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"The ashram is a loving and caring place

to grow spiritually. In the outer world,

people will disturb, obstruct and stop

us from being our natural blissful state

by bringing in their intellect and limited

perceptions. In the ashram, people en-

courage us in reaching out to the great

truths." ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

4CONTENTSVolume 1, Issue 6, October, 2012

Who is Nithyananda ? ... 6

My Dear Ones ... 7

Life Strategy: Arise & Awake to Life’s Purpose! ... 8-11

Vedic Renaissance : Healing Through Mantras ...12,13

Siddha & Ayurveda: Haritaki, the Wonder Fruit ...14,15

Samyama: Sheetoshna Sukha Dukha Samyama. Beyond Pain &

Pleasures! ... 16,17

Bliss Bites: Merry Berry Smoothie ... 18,19

Be Unclutched: Nine Levels of Unclutching ... 20, 21

Vedic Renaissance: Navarathri, Nine Days of Celebration ... 22,23

Main Story: Identity is Confused Reality! ... 24-28

Beyond Mind: Awareness on Third Eye to be Non Judgmental ... 30,31

Yoga & Kriya: Sleep Like a Baby! Kriya for Insomnia ... 32,33

Kailash: Kailash, the Darshan of Lifetimes ! ... 34, 35

Esoteric Realms: Explore your Past! ... 36-38

Creative Juices: My Life ... 40

In the Life Of: Begging to Drop Identity ... 42-44

Abhyasah (Practice): Crossword & Gentle Kicks ..45

5 Nithyananda Times

October 2012, Volume 1, Issue 6

Owned by:

EN Galleria Private Limited

Published By:

Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam


Off Mysore Road


Bangalore - 562 109

(Phone: 97422 03311, +91 80 28022100)


Valli Ramanathan


[email protected]

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The meditation techniques included in this magazine are

to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an

ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in

consultation with your personal physician to determine

your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are

not intended to be a substitute for medical attention,

examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these

techniques without prior participation in the meditation

programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an

ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely

at their own risk; neither the author nor NM shall be

responsible for the consequences of their actions.

©2012 Dhyanapeeta Charitable Trust

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted

by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written

permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of

the information in this book for yourself, the author and the

publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in

the science of enlightenment. Nithyananda is revered as

a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide.

He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on youtube.

com with more than14 million views, and the author of

more than 300 books published in 27 global languages.

Nithyananda was recently named among the world's

top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012

by renowned esoteric magazine 'Mind Body Spirit' from


A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight

into everything from management to meditation, from

relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality,

Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom,

meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner

transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer

and a siddha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working

actively with scientists and researchers worldwide

to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East,

including levitation, teleportation and manifestation


When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends

the traditional seat of deeksha daana (initiation) every

morning and starts his discourse (satsang), thousands of

people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way

video conferencing, while thousands view it live on

Nithyananda TV.

Who is Nithyananda ?


My Dear Ones,

The ability to renounce the identities constantly is thriving. Person who thrives with the

ability to renounce identity is Jeevan Mukta. The being who is capable of thriving continuously by

renouncing the old identities is living enlightenment. Do not wait for the wounds in you to be healed

by others. Do not wait for wounds in others to be healed in course of time. Do not wait for others

to heal the pain you are carrying inside you. Do not wait for the other’s pain to heal in the course of

time. Instead, you be proactive in healing the wounds and pains in others, you be proactive in healing

the wounds and pains inside you by dropping it.

Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa NithyanandaSpiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

8life strategy

Swami Vivekananda’s words “Arise, Awake!” still thunder and inspire millions of people around the

world. These two words carry a call for the whole humanity

to realize and wake up to their potential. This is not just a

teaching from a renowned world teacher but a clarion call

for future of humanity. Too many youngsters today face

the confusion of trying to find what they really want to

do in their life. Technology has brought the whole world

together but also, it has brought exposure to too many

options and distractions so that one loses their true calling,

their uniqueness, their individual self. A child is naturally

drawn to what he or she really feels authentic and joy,

creativity and spontaneity effortlessly shine through. So

how is it that they lose this natural capacity? How is it

that the youngsters are so connected with the information

about the world out there but so disconnected from their

own wisdom?

Knowing one’s life purpose is about discovering

one’s innate wisdom. This cannot be achieved through

thinking, rationalizing or analyzing. Wisdom is not

information! Humanity has seen the shift from hunting

and gathering age to agricultural age 5000 years ago to

industrial revolution few hundred years ago to information

age few decades ago. The next step in this evolution

invariably leads to the Age of Wisdom. Wisdom, not

philosophy, that one can subscribe to that is preached by

a religion, culture or creed but wisdom that is innate in

everyone. Just like joy, creativity, and love has no religion,

has no cast, similarly wisdom has no ethnocentric or socio-

centric values or agenda. But how does one really discover

this wisdom?

Arise and Awake to Life’s Purpose !

9 life strategy

Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Talks on the

Bhagavad Gita in 2011, Bidadi Ashram, India

The answer is in silence or rather answer IS Silence!

It is only in a deep silence that wisdom awakens. Only when the clouded sky clears up, the sun can shine through. Only when the mind subsides, wisdom can express itself. Easier said than done, one might say, but there is a good news to all of this. By the very nature

of the mind, it stops after every thought - there is a gap between two thoughts. The famous phrase, “god is in the gap” is an apt one because in this gap lies answers to humanity’s confusions. It is this space that is the doorway to finding one’s life purpose. The good news is that this space is available right here, right now. Awareness is the key! One has to be aware of this gap and that is all that is needed to experience this unclutched space.

