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Nivel 5

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Page 3: Nivel 5 · 2019. 11. 18. · Month 7 378 Level 5 Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Rule 4 Capitalize the days of the week. Rule 5 Capitalize the

Level 5

English Book


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Lesson 1Learning Lessons

God teaches us lessons all the time. There are many things we need to learn when we grow up. One way to learn things is by listening to God and His word. We can learn many things from the Bible. God’s commandments are good, and when we read the Bible, we learn about what He wants us to do. Another way we learn things is through the things we experience. When we grow up, we learn about how to do things, what to do when something goes wrong, how to treat others, and much more. God has given us people around us to teach us and to help us learn things.

God is wise and He can teach us.

To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:25

We learn from Creation.

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise. Proverbs 6:6

We learn from other people. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it. Proverbs 8:33

This month, you will learn more lessons from the families you have been reading about this year. Through what the different families experience, they learn many lessons, just like you and I do! We can learn from their adventures.

Memorable Mulberry Muffins (Part 1)

One Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Murphy had to go and visit a lady from church, Mrs. Donovan, who had recently had an operation. Since Mrs. Donovan had just left the hospital two days before, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy decided that it was best for Melody to stay home with her dad. The Mur-phy’s family car was not working well, so Dad stayed home to fix it.

Before Mrs. Murphy left, she opened the fridge and told Melody what she and her dad could eat for lunch. “You can have sub sandwiches for lunch. If you want to have soup too, you can reheat the container of soup that I left in the freezer. You can have some mulberries for dessert if you like. There are also potato chips in the pantry, carrot sticks in the crisper, and ranch dip on the top shelf of the fridge for you if you want to have a snack at some point. Please feed your dad well for me, and be good. I’ll be back in time for us to prepare dinner together.”

Mrs. Murphy hoped that she was not forgetting anything. She was not used to leaving Melody at home without her. Even though Melody had always helped her mom to make meals, she had never cooked by herself.

Let’s find out about one interesting weekend the Murphy family had a short time ago.

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“Don’t worry, dear, we’ll be just fine,” Mr. Murphy said, “We’ll miss you, but we know that you are coming back soon. We hope your visit goes well.”

“Yes mom, please say hello to Mrs. Donovan for me. Also, tell her that I am praying that she will have a quick recovery,” said Melody.

Once Mrs. Murphy was gone, Melody sat in the garage for some time, keeping her dad com-pany while he was trying to fix the problem with their car.

About an hour before lunchtime, she went into the house to prepare their food. When she opened the fridge, Melody came up with a splendid idea!

She knew that her dad liked muffins and her mom had told her that she could have berries for dessert. She decided that she would make a batch of berry muffins using a recipe that she had often made with her mother. She quickly worked to make the muffins in time for lunch. Once the batter was prepared and she had put a batch of muffins into the oven, she thought of also writing a note for her dad. She wanted to thank him for working so hard to take care of her and her mom. She ran up to her room to carry out her plan. Just as she was finishing up the card, her dad came in from the garage.

“Melody, the car is fixed!” he called, “Are you here? Is everything going all right? What’s that smell…!?”

Comprehension Check

1. Why could Melody not accompany her mom on her visit to Mrs. Donovan?


2. Why was Mrs. Murphy worried about leaving Melody and father home alone?


3. What did Melody decide to do when she went to prepare lunch?


4. Why did she do this?


Types of Nouns

A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. There are common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun is the name of any person, place, thing, or idea. It is not specific.

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person place thing idea

boy forest refrigerator meekness

cousin mall car joy

father home drawing experience

person place thing event / time period

Mrs. Murphy Happy Valley Park Toyota Thanksgiving Day

John England Kleenex World War II

President Johnson Mt. Zion Tic Tac October

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, thing, event, or period of time. A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

• Underline the common nouns in each set of words.

• Write common on the line if the noun is a common noun or proper if the noun is a proper noun.

1. boy – John – brother

2. mouse – Fabiola – flowers

3. Wal-Mart – toy car – knife

4. Labrador – dog – puppy

1. Westland Mall ________________

2. President Roosevelt ________________

3. supermarket ________________

4. Frisbee ________________

5. Olympic Games ________________

6. German Army Corps ________________

7. fire-fighter brigade ________________

8. winter ________________

5. Bible – book – shelf

6. peace – siblings – Uncle Tim

7. card – patience – birthday

8. Queen Elizabeth – cookie – Flower Park

Capitalization and PunctuationYou have learned that proper nouns are always written with a capital letter. Let’s review the other rules you have learned about capitalizing words.

Rule 1 Capitalize the first word of every sentence.

Rule 2 Capitalize the word I.

Rule 3 Capitalize all proper nouns. This means that even if a proper noun is in the middle of a sentence, it still must be capitalized.

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Rule 4 Capitalize the days of the week.

Rule 5 Capitalize the months of the year.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

• In each sentence, circle the letters that must be capitalized. On the line, write the words correctly.

• Use your English and Spanish dictionary to translate the spelling words.

1. Mother and i went to parkland zoo on tuesday. _____________________________________

2. we saw hyenas and hippos. ______________________________________________________

3. james and john jump on the trampoline. __________________________________________

4. my birthday is in february. ________________________________________________________

5. my cousin hannah will visit me in december. _______________________________________

6. the mayor of washington will give a speech during friday’s government dinner.


7. southland soccer team won the game. ___________________________________________

8. you and i are good friends. ______________________________________________________

Spelling List 19

appreciate batchgarage groanmemorable

odor operationpatience splendidtreat

1. odor _____________________

2. memorable _____________________

3. appreciate _____________________

4. treat _____________________

5. batch _____________________

6. splendid _____________________

7. operation _____________________

8. groan _____________________

9. garage _____________________

10. patience _____________________

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Lesson 2Memorable Mulberry Muffins (Part 2)

Melody’s dad came into the house when he finished fixing the car. He was hungry! He called out to Melody. “Melody, the car is fixed!” he called. “Are you here? Is everything going all right? What’s that smell…!?”

In that moment, Melody realized that she had taken longer than she had expected to make the card. She raced downstairs to check on the muffins in the oven. To her dismay, as she en-tered the kitchen, she was smothered by the smell of burning cupcakes.

“Oh, no!” she groaned. “Dad, I am so sorry! I was trying to make a special treat for you, but I burned those mulberry muffins to a crisp!” She turned off the oven and didn’t even open it to see. She already knew what she would find. She sighed, “Oh, how disappointing. What a waste, too! Please forgive me, Dad. I shouldn’t have gone upstairs to make this card for you.” Mr. Murphy sat down with her at the kitchen table and put his arm around her. “My little dear, don’t worry. When I was a small boy, I had to learn the same thing. I’d say these are quite mem-orable mulberry muffins!” Melody smiled. She was so glad her dad wasn’t upset!

He continued, “You learned a lesson about cooking today that you had not learned with Mom yet. You should never go far from the kitchen when you are cooking or baking. That can be very dangerous! Thank the Lord, this time there was no serious problem. He’s watching over us. I appreciate that you wanted to write a note for me. Next time, if you want to do something like that, you can bring your things downstairs so that you can smell the food that’s cooking. Don’t worry, though. It’s not the end of the world,” he lovingly explained to Melody. “I see that you still have more batter left. Do you want to give it another shot?”

“You’re right, Dad. If something would have caught fire, that would have been horrible! I’m glad that God took care of us. I will try again, and this time I won’t leave the kitchen while the muf-fins are baking! I learned my lesson well. It’s funny that you called them memorable mulberry muffins, because that is exactly what I thought, too! They just turned out to be more memorable than what I was hoping for!”

She looked down at the note she was holding. She still wanted to give it to her dad, even though she burned the muffins because of it. She reached out to her dad and said, “Here, look at this note.” Dear Dad,

I hope you enjoy these memorable mul berry muffins! It is the f irst time that I am making them by myself. I want to tel l you that I love you and am thankful for your hard work, your patience, and your love for God. When I grow up, I hope that God gives me a husband who is like you!Love, Melody

Thankfully, the second batch of muffins turned out perfectly, and Melody and her father enjoyed their special lunch together. They both were happy that the car was fixed and that Melody had learned a new lesson in cooking.

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Comprehension Check

1. What had happened while Melody was making the card for her father?


2. Why had this happened?


3. What should she have done instead?


4. What lesson did Melody learn from this experience?


5. What things were Melody and her dad happy with in the end?


Write about it!

Types of Nouns

Have you or someone in your family ever let something burn in the kitchen? What happened? What did you learn from this? Write one paragraph about these questions.







Last lesson, we already reviewed two types of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun is the name of any person, place, thing, or idea. It is not specific.

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, thing, event, or period of time. A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

Exercise 1

• Write the proper nouns correctly.

1. spring flower park __________________________

2. president graham __________________________

3. coca-cola __________________________

4. honda __________________________

5. seaview camping ground __________________________

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6. johnsonville pool __________________________

7. sweet things bakery __________________________

8. mister johnson __________________________

9. uncle william __________________________

10. clareville church __________________________

11. westland lake __________________________

12. grace community center __________________________

13. blooms flower shop __________________________

14. world trade center __________________________

Collective nouns are singular nouns that refer to a group of items, animals, or people.

items animals people

batch of cookies flock of geese unit of soldiers

forest flight of swallow family

bunch of grapes litter of puppies crowd

series of articles herd of cows tribe

Exercise 2

• In each sentence, underline the nouns.

• In each sentence, underline the proper nouns.

1. My niece likes to play on the swing.

2. The water in the jug is cold.

3. Groceryland Supermarket doesn’t sell lemonade.

4. Can Mr. Roberts ride a bike?

5. Sometimes, Grace and Jane ride their bikes around Chicago.

6. Grace Chapel is building a new church.

7. Pastor Johnson is very happy with his new Toyota.

8. Can you tell me where Market Square is?

And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward. Matthew 10:42 (NKJV)

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• In each sentence, underline the collective nouns.

9. This bouquet of flowers is lovely!

10. Farmer Jones is caring for his herd of sheep.

11. My uncle has a litter of cute kittens.

12. Could you please buy me a bunch of grapes at the city market?

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

• On the lines, write if the underlined word is a common noun (CN), a proper noun (PN), or a collective noun (CLN).

• Make the nouns possessive by adding ’s or just an apostrophe.

___________ 1. The staff of this hospital is very kind.

___________ 2. My uncle has a large flock of sheep.

___________ 3. You need to tell Marjorie the news.

___________ 4. This unit of soldiers is doing an outstanding job.

___________ 5. My favorite book is The Hiding Place.

___________ 6. Mrs. Donovan is doing better now.

___________ 7. The Bible has sixty-six books.

___________ 8. Aaron is my cousin.

Possessive Nouns

Possessive nouns show ownership. To make most nouns pos-sessive, add an apostrophe and an s to the noun. Possessive nouns are most often used as adjectives.

John’s bikeWilliam’s canaryUncle Tim’s car

Notice! When a singular noun ends in an s that sounds like a z, only add an appostrophe.

Jesus’ garmentsMr. Jones’ coat

1. Have you seen _________________ (Melody) cat?

2. The _________________ (birds) nests are all empty.

3. This _________________ (shop) owner is very kind.

4. Could you lend me _________________ (Philip) books?

5. My _________________ (computer) cable is too short.

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• In each sentence, underline the collective nouns. 6. The _________________ (baby) crib is pink and yellow.

7. I saw _________________ (Jess) father in church.

8. The _________________ (book) pages are wet.

9. Your _________________ (cousins) suitcases are outside.

10. My dog _________________ (Chub) leash is on the hook.

Exercise 5• Match each spelling word with the correct definition.

Spelling List 19

appreciate batchgarage groanmemorable

odor operationpatience splendidtreat

1. ___________________ a smell or fragrance

2. ___________________ to grunt or moan

3. ___________________ endurance or forbearance

4. ___________________ the place where you store the car

5. ___________________ a lot or bunch of something

6. ___________________ worthy of remembering

7. ___________________ a delicacy or delight

8. ___________________ to be thankful for something or someone

9. ___________________ a procedure or process

10. ___________________ very good or wonderful

What a memorable road trip!

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Lesson 3Learning Lessons

Today, we will be heading to the Brennan’s house to learn a lesson with them. The last time we were with the Brennan family, they had taken a trip to visit the Klark family and worked at a Kelly’s Café for a day. When they came home, Debbie and her mom realized that they don’t really have to work that hard in their home. They only cook and clean for the people in their family. They enjoy working together!

This morning, as Debbie Brennan headed to the kitchen at breakfast time, she noticed a stinky smell. “Hmm,” she thought, “I have smelled that bad odor for at least two days now, and each day the stench is stronger. I hope we can figure out what it is and get rid of it today.”

She soon found out that her dad had the same idea. He was telling her mom, “Darling, you should really have the children help you to deep clean the kitchen. Hopefully when you are done, this horrible smell will be gone.”

“Yes, I completely agree,” Debbie overheard her mother say. “Today we will clean the whole kitchen from top to bottom. Then we will mop and wax the floor. Everything will gleam when we’re done!”

After breakfast, the whole family prepared to get busy. Mr. Brennan hugged his children and wife and then went to work. Mother told Benjamin to clear and wipe the table and chairs. As he did that, she washed the dishes, and Debbie dried them and put them away. She enjoyed being in the kitchen with her mother and siblings. Many hands made the work seem easy. They even sang songs as they went about their tasks.

Mother scrubbed the oven inside and out until it was shining. Mark polished the silverware and cleaned out the kitchen drawers. Debbie was assigned to clean the pantry. Working shelf by shelf, from top to bottom, she took everything off, and then she wiped everything down with soapy water. Her favorite part of the job for each shelf was to put everything back neatly. Cereal, canned goods, snacks – everything looked much better once it was cleaned and reorganized. When she reached the floor of the pantry, she moved the sack of potatoes and the bag of onions. She swept and mopped the floor, and then put everything back into place. All that work had taken Debbie a long time and she was getting hungry.

