Page 1:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties

W ^ / W L L E T I N :HO W O W , reb;< M a w — B sm U r

troopTlutV * forced. G e m u u .M u ir tM - . mnca i a h w .teetor < t h e « n t r ^ f ra a t - - E nd r im p to rad USS.mUIchmoU «S Um 1.100-nlle balU t u m ilnee tbejr U ttiuta. ed Ihelr winter c i t t l n . th o nU abU - t n a t B «w ^ baneUa r«porl«d tod»7« '




MOSCOW. F eb . 30 W>-R««l S U r deeloTKt todAjr th a t the tlghU ns cMUtlon of th e V nlt«d StAt«s. B ri­ta in ood Soviet RusMa 1* atronffer th*n G erm any In rtAources a n d re- *ervea. #nd p red ic ted the de fea t of A dolf H itler's nprlHK CAinpalRn and the cnuW ng o f lilJi u m lc a th is year.

“Economic resources Kjll m ean the fina l decision,'' luUd t h e '^ u m a l o( the Red a rm y . "Soviet RuMia. Orl- U ln and the U nited StAlea arc pro- rtucloH 38 tim es lui m uch saM llne iw O ermtuiy loftcUirr wlUi lier voiaols and occupied lands."

S tee l O n lp u t •T lie u n ite d sfiTl<M tu rn s out Uiree

tim es as m uch steel ru O erm any. Red S ta r sa id . I t declared H int In manpow er r e s e r v e s the U nited StAte.t, B rita in and Russia were (ar ahetid.

“The help w e a re receiving from our allies Li Rrowlng continuously," Red S ta r saJd. "and no doubt slm ul- taneoaily tiie tnlU tory efforts o f our alUca w U U row .-.TJio-Red a rm y orjpin sald th a t in

liLi e ffo rts fo r a quick victory fover the Soviet U nion, H itler lostX^.O OO m en In the f i r s t five m onths of the v n r . S ince th e n the r a te o( toss has been even g rea ter, tlie newspaperA.v«rt<d.

O erm nny c a n n o t replace h e r lost m anpow er; th e m ain moAs of Uie regu la r O crm an flKhtlng force a l­ready hM been destroyed o r In­capacita ted . R ed S ta r sold.

I t added th a t “O crm any will be VFfkkcr In RVAnpo««r th is epTltvz than she w as la s t sum m er." .

To RalM S^IHU ' Red s t a r rd lsed a quesUon w heth­

er H itler's ta lk of a g rea t spring offensive Is n o t Inteito Uie sp lrlU of h li troop* and Rloss over th e bad sta te o f his p resen t cam paign.

- D L s p ^ m ^ r o r n th e (IghUng fro n t la ld i j l ^ M p n a r i s had died In th ree days or*^counter-BtUicki in a single sector o f the souUiem fron t, w herw the Najda were trying to check a Soviet vedge being driven In to theD o n eU ib u lo .

T h ew ' M LspatO na sold w arm er weatherr«U>> ra in instead of anov , a lready was being fe lt oo tho far sou thern f ro n t .

; 2 ' E X E C B T E 0 AOSSINING. N . V.. Feb. 20 UTt—A

double execution a t S ing Bing prison ■ Hhortly a fte r m ldnlffht sen t two

mom m em bm i of Brooklyn's in fa ­mous M urder. Inc., gan® to the ir deaths.’* P rank (tlio d a ^ e r ) Abbandnndo. 33. a n d H arry (Happy) M alone. 33, died a fte r being twice tried—Uie fln it conviction w as reversed—nnd tw ice 'sm te n ce d to deatli.

T hey were convicted of the alay- Ing In w n o f OcoTfe Hudnlcic. a Brookb'n stool pigeon, whav) talk they silenced wlU) M Ice pick Jnbs.

A lthough th e y were th e flnit con­victed m em bers of BrooUyn's no- torloiis ItUI-for-cash ring , they « r e th e second p<ilr to die. The ch air c o t H a n y (PittJsburBh P hil) Btmuwi nnd M artin (Bivmny) G oldstein •"•hlle T he D n.iher a n d Happy ■wrw being retried nnd re- ' • '


ST. LOUIS, r tb . 30 - P \ ’U Nell M cGiilre of Je rfem on barracka Is a form er M ichigan G olden Gloves fea therw eigh t boxing champion b u t h e failed t o represen t the post in th * t cJass d u r ln « a recent to u r­nam ent.

Ho m ade th e po st team In the 130-pound cloM. a ll right, and trained d iligently fo r a m onth. B ut cam e w elghlng-ln Ume and M c- G ulr« « M dropped .

Arm y food b e a t h im to the pun«4i-4ie w eighed J40 poundsl

BOSSES BEVEItSED NEW Y O RK . T tb . 5 0 -A s an

office boy f o r th o New Y ork T to e a . W alte r Sulllv»n used to c a n y repo rte rs ' copy to the c ity desk.

Now he is E nsign W alter Sum - 1,' van, a ttached to th ird n a ra l dU -

. tr lc t headquarters aa a censor, and a ll reporters— even . th e T im es’ m en—ir i t i n g a to rle^ . the re .have to CI0 T7 th e ir copy to him for editing.

r tA Y AT W ORK SUMMERLAND, C a lif , PWj. 30

—ITiooe f la n t le tte rs a n arm y flie r spotted on* a hUlside orerlodclijE Banta B a rb a ra channel w e r tn t the »-ork of a f if th colum nist » f - ' te r all.

I t waa n o th ing b u t Joe Nunes. TliD playful pIo«-man hod wound u p h is day’s u-ork w ith a flourlsli- by furrywlng ou t th e letters of h is f irs t nam e.

s h i f t i n TRANSPORT - DALLAS. T er .; Peb. 2 0 -T b e n tliere was th e m an who came Into L. A. pu lU ' s to re w ith his wife u>d tliree ch ild ren and said h e ’d Just aold h is c a r because be c o u k ta t ge t tires.

i c n r u i u cou ld c c t tb t l r nam e.

Jilrs. Roosevelt Quits Her OCD Position Under Fire

By inL L IE R K R lE O IIB A tlMWABHING’TON, tV b. 20 -flJfJ —

Mrs. Pranklln D. R oow velt resigned today as a ssistan t d ire c to r 'o f Uie office of civilian defense so tliat ••those who wish to .l i t tv l t " n o t bo able to m ake OCD' suffer from h e r presence. ■ '•

Mrs. Roosevelt, who h a d been a.i- sls tan t d irector In 'c h a rg e of volun- U ry parUclpaUon since SepU 2 9 .,submitted he r resignation , ef­fective Immediately/ In a le tte r to OCD D irector Jam es M. LandU .

She said she knsw th a t th e OCD was In uj# h ands of "com pletely competent people."

"Hy reta in ing my • OCD po st I would only m a k e , lb possible for those who wish to A ttack m e. be- cause ol my bcVkf^, to a tta c k an agency which I consider cnn prove lu .usefulness so com pletely to the

l>wi>le, th a t It should be free of a t­tack In order to rende r Its m axi­mum service," Mrs. Roosevelt said.

She added U)nt "no Individual Is more effective than a good pro- grnm."

In menllotUnK crltlc.^ of her ’•be­lief*," Mrs. Roosevelt ftppnrcntly re­ferred to the conBresilonol outburals which followed dlscIosOre of th e np- polntm ent of MU.i M ayrls Clinney. dancer friend of Uie f irs t Indy, to Uie »4,UOO-n-ycar of director of Uie OCD'.i ^ l l d r c n 's acUvltles acctlon of thc*'5hyalcal fitness d i­vision.

Mli.-, Chaney resigned from Uint PMt on WedncMlny bccau.-sc of; the cotiKrc.iilonal furor.

CoiiKre.i-ilonnl dls-iatlsfactlon wlUi U\e OCD M t.up 'stem m ed at. tltNt from the fnct tlm t M nyoa Florello

(Csnllnutd <n TM* i . Catimii 1

War Buying Forecast As 1942 Dairy Factor

- W u r w il l h n v e u v i t i i l c f f c c t o n th e c r c a m c r y in d u a t r y d u r - inK’- t l i i . ' t - y c a r - a n d - h e a v y 7 )iirchn.>;ea b ecn u .se o f t h e w a r a n d h Iho th e lc n d -lca .se s e t u p p ro l) iib ly w ill b e c o n t in u e d , R o y D . S m i th , K c n c r a l .m a n a R c r o f IJjc J e r o m e C o o p e r a t iv e c rc u m - e r y , s a id h e r e to d a y .

S m ith w a s o n e o f t h e p r in ­c ip a l s p e a k e r s h e a r d d u r in g t h e 1 7 th a n n u a l m e e t i n g nf t h e T w in F a l la C o u n t y Cooi>- e r a t i v c D a i r y m e n ’.s a.''.'<ociH- t io n h e ld a t t h e M e th o d i s t c h u rc h t h i s m o r n in g a n d a f ­te rn o o n .

He snld U iat cream ery bu;ilnc?ks in 1941 showed about a 10 per cent Increase over 1040 in b u ttc r fa t h a n ­dled and pointed ou t th a t prlcps during Uie last ha lf o f 1341 were greaUy affected by govem m ent buy­ing. pcrtleularly am ong such prod­ucts as cheese, milk pow der anti evaporated milk.

"Increased producUon of m ilk In particu lar h as burdened ,t l i r c rrnm - erles bu t arrangem ents havc been m ade to handle more if I t Is nects- sary.

S«M Prices M alnU lned .“I t is n a tu ra l to cjipect th a t prices

will be fairly woU m alotoliied d u r­ing 1B43. Wo m u st reallxe th a t ove r­n igh t we have become an.:exportlng nation and v e in tend to cuntinuo thU Hid to Uie,b*Hrt nf •'iir-aU'.'.-j'.. •Tlowever, It m ust be ta k e n In to conslderaUon th a t wo do n o t know exacUy w hat we will be called to do.P e r Instance no m a tte r how m uch m aterial is pu t out. I t c a n 't be mos’ed unle.« transportaU on faclVi- Ues are obUilnable. *niU is t ru e es­pecially In the m a tte r of tran .iportn - Uon by sea and wlUi w ar exLitlng over the world there will be m any uncertalnUes.'’ SmHli said.

U nlfenUty E xpert Prlnclpol speaker a t Uils after-;

noon's se.«lon was D r. D . R . T lieo- phllus. head of Uie dairy dep artm e n t of Uie University of Idaho . Mascow,

Dr. Theophllus dticu-wed quality Improvement In a ll .the da iry prod - ducts. He told about th e influence of the quality o t milk a n d w e a m on th e HnLihed product a n d th e ne- ces.vilty for providing good quality milk, an educational program niong

dueer and his f inancia l respo'n.ii-

Abo speaking today w as Lyons SmlUi. ’Twin PMls p la n t m annger. w ho reported on 1041 acU vltles. He said th a t am ong o th e r 'th in g s the local p lan t m anufactured tw o and one-half mlUlon pounds of cheese, over 73.000 gallons of Ice c ream and approxim ately <9.000 pounds of coU tnge cheese.

The*e Speak Reports was also m ade by T hom as

E. Bpeed}-. on field w ork fo r Uie year. R. d . Dovey a n d D urard Campbell, s la te milk san ita tions, spoke and ouUlned th e sonlUvtlon program as r t^ a rd s th e d a iry In- dusuy w im parU cuIar reference be-

n P » ,, I, 'c«'lipi» S>


WASHINGTON. Peb. 30 CUJ>J — President Roosevelt has esWbllahed a unified UcUcal com m and over American land, sea and a ir forces, Fell Informed sources sa id today.

I t Is an Inform al s ta ff h e ad e d by th e president him self as com m and* er-ln-chlef o t Uic arm ed forces and has been In existence since a few weeks a fte r Uie Untlfcd S U te s en ­tered thB war. Uie in form anta told tho United Press.

Members of th e com m and are G en. George C. M arshall, a rm y c h lef-of-iia ff: A dmiral E rn es t J. King, com m ander-ln-chlef o f the fleet; LleuL-Gen. H enry H . Arnold, chief of tho arm y a ir force, a n d Ad* m lra l Harold R. S tark , ch ief o f n a ­val operations.

‘n ie informaUon on estab lishm ent o f such a command was m ade a v a il, tthlo-twice UiU week to congression­al quarters lir response to growing demands there fo r unlflcaU oa of th e arm y .a n a navy com m and*. I t was disclosed to house and senate leaders Tuesday. S ec rtU ry of 'N avy FVank K nox discussed I t w ith the house naval affa irs com m ittee yes­terday.

TWO K IIX ED IN PLANT BLAST . PORTE, t a d , P tb . 30 «T>- An a rpkitloo on th e shell loading Une in - th e w ar departtnen t'a » i V 000,000 Kingsbury ordnance p la n t .klHe d .tw o-cK n -a tKl h n i t fuu r j t a -- ttn la y . ■,. .


WASHINGTON. Peb. 20—’n ic re Is reudy to break a repo rt from a sub­committee o t the hom e committee on mlllUiry a ffa irs w hich will have repcrcu»lons In Ute northw est. Tt will Involve H cnrj’ S la ttery o f ru ra l electrification adm Ini.itrailon; Jo h n K ruge, Bdvlr,or on^w w er for the production botird and form erly cupylng a sim ilar poslUon «1Ui OPM and BPAD, and D onald NeUon, the Mr. BIr of tho w ar production board. T he report shows a w aste o f copper a t a Ume w hen every ounce U re ­quired for m unltlonh: Uie repo rt will tell Uie story of how Idaho , Oreuon and WiuihlnKton (the REA coopera­tives) hnve been sacrificed to per­m it -REA to duplicate l.vlon lines In Arkanjia.i aguliLit th e advice of tho w ar and navy munUlons board.

T lio im nds of farm ers in th e Uircc norlhw eatcm sta te s a rc w altlnn for

REA lo obUIn wire for t h e l llne.4. Poles a r up b u t bare . No c o p p c r wire available. R E A said; and REA has chnrKed th a t Uie Bo-callod.pow- t r u s t p revented REA from KCtUng wire on a priority. But dov.’n in A r- kan.ioa and Louls-

KELLY lana R E A h as reached ou t fo r 2 0 .00 0 ,0 0 0 pounds of copper wire. I n T exas REA h a s been hoarding copper nnd building lines unUl week w hen W PA Insisted th a t REA cease. (Several monUis BRO SI 'aB ordered a ll REA ncUvl- Ues to te rm inate u n t e a s .. . projec t was olmont completed. REA, In ’Texas, paid no a tten ­tion. proceeded w ith construcU on unUl Uie arm y sen t an officer to see w hat was doing; then ordered a ll S 'ork halted.)

T he report of Uie subcommittee or m lllU ry offa lrs Is thorough, search ­ing and supplem ented .w ith original documents. T he subcom m ittee did no t take Uie word of w ltne .isw It w ent after and secured "Uift papers." REA took a contract to supply 32J00 kilowatts fo r a n alum inum p la n t in Arkan.-sas and applied fo r a cerUfl' cate of convenience and . necessity from -the A rkansas commlislon. T h a t body said existing lines could sen-e and save tho coppcr. However. If the war producUon board wished REA to fum lsli tho power, th e com- mi.vion Would g ra n t th e certificate.

Referred to th e arm y a n d navy munlUons board, Uie m ilita ry group sa id the REA p lan woukl be a waste of copper and materlaLi. Jo h n K ruge, an advocate o f governm ent owner* sh ip , and power consulUint fo r N el. son. advised the la tte r Uiat th e REA program w as good: Nelson se n t word to g ran t th e cerUflcate. depending on K ruge’s advice r a th e r Uian the arm y and navy board. .

In i u f irs t d ra f t o f th e report th e subcommittee says th a t tf Krxige did notkno<^ the re is a shortage of copper a n d th a t iO,00 0 .0 0 0 pounds a rc needed m ore fo r ahelh th a n for bulkllng a dupUcaUng transm ission Ubc. the m an is incom petent.

T here is th e rftaklng of a sensa­tional scandal In th e report. I n a way. I t puU D onald Nelson on th e spot.

(C.»u .» rf ». r m , t. c»i«»ti T)

DISGRACED:EAar. ST . L O tJ ia IIU Peb. 30

tfl>-E dw ard J . Ja p p i. 20, thought h is Bumame w as a ll r ig h t un til Pearl harbor.

So. w ith th o permission of c ity court, he now u « a -. th e nam e

-"6 in a i,“-»iu 'm a tn t r r m u g r ~ a n « ~ h e r r tm a rr ta g t.;


- WITH CHURCHILLLONDON: ■Pcb. 20 Wv — Prim e

M lnb ter Wfn.nton Clnirchlll. under a uock for r c c c n t ' BrltU h m ll lu ty reverses, answered h l» :c rltlc s today by pruning h la /w a r .cabinet from nine to* seven members In a sw ift .ihakeup from which s ir .‘Hafford C rippi. form er ambiu.finlor lo Mos­cow. rm ereed as iln; JoiH-''liindlns Hew fisurc In tho Kovcrunient.

Crlpp*. a- dynam ic personality advanced Ideiu, once gave him a rrpu ta llnn as a mdlcnl, was nam ed lord privy ^ea^ nnti litflw.c of com- jsnns \e a ilri—a dual JV ''' m any po- i^tlcal ob.-.ervcrs bclirvrd v,-oulii iiijl^to-hlm second In Iniiwrtnnce only to Churchill.

O liver L j'ttlc ton . known asof Wln-iton’n brl«hl yoiuig n ......was oppolnted mlnLstrr of .itate In charge of producUon, supplanUnS Lord Beaverborok. who will- go to the United State.i nliorily, to carry on the Uuk o f poolliitr tlie rew urccs of Uie U nited NaUons.

neaverbrook Drcllnex An official nnouncem rtii iiald Lord

Bta'!tTbTWiSrhBd-t5ee»nei5-ftn Invi­tation to Join Uie n rw w ar cabinet on ••groundn of healtli." Tv,-o other ve terans—S ir Kingsley Wo<yl, chan ­cellor of th e excliequer, and A rthur Oreenwnotl. Lnborlte m inister wlUi» ou t portfolio — relinquished the ir places In th e Inner cnljlnei,

T lie only o th e r clmn^e in Uie cab inet Involved C lrm rtu AtUee. He surrendered th e pom of lord priVy seal to make way for Crlpps and was nam ed secretary of s la te for dom inion o ffa lrs—a move dic tated by dom inion dem ands lor represen- UUon—and reta ined the tile of dep­u ty prim e mlnl.iter. Vlicount C ran- borne, form er domlnlnns secreWry, was n o t a w ar cnbliiri member.

' Keep# P(Ml Prim e MlnL-\ler Churchill rctiUned

the portfolios of detrn.'.e m inister ond f irs t lord o f the irensury.

•riie o the r holdovers In the cab inet are Labor M inister Ernest. Blvln, ro rc lg n BecreUrj- Anthony Eden and Lord Prc .'ld rn t of the

■€«iincll S ir Jo h n Anderson. Lyttlei' ton ’was a m em ber of Uie old Inner group as mlnLitcr of .Mate for Uie middle ea.^t.

Japs Close Giant Pincer On Sumatra Bali Islands

G E l A N S I i l tLONDON. Febr-M f> s ^ c rm im y

h a s lav in th td a m ajor ftubiaaTlnc of­fensive ln_Uic norUi A tlantic from Uie Azores to Oreenlani operato wlUi Ja p an United S tates naval un its . A tlantic and preventing r e ln f o l^ m ent o f Uie U. 8 . Pacific fleet. In forme<l Drlttsli sources sa id today

Tlie.'ic sources declared U iat, r.. cording to Inform ation from the con tinen t, th e Nazis had 34 U -boats a t sen 111 th e north A tlantic early In Febniary . T lits probably mean.i, thej" added, th a t actually the re were Uiiec tim es t l i a t m any opcrntlnB In Uils a rea th a t time.

Jopancje dem ands for naval opera tion w ere said to have been made a t an axis oonfcrence .ln .B a- vorla early In Ja n u ary . Vice-Admiral K arl Doenltz, In com m and of Uie U-boat fleet, was .lald to hnve told them he would iu,e "pack tactics" . . the sea lanes near Europe w hile hts subm arines a n d best creM, x would range the n o r th American coast.

U. S. Plans Full Supremacy in Air

WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 (U.R) — MaJ. G en. C arl Bpaatz. commander o f th e U, S. a rm y's a ir com bat forces, said today th e U nited S ta te s In­tends to win unquc."itloned aerial suprem acy on a ll fron ts and then wage "devasta ting w arfare” on th< axis a t every turn.

T he recently appointed SO-year- oM he ad of th e a ir flghUng a m m ade tha s ta te m en t in a "wai message to th e a ir forces."

'Tlie w ar th u s far h a s proved con­clusively th a t aerial Row^cr Is es.ien- Ual to th e success o f e ith er offensive or defensive acUon, h e said.


repo rt from Vichy sa id today tho F rench news agency asserted th a t th ree B ritish bombers sa n k two F rench traw lers M onday while they were fishing 30 miles o ff th e French iK s t (o « st In Uie bay of Biscay,

ilei-c’s the Big “Fish” That Caused Plenty of Damage m NEXT STEP N O R I V E P I N S T ONITEO NATIONS

By JOHN JSr M O n a iS United rr«as-Far^Eajit«m M anager

BATAVIA, Jav*, Feb. 20— (Telephone to -,,l^ew Y ork; 11:20 p. m. — H :5 0 a. m. EW T )' (U.PJ —' Jnpan ■ cloaed two ffiant claws on the United Nntiofia’ only rerapiniiig E a s t Indies base of Java - ton ight with the conquest o C tb e is­lands of SumatTA and Sali.

PlghUng Is stUl in prpffrcM on Ball, where Japanese invaslon lorces landed a fte r American afrp lases bombed or sank eight of U i e l r .w - alilps and transporta, and reslstAnco

‘ Is continuing oQ' Sum a-

(NBA Telephoto)nu tc li and U. S. a rm y ortleers (left to rlch t) exam ine a deadly torpedo wlilcli mUsed III U rge t In tbe

recen t Aruba a ttac k and came ashore. The 18-toot missile la te r exploded a n d killed four Dutch.

Ja p Incendiaries F a ll on B a ta a n

By EVKIIETT R. IIOLLE.S 'W A S H ir ^ G T O N . F e b . 20 (U.R)— J u p u n c ^ e a in i l i i r ie a p o w e r ­

e d in c e n d ia r y bom bH b e h in d th e l in e s o f G en . D o u g lrif l M nc- A r t h u r ' s fo rcc .s o n B a ta n n p e n in s u la w h e r e f iK h tin fc c o n ­t in u e d a lo u K a l l s c c t i o n a o f t h e f r o n t i lli<i w a r ,d ,« p a r tm e n t r e p o r t e d to d u y . .

I n a b r to f c o m m u n iq u e , th e d e p a r t m e n t d e n c r i b c d tlic f i g h t in s r - o n B a ta a n a a “ po.ii- U o n a l .”

A lthough the com m unique made h a 'm cnU on of Uie lntca%liy of the fighting, i t appeared to be part of Uie Japanese cam paign to “soften' u p ^ .'th e M acA rthur defenders for Uie a^U clpated a ll-o u t Assault lo ■flrtve them off Uie peninsula....

said “a num ber" ol incenfllaiy 'bom bs Were dropped

'supply centers and oUier iioslUoai. ■Tlier^ was no m ention of w hether Uiey causcd any damaRC.

Quick B u m ln t .T lie communique *uld '‘lliat the

borfibs were filled v,-lUi w hite pho.i- pliorus, a qulck-buriihiK chemical.

I t also sa id th a t MacArUrtir. act­ing in behalf of h b troops, "h as ack- kno-Nltdgtd w ltii appreciation the cordial grecUnKS tram m lttcd to him by 00.000 arr^nal employes of tho ordnance departm en t of th e army In Uic U nited-S ta tes," •

T liere w tw .n o 'fiirUier jnenUnn of American a ir o r sea activ ity In tho Pacific. OUier Communiques of Uie past 24 hours ti ld of succcMful a t­tacks Ijy A m erican a ir forces In the southw est Pacific and submarine acUvlty In w aters close lo Jnpan Itself, while the presence of a ’‘rel­atively sm all number"’ of American troopa In J a v a -wns ir f e a l td oJti- da lly in Datnvla. S'

MocArlhur,'s A m erican J ind PtIU piiio troopi a re play ing an Im portant a lthough d is tan t role-. In dcfen.’« of tho D utch E as t Ind ies becaiwe every day they repulse th e Japanese. In­vaders In th e Philippines they pre­vent th e enem y from ' thlfU ng for­m idable forces southw estw ard.

PrcOTure lnrm uM «.Enem y ’ p ressure U ; . Increasing

■gainst his BaUuin lln te ' a n d sQll more Japanese re ln fo rc e w n ta being m'oved up in evident p rcpara- uon for. ’'a re.iumpUon Uie feh.-.lve." M acA rUiur’s m’elT also said to be under fierce dlve-bom b- Ing and Urtlllery pounding.