Photo (c) Chris Zielecki


People spend thousands of dollars in stress relieving workshops, hire

coaches and psychologists to try to understand what is it that they want to do

in life. So it is understandable that it is hard for many people to believe that the

answer can be so simple. But it is that simple! Stress is nothing but the friction

with life which happens when one is not performing day to day activities

with an alignment with his or her life purpose. Awareness of this space brings

about a total psychological revolution, alters brain synapses and opens a new

way of experiencing the world and self. So the answer may be simple but it has

the potential to totally transform lives and bring about a major shift in one’s

modus operandi. A key may look small but it can open big doors!

life strategy

Stress is nothing but the friction with life which happens when one is not

performing day to day activities with an alignment with his or her life’s purpose !


This is what is needed now, for each individual

to find that key! Humanity does not need a new

political system or a new economic system or a

philosophy, humanity needs humans to embark

on a journey of self-discovery. This journey of self-

discovery awakens ruthless authenticity. Although

upon hearing ruthless authenticity, one might

visualize a great deal of force or struggle that goes

into being authentic, but that is not the case. Ruthless

authenticity is a dimension of wisdom. Every single

rose bud has ruthless authenticity - it does not want

to flower into anything else other than a rose - it

simply cannot! It does not compare itself with a lotus

or a lily or a sunflower, and does not think that there

are so many other roses, how does it matter that

one more rose flower will make any difference? No!

It simply flowers! Because that is the whole point of

its existence - to flower! That is the whole point of

life - for that ruthless authenticity to flower into one’s

life’s purpose and when one’s life purpose flowers

it paves the way for clarity, actions, behaviors, and

relationships that are out of pure ecstasy. Out of this

comes an unshakable confidence and a fierce will to

live life to its fullest.

When one discovers the purpose of their

life, then no longer can they possess that life’s

purpose, but rather, that purpose possess them! It

is this extraordinary life that is each individual’s birth

right. So arise and awake because life begins only

after the discovery of life’s purpose. Life begins with

this one resolution to embark upon a journey of self-

discovery. Life begins right here and right now.

life strategy

12vedic renaissance

In the Upanishads (collection of spiritual texts

that form theoretical basis for the Hindu religion) the

word nada brahma is mentioned which means from

sound, existence expresses itself. Everything in this

universe is made out of subatomic particles called

quarts. Nithyananda says that it is the nada (called

sound in sanskrit) or the sound that acts as an energy

binding the quarts together thus creating a solid form

called matter. So any solid matter including our body is

created out of nada. A great saint who lived few centuries

ago, Arunagirinathar sang a beautiful verse regarding

creation. It goes as follows - nada bindu kalaathi namo

namo. The subatomic particles or the quarts is poetically

described as the bindu while the life force energy or the

force which creates matter is poetically described as nada.

Nithyananda explains that the saint describes creation

through nada poetically by describing Subramanya (a

Hindu deity), an expression of Shiva (one among the

Hindu Trinity), as the lord of nada and bindu.

Just as sound is responsible for the creation of

the human body so also it is responsible for any kind

of physical or mental sickness an individual would have.

The quart, by its nature, is pure consciousness and free

of all disease. Once the energy field that binds the quarts

responsible for the disease is altered, then the disease

gets cured automatically. Healing happens only when

work is done on the nada (not on the bindu).Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Morning Discourse on 15th September, 2010, Bidadi Ashram, India

Deep Connections between Mantra Chanting & Healing

13 vedic renaissance

Healing can happen in two ways, by creating the right

sound and by repairing the wounded nada through sound -

taking the disturbed nada structure to a being in whom anahata

dhvani (uncreated sound or the sound which is created without

any collision of matter) happens continuously. Thus, mental

and spiritual health is restored through the right sound. When

the wounded nada being goes near a being in anahata dhvani,

his whole body and mind goes through a complete restructuring

and healing, the brain is rewired, consciousness is raised and

a cognitive transformation happens. That is why the master's

intense radiating anahata dhvani is called sarva roga nivarini

(cure for all diseases). The sounds created out of the anahata

dhwani is mantra.

The whole world follows one of these two traditions

- light based and sound based tradition. Traditions that were

created by manipulating light particles are light based traditions

while the traditions that were created by working with nada

are sound based traditions. While the western world used light

particles as the foundation on which science progressed, the

vedic tradition focused on sound to create. In the vedas it is

written that the pushpaka vimanam (ancient flying chariots)

functioned by creating a particular vibration. Weapons were

employed using sound vibration. Vedic masters were able to

summon the sun and the moon just by sound. Nithyananda

says that it is time to rediscover this science and make it

available to humanity again. He says he and his sangha

(spiritual community) have already taken up the science of

using soundless sound and mantras for transformation.

Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Morning Discourse on 15th September, 2010, Bidadi Ashram, India

Deep Connections between Mantra Chanting & Healing

14siddha & ayurveda

Haritaki or Terminalia chebula is a wonder

drug, finding its place in a wide range of therapeutic

usage in the ayurveda system of medicine. It is a

very large tree growing throughout the deciduous

forests of India and Sri Lanka, growing up to 2000m.

Haritaki is described as the ‘remover of diseases’.

Hara is also the name of Lord Shiva, thus reflecting

the sacred nature and exalted position of the

plant. It literally means ‘green’. It is also ‘abhaya’ or

‘fearless’ of any disease. It is said to have originated

when a drop of immortal nectar (amrita) fell from

heaven to earth. It is considered to be the best

herb for the digestive system and lungs.


The Fruit

The fruits of Haritaki are one of the main ingredients

in many Ayurvedic formulations. Eg: The popular

‘Triphala’. Haritaki fruits are highly nutritious for

human health as they contain various vitamins,

minerals and proteins. They are an excellent source

of vitamin C. These fruits are also rich in several

minerals including selenium, potassium, manganese,

iron and copper.

•The fruits are also proved to have strong

antibacterial and cardiotonic properties.