At noon, Mom announced, “It’s time to take our lunch break. You all have worked very hard! We will make burgers and French fries for lunch. After lunch we will finish cleaning.” Debbie, Benjamin, and Mark were all excited.

Mark breathed in deeply and let out a big sigh. “I am so glad that we will have burgers and fries!” he said, “I am hungry! Besides, I only smell soap in the kitchen now.”

“I am not too sure about only smelling soap, but the kitchen does look cleaner,” Mom laughed. “Debbie, please bring me some potatoes.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Debbie replied. She walked to the pantry that she had just cleaned and opened the sack of potatoes. “Oh, Mom! Yuck!”

The Stinky Smell (Part 1)

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Comprehension Check

1. What did Debbie notice as she walked to the kitchen in the morning?


2. What were they going to do to solve the problem?


3. What were the different tasks that the children got?


4. What made doing the chores more enjoyable?


Possessive Pronouns and AdjectivesLast lesson, we reviewed possessive nouns. Possessive nouns show ownership.

Possessive pronouns are used to replace possessive nouns. They are not followed immediately by a noun; they stand alone.The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs.

Possessive adjectives have the same function as possessive pronouns, but they are always followed by a noun. These words can also be re-ferred to as possessive pronouns used as adjectives.The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, their, and our.

Notice! The pronoun it does not have a possessive pronoun.

Do you see that bag? It is mine. That sandwich is yours. I think that the painting is his. The red shoes are hers, aren’t they?The books are ours, but the magazines are theirs.

This is my sister, and that is her brother.

Careful! The word its is the possessive adjective for the pronoun it; it can’t stand alone.

I want to play my keyboard. Have you see its cable? I got a new bike. I really like its color!

But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips. Job 2:10 (NKJV)

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Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

• Write a sentence about each picture using a possessive pronoun.

• Read the sentences and on the line write PP if the underlined word is a possessive pronoun or PA if it is a possessive adjective.

• Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun or adjective.

______________________________________________ __________________________________________

______________________________________________ __________________________________________

1. _____ I saw my best friend yesterday.

2. _____ I think that the idea was theirs.

3. _____ That computer is hers.

4. _____ The dog is licking its paw.

5. _____, _____ This cat is mine, not yours.

6. _____ Your children are very polite.

7. _____ We just sold our house.

8. _____ , _____ I couldn’t find my book, so Jenny lent me hers.

1. ____________ (your / yours) car is much faster than ____________ (mine / my).

2. The horse swished ____________ (its / it’s) tail to keep the flies away.

3. This dessert is ____________ (my / mine), but you can take it.

4. Please return ____________ (mine / my) money at once.

5. ____________ (your / yours) car is so dirty that I can’t even tell what color it is.

6. When the dog saw the cat, it stopped in ____________ (its / mine) tracks.

7. I want to read you ____________ (my / mine) story.

I visited my grandfather.

1. 3.

2. 4.

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Exercise 4

Exercise 5

• Put the groups of words in alphabetical order.

• Write yes if the words are in alphabetical order or no if they aren’t.

8. Look at the plants. The tall one is _________ (my/mine).

9. All the essays were good, but ____________ (her / hers) was the best.

10. I like your garden, but ____________ (our / ours) is terrible.

Using the Dictionary A dictionary contains a list of words and information about each word. A dictionary can help you to spell words, pronounce them, and find their meanings.

A dictionary is a necessary and important tool when you want to learn a language.

How does it work? The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. This means that the words are listed according to the letter they begin with. The words that start with A are listed first, then the words that begin with B, and so on.

When words begin with the same letter, you look at the second letter to put the words in alphabetical order. For example, bat comes before boat, because a comes before o. If the second letter of both words is the same, look at the third letter, and so forth.

1. stand – stuck – sun – stick – still – son


2. flower – vase – water – gift – sick


3. boat – bat – bar – bath – bail – baby


4. sometimes – somewhere – somehow – sometime


5. telephone – telegram – telegraph – telescope


1. ___________ cat – cart – carve – cove – cross

2. ___________ float – floor – fling – floss

3. ___________ caramel – coffee – cookie – crumble

4. ___________ lamb – laugh – linger – limb – lingo

5. ___________ stool – story – stop – stuff

6. ___________ keep – kept – keel – kelp

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7. ___________ Cameron – Charlotte – Chris – Courtney

8. ___________ toy – tow – truck – turn – tuff

Spelling List 19

Exercise 6

• Find the spelling words in the word search.

appreciate batchgarage groanmemorable

odor operationpatience splendidtreat

The ocean breeze feels splendid!

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Lesson 4The Stinky Smell (Part 2)

Debbie was opening the sack of potatoes, because they were going to have French fries for lunch. She was looking forward to having delicious, crispy fries! As she opened the bag, she smelled something terrible. “Oh, Mom!” she exclaimed, “This is where the bad smell is coming from! We have some rotten potatoes! There is one that is completely rotten and all the ones next to it are beginning to rot too! Ugh!”

“Oh, no!” responded her mom, “We must get those rotten potatoes out of the house right now. Put them in this bag and then tie the bag tight. We don’t want the smell to be spreading around anymore.”

As Debbie did what her mother had told her to do, she asked, “Why didn’t I notice the smell when I was cleaning the pantry?”

Her mom explained, “Well, Melody, it is because after smelling something for a while, some-times our brains stop reminding us what we smell. For example, you put perfume on in the morning and you like how it smells. Later on in the day, someone tells you that you smell nice, but, at that point, you don’t even smell the perfume anymore. You have become used to it. The other person realizes it, because they just came up to you. That must have been what hap-pened with the potatoes. You were cleaning near the potatoes. You started on the top shelf and worked your way down. By the time you moved the closed bag of potatoes, your brain had already gotten used to the smell. That is why you did not notice until you opened the bag.”

“Oh, well, at least we have found it now and we can get rid of the problem. I am going to wash all the good potatoes that are left. I am happy, because when we finish cleaning the kitchen, the rotten smell will be gone.”

That night, the family was discussing with their dad about what happened with the potatoes. Mr. Brennan said, “You know what, children? There is a lesson that you can learn from this. First, there was one rotten potato, but it started to make the other potatoes around it go bad. It is the same way if you spend time with friends who have bad attitudes, do not obey their parents, or talk about bad things. The Bible says that if you walk with wise men, you will become wise, but if you spend time with people who are foolish, you will be destroyed.”

“Debbie didn’t notice the smell, because she was so close to it. Sometimes, you do not notice when another child is misbehaving or having a bad attitude, because you are children your-selves. You might not think that what they are doing is that bad. You need us, your parents, to help you choose good friends, so that you won’t be influenced by children who have a rebel-lious heart.”

“Thank you, Dad, for teaching us to be obedient and respectful,” Benjamin said. “Thank you for helping us to choose good friends.”

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV)

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5390

Comprehension Check

1. What happened when Debbie opened the sack of potatoes? What did she find?


2. What did they do to solve the problem?


3. What lesson did the children learn?



Kinds of Sentences

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

A declarative sentence makes a statement. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.

An interrogative sentence asks a question. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark.

An exclamatory sentence shows sudden or strong feeling. It begins with a capital letter and ends with an exclamation point.

A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. Every sentence must have subject and a verb.

Exercise 1

• Write yes on the line if phrase expresses a complete thought, or write no if it doesn’t.

1. ______ here now.

2. ______ Samuel is a good flutist.

3. ______ The flowers beautiful!

4. ______ That is a good story.

We learned about three kinds of sentences:

• declarative sentences • interrogative sentences • exclamatory sentences

5. ______ Jane and I

6. ______ The telephone red and black.

7. ______ owns a motorbike.

8. ______ Jesus loves us.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 391

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

• Fill in the blanks about sentences.

• Add the correct punctuation to every sentence.

1. Use a _______________ at the end of every declarative sentence.

2. Use a question mark at the end of every _______________ sentence.

3. Use an exclamation point at the end of every _______________ sentence.

4. Every sentence must have a subject and a _______________.

5. Every sentence must start with a ________________ ______________.

1. Do you like sports

2. That is an amazing story

3. I wish I had a bike

4. Samuel is a well-behaved boy


5. Did you ever see a falling star

6. Is there a zoo in this town

7. You should show me where you live

8. Ouch I hurt myself

Last lesson, we reviewed possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives indicate possession and always come before a noun. Possessive adjectives answer the question, “Whose?”

There are many more types of adjectives.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

An adjective answers one of the following questions:

• Which one? • What kind? • How many? • How much? • Whose?

Remember! An adjective always describes a noun. If you see a word that doesn’t describe a noun, it isn’t an adjective.

Fuzzy green bread doesn’t make an appetizing sandwich.

A warm towel was awaiting me after my long, hot shower.

Seven emails were written to me while I was away.

The vast ocean surrounded the island.

Exercise 4

• In each sentence, underline the adjective(s).

1. Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches?

2. Eleven students took the hard exam.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5392

Exercise 5

3. The least healthy item from the cafeteria is their steak casserole.

4. The delicious, creamy milkshake melted on the counter.

5. Jenny’s two Siamese cats lazily slept in the sun.

6. My notebook is blue.

7. I should get a smaller purse soon.

8. The tallest boy in church broke his left leg.

• Write five sentences with an adjective. Underline the adjectives and write which question they answer. Follow the example.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Spelling List 19

Exercise 6• Write the spelling words your teacher says.

I had two funny dreams last night. How many? What kind?

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________

7. __________________________

8. __________________________

9. __________________________

10. __________________________Life is always better when you

choose to work with a happy heart.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 393

Lesson 5Learning Lessons

You’ve also learned from the Johnson family. You’ve learned that we must be considerate. You will learn a different lesson with the Johnsons today.

Jenny, Jim, and Josh are playful. This is true.But they are obedient and respectful, too.They all have been raised to mind their father’s voice.They must mind their mother too; they don’t have a choice.

This has been a process, for if they’ve been at play,And their daddy said to stop, and if they would delay,Their dad would make them want to learn to listen right away.He’d punish them, to teach them that they all must obey.

There was a time when Jimmy thought his dad was harsh and mean.“If I just take one more step, what harm could that bring?”He’d ask himself in silence; he didn’t understand.He’d think his father took delight in giving them commands.

One day, his father told him, “My boy, you never knowHow vitally important it is for you to growIn immediate obedience and never question why.For one day, if you wait to ask, you could even die.”

Jim took these words to heart and practiced every dayto respond without a doubt to what his mom would say.When his dad would speak, Jimmy would take heed.He’d listen right away and obey with speed.

Thank the Lord that Jimmy learned, for one day they were out,And Jimmy boy was running when he heard his father shout: “Stop, Jimmy, stop!” Jimmy froze right there.He didn’t take another step; then there came a scare.

A car zoomed right past him, not a foot away.Jim realized his life had been saved on that day. It was a clearer lesson than he’d ever had before:Immediate obedience was tedious no more.

Jimmy Johnson’s Scare

But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33 (NKJV)

Let's read a poem.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5394

Comprehension Check

1. Did Jimmy’s dad think that it was wrong for Jimmy to play and have fun?


2. What did Jimmy think about his dad at first?


3. How did he act after his father spoke to him about the need to obey immediately?


4. What was Jimmy’s scare?


5. What lesson did he learn?


Write about it!Have you ever (almost) had an accident? What happened and what lesson did you learn? Write one paragraph about these questions.







A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea.

Exercise 1• Read the following sentences carefully. Underline the nouns once and underline the adjectives twice.

1. Sally’s porcelain doll has a wobbly head.

2. The stern police officer gave me a small fine.

3. The massive market offers goods of all kinds.

4. You should buy a new pair of shoes.

5. The white airplane whizzed through the blue sky.

6. The busy mall will be closed tomorrow.

7. What is your favorite color?

8. My family lives very close to a noisy airport.

Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

There are common nouns and proper nouns. We also learned about collective nouns and posses-sive nous.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 395

Using VerbsEvery sentence must have a subject and a verb, like we learned. The form of the verb we use depends on the noun or pronoun that matches the verb.

When you use the present tense, there are two forms you can use: the original form or the conjugated form.

Use the original form of the verb when you are talking about:

• yourself I I look like Sally. • the person or people you are speaking to you You like milk. • a group that you are part of we We feel tired. • a group that you are not a part of they They know my best friends.

Notice! • You can refer to one or more people. • We refers to yourself and at least one other person. You are my best friend, Kathy. My sister and I are baking cookies. We are having fun. John and William, can you help me?

Add -s or -es to the verb when you are referring to one person or thing. Also, add -s or -es to the verb when you are referring to a collective noun.

Use this conjugated form of the verb when you are talking about:

• one person he He likes to play soccer. she She writes me emails. • one thing it It looks broken. • a collective noun The batch of cookies still feels hot. The army camps at the riverside.

Notice! • He refers to a boy or man. He is playing in the yard. John is playing in the yard. • She refers to a girl or woman. She is wiping the table. Mother is wiping the table. • It refers to something that is not a person. It is not working. The car is not working.

Exercise 2• Circle the correct verb for each sentence.

1. Jimmy __________________ (learn / learns) a lesson from his father.

2. Melody __________________ (clean / cleans) the pantry.

3. I __________________ (help / helps) her.

4. Mother __________________ (scrub / scrubs) the sink.

5. Father __________________ (work / works) hard every day.

6. God always __________________ (care / cares) for us.

7. You __________________ (look / looks) a lot like your brother!

8. The flowers __________________ (wilt / wilts) in the sun.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5396

Special Verb: HaveHave is a special verb. When you conjugate it in present tense, you do not say “haves.”

Use have when you are talking about:

• yourself I I have two books. • the person or people you are speaking to you You have a sister.• a group that you are part of we We have a white house. • a group that you are not a part of they They have lots of fun.