Y esterday’s com raynlques brought a no te of cheer f r tJn th e f a r e a« bntU efrort. a lthough th e jitrugg le there rem ains a g rim one. '■- An A m erican subm arine, slipping Into-enem y-T^aters clow to Japan, torpedoed a n d sank a 6 .0 0 0- to n en­emy sh ip In Uio e a s t C hina sea. sotnffwhtre betw een J a p a n a n d For-- and along th e m a in route of

•« i. I

Igorot Tribesmen Have Fun Slaughtering Japs


T in jR -S A RM Y IN T H E PIH L IP - F IN tS . 'Feb.' 30 -(UJS-lgorot tribes^ m en flghU ng w ith Amerloon forces on B a ta an h a v e n 't seen so m uch ez- c llem en t since the ir fa th e rs stopped c u tting o ff th e heads of o ther Island tribesm en years a g a .T h e Ig o ro tis’ proclivity fo r head

hunU ns has been s t a m p s out, but Uie reallxaUon th a t Uiey can kill all th e Ja ttancse in sig h t w ith no wor­ries abou t tlie Jallhouse, h a s re­leased a ll th e ir p e n t-u p fIghUng sp irit. T h ey v o really been having a field day a t th e expense ,o f the enemy, and U aJ . O en. Jo n a th an M. W a la v r l ^ t Is so p leasM % ith the ir .»9 rlt_h tjn«r_ le t_U icn i_run_w ourK t la th e ir oaUve uniform

T h a t eotsslsU of a ^ t o f over*

sized O -string , s ^ s liU t and shoes b u t n o panU . T h e Igorotea regard cloUilng In m uch th e sam e light a j docs Sally Rjxnd. T oo .m uch' apparel interferes wlUi th e ir frce'dom -of taoUon w hen th e y '.a re swinging a gllstenlng,-m or-shaJT> ase , they and dulls th e ir efficiency.

B u t clothes o r o -s tr ln g ? , these fierce figh ters « r« doing a great Job of ihak lng th e m orale of th e invader*. T hey w ould ra th e r figh t' th o n c a t, a n d th e re a re no nlceUes connecUd w ith th e ir m ethods. .

There- U only one ba ttalion of: them on B a ta an . -

T h re^ of them recen tly c»me bock from th e Japanese lines luggln^^five cases Of am m uniU on for a small

. tren tA .m o rta r .-T h rr-h a d Wiled one of th a gun crew b u t th e o thers es*

(Cm Us iH •> r « « I. C d sa a 1)

Girl’s Fiance ’Phones From 'Far-off Java

IL\NSEN. P e b . '3 0 - P r o m - f a r - ' off Java, focal po in t of th e P a -

:^olflQ, w ar, came a telephone call for EdyUi T runkey from her flancc. Sgt. Edfton McMiirtrcy.

And Uie call was h itcrrup ted th ree U m cs-rbut Uiere wa.t noUi-

' lug -wrong w ith Uie telephone ilcr- vlce a cra is a goodly porUon of the earth 's circum ference. I t was Just the U. S, brm y censor checking the call.

Sgt. M cM urtrey h a s been su t- Uoncd o t J a v a for Uio p ast m onth . T h n t m ajor Island In Uie D utch E as t Indies Is now holding Uio eye.i of Uic world a s Ja p an ham ­mers a t tho " treasu re house” o f Uie fa r east.

Sg t. M cM urtrey gave M lssT run - 'key Uie nom es of several young men who w an ted 'th e lr M agic Val­ley relaUves noUfled th a t they ore •■wrll.*'

MIm T runkey Is daughter of Mr. and M rs. F ran k 'Trunkey, H n a 'cn ranchcrfl.

F A l l E I W l 3NA

F a rm ers 'a tten iiln g th e flfUi a n ­nual P a rm cni' Congress in Tw in PalLi on Thursday, Feb. 26, s ta rting a t 10 a. m . will have th e opportunity to vote on w hether they » -an t en ­emy alien labor Im ported here to a id in planU ng and har>-esUng of this year’s crop, i t w as announced this afternoon.

T h e vote of the farm ers will be taken a t.conclusion of th e address by H -rrj- A. Elcock. Idaho m anager of th e A m algam ated Sugar com­pany. Q cock. togeU ier w ith Milford J . V aught. Boise, sU to AAA chair­m a n 'a n d a lso head of th e sta te USDA w ar board, will speak a t the Roxy th e ate r. Unlike p a s t yeara w hen speakers were he ard a t both m orning a n d a fternoon sessions, th e speaking program th is year will be concluded In th e m orn ing w ith «pe-, cisl fea tures p lannea lo r th e afte r- '

WUi TcU of LaborElcock. l i \ hU address, will dis­

cuss InformaUon collected during the labor survey w hich th e Amal­gam ated com pany m ode In CaU- fom ia , A rizona and New Mexico. H e will also discuss inform aU on th a t h u been received relaUve to pos­sibility o f m oving enem y a lien labor in to th is secUon of Idaho .

opinion of th e farm er on UiU . . p ^ b l U t r will be determ ined

. th e vote w hich will bo taken a fte r S c o c k haa com pleted h is d is- cm slon.

T bday Voy H udson, chairm an of(C u U b W m Pis* ». Calami »

TIKES?SANTA FE . N. M., Peb. 30 M V -

F o r years, .Supreme C ourt Clerk H e r b e r t O eriia rt n u rttw td a nib« .'&;£r tree in th e foyer of th o cottrt -.building. I t soared to a he ig h t of

fee t u nder h is care a n d en- CbURigement. A t least, h e h a s been rewarded!

•"PcrhaBJ I cao U p J t fo r a tire or,two.*’ beam ed-O erhart. as they nam ed h im ehairtna tf 'o f th e coun*

.ty U ra^raU oo ln i'boa rd . , ____

S , . S r "a j ' - ^ t h i


Survivors of Uio S,000-ton B razilian s team er Ollnda said today th a t an enemy submarine, a fte r apparepU y f ir in g . a warning sho t across tho sh ip 's bow', shelled th e vessel 17 or 18 tim es before sending It to the bottom off Uic, AtlanUc coast two days ago.

T he surtlvors described th e sub­m arine 03 "pocket iltc ."

T lie 48 survivors, comprising the sh ip ’s enUre crew, were landed here yesterday./Ttt-enty Ujree were placed in hosp itals for trea tm en t for cx- hausUon exposure. - • * - ^

T h o a ttack on 'tlo -vesM l,’ oiib qT the oddest In the B razilian m erchan t m arine, marked th e second tim e th a t a G erm an submoilno liad sunk a B razilian ship In Uie la s t week. Early Sunday Uie cargo-passenger s team er Buorque was sunk wlUi Uie

s d r.o 3 Jlfe ,^T h o a ttack bn-1li5 D llnda occurred

abou t Wednesday noon. T lic ship rad io operator. Prnnclico Nagucfla of 6 a o Paulo, related U iat ho board­ed th e a ttacking submarine and was he ld Uicre fo r 10 m inutes w hile one of the submerslble's crcw took h b pllOtOKTUph.

N aguerla said Uiat a fte r th e ves­sel h a d been slielled 17 or 18 Umes, th e subm arine dealt h e r a death blow v,-iUi a torfy(<3o'amldsiifps.

P R I S i p l C Em s M g a il s

WASHINOTtrtr. Feb. ao mJ9 — lA ura Ingalls.^.-jfioted w oman filer, w ai f tc n t« n c q l.^ B y to from eight monUis to t ^ years In p rison f6r failu re to r e n t e r a s a Nazi agent.

Before J i^ g e Jam es W. MorrU pronounced'.-sentenec in d istric t court, M lss-ingalls said:

••I do no t consider myself guilty o f any acUon m y country.

" I rcallM Uiat I have techiUcally vloU ted la law of which I knew noth ing , iiu t had I known of it, 1 could no t (have obeyed It because I was acting on my own as a patrio t. I w as never In my consclcnce, o r in fac t, a foreign agent.

"T he compen-iatlon I took (refer­ring to ‘money accepted from Ger..' m an embassy a tU ches) I lntcnd(*d to tu rn over later to proper au tho r- iUcs as evidence of my independent InvestlgaUons."'

A t h e r .trial. Miss Ingalls* def<'waa th a t she was engaged in co__te r espionage work and considered h e n eU as “a sort of M ata H art."

Basque Aliens t o ' Stay in America

W ASH lN aTO N, F e b .. 20. -(U.R) — Presiden t R oosne lt today algned a b ill authorizing M Spanish B a a liens. :-w ho entered tho U r S ta te s ,ajr-»cam en aiul w ho o . _ s tayed (fielr permits, to rem ain here OQ:paymeDt of a tlO visa fee a n d 18 head Xax.

M ost of the men are em ployed-as shepherds li^.Idalio, and aro ld to be 'h ig h ly nKes.^ar7 to th e aheep ra is in* Industry.* according to a re ­po rt on the bill, w hich was intro> duced by Sen. D. W orth C lark. D.. Id a . I t was sponsored in th e bouse by Riep. H enry C. Dworahak. R , Ida ,


ed a divorco today from J o h a R os- seUi, a broker, after c harg tak th a t h e objected to her c a r e e r - iM h e r friends. •

Ira.B ut enemy forces have pushed

across Sum atra to th e Sunda s tr a i t opposite Java and for all pm c tical purpones the two islands flank lne tho allied m ain base of Java on both Uie east and w est a re gone under Uio tide Of enemy offensive. T o­n igh t Java is braced fo r the decisive battle.

No Landing ReportsAs yet, there have been no re>

ports of enemy landings on Ja v a .FarUier easl»ard . th e • Japanesa

have been bombing-tlie D otch-P or- tiiguese island of .Timor, w hich lie* northw est of A iutralla’s Pcct D ar­win. M ilitary an d governm ent a u - Uioritles here said th a t up to a la te hou r tonight they h a d received no infonnaUon regarding Japanese re - porta UiBt T im or h a d been Invaded a n d th a t th e A ustralian defense . troops there had been driven back .

• wiped out.(’Tokyo broadcasts aatd Japanese

troops landed on T im or early todair and o ther axis reporta said th e Aus* . tra llan defenders 'were being repuM- ed and annih ila ted l a U tte r t l |b l -

— -— ■T h e oltaaUou- kT f a r a a ^ ^ v c - ta - -

concerned is very grave, ■lljere a re s a n e American forces be re ‘b o t m y few other U ian the a ir a n d ’ naTaL personnel- th a t has been flgh tin* la the E as t Indlei<, ..

AlUod naval forcea. Including sub­marines, Joined with Amcrlcazx a ir forces and D utoh land troops In th e furious flghUng a round S aU. b u t U ' w as n o t definitely know n w hether . American w arships w ere in ro tred .

CommunlcaUons OifflcttltCommunlcaUons .cn the island of

J a v a are very difficu lt because of heavy dem ands .on th e llm itod fa - cUlUea and tliere la ' considerable movement.

T h e Japanese invasion troops a re ' wlUilp one brief w ater Jump o f bo th ends of Java islt^nd.

O n Uio •s.^estem end. w ithin str ik ­ing distance of the cap ita l o f .B aU ............via. th e enemy is Ju st across th e 19> ml!o wide Sunda stra it, accoidlng to a mrssago from Harold G uard , D nlt- ed Press correspondent ,wtto visited Uie weatem Up of th e 'is la n d thU moTOiag.

Newspaper hcndquarU ra which have been a t B atavia will probably bo BUewher^ in the nex t day o r two.All cWnian movementa on th e Island, however, a re prohibited w ithout spe- clal permit.

. G uard reported th a t boUi D utch and B rltbJi troops whJcli fought on SumoUii hod arrived oo tb s . J a v a aide of Sunda strait.

On tho eastern flank, th e J a p a ­nese were strik ing closer to th e big Soerabaja naval base t o overrun­ning the once pe ac e fu l^n d p ic tu r­esque Wand- of Ball, which la sop- . o rated from J a v a by only a mUe of shallow water.

Allied counterblows, led by Amer­ican flying fortressei, Uberatora a n d the first U. S. dive bombers in use In the EA^t Indies, caused the J a p a ­nese heavy losses, in the Ball i n v a - , slon bu t failed to stop them .

“The D utch quickly destroyed such InstallaUons oo Uis Is land .a*-, m igh t h a re been useful to th e J a p a ­nese-ahd fought a delaj-liw action ★ hich’is atlU In progress. P o u r a n - emy planes wera sh o t down by • American planes over BaU. while-;io

A K S rr BOUBSB CKA8HES . TACOMA. 'Wash.. T tii. ad M ^ A ^

a rm y bomber crashed t4*T. tb e P a - elflo highw ay today oo I’lh o P o rt C e su - in n n iiT T i 'r sp o rta f ro m Use U O y 'Were aboant, i


“Friend” Guilty In Murder Trial

ORANOEVTIiE. I d a . Feb. 30 (JPf —A dlsU ict court 'Jury, a fte r m e n th a n 10 hdlirs of deliberation, today returned a verdict of guilty o f paan^'. slaughter agaipst Bugh W a U « , ' charged wlUi slaying Jack Dec. 3.

During the four-day tr ia l. W alkar, . who claim ed Ross a s . b e a t ' n iend ," UsUfled h s “rc n e m b e rs ,. nothing,’* ab o u t the alaytng a f t e ^ drinking session. • - S :* ,.

Woman, 45, Takes ; Truck Driver JoV"i

DALLA& I t e . , FBb. 9Q t o n th is w ar ,U 0 T«r.''. **yg l f t s . .v;-~ Je ra n e Ko&ki. n o te o t ' w o m «n« '

' g to d o th lD O tb a r a

tiu 6 k d r tT B r ? \ • •

W M th a

Page 2:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

'PagtTw o TIMES-?JEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Friday, February 20,1942



WASHINOTON. Feb. 20 C/P>— T h n e lanuenU si e e m to n dirnand~ cd today U ia t «l*iu4ile provlalcmi be miulft fo r delcnM of Amertckn cooitilncs.

S«iutU)n W nlsh (D.. U u s .) . Byrd (D„ V«.) and Jo lm w n (R , C*JU.) tu^Ml thU p ro l«U on despite an m - K rtlo n by Sccnrtnry oT W *r BUm- to n th iit dUpcrwU of forecs to h a lt enemy c w tA l n ild t m ieh t Rt&rd oMcnslTM elvfwhfre,

■ A concrete Indication Umt such of- f m s l m m leh t devpJop •ooner lim a

• Henerally expected was conlaSned In th e l*test. advices from th e Nether­lands E ast Indies.

“m o arm y sa id loiit n l s i a th a t a fo rm ation of 18 American P-40 p u r­su it plane* Intercepted 23 heavy Japanese bombers and t*-o fighter planes w hich flew over Soembajo. J s r n . ftnd destroyed five bombers and orte flah ter. Ono American piano «-os sho t down but th e pilot was saved.

tn* lhTills was tJie first report oX a

considerable American flKhter force —o f squadron itr e n s th —bcln« In ac­tion over Java . U was .oMomponled

' by a navy Btatement tim t an Ameri­c an aubmartno had-«iolc^a 8 ,000- ton cargo 'ah lp In tJie e a a to h ln a sea.

B u t th e enem y llkewlso had news o f BubmorlnB forays In th e Carib­bean. New U»bo«t o tta ck r damaaed two ahlps off T rinidad. However. U 'boata failed to se t flro to the husG.oU roUnerlea on Arttba tn-«n>

' o the r raid and the subm arine » t- tack ln s th a t D utch oil port mciy liavo been sunk by U. S . bombers.

Secretary Stlm son h a s wonted th a t such attAcks m iclil b« extend­ed to American shores, b u t Uiat In

' th e sm nd stm tcey of Uie war t^e m ost Im portan t step Is to prepare

- an offensive stfalnst th e oxu.W alsh, chairm an of th e senate n a -

val affair# committee, told reporters . th a t while no th ln s Ahould b« done

to In terfere w ith f&r-reochlns mlll- toi7 stra tesy . 'InadeQ uate” c o u t de- isn ses ought to be strcnglhened apeedlly.

Predicts AtUeksStlm son told • press conference

yw terday th is counliy could expect a ttacks ■'all alon« our coasts and o th e r pUces." s im ila r to the axis •ubcnarlno forays on A ruba Island tn th e D utch W eet Indies.

H o sold I t WHS likely th a t -p res­su re" would be exerted by ■•ihoughV- lew pe rsons ' to scatter American forces to m eet such a ttacks. Such a course, h a declared, w ould be the

’ su rest way h e knew of losing the w ar. W hat th is country needed to do, he^conlinucd . was to mass Its forces to c arry th e war to th e enemy.

Igorot Natives .Slaughter Japs

(Tnm r t t t On.)caped w ith th e m ortar. They pre« se a te d the am m unition to tlietr cora- tn a n d ln s officer with apologies be> cam # they c o u ld a l ge t t h t m ortar, too.

lUdlnff OQ th e sides of the Ameri­c an tanks a s they roU Into the Jungles U a favorite Igorol trtck. I t h aa reduced th e frequency w ith w hich Japanese have b e ta able to d a r t ou t o f hid ing and slsp mag- a e tlo m laes on th e taaks.

“G et to those dam ned Japs fasU r th a t way. k>U them quicker," they explain. T he fa c t they present ex« cellen t ta rgcU for th e Japane«a doesn 't sc^m to worry them.' A few complolnU m ode of tha lr>roU * cen ter around the ir llkln« fcrr dog m e at and the ir IncllnaUon to h i t the botUe.

T h e m a tte r o f drinking U ra the r h a rd to handle, for th e Igorotes— the re d o e sn t seem to be a prehlbl- tjon lst am o o i them — make the ir owD liquor. I t U ferm ented cocoa, a u t juloe. called T uba, which can ho ld Its own wlUi anj-thlnif A merlct produced du ring the “nobis experi- m enu"


were destroyed over Boerabaja naval base In two days.

C redit Bomb lil ts Communiques of th e U nited Na­

tions supremo heodqunrteri of-Java

News of RecordFUNERALS

HAMSEY — Fluieral servlets for M rs. Prances Ramsey, who died W ednesday. wlU b t held Saturday a t > p. m . a t th e Raynoldi mortuary chapeL In te rm e n t wIU be In Sunset m em orial park.

The Hospital

ADMITTED A aron Adamson. B oland Lsyeock,

Mrtu a n m a Egbert. M u ruugh : A n m n t i . T w in FaUs; M e r c e d W right. Ketchum.

DISMISSED • Jtm m le M ortln . K imberly; Alfred

, K ram er. Buhl; John L. Boehm. Twin Palls ; Mrs. C. K. stum sle, BuhL

Keep the White Flag of Safetu Flvlnff

Nov> 35 davt wtthout a trai/te death In our Uaffic V a lle y .

Churchill Aide

VlslU Fa the r M rs. Spencer T illey h a s returned

to her home in ’Burley a f te r visiting tills week In 'I'wlii F a lls vlU i her faUier, J . U. M ullins, a u d he r nlecc, m Im Margie G oodnight.

nis. returned today from Boise whero they have been vU ltlng. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Downey, pa re n ts of I.Us. Rlgas.

SIR STAFFORD CR IPF8 Named to DritUh cabinet and

now ranking a s No. X m an In B ritish empire.

warnlilpn and tran spo rts to allied planes b u t U was understood th a t American nlrcraCt, IncludlnR Uie first dive bom bcn used In th e East Inclle.i, scored m ost of th e blows.

Tlie h its on enem y sh lp ^ (pos­sibly Inclutjlng some rep e a t a ttacks) Included; .

T hree cruisers.Three transports.Tft'o destroyers, ono of which

blown a p a r t a n d sonk.(An axLi broadcast from R o n s

quoting Tokyo dispatches, sold thot Jopanese p lanes had bombed the D utch booes of F a k fak In New Guinea, tlie Islands of Flores and the Islands of Dcbo, A ru and Timor. Japanese forces Invaded T im or and

reported breaking th e reslst- . . .. of A ustralian troops there. To­kyo claimed.)

VIUI PolnU DMlroyed T h e D utch com m unication said: “ In connecUon w ith the enemy

action direc ted again st Ball, vital p o in ts on .B a ll have been destroyed a n d ' strong action Is being token against land ings w hich th e enemy U caro-lng ou t.“

T lie s ituation appeared to be sc* rious for th e D utch defenders, de­spite th s f irs t dtve-bomblng at> tacks of A m erican planes In the BuU Indies. T he dive bombers h it a Japanese tran sp o rt and a cruiser wlUi hea'.’y casualties to tlie enemy.

A few A m erican ground troops as well as A ustralians a re on Java to old the D utch dcfehse.

A m erican liberator bombers and fleet of

Twin Falls News in BriefF enner Resident

Mrs. B. O . H ouston, Jerom e, for­m er Twin F a lls resident, w as a guest of Mr*. L. C. Schneider Thursday afternoon.

From C allfem U M r. and Mrs. L aval W alker and

two children, Los Angeles, came W ednesday to visit Mr. W alker's parents. Mr. and M rs, L. L. Walker.

1 .Jafnes R. BothwcU a n d L . J .

Bacon. T «'ln FalLi. w ere am ong southern Idaho business visitors In Dolso .thls wc^*:.

Camp Em-Ar-EI Comp Em-Ar-El. D aughters of the

tJlah Pioneers, will m eet M onday with Mrs. M. .K night, COT T h ird avenue wcjt.

VIsli. Mrs. W. n . Chase retu rned yes­terday from Berkeley. Calif., where she spent V alentine's day w ltli her diiURhter. M lii .Virginia A nn Chase, s tudent a t tlie U niversity o f C ali­fornia.

F a th e r U1W . R. Chase has been called to

T hornton. la ., by th e serious illness of his father. H. O . Chase, who Is slightly Improved, according to word received here.

Conclode* VUit ■ Mrs. EUhu TJiomspn Je ll today for

h e r home in Sw ampscott. Mass.. fol­lowing a m ld -w ln ttr vaeailon visit a t the homo of M r. a n d Mrs. J . U. Seaver.

T ransferred Mr. and Mrs. Bob H aggardt le ft

the f irs t o f ciie week fo r Eugene, O re , to make th e lf hom e. Mr. H ag­g a rd t has been tran sfe rred to th a t office of Sw ift a n d company. He has been employed a t the Twin Falls office fo r Uio p ast several years.

V Id t in N ebruka Mrs. Jnmca C. Reynolds left UjI.i

afternoon for N ebraska to visit her paren ts and oUier relatives. She w m Joined a t Shoshone by M rs. H arry Neal. Hailey, who will visit In O maha.

MennonUe Service*Rev\val m eetU ^s In progress a t Uie

MennonUe B re tluen In C hris tchu rch w ith Rev. £ . D. Young as evangelist, will close will) tlie Sunday evening service. Services are being held each day a t 8 p. m.

Rccrult Leaves One Tw in Palls youth le ft today

for S a ltl /o k e City w here ho will be given final exam ination tomorrow for en llstm eat In th s U. S . navy. H e Is Jam es O liver Barnes, I t was announced by £ . R. H annon, assist­a n t recru iter a t th e navy office In Tw in Falls postofflce.

Leave far California Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H. Adnms

left yesterday for soutlicrn Cali­fornia. wiiere Mr. A dam s lias ac­cepted work on a n a tional defense proJecU Mrs. Adam.% Is the younKcst daughter of Mrs. E lla M. W hite.

Cub T raining C oone Cub- paren ts tra in ing course will

be held a t th e L incoln sciiool Mon­day a t TiSO p. m .. Scout otJlcl.iU announced todaj-. P a ren ts of a ll boys contacted a re urged to attend. A r*dlo will be se t up there In order th a t persona a ttend ing can hear P resident R oosevelfs oddreiu :

W eek-end Trip Mr. and M rs. Verle Moser, presi­

d en t of th e Muglc M ountain Ski club and lUs wife; Mr. und Mrs. F red J lex and Miss M argare t K en­nedy are m em bers of a Kroup plan­ning to leave tom orrow aticrnoon to spend Uie w eek-end a t AlU. ski resort neor S a lt L ake City. Utali. T hey plan to re tu rn to T«,'ln Piills Monday evening.

To D ental MeeUng D r. ArU iur A lban, w ith Mr*. Alban

and the ir son. Billy, le ft by tra in to ­day for Chicago, III. Dr. Alban will a ttend th s m idw in ter mecUng of the Chicago D en tal society, largest den ­ta l convenUon In th e world. They will also vU lt w ith relatives. Dr. Alban will re tu rn In about one week b u t Mrs. A lban a n d Billy will m ala for six weeks.

flying fortresses in th e a ttac k on the Japanese Invasion flee t off tlie sou theastern coast of Ball.

T h e American* d id n o t lose single plane.

O ne fl>-lng fo rt« M dropped eight . }0-pound bomba a round one of tlie enem y destro>'ers and th e crews said It arose up from th e w ater and come down In pieces.

