelivelihood.

New FAO PublicationsForests and energy: key issues

This FAO Forestry Paper (No. 154)focuses on the role of forests in energyproduction. This publication is verytimely as forests and energy areconsidered the center of climate changedebates today. The high energyconsumption and prices, andincreasing greenhouse gas emissionprovide major challenges andopportunities for the forestry sector tofind a new role in energy supply,climate change, and sustainabledevelopment. This publication is alsoavailable in Chinese, French, Russianand Spanish.

Good practice for the small-scaleproduction of bottled coconut water

This guide describes the application ofthe cold preservation process whichcan slow the rapid deterioration ofcoconut water, while preserving itsflavor. Coconut water has beentraditionally consumed as a refreshingbeverage. This has paved the way forthe growing consumer market forbottled coconut water as a refreshingbeverage and a sports drink. However,its delicate flavor and freshness canonly be experienced by cutting througha coconut. With the cold preservationprocess, coconut water will be storedat 0-4º C and achieve a shelf-life of 10days to 3 weeks.

Written by R. Rolle, this guide is veryuseful for those who wish to ventureinto bottled coconut water as a microand small-scale enterprise. It is alsouseful as a training resource forextension agents and trainers.

Growing vegetables for home andmarket

Written by M. Nichols and M. Hilmi,this FAO Diversification Bookletdiscusses the opportunities availablefor producing and marketing highquality vegetables and theircapabilities to provide economic,social and nutritional advantages tosmallholder livelihoods.

Make money by growing mushrooms

Written by E. Marshall and N. G. Nair(Tan), this FAO Diversification Bookletdiscusses the strategies in promotingmushroom cultivation. Mushroomcultivation can help the poor strengthentheir livelihood initiatives, and at thesame time establish a reliable source ofincome.

Non-farm income from non-wood forestproducts

Written by E. Marshall and C.Chandrasekharam, this FAODiversification Booklet discusses theability of non-wood forest products tomeet the basic needs for forest goods,food, fodder, fertilizer, fiber, medicine,organic construction materials,cultural products and raw industrialmaterials. It also presents the role thatnon-wood forest products play ingenerating income from local, regionaland international trade.

Opportunities to mainstream landconsolidation in rural developmentprogrammes of the European Union

Published in 2008, this FAO Land TenurePolicy Series paper (No. 2) addressesthe policy implication of using newinstruments to support landconsolidation. The instruments havebeen introduced by the European Union(EU) especially for its member- andneighboring countries. Landconsolidation may be an important toolin increasing agriculturalcompetitiveness and improving ruralconditions. This publication describesthe various funding opportunitiesavailable, and providesrecommendations to include landconsolidation within a ruraldevelopment program.

Organically produced food

This publication presents theinternational standards on organicallyproduced foods to facilitate trade andprevent misleading claims. By followingthe international standards, therequirements for producing organicproducts at the international level will

Continued on page 18

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be harmonized. At the same time, thestandards will assist governments intheir initiatives to establish nationalregulations on the production andtrade of organic foods at theinternational level.The publication is in its third editionand part of the new FAO/World HealthOrganization (WHO) CodexAlimentarius series. The CodexAlimentarius is a result of the worksdone by the Codex AlimentariusCommission, an intergovernmentalbody with over 170 members,functioning within the framework of theFAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.The Codex Alimentarius series is acollection of internationally adoptedfood standards, guidelines, codes ofpractice and other recommendation toprotect consumers’ health and ensurefair practices in the food trade.

Payment for environmental services inagricultural landscapes: economicpolicies and poverty reduction indeveloping countries

Payment mechanisms forenvironmental services or PESprograms have been set up indeveloping countries. They make use ofmarket and institutional incentives toaddress environmental conservation

New FAO publications...Continued from page 17

and poverty alleviation concerns. Thisbook discusses the analytical toolsused in evaluating the optimal designand implications of PES on the ruralpoor. It also discusses how PESprograms are integrated ininternational treaties on globalwarming and biodiversity loss.Discussions focus on the role of PES inagricultural landscapes which providefor the survival of many poor familiesin developing countries.

The state of food and agriculture 2008 –Biofuels: prospects, risks andopportunities

This annual publication discusses howbiofuel helps achieve energy, security,reduced greenhouse gas emissions, andpromotes rural development. It alsopresents the current status of thebiofuel debate, and explores theimplications of biofuel for foodsecurity, the environment andagricultural development in developingcountries. The risks to land, water,biodiversity and food security are alsodiscussed.