Use has when you are talking about:

• one person he / she He has an apple, and she has a pear. • one thing it It has a big hole!• a collective noun The orchard has apple trees and pear trees.

Exercise 3• Complete the sentences with have or has.

1. The chocolate chip cookies __________________ nuts in them, too!

2. My dog __________________ floppy ears.

3. You __________________ a lovely smile.

4. My old phone __________________ an antenna.

5. The orchestra members __________________ a concert tonight.

6. Why __________________ they not called us?

7. This star galaxy __________________ no name yet.

8. That platoon of soldiers __________________ a long way to march.

Spelling List 20


obedientprobable processpunishsupernatural

Exercise 4• Write about what you learned about obedience this lesson.



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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 397

Lesson 6Unmasking Evolution

People who believe in evolution say that there was a big bang in which hydrogen gas was made. They say that over a period of five billion years, the hydrogen gas continually evolved by chance, until, eventually, humans came into existence. It is astounding that man could choose to believe such a big lie!

Considering Mathematical Probabilities

Mathematically speaking, the chance of the world evolving is absolutely impossible. Just to help you imagine, think about what the probability of you winning the lottery would be if you would buy one ticket out of 600,000 being sold. Your probability of winning is one out of 600,000. It is very unlikely that you would win anything at all!

Suppose you would have all of the letters of the alphabet in a bag, and you would want to draw the word evolution in one try by chance. Meaning, on the first try for the first letter, you would have to draw an “e,” then, on the first try for the second letter, you would have to draw a “v,” otherwise, you would need to start over again on the first letter. The probability of drawing out that word would be one out of five trillion (5,000,000,000,000). If you would begin to try today, and you would take out one letter every second, 24 hours a day, you might possibly draw it after one million five hundred thousand years from now!

This is not even the beginning of an evolutionist’s problems.

In order to have the simplest form of life known to man, 200 ingredients must be arranged in a specific order to form DNA. DNA is unique. You have DNA in each cell in your body. It has the information about your height, your eye color, your hair, the design of your nose, your hands, your feet, your body organs, each cell in your body, and every other detail about your body. It has the information about the arrangement of your 206 bones, 600 muscles, 10,000 auditory nerve fibers, two million optic fibers, four hundred billion (400,000,000,000) feet of blood vessels and capillaries, and much more.

The chance of one chain of DNA falling into place is one out of 1 x 10167,000. That number has a one followed by 167,000 zeros! Still, this is not even the beginning of an evolutionist’s problems, because, a DNA molecule is not complete without its matching mirror chain intertwined to it. Furthermore, one complete DNA molecule is just a part of a living cell.

DNA shows mathematically and scientifically that evolution is completely impossible. There is no way that a cell could “evolve” into existence. It is infinitely impossible! God mocks the fools who choose to believe these things.

Life is so supernatural that anyone who has even a little bit of understanding will come to the conclusion that life was formed by a divine act of the Almighty and infinite God!

Later on, we will continue to study more of the wonders of God’s creation that prove that there is a Master Designer who cares about each detail of His creation.

For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water. 2 Peter 3:5 (NKJV)

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5398

Comprehension Check

1. What is the probability of winning the lottery if you buy 1 ticket out of the 600,000 that are being sold?


2. How many years would it probably take if you want to draw the word “evolution” out of a bag which has all 26 letters of the alphabet?

___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many ingredients must be arranged in order to form DNA?


4. What are the chances of a DNA chain just “falling into place”?


5. Is there any way that life could have evolved into existence?



A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns are used to eliminate unnecessary repetition of the same noun.

You already know that every sentence needs a subject. If the subject is a noun, you can always replace it with a subject pronoun.

The subject pronouns are:

- I, we refer to the person or people speaking.- you, you refer to the person or people spoken to.- he, she, it, they refer to the person, people, or things spoken about.

I am speaking to you. We are speaking to you.

You are my sister. You are my siblings.

He is my brother. She is my sister. It is too far away. They are not home.

I am speaking to you.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 399

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

• Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun. Look at the example.

• On the lines, write the pronoun that can replace the subject of the sentence.

I am a teacher. I live in Guatemala.

1. Charlie’s favorite meal is dinner. _______ likes to eat spaghetti with meatballs.

2. Henry and Alex play football. _________ are teammates.

3. Mark and Benjamin, do you see that bug? Did ______ know that it is a ladybug?

4. Johnny, pick up your toys. ______ have a mess in your room!

5. The computer is ready. ________ has all the programs you need to use.

6. My name is Esther. _____ like to do crafts.

7. Tina has a scooter. ________ likes to ride it around the block.

8. Janet and I like to cook. Yesterday, ______ made raspberry pie.

1. Jonathan likes to play the piano and sing hymns. ______________

2. The baker bakes bread in his bakery. ______________

3. That checkout lady is very kind. ______________

4. Policemen keep us safe. ______________

5. The Bibles are yours. ______________

6. Brother Andrew smuggled Bibles across the border. ______________

7. Charlie and Chris are good friends. ______________

8. The dog likes to eat dog treats. ______________

Action Verbs

A verb is a word that usually shows action.

For example:

The birds fly south every year. The gate opens automatically. The cars slowly drive down the busy highway.

Most verbs show action. They show you that something is happening.

Brother Andrew was willing to put his life in danger to serve God. Are you willing to do the same?

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5400

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

• Use the verbs from the box to complete the sentences.

• Underline the form of the non-action verb to be in each sentence.

1. We ___________________ at six o’clock every evening.

2. I like to ___________________ hide-and-seek with my sister.

3. Mr. Wilson will ___________________ to Mexico next week.

4. Sports teams ___________________ and ___________________ together.

5. Would you like to ___________________ how to make origami swans?

6. Daniel will ___________________ at tomorrow’s concert.

7. Let’s ___________________ our favorite team on!

8. Mrs. Brennan knows how to ___________________ chocolate pie.

pray cheer learn sing eat win make travel

play lose read fight share practice help have fun

Non-Action VerbsSome verbs do not show action. One of these verbs is to be. Am, is, and are are present tense forms of the verb to be.

Rule 1 Am is used with the pronoun I.

Rule 2 Is is used with he, she, and it. It is also often used with collective nouns.

Rule 3 Are is used with you, we, you, and they.

1. I am a Canadian citizen.

2. You are a Japanese interpreter, right?

3. I think they are from India.

4. Is that your cup of tea?

5. That painting is my favorite one.

6. The faucet is dripping.

7. They are going to leave soon.

8. I suppose that is okay.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 401

Spelling List 20

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

• Use your English and Spanish dictionary to translate the spelling words.

• Complete the sentences using the spelling words.


obedientprobable processpunishsupernatural

1. Our final _______________ on this trip is Houston, Texas.

2. My dog, Ted, is ____________ and smart. He listens to me.

3. It isn’t very __________ that it will rain on this hot summer day.

4. It is obvious from Creation that the __________ theory is a lie.

5. The __________ of making glass is very complicated.

6. You disobeyed, so I will have to _____________ you.

7. God continues to do _________ things in our world and lives.

8. When God spoke, the world came into _______________.

9. There is an ____________ missing in this recipe; do you know what it is?

10. You cannot see a ______________ with the naked eye; you need a microscope to see it.

1. destination _____________________

2. supernatural _____________________

3. molecule _____________________

4. obedient _____________________

5. evolution _____________________

6. punish _____________________

7. probable _____________________

8. ingredient _____________________

9. existence _____________________

10. process _____________________

What else do I need?

Family Pie Recipe

1 handful of forgiveness 1 full pound of unselfishness1 heaping cup of loveMix together smoothly with faith in God. Add 2 tablespoons of wisdom, 1 teaspoon of good nature.For flavor, sprinkle generously with thoughtfulness. Makes enough pie for any size family! - Rose Derrik

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5402

Lesson 7Considering Some Wonders of God’s Creation

By considering some of the wonders that can be seen in nature, we are assured with more certainty that this world, and all that is within it, has a Master Designer and a Creator who is infinite in wisdom and understanding.

Bombardier Beetle

This little insect, which is smaller than a human nail, is armed with an awesome and impressive defense system. When it is threatened by an enemy attack, it uses two little tubes in the back of its abdomen to spray irritating gasses at 100°C toward the unfortunate face of its would-be attacker. As a result, its adversary decides that the bombardier beetle does not turn out to be as good of a dinner as it thought.

A German chemist studied this beetle to figure out how it carries out this impressive chemical reaction. He observed that the bombardier beetle forms its explosion by mixing two very dan-gerous chemicals. In addition to this, this armed beetle adds another type of chemical known as an inhibitor. The inhibitor keeps the two chemicals from exploding and permits the beetle to store them in its body.

When a predator gets too close to a bombardier beetle, the beetle lances the three stored chemicals through its combustion tubes. In that same moment, it adds another chemical, an anti-inhibitor, to cancel the effect of the inhibitor. This means that the beetle actually squirts four chemicals: the two explosive ones, the inhibitor, and the anti-inhibitor.

When it wants to squirt the chemicals that have been stored, it adds the fourth chemical in the right moment to counterattack its opponent. Not only can it spray these chemicals, but it also is equipped with the ability to aim its tubes in the direction of its choice: up, down, left, right, forward, or backward. No matter which direction its enemy is coming from, it will not be able to escape the deadly gasses.

Furthermore, this beetle is able to squirt these chemicals in around 400 pulses per second, which keeps it from being blown away by the pressure of the explosion.

This is just another example of the marvels of God’s creation. How could such a complex system have evolved in a million years? There would have been thousands of generations of beetles who would have died, because they were mixing the chemicals inadequately in fatal evolutionary experiments. They wouldn’t have blown themselves up in the process, time and time again. They wouldn’t have even lived long enough to reproduce. These beetles couldn’t have formed over time. That is just a ridiculous idea! They wouldn’t have formed the inhibitor before having explosive gasses either, because that would have been something useless. This idea goes against what the evolutionists teach and believe. They believe that animals kept getting rid of things that they did not need in order to become better and better. They are completely wrong!

God is the only One who could have created such a wonder! He made everything with a purpose. God uses His creation to teach us His ways and show us His greatness. Oh, that our eyes would be open to see the glory of God in all His creation!

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 403

Considering Some Wonders of God’s Creation Comprehension Check

1. Why is it good to consider the wonders that can be seen in nature?


2. How big is a bombardier beetle?


3. What does the inhibitor do?


4. What chemical does the beetle add to the mixture to make it explode in the moment that he wants to counterattack his opponent?


5. Give one reason why these beetles couldn’t have evolved.


6. What does God use to teach us His ways and His greatness?



The Simple Present Tense

We have been reviewing verbs. So far, we have seen action and non-action verbs, the two special verbs to be and to have, and how to conjugate verbs in the present tense.

The simple present tense is used for things that are true in general and for habits or things that happen all the time. The simple present tense is also used to express habitual or everyday activities.

I play the flute. This is a fact.The sun is hot. This is a general truth. Johnny walks his dog every day. This is a fact. You eat breakfast at 7:00 a.m. This is an everyday activity.

Forming sentences in the simple present tense is quite simple. All we need to remember is one rule:

When referring to he, she, or it in the simple present tense, add -s or -es to the verb. Use the original form of the verb for all other pronouns.

Exercise 1

• Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in present tense.

1. The wind __________________ (blow) through my hair.

2. If you put something in the freezer, it __________________ (freeze).

3. The children at the party __________________ (eat) ice cream.

4. Cake __________________ (taste) good.

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5. Stephanie __________________ (like) white cats.

6. Debbie __________________ (enjoy) working with her mother.

7. The freshly painted house __________________ (look) good.

8. Firemen __________________ (extinguish) fires.

Exercise 2

• Read the sentences carefully and complete them using the words from the box.

fixes feeds teaches help extinguishes bakes builds works cleans

1. Dad always __________________ broken things around the house.

2. The baker __________________ delicious, crunchy bread every day.

3. My mother __________________ us at home.

4. Debbie __________________ the pantry every week.

5. Dan __________________ houses for a job.

6. The mother bird __________________ worms to her chicks.

7. Grandfather still __________________ in an office every day.

8. The children __________________ the old lady cross the street.

Singular and Plural NounsSingular refers to one. Plural refers to more than one.Let’s review the rules about making singular words plural.

Rule 1 To form the plural of most nouns, add -s.

Rule 2 To form the plural of a noun ending in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to i and add -es.

Rule 3 To form the plural of a noun ending in y preceded by a vowel, add -s.

Rule 4 The plural and singular spelling of some nouns is the same.

Rule 5 To form the plural of nouns ending in ch, sh, s, x, or z, add -es.

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 405

Rule 6 To form the plural of nouns ending in f or fe, change the f or fe to v and add -es.

Rule7 To form the plural of some singular words, the spelling is changed.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

• Read each set of words and decide which rule applies to it. Write the correct number on the line.

• Write the plural form of the following words.

1. ______ book – books

2. ______ business – businesses

3. ______ person – people

4. ______ stash – stashes

5. ______ bay – bays

6. ______ man – men

7. ______ gallery – galleries

8. ______ frame – frames

9. ______ cello – cellos

10. ______ leaf – leaves

1. box ___________________

2. hoof ___________________

3. knife ___________________

4. family ___________________

5. group ___________________

6. mistake ___________________

7. bunny ___________________

8. gecko ___________________

9. toy ___________________

10. goose ___________________

Spelling List 20

Exercise 5• Choose five spelling words and write a sentence with each one.


obedientprobable processpunishsupernatural

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autorLevel 5406

Lesson 8Considering Some Wonders of God’s Creation

There is an infinite number of marvels in this world that can be observed and contemplated. Each plant, each animal, and each detail in this world proclaims God’s power and love. Today, we will consider two things which cannot not be explained or understood with man’s limited mind.