Farm Meet Will Ballot on Aliens

t r n a Pm * Omt)tlie M erchants ' bu reau of the Cham ber o f Commerce, announced th a t H A. P ayn te r h a s been named chairm an of a com m ittee to aid ' tn parU dpaU on of Chat u n it in the Farm ers' Congress. Assisting P ayn­te r will be F rank L. Cook. Bulletins will be sen t to th e various m erchants outlining parU clpatlon plans.

D ealers Cooperate T{ie Fa rm ers ' Congress Is spon­

sored each year by th e Tlme*-News In cooperation w ith local Implement dealers a n d th e m erclian ts ' bureau.

This year, as In p ast year*. dU- play of Uie la tes t fa rm equipment will fea ture on downtown street*. T he Idaho Pow er company Is ipon- sorlng a cooking school fo r farm women, th is school to be held a t the com pany auditorium while tlie m en a ttend th e m orning speaking session. Local cafes a re expected to feature Idaho producU on th slr m e nus-^u ring the day and mer­chan ts will sponsor “Silver D ollar" bargain days bo th T hu rsday and Friday.

A ttend Servlee*Mrs. E m m a -H ansen and her

daughter, M rs. M aude Buchl. w ent to Ogden th e firs t of the week to o t- tend funera l services for WlUard Page, fa th e r-in -la w of another daughter o f M rs. H ansen, Mrs. Eu­gene Page. O gden. Mrs. L. A. H an­sen. a niece of W illard Page, was unable to a tten d tlie services. Mrs. Buchl U expected • to re tu rn this week-end, b u t Mr*. H ansen will re­m ain for a loDger visit w ith her daughter.

Teke* Elect Bond L aurler Bond, son of D r. and Mrs.

W allace Bond. T w in FaUs. th is week w ss Installed as secretary of tlie W liltm an coIIpbo ' ch ap te r of T nu K appo Epsilon fra te rn ity to ser\’e during Uic ensuing year..B ond has been ou tstanding In college debating since his freshm an year ond has been active In fra te rn ity affairs.

VUIts P arrnU F rank W olker. son of Mr. and

Mrs. L. L jW alk e r. retu rned T liu rs- day morning to Lo.i Angeles, w here ho will begin scrvlco Mondny In tlic U nited S tales arm y, a fte r n 24-hour visit w ith his pnrcnL.1 . A graduate of Tw in Fulls high school, he lias been vc5ik ln« In California fo r Uic past cveiSl^ycars. _____

O. O. P. CancellaUon Republican w om en’s lengufl of

Twin Falls county lias cancelled the regular mcctlnR of Uie (iroup M on­day. Feb. 23, because of Its prox­imity to the vW t of MlM M arlon E. M artin here M arch 3. Mlsa MJirtln. a ssistan t chairm an of the . Republi­can national committee, will appear a t a public meeting on th a t da te under Uic spon.iorshlp o f Uie i cn'a orsanl74itlon, of w lilch-M lss M. Ise tta MeCcT Is chairm an.


< r n a P»«. On.)supply for 'J ap a n 's Invasion arm ies td th e soutli.

T h e deatrucUox) of Uie sh ip m eant th a t American sutsm arlnes have sunk a t l e a s t 'lS and probably is Japanese vessels In fa r e w te m w al-

since Dec. IS w hen a n Amcrl- undersea ra ide r was reported of­

ficially to have sunk a tran spo rt and probably a destroyer.

15 VIetlms T lie IS know n Japanese subm a­ne vlcUma Include seven m er­

ch an t ships, five tran spo rts , a sup­ply vessel and a m wesweeper. In addition a transports a- seaplane tender and th e destroyer a re listed by th e navy a s “probably" sunk.

Y esterday's naval com m unique w as th e f irs t since F eb . 13 and th e first U. s . naval th ru s t reported since Vice-Admiral C. E . I . H elfrlch of the royal N etherlands navy took com­m and of th e U nited N ations’ naval forces in Uie southw est Pacific,

W hile th e navy was announcing lU subm arine succe&.i, the arm y. In a communique ba.%ed on advices from the E as t Ind ies fron t, told of Kteppcd-up a ttae k s by A m erican fiRhicr p lanes on Japanese bombers trj-lng to bln.1 t an Invasion p a th across T h e N etherlands fa r ea.<it empire.'

rij:ht«r rianes A force o f ' i s 'A m e r ic a n 'f ig h te r

planes—sm all a n d deadly P-40's— CnnfTtcd w ith 23 h t» v f Japanese bombers a n d tw o fighter* over t 'U nited NaUons a t S o e ra b a ja __Uie J a v a coast and sh o t down six of th e enemy, w ith the loss of one American p lane whoso p ilo t p a ra ­chuted to safety.

T lie Japaricsa bombers sw ept upon Soerabaja In four successive waves, ben t on blosUng the base, bu t fled a fte r losing five bombers and on« fighter.

T h e menUon of 13 of th e P-40'< 1 one a ttack , th e la rgest number

,-ifer reported In action over the Ea.1 t Indies a t one Ume. Indicated th a t A m erican p lanes a re a rrlv ln s th e re In Increasing strengUi. a l­though authorttoU ve quarters cau­tioned ' U ia t I t c anno t be a-viumed th a t any g rea t "flow" of Amcricap planes t i underw ay.

Treasurer Named To Handle EstateCora Stevens, public ndmliilstnx-

to r. today was namod to handle the estate of F ran lj B. King, Tft ln Palls, who died Feb. 28. 1041.

Records a t Uic probate Judge'i office show th e estate consists of unoccupied land valued a t lc .isthan S50. T here wero no known relaUves. 'R ay O. Agee. a .u lstan t prosecuUng ottom ey. Is hand ling Uie case.

Seen TodayC ertain •m alr-c ltU en g a rte r in g ,

h im self’rig h t downtown (th e d a m th ings Insist on slipping a t th e w orst tim e * )-. . . Schoolm aster in for confab w ith selective serv­ice officials. , . V isitors a t da iry meeUng standing tn f ro n t o f heaU era insldo MeUiodlst chu rch . . . Lady vivaciously explaining to anoUier a ll abou t h e r m e thod of greasing he r pe t dog t<J “keep lU cold from getting w orse" . . . M oo selling a uued slx-ply tire fo r I2 9 _ . T hree cars, all tn a line, com ing ' a long Shoslione s tre e t w ith r a ­dia to rs s te am in g .. . T w in F a lls In -

, form ation request from C lark u n i­versity g r a d u a t e (W orcester, M a ss .) ,. . T errific lu ll tn rom ance —n o t ono single m arriag e license o n recorder's books from Feb. IS unU l noon today. . . And big truck pushing H arvey Cook's sUUed auto.


WENDELL. Feb. 2(V-J. W . B a n ­bury . 83-year-old Buhl residen t who suffered a stroke here ye.iterday. was In "very poor" condition a t I p . m. today.

.end residen t in F n ib county fo r the p a st 34 years.

Banbury collapsed in Uie barber sh o p of Glen L. Jenkln.5, w here ic w as his custom to go for a shave. He wft.1 conscious only -m om entailly a t f irst b u t by n igh t a hosp ital a t- ’ toche sa id Banbury was completely unconscious,

Banbury, a form er ChlcoRo news, papcrm an. is th e owner of th e B an ' bury na tato rlum .. Despite h is ad ­vanced age, members of h is family so ld today he led a very acUve Ufe.

A t his bedside were his son, Ray W. Banbury, and his daugh ter. Mrs.

^ ra c f l French. boUi of Buhl. - — ' Banbury lived on his river ranch n e a r B uhl from 1908 unU l a year a ad one-half ago, when h e moved to B u h l . , ______________■ -

BinxiisT o Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Phillips.

Tw in FalLi. a boy; to M r. and Mrs. M. C. Harvey. Tw in Falls , a girl, a n d to Mr. and Mrs. Brueo MarUn.


Mtrhln«)>u IVirn |S.0» ltJ 4« , I N*« (’••Uiir U*k Trim S»c I Phone 69 lU 4 th Ave. N.


( m * p«(* Ob*)H . La O uardla of NffW York, w ho appointed M rs-B oosere lt to h e r post, had sought to m a in ta in both th e post of mayor a n d th a t of OCD dl' rector.

The criticism b u n t Into fuU up ­ro ar when i t w as disclosed th a t Screen SU r M elvyn DougUui h a d been appointed to the poat of d irec­to r of the arts ' council o f th e *0 0 0 InformaUon division.

Disclosure of Miss C haney’s a p ­pointm ent followed w ith in » few days.

La Cuardla resigned from h is OCD post nearly two weeks ago. I n a final report to th e president h e said Uiat m ost.of th e actlvlUe* cenU red tn Mrs. Roosevelt's division “m ig h t well have been, and perhaps eveh- tually will have to be, tran sfe rred to exlsUng perm anent divisions of government."

Com pcUnt PeopUI n her le tte r of resignation. ^Urs.

Roosevelt eald slie did no t w ish to qu it he r post unUl she could feel Uiat slio was doing so “wlUi com ' pletcly com petent people In charge.'

T h a t Is now accomplished," she said.

Landis, who was appointed dlrec ' to to succeed La O uard la . In accep t­ing her reslgnaUon paid tribu te to h e r p a rt In helping organU o' the OCD.

" I n e e d 'n o i u n you W hat th e world know*, U iat you brought to the office of c ivilian defense the cneraV a n d ji io vW on to c o rry -o u t those portion's 6l the ezecuUvo o r ­d e r Uiat directed us to moblllM Uie energy of everybody behind th e dp* fense, now the- w ar. e ffort," L^ndJ* wrote. V

"Not a farm n * a hom e b u t now know* th a t Uiey have a ta s k tn civilian defense. T his h ds been true building of A merica’s flghUng fa ith s , beside which crlUclsm Is puny a t ­tack, misplaced.-

BUY NUTSI n O nr StorrI BATURDAT! Proceeds to


War-Buying Seen As Dairy Support

'• (PniB r»»* Cm)Ing placed on public healUi. Also speaking today was C. O. Youngs- trom . extension economist,"who dls-

• problems, and W . P.


T annler. B uh l m anager.O. 0 . W alker. H an.ien. preemed a t

tlie seaslons w ith A. H. Jagels serv­ing as lecretary . O nly one director's post was to be filled by elecUon late today and C. H . H em pleman, In­cum bent. w as expected to be re tu rn ­ed to office.

Loaeheon Served Oompllm entary l u n c h e o t \ w*.i

served a t noon a t th e I.OX).F. halt and also In the M ethodist church basement.

E n te rta inm en t fea tu res Included a reading by Mrs. Jo h n Pcrrlne du r­ing the m orn ing session and songs by a group of h igh school students during th e afternoon . Doris Ann Sherwood and C arlton McMullln sang duets w hile M ary Ja n e Shearer offered solo8.*'Mlss M arjoria Albert­son.-Twin F a lls schools music super- Tisor. was In charge.


_ M e a 4 y f o r I m m e d i a t e D e l i v e r y . . . A t S e a r s


SETOak Top Chrome Table with 4 Red Leatherette

Upholstered Chairs

'A' Solid oak top table

i r Chrome plated hairpin legs

•k S turdy chrome plated steel chairs

•k Handsome design on table and chair backs.

5 Pieces . , . a full $54.00 value. You save through our carload pur­chase, bringing you th is low price during Sears February F urn i­tu re Sale. Buy now w hile they are available. - ■

CLIMB ON THEBOND WAGON1T h a t’s right, buy a b o n d - t y n another a n d another. Climb up and join your neighbor*, y o u r fellow workers, your own fam ily —ride w ith your head u p ,. , , your conscience clear, your heart afUme. OUmb on th s , Bond Wagoo . . .

SiampsP W T D e f e n c e B o n i a





Tomorrow Onlyl





Starts SUNDAY Another GREAT Double Program

Filmed Under Fire

O R P H E U m

< U 0 S E 0 C A I5

J -I t i c e i a f t s d i e b o a B

30 days from now these bargains will be hard to find, tb a t 's why we call (hem last chance b a r­gains.35 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe, one owner, good ' ' *““*ja Chev. Master S e d a n ------ J31535 Studebaker S e d a n ___-_..$17S37 DeSoto Dlx. S e d a n ---------*38530 Oldsmoblle TourinsSedan ............................ ............»255


40 rerd D Is Tndor Sedan40 Ford OU Fordor Sedan41 Ford DelBXs Coape U Chryiler Boyal Sedan S9 Ford Dlx Tndor Bedaa3S Ford D e lu e Fordor Sedan » Lincoln Zephyr Sedan t> X4neoln Z e ^ y r Bedaa 40 Ford SU tlen W agoa - St Mercury Town Sedan ST C her.Jdaster Deluxe Bedaa

TRUCKS TRUCKS39 Ford Pickup, 4 S p e e d ____IU 337 Ford Plclcup------------------- I37S'M Ford p ic k u p ____________ « 9 5

Many Others, an m akes, oU models.liUliimuiijiroBP - uwooul. MiacroY

Page 3:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

. JJdiijiiJ?cbruary 20,1942 TIMES-NEWS, T\VIN PALLS„IDAHO Page T hreo:


B Ho«l B allry . V nlon dbU lct. rcelccWd yesicn lay to scrvrt hLi arc- ond'yc<^ u prealilriit o( tiio Sciiool

DUilrict iiftBocliiUo!! ot S ouUj C entral Idalio , wlilch con- ducted lt« a n n u a l ineeU ns In Uie Idaho Power audltcriurn.

•• J .-J . Van Bvety, R upert, w m elrcU ed v jce 'p rw ldcn l to Bucccrd R«v.

■ C. A. Hawley. H ftielton. Rev, Mr. Kawley was clected Kccrctory-lrciti- u rcr to succeed J . L. R a ^ i. Ruperl.

- > jn addition to 10 t r \» ic « from common und independent school dU- trlctfl o ( Tw in ya iU county, tlio M in­idoka dele^nUon tota led 11. and Uie Jerom e trustee* Xlvc.

T lie association nlv) embrucM tn islcM In CiiMln. O oodlns. Uncolt< and Oliiino’couiitlea.

County su p c rln ltn d tn l* o{ tcUooU who wcro prM eni were Mm. D orb 8tm dley, T w in PalU : C laraHuii.wn. Mlnldolco. and Mrs. Nellie Roberta. Jerom e.

Conaenau* of opinion anions t tew WM Uiftl all BChools elibuU! ko on w ar Ume. Several ocliool^i. It waa brouBht out. now hold clajjtrn rrom 10 a. in . to 5 p . m . T n u ie w endorse hours o t 8 tu m . to 4 p. m,'

!n dlacJiMlon of ru ra l school teiu-li. ers’ wages. Uie lrw tec .i sold thry favored lncrca.ied pn>Tnenti. Mrs. a tra d le y aald teaclicrn In T « ln l;’iill.i county ninO scJiools w rrc nveruK- Ins »00 to 103 a monUi.

TVuatee.i Imve the [»wpr in In- ' creflic wanes, I t wiia pointed out.

providing bcIiooI d b lr lc i voictn up- prove tlie levy to be matle th b•pring-

T ra 'te e s exprrjjte<I oiuxx-lUon to any plan w hich would tlie

, ot Jn.ilnjclJoi} Jn mJjooIj.Tlipy /avor a iilne-m ontli course for studnntA.

•Trustee.i said they would ftp- p roro coTOm<‘iiclnK Uie t\ew len ii

- . i n mld-At«U5<- and flnW ilns ew ly In May." sa id BaUcy. I n lim t setup, the puplLi would be Allowed a fntl vocation In October.

I t wa.1 nitreed 173 diiy*. minimum Instruction period se t by s ta le law, Kljould bn adoptetl fo r the remiUn- der of th e w ar, •

r a u r-y e a r te rm for county kiiper- IntendenU , iM lead of the p rej.rni iw o-ycor terns, was recomniciid\r<l by the trustees.

Tlio recom m endation and o tlirr m atters wlH b r eon.-ildpre<l a t a m eet­ing of tlie a*soclatlon'ft executive committee In AURtist. Membership Includes officers and one represen- intlve from nny county no t repre- nented on U;e lis t ol ottlcer:.,

N ext annual meeting will bei held In Rupert.

KnuII’s Grangers To Hear T a k en ' Defense GardensK NULU Feb, : o - D . T . DolhiK-

broke. Twin county nKfnt. will .sprcOc on d^fcll^p RiirdenInK iit n m eeting of K null QrnnKC Miirch 3. Roll Call will be m uw cred w ith siir- den MiKSe.Mloii.1 .

Session wun n.iiciounced a t a mept- ln(T of the Kimll OrftUBo thin week

, XV i«\\oo\ \i9u*e. ■“ hen wttf eomplcletl fo r'to d ay 's benefit auc­tion for the Red C^o,^s.

A tribu te wiun luitd th e m nnory of AbriihiiMi Lincoln b i Mr.n, C. A. Hol­loway. and Mr^. L. I;. Holloway pnlil trlbiiie to Ihe memorj’ of OcorKe W ft^hlncloii. MIm Ju lia a iieph rn l r.ruii; •■Wlille Cliff.-, nf Dover." Mrs.

■ Mnbcl Wllker.ion c0ndi|ctcd ' com­m unity .MnnlnK. •

V ' Sound movlni; plclurcu of modern hnd scientific farm ing. "DrlnKlnK In nn Oil Well In ’I'cxil''." anil a conie<ly Jn color were shown by EuKcne On- irander and L arry L inn. Twin Falls, Texaco Oil company repre-snilatlve;;,

Prlw .i for tlic cvrnlnK wont to Mrs. C. A. Holloway nnd L. L. Hollow,ly, M r. ntid M rs. L. M arU n. Tw in FiOln. were ffucsta,

D. U. P. to Serve, Dinner Saturday

JERONfE. Feb. 20-A nn0im crm eni wa.1 made today by offlcer.i of ihe Vwo DrtUKhters of tlie U U h Plonrrn . cnmps, a.*iklnir th a t all W0111U.VWI10 a re plannlnR to a ttend Ihe miuier/, Saturday . Feb. 21. In the Civic Vlub roonu, bo there a t 1 p. m . l l i e hot m eal will be se rved . promptly and officer*-request thoee attendln'j; be punctual.

T lie Tw in Falln women o t the D .y P . who ftssLMed In eMablUlvlnR tlic Jerom e organlaatlons will be special, gueaui.

Cassia Will H ear, L. D. S. Apostles

SALT LAKE CXTY. h'cb. 20 i-Vf— Speakrm at. q«arl«Tly conterences of lA tte r Day a a ln t* church s takw tlil.i week-end will Include:

Burley stake. ApoBtle A. E. Dowen; Cassia Atnkn n t Oakley. Aiwstle Charle.i A.. CallLi .m id Clyde Ed­monds.

Grange Considers - Farm Youth DraftEDEN, Peb, act^Eden OrnnRC met

W ednesday evening, A le tte r wn.i . read from S ta te M aster E. T. Tnylor

In rejrards to form boys being drafted,

n ic J e c tu rc r conducted a proaram . « ltli ilfrmber’s hnvliiB blrtlidays In Januiirj- tAkSng pa rt, T tie tiudlcncc sang two num bers; Dick Roice an article on "Y our O range:" Mrs. Maude W ordell read a n article on •'We Call Him F a th e r" and Roy G or­don gave a ta lk on " P m p e c ts for • 1!>«."

Palrolm/n Gels Hawk—the Sfecoud^imc S E i l : A M G A R . OARDERSURGEO

WASHINGTON. Feb. 20 Ol*) — P rlc td A\imin»Mralor Leo\» H cndt#- .■soii ta lay urgetl householdeni who havp 'bu llt up e x ceu augaf suppllc.n to “remove Uic atlgm a" of hoardlnn by Mlhnn K back to itho-nelB hbor- hoo«l grocer. , '

Tlie price ndm lulstrator, derlarlnK thitl iiuardlng or booUeRtilnt: of cnrvr coiiiinodllle.% coulil alnio.'it be ‘iraliorouV suirgi-.ited th a t tioiL'.e- vlvpx tliclr grocers to buy Migar back a t tile cu rren t reliUI prli'es. T ile crwpr.s would tlien be expecrted to rp-srll 11 ai th e .<amc price, ll^ a palrlotlc .srrvicp,

HdiilrrMiii .iui;i;rsied uIm) llm t hoiMholdpr.N, who m ust dcclare the ainoiini

.Stat« Po ile tm an V. K. Ilarron d lsp laysnhe ha<nt w hich he "ilio l and killed" one day anti w lilch was r ra d y to take a ll com en the next day. H arrnn 's sh o t had apparently only uttinned the bird. \a ld by an ob ierver to be i falcoh hawk.. .The b a u k . a large one. was • very -m neh ' ■llve-w hen- thl%" pletnre- was taken and Itarron didn't »rl hU hand* any cl»»er to the hlnl'ii brak tban shown In th r p letur^—a tth e tip* of th e wlncit. iTImes-News Photo t

All Is Not Dead That Lies Dormant—Tale About a Hawk

By O. A. K EtKKKT h u l.s th e ta le of a linuk mid

nilKht be titled "all 1a nnl drail Hint lle.i dorinnnt."

SInte Policem an V, K. narrcm un.s drlvlna a lnnk a Ki*condi>ry hlKhwiiv In the tine of du ty when Mr. Hiiwk llr.vt mnrtp h i ' nppeiirnnt-p. it darhiR Diirron to ilo ,M)iiiritiinK abou t It, Mr. Hawk swoojx'il KPiiily down and ‘•s f tf on a po.'i In ih r middle of a sm all flrW.

T lie te m p ta tion ,wa.i too much for Ihe police officer and so lir .Mopped h is car nnd go t out. He elimbrd over the fence which skirled (he hlKhwuy m \d stood Inside tin- (U'Ul. From h is ho lster he reniiivnl hli. triw ty plsiol,

Down Goea Haok ■ T aking steady und card iil aim lie fired. The haw k dropped to llie Rromid.

Oaron though t he nil(iht juivi- the bird .MUlfed r.o h e went o»rr, picked it up nnd Ih rrw ii Ui <he turlle- ba rk of hl5 m achine. Tlien he for­go t It.

niSl-niirKnreTr5r’t,ome' rea.^bn or other) th ough t he had u.'.e 1 ,%now shovel wjileh he carries In the renr of h is m achine. T lie morning was early yet. and It wu.'. s< w hat d a rk w hen he opened Ihe tu r- t v back a n d thrilsV Ws han d ln\lrte He pulled It ou t again Just a.i (julckly and slammed th e lid .^huu

H ark to Life Reason: T h e hawk had come

life aValn and was ready for fight. B a rron 's bulle t had apparen t­ly been "off ceiiler" nnd had cnly s tunned tlie bird. Anyway, he

^'>^wk> .w as re a d y to m kc or

' t e ” ' th e experience which comes from picking up thlevp.^ in the dark, Barron finally R ofhord oMtrt? hawk. F iguratively s p e a k in g .^ t was n t>eftuly. I /

W hen liu t .Vcn, >lr. Hawk was once again in tlie back of IJarron's car nnd h is fu tu re addres.'i was know n—b u t you can bet your boots Dnrron d id n 't mu'? tlie second time.


DETflOIT. Feb. 20 i.l’,— Asserting th a t "Ihe nutomobllr industry hits shouldered arm s," K aiu ler. chief of the w ar priKlncllon bonnl'fl aiilomolive dlvl.floii .MAtes th a t when • ih r -b ig iliree" (Oeneral Motors. Ford 11ml Cliry.sleri of tlie Industry a tta in capnrUy production

the ir prr.'jrnt ninn lnc a t the n a year.

This, Kiinzler the rale of two the volume of t im x . CM of > 11

WllPIl ^ ______ _ ,ra tion \xxjk number 1 sonieilm e Manrli. inlulit "sell some of it to nelKlibors who may be w ithout.

De!ll(|p. i«'tnll n illpnlni;, a i ratloiii'K program for indiLstrlal user.s*^s expected to be Umi«1 M ari;li_l[ wiu Iearne<l toilay. with on eo f ui'r tentatively preinired plaiu. calling lor cut.s up to 40 per certa in otnwitiodlUes.

Pentllni; Lv.ilanee of t h h Industrial rajIonhiK onlpr. Hie W PR fixed March nllocallon.s to Indu.Mrlal lL^e^s, siici»-a.\ bakeries, bottler-., feciloiiiT' and caniiers. a t 80 i>er cen t ot th rlr March, 1041, con.Mimp- lion. T hb b Ihe same as th e I'Vb- ruary tiiii

Couple RemarriesJKIIOMK. Feb. aO --A lvle K,ir

Perry mid Mnitle J . Perry were rr- inilird III uu rrlagc here by 'M i:.. W E. Hnrmon: of iiie-Jerom r Cnrirtl:ir cliurcli III a .simple ceremony Satiir- day.