They prevent the growth of many harmful

intestinal bacteria.

• These fruits are beneficial for the five senses as

they improve their receiving powers.

•A half tsp. of fruit pulp powder when ingested

every night followed by a little warm water is used

for healing ulcers (of both mouth and stomach)

and wounds.

•It is used as an eyewash, for relief from various


•Gargling with a decoction made from the fruits

is very good for fighting oral ulcers, stomatitis and

sore throat.

•Haritaki fruit, mixed with dry ginger powder and

hot water, is used for treating asthma and hiccups.

•This fruit is used for fighting many diseases

including leprosy, chronic as well as intermittent

fever, narcosis, diarrhea and anorexia.

•It is a good nervine. It is used in nervous weakness,

nervous irritability. Its fruit pulp increases the

oxygen levels of the blood, thereby promoting

longevity of tissues.

•These fruits are used for fighting many digestive

disorders such as flatulence, distention and parasitic


• A decoction of this fruit is used to fight against

hepatitis and obesity.

Haritaki, The Wonder Fruit!

15 siddha & ayurveda

The Powder

A paste of Haritaki and water is found to be anti-

inflammatory and analgesic. Its decoction as a lotion

is a surgical dressing for healing wounds.

• It reduces lipid deposits in the blood and liver.

When consumed with honey, it helps reduce


• Its powder is a good astringent for loose gums,

bleeding and ulceration in gums.

• Powdered Haritaki is used along with ghee and

honey for curing anemia.

• It is good for chronic cough, sore throat and


• It is useful in skin disorders with discharges, like


• It is used to treat chronic fever.

• On long term use, it is helpful in gaining weight in

the emaciated persons and in losing weight

in obese persons.

• When taken with meals it sharpens the intellect,

increases strength, stimulates the senses, expels

the urine, stool and other waste materials from the

body. It saves the person from the vitiating effects

of bodily humors.

• Haritaki reduces the ill effects of fat rich, creamy

and oily food. Haritaki is the definite aid for persons

who habitually overeat.

Haritaki is reputed for its alterative, adaptogenic

and tonic effect when used throughout the year

with different substances in different six seasons of

the year. If we review all the herbal formulations in

Ayurveda's all classical texts, we will find haritaki

to be one of the most frequently used ayurvedic

herbs. In Ayurveda haritaki is the best for purifying

the channels of the body.


Sheetoshna Sukha Dukha SamyamaTaken from Nithyananda’s Daily Morning Discourse on 4th September, 2012 at Kodaikanal, India

How many people feel that they are

being run ragged by their knee jerk reactions to

situations? How often they wish they could stop

being a victim of circumstance, and be at peace

no matter what was going on. The solution can be

found in a Samyama.

A Samyama is a tool that allows a person

to receive deeper knowledge, powers and

perfections through the combined practice of

concentration, meditation and yoga.

“Sheetoshna Sukha Dukheshu” - sheeta

(cold) and ushna (hot) attacks a person from

outside skin, while sukha (happiness) and

dukha (sorrow) attacks one from inside skin. But

whether in cold or warm atmosphere, pleasant

or unpleasant situations, being respected or

dishonored, the one who has subdued the

Self which is made out of patterns and is firmly

established in this state always remains centered.

Here is a powerful technique to attain this state.

It is to be noted that the sequence of the steps

should not be changed.


Step 1. Mastering Cold : Just sit in the cold and see what happens in your skin,

what is happening outside the body. Without naming it as cold or suffering or pain,

just look. Tell yourself that “Something is going on, let me see what happens, how

that feeling touches my skin and how am I getting agitated and irritated for no

reason”. Sit with a deep patience. With this you will be able to master cold, cold

will not master you at all.

Step 2. Mastering Heat : The moment you realize that cold does not give any

more suffering, you will gain the confidence to work with heat. Do Pancha Tapas

- make a fire circle (your height will be the diameter of the circle) and sit inside it

for an hour. You will slowly start feeling the heat and it will increase in half an hour.

Then see what is going on in your skin. In 2 days you will master heat.

Step 3. Mastering Unpleasantness : Next step is to master unpleasantness. Sit

in a room with whatever you consider as unpleasant, for example with a photograph

of a person who makes you squirm or an aroma which is not agreeable to you.

Look near the chest area, and from inside the skin where the attack starts and sit

with that. In two days you will realize there is no such thing as unpleasantness,

and it is just your own decision to be in unpleasantness.

Step 4. Mastering Pleasantness : The same thing needs to be done when you

are happy. Just sit and ask, “What is this pleasantness? Why do I feel so expanded

inside?” You have to feel this from inside the skin and you will master this state


All these states have no life independent of a person’s will. When

this is understood , their being becomes centered on the supreme state. When

one becomes perfect being centered in oneself, they will be immune to these

fluctuations. When one sees what is really happening with passiveness and

patience, they will be able to face life with such joy and courage. This samyama

can get people out of all mental and psychological disorders and enrich lives.


18bliss bites

Merry Berry Smoothie!

Smoothies are a quick and delicious way to pack a

lot of healthy and nutritious fruits to your diet. They can

be made with yogurt, milk, soy milk, almond milk or just

ice. Since all the ingredients are blended together into a

smooth liquid, they are very easy to digest as well. They

help to keep you hydrated, satiated yet feeling light. They

can be part of breakfast or taken as a snack anytime

during the day.

Strawberries are a popular and nutritious fruit

which is commonly added to many smoothie recipes. They

are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C and fiber. They are very

versatile and taste good blended with ice, yogurt, milk or

nut milk. They go well with many other fruits as well, for

example bananas, blueberries, peaches, carrots etc.

19 bliss bitesTo make a basic strawberry smoothie, you need:

1 cup fresh strawberries1 cup yogurt1 tsp honey for sweetening (optional)

Blend in a conventional mixer or smoothie maker.