Golden Plover Birds

Golden plovers are little birds which live in Alaska during the summer. As the winter season draws closer, they begin to eat like crazy and gain a lot of weight. During this time, they also lay eggs, and their chicks hatch. Before long, the adult golden plovers abandon their young chicks and begin a migratory flight of 4,000 kilometers over the Pacific Ocean. During their flight, which takes 88 hours, they cannot land once, or else they will drown in the ocean. Once they land in Hawaii, their destination for the winter, they have lost half of their body weight.

Imagine! If wind blowing over the Pacific Ocean would change their direction by five degrees, the birds would never even see the islands of Hawaii. They can’t fly for even half an hour more after arriving, because they have just the right amount of energy from the food that they ate in Alaska.

After their chicks have eaten more and have grown, they take flight as well. They make the exact same journey and land a few meters away from their parents, even though nobody told them where to go! How glorious is the Lord! That is a miracle!

This bird couldn’t have evolved; generations would have drowned in the ocean, not knowing where they were going. There is no other explanation than that God created them with a prac-tically supernatural navigation system.

The golden plover chicks know how to go to their parents. The Lord shows us in this bird that there is a path that we must take, and there is a Spirit which shows us the way. We can end up in the presence of our Heavenly Father if we are willing to follow that path and His divine guidance.

Now we want to consider the wonder of water. In this life, every single element and many com-pounds can exist in three forms: solid, liquid, and gas. Even iron, which is a solid, can be melted and form a gas.

Water is obviously a good example of a compound which can exist in any of these three forms: water, ice, or vapor.

In this world, due to laws of nature, every element and compound expands when it is heated and contracts when it is frozen. However, there is one exception. The only liquid on the face of the earth that expands when it freezes is water.

Why does that matter? Since water expands when it freezes, ice is not as heavy as water, which causes ice to float. Because ice floats, it forms a thick layer of insulation on top of ponds, lakes, and rivers, which keeps the heat within the water itself. If ice were to sink, all the fish in the rivers and lakes would be frozen and die during the winter. Since the Lord created ice to float, water (in its liquid and solid form) provides life.

Water Is a Wonder

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Considering Some Wonders of God’s Creation Comprehension Check

1. How many kilometers do plovers fly when they migrate to Hawaii?


2. Do plovers travel with their chicks?


3. Where do the chicks land after making the same migratory flight as their parents?


4. What is the only liquid on earth that expands when it freezes?


5. What would happen to fish if ice would sink?


6. Since ice floats, what happens to ponds and rivers during winter?


Nouns and Adjectives


Exercise 1

• Read the sentences and write N if the underlined word is a noun or A if it is an adjective.

1. _____ I really need to go to bed now.

2. _____ Someone offered me a new pencil.

3. _____ These spelling words are very hard.

4. _____ Johnny bought six apples at the store.

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning or nearly the same meaning.

Verbs, nouns, and other words can have synonyms.

5. _____ Some flowers smell very nice.

6. _____ I wish I had more siblings.

7. _____ Melody is a nice sister to me.

8. _____ Ants are busy little creatures.

Verbs Nouns Other words

talk - speak

allow - permit

help - assist

build - construct

walk - stroll

ask - request

begin - start

companion – friend

dog - hound

boy - lad

house - home

jacket - coat

kid - child

store - shop

quietly – softly

instantly - immediately

carefully - meticulously

kind - considerate

hurt - wounded

small - little

sick - ill

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Exercise 2

Exercise 4

Exercise 3

• Use your dictionary or thesaurus to find synonyms for the following words.

• Complete the sentences with the correct word. Choose from the words in the exercise above.

• Read the list of synonyms that you learned earlier this year. Use your dictionary to remind you what they mean if you have forgotten their meaning. Write V if they are verbs, N if they are nouns, or O if they are another type of word.

1. sick ___________________

2. cheerful ___________________

3. thankful ___________________

4. certain ___________________

5. cold ___________________

6. busy ___________________

7. near ___________________

8. stop ___________________

1. _____ strange, odd

2. _____ sick, ill

3. _____ happy, cheerful

4. _____ grateful, thankful

5. _____ hard, firm

6. _____ shut, close

7. _____ sure, certain

8. _____ answer, reply

9. _____ toss, throw

10. _____ thin, narrow

11. _____ quiet, silent

12. _____ quick, fast

13. _____ jump, hop

14. _____ car, automobile

15. _____ below, under

16. _____ pail, bucket

17. _____ pretty, beautiful

18. _____ bug, insect

1. This mattress is too __________________; I can’t sleep.

2. Mrs. Donovan was quite __________________ last month.

3. She is __________________ that this is the right answer.

4. Rabbits can __________________ far and high.

5. When our __________________ broke down, we had to take it to the workshop.

6. Will you please bring me a __________________ of water?

7. There is a book __________________ the table.

8. I am very __________________ to be healthy and strong.

9. Please __________________ the door; it’s cold outside.

10. The children became __________________ when the story started.

11. That is such a __________________ flower!

12. What is that __________________ sound?

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AntonymsAntonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Notice! Antonym is the antonym of synonym – it is the opposite!

Some antonyms we learned are:

tall - short boy - girl play - work loudly - quietly white - black stop - go quickly - slowly he - she take off - put on hard - soft

Exercise 5

• Match each word to its antonym.

1. rest

2. dark

3. open

4. push

5. happy

6. tall

7. old

8. fast

9. over

10. good

11. white

12. rich

13. narrow

14. healthy

15. hot

16. hard

( ) wide

( ) sad

( ) cold

( ) light

( ) pull

( ) black

( ) close

( ) sick

( ) short

( ) new

( ) slow

( ) under

( ) bad

( ) work

( ) poor

( ) soft

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Spelling List 20

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

• Write the spelling words your teacher says.

• Find the spelling words in the word search.

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________

6. ____________________________

7. ____________________________

8. ____________________________

9. ____________________________

10. ____________________________

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Lesson 9Considering Some Wonders of God’s Creation

The Lord also uses His creation to express His Divine love for His people. One of the animals that demonstrates His love is the emperor penguin.

Emperor Penguins

Emperor penguins live in groups called colonies in Antarctica. At the beginning of winter, a female lays one single egg on the feet of her mate. The male accepts it and carefully shuffles around on the ice with the egg on his feet. Shortly after laying the egg, the female, along with all the other female penguins in the colony, walks 100 kilometers over the ice to the ocean and begins to swim. For two months, she dedicates herself to eating fish.

Back at the colony, the father is still taking care of the egg and cannot eat or drink anything. The weather is 50°C below zero with winds blowing at 150 km/h. The egg on his feet, on the other hand, must be kept cozy at the temperature of exactly 35°C. The temperature can’t change even half a degree or the unborn chick will die. The dad can’t take a break from caring for his egg for even 60 seconds. However, he does group up with all the other males in the colony in a tight circle. He takes turns, like all the other males, being in the center of the circle, in the middle of the circle, and then on the outside of the circle.

As two months come to a close, the mother penguin suddenly knows that it is time to go back home. She swims to the ice and begins to walk back to the colony. Once she arrives with all the other females, and she sees the group of a thousand or more male penguins, she walks straight to her mate without getting confused at all. Usually, she arrives the exact same day that the chick is born, but if she doesn’t, she arrives the next day. She comes just in time to give the little chick its first meal.

Not even humans with all their technology and science can know exactly when a baby will be born! These penguins are another example of God’s great love and wisdom. God created ev-erything perfectly!

Comprehension Check

1. Where does a female emperor penguin lay her egg?


2. What does the mother penguin do after that?


3. How cold is the weather where the father is?


4. How do the males in the colony keep warm?


5. On which day does the female usually come back to the colony?


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6. What does she do when she arrives?


7. What does the emperor penguin teach us about God?


HomonymsHomonyms are words that sound alike, but have different spellings and meanings.

The homonyms we learned are: know - no road - rode pair - pear their - they’re - there one - won son - sun sea - see blue - blew too - to - two

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

• Complete the sentences with the correct homonym.

• On the lines, write C if the correct homonym has been used or IC if the incorrect one has been used.

1. I now ________________ (no / know) who sent me the letter.

2. Philip ________________ (road / rode) his horse yesterday afternoon.

3. ________________ (They’re / their) going on holiday soon.

4. They will visit ________________ (their / there) grandparents.

5. That dish has ________________ (too / to) much salt!

6. We almost ________________ (won / one) the race.

7. There is only one ________________ (pair / pear) left in the fruit bowl.

8. In a few moments, we’ll be able to ________________ (see / sea) the ______________ (see / sea).

9. I have never been ________________ (they’re / their / there).

10. This ________________ (road / rode) has too many sharp turns!

1. _____ We road all the way to Morganville.

2. _____ Don’t you think you are eating too much?

3. _____ They said that there house needs painting.

4. _____ Did you see the son set?

pear pair

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5. _____ The water in this see is very cold.

6. _____ I have no idea what you’re talking about.

7. _____ My siblings and I wore blue shirts today.

8. _____ Apples and pairs are popular types of fruit.

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense is used to express an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking.

This tense is made with a present tense helping verb and a verb that ends in -ing.Let’s review the rules for writing verbs with -ing.

Rule 1 If the verb ends in -e, remove the -e, and add -ing.

Rule 2 If the verb ends in one vowel and a consonant, double the consonant and then add -ing.

Rule 3 If the verb ends in two vowels and a consonant or two consonants, simply add -ing.

We have learned that when we use the present or past progressive tense, we need to use a helping verb. Most often, the helping verbs are a form of “to be,” like am, is, or are.

Exercise 3

• Fill in each blank by writing the correct form of the helping verb to complete the present progressive verb.

1. I ____________ sitting on an airplane.

2. My family and I ____________ going to visit my grandmother who lives in Guatemala.

3. She ____________ waiting for us at the airport.

4. The man next to me ____________ reading an interesting book.

5. He ____________ humming a song while he ____________ reading.

6. The children behind me ____________ eating a snack.

7. The flight attendant ____________ serving drinks.

8. My brother ____________ going to ask for orange juice, and I ____________ going to ask for water.

9. It ____________ going to be a great trip!

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Exercise 4

• Complete the sentences using the present progressive tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1. We ________________________ (go) to church.

2. The congregation ________________________ (sing) a new song.

3. The pastor ________________________ (preach) about forgiveness.

4. You ________________________ (behave) very well.

5. The bacon ________________________ (sizzle) in the pan.

6. We ________________________ (eat) breakfast soon.

7. The ice ________________________ (melt) in the sun.

8. The geese ________________________ (fly) north.

Spelling Review

appreciate batchdestinationevolutionexistence

garage groaningredientmemorablemolecule

obedientodor operationpatience probable

processpunishsplendidsupernatural treat

Exercise 5• Write sentences with the following word combinations.

1. garage – odor


2. splendid – treat


3. memorable – batch


4. patience – operation


5. obedient – groan


6. appreciate – existence


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Lesson 10Searching the Bible


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

You will learn about meekness today. In order to learn about this character trait, you should know what a meek person does not do.

A meek person does not consider himself to be better than others. He does not boast about his achievements or possessions. However, a meek person also does not go to the other extreme of always being sad and walking around with his head hanging down.

What is meekness?Meekness is having lowliness of mind. It is shown by joyfully choosing to give up your rights and putting others first, even when you could go first.

This quality of the fruit of the Spirit goes hand in hand with longsuffering, because it is through will-ingly and patiently accepting trials and hard times that meekness is produced in our lives. Once again, we need the other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, too. If we don’t have joy and peace in the midst of our suffering, and if we don’t love God and keep His commandments, the suffering will only cause us to become hardened and bitter.

Someone who is bitter has a proud heart and thinks that he deserves to be treated better than how he is being treated. However, someone with a meek heart realizes that he deserves worse than what he is receiving. Instead of being bitter and complaining during hard times, he will be thankful that God is being faithful to work in his heart.

Meekness also goes hand-in-hand with gentleness and goodness. Goodness has to do with having a good heart, and gentleness has to do with doing good things to others. Meekness must be an attitude of heart that genuinely considers others first. One’s actions and attitudes toward others will prove if they have a meek heart or not. A meek person will always want to obey God and do what is best for others.

Why should we be meek?

Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the LORD’s anger. Zechariah 2:3 (NKJV)

Just as in Noah’s days, the Lord will soon bring judgment to the earth again because men’s thoughts and actions are increasingly evil. Only those who are meek and seek the Lord’s mercy upon their lives and the lives of others have hope to survive in the day of God’s judgment.

How can we become meek?

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 (NKJV)

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It is very important for you to understand that, in our own determination, we will never be meek.

Meekness is against our human nature. We need to ask Jesus to help us to die to our own de-sires and embrace His will for our lives. We need the Holy Spirit to bring forth His fruit in us. On our own, we can never love, or have joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, or meekness. Trying to have the fruit of the Spirit is not enough. We need to experience death to self. Only then will Jesus live through us and the fruit of the Spirit will naturally come.

Who should we show meekness to?1) To those who are over us, like our parents, teachers, and pastors.2) To those who are our equals, like our friends.3) To those who are in some way weaker or smaller than we are, like our younger siblings.

Meekness is an attitude that God asks us to show to all men, whether they be over us, on our same level, or under us.

Comprehension Check

1. Name one thing that a meek person does not do.


2. What is meekness?


3. How is meekness shown?


4. How is meekness produced in our lives?


5. What does a proud person think when he is going through difficult times?


6. What does a meek person realize when he is going through hard times?


7. Why should we be meek?


8. How can we become meek?


9. List the three groups of people to whom we should show meekness.

a) _______________________ b) _______________________ c) ________________________

Abraham, who is a father of our faith, showed meekness to his nephew Lot, and God blessed him greatly.

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Men and Women of God: Abram

As you most likely remember, Abram was called by God to leave his home, his country, and his family. Lot, his nephew, chose to accompany Abram and Sarai on their journey. As Abram obeyed God’s voice, God not only gave him spiritual blessings, but also more earthly posses-sions.