WiiiiesNP.' were A rtllur Perry and ^iCTlr Perry. T he couple will r-'tab- ll,'!! re^ltlrnce eight miles Horlhca.%t

Instructor Tumbles Out of Twin Falls Air-Gudet’s- PlaneYUKON, Okla.. Feb. 20 (/T>-Fly.

C n d tl C, W ilson. Tw inI-'alb, Ida., w on't soon forget h li final check flight as an advanced studen t a t _ClinmTon-Jlold-here— iior-wiTTniLi in.Hructor. Oeorge Dale, of Si. Joseph. Mo.

Wliile Wll-wn p u l the plane through a i-erles of "slow roll3."» Dale’s .safety bell came loose and h - fell out,

"J .'.uddenly reallred the plane wu;i flyliiK llll.^lde down above me

,anU I WI1.S riilling fast." Dale said la ter. "1 iiulled the 'chute almost w llhoul filnklng."

Wll.soii landed a fte r a couple inoro rcjlU and wticn Dale walked lip with the muddy parachute . In- (pilred:

"M r. Dale, where In thfl h — did you go?"

S i y D E N T G i f S- S E l J T e F F i B S

UNIVERSITY O F IDA ftO . Feb. 20 —Eight Magic Valley s tu d e n u re ­cently have been nam ed offlcera In the ir groui) realdeiura for tlic ond M:meatef.

Ray Hooblng. Buhl,' and Corwin Blelil, nu|>eri. were electctl presl- d e n u of A lpha T uu Omegn and D elta Chi frivternltlen respectively, Jim , KJniicy, T w in FalLi,- was n iu n r t treasurer of P h i D elta Thicia fra te r ­nity,-OUiMA- clcctcd^ Intliido Calvin

Crandall. Jerom e, vice presiden t of ChrLiman hall; Leon T errlere . B ur­ley. -social chairm an of U ndley hall; Setli Corle.v, H eyburn. secre­ta ry o f the Campiw club; Al Bonin, Hailey. Junior In tnun iiral m anager of ChrUman hall, and K athleen O rr. scholarship chn im n in of For­ney hall.

Bpworth Leaguera” --; Visit in Kimberly

JEftOME. Feb. 20 — A g r o u p .o f '• yoitnff'people fi

Defense Workers Wed Upon Return From Midway Isle

JFJIOME. rv-b, 20 - Arilvlllg In Boise lliU week Ironi MUlway Isli w lin e ihey had been etnpluyed nine monilis in civilian defctV'c coii.Mniftlou work, two young men Jo h n H. G raham mid K lnirr Tliatch* or. tnlv •^■ l to Jerom e Valentlne'i. day. 111 ciHMi)miVf,-*ith ihe lr bride',- lo-bc.' Mi:.'. .Mlldrcd~7.r(-T-'ven. aiul

UiL'. Parnell, both BoLse renUI''lil.‘'

'I'lie voiiiilc.s I'xchaiigrtl marriage voM.s in » double »e<ldliiK crrenioiiy lyrforn ied bv Rev. Cliarle.' Horcjs,f’rr.';b y :rria in iiln t'trr............................

'Hiey will make the ir home In Ool.e. Mr, Jo lin^O riU iaiii, wIiis rlaliued Mi.\s McBwen n.% his bride. U a b rother ol Jerom e's new state traffic patrolm an. Robert Oraham , W fLier.- -

Ui« -M elbodlal-charch- a evening nnd motored to K lm b e rlf- .

le re ihey w tr t Ruc&t# o t th e Et^*. ortli Lcagucra of th a t contm unliy. Tlioio. -attendlnB - In c lu d rt—M ter '

M argaret Halbert, MIm M argare t W hite, MIm Mary Lou Bcnbrook. MLu Vida I.0 U Strickland. M in Helen Jean 'Terry; Mls» Lola M j'ers, Mls.1 Prledd Mae Keith. MlM M ary Troenaiy. Kenneth RusseU. Joe W hite, Wrii. A. L . Psie, sposuoT -oC Ihe Jerome Epworth league a n d Rev. Albert E. M artin, m in iste r.*

Rev. M artin delivered the evening sermon.

I^eona CanfieldGoes to Gate City

JE310ME, Feb. 20 — Ml-rt Leona Canfield, employed here Uie pn: several m ontlis n t th e Jerom e em ­ployment offices, w as transferred th ji week to Pocatello. MLis C an­field. who Is well know n in Tviln PnlLi. where she was form erly em ­ployed for two years, took an active p a rt ln(Chrl.-itlan church activities,

.Uic-Vlie church, a n d serving oa pianist. A farewell dinner was Arranged In

h er honor th is week. Mlr.i Canfield •0.1 presented wltli a gift, the prc.'- nta tlon being mndc by RIclinrd



IN T>Y IN F x \L L S S T O R E S

NUTSF in e F c c n n N u t s

5 111.S...........S O cK N T IU K F U O C E E D S ‘ T O


.Hid. would be n t lid one half limes elr production In, i'ears In


Stimson Promise of Offensive Action Cheers Uniited Nations

ny IIKW ITT MACKKSZU:wide World War Analyst

The ni)iyiil by I,Unit. Ciovrrnor vni> Mook of the Diilch Hist dies to the United Nations to take Ihe n^^^n lve.' i.earch out the rn<-my und IlKlit, ha.\ been follnwcd'by quick prnml;.e of Initiative from c own Secretary of War

Whether Stlmson wn.i replying to van Mool: doc.m'l nppenr, 'but the secretary made hl.s statement In re­ply to crlilcLim which he j-ald had been volccd becniL%e of the failure of th» United Nations to sel7/i the Initiative. However, what matters is •thnl the war secretary declared '•we will seize every opportunity for cc ter-attack nnd the offeiu;lv^nnd er>- opportunity for wirprLM^X

Tlmt will come as welcome eoiirngement to the peoplr of this nnd allied countries who have been a.sUlng ‘ and rallier patiently on the wholri hnw long It will be before the ullir-, nrr ready to Iwih tmi. Tlie lime ;.rem.'. long when Uiere li t Ing up of;. .micIi as are being suffpritl now hi the orient.

Van Mook rmpluu.lred hLs api>enl by declaring that If the alllti dl • "na.nume the Offensive they would'......lo.Mng Uie war. T hat thesLi long has been generally held by military ex- 'iVrt--.. It belnn ba.sed nn Che Irubim Uinl you can’t win a war or lady by remaining forever on ilefenslve.

However, the need of InlHntlve has lieen apparent, and some exj>erls hold that It already has been long delayetl In liuitances. Tlie pert-1 also havo recognlrrd that there Is a difference between legitimate UUtlMlve and foolharfllntw and that premature nffen.slves often lea<l to dl.saster. In other word.1. while Uiere must l>e Initiative It must corr Ihe right moment. And that ......only be determined by the nipreme

TR A ILER SWe speelallxe In balldlnc 4-wbeel

'.r a b tx r tired w acon tra l len tha t m ay be cued for c ither fona wajrona o r (rollers . . . itock tr a l le n . . . o th e r special trait- era. Let u s design a trailer ( • f it your needs.


r tio n e S71

com m and which has all the faci

H ut th e D utch official d ld ij>^top w ith Uie plea for in lt la tK ^ t^ ti con- lined w ith th is :

•T lie Jap an ese are ip lng shlf 1 think wc could emulat Uiem." .

W ell, of cour.'-e, g rea t daring hn to be u.'cd In w ar. an llll.^, column has been em phasising, and H itler has exemplified the value of llglll- m atc gam bling tim e and again. But when you ta lk aliout. u.slng .shlpti recklevily In a world-wltlc w ar like this. U kIvc.'S pau.-;c for fionsldcra- tlon. Probably van .Mook «lldn't menn ihav •Jjord "recklcs.^lv" lUevaUy \>ul ra tlier h a d daring In mind.

TONY SAItO 1I.L vNETW YORK. Feb. 30 (-IV-Tony Slu g. 00. n r tls i and crent/)r of lonettes. w as-ln n 'c rlilc a l condltVuT to»liy a l M an lia ttan Reneral hos­p ita l w here h e underw ent a n opcr.- a tlo n necesall*te<l by a r\ipUircd ap ­pendix T\le^day.

K onrJer said th a t l)^fore th e .Indus- tr j' can reach pp»k w ar produc­tion schedule, •'It will need between BOO.OOO and IJMO.OOO workers com­pared to MOiJoO during pcace Umc.'^

‘T lie Industry." h r addexi, "will no i get Into real production un til women are tra ln rd nnd p u t on war work. More a n d more women rind the ir way Into er.,scntlal fc r - rice.i ns me.viPiigers. elevator oper- atora. taxi drivers. In factorlDs and o ther occi'patlons which will relieve men workers."

Knnr.ler nbo a-veried tha t- the pr-'%rni supply o t tool nnd die work­ers was no t Millicleni.


NOTICEDue to Uic All. O ut W nrtiiiic production effort we hiivc! been limitod to -I new Hoover cleaners JILT tnonth. Iti view of Ihi.t facC we reconimend that nil Hoover owners hnvc th e ir clenner.s pul in A-X contlition now and bo .luro of tfouhle-frer service for tlip duration.




TRY Town Tavern

anil you’ll find it GOOD!


t r a i n e d army ofl"a «omta.c<V'“W"* t Workers l’»>>

. . . r c s c a t c ' ' j j c a r c c

ib c ir „ r v D n ie W " 'mVc Htom.ot -

,--- , i^phoac—

v,mbc5»VP' Bom !.




Colored Cellnlold Torket Comb*. 5“ L em tli DIaek lU tto l l Combs. 8“ L enith n iack Dreimer Comb, S ' le n g th .

n a i t le u R alr ^Vaveri Colorrd D a tte r f lr H air R arre lli

.\bove Hem s 3 f i e each or 2 for 7 i

W rlsley's Soap, Per B ar ....... 5c

Carded Bobby Tins. Black and Drotm. IS Ter Card llBlr N ets Assorted lla ir Dows

O m sm aker 'a Snaps. L arte Siie. While and Black ItK) yd. Colored .Merccrlted Thread

Corded Mending Tw bt Spool D arn ing Thread. 75 yd. Length

G ill D uneh Kafety r in i , Sm all Site Above Item * 3 S e each or 2 for 7 e

1 9 cCommon Tins, Papered

W arren Notion.^, A iuirted. (Ric-Rae. etc.]T ape M easum , 30 " ,

Tom ato P in Cushion (Made In Chlnaj Corw l Sew on G a r U n * Colored Bon^Garter**'

C olton S hoe Laee*. Black and Drown Above Item * 3 ' , ^ each or 2 for 7 ^

Household Need|sDish Cloth* Meiol P o t‘c ie a n e n

Colored Shelf KdT^crs. A borted Jr^Ho Molds. Aiiweted T jp«Ovenex Tie Tins. C Size

Spool C arpet a n d B utton Thread. Black and >\'}iile M ldeet Serew llr irer . 3" Slie

K itchen H lra ln e n Dottle O pen cn• PARING KNIVKij

I'a rkaged Carpet Taeks, ' j Inch, !> lb..Noll nriLthea. 4" U n tt l i , Heavy Drlitle


ra tr lo tlo hlac Lmblem, Lapel O rnam ent GAUZK PROTECTKD FIR ST AID EMKRGENCi: ST R IP

I ' i oz. H ottle White Petroleum Jelly DOL’DLK EDGED RAZOR BLADES. PKG. OK FIVE

Above Item s 3 f i e each or 2 ^or 7 ^

1 9 c

N oll F ile and Tw eeier Set Antemalle Penell Leads. 18 per Tabe. A. W. Faber

r u s t i c T op Patrio tic Pencil. No. 300*Note Book Relnforcers. IM per Bos, No. 2 CLASS SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS

FULL SIZ E TE A CC PS, OF BLXJE RESISTS GLASS S a u e e n to M atch Copi Above

KHERDET GLASSES. CLEAR CRYSTAL GLASS ' a e a r G U u M u tt . I 0 1 . S lie G lu a A ib T n n

■ L o rte 8 o*. G la u TiuDblcrf, lieav f tvc lfh i GLASS ORNAMENTAL BIRD S and ANIHALS, ASSOBTCO

Colored G low Flower ToU.-T5taaU UcB*e SlM AlMve Itetna 3 ! x £ each or 2 7 ^

4. C. ANDERSON*‘ltuy Peean9~Htre—Red

Page 4:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

Page Four TIMES-NEW8, TW^N PALLS, IDAHO Friday, February 20,1942

* rnWMMi

¥ . ! r A V 'i r r ! . r 5 : ; v j i v . . ?. , c* . S S S 3 K ! S ; . “.V ? dv. » c. „

tt MrrlM* •( Um AiMcUud.rra

All BMlM* nqutrvd br U* Mr br «r4<r nt JurMlcUoa u> bt t>ublUb*4 wMkty •I* n u r o u , b tu of Ibu p>p<r punoanl i, A. I»3 u th«r«t« br Cbapur Iti,


Hllli T «»r. *59 Diah Plml. 8«i r« o c l» ^ C»1U.

GULLIBLi: AMERICANS Americans have been called the most gul­

lible people on cprlh. They believe w hat tliey w ant to believe and discount things n o t to tfiHTlliclng. W fiH 'tlm ei arV goodrthelr gov­ernm ent and rcprcsenlatlvc3 In congresa are given practically a free rein to get by w ith anything, but let conditions take a tu r^ to r

* the worse and they cry to high hctiven.' In times of peace the American people shout pacifism because they refuse to bear th e cost of preparedness, and when their na tion suddenly becomes Involved In war, they ac-

— cuse their government of having been asleep. Interesting, Indeed, are many outstanding

examples of our gullibility.We conceived ,the "great” Maglnot line as

-something impregnable. Yet It proved a phoney when the Germans unleosed the full /u ry 0/ theJr great war machine.

For decades we were Impressed with th e •'m ighty" fortress a t Singapore and the tre ­mendous destructive power supposedly con- ccaled behind Its massive bastions. Yet, In scarcely a week’s tlmd. It was flattened out like a cream puff run over by a 10-ton truck, w ith Its defenders rounded up like rabbits In a community shoot.

■And wasn’t the average American th o r­oughly sold on the Idea th a t our own P earl Harbor could knock the socks off of anyth ing th a t approached within a radius of SO miles? Yet. one little surprise attack, and Pearl H a r­bor looked about as tough as a crippled duck!

And th a t ’’master of the seas.” th e m on­strous British navy. With the g reat flee t a t hand to give him Immediate support, any A m erican'would have had sufficient confi­dence to attack Old Man Mars himself, w ith a popgun. Yet, three G e r m a n bat]4eahlpa steamed 750 miles through the narrow E ng­lish channel, right before the very eyes o t the British, and continued on th e ir way in a mission of death "according to plan.”

Then comes the biggest joke of all. D idn’t we like to believe th a t the United S tates navy could knock the Japs cold-in two m on ths' time? Didn’t we agree the Japs a rc 'n o th ln g bu t bluff, and had their hands full figh ting th e Chinese, and weren't equipped for w ar? Yet Pearl Harbor was crippled, Singapore Is gone, MacArthur seem.s doomed-. G reat B rit­ain is almost panicky, and the Japs are fo rg ­ing' ahead w ith all the earm arks of a con­queror.

Surely, these developments should con­vince all Amerlcans'thttt It’s high time to qu it believing in fairy tales. If our governm ent w arns us we must make great sacrifices to w in ' the war, we had better make such sacrifices a t once Instead of running the risk of losing everything. •

I t 's up 'to everyone to buy his share of de­fense stam ps and bonds.’ I t’s up to every American to-glve the government his whole­hearted support, First buy the stamps'’ an d bonds. ’Then if you have constructive c r it i­cism pertaining to frills, non-essentials an d the like, send such criticism to your represen­tatives in congre.sfl where it will do some good, instead of sounding off on some stree t com er.

Remember, it’s our government. Let’s a c ­cept our responsibilities as individual Ameri­cans.

liREA D UPON THE WATERS "Cast thy bread upon the waters," ad ju red

the preacher, "for thou shalt find it a f te r m any days."

Nineteen years ago the United S tates cast certain bread upon the waters, in the lo rm of life-saving and other equipm ent which it sen t to Japan out of the fullness of a kind hea rt to relieve the suffering In the d isas­trous wave of earthquakes, fires, and tld a l- wavcs th a t swept the Islands.

Today th a t bread Is being found again , a f te r m any days. The supplies, plainly m ark -

• ed "U. s. Army Transport M erritt." were found in the invasion barges used by J a p ­anese troops to attack M acArthur’s M agnifl- cents on B ataan peninsula. The M erritt was the ship which carried the mercy cargo from M anila In 1923; General M acArthur ia th e

• m an who loader* th a t cargo when he was com ­m ander of. the Philippine Scouts.

I t is but a poor return the Japanese are m aking for our generous Impulse of 19 years ago.

Need we regret tha t Impulse? We th in k not. W« of the United States believe in a Qod of Mercy. I t Is with such a God th a t we m ost square our actions. I f the Japanese be­lieve In soBle sort of divinity t h a t ’sees no sham e in turn ing on a benefactor in th is way so m uch the worse for the Japanese. I t is they who m ust face the responsibility for th e ir actions, as y/e for ours.

In th e sam6 way, ibe time m&y comc wheri’ we wUl no t regret th a t we neld open the door

peacc w ith Japan untU a blast of gunfire came through th a t very door. I t all s tands on th e reco il, and we m ay have cofidence th a t th e time will come when Japanese tea rs

. of b itte r sham e and regret will try to wipe ou t the s ta in of th a t treacherous a ttac k a t P.earl t u rtx>r. Because others have a concept of

, -"rm no ta tity -d iffe ren t from our own, is no t less,


WHIRLIGIG•u lt or e*p«rlence* during Uie t i n t I«w m ontha of lU op«nU on. T lie »yiUm aUmllUflly needs m ore centrnl d lreeuon *n<l » more ipecKlc le l o l ru)e< and tr iu U - Uen*.

So U r you -canV pr)n l-th« l reiWlcUona hBve pro­d u c t few »erlous hardship* on working repo rle rs »l

ihU world cenK r of fro n i-p ao e his­tory. Newspaper m en know In a general way w hai Uiey should no t publlah and rarely c laah w ith ap- pc ln t« l guard tam of th e .w rltitn word, "niorfl have been a few In- (tancen In whlc^ ortlclous people have blocked publication of aeem- Ingly legiUmate Inform ation . T hey would no t let u« m ake know n th a t the Roberta board conduot*d a g reat. porUon of Ita hearlnga h e re —n o t In Honoluluf W ar and navy officer!

BAY TUCKER h*ve mUilnierpreted cerU In com- m unlquev such ns announclns Utat M acA rthu r had bo«c» reinforced. Some agencies releaao daUi on con- tracl4 while others wlUUiold 4uch det&IU. B u t thena occofilons have been few and trtvlal. I t U p robable th a t Uie ''enrm y" obtains more secreu from loose ton iiies a t cocktail parUca and Ip hotel lobblei th a n from the newspapers.

W o n : dU tlculty l i u In Uio /a c t U ia t l i n o llitl’ ton among the hundreds of departm en ta l publicity agenta. (also there are endlexs r lv a lrlw ), a n d n o close tleup between Uiese official news purveyera a n d D i­rec tor Byron Prlee, I t Is a que.iUon of each m a n for himself^ and heaven help the headline w riter . T liere la too.m uch groping In the durk and thLi low visibility m ay prove troublesome—or dangerous—as o u r pa rtlc l- D itlon In.ihe.confllct t?ccomc*.VR*ter._________________

BTU D IO S-A rchlbald P . MacLelsh h a t tu rn ed o u t to be the most difficult problem c h ild 'o f th e official household n w th a t Mrs. Hoascvclt oppeani on h e r way to sem l-rotliem cnt. T he coordinator of fac ta arid fig- u f « , unllke Mr. Price. doM not su ffer !rom a m odriiy_ complex. P. D, H.'b fnlr-falred p o e t 'la 't a n g lin g with cabinet members, congreismen and rad io In terc ita.

To ratUe the United S tates oul o f lU com placency, ha suggested a "ThU Is W ar" program to be carried by the four networks on Saturday n lg h u . T h e w riting of Ujc script w m entrusted to N orm an Corw in under Uie supervision of the Cbngr<f.ilonnl llb rn rlan . T lia original m anuscript wn.n InterlnrdcU wlUi .nucli fuLiome

^u logy or Uio New Deal's peacetune reform s, social and economic, th a t It was rew ritten on the Insistence of the actors and sponsors.

Mr. MncLelsh told Uie producers th a t h e w ould a r­range for the chief executive ta speak n t th e openltig of the series.- But Archie arrived a t th e 's tudio a few hours before the Uine of prrAentatlon fu ll of Ideas for m ajor chnnaM In Uic scenario: l ie ' announced Uiat Mr. Roosevelt would no t pnrtlclpnlc. bu t th a t h e would launch thing* by dellverinc a preslrtcntlftl me.vsnRn and a sjxech of his own. He would n o t p e rm it any tim e-saving revision of his address. As a re su l t several m inutes had to be choppcd off the , m ain production. Otherwise, It was a m agnificent performance.___

to naU down the price of rural products. AdmlnLilra- UoiUtcs fea r they may su tler a ina lo r reversa l lii n ex t faU'a elecUons unlew Urfy appease th e nBrlcultural bloo on Capitol Illll and the la tte r's powerful allies in Uie com -w heat belt.- D anger slgtials f irs t flashed a red glow In Dcmo- craUo eyes when Ed O'Neal, bead of Uie A m erican ra n f i Bureau Federation, showed nlRiu of q u liu n g Uio Roosoveltlaii reservation. Despite some dlfferrnce.i. he h as In general sympathized wHh A. A. A. policies. But h e h as bucked Mr. W Ickard’.i scheme of keepliiR levels below HO pa rity Uwough s.ile of Com modity Credit stocks. Mr. O 'N ia l unloosed his heaviest oiinlaught when he charged Uiat F . S . A. was paying poll u u e s In sou thern sta tes—ai> IndlcUnent provoking such u n ­happy repercussions th a t the P resident fe lt ft necessary to InvesUgate and answer.

T he farm lobbyist's most liifluenllnl s ta te .nibsldlary Is located In IlUnols, where Ujo f irs t test of U»o popu­larity of. W ashington's handling o t th e w ar will he staged. Here th e Roo.sevelt'K nox-M arshall Field group U strlvlnu to knock otf Sen. C. W ayland Brooks., Be- low-parlty distribution of federal ImldlnKs hn.n en­countered no more violent foe Uian Senator S co tt Lu­cas, who will m anage the antl-D rooks cnmpnign. Scott prepared an am endm ent requiring Mr. W lckard to abandon his prlce-depFesslng deals, b u t Uie senator was frtghuned off a t the last m inute. Now he and his assoclMes are whlsperliig to certain hlgherups from whom Messrs. Henderson and W lckard take orders.

SMART—One of Uie s trangest Inside ch ap U rs In th e country’s w ar effort InvoJves the trio of m en a t the top. None of the th ree responsible for the*>rreaUst ou tpu t of arm s In lilsU)ry was originally spo tted fo r the -post he now occupies.

W hen President Iloosevell decided to creat« a special p rocurem ent and production establishm ent a f te r the G erm an Invasion of w estern Europe, he tu rned to E ob- e r t 'E , Wood, board chairm an of Sears. R oebuck and head of the America-first committee. P. D . R. w anted Uie ser\'lces o f E. P. Brooks, who supervises operaUons In p lan ts owned or controlled by the m all order house. B u t Uie m an forwarded to W ashington was D onald M. Nelson', the company's purchasing agent. ”r h e sh ift

tem porary subsUtUle. W ithin a few weeks Mr. K nudsen said to Mr. Harrison, 'Y ouY e the one 1 w ant." A lter talking w ith Mr. Nelson. P . D. R. pronounced a ••You'U do" verdict.

William L. B a tl aUo enWred a t the back door. He visited the offices of the original na tional defense a d ­visory commission to ln\*estlgat« th e chances of a steady supply of steel for hU p la n t a t Philadelphia . Edward a . S tettlnlus. an old friend, grabbed h im and Mr. B att's varsatlle perrorm ances have dem onstrated th a t It was a sm art choice. 'The th ree m ay y e t become the most lam ous-understudies In U\o c u rren t world dram a. •

SILI'-NCK-Mrs. Emil K urja liaiT the U ght-lipped Bcotsman Douglas M acKeachle as h e r dUiner pa rtn e r no t so long ago. AlUiough an en terU ln lng conversa- Uonallst. wife o f the D em ocrats ' e rstw hile su tts tlc a l w itard found th e w ar-tim e purchasing agen t as un -

;aUve as Uie Ut< Calvin'Coolldge.-Uls Btlence ttM ln tU s m e .- she eomm enleei la ter.

I t may b« an ideal virtue In a m an who band ies b il­lions of dollars annually.