Carrot juice, or fruits like banana or peaches can be added to the smoothie for a richer, more complex taste. Instead of yogurt, milk (dairy/soy/almond) can be used.


Levels of Unclutching

be unclutched!

Taken from Nithyananda’s “Be Unclutched” Webinar on

22nd April, 2012, Bidadi

The word “Unclutching” does not exist in the

Oxford dictionary as it is my contribution to the English

language. This process of unclutching can directly

upgrade your very consciousness.

I will give you the 9 levels of unclutching. In every

level of unclutching, in every aspect of unclutching,

you will experience a new, free dimension of yourself.

1) Unclutching from the outer world problems

and difficulties related to name and fame and money.

If you unclutch, I am not saying you will lose the

money, name and fame. No. You will lose the problems,

suffocations and stress created in yourself because of

money and name and fame. When they are removed

you will have a pure inner space where you can create

whatever you want in the outer world. The biggest

asset any human being can have is free, extra inner

space in which you can do your creation.

2) Unclutching from the outer world identities.

The identities you carry are social, professional, racial

and national. Sometime you identify yourself based on

religion, country, caste, community and creed. Universal

intelligence awakens inside yourself the moment you

unclutch from low level identities.

3) Unclutching from thoughts; from the

verbalization and visualization happening inside.

Continuously try to unclutch from both. Extraordinary

powers will start expressing when you start unclutching

from verbalization and visualization. Whenever the

verbalization (words) or the visualization (ideas) happen

inside – unclutch. Even boredom and restlessness

are just one more thought, one more visualization;

unclutch even from that.

21 be unclutched!

4) Unclutching from your own emotion, pain

and pleasure. A body which does not give pain, a friend

who does not give doubt, a wife who does not give

instability - they are all rare blessings. It is such a joy

to live with a body which does not give pain. When you

unclutch from pain and pleasures, not only are you free

from it, even your health improves drastically.

5) Unclutching from inner world identities like

parental conditioning – ahamkara and mamakara.

Ahankara is the idea you project to others about

yourself. “Mama” means the idea you believe about

yourself. Your whole life is nothing but the fight

between the ahankara and mamakara - it means the

identity you project.

6) Unclutching from the very bio-memories,

the very patterns you are carrying. These are patterns

of depression, irritation, pain, suffering and one’s own

ideas. Unclutch from the patterns until the realization

comes that there are no patterns in reality. In reality you

are alone, just existing! If you are alone, how can there

be an enemy? You are alone and there is no enemy!

7) Unclutching from the body itself. When you

unclutch from the body thousands of disorders you

creates for yourself, like arthritis and high or low blood

pressure, will completely disappear.

8) Unclutching from the idea of time. Unclutch

during the day, evening, midnight - go on unclutching.

Unclutch from the idea of boredom and feeling restless.

Unclutch from the idea of time. Time is the greatest

myth and worst conditioning you carry. Actually there

is no such thing as time. Time is the illusion which has

become part of your consciousness itself. Unclutch

from the concept of time!

9) Unclutching from the very idea “I”! The very

idea “I” is the source of everything you experience, you

perceive. Unclutch from that very source, the idea of “I”.

You can start at any one of these 9 levels. Because

of the benefits and experiences you will have, you will

simply move to the next level and experience all levels.

22vedic renaissance

Taken from Nithyananda’s Talk on Navarathri Celebrations in October 2010

Sketch by Varsha Singh, Bangalore

23 vedic renaissance

Navarathri is a vedic festival of nine

nights and ten days during which

nine forms of Shakti/Devi (Divine

Goddess) are worshiped and the 10th

day is referred to as Vijaya Dashami

or Dussehra. The dates of the festival

are determined according to the

lunar calendar and this year it falls

between 15th Oct and 24th Oct.

Navarathri is divided into sets of

three days, to adore three different

aspects of the supreme goddesses.

The 10th day of Vijaya Dashami is

considered auspicious for initiating

the children into writing and reading,

which is called Vidyarambham. In

vedic tradition, thousands of children

are initiated into the world of letters

on this day.

Whatever type of a person someone

may be, they become intense during

a particular time and this intensity

is called “Rathri”. Navarathri means

nine such nights. Whether a person

is a yogi or bhogi or rogi, night makes

you intense. Neither a rogi - person

with a disease, nor a bhogi - person

who is enjoying sensual pleasures,

nor a yogi – the one working for

enlightenment, can sleep in the night.

All three will get intensified in their

lines during night. The remembrance

about the importance of the time can

make a person intense in every step.

At this time, if a person is negative,

he becomes intensely negative and

if a person is positive, he becomes

intensely positive. That is why during

these nine nights and ten days, a

person is not supposed to take any

decisions. If the intensity is positive it

will settle inside and if it is negative it

will go out. These nine nights and ten

days, all a person needs to do is to be

more and more aware, be in silence

and remember the concept of time.

The important thing is that when a

person decides to be intense and do

whatever they do with awareness, in a

few days, the person will understand

boundary-less time which is not

packed by a past or future, because

the present gives a new opening of

freedom. The suffocation-less inner

space is what is called as Vedic

mind. Breakthroughs happen when

the concept of time with boundary

is understood. The mind becomes a

vedic mind and the body becomes

a yogic body. When the intensity

can be maintained for nine nights,

it will lead to the responsibility of

action as well as freedom of inaction.

That is what is meant when it is

said that Devi fought for nine nights

and destroyed all the demons, was

coronated on the tenth day and

relaxed in freedom. Meditating on

this truth will enable a person to

push himself to the extreme of what

they are doing. Break into this truth

and the mind beyond Kaala or time

is guaranteed!