Since Lot was with Abram, he was being blessed too. Both men had many flocks and herds. After some time, though, Abram and Lot had so many flocks and herds that their herdsmen realized that their animals could not graze together. The herdsmen started to quarrel over whose animals would graze in which pastures. Surely, each herdsman wanted the best pasture for his master’s flocks to graze on. Each worker was looking for what was best for his master. The workers surely complained to their masters that there were just too many animals and not enough space for the herds to feed in the same place.

Maybe Abram’s head herdsman said something like, “Master, I took your flocks to the best pas-ture early in the morning before the sun came up, but Lot’s herdsmen came later to the same pasture with all their flocks. The sheep ended up eating the pasture so quickly, that your other ser-vants and I had to find another spot for your flocks to graze. Lot’s servants will not leave us alone for your flocks to graze calmly. Please, Master Abram, tell Lot to tell his servants not to do that. You are the one whom God called; Lot isn’t. You deserve the best, because you are obeying God’s voice. Lot is a good man too, but he is not as important as you are, my lord. Lot wouldn’t even be here today if you had not permitted him to come with you in the first place. Please, my master, tell Lot to take his sheep elsewhere and let your flocks graze peacefully. He will respect you, because you are a man of God.”

Abram probably thought and prayed about his servant’s complaints. He knew that in part, his servant was right, but he wasn’t sure what to do about it.

Then, he spoke to Lot and said, “Lot, I don’t want there to be strife between us or between our herdsmen. We are family. Look at all the land around us and choose where you want to go with your family and your flocks. If you go to the right, I will go to the left; if you go to the left, then I will go to the right. You chose first.”

If Abram’s trusted servant was standing nearby, he must have thought within himself, “What is my master doing?! He should be the one to tell Lot where to go! He is the one who has the right to send Lot in a different direction, but he is letting Lot choose first. Why is he doing this? Hopefully, Lot will be respectful and choose a modest place, but leave the best for Abram.”

Lot may have thought, “What an opportunity my uncle is giving me! Thank you, Lord! He is letting me choose first! I am not going to waste my chance to provide the best for my family and my flocks.” He lifted up his eyes and looked around him. He saw that all the plain of Jordan was well-watered by the Jordan River. To him, it looked like the Lord’s garden.

He probably said in his heart, “Well, that is obviously a place where God sends His blessing! Look at how fertile the land is there. I bet that, even during the time of year when there is no rain, those plains will still be green and well-watered because of the river.”

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Perhaps after thinking those thoughts, Lot said, knowing that Abram would not change his mind, “Are you sure that you want me to choose first, Uncle Abram? I mean, you are my uncle. I am just your nephew.”

“I am sure, Lot; you choose first. Don’t worry about me. You just choose wherever you want to go, and I will go the other way,” Abram replied.

“Well, if you insist, my dear uncle, then I will take my family and my herds to the plain of Jordan,” Lot probably said with a smile.

“Very well, my nephew, may God bless you and continue to show mercy to you. I will dwell with my family and flocks in the land of Canaan,” Abram could have said as they parted ways.

Later that evening, perhaps Abram’s head herdsman told him about his concerns, “Master, I greatly respect you and will honor your decision, but I believe you just made a huge mistake! I don’t think you should have let Lot choose first. Did you see how Lot chose the best land? The land of Canaan is nowhere near as fertile as the Plain of Jordan. What made you decide to let Lot choose first?”

Most likely Abram explained by saying, “My trusted servant, just you wait and see. I know that the Lord wanted me to let Lot choose first. You know that from the time we left Ur, I didn’t know where we were going. God has guided us and chosen for us all this time. Up to this point, haven’t you seen how God has blessed us? I am certain that He will continue to guide us and bless us if we continue to let Him choose what He thinks is best. Do not worry about the flocks and herds. God will provide.”

At that point, it is probable that Abram’s servant understood and said, “Hmm, the words my master speaks are full of wisdom, as always. This is true, Master, you did not know where we were going when we left Ur, but you were obeying God. It is also true that God has greatly blessed you since we left. Now I understand why you did that. I, too, will trust God. I know that He will continue to bless you, my master, for you serve Him with your whole heart.”

Comprehension Check

1. Who was called by God to leave Ur of the Chaldees?


2. Why could Lot and Abram not stay together in the same place?


3. What did Abram say to Lot about the situation?


4. Where did Lot choose to go? ________________________________________________________

5. Where did Abram end up going? ____________________________________________________

6. How did Abram show meekness in this story?


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Level 5

English Book


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Lesson 1Searching the Bible: the Fruit of the Spirit

As you may have noticed during our study this year, the fruit of the Spirit has nine different aspects. They are not nine different fruits between which you can pick and choose. Think of it as an orange: an orange has different segments, and these segments together form one fruit. That’s what the fruit of the Spirit is like. You can’t have only joy and none of the other aspects of the fruit. We can’t pick and choose which one we like or want. No, the Lord wants us to have all the aspects of the fruit, and He can change our hearts, so that we have these character traits of His.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

• In each part of the circle, write one of the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit.

The aspects of the fruit of the Spirit are attitudes that the Lord wants to form in our hearts. All these things are qualities of Christ’s character, and as children of God our goal is to be like Christ.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He plants a tiny seed in our heart that grows and grows until it becomes a tree. With time, that tree gives fruit!

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love

The first aspect of the fruit of the Spirit is love.

First, God says that we should love Him, and then we should love our neighbour.

• In your Bible, find Matthew 22:37-39 and write it on the lines below.




But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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There is an easy acronym we can use to remember this verse.


esus: first

thers: second

ourself: last

We love God by keeping His commandments.

If you love Me, keep My commandments.John 14:15 (NKJV)

By this we know (God’s) love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

1 John 3:16 (NKJV)

We love our neighbor by laying our life down for him.

Laying down our life for our neighbors means that we put them before ourselves. We consider them more important and first think about them. It means that we do what is best for them, and not what is best for ourselves.

Simple and Complete Subjects and PredicatesEach sentence has a subject.

The subject of a sentence tells who or what the sentence is about.

There are two types of subjects: a complete subject and a simple subject.

The simple subject of a sentence is the main point of the subject. It is the subject without any other descriptions.

The complete subject of a sentence includes the main point of the subject and all the words that describe the subject.

The complete subject is bigger than the simple subject.


The hot, creamy coffee is waiting for me on the kitchen table. simple subject

The hot, creamy coffee is waiting for me on the kitchen table. complete subject

The bustling café at the end of the street serves hot croissants every day. simple subject

The bustling café at the end of the street serves hot croissants every day. complete subject

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Exercise 3• In the following sentences, underline the simple subject and put parentheses ( ) around the complete subject. Follow the example.

(My wonderful friends from Switzerland) gave me chocolate and cheese.

1. The colorful bunch of flowers on the table is starting to wilt.

2. The happy music across the street is quite loud.

3. Some small babies like to sleep all day.

4. Ten shiny, red fire trucks were lined up outside the fire station.

5. The toys that are scattered on the floor need to be put away.

6. Some curious tourists that visit our island are impolite.

7. The famous artist who made this painting is from Japan.

8. The kind mailman who left this package on our doorstep will come back tomorrow.

Like we saw, every sentence must have a subject and a verb. A verb is a word that usually shows action.

The official term for the verb of the sentence is the simple predicate.

The simple predicate is the verb without any other descriptions.

The complete predicate of a sentence includes the verb and all the words that describe it.

It can be one verb only, if it is a sentence in the simple present tense, or it can be a helping verb with the main verb, if the sentence is in present progressive tense, for example.

All the other words in the complete predicate describe the simple predicate, the verb of the sentence.

The hot, creamy coffee is waiting for me on the kitchen table.

simple predicate

The hot, creamy coffee is waiting for me on the kitchen table.

complete predicate

The bustling café at the end of the street serves hot croissants every day.

simple predicate

The bustling café at the end of the street serves hot croissants every day.

complete predicate

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Exercise 4• Underline the simple predicate and place parentheses ( ) around the complete predicate of each of the following sentences. Follow the example.

Jason (chases his dog around the block).

1. We will go to the supermarket later today.

2. The salt and pepper shakers have been empty for a long time.

3. The large dog chased the cat around the tree.

4. The cow jumped over the wobbly fence at the end of the meadow.

5. John paints houses all around the city.

6. The lawyer defended her innocent client.

7. The birds chirped happily in their nest.

8. We are coming home in about an hour.

Capitalization and Periods Exercise 5• Let’s review the capitalization rules we have learned. Under each rule, write an example sentence. Follow the example.

Rule 1: Capitalize the first word of every sentence. This sentence starts with a capital letter.

Rule 2:

Rule 3:

Rule 4:

Rule 5:

Capitalize the word I.





Capitalize all proper nouns.

Capitalize the days of the week.

Capitalize the months of the year.

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Rule 6:

Rule 7:

Rule 8:

Rule 9:

Do not capitalize the seasons.

Capitalize the names of holidays.





Spelling Review - Verbs

belong cheercompareearnextinguish

losemeetmemorize request share

• Complete the sentences with the correct spelling word. Exercise 6

Capitalize words referring to God or the Bible.

Capitalize the names of continents, countries, nationalities, and languages.

1. We need water to ______________ this fire.

2. I would like to ______________ my piece of cake with you.

3. Tomorrow, we will ______________ help with this problem.

4. My friends always come to _____________ for me when I have a sports tournament.

5. This notebook _______________ to me.

6. Next month, we will _______________ a good friend of ours.

7. It’s disappointing to _______________ a game.

8. Let’s _________________ this Bible verse together.

9. My brother _______________ some extra money by painting our neighbor’s fence.

10. Let’s ________________ the flavors of these two kinds of cookies.

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Lesson 2The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

The next aspect of the fruit of the Spirit is joy.

Joy is not the same as being happy. It is easy to be happy when something nice happens, like when you eat a nice cookie, or when you don’t have to do your homework. When things go wrong or when we’re disappointed, we often become grumpy or upset. When the Lord forms this fruit in us, we will respond in a different way when things become difficult.

Joy is much more than feeling happy. It is a happiness and contentment that you have, even when you have problems or when you go through hard times. Joy does not depend on the circumstances, but on Jesus. Jesus is always faithful, so we can always rejoice, because we know that He cares for us always.

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5b (NKJV)

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

Philippians 4:4 (NKJV)

...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has

sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV)

Jesus is our greatest example of joy. We should always look to Him and remember how He lived His life here on Earth.

Even though He had to go through things that were much harder than we can imagine, He had joy.

Love and Joy Work TogetherWe learned that when we love God, we keep His commandments. When we keep His commandments, we lay down our life for others. When we do this, we will have joy.

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If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that

your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

John 15:10-12 (NKJV)

We can have joy in all circumstances if we remember that God works everything out for our good. He always has a wonderful purpose in mind which we hardly ever know. We need to trust Him, because our Father’s heart always wants the best for us.

• Explain what each of the following verses say about joy. Exercise 1

John 16:22 Who can take our joy from us?



John 16:24 Under what condition will our joy be full?



2 Corinthians 8:1, 2 In what situations can we have joy?



1 Thessalonians 1:6 Who enables believers to have joy?



1 Chronicles 16:10 Whose heart will have joy?



Psalm 5:11 Why should those who trust in God have joy?



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Compound Subjects and VerbsYou learned that there can be more than one subject in a sentence.

A compound subject is made up of two or more subjects that are joined together with the word and, or, or nor. A compound subject usually shares one verb.

John and Jill picked up their brother from the airport.

Did Benjamin or Bill come home yet?

Neither Benjamin nor Bill has shown up.

Note! When you use the word nor, you need to use neither before it. You also need to use the verb in its singular form, as if you were only referring to the last person in the compound subject.

Neither my sister nor I drink orange juice.

I’m sure neither William nor Martha is surprised.

• In the following sentences, underline the compound subject. Exercise 2

1. A dictionary and a thesaurus can come in handy.

2. Can you or your sister help me?

3. The windows and the doors are all open.

4. Neither cheese nor yoghurt is available in this shop.

5. Chocolate and coffee are my favorite flavors.

6. The bus driver and the taxi driver were having an argument.

7. Some chairs and stools around this table are wobbly.

8. Neither Jenny nor Julie is at church.

There can also be more than one verb in a sentence.

A compound verb is made up of two or more verbs that are joined with the word and, or, or nor. A compound verb usually shares one subject.

Jill ate pizza and drank a soda.

Jane did not even eat pizza, drink soda, or ask for a dessert.

John neither used nor broke the lawnmower yesterday.

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A compound subject can have a compound verb. All the subjects of a compound subject must share all the verbs of a compound verb.

Jill and Annie ate pizza and drank soda.

• You have learned that there are four types of sentences. Match each type of sentence with the correct definition.

• Complete each sentence with the correct punctuation.

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

1. Alex and James picked up the trash and put it in the trash can.

2. My mother is a great piano player and sings beautifully.

3. The food and drinks at that celebration were delicious.

4. Neither bees nor wasps are nice insects.

5. I will not be able to come and help you.

6. The baker baked dinner rolls and prepared peach pie.

7. Bobby and William play soccer and ride their bikes every afternoon.

8. Koalas or kangaroos will arrive at the zoo tomorrow.

• In these sentences, underline the subject(s) once and the verb(s) twice. Follow the example. Exercise 3

Sam and John ran around the field and tripped over the tree trunk.

Types of Sentences

1. Declarative sentences… ( ) …give a command. They begin with a capital letter and usually end with a period.

2. Interrogative sentences… ( ) …ask a question. They begin with a capital letter and end with a question mark.

3. Exclamatory sentences… ( ) …make a statement. They begin with a capital letter and end with a period.

4. Imperative sentences… ( ) …show sudden or strong feeling. They begin with a capital letter and end with an exclamation mark.

1. Watch out

2. I am going to bed now

3. Where do you live

4. The blanket is on the floor

5. Go and take out the trash

6. Never do that again

7. The chef made a tasty casserole

8. How often do you go to the supermarket

My mother is a great piano player.