Other Points of ViewTH E W INE O F'E tl.M .S

Bad news comcs from th e m ounta in of Reims, and from E pcm ay and Chalons. T here is mildew in Uie vineyards which produce cham pagne grapes. W e can guess the reason for th e mildew. How could good vines grow In the presence of w hat h as come across the R hine?. How could the eoul o f th e revered Dom Perlg- non. who.dlscovered two cen turlc j ago how th e wines o f Cham pagne could be made to keep Ui'clr spark le, be a t ease In paradlseT T h e evU th a t has come over the land he loved would distress him . even Uiere. He would m ourn the wine because i t stood fo r'su n sh ln e .'fo r the happiness of a skilled and hard-w ork ing people, and for freedom. Does the sun shine on the m oun ta in of Reim s today? How could It shine the needed hundred days in .any season? • - • . ■

F irteen mlUlon bottles are Uiis year^ ou tpu t—half Uie established pormal. though more Uian twice w t ^ th e vineyards tu ^ u e e d a fte r Uie G erm ans h a d been

-beaten back tw enty-four years' ago. G erm any, says a. VIchy d ispatch, "has become the world's la rg est cham ­pagne-drinking country." I t may be fltU ng to . Uie Nazis drink to f w t e f the-Ru-w ian fron t. W t them drink to forget th a t though th(^ mills of G od grind slowly t h ^ do grind exceeding small.

L e t them d rink cham pagne while Uiey can . IX Uiey were U> win they w ould 'not have It long, fo r they are too gross to produce It themselves and woiUd b e help­less to m a in ta in the needed ta ste and delicacy in th e ir slaves. I f they, lose they will no t have cham pagne, a i th e , b u t another and a b ltte r rr drink.—New Y ork

- Excess Baggage”

POT S h o t sujifh th<



Pot Shots;Paul lu rd e i ty iw eara to this

one and who >re-we t» doubt it?I t se«ms U iat U>* family of a

friend of hU was bothered with a mouse and was very detlrous of ellm lnaU ni lilm (or th e or it). Kettlng iL trap In the kitchen they hied off to bod.

I t wasn't long before they heard th e trap snap and remarking something about th e effeeUveneaa of mous« trap s they turned over to go to sleep.

But, "snap,’* they heard It go off again and they had set only one trap . A third re to rt brought everybody' up out of bed and Into th e kitchen to find It was a fir*. P apa had le ft hU sm<«ing jacket hanging on the<kllehen door w ith

. h is pipe In It and papa had for­gotten to esUngulsh the pipe.

W hat was supposed to bo th« moose trap catching tripleU waa In reality the bu ttons falling off papia's smoking jacket as It burned to a erUp.

They a r t doing the kitchen over In the meat beautiful bine.

- J o - J o the J a ln t

VARIETY, ANYWAY Pot Shots couldn't begin to m en ­

tion all u\o folks who gaily bought th is , and th a t a t the Red Cross benefit aucUon staged yesterday by those enecgeUc G rangers. B u t we happened to w ander in to H arry Musgrave’s store afterw ard. As one o f the many bidders, H arry h a d a pile of stufr b’lng on the floor. We didn’t notice all the s tu ff In betw een the two extremeo of w hat he bought, bu t here were th e extremes;

<a) A horse collar.(b> Kippered herring.


Dear Shots:Fairfield and surrounding fa rm ­

lands—being one of the few oom>' munlUes left which are forced by na tu re fo adhere to the old-fa^h- loned n o d s of travel, the horse a n d .ilelgh a t least four m onths o u l of Uie y ear-p rov lde an excellent s e t- Ung for runaways. In fact, they a p ­pear to be gaining In frequency a n d In terest a s 'snow piles higher.

County A .ue»or c. H. Leek's cayuses, which he drives to_w ork dally, a re w ar-nilndod in more w aH th a n one. Monday m orning, n o t walUng for th e ir owner, they m ade I* flj'lne s ta r t from the fron t ga te.

evidently fearing to lose face with Uielr neighbors a t Uie hltclirack In F U rneld . w h at with Uie new day­ligh t saving Ume. 'The two-mlle s tre tch was as good as any race track , and Uie frisky pair o t 30-year- olds made It In less Ume th a n Andy G um p's "Hortense."

T iie runaways had a little hard luck as Uiey .iwung Into the home stre tch , however, w hen the sled box upset, throwing ou l a can of cream a n d a bucket of milk, the contents of w hich were quickly absorbed Into th e snow. D esplto this m inor Inci­d e n t, the black and white pulled up to th e fam iliar hltchrack snorUng satU racU on U iat the usual burden bearers were n o t ye t all in their places. .

Assessor Leek made a more lei­surely en trance Into Fairfield some SO m inutes later.


an& a t least 3*0 pounds) had three o r four teeth extracted a il a t -once, b u t Is now reported doing u well u c an be expected? He sa js w ith an- oUier m outh to fesd In the family now he won’t n t«d so many teeth anyhoo.

-« .tS -4 0


ITEM ON SURPRISESVoy H udson entered one of oui

ho t* ls W ednesday. The weaUter ou t­doors was darned cold. (Not censor­ed, w eaUier departm ent, because It's now more than 34 hours la ter).

Seeking warrnUi, Voy headed for a glowing fireplace. He extended his hands and rubbed them In the cheery lig h t from Uie fireplace. He c h a tu d a while. Finally i t dawned on him t h a t h e w asn 't getting any w armer.

W hereupon ha made the delayed discovery th a t th e fireplace was one of thoaa. things th a t bums nothliig. Ju s t has th e glow to make ymi thlzik you 're warm.


feeble they ne«d pensions? . . ,THE GENTLEMAN IN

TH E T linU ) ROW


15 YEARS A G O -FE B . 20. i m

T he D aughters o l the American RevoluUon wlU give the an n u al W ashington's birthday luncheon Tuesday a t tho home of Mrs. E m m a L. W an M and Mrs. R ichard Sm ith , w im Mrs. J . D. K auU . Mrs, O. V f. WJlhAJD, M rs. Will Bolen and M iss Mae Scott' asslsUng hostes.\cs.

Miss Mary Bunce. formerly of Uils city, at>n a popularity contest wlUi secret ballots In this sophomore class In Uje ForUt WorUi, Tex., h igh school, according to word received here.

• Mias M ary V an Deusen, home . . . nomles dem onstrator, a rrived today to glT* demonatrmUi

31 YEARS A G O - r iB . M, IBII

G n .Q u n d ay afternoon a t th . M eUw dlst parsonage, occurred the m arriage of Miss S d a Carlson b> M r. L»« LelchUter. both Well Known young people of th is city, 1 ) 1 6 cere­m ony wsis perform ed by Rev. C. L,

.B e n t, pasto r Of t t s M elhodlst church ,

L. T . W right le ft Tuesday m om - Uig for Ooodlng on business for the Consolidated Wagon and Maehlne company.

Miss ' Ruby Booth left Tuesday m orning for Ogdi;n and s a l t lAke C ity, w here slie will inspect

a n a l y z i n g C U R R E N T NEWS

FROM NEW YORKand clrculaU d h ire by the Chlneaein J837, th < r i , -----------------------would have been! no P ea rl harbor! sham bles n o r a|M acA rthur t o r>! tu red In the.Ereen| he lls of Bataan.l T hU was Uie por- ten to tu T a n a k a memorial, w h o s e d r e a d “h a n d - wrltUig on the,

s!i' “ 5“the m inds of everyone en tru s ted w ith our safety, from (he govern­m en t, down to the lo w llu t geb ' ot. a navy yard tug. Prepared by Uio




D ear Boj-s and G irls: You who are to take care or younger children, oi who w ah t to help to en terta in ■ group of your own cla-vunates <lur-

[ an h o u r of walUng. make a -apbook. G e t hold of an old geo-

gm pliy, one of Uioae old-fasliloiied big enough to use on a tei

ble. Maybe there are some lying In tho dusty-storeroom s In school th a t Uio teacher will let you have. Use them for pasUng in p lc tu ru . and Jokes and funny stories.

Look for good pictures. Make the selMUon InteresUng for m any klnd.i of children. T lie scrap boofci th a t are I llln l w ith one kind of picture, —nowfM. horses, boat*, farm pic­tures. a re lovely fo r Uiose Interestwl In one special Held like Uiat, bu t If a book Li m ean t for m any children It would be tter be n mixed collec' Uon. If you can m ake more th a t one scrapbook Uien a collection of one kind of picture is fine.

T rim ypur pictures neaUy. Don’t paste them In tm tll you have set them In the best. way. Change them a round unUl Uiey look best. D on 't crowd them . Keep the page easy to eri)o>' by having the p ictures all re- lat<d. If you have a farm picture don 't paste a boat alap up against It, I f your picture shows an auU>- m obl.r factory don’t paste a fish m arke t beside It.- A good scrapbook Is like any other

book. I t h as order In thought, a r- fangem en t and appeal.

Cut D iscarded M aterial C u t ou t th e joke.i from th e mag-

ailne.s o r papcm U iat are going Into the waste paper collecUon. D on't cut any book, m agazine o r 'p a p e r th a t

Uon is helping the enemy.Be sure you cu t only Uie discard­

ed m ateria l. the teacher or your m other o r your club leader before cutUng scraps for your book w make sure. R eading material Is pre­cious In w artim e.

Be n eat about Uie pasUng and don't, sm ear It over the pages, your h ands, your cloUies and Uie fu rn i­tu re. K eep a wet washrag handy and kMj> iiour hands rlean. O f course you w on 't wipe sUcky hands on your clothes. • .

I f you m ake work for o ther peo­ple you ar« net-hsJplng. bu t you are Jilnderlng . Y ou don 't w an t to do th a t, so be careful to keep yourself and th e place where you work quite clean.

W rtla Short StoriesYou can m ake another kind of

scrapbook. You U ke a good-slsed notebook and wrlt« In I t th e poems you enjoy. Draw pictures fo r them . Color th e pictures. W rite |h o r t stories abou t even-day th li^ s— Uilngs everybody knows about; the baby, th e house dog, Uie milk m an's horse, the paper boy, the candy, m an,

Iways add a picture to the stor}'. and if you draw It yourself It will be a ll th e ,b e tte r . Tho one you draw wUl te ll your story better than the one you from somebody else's story.

M ake thU book to use a t gaUier- Ing* o f e lasim ates, during drJHs. a t Club m eatings. You will find i t very useful and a very welcome addition to th e en terta inm ent.

flden tlal message to ills em peror, i t cahnly announced. “We m ust crush the United BtaWs."~W orM than tha t, th e program de-

taUed minutely with facts a n d fig' ures how h is country could—and m ust — se lte Monchtirfa, invadi) C hina, outmaneuver Russia, topple th e E ast Indies, and destroy our naUon, I t Is heirt-e tabblng to rea l­ise th a t every step In Uils official « Iea r-cu t road map of aggrasslon— V ce p t the lo.1 t—hss been carried ou t exactly as proposed is years ago. T he whole p lo t given away In ad ­vance - and ' w e- tu c li unparalleled dupea as no t to have taken advan- tttKO of It.

Im m ediately u p o n publication Tokyo branded the expo-sure aa a fake. NaluriJly. A nd LitUc Red R iding H ood-A m enm -took"Japan 's word w ithout checking up. As . i\a Nippon w as certain Uiat wo ' bambootled. I t coiiUnued to com plete the various a ssU nm enu iHUph a l­ready had been foretold. E\-en then wo suspected nothing. Now th e doc- um ents have been reprinted In book form under th e Utle " Japan 's D ream of W orld Empire'' by H arper & Brothers. I t should be compulsory reading for a ll those w hosU ll w hine th a t " the Ja p s sneaked up oi w ithout any warning."

• FURY—D r. Goebbels couttnucs to pound the microphone w ith ex p lan a ­tions th a t th e G erm an w ithdraw al on the Ru.ul&n front Li only a s tra - t ^ l c reu-eat In order to ge l se t for the spring offensive. Q uite a n u m ­ber o f realistic m lllta o ’ experts In allied countries fear h e is r ig h t. T he cautious Nazi hish com m and, how ­ever. is taking no chances. N eutra l sources report i ^ t H ltler'3 _ crols are completing a defensive a rea along tlie Vistula river which will be as powerful a.s the M aglnot and Siegfried llne.i.

A str ip five mlten wide a n d five hund red nille.i I(Jng. s ta r tin g norUi of W arsaw and continu ing p ast Cracow ha.s be<n Ingenlotlsly equip­ped w ith every known m odem pro- tecUve device. DcmoUUon aquads of over half a million men i r « te a r ­ing down a ll dwelllng.i and fac tories In Uie tone and th e m ilita ry - Is driving oul th e despolletl Pole.% even Uioufih Jt 1.? ti iu the de/id of w ln u r.

Forced migration In th a t unhappy land htis become k regular prac tice 0\-cr a niUllon have been sen t U) bleak labor camp.i In Uie Uilrd relch. U ncounted numbers of m iserable fam ilies have been cleared from WMtern Poland — faUiers. m others and children scattered throuRli, , no rthern Europe never know ing w here the o thers Itavo gone. Homes have been looted of food a n d hum ­ble furniture. Despite all th is , sab ­otage Is Btni carried*out w ith In ­creased luo-. AlUiough Uiere ar«

already fh-e differen t pollco forces

SPICE—T h e culm inating Japanese th re a t to Ja v a Is no t the first mor­tal peril which Uie stout-hearted defenders of th a t rich treasure- house have had to ward off during th e p a s t two years. Perhaps the ir e arlie r danger keyed them to aJert- ness,-for when th e yellow ttdal wave' bu rst over th e Pacific, Uiey alone of . . . w h lu nauons had properly ' m anned Uie <Ukse. Now the inside story of w h at happened before U relayed to D uU h circles In New York and disclosed here for the first time.

W hen H olland coIUpsed before the Invading armies of HlUer, loyal officials In B a u v la learned wlUi a shock th a t th e ir small Isolated c ir­cle o f Europeans contained G erm an agents, llfth coIumtiLsU and open sym pathisers w ith the "New Order."Police and soldlera dlscovei^d stacks of a rm s and ammunition hl(lden In houses or in strategla spots In tho jungle. P rom pt acUon alone saved Uie day. QuUllngi, suspects and tra ito rs were rooted out and c lap­ped behind barbed wire. A well- organized p lan for a "putsch" was uncovered In which revoluUotiaries were to declare allegiance to the puppet naUonal soclalbt regime of M ussert In Amsterdam.

-H ad the scheme been successful a curious dilemma In axis relaUons m igh t have occurred; Would & nro- Nazl N etherlands East Indies hav« adm itted the Japs? Would Tokyo ‘ allowed Uie rich spice Ialajid.i. . rem ain In th e hands of its Bertln~---------p artner? H ad' the arclilpelago been under the swasUka—and heneo able to supply Nippon with oil, tin . and rubber—would Hlrohlto ever have- gone to w ar w ith G rta t B m aln ana the United BUtes?

DOGS—T h e escape of the Germ an fleet botches allied plans for the b a u le of -the Atlantic. If Uiew fuglUves gang up on lis wiUi o ther I s scattered axis forces, more Stygian ^ days are ahead. According to naval suateglstfl In New York. Uiis Is a w ar . of m erg ers., T he foe muat cut the th in supply tubes, which like a diver's slr-hose go to China and R u ss ia -a n d thus blockade them completely. W e In turn cannot per­m it th e European enemy to make a land Junction wlUi his AsiaUc p a rt­ner. There imve-been no Jutfands yet becau.^e our adversaries are too weak to rl-ik capital ship acUon.

A pparently the fuehrer now has such am bltloiu plans, for word from Intelligence agents reveals th a t he has U ken over Mus.v>llnl's navy and G erm an sailors now are learning the secrets of directional towers.' raiiRe- plottlng rooms and other Italian ma- clilnery. As a result, diplomats ex­pect new prcr-^ure on M arshal r e ­ta in to release Vichy wai-shlps.

A bright spot for us Is Uiat Uie U-lcolor's dreadtiauglits and cruisers are n o t concentrated but distributed In Toulon. Casablanca. Dakor, and MarUnlque. Their potenUol Uireai pins down som e of our destraj'crs «.i watchmen. I f the French Joined Uie oUier side, they would harry our shlpplnR and troop transports en route to Uio Cape of Good Hope. Should the ir squadrons ever be grouped wlUi thaie of HlUer. which fled through UieSUolt of Dover, .Uie whole sea policy of the United Na- Uons would be Uirown off balance.T lie failure of the British bulldogs to calcli the scurr)lng Nazis may give Admiral Darlan the noUon tha t ho loo can collect Irb dLipersed ves­sels.


, s s n ’; . .... n eofm t «f poauc*.

(r»om P«i» one)The few small dbtllleries In the

northw est which have been m aking brandy from fruit may be requi- iltloned to turn th e ir faciUUes to the producUon of alcohol, C alifornia f n il t dlsMIJrrJftt claim « cflpaclfy o f 73.000.000 gallons a year, b u t th e chemical division o f WPB h a s up to the prr.ient displayed no en th u - .for availing H.'Uilf of th e op­portunity to obtain Industrial a lco­hol from fru it. However, w ith a re - qiilrrm enl o f D0O,OOO,Cmxi gallons of ISO proof alcohol needed In th e m an ­ufacture of smokeless powder (and thL-> am ount will be Increased In th e coming year) almost ever^' d istillery In the country will -be pressed Into

•rvlce.Tho so-called big dUUlIerles are

using sugar and molasses for alcohol, imd prefer using th e sugar. T here a re rcpresentaUyes of Uie Wg d is­tilleries In th e chemical division of W PB. As h as been pointed o u t by S enotor McNary to price control

A dm inistrator L«on Hednerson. a l­cohol can be made from grain as well as sugar and Uiereby make ration ­ing cards unnecessary. Rep. Jam es P. O 'C onnor of M ontana suggesu Uuit Uie 500,000.000 bushels of w heat and the 10 0 ,000,000 bushels of corn owned by th e ConiTnodJij’ Credit corporaUon should be turned over to th e dtsUlIerles.

Governm ent scientists say Uiat 1 S8 ,000,000 busheU of wAeat will produce J25.000,000 gallons of alco­hol of IM proof. The w heat alone, according to O'Connor, will furrUsh all th e high proof alcohol th e gov- rm m e n t needs for sm okeleu pow­d er wlUiout a n ounce of sugar being used. C ertain of the lltUe dlsUller- les can not m ake 1 6 0 proof alcohol b u t Uiey con make 140 proof, and thL'< can be distilled InU-iDO proof by th e big distilleries, who are sup­posed to be back of the so-called sugar shorttfge. LItUe dLsUUerles could produce the required 1 0 0 proof If Uie government would give prlor- lUes for copper.


Life’s Like That By Neher

H e saved the day . <. we didn't dare g* to sleep wlUi Uilrteea to bed!"

Page 5:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

I’Vulay, February 20,1942

250 GATHERF0R Killed in Action

A n esUmated 3S0 M u o iu aitcndM] Ui8 32nd annual past moaMira’ n>8hl «od roftal pi* dinner held by T»-ln rW U lodge No. « , A. P . and A. M , In Uifl M «onlc ttm plo hero W ednes­day n lsh t. ■

Fourteen p u t m m tcra of Tw in IPalls lodge were present. In Addi­tion to ftU post maater* now ofril- la ted w m i Uie local lodge. Oelega* Uona were present from HoUUt«r. Buhl, Flier and Burley.

These en H and P ast laoAters who attended

H. I* DlnkeUcker. 1013; S. K . Kay- ler. 19M and 1015; J . O . Bradley. 1811; W. A. M lnnlck, 1018: R - A. PorroU. 1010; U. H. O landon. lOSS; c . B. Undsey. 1030; Bruco A. M c­Millan. 1831: Ray Bluyter. 1035 and I03«: Max BuekenUn. 1037; Oeorgo W. W arberg, 1038; E. ClUlord Evans. 1830: Claude M. O orden. 1!H0, and Horace L. Uolmes. 1041.

Arrlllnled post m asters who were - present “ were Oeorge R. B allard.

Jo h n A. Nelson. Dr. A. A. NewMrry. r . O. Oraves. J . A. Johnson and KelUi L. JenUns.

Harold Hoover, senior warden, presided In 'th e absence of Jam es B. W atts, worshipful m aster of lodye JJo. 3S. -

VlalUng Masons Included W. B. Cox. Hollhter. past m aster: Lewis Hack. worslOpfuI m aster, and Don­ald McKay, post m aster, bo th ofFiler. ....... ......... ............

nubi Delecatlon Buhl dtleB^Uon u'aa headed by

John A. Drown, H erbert Cobb nud n a y nadels. a ll past m asters: and B u rley ' tt’as led by WJlJlnn)

N —m om psorr.' p n s t‘Bnina"Tntister;‘L. Bclfleld. past m aster, and O tto Paulson, present m aster.

Mrs. James B. W atts and Mrs.- - Harold Hoover headed committees

responsible for serving the d inner.Mrs. W atts’ iffoup Included Mrs.

Claude M. Oorfien. M rs. K eith J e n ­kins. Mrs. F n ink Hovorka. Mrs, H erbert Qlandon. Mrs. C lino rd Ev­ans. Mrs, ArUiur M cConnell. Mrs. John Puller. Mrs. CTiesUr Loukcs. Mrs. Jau l Rowan. Mrs. Horace Holmes. Mrs. O. W. Rose, Mrs. H ar- vey Olbbens and Mrs. H enry C ham - plin.' •,

Mrs! Hoover's committee Included Mrs. Earl W alker. Mrs. Elwood Bo- bler, Mr.i, Lyle F ra iler, Mrs. C lar­ence RoberUi. Mrs. C laren te W a«. ner. Mrs. Helen NorrLt. Mrs. Dale W akem and Miss M ortlia Holmes.• Y outlu of tlie Tw in Falls chap te r of the Order of DcMolay who tci- ststed were W ayne Puller. Bill Stvhl- bers, Jim DeKloU. F o rrest MacM'il- len and Don Nellson.

JACK EUSCOK . . . liatWe c t Tw in Foil* whs

lo*l bU IHe r»el«ewhile te rr ln c w ith th e V. S. navy.

(Tlme*-Newi Engravlni)


C. E. at Jerome Has Ceremonial

JEROME. Feb. JO—In olxiervance of the Cist anniversary of tlie found­ing of the ChrtsUan EiuStiwof. ea- tabllAhed In M assachusetts, th e In­term ediate group celebm ted th e oc- ca-ilon T7lUi an Impre.tslve condle- llRhllng ceremony Sunday cvenliis a t the church.

Taking p a rt In Uie ceremony were Mlaa Ruth D lnfendorf, president.

■ representing the - sp irit of ClirU - tlnn Endeavor; MLi.1 M aiy Burk*. coiirMie ' and InUlntlve; d ia r i e s Shoiin. virtue of loyalty lo C h rb t: Anna Lou a iles . en thaila-m i and growUi; MI.V1 M arilyn Beddall. virtue of democracy; C harles S he l­don. world-wide ml.islonnry in terest; Bertram Eakln. hopes of Uie found­ers of Christian Endeavor work.

T he social ehoJm ian and the president. auLited by Mrs. Ben Dle- fendorf. cu t th e large cake and pre­pared plates for serving to those present, while U»e young people of th e society entered ln to a ValenUne’a day conte.1 t. Captaln.H were nam ed and Uie w inning side was headed by Miss Barbara M ann. P rlio wln-

• n e r of the w ritten qu lr on facts concerning th e ChrlsU an Endeavor and the mLwlonary en terprtie Charles Sheldon,

Mrs. Reed and Mrs. C. W. T roun - _son were gurjLv

BATAVIA, N. E, I.. Peb, 20 A total of 1B2 Japane.'e ships had bcca sunk or dania«e< thc-Uulted. NatlotM forces up to Peb. H . accord­ing to an autJiorltallvo compilation by Ancta. olflclfll Dutch newsngeno’.

Of the total. 100 were sunk. 28 probably sunk and 45 damaRptl. Tlie num ber did n o t Include tlie hfa \ 7 Ittiicfl known to, have bern lnfllet/-d on tl\c ervm^y In U'C • IsnAr.Jon ol « )uUiem Sum atra , s ta rted Inst Sat­urday.

American sljlpfl and planes were crodltcd wltl> S4 of tJie known sink­ings. 15 ofO he probables and 3S of th e damaged ahlp.-i. and N. E. I. forces wlUi 24 sinkings, six prob- ftbl«i and II Rliijxi dom asrd.

Tlie recapitulation follon-s:Battlcslilps—Two probnbly sunk,

two damaged,Crlu,'.ere—Seven sunk, four prob-

nbiy sunk. 11 dama«r<l.Dc-'itroycri.—13 sunk. tJiree j

ably sunk, two <lampit». l. •A ircraft carriers—One sunk, two

probably .lunk, one dajntvRfxl.Subm arines—Six sunk, one prob­

ably sunk, one dam aged.Transporl.i—52 sunk. IJ probably

.*iunk. 33 damaged.• Carso vrS.els an<l am lllarles—23

sunk, four probably sunk, three damaged.