Navarathri, Nine Days of Celebration

24main story

“The Jeevan mukta having subdued

his thoughts and character his identity

being free from desires, with an attitude

of renunciation, seated within oneself in

aloneness should continuously connect

with the higher state of consciousness

by unclutching.”

Subduing thoughts anybody can

do. It is not a big thing. Thoughts can

be reduced very easily with very simple

techniques. Any simple technique like

washing your water pot can bring your

thoughts down. That is not a big thing.

Subduing your identity. Thoughts are food,

identity is the person who eats. Who eats should

be subdued, not just the food. The identity grows,

expands with thoughts. If the identity is not getting

touched it is easy to have less number of thoughts.

When the identity is touched, just like how bees come out of

the beehive comb, your thoughts will come out like the bees. People

who are otherwise calm, if a person they don’t like pokes them, just like

bees their thoughts come out. If your identity is not touched, having less

thoughts is not a big thing.

“yogi yunjita satatam atmanam rahasi sthitah |

ekaki yata-cittatma nirasir aparigrahah ||” -

Bhagavad Gita, Dhyana Yoga, 6.10

Identity is Confused Reality!

25 main story

The ultimate ability is the ability to renounce the desire

to be a hero! The ability to renounce the identity.

The attack on me in 2010

was not defamation, it was

literally creating identity

crisis. Defamation is

different, trying to

create identity crisis

is different. Trying

to confuse people

completely about

who I am. And they

tried to even confuse

me! See, constantly

for 3 years if

someone tells you –

“You are a cheat, you

are a cheat”, you may

start thinking, “Am I

really a cheat?” Not once

I doubted me. How can I

doubt me? Understand it is

easy to live when the whole

world doubts you. It is impossible

to live when you doubt yourself.

After all this I have not doubted

myself for a moment because I

have experienced myself. I have

seen the beautiful side of me,

the graceful side of me. When

I saw the graceful side of me,

I just fell in love with myself.

Identity is Confused Reality!

26main story

The ability to drop your identity in front of

anyone is the quality of a sadhu and I wanted

this to be a Guru vaak to all my ashramites. You think

all the abuse I am going through, I am worthy of it? It

is excess being done on me. But that is the way life is.

That is the way humanity is. That is because you did not

become enlightened few thousand years before and

serve humanity. I am struggling all alone. See lakhs of

people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All the people

who are dead are they worthy of that death? The ability

to drop the identity is jivanmukti. I tell you one more

secret. As long as you have a certain identity, you will

always feel the society is adharmic towards you. It is

a basic secret. Your logic is filled with pus. It sees only

from your side. If I judge whatever is done to me by the

society is adharmic, my logic becomes pus.

Society is not a group of people. Society is the

other person. It is not collective. It is even one person

whom you hate. Whoever you think is the worst

person you have seen in your life is society for you. If

you have somebody as your enemy and feel that this

fellow cannot come out of patterns and he will suffer,

understand that now God is sending you the diagnosis!

He is giving you the possibility to

diagnose you. You have

exactly same problems!

The most fortunate human being is the one who does not suspect himself, does not doubt

himself. He is completely able to put his whole faith

on him. You putting your faith on you does not happen

by you convincing you but it happens by you dropping

your identity about you. Go around, whomever you

think of as your enemy, again and again sit with them

and express the opinions you carry about them and

vice versa. One more funny thing you will realize is that

who you think of as an important enemy in your life

may not think that you are an important enemy in his

life. I have seen love is always a triangular and hatred is

always triangular too. If you love someone, that person

loves somebody else. If you hate someone, that person

hates someone else. It is never a straight line, it is a

law. You will never have direct enmity for your enemy

who is supposed to be your enemy. So whoever you

think of as your direct enemy is not your enemy. It is a

law. These are all sarvabhoumya – universal - laws.

One thing you need to be very clear about. Your logic

has no capacity to find your enemy. So whoever you

think as your enemy is not your enemy. When you sit

with him and open up you will realize that that person

has somebody else as his main enemy.

Your logic has no capacity to find your enemy!

Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Bhagavad Gita Discourse on 8th September 2012, Kodaikanal, India

27 main story

Your identity costs you only your

life, nothing else. It is the identity with

which your heart associates yourself - that

should become sadhu – chilli-less, anger-

less, violence-less. Then you will become

the centre of creativity. You will express

so much leadership quality and the ability

to inspire. The ability to inspire others is

nothing but the ability to inspire yourself.

That’s all. The ability to inspire can never

be a cunning technical truth. If you are able

to inspire yourself to sit in the morning

satsang everyday and apply these truths,

you will have the ability to inspire your

subordinates and make them do the work.

The idea of enemy or friend is based on your perception which itself is

unstable. You are constantly building the

multi-storey towers on the earth which is

going through constant earthquakes. You

are building skyscrapers on tectonic plates.

Your hatred, your love, your friendship,

your enmity are all skyscrapers. But you

are using it on tectonic plates. Your whole

life is wasted on just protecting your

identity which is going to ditch you at the

end of your life. You go around and fall out

with so many fellows for the conspiracy

done against you, but you never look in

and suspect the conspiracy done against

you by your own identity.

Blessed are those who realize the

conspiracy done against them by

their own identity. Cursed are those

who never realize the conspiracy done

against them by their own identity. If

you are able to beg food and your needs

from the people, you grow as a sadhu.

If you are able to drop your identity and

beg forgiveness from other identities you

become jeevan mukta. If you are able

to beg others to drop their identity, you

become incarnation!

I am asking you to give up the identity in the worldly life even if you say “I have to see

practically”. I am talking to you understanding all the

“practicalities”. I am telling everyone clearly that I

know all the situations which you have gone through,

are going through and will go through. This truth is to

be practiced at all times and not to be compromised at

any time on the pretext of a “practical situation”. “What

Swamiji said is right. But even if he was here, he would

have behaved like this only”. No! I am telling

you this for all possible situations.