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Spelling Review - Verbs

boilchase chirp confuse eliminate

imagineneedprotect sewwonder

• Write sentences with the following word combinations.

• Find the spelling words in the word search.

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

1. boil - imagine ________________________________________________________________________

2. chase - chirp _________________________________________________________________________

3. confuse - wonder _____________________________________________________________________

4. eliminate - need ______________________________________________________________________

5. protect - sew _________________________________________________________________________

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Ministerios Hebrón - Prohibida su fotocopia. Ley de derechos de autor Level 5 431

Lesson 3The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart

be troubled, neither let it be afraid.John 14:27 (NKJV)

Pursue peace with all people...Hebrews 12:14a (NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and

minds through Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:6, 7 (NKJV)

The next aspect of the fruit of the Spirit is peace.

Peace is a rest that you have in your heart, even when you are going through hard times. Like joy, you can have peace when you know in your heart that God is in control of all things. Nothing happens on accident or without Him realizing it. He knows what we need to go through. When He tells us to do something, we must obey and trust in Him, even though it may seem hard or impossible in our minds.

When Jesus left this world, He left His peace for us.

We can be filled with God’s peace, even though the circumstances we are in are very hard.

When we know that our sins have been forgiven, we have peace with God. We should not only have peace with God, but also peace with man.

Love and Peace Work TogetherWhen we love God, we keep His commandments. The Bible then explains that this gives us peace.

Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.

Psalm 119:165 (NKJV)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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So, when we love God, we keep His commandments, and this gives us peace. When we have this peace, we will not stumble and be offended by others.

Verb Tenses

The Simple Past Tense

Rules for Writing the Simple Past Tense

Last month, we reviewed the simple present tense and the present progressive tense. Let’s review the other verb tenses you learned about.

The simple past tense is used to express an activity that has already taken place. All regular past tense verbs end with -ed.

Verbs with -ed have three different ways of being pronounced.

“t” “d” “id”work – worked learn – learned want – wanted

When a word ends with a d or a t, use the sound “id,” like lifted, reminded, or sledded.

For using the “d” or “t” sound at the end of a past tense verb, there is no rule. You need to memorize these pronunciations.

All verbs in the simple past tense are used in the same form for every pronoun. An exception is the verb to be.

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Rule 3:

Rule 4:

For most regular verbs that end in e, simply add the letter d.

For most regular verbs that end in one consonant and one vowel, double the final consonant and add -ed.

For regular verbs that end in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to i and add -ed. These verbs always end with the “d” sound.

For regular verbs that end in y preceded by a vowel, simply add -ed. These verbs always end with the “d” sound, too.


Rule 5: For most other regular verbs, simply add -ed with no changes.

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For irregular verbs, there is no rule to follow when writing the past tense. You need to memorize them.

• Complete the sentences with the correct form of the regular past tense verb. Exercise 1

1. The soccer player _______________ (kick) the ball too hard.

2. The carpenter _______________ (drill) a hole in the wall.

3. My cat _______________ (open) the new package of cat food all by herself.

4. I _______________ (burn) the cookies.

5. The faucet _______________ (drip) when I _______________ (close) it.

6. It has never _______________ (leak) before.

7. Father _______________ (clean) the baby with his hand.

8. We _______________ (play) hockey on the field.

Irregular Past Tense VerbsYou need to memorize the spelling of the irregular past tense verbs. Let’s review some of the words you have learned in previous months.

begin – began bite – bit break – broke bring – brought buy – bought catch – caught choose – chose

come – came do – did drink – drank eat – ate fall – fell fly – flew get – got

give – gave go – went grow – grew hold – held keep – kept

The past tense of the verb to be does not follow a pattern.

I / he / she / it was I was very tired last night.

you / we / they were You were very tired last night.

• Complete the past tense sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Exercise 2

1. Jane ____________________ (go) to the market.

2. When she ____________________ (get) there, she ____________________ (fall).

3. Some people ____________________ (rush) to help her.

4. Someone ____________________ (help) her up and ____________________ (offer) her something to eat and drink.

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5. She ____________________ (eat) an orange and ____________________ (drink) lemonade.

6. She then ____________________ (buy) a melon and ____________________ (choose) a big pineapple.

7. She ____________________ (catch) the next bus home and ____________________ (come) just in time for dinner.

8. She ____________________ (begin) to eat her food after thanking God. She _________________ (do) not break any bones.

Spelling Review - Verbs

balance communicatecreate discoverencourage

kidnapscatterseparate squeal taste

• Write five sentences in simple past tense using the spelling words. Underline the words in each sentence.

• Write five sentences using compound verbs. Use the spelling words. You may add more verbs if needed. Underline the verbs in each sentence.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________

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Lesson 4The Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering

...who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering (of God) waited in the days of

Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.

1 Peter 3:20 (NKJV)

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should

come to repentance.2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV)

And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving

iniquity and transgression and sin...”Exodus 34:6, 7a (NKJV)

The Lord is longsuffering.

Longsuffering is the willingness to bear injuries patiently. It is being slow to become angry. When we are longsuffering, we have patience when people cause us troubles and problems.

God was very angry with the people in Noah’s time and wanted to destroy them all. However, be-cause He is longsuffering, He waited patiently desiring that the people would repent. When Noah finished building the ark, the people’s opportunity to repent was over. God brought the flood on the Earth and only saved Noah and his family.

God is still longsuffering. He is patient with us, because He wants all of us to be saved.

God wants us to be longsuffering, too.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:

against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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For this reason we also... do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him,

being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all

patience and longsuffering with joy...Colossians 1:9-11 (NKJV)

Longsuffering and Joy Work TogetherIn this verse, we can see that longsuffering works together with joy. When we have a heart that is long-suffering and patient, we will have joy. When troubles and problems come, we will still be patient and joyful in the midst of them all, because we will know that God has the situation in His hands.

If you find the word longsuffering difficult or hard to remember, just remember the word patience.

• What are different ways in which we can be patient or impatient? Write five examples on the lines below.

• Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in past tense. You can choose from the verbs we just reviewed.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2






Irregular Past Tense VerbsLet’s review some more irregular past tense verbs.

know – knew leave – left lose – lost ring – rang run – ran say – said

see – saw sing – sang sit – sat stand – stood sweep – swept swim – swam

take – took teach – taughtthink – thought throw – threw wear – wore win – won write – wrote

1. The phone _______________ at 11:00 p.m. last night!

2. The clerk _______________ that we didn’t have to pay.

3. We _______________ in the lake all afternoon.

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4. Shelley _______________ the right answer on the empty sheet.

5. The dog _______________ in the rain for an hour.

6. We _______________ many different hymns in church.

7. Debbie _______________ the floor clean.

8. James _______________ the ball and _______________ the game.

9. Grandmother _______________ me how to make bread.

10. Philip _______________ on the tall stool.

Different Kinds of Nouns - Compound Nouns

A compound noun has two or more words that work together as one.

There are compound nouns that are spelled separately. These are mainly names of people, places, or things.

John Paton Mexico City The Pilgrim’s Progress M.S. Henry Dunant

Some compound nouns use hyphens.

great-uncle mother-in-law master-at-arms dry-erase board

Most compound nouns, however, are made into one single word.

lighthouse teapot playground sunshine

tablespoon driveway bookshelf tablecloth

If you are not sure whether a compound noun should be written as one word, use your dictionary to check.

• Write the words that are described in each definition. Exercise 3

1. _________________________ the nail of your finger

2. _________________________ the brush you use to clean your teeth

3. _________________________ the multi-colored bow you see in the sky after it has rained

4. _________________________ the time of day between midday and evening

5. _________________________ the shelf you put books on

6. _________________________ the person who invented the lightbulb

7. _________________________ the first part of the Bible that is called old

8. _________________________ the southern part of the American continent

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9. _________________________ the father of your mother

10. _________________________ a board you write on with chalk

11. _________________________ the style of someone’s hair

Concrete and Abstract NounsA concrete noun is something that you can see with your eyes, hear with your ears, touch with your hands, smell with your nose, or taste with your mouth. It can be recognized by at least one of the five senses.

cloud melody bread

An abstract noun names a character trait, idea, state, or activity. It cannot be recognized by any of the five senses.

faithfulness childhood energy

• Write C if the noun is concrete or A if the noun is abstract.Exercise 4

1. _____ idea

2. _____ water

3. _____ ball

4. _____ joy

5. _____ meekness

6. _____ cake

7. _____ fruit

8. _____ anger

9. _____ peace

10. _____ flu

Spelling Review

appreciate complete damagedetailfunction

groanimpose marinateprocesstreat

• Use your own words to explain the following spelling words. Exercise 5

1. complete __________________________________________________________________________

2. marinate __________________________________________________________________________

3. impose __________________________________________________________________________

4. detail __________________________________________________________________________

5. function __________________________________________________________________________

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Lesson 5The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness and Goodness

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the

household of faith.Galatians 6:10 (NKJV)

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV)

Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those

who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!Psalm 31:19 (NKJV)

GentlenessGentleness means to be useful, to do good things, and to be kind. It has to do with what a person does.

We are called to do good and be kind to all people, but especially to those who also love God. Doing good has to do with thinking about what is best for other people and doing that. It’s putting other peo-ple before yourself. Doing good also has to do with returning good for evil. When someone doesn’t treat you well, you still need to respond in a way that is good and kind. On the other hand we cannot let human compassion overcome God’s commandments for our lives. We can only do good things to others if those good things are done according to God’s law.

Why should we return good for evil? Why can’t we respond to other people with anger or impatience? God calls us to do good, because God forgave our sins.

GoodnessGoodness is to be good, virtuous, and generous. It has to do with the heart.

God says that He is the only One who is good. How can we be good, then? God has a special promise in His word. If we fear and trust in Him, He will give us His goodness!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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Goodness and Love Work TogetherHow do we fear God? We fear God by keeping His commandments. We learned that when we love God, we also keep His commandments. This is how love and goodness work together. Do you notice that all the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit work together?

Goodness and gentleness aren’t attitudes that we have because we just want to be nice or do something nice for someone else. When we really have goodness and gentleness in our hearts, we are good. We need to pray for God to truly make us good.

Exercise 1

• Answer the questions.

1. Who should we be good and kind to?


2. How should we treat those who don’t treat us well?


3. What is the difference between goodness and gentleness?


4. How do love and goodness work together?


5. Is it pleasing to God if we do something good for someone else but with the wrong motive?


A preposition is a word that shows how a noun or a pronoun is related to some other word in the sentence.

Some of the most common prepositions are:

above – The clock hangs above the doorway.

across – I walked across the street.

against – The boys were leaning against the wall.

along – Mr. Thomason walks along the beach every morning.

among – There was one little boy among all the girls.

around – The boys walked around the lake.

at – My friend is at church.

behind – My sister is behind me.

below – Put the book below the painting.

between – I sat between him and John.

down – I looked down the road.

for – Mother has been cleaning for a long time.

from – This gift is from Stacey.

in – There is juice in the cup.

in front of – Tom stood in front of the toy shop.

into – We drove into the tunnel.



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Exercise 2

• Write a sentence for each of the following prepositions.

1. near ___________________________________________________________________________

2. next to / beside _________________________________________________________________

3. of _____________________________________________________________________________

4. off _____________________________________________________________________________

5. on _____________________________________________________________________________

6. onto ___________________________________________________________________________

7. out of __________________________________________________________________________

8. over ___________________________________________________________________________

9. past ___________________________________________________________________________

10. through ________________________________________________________________________

11. to _____________________________________________________________________________

12. toward _________________________________________________________________________

13. under __________________________________________________________________________

14. until ___________________________________________________________________________

15. up ____________________________________________________________________________

16. with ___________________________________________________________________________

17. without _________________________________________________________________________

Nouns Review We have learned about five types of nouns:

- common nouns - proper nouns- abstract nouns - concrete nouns- compound nouns

Many nouns are both a common noun and a concrete noun. bread baker bakery pastry cream

Most proper nouns are also concrete and compound nouns. Mr. Roberts President Jones Henley Lake

Most abstract nouns are common nouns. freedom courage depression bravery

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Exercise 3

• Next to each noun, write what type of noun it is. You can choose from common noun (CN), proper noun (PN), abstract noun (AN), concrete noun (CCN), and compound noun (CPN). The nouns that belong to more than one type at the same time, like we just saw, will have more than one label.

1. _____________ Upper Crust Bakery

2. _____________ Yale University

3. _____________ flower shop

4. _____________ sunlight

5. _____________ sadness

6. _____________ Joy Jones

7. _____________ curtain rod

8. _____________ bookshop

9. _____________ Wilson Memory Park

10. _____________ Southern Veterans’ Association


Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Adverbs answer the questions:- How? - How often? - To what extent? - When? - Where?

Adverb phrases have the same purpose as adverbs, but they just use more words to answer one of the above questions.

He drove slowly. This adverb describes a verb (drove).

He drove a very fast car. This adverb describes an adjective (fast).

I need to do this really quickly. Really is an adverb that describes another adverb (quickly). Quickly describes a verb (do).

John carefully held the baby. This adverb answers the question, “How?”

He often holds her. This adverb answers the question, “How often?”

He is always very careful. This adverb answers the question, “To what extent?”

The baby wakes him up early. This adverb answers the question, “When?”

She always sleeps there. This adverb answers the question, “Where?”

Oxford University Press Bookshop

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Exercise 4• In every sentence, underline the adverb. On the line, write which word it describes. Follow the example.