T ankers—Seven sunk, two dam ­aged,

•'Numerous m inor ve.viels of all ty p « ” were n o t Included.


Ja ck Ruscoe. a native of T v ln Palls who a ttended schools h e re and a t C urry before tnovlng t o . pobe In 1934, w as killed in action with the V . 6 . navy early this m onth somewhere In th e sou th Pacific, I t

u learned h e re today.'.A lter leaving high school hero

and m oving to Boise, he enllilcd with the navy .in January ', -ISSS. and h as been serving In the south seas since November. 1041. H e was bom In T w in Falla Ju n e 30, 1517.

Survivors Include hla m other. Mrs. Edna Edu-axds. Boise, a n d to u r sis- tera, Mrs. M alsle Clemons. Good­ing ' Mrs. H elen Coleman. T ulare, Calif.; M rs. M arjorie Schofield. Boise, and Mrs. Lois A nne Edwards. Botoe. A bro ther. Allison, who Is now In A nchorage. A laska, also survives.

N otification received by relatlve-i d ld n o t 's tB ta th e ^ la c e of death;


Jeers of a p rerlrR ' audience cliang- ed a sc en e ' In tJils m ovlr. and pronto.

T lie vUlaln slipped Into a gar­age and (Uaslied Actor Jcdin Slirl- ton’a tirft lo delay purault. Tlie audience howled Its d isapproval

W hen the p icture la relensrd. Shelten ■will d tw orer th e Ur» dani* ■ged—bu t audiences w on't see It (flashed. ^

T tie Ure cost o n ly ^ .7 6 a t a Junk y a rd and couldn’t be lucd—b u t It fooJced.pIcntj: oka r to ruhlier-con- sclous movie /fths.


Armed Qtizen Groups Will Be Fonned to Guard Idaho Homes

BOISE. Feb. K VP) — O o v tm o r Clark, following a c ftn fertnce w ith the a ta te civilian defense council «x- ecuUve com m iuee. nnnounced to ­night. organizations In Idaho would be called upon to form volunU er defense groups to protect th e “homes and fireside* of Uielr e o m m u n ltla against any eventuality .”

• T ie possibility of invasion by enemies may seem »o rem ote.- the Kovcrnor commented, " thali a g rea t many pMpIe m ay th ink th is la an Idle gesture—b u t our hom es a n d Ub> ertle.1 a re more sacred th a n o u r lives.

“If such an eventuality should oc­cur—th a t an Invasion force ahouW reacli Idalio—le t a i be In position

th a t Uie P au l Reveres Of today . .1 r ide again and w ith th e cry to ■every Middlesex village a n d fa n n ' take tlw lr rlflea from the w all and Join th e ir o rganization to p?otect ourselves a g a ln it Uie Invader._ "L et us who are n o t eligible to Join the arm ed forces be rerfdy to -h elp them to Ihe extent of giving Ute enemy a hot reccptlon from 'b eh ind every fejice a t\d fam \yard wall." l£ Idalio becomes a ba ttle field ."

S ta te mllltlfts have been o r ar< lug organized throughout Id aho , he added, ‘•but we have deemed It a d ­visable. In addition to Uila. to call on every community, upon O ranges, and upon every service group, lodge, sportsmen's associations, g u n . clubs and o the r organlcatloru. In every community, no m atter w here altuated In Idaho , to form , arm ed g ro u iu -o f citizens known as the Idaho volun- tcen* lo r hom e dttenne. w ho will b« p repared lo defend the home# nnd f i r e s i d e s o f th r lr com m unities

^frain«_t_fin)‘_ev en !u alJ ty ."_________Plans for orgiinlzInK tlie voliiti-

Sen; Clark Told To Resign From

Post in SenateIDAHO PALLS. W b. 30 ( /l> -

Bonnevllle county .poak No. 50; ^ e r l c a n Legion, asked Sen. D. W ortii C lark (DTr^da.) to resign hb-p«ilU on as dJoU L . Uie armed forces "where you may be of some service to sU te and nation '' tn a telegram « n t to W ashington. D. C - U ib a fte r­noon.

A special committee of Uie lo­cal post announced the action.

T h r telegram read;•^Flrm your post obstrucUon-

1st iw ord and present defense of pension for congress we suggest you renign aa senator and Join the armed forces of our country where yo»i may be of some service to sta te and naUon."

T he Legion group voted to r.cnd Uie telegram a t a m e eu h g /th b week. ^

DEATHS IN IDAHOCHIGAOO. Feb. 20 tav-O ccupa-

llo n u l accident deoths, which roae e lg lit per cen t a n d coet.m llllnnsJn 1041, continued upw ard during Jan> u a ry In reports to 33 sia t« compen­sa tion commls.ilon.1 , Uie natlonB] sa fe ty council announced today. Ida

Filipino Ace KiUs 11 Japs In Encounter

h o had Kcven such deaths, the same

for Uie trend Uirpugliout 1043," the council sa id , "reporta from the prin ­c ipal induktrtal statea, where ex­posure on a m an-hour basis la size­able. do Indicate U iat th e occupa­tiona l accident problem should be o f growlnR concern to Industrial m anagem ent."

Ja n u ary deaUis totaled 711,.........creoae of to per c e n t over January, •"•• -im 500.

council's prell:nlnary esU- occupaUonal accident

... a ll s to les during wheUier coveretl by cr

1041, wlUi 500 K T h e /counc iW t/> for alt 'deatiw In ol

W ITH GENERAL MacARTHUR'S ARMY IN TH E PIU LIPPINES. Peb. 30 (—rtrsfcIftiJ-rrlvivtfl'Tfarclico OrUIaiio has Just set a new B ataan province record.

He h as killed 11 Japanese soldiers, a lngle-handed,' In one engagement.

OrUlano, a veteran In the Philip­pines Scouts, lias been recommend-

.. „ I , ed for the dlstlnguljhed service crowonly one m onth ure no t sufficient hv >,i. »f»irrr-wW eneew TrtijanO TS& sc a forecasl

St .OrtUaao.,tiialilag_oU.ttM_rUl2: - . plno's thtunb. Howerer, O itlUsO " wreiUd the weapoa lrom .thp:^§p- anese's bands and killed the m a n ' with his own weapon.

OrtUano th e a w h lp p ^ a n u n d a n d plugged th e n t h Japanese w ltb ttia ■ captured rtXle.

When OrUlano'a e o m p a n lo n i ' reached the machlna gun nest thej— found him busily.trying to repalr__ Ills machine gun, although bleMing sevorely from his wounds.

O rtllano 's fea t occurred during . . . engagem ent In which his machine

m was a ttacked by I I Japanese. P ou r o f Uie Ja p a a e se jtw rt dowt

u nder OrUtano's gun bCTore It Jam ­m ed. T he Filipino wlilpped out h i a u tom atic and picked off five more Japoneae. T hen th a t Jammed, too.

T k-o Japanese wlU) bayonets fix­ed w ere stilt advancing on OrUtano who was now w ithout a weapon, bu t the trooper held his ground.

One Japanese Jabbed his bayonet


571S« n o n r Service

teers will be sen t to Interested com ­munities by the civilian defense council.


senate , passed and sen t lo the .house today legLnlaUon to auUiorlze p la n t­ing Dt 7&.00t> acres of guayule rubber tree.- In the w estern hemisphere and conduct experiments In ttie develop­m ent of d ie p la n t.a s .a rcw .courcp of n ibhrr supply.

Public schools w ere tstab llilied In New Mexico by Spanish royal do- — - In 1731.

—Dr. Geo. Gt^alley=j,a a n o u n c is .- th e -re m o v a l-o f -hU offices from 142 Main Avenue SouUi lo 120 F i lth Street North

orilc* H sara: 11 (o U

Van (ampsThe best for the least

- a savory feast


• Eat Butter-Krust’s .



• W tien It come* to dow nright good bread, you c a n 't b eat B utter-K m st's O erm -O -W heat because It aer;-c* an a ll-around purpose. Made from w heat germ flour, i t contains a mnxlm um of

, B l, th e health-building v^Uimln th a t's »o, high ly recommended by science. O enn.Q ;:W heat has a l l 'th e food value, o f whole w heat bread, p lus a finer te x tu re w ithout the usual h a n h a e a . WhUe It-B baked en tirely from healUi p roducing ingredients. It's no t too coarw to be sen-ed for a n y occasion and its fUvor. as you would expect, U excepUonally good. Y ou ll like O erm - O -W hettt oace you have tr ie d It,

J^akes Excellent Toast and Sand\vichesBUY G E R M -O -W U U T n O M XOUIl OBOCEB

You trust its quality


History repeats itself in World W ar II. Sugar has been called to war,again. Our government has restricted the use of sugar for all. Naturally, that includes Coca-Cola. •

You’ll continue to find Coca-Cola around the corner from any- wherepihough w e regret that you won’t be able to enjoy tbe pause that refreshes as often as you might like. Our volume has been re­duced. But this we pledge: the character of Coca-Cola wifl be unimpaiired. The American people can continue to trust its quility.

'As in 1917, w e count upon the patience of dealersxverywhere. Conserving sugar is another step toward Victory. W hatever any of us may have, or may not have. Victory we must have above all.else!



T W I N E A L L S C Q C A . C O L A B O T T L I N G C O M g ^ J i j ; ,

Page 6:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*


:u r i jB T

F rid ay February 20, i942

™ m T i o i tFACES I H O A N S

BO ISE, Ida.. Feb. 20 (yp>-Rccl4Ml. ticallon ol men previously slven do> ferred raU ns» has been suirtcd by Id ah o lociU d ra ft boards. U eu t. Col. Norm iin O. AillLison.i cxecuUvo ot-

- licer lo r sU U «elecUvo Mrvlco lieod- <}UiLrt«ni, reported today.

Rfclftaslflcatltm w m neceiaary be­cause Idaho 's supply ot 1-men vna nearly depleted.

“T h e local boards have been in ­form ed to reclsjislfy re s lam n la In the llg lit ot-revlsed selective service s tandards," h e declared.

TlioM U> be placed In Uie . . bracket will tom e trom U\c l - B as«l 3-A groups, h e sold. Reclas.ilflcftiloii of Uie t-B men was made pa-ulblr by reduction of'U te dental unU vi.i ual rcqulrem entj for m llliary (icrv- Jcc. T lie I-D men Had been deferred beei\u!.c o l minor physleol dl.iablll- 11m,

Thoao previously listed i whose wives arc now able to supi>ort t!iem;<lve» will be ainong tlio^e Blven new d ro it deslgnailona. The men will be notified by Oielr local board .1 ir lliey are reclossllled and will be Riven an opportunity lo ap­pear before the board to discuss the change In status.

11 U ie'tcclnasldcatlon Is BU.«talned, UiB form er 3-A m en will be given physleol examlnotlonJi and made avalloble for Immedlolc military service, he explained.

Desert Flower

Conciliation Post JOrdered Dropped

JEROM E, fVb. 30 — t>/flce ••'"Of im tte a StntM conciliation com­

m issioner for Jerom e county, for Bcvcrnl yenni held by M. L. Lcwl.i. Jerom e ottom ey. hns been abolbhrd

% and th e duile.i comolldatcij with Uiot of U»o Twin r a l l s county- d ila to r.

This merKcr does n o t‘affec t the lo rm e rs ' rlahus to oeelt relief under w hat Is commonly known a.i the P rader-L em ke |u:t. w hfther In Je r­ome county or elsewhere. accordinR to A ttorney Lewis.

D uring the time of his service conciliator fo r this county, Mr. Lew* l i stAtes Uiftt farrnera and stock­men -como to him from every our- roundlnir county and some ffom beyond th e borders of Jerom e.coun­ty. a ll of whom h a d to be rejected due to thP lim ited. Jurisdiction of th e ’ conelllator because of hU Judi­cial ponltlon the law would no t per­m it him to appear In court before a ' s im ilar tribunal or before any U nited S tates court on the m atters

• presented.Mr, Lewis announced today tluit

tl-Q n w ln hotel in Jerom a to advise any farm er, banker o r o ther creditor In reao rd to any m a tte r relaU ng to the rra a ler-L e m ie act. and Li pre­pared to appear In a n y United Stntes court If necessary. In the ir behalf.

•WSCS Condemns Discrimination

: O O O D IN a. F ib . 20-W om en‘a So­ciety o f C hristian Service m e t for luncheon in the churcli fellow.ihlp room W ednesday. Early pu.uo'wll- lows were arranged In Uie room.

M n . Dl>the Clemons preslde<l and Mr*. P . H . JeffrlM conducted the de-

. votlonal study ualns ' "Missionary Service," as h e r topic. Mrs. V . W. C arson had th e Irsson study on **lo- te rrac la l Brotherhood Work" wh^th de alt w ith n e e discrimination, and particularly ' th e negroes In the souUi.

-B U ckont’ [toom Wanled iSra. Clemons announced th a t tha

ch ief o lr raid w srden had aaked to equip a n emergeocy room In the c hurch lo r blackout u se .. A com- m lttco compceod or Mrs. Otto Joelln, M ra. H crbcrt.M eyer and Mrs. E . Q, R andolph was appointed to meet w ith Ute w arden a n d make neces< » a ^ arrangem ents.

A mecUng of th e district confer­ence to bo held In Tw in PalU M arch

... 3 -4 ..w ith Blihop Bm ce Baxter i** th e speaker wns announced. All m inisters, Sunday school superin­tendent*, W B .C S. jHwidenla and o thp r In terested persons are InTlted to a ttend .

T h e P.-T.A. silver tea to be given Sa tu rday , Feb. 31. fo r the ho t lunch a n d m ilk benefit w as announced,

Folkiore Itevlewed Mr*. W. D. T ester reviewed the

ch ap te r on “Folklore In Our Democ- rac j'." taken Irozn th e book. "Chris­tia n Roota of Democrocy In Amer­ica,"

L uncheon hOBtesse.'i were Mr*. C liarlcs Baker. Mrs. Sherm an Slunit), M n . HuKh H unt, M n . H. p . Bright.

• Mr». W illiam H eno '. Mrs, E. J . WllU and M rs. H arry Edholm.

»«S< l-r lh> mlnklW.

Gay Folks Buy Aiiytliing arid Everytliirig at Red Cross Sale

W ith a cheerful crowd eager to buy anytlilng from apples to zlUicrs lo r benefit of the Ilcd CroM. tlic QroHnc-ipottwrcd tiusfl-lon in Tw in l-' lLi rnbed o to ta l o r $331 fo r the

relief fund, U w iu onnounced tljls ofwrnoon.

A throng of buycrn e.iUmatcd ol 200 to 250 iwr/ions packed tlie McVcy butlcltnK. Totnl nttrndancc w'us fut nbovo Uiat fluurp ^lnce m any pur- chtLiers cnme and w ent during the snle.

No E xpeniet"The >i31 reprckcnlfl the com plete

am ount of purcliaics," Uie com m lt- tc Q ^ ld today. 'N ot a penny was Iniiirrcd for expen.ncji, hence Tw in Fails, M ountain Rock, K nu ll and Holll.ster Oranges each will send a check for 1130.35 to the. w ar relief fund."

Tliree hundred and forty separate item s were sold, according to W . J . Hollenbeck, auctioneer, who volun­teered hLi services along w ith C h a n ­ters Lloyd Bean, Buhl, and "M ac" McCTureJ

\pU nket Tops SalsHighest price paid was $15 for a

woolen blanket donated by L , L. Langilon, Twin Falls, Lowest price paid was 10 ccnts for a package o t 'starch.

'A fox terrier pup was sold e igh t tlmea." said Mr. Hollenbeck, r e la t­ing how It wa.1 Kold Aucce.v.lvcly n t

to seven pcr.ioai before a young.itcr bid 3S .ccnLn and scooted away w ltii Ui<7 dog.

John Feldhuscn. bid tU and re ­ceived lho."*cml-precloua" used 700 by 30 Ufo and lube.

Bn«5 of while beiins were selling a t 14.20 on the average, wlilci) is n lit tle higher Uinn the regular m a r­k e t prlcc.

Ons entliualasl paid 11 for a 10- ^ u n d sack of sugar, ano ther sem i­precious commodity nowadays.

Im ported kippered herring from Norway was being sold a t two cans for a quarter. ’

B utter^ Two pounds of bu tter w ent for *1.35. a far cry from th e retail m ark of 43 cenl.i a pound. Someone bought

electric range.Numerous Item s rcm ab i . to be

sold." announced Uie O range mittee. ••Chilly w eajher cut n tte n d - dance. bu t w hatever disposition Is made It will be for the 109 pe r cen t benefit of th t Red Cross."

TJie » i j l Included cn.ih donations o f 133.25. Articles for sale were con ­tributed by cItlzeiL-i and certain eslabll.ihmcnts,

•Thl-i was. the of a .merles w. Red CroM -bencfll nuctlnns being <'iicc.uiiiKeiJ amoim ll'c sutwrdUiato OriWKes of Tw in FiUl.i county by Uie county's Pom ona ^ rn tiK c a t tlie .iUKKf;,tlon of the Plen.^unt Valley O range." It was announced.

'At lea.1t two more auclloiw are planned. One will be in Uie eas t end and Uie second In the weat end.

Is there a grcalcr

name in the history of

- American distilling'/

W h e n }Tou c a n hsTO te a a a lio n a l O ld C row a t a tn o d e ra le 'p r ic e , whj; n o t Awo tl)e b e e t ! T ry I t to ­n ig h t, itraJelit o r in a highball, and te e tlie difference 1

S ^ a ieA S M F A S

B o m L E D 'I N - B O N D

NotloiM aPlrtitlCT Pn>a.0.rp,W .Y .« lOOProo/

;o, 1■In FnlLi.,8crve(J.<;i

ot Ujc Qrtfngc

•niere U a pa-jiblllty of a th ird In Flier.

A coniniltlco hU itcincnt H iiiiikcd ccrtnln non-Orungcrs fo r Uiclr sl.itancc, anil mentioned H ollenbeck and hLi auctioneers; M m. H ollen- bcck, auctlnn clerk; J . O . Johnson; Congrlff Ouldoor AdvcrtLilnn Co.. Inc.; K TFI; Wiirbcrn Dro.i. Coiil und T ransfer Co.; Shlpm nn Bros. S to r­age. Coal and T ransfer Co..; B obr. P ayette Lumber Co.. and th e Tlme.-^. News Publl.ihlnR Co,

O . T . Ko.iler. Twin general chairm an event.

Sally Rand Hopes It’s “TwiiKBoys”

IDAHO FALLS. Feb. SOtTV-iSo'l; R and says '•! Hope I f s tw bi hojiiJ

T he fa if dancer today "provU lon- .!y" confirmed th a t she nnd T urk

OreenbuRh. her cowboy husband, were expecting an add ition to th( family.

"B ut you .'n ever ca g b r. Bure Uiough," slie cautioned, nJaTng: "If« a Utilo early."

T he dancer has nald -ncvcral Ume; recenUy th a t she and T u rk planned to retire to Hl-i M ontnna ran c h aliortly.

" If I t’s a boy win It grow up ! a cowboy like <Iiul7, ' n repo rte r

asked. ^'Well. I be llrvc in Icttlni; children

decide th a t for Uienii’elvc.i; don 't you?" .ihe rejponded.

MIm Rand L-< fllllnc nn enKkse- leiit a t a local niRlit chitj. She li

accumpanleil here by lir r hu.'ibiind, She plrtiw to go to Ogden nnd

S a lt Lake City from here.

Gamble’s Retains Newspaper ‘Ads’

G am ble stores will continue w ith tlictr.fxtcnslvo newspaper advertis­ing cam paign.* according to 1043 merchandlslug plans m apiw d a t the n t h annual sales conferencc In D en-

sr. Colo.o . J . BoUine, m nnn«er ‘nf Hie

Uie Gamble stores "are sure th a t newspapers bring the ir message to th e greatest num ber of praple."

I n addUlon to Mr. BoUine. the T w in Falls men a t tlir d.l.itrlct ference wer* Jam r.i Barnhiirt, s b ta n t mansKcr. and C. E. H arder, appliance mftniiger.

Phil Skoftmo and B crl G am ble, founders ot the conipiiny, u e r attendance.


GOODING. Feb. 30—T lie week of Feb. 33 to 28 lia.1 been doslgnated as farm m achinery check-up week In Gooding county and o the rs of aou them Idalio, according to O lcna Patterson, who U repr?senUiUvc for dealer* In fonn m achinery a n d Im- plem enu tliroughout U i|j.a o o d ln g

Mr. Patterson sidd th a t 'I t cannot be too sm ingly atreased In Uie m inds of fanncra the neoewlty fo r- lh la check-up. W hen th is checking I# completed and Itemized Uie lis t Of needed pa rts should Immediately be take'u to tt'C <lpnler. giving h im the necessary knowledge an to Uio r bcr of pa rts needed thin year.

B .-L . DuTlon. WondBll, will have cliarge of Uie work Uicre.

TJiese men are working w ith the w ar board In th is Im portan t m a tte r.

Neighboring ■ Churches _

KIMtlKai.y Cl/lllHTIAN il.p» U TItui. mlni.ltr

, m.. IJIbl« arhon)- ’n>«

r will {u«nl-h lh« •p«l»i ITliiUitn^dUl*. and H.

■ ,„r iixUtiM. ftuilr mnil

j-ii.KU MfrritoniKT WhlU. mlnlaur

1. Churrh .fhool »llh Wf. JUrtlInf

illrcTtlon o(. m.. Junlcr !••«# p. Ri.. Lpvorth


Arfor.Unii" IpMtor

» ’• for Amrrlran lAithemn wiuMnBlon Khool In

rnE .s c ium trii ok non _ J^ )w n M yili'. p««iipr ^


.. Kiind.y. ■

lUMtV.S AB»K«nj.Y W «iOTJiihn 0 .i» . PluUjr

rlni/nil^iii. 1 1 :'jO ■. m.. W..r»h1p----ll»», 11. J<in< .

C.A. m^Ung.’ A ••r.lV. tor kl p. >

VANHKN COMMUNITY Jiarph Itlll C<iulirr, mlnliUr

IO:l»-.. m.. ChuTTh 1):30 ■. tr.Mnrrlnf wonhlp. Th» will b*«ln

Ur»"urc*».' 7;5» p. tr

UUHTAttcn tnHHll.SITV J.»4ph inn Coiiltrr. mfnl.irr

». m.. Moroln* x.irthli', Th» flrmi i n of UnUn ■»r»lc«. Il:l& «. Tch .fhool. 7:50 p. m. Youih K.ll

• ntl Ouf Counlrr.'cKolr. hlffl

KlLEIl »AI*TIST. .S. Ailotph CirUun. mini .. fluncl.r ifbopl; Un. Ill

Ami.r1r». ^I'rmxrth.”

hoir; Mrmnn ••|t^pn.r»-IlO p. m.. n. Y. I-. U. m ^ lnc r dlKUi.l..n. •'ll«pUiU In r . i i tn

—DO YOU—suffer w ith backache, headachc

a rm s or legs aching?

Consult DR. HILL155 M ain A*e. W.

RADIATING OIL HEATERA Special P u r e h a ie fo r O u r 9e Sale


^ t ^ a c e • -

S a l e p r i c e d a t

$ ] 5 9 9

o n E A S Y T ER M S

. 30,000 B.T.U.RfltinB• H«atf 3 ,000 cubic f . t t• OnlrtaV4>23V«x36<.i

[nch«* ovtroll.

Arrived Just In time (or this Special Solsl H«ot your eobin or »moll •>' buneolowOfT5'ruel eoniumption od)u»»ablo from down to leu thon ’i oQlloni per 24 b o o n .. . Three Hme* more rodiotinolurfoc# thon ony Other heater In 1» prlc* c lou l . . 5-oe11on fuel tank, end Qccettorlti. Q am titr Umlterf. S<ib{«t h» rfock M ’head.

gW estern A uto Supply Co.^lF5Mr*

At the ChurchesKIlUiT____ . . .

Iloir ¥- IlmriMtt, paitor ^.4S . . n „ <hurth •<iwol: Ht%. lUUn'

Durkhtrl. «.nrr>l .u(«rlnl.nd«nU I* m.. wonhlp; (.Mtor’t Mrroon •ublKl. . ............... —. . ..J o n in nqmbvr* br

-NMiurne^' br Kin* Lr«,: ••M«reh-

or luxainl. * iis p. m.. brnlor llaplUt Yuuni I'«opU's unk>D. Phlfh U»plUi Yrnin* l’*opU'.

wonhlp; t.Mtor’t m uch' • Tim* V T hli'i In.

■ - ■ r i

• uppurM 4>)t rombJnti] <sole {htnse Is ont-bsll. prsYkuu* •chTduitI, mldw.