Ability to let go of your identity

makes you the hero whose identity

can never be destroyed. I want

those heroes around

me. They are


28main story

Understand, I am not asking you guys to go around and beg for food. That will be easy for you to do. That will not have much impact.

But if you can go around and beg for forgiveness for what others think

as hurt by you, that is what I want. What you think of as the hurt that you have caused to others may not be the real hurt. What

they think as the hurt you have caused to them is the real hurt. Same

way, what you think of as the hurt others have caused you, they may

have not done it consciously. So, forgive them. Same way, what others

think of as the hurt you have caused to them, you may not even know.

Ask them to forgive you. This is the science of forgiving, the science of gracefully moving ahead. In life anybody who thrives

will be in renunciation. Thriving happens on renunciation. Renunciation

is the ground on which the seed of thriving thrives.

The ability to renounce the identities constantly is thriving. The

person who thrives with the ability to renounce identity is Jeevan Mukta.

The being who is capable of thriving continuously by renouncing the

old identities is living enlightenment. Do not wait for the wounds in

you to be healed by others. Do not wait for the wounds in others to be

healed in the course of time. Do not wait for others to heal the pain

you are carrying inside you. Do not wait for the other’s pain to heal in

the course of time. Instead, you be proactive in healing the wounds

and pains in others, you be proactive in healing the wounds and pains

inside you by dropping it.

Photo (c) Phil Trewin


30beyond mind

Awareness on Third Eye to

be Non- JudgmentalTaken from Nithyananda’s Shiva Sutra Talks, November 2007, Los Angeles, USA

To truly capture the essence of

liberation, it helps to understand the third

eye at a deeper level. At present, an individual's

view of the world is only 120 degrees wide.

This implies that concentrating on a specific

object will require all other objects to be

excluded, resulting in a narrower degree of

vision. However, turning all awareness to the

third eye and focusing on the subject rather

than on the object will ultimately expand the

degree of vision. Everything will be absorbed

with newly found detail and clarity, from an

enhanced perspective.

In addition to turning all awareness

towards the third eye, Shiva also says that

awareness must prevail even before a thought

arises. Typically, when a thought rises, it is

either suppressed or pursued. In either case,

there is no awareness of the thought before

it rises. Just as the divine trinity creates,

maintains and destroys, the human mind is

continuously involved in either creating a

thought, keeping it alive or killing it.

31 beyond mind

It is when an individual moves beyond

these three actions that he attains the state of

enlightenment, of Para Brahma. Going beyond

the actions of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Hindu

trinity of Gods) in creation, maintenance and

destruction of a thought will awaken one to the

ultimate reality that he IS existence. In essence,

being aware of a thought even before it rises is

eternal liberation in its greatest form.

Usually, an individual is tied down by his thoughts; he forms an opinion without

even looking at the situation with clarity. There

are two ways of forming an opinion - either by

collecting enough arguments to arrive at the

judgment or by passing the verdict and then

collecting enough arguments to support it. The

average human is bound by the latter, and being

aware of a thought even before it rises sets him

free from this judgmental attitude. However, it is

important to know the difference between being

aware of a thought and suppressing the thought

as it rises. For example, neither suppressing nor

expressing anger will help. However, being in a

state of awareness even before the anger arises is

the only way to truly break free from the pattern

of thought.

32yoga & kriya

Sleep like a Baby!Kriya taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Morning Discourse on 28th October, 2011 at the Bidadi Ashram, India

Insomnia is most often thought

of as both a sign and a symptom that

can accompany several sleep, medical and

psychiatric disorders. It is characterized by

persistent difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep

or sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is typically followed by

functional impairment while awake. One way of defining insomnia

is "difficulties initiating and/or maintaining sleep, or non-

restorative sleep, associated with impairments

of daytime functioning or marked distress for

more than one month." The disease can be

classified as primary and secondary (co-morbid)

insomnia. Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder not

attributable to a medical, psychiatric or environmental

cause. A complete diagnosis will provide a clear difference between insomnia

as secondary to another condition, primary insomnia co-morbid with one

or more conditions and free standing primary insomnia. Sleep studies using

polysomnography have suggested that people who have sleep disruption

have elevated nighttime levels of circulating cortisol and adrenocorticotropic


33 yoga & kriya

1. MUDRA • Lie on the ground, face downwards

• Put your hands on the ground with your palms facing the ground

• Place your chest on your hands

• Make sure your nose touches the ground

• Raise your thighs one foot above the ground, making sure your legs

are straight.

• Keep the legs up for 11 seconds and gently lower your legs to the


• Repeat this 11 times

2. UDDIYANA BANDHA• Lie on the ground. Keep your face downwards with your palms facing

the ground

• Place your chest on your palms

• Make sure your nose touches the ground

• Keep your legs straight on the ground

• Pull the abdominal muscles inward and upwards so that the organs

of the abdomen touch the muscles of the back

• Hold this pose for as long as you can (at least 21 counts)

• Relax the abdomen and chin and then exhale through the nostrils

• Repeat this 21 times

3. STEPS (1) AND (2) COMBINED• Lie on the ground. Keep your face downwards with your palms facing

the ground

• Place your chest on your palms

• Make sure your nose touches the ground

• Keep your legs straight on the ground

• Pull the abdominal muscles inward and upwards, so that the organs

of the abdomen touch the back muscles

• Raise your thighs one foot above the ground, making sure your legs

are straight.

• Keep your feet together

• Hold as long as you can

• When you cannot hold anymore, relax the abdomen and legs and

then exhale through the nostrils

• Repeat this 21 times

DISCLAIMER: This technique is not

intended to be a substitute for professional

medical diagnosis or treatment. Individuals

with any type of medical condition, the

elderly, children below 14, women who

are pregnant or suspect they may be

pregnant are advised to seek professional

medical advice before practicing this

technique. Viewers who are not on two-

way video conferencing are cautioned

that they are practicing these techniques

at their own risk.