The state of food insecurity in theworld 2008 – High food prices, and foodsecurity: threats and opportunities

The latest statistics on globalundernourishment are presented in thispublication while discussing the

impacts of high food prices.Information presented concludes thatchronic hunger in the world has rapidlyincreased, and is now affecting 900million people. Considering thissituation, this report discussesopportunities to relaunch smallholderagriculture.

Water and the rural poor: interventionsfor improving livelihoods in sub-SaharanAfrica.

Edited by Jean-Marc Faurès and GuidoSantini, this e-book focuses on small-scale on-farm improvements,particularly on structures that can helpimprove water management in rainfedagriculture. These structures are easyto operate and maintain locally by bothfemale and male smallholders. Asidefrom these structures, the reportpresents other local interventions onwater management that aim to copewith the effects of climate variability.Produced by FAO and the InternationalFund for Agriculture Development(IFAD), the report’s findings aim tocontribute to the rapid improvement inthe livelihoods of the rural poor insmall-scale agriculture in Sub-SaharanAfrica.

For more information on these and

other publications, visit

Useful WebsitesForests Monitor

This website provides information onthe results of research on forestrycompanies to raise public awarenessand assist forest-dependentcommunities and sectors in theirdecision-making processes. The siteoffers project information, forestcompany information, news and pressreleases, photos and relevant links. Formore information,

Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Newsletter No. 34 June 2009 19


Pacific Bamboo Resource Group

The website offers publications,research findings, resource links, andother opportunities for collaborationto promote sustainable bambooresources. Information focuses on theresources and methods used by theGroup on bamboo utilization, includingmarket perspectives. For moreinformation,

World Forest Institute

This website serves as the informationservices division of the World ForestryCenter. The website offers informationon its international fellowshipprogram, conferences, publications,and information resources.Publications cover forest resourcestatistics, wood products data, andmarket opportunities. For moreinformation, visit

Continued on page 20

Continued from page 18

Useful websites...

Call forcontributionsWe are inviting contributions for the36th and 37th issues of the Asia-PacificAgroforestry Newsletter (APANews) onor before 9 January and 15 May 2010,respectively.

Contributions may focus on activitiesthat highlight agroforestry research,promotion and development, andeducation and training.

Topics of particular interest are onagroforestry and:

poverty alleviation;livelihood;farmers’ income;mining area rehabilitation;climate change;biodiversity conservation;desertification; andother key development issues.

Announcements on new informationmaterials, online resources, and usefulwebsites are also welcome.

Interested contributors must adopt thesimple, straightforward and popularstyle in writing the articles instead ofthat used in journals. This way, yourarticles can help farmers, developmentagents, researchers, and practitionersin coping with the challenges ofpromoting and developing agroforestryin their respective countries.

Limit your contributions to 1,000 to1,500 words. Include good-qualityphotographs (scanned at 300 dpi) thatare properly labeled and referred to inthe text. Indicate your complete contactdetails, especially your E-mail addressin the article, for readers to contact youshould they have further inquiriesabout your article.

Send your contributions throughE-mail to the UPLB Institute ofAgroforestry, 2/F Tamesis Hall, Collegeof Forestry and Natural Resources, UPLos Baños, PO Box 35023, College, 4031Laguna, Philippines; Fax +63 495363809; [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected].


The website offers information on the services of ProNatura - providingcommunity and local government development, training programs on communitydevelopment, sustainable farming, agroforestry and sustainable forestrytechniques, fighting against malnutrition, small and medium-sized enterprises,cross-border conservation area planning and implementation, environmental,social and human impact assessment for investments, forest canopies andbiodiversity preservation, and biomass energy assessment (green charcoal). Formore information, visit

Useful websites...

Continued from page 19

Society for Conservation and Protection of the Environment (SCOPE)

The website offers information resources that focus on the involvement of localcommunities in mitigation measures including, maintaining forest areas andrangelands, promoting sustainable agriculture, and conserving water. Programsinclude: combating drought and desertification in drylands, protection of naturalresources and biodiversity, environmental health, clean drinking water andsanitation and promotion of environmental law. For more information, visit

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