DBTIICI. TKMri.EU. U. Dk I.). pulor

». RI.. Kundur KtHwl; clui : U. K. Alldrlll. iup«rlnl»n.l------- .I..■nuilci Mrmcin br th< puUir. «:3>>

... . Vouci* m.rtJn*. s p. m.. *»•(•lUlle Mrvl^. wlih r 'a r " >'>r Oi* a< and opportunllr lor bapUim: Iniplrl miul« «lth rhomt. chutr. urrlmirk a ronsr»fiiUvn*l >lntln£! (crman I>r I... —»lOfl oubjoct. "In -W«r or

ilWn Cwl—K*»P Ih. thurch«Op.n.- Tu»«l«,, ■ p. m.. tWth»l Ten ' nibl« ifhool. W«<J>»»<Uy. H p. m.. chi pr»Mf m»»llnf. K»ld*r. * P. m,. fh ' f»lk*w*hlp RiMiIni, tv>luri(*)r. J P.

- « t * ^ T.Mp^ > imiJj-.n » chucch. All o'

f P»rj>«tu»l lldp.unl«7 •**nln|> tn<i Dm • nd tlr . 1 KrUUri ot tl- l:ltl p. m. L«nun d«To- It 7it0 p. m. cnnitotlnff I >nd Un*dl<lkin.'— ^

.lhoII<IrUoni. Inrormtllun ( la u n for n< Tumair mnd KrlJ>r T:tO alU ntUiKWd dM-ur niihi.

PimiT rnEKDYTKiltAN fl. l - CUrlc. PMtor

>. m.. chnrth xhool; I.. U. Ktll. i-»rln»nd»nl. II a. m,. mornln* »oi...,_ h„ur; a paUMIa acrtlM twrnirlnc Unnjln.Wuhlnilun and aihir* : Mrmun. .....ti«uU ant) u if WoRln": iptclal muil.

holr: C. W. AtbarlBvTi. dlrvctcr; or- numWn, -C«Ulf I'a.UiraU." LinU-

••llcre.u.*," Ilarrit; •4’«UuO»." : llr», J . A. l>re«rl. otaaaUl;

---- h <.f Our Kalh.r*.^ *:>» P. ni.. Chrl..lUn Knilix-or hour: Iradrr. Mbu Uarllrn •• -th: K.ple. "Ala.ka." JiJO p. bi,. ap»-

martlca; cloalntf MflM on •• .. n»Utlolai“ ; n « . E. . U U m U rri, Church of iJi* Uc.thr«n. «uhI >p«ak<r, 7:IS p. m.. MonUar. In KInt Chrlttlan rhurrh, f ln t aludr prrknl In ip««UI Iraln-

-I.ur.* In r*llxkiu> duration lor aduKa; rn for all fiunaar Kbool Mp«cLall>. u> aluad.

CIlRlaTUN HCIENCE >:<S a. in., Sundar •rlxwl. U a. m.. iirrh arrrlc*. '•«lnd" k ih« aubj^ct, of t l<«on-«»rmon which vrlll b» r^ .l In

Churchr* of Chrifl. 2b-lrntl>l, thmuihoui HundnT. m . ' n . Th. Cold»n.................. .1 oC Knuwlxlf*.

.l,h .d- (I Sam- liaauins room loraud at 1 1 0

mur north. op*n ilallr «zc»pl Sun- hoUdar*. from I in .4 p. m.

and hr Him a«tiona aro •

PlItST CillllKTIAN M.rk C. I ,

l/nil4 nl. I0:«5 i , ‘''m', ■m“rnln» wonhl mcdliatlon. "At ih« Na*i»r'a T«hlc" a

for^.lj 1’ ! *'arj" 'ram'pii«” ' 7MUn'« un*ill 1 p. tn.. Chrlillan ^aroup tnr«

llonal Minr Mrolr* and an •on irlia ■ rrn;tin; thrmr. ••Chrlttlana l» .*p "f . . .•' Th. Union I-«dCT»hlp IralKl

I, W<ir»hlp al at S p. m. <ar thrriuchoul Miit. ftalurUar. '

DAIRY B U S i S S z .’ SETS NEW 1il^noJU R N . Id a .. P«b. SO M V-Ru- ,

pcm m a-B uiK /T Sanu 'o fU iB -jeronsff —CoopcraUve creamery earned $333.- 000 la st year, th o gi«ateat am ount In history, mctubers of th e M lal- Ca.isla D airym en's asKclatloo w ert told.

Orow era In sou th cen tral Idaho w ere paid U.044.S94 for . 4,Me.OOO pounds of bu tte rfa t lost year, Roy D . Sm ith, general m anager, report-

! *d.


lOiia a. m.. fluntlar >chool; A, It« «lil. tuixrlnUftilml. lliSO a. m:, mornlnc •or.blp. 8 p. m.. »t.nlnir mcyJc , ■ ~ Vadnodtr. prar.r m««lnK.

a n d oQier dslry products v m re- spcm alblelD rihe h lghprlecs; he aald.

T lio assocIiUon has TSS members In the Burliy a re a and 425 near R upert.

ABHEMI11.Y OK (iOt) UO Third av*i>u« >cit

II. E. A. Ilofrman. paalui

Chrlif* Ambtiaador with I t^ h aU> Wltt aa ipMkrr. 1i9Q P. m.. ap^lal •«ant.lUl!o MrTlo; Ihla will Iw tha ' Ins .» of. Ih. .Prclal *van|. m*«tlnt, of which K*anii«li»t AIWiSha/f.r hta b»n iPMhrr. W«.k ____aarvlraa nait »»«k Turtilay and Thundar • t T .i i p. m. , — ....

No Fooling

ag a in quickly, W hen It has been c hea ted two or three time# In suc- ce.t-ilon. th e p lan t cesses, to -respond fo r a tim e.

; (Mrdnn Illlli, rU ii < holr

----- - -........ - - ...........'Hirrv will b* Mtrlcaa M<H •xntnc tbrouch< P. m. 7 1 ni., IVnUeuaial th . wrrk with »antf«lkt I). C. »loul and

Klla«l>«lh Slaul In chin*, al 7 1<S p. ni.' IHMANIIEL KVANCEUCAL

lUTHSHAS Martin It. 2Us«l, mlnlilaf

Fourth av«n». and B»roBd •Irw t ta it 'in a. m.. Hundar ifhool with EU V.

n chant. 11 a. n.. dl'ln* wof- ti bjr th. putnr. r

Praijie Building Is __ JOamagcd by Blaze

A th rte -ro o m fram e house a l 30i A dam a a tre e t waa d a n c e d cztcn- »lvely by itrc a t fi:M ^ m . yester­day.

ie » -W a l8 o n -a n d -h la - f» m lly r - Ttaldents, were away a t the t im e ' of th e b la ie, bellered to have started r to m an orerhea ted parlor furnace.

T h e building Is ow ned-by Oene C rane, now In California.. F irem en re tu rned to th e staUon a t 10 p jtt .

FLAT?Don’t W orry About It

C om e tn a n d w ell a rrange a qulek eonndentla l loan for you.

Sec Bob Reese F or an Auto Loan

O r W e’ll ][>ay You SPOT CASH

F pr Your Used Car.



T im e ly I t e m s , . . R e d u c c d in P r ic e fo r i u s t N in e D nys . . . t o b r i n g y o u e v e n G r e a te r V a lu e s . . . S u p p ly y o u r n e e d s . N O W . a t G R E A T E R S A V I N C S I

SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28thM a n y More SALE Specials Besides These!

—- M e Rag. 13c. 3.In. Olati,^walnut

" m ia rrf”1. A u to Bulb

Sofa Mr*

for 6-a veli^ ^ CoriY tportil E2I99

2 . V a n i ty M tr ro r

9c<0. ass9«

3 . C e r t H l c a t o H o ld e r

Snai) tiro p fOll.m M<LJr«- g a1/ fOUTKj •l.« -Ing poit. D4J70 ^ ^

4. KEY CASESsUfdc*

R*otjlorl2 e . . tinait.ndlrs*. CoiQcker brown tMthtf. d: m i

AMERICAN FLAG5. REFLECTORlUo. ISe. IM. ■ ■ - bfwksOI* floa SSShliiS #1525

6.S tIek -« [ii Solo'sS aU frl» ,r« lr

O c •'•VVomwi'i ^ ^:ir;;sssi s'd.ss7 . 5-Ply Wiper«

i^tlpM •don ^1 H m S f S 6 n o d ^ ? a

8. A n t i - R a t t l e r stol» frit*

Ford cTieli* and ttrollla. Pkalkicllttyp*. KlUO

SnU riin Rta. 23e.'M#. 'ium «mok«d,

I.S p o rh G o g g In

1 9 c

2. Corbon ScraperJof* ftl<* _ A


3. '^Reveille'’ Razor Blades

1, “ Supremo” A U TO POLISHStlt rtk* . UNT t lUo. ^ 1e pelitf* ■ cn3 tl*on.r for ,lQCQu«r*d end •nam«M.M>acM. X47I9

2.WorkGlovesCadlfM auaiitr. h»ovjr^eonvo_i

« 2 9 c

29ci f ' * '

3. B A S E B A L L

29cS«h h in A -Bob F.llw- eol- •MO* iMgu* bwMhldcbell. Strono* ^ >y»tltch<d. Uv»lyl CMM


S - 4 9 c ^5«l*‘rrfn

JV.-ln. Rm •srjs";


M o to r O il 89

U S In L h HH U » O lA tln U l.tti l OMTsntved a r*«n


l U W o M r 'c S :te a }*i5, bU t(ruct ^

n e c n a ^ t r i t o n s'vm

•no** e -11l iiw -t‘OW«tiigl

and Plym<nilh» . . . inaHV OlOMmoWlt, Pcmctae, T*r- mptoM. and elA«r <o".

TODI C l l l« 6 0 0 D COaDIIIOKI

W e s t e r n A u t o S u » t > l y C o . ^ pM oio T h o n 200 S to res in ’lh o W o s t-W ii- rr Yo«. A lw a y y s A V E W .l! . SA I i:TV

Hnr. tUn |r»w< «*»*—» •

' 222 Main Are. N.

Page 7:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

Friday, F ctruaiy 20,1942 TIMES-NEWS; T-WIN-FAttS, IDAHO^ Page-S^eir^

S O C m L E V E N T S and CETJB NEW S'

Washington’s Motif Featured at Mars Club Final Dance of YearP atrio tic accants, including a larRc fram ed picture of

George W nahinRton; red, while and blue wall awags, and a huge American flag , HUspcnded across one com er of the dancc pavilion, form ed an uppropriate background fo r the pre-Waahington’s birthday dancc a t which the M ars Dancing

. club entertained la s t eveninga t the A m erican L e g i o n Memorial hall. .

Occawion was the f i n a l dancing p a rty o f the season for. the* club, organized last

- „liill, and Mr. an d M rs. R. J. ^ o l m e s and M r. and Mrs. 7.

Bcamer w ere hoaLs.W ashln tton A M u o n

Eapcclally AlsnKlciuil w u Uie pic­ture oX OeoTKB WiuhlnKCon. v/lio was ma3l«r 0 / Uio Miwonlc lodKC of Alcx- undrln, Vn.. <lurlns t h e tim e he served m presiden t o f Uio UnitedfilfttCS... ,

Membera o f Uie Mowjrvlc todee refer to him as th e "N um ber one" M uon .

' C h e n ? B u tler a n d 'Donntv JcoQ F latt, w earlns red . w hite n itd blue

-*emnR nprona, a n d tr i-co lo r rlbtwna In .th e i r ha ir, served cherry punch Irom fi loblo bunded in red wlilte and blue.

O ien ‘Dates luid hU Nlt« Hawks played the dance m usic. T lje or- clies tm was bordered wlUi red aiid

i'* and a n A m erican floR vitspIoce<t on th e woU. Crossbands of American flag s form ed Uie cetllns dw oratlon.

T ho mUlta.ry' no te w as tcaturtU la , Uie intermls&lon Uoor show , pre-

K nted by some of W ayne K en- w ortiiy's dancers, a n d two young musicians.

M U lU r; N um benBeverly Bond a n d Jo a n YounR

pxve a m ilitary dan ce : D onna YounK Oft ocrobitlc n iunbe t. mkI LuclUe Langdon and S h lrlry Tliom ns n m lllla ry dancc.

MLw jullA McBride and M arlin a *ee ley played as p iano duels. •Tlic Stars and S tripes Forever" and

r ^ a l o s u e n a . "O arbed In ITusslan costum es, Bee

Uot8a«\ and DoroU\y 8m lU \ p tc - ten t«d a R u.ulan num ber.

At one Intcn-aJ du ring th e eve­ning, the .assem blage s a n s "Ood Bless Amerlco." a n d "T he atAr

• Spangled B anner" wiui sung a s tlje finale. Tlie la rge A merlcon flag wa.i spotlighted th roughou t Uie dnnce hours.

In terested on-Iookcru tJie ciixly port, o t even ing ,w ere S liery l Roa.

, irolmca and C harleen Holmfes. young |. daughters o f Mr. a n d Mrs. Holmes, »• who-^were given " la te hou r” privi­

leges to w atch Uiclr friend, Beverly Bond, dance.

. V « *

Mrs. Cochran Is Guest a t Shower

Mrs. Jack C ochran , form erly MUs J a n e t F ltiw atcr. w as honored a t a mLicellantous show er W ednesday evening ot th e E . S. n tx w a te r home. wlUv MIm M arie L ockhart presiding os hostess.

A tran sp aren t um brella wa.i sus- p tnded from th e c en te r of Uie living

■ room. Tlie b r id e -w as required to puncture varl-hucd balloons which contained directions Tor f ind ing the sJiower gJtls.

Each balloon olso con ta ined a brief w rite-up. re laung som e Incident of U )B -brlde 'a -courtahJp.- -n e fre sh . m ents were served.

4- * * VDemonstration on

N ursing PresentedA ' Miss !Ia*el Brow n,' T w in PalLi r count - general honpltnl nurse, gave

0. dem ocuiratlon on home nursing a t a tneeUng of th e second ward nellef society o f th e L J J 3 . church Tlmrsdfty o ftem oon.

Mrs. T lo tenca Parkln«>s\ vwcaWcd and conducted, and M rs. Jn n e l Jen - kliu gave Uie opening prayer. Mrs. E lltnbeth Shirley gave tho closing prayer.

Christie Robertnon s a n g •TTie PJog W lUioiit n S tn ln" and "Bring B a c k Tlio.-sc W onderful Days."

¥■ * ♦

Oriental Customs Related fo r Guild

Miss Busan Ikenberry and E m fs t Ikenberry. Jr., guests n t a meeting of the E\’cnlng O ulld of Ascension Episcopal church T h u rsd ay night, disc-ssed customs In C hina.

MeeUng was held n t the home of Mrs. G uy Rym an. M iss Lucllo Nes- te r assisted M rs. R ym an In serving refreshmenU.

Morningside Club Sews for W elfare

W elfare sej?lng, w ith completod arUcles to be given to Uie healUi unit, occupied m em bers o f Uio M omlngilde -club a t theJr &ll-day m eeting W ednesday a t the of fer*. BliKUW-WdchCT; U n S e c m w u served a t noon, M rs. E . B. W Wener w u a club guest.

C o n s t i tu t io n o f • New Presbyterian Unit,up for VoteT liird and fina l read ing of Uie

proposed consUtuUon and by-laws of the new Presbyterian women's o r- ganlzaUon—formed by Uie consoU- doUon of the Mlsslonory a n d Ladles' Aid socfcUes of th e c liurch—will be caUed In the n e a r fu tu re by Mrs. Em m a Clouchek. tem porary chiUr- R un , It was announced 'a t the M b- slonory society m eeting Thursday a fternoon a ( Uie churcii parlors.

M rs. C. H. K rengel. chairm an of th e coiisUiuUon com m ittee, read the docum ent for the second time T hursday afternoon.

Mrs. D. n . Churclilll prc.slded unil M r»...Carl In^'lfi was In charKc of dcvoUonals. 'H ie afternoon's pro­gram was also In charge of Mrs. K rengel. who spoke on Africa iind the work of Uie Presbyterian church In Uie Comeroun'a district.

T h is territory, which lies Iti the,-eu now being ULiputed by EiiKlmid,

FVancc mid O ennany , Is n e a r I>ikur.M rs. Krengel told of -the fci'llng

of Uie naUvcs under p resen t clrcuni- tances; told of recen t ^educniloniU and medical progreiw In tlie arcn. and reported th a t Uir g rc a io i uU- viince In 1041 was imbllcitilon oC Uie Bible In one of Uie African lang­uages.

Mrs. H. J . Wall. Mrs. H. N. W ag­ne r. Mrs. IJarry Walhicc and Mrs. W alters were lioste.vics. arrnngliiK ii patnoU o setting for Uie tea table decoraUoiiii.

Mr.n. C. W. AlberLion a lid .Mrs. Van W yngardcn. Springfield, Ore., moUier of Mrs. H . T . Blake, p re ­sided a t Uie services.

USO Center Will Receive Monthly

Box of ‘Goodies’Bccausc one member of th e group

received such an appreciative no te of' Uinnks for Uie box she uent to th e USO rtfcresUon cen ter In P o r t­land . Ore., Uie Dorcas society o ' tlie American LuUieran cliurch voted to send a large box of home-eooke<l food.stuffs. Knme.<, book-i and sim ilar Item s to the ccntcr monUily.

T lie meeting was held a t Uie home of Mrs. Henry Helder and opened wlUi a de.iscrt luncheon, served by Mrs. Helder and M rs. A. C. T hom p-

New OfficersNew oftlcers. headed by Mrs. C.

A. a tohm eyer, assumed Uiclr duties. Plans were made to m eet Tuesday, Peb. 24. a t th e home of Mrs. B tfoh- meycr to Ue o com forter for th e W elfare center and to sew for th e Red Cross.

Designated members will m eet n t the Strohm eyer hom e Tuer,<Joy, a n d o thers will go to th e W elfnro cen tor to sew from 10 a. m. to 4 p . m. All Interested women will sew during those hours on M onday and W ednes- doy. ■

sewing Pro}e«tMrs. P . H. R uh ter wa.t nam ed

chairm an of a committee to sew foi a L utheran arphanage or old plo'a home.

Mrs. Chorles M eyer.-'^ulil. a ssis t­ed by Mrs. S trohm eyer, will enter, ta in a t the next metUng.

>(. * if.

Rayioli Dinner a tRupeii; Draws Many

RUPERT. Feb. 20 — T lie ravioli d in n e r' and dance given T uesday n igh t a t Uie I. O. O. P. ha ll by women of Bt. Nicholas C atholic church drew a largo cro*-d, 350 p e r­sons being seated a t two long tabte.<i In th e bantjuet room. TaW o d tc o ra - Uons were in patrloUc colors, e ral V s mode of m arshm r decorated w ith sm all A m erican flags having places on each table.

Donclng was enjoyed a fte r d inne r, W alter Asson and h is accordion p ro ­viding the music.

M rs. WUllam H cnsch tld , Jr.. w aa hostess, and Mrs, R icha rd O abard l. Mrs. Robert Olnxdell, Mrp. Tony

Nebraska Girl Is& ide of Selectee

Miss Arlene E. Alkman, O m aha. Neb., and O. K . M cKinney. T w in P alls , were united In m lurlage M on­day a t 0 p. m . a t Uie .c h ilsU o n church parsonage.

R>v Mflrlf C. C m nwih^ryer n fft .d a te d , and K . A. Meigs a n d lU ss T helm a Oay were witnesses.

M r. M cKinney le ft th e n e x t day J Join the United S ta te s navy, a n d

M rs. M cKinney re tu rned to O m aha. ♦ ¥ *

Democracy Topic of Missionary Session

, BDHL. Feb. 20 — T he lesson oo democracy was given "by M rs. Roy S trickland, assisted by M rs. Tony, a t th e m eeting of th e Young

PatternsBecause of labor d lfflculU ta In

one departm en t o f K in g P e a tu rw *rndlcat«, New Y ork C ity, th e re ts considerable delay a t p resen t In filling Tlmea-News rea d er o r- d ira Jor patterns.

n S a w ' ’«Sd*w 'l]l“ b r ^ e ^ S S 'society Friday

publlcnUon o f oddlU onal pa t- Jerns. A i soon as speedy sfrvlce w restored by K ing F e a tu re s «yn-

the p a tte rn s will be re -

LS In chargeM rs, 'Vemon Strolbcrg of devoUonals.

-Mrs. John Bergener gave a sh o rt ta lk on th e 'em ergency mUllon" funds. Quests <rere M rs. Bergener. Mrs. E rnest UHeo' and M rs. Roy Cottoera.

Bulletin Display T e lls America’s Lib9rty B a t t le

DY MARY HELEN CHAPPER 'I n Congress, Ju ly 4, m o . T lie

U nanim ous DcclaraUon of Uie th i r ­teen United S tates of A m erica- wiu form ulated to free,young A merica from Uie tyranny ot Uie moUic'r coun to ', rfnd a t O ettj’sburg. Penn . Nov. 10, lOM, Abraliani U ncoln d e ­livered Uic famous O ettysburg ad- dre-vi as Uie dedlcaUon of th o ceme. tcry wliere a g reat ClvU w ar batUe

as so valiantly fought.Facslmlllcs of Uicse two docu­

m ents form a background a round w hicli n bulletin case dLiplay I bu ilt o t Tw in Palls high school. li «’03 arranged by Uie E ngjkh '. de paru jien t a t Uie scliool and Is <le signed to add Interest to study and research work by a tudcnts who have en tered Uie Amei;lcan Legion orix- torlcal_contcflt. _ __________

ImplemenU of' W afU tie Uiey may view actual Im ple­

m en ts of war* fought b j ^ o u r i ^ e r ; lea to establish and preservelTCfrly and freedom. Here Uiey m ay gain worthwhile thoughU of Uie opiw r- tunltfe.i, dutle.i and responsibilities offered by American eltlzcn.ihlp. A nd here Uiey may think on A m erl- cu«hro.

TIUed "O ur American H eritage." th e dWplay lllu.itratt.^ Jant Uint— It 1.1 symbolic of th a t heritage , r iliite.i Wick as far a.i the Revolutlor

ry war. and c arrlrs through th e Civil. SpanUh-Amerlcim ' a n d ‘f irs t W orld war.

Among Uie m ost liilcresUnK m il- cle.-i shown Is a New York new s­paper. carrying Uie news of D ecem ­ber. nos. I t tell.i of G M rge Ington's death, of hla n ito n 'md of Uie fiiiicrnl proce.mlon. It iLio rcport-i on Napoleon Bonepart'fl

r e tu rn from EKjpt. and carries oUier news of Interest ol th a l period.

ArUcIcs from the Civil wiir perlo<! Include a sword. Uie p roperly ol Rodger Stafford : a swonl m ed Hi Uic Buttle a t O cttytbiirg; a pall o t hardcuff.i m cd o t tlie notorioiL' L ibby prison: a portro lt of L incoln and an incs flag w ith bu t 30 Owned by Anil BSlswonii, Uie llati Is Illustrated with n c h a r t nhowhii, th e first s ta r to have been th a t- i Delaware. Uie 3BUi s u r a,s N eveda' In 10S4: Idalio's 43rd s ta r a.s gnlne< on Ju ly 3, 1(190. and Uie added when Arizona wiui iidmltte< to tlie union In 1DI3.

A coIdtmI llln.iurailon of Oeorgr Wn.-.hliigton kneeling a t Valley Forge Is sliown w ltli oUicr Items from the Revolutionary period T h ere L• a ffo ld -flin t" lock founc on a aevolutlonar>- batUe field; i hund 'hcw n ^word: « pair o f hand- cnffs and an old powder horn.

A siShoueUed picture. '•A m rrlci E nshrines Her Sturdy Sire ." shows th e head of George W a-'hlfigton Uin wa.1 chLielcd by OutsOh Dorghum out of the AOlld granite of M t. Rtlsli- m ore In the Black h i l l / o f SouU D akota. /

^V'orld W ar 1A bullet belt, brought by LyV

G ordon: two vases made from 7i m .m . sliells. contributed by Valerio O ates-and Bx-elyn S hirk ; n dough boy'n helmet, dtijilayed by P a t t j K elly, and a container cjin-ed from Uie broken propellor of a plane wrecked In Uie Wqrld w ar I b rought by Pern Salmon llluatm tf Uiat period. KelUi aavllte h as dl.i played Uie IcIcnUflcallon ta g anc bu ttons from Uie uniform of S g t Dave GIrdner. among Uie f irs t from UiLi .'.ectlou o f .ih e -country to Iori his life In Uie World w ar 1, an< R enno Teasley owiia a m atch cove: prlnte<l In IDIC and bearing t}ic Initia ls W. S. a. — war saving s tam ps, sim ilar lo our defense sav ­ings stam ps of today.

fipanlsh-A m erlcan war period 1; represented wlUi a ‘'Bolo K nife” oi the same typo a.s said to be used today in Uie hand fights o f PhlUp- plnos against Uie Japs-

E«hl PEO" Chapter Stages BIL Dinner

, BUHL. Feb. 20 — C hapter S. P E. O . Sisterhood, en terta ined h u s­b a nds Monday iv tn ln g a t th e on- nua l B. I . L . d inner, held in the recreotlon room of the MeUiodlc church a t 7 p. m. D inner w as served by members of Uie'M eUiodlst W. 6 C. S.