She often goes by herself. goes

1. She finished her tea early. ____________________

2. Grandmother softly spoke to me. ____________________

3. You should try to get back before dark. ____________________

4. John takes the boat to the mainland daily. ________________________

5. Come here now. ____________________

6. He arrived late. ____________________

7. This is a very slow bus. ____________________

8. I am very impatient to get off. ____________________

Spelling Review - Adjectives

broad confidentimportant memorableobedient

obvioussmoothsplendidsupernatural useful

• Find the spelling words in the word search. Exercise 5

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Lesson 6The Fruit of the Spirit: Faith

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a

rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James 2:17 (NKJV)

Faith is something we could never get on our own. We can only receive faith when we hear a word from God. God can speak to us in different ways. God can speak a word to us when we have our time of devotions to Him, when we read the Bible, when we pray, and through our parents, teachers, and pastors. We should always be attentive when we are seeking the Lord or when we are in church. God can speak to us at any time.

When we have faith, we believe that God is Lord and that He has forgiven our sins. That is a very pre-cious aspect of the fruit of the Spirit. Through faith, we will believe that what God says is true.

This is a precious verse, because it says that if we have faith after God has spoken to us, we can please Him. He rewards those who seek Him. Would you like to seek God and be rewarded by Him? If you are not already seeking Him or if you do not yet have faith, you can seek Him today!

Love and Faith Work Together A person with faith shows this by obeying God.

We learned that love shows itself by obeying God’s commandments. In this way, both love and faith work together and do the same thing: obey God’s commandments. We can show that our faith is alive when we obey God’s word and do the works that He tells us to do.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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Faith also has to do with being faithful. This means that we are loyal and true to God and to those around us. It means that we keep our promises and that others can trust us. God is faithful; we can trust Him always, and He wants to make us like Him.

• Read the following references and see what the Bible says about these people’s faith. Write down who each reference speaks about and what the Bible says about them.

Exercise 1

Numbers 12:7 ______________________________________________________________


1 Samuel 22:14 ______________________________________________________________


2 Chronicles 34:11, 12 ______________________________________________________________


Nehemiah 7:2 ______________________________________________________________


Daniel 6:4 ______________________________________________________________


1 Corinthians 4:17 ______________________________________________________________


Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives

This, that, these, and those are called demonstrative pronouns. They demonstrate or show what thing(s) you are talking about.

When any of these pronouns are followed by a noun, they are called demonstrative adjectives.

This is beautiful! This painting is beautiful!

demonstrative pronoun demonstrative adjective

This refers to one thing that is near to you.

This could also be at a time that is not too far from now.

These refers to two or more things that are near to you.

That refers to one thing that is far from you.

Those refer to two or more things that are far from you.


The painting is beautiful!

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• Write four sentences with a demonstrative pronoun or adjective, and make a drawing to show what you are talking about.

• On the lines, write if the underlined word in each sentence is a possessive pronoun (PP) or a possessive adjective (PA).

Exercise 2

Exercise 3









Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives Last month, we already reviewed the possessive pronouns.

The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs. The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.

Note: Possessive adjectives are always followed by a noun, but possessive pronouns aren’t.

1. _____ That is my cup of tea.

2. _____ Where is yours?

3. _____ I don’t know; I think my sister took mine.

4. _____ Was it in your favorite cup?

5. _____ Yes it was, but I can use yours, can’t I?

6. _____ Their dog is brown and fluffy.

7. _____ He is very different from ours.

8. _____ The tide is at its highest point right now.

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• On each line, write the possessive pronoun that matches the words in the parentheses.

• Complete the sentences by writing the past progressive verbs on the lines.

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

1. This is _______ (John’s and my) truck.

2. Philip, is that _______ (Philip’s) toy car?

3. Those are _______ (Samantha and Michelle’s) favorite books.

4. Is this _______ (Grandpa’s) lawnmower?

5. These are _______ (Mom’s) things.

6. That is _______ (the cat’s) cage.

7. Michael and Joe, bring _______ (Michael and Joe’s) books here to me.

Verb Tenses

The Past Progressive Tense

Let’s review some more verb tenses we have learned about. So far, we have reviewed the simple present tense, the simple past tense, and the present progressive tense.

The past progressive tense indicates what was happening at some point in the past.

Often, the past progressive tense is used in a sentence to tell what was happening when something else happened.

I was watering the lawn when I saw the bird.

You were playing the piano when Dad came home.

The past progressive tense can also be used to explain why something else happened.

I was washing the dishes, because my mother asked me to.

You did not understand, because you were not paying attention.

The past progressive tense is made up of a past tense helping verb and the main verb ending in -ing.

1. I ______________________ (try) my best, but I didn’t make it.

2. Uncle Mark ______________________ (become) a soldier when I was young.

3. You ______________________ (be) very obedient last night.

4. During the war, many people ______________________ (look) after each other.

Those are Mom’s sewing things.

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5. My dad ______________________ (work) in the garden all morning.

6. Melinda ______________________ (study) when I called.

7. She ______________________ (plan) to write an essay about politics.

8. Yesterday at this time, they ______________________ (eat) dinner.

9. ___________ Ivan _________________ (listen) when you ______________________ (talk)?

10. They ______________________ (relax) while the dog ______________________ (take) a nap.

Exercise 6

The Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is used to express something that will happen at a later time.

To form the future tense, add will, shall, or going to to the main verb.

You will help him later. I am going to help you later.

He shall help you later.

Note! When you form the simple future tense with going to, you need to precede it with the conjugated form of the verb to be that matches the subject.

I am going to sleep now. He is going to have a cup of coffee.

They are going to try your idea.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

Spelling Review - Nouns

appliancebattery climbelectricity hive

inventionoxygenparachuterainforest refrigerator

• Write five sentences using simple future tense. She is going to have a cup of coffee.

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Lesson 7The Fruit of the Spirit: Meekness

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29 (KJV)

Meekness is an attitude that considers others better than oneself. Meek people don’t boast about themselves or what they have. They are humble and know how to think of themselves. Meek people aren’t pessimistic or constantly sad, but they simply have a quiet and gentle heart. They don’t seek to argue with others. Meekness is having lowliness of mind. It is shown by joyfully choosing to give up your rights and putting others first even when you could go first.

Meekness works together with all other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit. It goes hand-in-hand with long-suffering, because it is through willingly and patiently accepting trials and hard times that meekness is produced in our lives. If we don’t have joy and peace in the midst of our suffering, and if we don’t love God and keep His commandments, the suffering will only cause us to become hardened and bitter.

Instead of being bitter and complaining during hard times, a meek person will be thankful that God is being faithful to work in his heart. Meekness also goes hand in hand with gentleness and goodness. Goodness has to do with having a good heart, and gentleness has to do with doing good things to others. Meekness must be an attitude of heart that genuinely considers others first. One’s actions and attitudes toward others will prove if they have a meek heart or not. A meek person will always want to obey God and do what is best for others.

We become meek by taking up God’s yoke:

This means that we do what God would do and that we do what He asks us to do. In this way, God can change our heart to become meek.

• Answer the questions about meekness. Exercise 1

1. What does Matthew 5:5 say about the meek?


2. What do meek people do, according to Zephaniah 3:12?


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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3. What other aspects of the fruit of the Spirit does Colossians 3:12 speak about, apart from meekness?


4. Who was the meekest man on Earth, according to Numbers 12:3?



A contraction is two words combined into one and made shorter. An apostrophe is placed where letters have been left out.

Some of the contractions we learned are:

are not – aren’tcannot – can’the is – he’sI am – I’mis not – isn’tit is – it’s

let us – let’sshe is – she’sthat is – that’sthere is – there’sthey are – they’rewe are – we’re

what is – what’swhere is – where’swill not – won’t who is – who’syou are – you’re

• Write the contractions for the following word combinations.

• Look up the Bible verses in the New King James Version and write down which words in each verse can be contracted. Then, write the contracted form of the words.

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

1. will not __________________

2. who is __________________

3. they are __________________

4. I will __________________

5. cannot __________________

6. let us __________________

1. Genesis 3:4 _______________________________________________

2. 1 Kings 1:5 _______________________________________________

3. Nehemiah 4:10 _______________________________________________

4. Job 6:24 _______________________________________________

5. Daniel 6:8 _______________________________________________

6. Genesis 20:2 _______________________________________________

7. Psalm 61:2 _______________________________________________

8. Ecclesiastes 1:15 _______________________________________________

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Possessive Nouns Last month, we started reviewing the spelling of possessive nouns. Let’s look at some more rules.

Rule 4

Rule 5

Rule 6

Rule 7

Rule 8

To write the possessive form of compound nouns, only add an apostrophe and an -s to the last word.

Washington State’s capital New York’s taxis monarch butterfly’s diet

To write the possessive form of nouns that share their possession, only add an apostrophe and an -s to the last word.

Notice! If the nouns do not share the possession, use an apostrophe and an -s for each one.

James and John’s sister The cats and dogs’ owner boys’ and girls’ departments

If a noun is used with a possessive pronoun, and the noun comes first, even if possession is shared, use an apostrophe and an -s after the noun.

Karen’s and my classroom Thomas’s and their baseball team

To write the possessive form of most plural nouns, sim-ply add an apostrophe.

cats’ leashes trees’ trunks windows’ glass

To write the possessive form of plural nouns that do not end in s, add an apostrophe and an -s.

children’s books women’s shoes geese’s nests

• Write the possessive form of each noun on the lines. Exercise 4

1. books __________________________

2. child __________________________

3. George __________________________

4. box __________________________

5. Lily __________________________

6. parents __________________________They are Lily’s parents.

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• Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the nouns in the parentheses. Exercise 5

1. Those are _______________________ (John and Mary) parents.

2. Have you ever seen _______________________ (San Francisco) Golden Gate Bridge?

3. The _______________________ (sheep) bleats can be heard from here.

4. This was _______________________ (Felicia and my) room.

5. The _______________________ (dogs) master has a big doghouse in his backyard.

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 3

Periods and Capitalization It is important to use periods and commas correctly to make sure that what you write makes sense and comes across in the way you meant it to.

Let’s look at the basic rules for using periods.

Use periods at the end of declarative and imperative sentences.

Use periods after initials of names and abbreviated titles of respect.

This rule for periods has to do with Rules 10 and 11 for capitalization. You must capitalize initials and titles of respect. An initial is the first letter of a name.

Use periods after abbreviations of days of the week and months of the year.

Note: When the days of the week or the months of the year appear in a sentence, the whole name is written out.

• Cross out the words or letters that should be capitalized, write them correctly above each error, and add periods where necessary. Go back to lesson 1 to review the capitalization rules.

Exercise 6

1. president d sheriff is coming for a visit on tuesday

2. when will dwight l moody’s book god’s secret be published?

3. someone left mr kennedy’s front door open and his german shepherd escaped

4. the c r miller memorial hall will be inaugurated in february

5. president george washington was america’s first president

6. come here now, please

7. june is my favorite month, but my sister jill prefers october

8. mr d jones will be dismissed from hopeville hospital on sunday

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An interjection is a word or phrase that shows sudden or strong feeling.

Most often, the sentence would still be complete without it.

There are mild interjections and strong interjections. Mild interjections are followed or preceded by a comma, and strong interjections are followed by an exclamation point.

Oh, dear! I lost my keys! strong interjection Oh, I didn’t know about that. mild interjection

• Underline the interjections in the following sentences.

• Write 8 sentences that have an interjection. In each sentence, underline the interjection. Use a different interjection in each sentence.

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

1. No, you shouldn’t have done that.

2. Ouch! I stepped on a thorn!

3. We were, uh, going to call you.

4. That’s not a very good idea, huh?

5. Well, that’s the best I could do.

6. Wow! That’s a fast rollercoaster!

7. Oh, no! All the ice cream is melted!

8. That is a great idea, indeed.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________________

Oh, no! All the ice cream is melted!

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Lesson 8The Fruit of the Spirit: Temperance

...They are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their

shame—who set their mind on earthly things. Philippians 3:18, 19 (NKJV)

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who

competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others,

I myself should become disqualified.1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NKJV)

Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.

Proverbs 25:28 (NKJV)

We have come to the last point in our study of the fruit of the Spirit. Hopefully, you have been learning things that you want to practice in your own life. If you have a desire to show the fruit of the Spirit to others, ask God to live His life through you. He hears the prayers of His children!

What is temperance?Temperance is self-control and abstinence from doing things that displease God.

Why should I exercise temperance?First of all, if I do not exercise temperance, and I only have my mind set on earthly things, I become an enemy of the cross of Christ. If such is the case, my end will be destruction.

Secondly, if I do not exercise temperance, the Bible compares me to a broken down city without walls. That means I am vulnerable to any attack from any enemy. I will be destroyed.

Lastly, each time I do exercise temperance (when I am temperate), it kills the desire I have to disobey God. This desire is naturally found in every human heart. If I choose to discipline my body in the areas that God tells me to, God will protect me from my enemies and help me to finish the race of life.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against

such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (KJV)

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In what areas should I show temperance?

• In the food that I eat. Feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God. Proverbs 30:8, 9

• In the words that I say and the words that I listen to. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:16 Do all things without complaining and arguing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God… Philippians 2:14, 15

• In my interaction with those of the opposite gender. I should not be alone with someone of the opposite gender. By exercising temperance in this area, I build walls around me that will keep me from being attacked by the enemy and displeasing the Lord.

Does God just want me to never be happy in life? No, to the contrary! God wants to bless our life here on this Earth and in Heaven as well. Due to man’s fallen nature, we must go through a process to have His best for us.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the

glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

Having the fruit of the Spirit is not a sad thing, if you love God. Someone who loves God listens to Him and obeys Him. This person will have faith. Someone who exercises true temperance does not go around with his head hanging down. He has joy and peace in his heart, because he knows that God has chosen something even better for His people. God is not limited to man’s simple mind. He always chooses what is best for us in light of eternity.

In light of this understanding, someone who exercises temperance is willing to patiently go through the difficulties of denying his own desires. He demonstrates longsuffering. One who has temperance also seeks what is best for others – gentleness and goodness. Someone who does not have tem-perance does not care if what he wants hurts other people. He doesn’t care if he leaves others with nothing, as long as he can have everything he desires. He is not meek.