Darshan of Lifetimes!

By Sri Nithya


Bangalore, India


Going to Kailash with Swamiji is entirely a

unique experience. In many places we observed miracles

happening so casually.

The first few days we spent in Kathmandu for

acclimatization then started towards Tibet border after

getting darshan of Pashupatinath and Mankamna Devi.

When we reached Mansarovar, the climate was really

warm but still we were not able to see Kailash. We

stopped at one spot and as usual Swami ji waved his hand

and the clouds gave way and all of us had our first Kailash

Darshan from Mansarovar. The earlier batch who went to

Kailash last year scared us about coldness of Mansarovar

water but when we entered the water was not cold at

all. Swamiji did a process before we touched the water

then asked us to enter. We happily spent 20 minutes in

the waters of Mansarovar enjoying the Kailash darshan.

From that time onwards till we started back, every day

we had clear darshan of Kailash which is the biggest

fortune to all of us.

After spending a night in the banks of Mansarovar

we started towards Yamadwar, where Markandeya was

rescued by Lord Shiva and gave eternal life. At Yamadwar

Swamiji did akashic readings and said HE is coming to this

place after 3400 years in human frequency and as a note

of joy cosmos is going to cover all nearby mountains

with snow. On our way to Yamadwar we saw no snow

at all and the guide also said, it is not the time. Next day

we all were getting ready to go for parikrama. This time

Swamiji encouraged many to go but only few were ready

to for the parikrama and the rest wanted to spend time

with Swamiji.

35 kailash

We started on horses and mules carried all

of our luggage in the parikrama. In many places we

saw gigantic view of Kailash. It is amazing and cannot

be explained in words. After 6 hours of journey we

stopped for night halt. We really were amazed to see

very comfortable facilities in that place and straight

view of Kailash from the rooms where we stayed. As

soon as we reach we all went on a trek towards the holy

Kailash. More close we go more we were amazed to see

the single stone mountain standing tall and welcoming.

We all felt that all the effort was worth for that darshan

of Kailash.

Next day morning when we got up, we could

not see Kailash at all as it already started snowing, as

Swamiji told in akashic readings. We decided to start

back and joined the rest of the group in Kathmandu.

Only after seeing Kailash I understood it's

a must for every human to have darshan of Kailash. I

have seen people getting big positive transformation

just after having Kailash darshan and I am experiencing

myself the same after Kailash yatra.

Generally we hear people saying we need

blessings of the Divine to see Kailash, but I understood

after seeing many group members, we need to bless

ourselves and make an effort first then only we can see

how the Divine will take care. Inspite of our effort it is

not happening means it may not be a good time for us

but not putting an effort cannot be justified.

36esoteric realms

Taken from Nithyananda’s Webinar on Past Lives on 29th August, 2011, Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

Past lives! there is no one who is not

interested in this subject. It is such a mysterious topic

that it immediately attracts attention, even if a person’s

religion itself does not believe in reincarnation. I talk

about past lives so that you can know the facts about your

own past life, and use those facts to overcome mental

patterns and sufferings in this life. Knowing about your

past lives will transform you and is necessary for your

spiritual growth sometimes.

Your Past has three laYers. From the

present moment till the moment you took birth in this

body is the first layer. From your previous life till the

very first time you assumed a body is the second layer.

It could be your life as a fish, a tree, or a bird, it doesn’t

matter. From the inception of the universe till this very

moment is the third layer past. This third layer is where

the cosmic archives are found. You cannot access this

and you don’t need to. For attaining Jeevan Mukti, the

ultimate spiritual consciousness, you only need to work

on the first two layers.

the first laYer Past carries thousands of engrams which influence

your decisions. Your relationships, your responses,

your thinking, everything is guided by the engrams and

patterns that you accumulated in the first layer. Engrams

are the memories which are engraved in your system, in

your inner space and make you repeat the same actions

again and again, even if you know that it is not good for

you. When you created them, you created laws for your

own happiness. When time has passed, you forget the

spirit with which you made them, and follow them by


37 esoteric realms

that is whY You alwaYs break a law that

you follow by letter, and not by spirit. These engrams

become bondages to you. I will give you an example -

when you were young and somebody bullied you to a

corner, you screamed. You found that this always solved

the problem, and the bullies ran away. However, forty

years later, when you have forgotten the origin and

reason for this engram, and you get pushed to a corner,

you still scream. This no longer helps you, but you follow

it anyway. You don’t remember the spirit of the engram,

and only follow the letter. These are dead mental patterns.

So, when you work on the first layer past, you will figure

out when, why and how you created your engrams. The

moment I had the experience of my first layer past,

I just knew that I am not going to die. That’s all! All the

responses created by me may die, but I myself am never

going to die. Exploring the first layer past liberates you

from many of your psychological problems.

anger under Your control is Power, greed under your control is energy, fear under your control

is cautiousness, desire under your control is creativity.

When you know why you created what you created, you

will have the tremendous freedom to throw what is not

delivering the same result to alter things for the results

you need. If you know the spirit of the law, you get the

intelligence to alter, correct, manipulate, delete the law as

you want for the required results.

38esoteric realms

Exploring the second layer past liberates you

from all your physiological problems. Your mind is

the totality of the first layer past and your body is the

totality of the second layer past. Maya is the totality

of your third layer past. Let me give you some more

insights into the second layer past. Sometimes, the

habits which have become your bio-memory do not

start just in this body. They start from your earlier

bodies, from your past births. There are many bio-

memories that may be related to your past lives. For

example, if someone died due to a snake bite in their

past life, they will still carry the mark on their body. So,

there are many diseases that you can just walk out of,

if you can work on your second layer past.