May God give us eyes to see by His Spirit and a heart that longs to show forth His life!

Exercise 1

1. What is temperance?


2. List the three reasons why we should exercise temperance.




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3. List the three areas in which we should exercise temperance.




4. Why do we have to go through a process to have God’s best?


5. Write out Romans 8:18.



May this song be the prayer of our hearts.

Songs and Hymns:

Lord Give Me the Strength

Lord, give the strength To carry my cross For you have chosen what’s best for meLet my heart be broken again, That Your life might be birthed in me.

Men and Women of God: Joseph

Joseph was the firstborn son of Rachel, Jacob’s most beloved wife. His father greatly loved him and made him a coat of many colors. Joseph loved his father too; he obeyed him and was loyal to him. After he would go out to tend the sheep with his brothers, he would tell his dad if any of them had misbehaved.

His brothers, on the other hand, hated him. They hated the fact that their father loved Joseph the most. They hated that they had a tattle-tale for a brother, and they decided that they were going to do something about it. One day, Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers who were taking care of the sheep in another place. When Joseph arrived to where his brothers were, they took him, threw him into a pit, and ended up selling him to some merchants as a slave. What a horrible thing, to be sold into slavery by your own brothers!

It is incredible to think that even though Joseph no longer had his father telling him what to do, he still wanted to please the Lord in everything. He worked hard for his master Potiphar. His master real-ized that the Lord blessed the work of his hands, so after some time, he made Joseph the overseer of all his possessions. Potiphar didn’t even pay attention to what he had anymore. He completely trusted Joseph to take care of his belongings.

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Under these circumstances, Joseph easily could have stolen food, garments, silver, gold, jewels, or anything else that he would have wanted. However, he did not, because he had the fear of God in his heart. He trusted that God was in control of his life, even in the midst of this unfair situ-ation.

Even when Potiphar’s wife wanted Joseph to do something that would have been displeasing to Potiphar and the Lord, Joseph did not listen. He ran away from Potiphar’s wife. Imagine! It would have been easy for Joseph just to give in and do whatever Potiphar’s wife asked of him. After all, she was also somewhat of an authority for Joseph, because she was the wife of his master. How-ever, Joseph decided to please God instead of pleasing man.

Potiphar’s wife was upset with Joseph and accused him of doing something that he did not do. Because of that, Joseph ended up in prison. What a bad story, right? A boy is hated by his broth-ers and sold into slavery far from his parents, and later he worked in Potiphar’s house, until he was falsely accused and thrown into prison! But the story didn’t end there. God had seen Joseph’s heart and He was going to bless Joseph in His perfect timing. Joseph did not become bitter in prison, but rather continued to serve the Lord.

After years, he was taken out of prison and was made the second-in-command in all of Egypt. He was used by God to save Egypt and even his family when a time of famine came. Joseph was a man who had temperance. He loved God, had joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, and meekness. We know this because of what Joseph told his brothers when they were finally reunited.

And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great

deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God.

Genesis 45:7, 8 (NKJV)

Only a heart that completely loves God and trusts in Him could say that. May God give us grace to trust in Him, despite whatever circumstances we may find ourselves in.

Comprehension Check

1. Who were Joseph’s parents? _________________________________________________________

2. How can you tell that Joseph was a good boy? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. What did Joseph’s brothers do to him? ________________________________________________


4. When Joseph was away from his father, what did he want to do?


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5. Who was it in Potiphar’s house that wanted Joseph to disobey God? _____________________

6. What happened after Joseph ran away? _____________________________________________

7. What happened after Joseph had been in prison for years? ____________________________


8. Who did Joseph say sent him to Egypt and why?



Spelling Review - Nouns

benefit bloodcoincidence dirt earth

energyground nutrient responsibilityweed

• Write one sentence with each spelling word. Exercise 2

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________________

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 (NKJV)

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Lesson 9The Fruit of the Spirit

• Match each aspect of the fruit of the Spirit with the correct description.

• Find each aspect of the fruit of the Spirit.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

1. love

2. joy

3. peace

4. longsuffering

5. gentleness

6. goodness

7. faith

8. meekness

9. temperance

( ) This aspect of the fruit of the Spirit comes as we hear a word from God. It causes us to believe that what God says is true.

( ) This attitude gives us rest in our heart, because we know that God is in control of all things.

( ) This attitude has to do with patience. It is the willingness to bear inju- ries patiently and being slow to become angry.

( ) This attitude is humble and considers others better than oneself.

( ) This attitude means to be good, virtuous, and generous. It has to do with the heart.

( ) This attitude means to be useful, to do good things, and to be kind. It has to do with what a person does.

( ) This attitude shows happiness and contentment in spite of our circumstances. It depends on Jesus, and not on the situation we are in.

( ) This attitude shows self-control and abstains from doing things that displease God.

( ) We show that we have this attitude by obeying God and keeping His commandments.

joy longsuffering

faith love



goodness peace











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Verb Tenses - the Emphatic Tense The last verb tense we’ll review is the emphatic tense.

The emphatic tense is used to add emphasis to what we are saying.

To form the emphatic tense, use the helping verb do and the main form of the verb. You can use it in present and in past tense. You just need to match the verb with the correct tense and the pronoun that goes with it.

There are three forms of the emphatic tense: affirmative, negative, and interrogative.


Yes, I did like basketball. affirmative past emphatic tense

He does speak Spanish. affirmative present emphatic tense

They do not own a house here. negative present emphatic tense

Someone did not close the door. negative past emphatic tense

Does she know how to ski? interrogative present emphatic tense

Did they manage to get there? interrogative past emphatic tense

Exercise 3

• Write two affirmative sentences in the past emphatic tense.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

• Write two affirmative sentences in the present emphatic tense.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

• Write two negative sentences in the past emphatic tense.

5. __________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________

• Write two negative sentences in the present emphatic tense.

7. __________________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________________

• Write two interrogative sentences in the past emphatic tense.

9. __________________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________________

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• Write two interrogative sentences in the present emphatic tense.

11. __________________________________________________________________________

12. __________________________________________________________________________

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 5

Rule 3

Rule 4

Comma RulesLet’s review the rules for using commas.

Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series.

Use a comma before and/or after the name of a person directly addressed.

Use a comma between two adjectives that describe the same noun, if the word “and” could be put between them without chang-ing the meaning.

Use a comma after words like oh, well, yes, and no, at the begin-ning of a sentence. These are mild interjections. Remember, mild interjections use commas, and strong interjections use exclamation points.

Use a comma before conjunctions. They are words that join sen-tences, like and, or, so, and yet.

Exercise 4• Add commas to the following sentences.

1. Jane please come here.

2. There are apples oranges bananas and peaches in the fruit bowl.

3. We came early so we started setting up.

4. The hot crunchy buns were taken from the oven.

5. Cheese yogurt and milk are all dairy products.

6. Happy birthday Sam.

7. No I don’t think you should do that.

8. It was raining but we decided to keep playing outside.

9. Well I’m not too sure about that Lillian.

10. Mr. Jones you may come in now. Happy birthday, Susie!

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Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive verbs must have a receiver of the action in order for the sentence to make sense.

Intransitive verbs do not need a receiver of the action in order for the sentence to make sense.

Action verbs can be either transitive or intransitive.

An easy way to remember what a transitive verb is:

TRANSitive verbs TRANSfer their actions.They always need a receiver for the action.

Jane filled the cup.

Filled is a transitive verb, because without the cup, filled would not make any sense. Jane filled what? She filled the cup.

Remember, without the object, none of the transitive verbs would make sense. If the verb makes sense without the object, it is an intransitive verb. Some verbs can be transitive or intransitive.

The clock struck one. He carried the bag. I need water. Joseph thanked Wayne.

Exercise 5• On the lines, write if the underlined verb is transitive or intransitive.

1. __________________ The dog barked.

2. __________________ He ran home.

3. __________________ I like my cats.

4. __________________ The batter hit the ball.

5. __________________ The bird sang a song.

6. __________________ They laughed about the joke.

7. __________________ I walked to the park today.

8. __________________ Someone gave them a gift. I like my cat.

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Linking Verbs

A linking verb connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjectivein the predicate that describes or further explains the subject.




I became. This sentence doesn’t make sense without the predicate. I became tired of waiting. Now the sentence makes sense.

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

• Choose six linking verbs and write a sentence with each one.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________

Spelling Review - Nouns

batchcannongarage ingredientodor

submarinevinaigrette vitamin worlddestination

• Write a small story using as many of the spelling words as you can.






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Lesson 10Grammar Review

The Future Progressive Tense

The future progressive tense is used to express what will be happening over a period of time in the future.

You have reviewed the present and past progressive tenses, and now that you have reviewed the future tense, you are also ready to review the future progressive tense.

It uses shall be or will be (future forms of the verb to be) and the present participle of the main verb.

For example: By this time tomorrow, I will be swimming. When his mom starts to make dinner, Jared will be finishing up his homework.

Exercise 1• Complete the sentences with the correct form of the future progressive tense.

1. Tomorrow, we ____________________ (go) to the park.

2. They ____________________ (walk) three miles soon.

3. I ____________________ (plan) a hike tomorrow.

4. My dog ____________________ (sleep) when you come home.

5. She hopes that her cousins ____________________ (come) for a visit.

6. Next fall, we ____________________ (enjoy) the fruits of our vegetable patch.

7. He ____________________ (spend) too much money on that gadget.

8. Someone ____________________ (wait) for you when your plane arrives.

9. Mr. Hubert ____________________ (stay) at Homey Hotel next week.

10. Sam ____________________ (study) in the library tonight.

Verb TensesYou have learned and reviewed six verb tenses:

1. simple present tense (SPR)

2. simple past tense (SPA)

3. simple future tense (SFU)

4. present progressive tense (PPR)

5. past progressive tense (PAP)

6. future progressive tense (FPR) My baby will be sleeping when you come.

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Exercise 2• On each line, write in which tense the sentence is written.

1. _____ I am going to eat dinner soon.

2. _____ He washes his face twice a day.

3. _____ Belinda got a new jump rope from her parents.

4. _____ They are playing basketball.

5. _____ The sun was shining on our heads all afternoon.

6. _____ They will be discussing their plans tonight.

7. _____ Someone in this room is wearing nice perfume.

8. _____ Mr. Taylor went to Jamestown yesterday.

9. _____ My siblings will be helping me with my homework tomorrow.

10. _____ They always support me when I need them.

11. _____ Mother is kneading the bread.

12. _____ Someone was knocking on my bedroom door when I was asleep.

13. _____ I dreamed about something funny.

14. _____ This is the end of the story.

Simple and Complete Subjects and Predicates In the following sentences, underline the simple subject and place parentheses around the complete subject.

1. The dog who lives down my street likes milk. 2. The carpenter with the heavy toolbox built my bookshelf. 3. My friends from Spain are coming for a visit. 4. The boy with the broken leg looks happy.

Now, underline the simple predicate and place parentheses around the complete predicate.

5. Mother helped me with my homework. 6. My notebook has twenty pages. 7. The pastor of that church preaches every Sunday. 8. Mrs. Johnson jogs everyday.

NounsWe have learned about five types of nouns: - common nouns - proper nouns - abstract nouns - concrete nouns - compound nouns

Belinda got a new jump rope.

Mr. Smith jogs everyday.

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Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

• Write three examples for each type of noun.

• Read the sentences and rewrite them correctly on the lines. Pay attention to capital letters, commas, periods, and end-of-sentence punctuation.

Example: i like to go and run around happy vale lake with mrs johnson I like to go and run around Happy Vale Lake with Mrs. Johnson.

• Complete the past tense sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

Common Nouns Proper Nouns Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns Compound Nouns

1. james john and jenna are siblings

2. my cousin brenda went to washington state university

3. robert m mccheyne wrote comfort in sorrow

4. you and i make a great pair; don’t you think

5. mr jones will be flying with west wings airlines

6. president holloway will be visiting alaska next march

7. john paton was a brave missionary who went to the new hebrides islands

8. well i’m sure you philip and wendy can think of an answer

1. Yesterday, I ____________________ (go) to the flower shop with my sister.

2. We ____________________ (have) an idea and ____________________ (want) to choose a gift for our neighbor, Mrs. Wilson.

3. She ____________________ (be) recently operated and ____________________ (need) some encouragement.

4. My sister ____________________ (decide) to use some of her savings to do something nice for Mrs. Wilson.

5. We ____________________ (buy) some flowers and ____________________ (head) to Mrs. Wilson’s house.

The Simple Past Tense

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6. On the way, we ____________________ (see) a good friend of ours.

7. She ____________________ (tell) us that something sad had happened to her.

8. My sister ____________________ (give) her the flowers that ____________________ (be) intended for Mrs. Wilson.

9. Then, we ____________________ (return) to the shop to buy another bunch of flowers for Mrs. Wilson.

10. She happily ____________________ (receive) the gift and ____________________ (tell) us many

times how thankful she ____________________ (be) for our friendship.

Spelling Review

adventurous creekdesertEuropean famous

foolishlanguage operationpuzzlevariety

Exercise 6• Complete the sentences using the spelling words.

Dear student, I hope you have enjoyed studying English this year. It has been my pleasure to teach you. I hope that you have grown in your understanding of the English language, but even more than that, I hope you have grown in your desire to know the Lord and serve Him. May God draw you closer to Him each day. Now may the God of hope f il l you with al l joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13 (NKJV)

1. Who is the _________________ author who wrote this book?

2. I like to eat a ________________ of things; I don’t enjoy always having the same meal.

3. How many ______________s do you speak?

4. We are very grateful the _______________ went well and that you’re recovering now.

5. My family has a _________________ heritage.

6. Uncle Sam likes to go on _______________ trips all around the world.

7. The little leaf slowly floated down the ______________.

8. I think this _____________ is too hard to solve.

9. Those boys almost got hurt when they tried out their _____________ experiment.

10. The nomads traveled across the ________________.

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