If you work on the first layer past, you walk out of

many mental disorders. Your mind-related life will be

complete and fulfilled. If you work on the second layer

past, you walk out of many physical disorders. I have

seen people walk out of cancer when they understood,

in which life they had picked up that pattern. Past is not

dead till you completely disconnect from it. As long as

it is hanging attached to you, it has its own effect on

you. Working on your past lives directly transforms

your present and makes you enlightened, as well as

makes you live enlightenment.


40creative juices

I was walking along a path, one step at a time

Trudging through the stones, happy and gay

When suddenly, realization dawned upon me

My goal in life – ahead it lay.

Oops – my attention waivers

Right into a quagmire

These sands of ignorance

Never letting me go higher.

Panic stricken, I cry for help

But my path was deserted

Wouldn’t someone come? I hope

O divine light – Why am I neglected?

Seconds turn into minutes and hours

And soon I discover

This quicksand cannot kill me

With joy – this truth, I uncover.

Swimming about in this quagmire

Has begun to be my pastime

‘Things can change’ – to myself, I justify

Yet never accounting for lost time.

I stopped seeking help

Nor do I struggle to get onto land

Because I am enjoying my stay

In this luxurious quicksand !

Time flies into days and months

Was there a path? – I doubt

This quagmire has trapped me

I am too deep – How do I get out?

Suddenly I am awakened from my dream

Broken from my shackles

Flying about the unrestrained sky, I realize

Up ahead, my path was bliss.

I was so near, yet so far

Up ahead, my path contained BLISS !!

Disappointed and in agony, I cried

‘Oh God, how could I miss?’

Poof, I was on the path again . . .

My LifeBy Mahesh Nayak, Mississippi, USA

41 ananda yogam


Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Discourse on 8th September, 2012 in Kodaikanal, India.

in the life of

Begging to Lose Identity


with his spiritual

mentor Mata

Kuppammal during

childhood years

43 in the life of

The identity is what is believed to make a

human being what he is. If a person looks at an animal, they would

never see that the animal has an identity. It is the biggest obstacle in

a person’s life, not just for those on the path to enlightenment, but in

everyday life as well. Getting rid of one’s ego is the best way he can

help himself.

In Nithyananda’s life, he had to get rid of his ego, his identity,

at a very young age. He was set on his spiritual path from a very

early age, and his Guru and mentor, Mata Kuppamal, made sure to

incorporate this concept into his spiritual education. She told him

that he would fulfill his spiritual mission only if he learned to drop his

identity first. As a fifteen year old boy, this was a difficult concept for

Nithyananda to understand and imbibe. So, to teach him effectively,

she handed him a bowl and told him to go around his village, begging.

This was meant to be a blow to his ego. Nithyananda’s

grandfather was a wealthy and important man, being the head of the

Rice Merchant’s Association. The small village of Thiruvannamalai was

involved in the rice cultivation and trading business, being one of the

largest suppliers of rice in the south. It was a booming business of

which his grandfather was the head. Yet, Nithyananda knew he had

no choice and he picked up his bowl, put on his Kavi (saffron attire)

and started off to beg.

He went to the very street where his family’s shops were set

up, where his neighbours and friends were. Kuppamal had instructed

him to go to this street on purpose, as she knew this would be the

best way to teach him the concept of losing his identity. All of his

friends and his family considered him to be ‘crazy’ because of his

decision to follow his spiritual path.


However, they did not think that he would go to this extreme.

As he moved from one shop to the next,

begging, he finally reached his grandfather’s

shop. His grandfather asked him to name a

price, a price that would make him stop this

begging. He was tired of the neighbouring

shops calling and complaining about his

grandson’s new avatar! Nithyananda refused,

saying that it was Kuppamal’s instruction that

he complete this process, and that he cannot

disobey her. His grandfather was a close

acquaintance of Raghupati Yogi, another

mentor of young Nithyananda, and called

him to put some sense into the boy’s head.

However, Nithyananda moved on to the next

shop before Raghupati Yogi arrived.

The next shop belonged to his classmate’s family. His classmate was sitting

there at the time, and when Nithyananda

came to beg, she started yelling at him, calling

him crazy and abusing him. Her father chided

her for doing so, explaining that the begging

may be for spiritual reasons. However, she

continued to throw her anger at Nithyananda.

At that moment, he could clearly feel

that his body which was being abused by this

person and his self, his consciousness, were

two different things. The body that stood

there was different and he was different. It

was this spiritual practice that helped him

understand and go beyond the identity


in the life of

45 abhyasah (practice)

Below there are a few questions which we call

as a hitch. What you have to do is to think of a

solution according to your understanding. Then

read the answer given by the master. Read just

one question at a time and check its answer. The

beauty of this exercise is that the answers given

here will act as gentle kicks given by a trained

soccer player which will lead the ball directly to

the goal post. Your honesty here is going to decide

the level of benefit. So enjoy!

Hitch 1: According to you, who really is


Hitch 2: What do you think about predicting

the future?

Hitch 3: How should a good education system


Hitch 4:What is sin?

Hitch 5: Are you God?

Answers from the master:

Gentle Kick 1: The concept of what we call beauty

is a mirage. When you are hungry, food becomes

tasty. When you are inferior you appoint someone

as superior. Beauty is so relative.

Gentle Kick 2: It is an interesting way of cheating

yourself. Your future is to be designed, not to be


Gentle Kick 3: It should kindle the inner

intelligence in every child to flower with creativity

and fulfillment.

Gentle Kick 4: Using this word.

Gentle Kick 5: Are you human? I am not here to

prove I am God. I am here to prove you are God



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Akashic Readings by Nithyananda

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