Places •were m arked for forty-lw< n t th e Uiblea, w hich were Ulmnl- nn te d by m any \r i \ while U p ers I r erj’stn l holders.

M rs. P . P . AhlQUbl, p residen t welcomed the guests In a- clerei speech, and Mr. Ahlqulst responded In behalf o f the B. I.-L.’s;

A fter dinner, a num ber of humor- ous. s tun ts were conducted. by_ th e w tn . yntltT the chaJrmanahlp o J . H . Shields and Shelby C c ^ t a n t .

T h o tro u p then w ent to th e home of M r. and M rs..E . M. Tomlinson on . T w elfth avenue, where games were played, and a num ber of prizes fo r high score awarded to th e m en

Mr*. L. P . Runyon wos Q uU nnan of th e tcsnmUtee li\ charge o t the p rog ram .,. . , ,

♦ - • *Pegrgy Jane Jones

- Honored at P artyEDEN, Peb. 26 -P ifU i blrUiday a n ­

niversary of Peggy Jane Jo n e s waa obsenred W ednesday a t-the hom e o ' h e r gm ndpareo ts, M r. and M rs. Cur- Us M etcalf. .Those present were Ja- n ine and Buddy lAJeuneese, Car> lyne Newbry. C aim l McCsuJey, O ary S tew art. E re r ltt Spencer. J tm m r B lack. V em Juehau axid th e hon- CTO s b re the r. Tommy Joaes.

Alice M. Gibbs Circle Honored

On AnniversaryI n celebroUon of the first an ­

niversary of Uie Alice M. Olbbs circle of the DapUsL churcli, mem* tjers of the W omen's Mtislonory so- :le ty of. the church culerU lned a t a blrUidoy tea a n d program T hurs- day aftenioon a t Uie home of Mrs. O eorne W nrberg. 531 PourUi ngjnue norUi, site of th e orgonlzatloniuwet- Ing of th e circle Peb. 14. 1041.

Sixty women. hicTudlng fourW fn ;h a rte r m em bers ot Uie guest circle a n d several o the r guesU. attended th e courtesy, n t which Mrs. M errtlt Shotwell provided Uie program lilgh- llg lit wlUi h e r Interesting address a n d dcm onjtratlon on "A rt In Re­ligion."

Displays Pictures SupplemenU ng lier address. In

w hich Ahe told of g reat iiiasterpleccs nnd gave th e hL-.tor>- of m en who h a d painted Uieni. she had on dis­play m any copies of famous pieces, as well os a num ber of books con­ta in ing m asterpiece reproducUons.

D uring the te a hour, cliorter m'rm- ;r s were given spreliil reeognlUon.

included are:Mrs. B ernard Mariyn, Mrs. A ruiur

^I. O orden. Mrs. Paul Anderson, M rs. Pau l G ordon. Mrs. Alex WeUs. M rs. V erna Scofield. Mrs. OarUi R eid. M rs."',acorBe-W arberg,- Mrs.- T etl a co tt. S ira, Elfle tlobe ru . Mrs. Verio Moser. Mrs. Dcntiy P«tl6h, M rs. Edword Skinner and M ra.'Her-

a n Dodsoii.A decorated blrUulay cake, topped

y a single yellow Uiper, centered th e lace-covcfed lea lable. Presiding

■. Uie silver scrflcc;, were Mrs. Dod- n and Mrs. H . H. Uutkliaru

Young I'lan lit Background iihl'.Ic wiu\ provided . Uie piano by Mb.-i W llletta -War-

berg, tulentcd diiiiKhlcr of Mr. ond M rs. George W arbcrg.

H osIc;l.i committec included Mrs. Mnrvlii Mayo. Mr;,. Tony Bobler. M rs. U. U . U urkliari, Mrs, Ray R us­se ll. Mrs. Ben Wlntclrr. Mrs. W ar- borg nnd Mrs. D ixImjo.

G uesU of Uie unniii Included Mrs. Wftllnce Bond. Mr-. Luctui. Mrs, C,

W urster. M rs. O urrttt, recenUy of PocaU:llo: Mr.i, E. Butterfield nnd M rs. Ned DeOroff.

Preceding Uie proKtiiin. a brief meeting of th e Mlvtiimnry r.oclely wii-1 conducted by Mrs, Dodwn, pres. Ident.

♦ ♦ ¥

Valentine Motif at . Box Social a t Buhl

BUHL. Feb. 20 — Tlie w m -A - Couple of the ChrLMlan church en terta ined m em bers bt the Home Builders’ clas.% n t a box nodal last Friday evening a t Uie church, Vulentlne m otif wa.i fcn turtd Ui decorations, and honors for tlir I ilecorated box' w ent to Mrs. F3olsc Ncwbr)’.

O ther prlres were nw arded ti Ed Cortheli, Mrs. W alcott and Mrs. Cobb. Onmes were ployed and "cut" 'tfnlenllnca m atched for supper piirt-

Sigma Delta Psi Club Arrangii)g ■ Saturday PartySigm a D elta Psl club will meet

Saturday a t 7:30 p. m . n t the.hOlne of Uir spoa-^or, Voy Hudson.

A buffet lunch will be served, nnd .social hou r will enteruU n Uie

club members nnd special guest-s. officers of Uie Zu Zlm nnd Red K nigh ts clulxs.

Bill Rpynoldi, vlce.pre\ldenl.Bin Din.ilcy, p reilden t. a re in chiugc of the ser\-lcc.v

G a f n iles; Ash-Trays 'Sent to Ft. Lewis

Mrs, S tan lry Phllllpo, clialrmi tlie Jun io r R « l Cross, reportwl Uiin week n t n niecUng of glrln n t Twin n i l l s h igh sdiool U int th e .box of gam es and 0£h trayit gathered by

Oilin’ leagMC wn.i sen t to Forv Lewis. Wn.sli,. w here the re are m en In th o Field hospital.

T lie Christm as m enu covers, mude by th e nopliomore glrU unddl- direc­tio n of Uielr f^wrwor. M lw Georgia Denn. were se n t to Uie Velenuis’ honpltal lit BolAC and were used

ChrlMrotis trays.’n ie .ie projecw were directed by

Use wrvlce chnlrm eii of .senior. Jun­io r nnd sophomore un its of th< IwiKUe. nnd w ere acclaim ed to bi fine iJroJects.

¥ »Washington Motif

At BPW Club PartyaO O D IN G . Peb. 20—Business nnd

Professional W omen's c lub .m et for tho monUily pnrty a t the home of M rs. LoU M oreland M ondaj’. Mrs. M oreland. a .ulsted by Mrs. Ueiini Lucke. served deM crt InN he \Va.ih- ing ton blrUiday motif.

T h e group filled out quesUon- n alres concerning th e lives of Lin­coln and W ashington. The evhilng wo* *|>ent playing cards wlUi prlw.s going to M yrtle 'Turner and Pearl K irkpatrick. O ther prizes hi« the form of stam ps wer« glv In ft novel m anner.

J C i i e ^ ' Coughing Colds

G e t re lie f f r o a iU strea w ith the nm iO V B > Vlclcs treatm ent tb st make* 'Vkks VapoRub give fv n B t m i n m T s m u i e i h H n a i

ACTS a WATS AT 0«C 8 to b rtsfreU ef...ppcrM T n to u t

________ r s p o n _____________cbert and b«ek surtaoei like a 'warmlag poultice. . . And m a ts n * H im to eaM coughs, rellcre iziujcular sqtcsms or tlghtsMBi And bring rea l comforC . l b get this Ifflpnred treatment

. . . Just aasaac* VapoRob for 3 m lD utes o tr SACS a s well as t lu o a t and cbert, then s p m d thick layer o a chest u d corer wlU) warmed cloth. I t r l U TXCKS VAPOBUB-the Im u u rea W ty.-

■Igned thU rcol-barley _ bnu-clft a n d earring le i. whicli typlfle* the costume Jewelry t< comr. T lie^grala U dyed In lus- •clous rolont

Party :Progressive Dinner

Honors Buhl PeP Club Members

DUHL, Feb. 3 0 -A clever party of le week wiis Uie proKr'eiJlvo dinner

given by member.s of Phi D elta club Monday evrnlnx. brKlnnlng n t 0:30, in honor of''•high school PeP club members.

BcKliinhiB Uie gala event. MIm Pmillne Kelly w-ius lio.ste.-i8 for Uie cocktiill coun.e. A tlrncilve place curds a t Uic fjuartet tables were " V shajied. for virlory. r.tiindlng uiirlnht In sm all red candy hearts. Cenler- plecc.i In colors ot rixl. white and blue, were cardboard hand.i. wiUi Uio thum bs up. for Uio vlctorj' slRnnl. .

ML'.n Jean Taylor wn.s ho;itrr.s for the linJnd courje, which was ler^ed buffet style a t her home on 'TAelfth ovenue. T lie glrLs Uicn went to the home of Miss Olga for Uie d in n er course. The foiirr.oine tables held da in ty bowbi of candy for cen­terpieces. ,

Xfwa Ullliui Zucal waH lio.steM for the dessert of ice crc^un nnd cake sen-ed buffet style.

T h e home of Mlsr. Betty Hyde was Uio final meetlnK place, where the evening wa.^ six-nt in pliiying cards. Prizes of U. S, drfrnse Htajniv> were aw arded M1.-JI Olga and Miss Betty Jess.

riricoln. K-'i'.A. Honors Pounding

Of Organization■ Impressive candle lighting serv­

ices. '*niB Jjplrlt of P.-T . A. nnd Nine aonJ*,“ -fenturrd Uie Founder's day program arranged by Uie L in­coln school Purent-TVaclier n-ssocla- Uon 'niur.vliiy afternoon n t thi school niidltorlum. One hundred pcrson8.-WlUiessedi.Ujc—ceremony, conducted by Mrs. Harold Dengle.

Women who ttastste<l her, each telling of one of Uie gonls nnd ligh t­ing Uie cnndle rrprcsentnUve of Uint goal. liichid(xl Mr.s. Allu Richardson. Mra. F rank Greene,- Mrs. Jnmi-s Vnndeiibark. Mrs, J . E, GlUesple. Mm. >'*rv<l;rlck C hurtli. Mrs. ^ n y Armstrong. Mrs. J . B. Benham m id Mrs. Bob Milner.

A dcconitcd blrUidiiy cuke..........seized from n lace-covered lea table, wliere yellow wkI blue tnpcrs were nrrungctl in Uie decomllve ncheme. 8weeti>en.s and yellow tnpers figur­ed In Uio dccoratlons obout the au ­ditorium .

Mrs. Earl JnJinson nivl M n . J . R. Nellsen. post prc.sldent*. prc.nided n t Uie silver aervlce.s.

Preceding Uie candlcHghUng cer­emony, a brief buslnc.-i.'i wsslon wa.’i c « u lu c t« l bj’ Mra. Ralph Failott, nnd program nimibers were prcf.cntcd by olilldren of Uie scJiooL

Qroup singing was led by Miss Lois Sliotwell. wiUi Miss M arelne Rogrfad a t the piano; pupil* of ML--.» Sliot- well’s room snng “Island of My Dc- alre" and ’■Flag of 0»ir Land": t patriotic playlet Was given by cJill- d ren of MLti Ida Alien’s room, imd "Under Uie Rod. W liltc mul Blue' was Ming by children of MLss Mnr. Uia FroelillcJi'n room.

* * *

Mrs. Ikenberry Speaks at Maroa

Mrs. E. L. Ikenberry. wife of the Church of the B rethren pa.-,tor. and re.M drnt.of.Clilon..addressed, the Moron Woman's club a t the f.chool hmvM TlMirsslny n llem oon. She nlso displayed several m em en­toes. brought back from the orient.

An alUdny meeting, to sew .for tlie Red Cross a t Uie liomo of Mrs. Viola Ilaliillne W ednesday, Feb. 23. was aiinoiuiced. Fjidi one l;i n.%lced to bring n paper sack lunch. Oue.its wern Stts. Ikwibcny and Mrs. Roj’ Blakeslcy.

Mr.s. Liiln Tucker and Mm. Laurn Tschiiiinen were progrum chairmen. Pot-hick lunch wns j.erved by the f irst half of the roll call. Tlie club will m eet M arch .8 a t the home of Mrs. Jennie Hill. Mrs. Neva Hill will be co-haiter.s.

Methodist W.S.C.S.- , Circle at Meeting

Mrs. P. R. Darling wa-s Jiostew to members of Circle No. 8, Women'n Society of Christian yervlcr of the M ethodist church, Tliurndiiy n f lr r- noon. She wns nbo in charge of dc- votlonaU.

A brief buslnesn meeting was held: group Mnglng wa.s led by Mrs. Ralph Taylor, pliuilnt. nnd Mrs._;iVimnm

Mills College Dean Honor Giiest at ^ea

__ M rs. Francos T . Nielson, Oakland. Calif., asaistant dean ofunderprrntluato stutlcnta a t Mill.'s college, -was honor guest a t a lc«. thift afternoon a t tho surburban hdrto of Mrs. E . CUl* ford Evnna, Mill.s college alumna. • , . . . .— Among thc_Kucats were the. m others-of th ree-g irls now . attending the f^chool, ilicluding Mrs. Kenyon Green, mother o f Dttrhl Green; MrH. F. \V. Schweiclfhnrdt, mother of MIsH Frnnccfl Schwelckhardt,' and Mra. V. J . Diivid.non, m other of Miss Irene David­son.

All of the girls arc schol­a rsh ip studcnti) a t Mills.

Forrner Students Also invited to m eet Mrs. Nielson

vifr« M strn l I trm tr stud tn ls a t bay region college, including Mrs.Glen Trnll, Mrs. Edwnrd E. Bab­cock, Mrs. John F. O'Connor, Mrs.A .-J . Peavey, Jr.. nnd Mrs. W.W alstm . and a few other guests.

M rs. C. A. McMaster. moUier of Uie hostess, presided a t the silver btrvlce. D atlodlls In a slWer bowl, cen tered the lace-covered table.

M rs. Hellson sliowed colored slides po rtray ing life on the campus ni Mills “which the college ndmlnlsuv- Uon be liev e Is reasonably safe, and w hich Is organlted fo r any eventu­ality ." she told tho women.

C akpus in W artime "T he type .of edUcaUon offered

n t M ills college, no t only equips n young woman for profeulonnl nnd caree r life, or a more Intelligent pn^- U clpntlon In Uie life of her commu­n ity . b u t provides stability during w arttm e." Mrs. N lebon said.

T w cnly-flve “defense” courses ar« nvnllablo a t Mills college n t pres- en t. Including map-mnklng, first nid. care of children. nutrlUon, mdio sc rip t wrlUng. stenographic nnd code .nnd teletype and nuto meclian- les-courses, according to Mrs, Niel­son. nnd Uieso are n il being accept­ed wlUi

T lie re Is nn ntUtude of prepared-, b u t nothing-.of hysteria. In th e liay region, nfwl this Is reflected In s tu d e n t life o'n the campas. she observed. / jt

T lio 15 men. m em feri of Uie fac­u lty or oUierwlse lemployed. who live on Uie B evcm \liundrcd aen campu-1 . hnvB been organized Into nr effccUve community defense unit,

Shows Campus Klldea MrA. N lebon will show .the col-

ored slides In Uie private dining room of the Roger.son- hotel this evening to fathers of girls who m lg lil be Interested In nttcndlng Uie ncliool. Tlils morning ithe con­ferred with Mm, Rose M. NorUi nnd severnl students o t Uie Twin F nlls’ high school,

Slic will return Snturday to Oak lond.

Mentor Club Will Sew for Red Cross

M entor club mrmlier;> will nicet for nn iiU-duy Red Cro-.s wwlng tcjwlcn a t Uic hom e of Mni. Henry Crow Friday. Feb. 27. 6cs.slon wiui nn- iiounccd w hen Uio Hfroup -n iP t Wednc-'day n t the home of Mrs. Ed Tolbert.

Mrs. M erle Beckley conducted, the buslne.u se.-mlon. when plans were m ade to ivcrve lunch n t lUr lln ro ld Miller sale Tuc-vlay, Feb. 21. Mrs. Crow won Uie w hile elephant.

Mrs. Vcr Cox and Mrs. John Pnr- Lsli prc.sented the program on Cen­tra l Amerlcii and Pivnnma.

Van Engelens=

S iw ( t * £ m v g M u i


T le-B M t laiporiau time for cor> m tty and prop«rly filled •lioes U tbe period ( re a Um fin i u*p*lo*dw oIac«I

Our (tock « t Bed CoMe tbees l> re a r w m rasea of «emeUy msde •W a,sa d M ircz p « n fi[lef«cura» le* a p«rf«et fit.

Van Engelens


W omen’s auxlllarj' ot the Dis­ab led American V eterans will meet In social sexslon ^fonday. Feb. 23, n t th e home of Mrs. W. C. atone. L uncheon will bo aen'ed n t noon.

B.I.L. Honored At Dinner iParty By PEO Chapter

C hapter D, P.E.O. Sisterhood, en­tertained the^husbnnds of members n t n B.I.L. d in n e r Tuesday erealng. D inner was In charge of a group of chapter m embers, w ith Mrs. Carl Irw in as ehalrm an.- Mrs. n i a ‘W hite hod Uia program In 'charge. M rs. O . H. Shearer led Ui<) group In community singing nnd Mrs. Joseph Hill Coulter. H an­sen. sang "Ah Sw eet Mystery of U fe” and “Silver Threads Among Uie Gold."

A quarte t. Mr.- and Mra. WUUs Sampson. Mrs. C oulter and A. R. Scott, a ll of H ansen, tang ”01il Black Joe” wlUi varlaUoifk.

H ighlight o f Uie evening was the B.I1.. iniUaUon. conducted by Rev. G. L. C lark nnd DoWUt R. Young.

¥ « « Humorous Literary

Figures DiscussedH umorous characters In literaturee re dlscusscd by M rs. Mary W right

during Uie lesson a t the weekly meeting of the P i n t word Relief society of Uic L.D.S. church Thurs­day afternoon. O f porUcular en- JoymcnA to Uio guests was her dls- cus-slon of. ln d lrldua l« -takeo -f M ark T w ain’s stories.

Mrs. L>-onn S m ith read 'W hite - wnshlng tho Fence”-from Tom Saw­yer, beloved MntJt T*-aln Story. Members con tribu ted humorous la - cldent.1 to Uie general discussion.

Special p rogram feature was a talk oil "Home Accident PrevenUon" by Mrs. Mazel Bolley. A humorous song. In costum e, was gIVen by M n . S m ith a n d Mrs. L etha Teeples.

# * *

Wed a t MaladJe.«le T n rr nnd O . W. T arr, Jr.,

were united In m arriage Feb. 18 a t Mnlad. Tl\cy nre a t home o a » ranch, route 3, T w in Palls.

r - N U T S — 1to you . . . and NERTS

to the JAPS

Buy fine pecan nuts a t your down town stores Satur­day I ,


"Here 's o n e tb/ng I ’m sure to do r ig h t—

You caw'f make a bad cup of

M J B"— JIM M Y L Y D O N u U s M A R Y A N D I-R S O N en th e te l o f Param ouni'i " H l iN R Y A N D D IZ Z Y ”

MAtTi r * plMj th t p ^ t o f H m rj A idrilb , ,o u muU b t • t n i j i i Ml deiag ih iu ii ib t trrong U iJ.JIMMTi D oifl Mtl ptnoa-tl/ Anyu-ty,lbrT»’i ooe ibiag t r tn Utnry /Jdritb,taM do right.

MAKTi You mt4a ceptf-mMltmsf VTtU. I 'l l *dmit ib h i i v tr j iood i \ t n S teuib is n itto n j.

JIMMfi I u ttd M. f . B. V b tlb tT joM Hkt eop*t Unmg or tr*4k or im -httuttn, Jou (an't m u it 4 Sdd cup e l ,

/ . B.

H i-re’* .^ h y i t never fa^lsl-Make ' you f CO (Tee v lth the same care as you have In the p u t . ’The*« two e x c lu s iv e M. J . B. f e s tu re a — a un i/u rm n x u f— and doubU blend- i n ^ w i l l . give you the llnest cu;>- o'f coffee you ever lu te d I

D o u i t i Yotia M oH ir i a c r i Buy .« pound o f M-'J. B. I f you don’t • jjrc e i f * b e tter than any other co ffee— return th e lid to M .J.B .C<)., and we w ill r e fu n d dotthU y o u r p\m:ba»e price.

A M '


Page 8:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

Pago Eight TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Friday; Fefirnary20,1942“ '

Matches Men

There’s Boin^[to bo baseball in Twin Falls when tho 1942 season rolls oroundr^

And to prove it, 25 bnncbnll fans nssembled lost nipht, pledged $2,000 in preferred Ktock to nUirt the bnll roilinR and expect to have the re s t of ’ th e $5,000 needed before nightfall.

A t iM t n l«h t’a ipcclal meeting, p rrslded over by Buslnesa Monnger C tirf A nderson. Uic Upnl chance waa slven to b tu ieu lt here and tho answer w m a n emphaUc "yea."

|2,0M Hobieribed W ith IB o t IhoM p re ien t nffreelna

to p u t up nearly tl.100 nnd over (300 ftlrcftdy pledRed before the ftes.ilon. tlie bnll s ta rted ro lllc s t h h momlntf (ui ft com m ittee o f 13 utarted lourlnic th e bujilneM dLitrict and fans of the city se lllns p referred elock In Cow­boys. Inc., for th e l o u tenAon.

H eadlns the salea committee 1«Bill M cRoberts Its chairm an. O thers o n th a t BTOUp nn> Q m nt TliDmaa. C.E. Allen. Voy Hadiwn. CInude D et- weiler. Dill D am ard , Elmer Jlolllngs- v o r th . Mel DolUns, b eo rse Paulson.7red Stone. H arry W allers and Hal Wood, nil Of whom were present. .

, T he city has been d/vWed far, th is g roup and they expect to make A report ton igh t tlia t will show the (5.000 nearly pledged—If n o t fully completed.

T h e con.iensus of thoAe present was th a t Uie m anngerlnl post be

__offcrcd.tO „Tnny nobello. very buc- ce.iAfu! for the p a st'U irce y e a rs 'in handling Balt Lake City and Poca-

' teito. I t was also considered pos­sible th a t h e w ould handle the n e u end of the local situation.

Army P l u n Line W ith Buch a n Iden In m ind, Mr.

A nderson pu t throunh n telephone call to Tony a t Port W orth. Tc*.. b u t found th e o m y using the lines sou th of D enver. A telegram waa dispatched and an an.iwer was ex­pected before nIghtfaU. If nobello u h ired as manctger-buslness m an­ager, th e n Mr. A nderson m ay step up to th e pre-ildeney. w here tho du­ties nro Je.M strenuous. ■

T he session lo st n igh t was the mcMt enthusiastic ever held in T«’ln P a lls from tlie s ta ndpoin t of base­ball and civic leaders from all busl-N

for Id ah o Power, pointed ou t th a t baseball woa a civic necessity for Tw in Polls and tf we lo«t the fran ­chise. then It would be a backward step fo r th e ^ m m u n lty .. " I t we th o ball club the pres­

tige decline for Magic Valley would be trem endous," said Mr. Carpenter and h e got general approval from thoeo present.

BaU P » rk Ready A nderson, in getting the session

under way reported th a t Twin Falls lias a MO.OOO p a rk and UahUng sys­tem all ready to ptay In ojid tliat I fw o s necessary th a t Immediate ac­tion be taken to assure having Uie team here again . He pointed out th a t Provo whs n t the league meet*

— ftir ln -T d o h o -P ia U and la tc r -cn n ir down here In an a ttem p t to buy Uie local franchLio.

Among those a ttending the ses­sion n o t m entioned above were May­o r Jo e K oehler, O . H. Coleman. Carl Hoag. R alph SmlUi. Dr. H . R. O room , Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dolling. M rs. P . J . Dell. J e u -C ar llo n . Dale W lldm an, R ay M cKcan. P rrd Slone, P a u l T aber and Joe Blandford.

Wolters Splits Two Matches

W illiam R . W elter la s t n ight ploy­ed two m atches—w inning the first bu t losing the se co n d -In Uie Twin Polls linndlcap billiard tournam ent At th e H . and M. ciuar store.

W elter won h is first game from - E . L .-P a triek . 115 to M. T he tilt

was scheduled w ith a handicap of 135 to 80.

u n hLi second m atch of Uie night. W hiter waa defeated by Dr, O. T. Parkinson. 80 to 71. AkoIo Woltcr was tri'lng for 115 points. v

B oth w inners tam e close to tlie low Inn ing gam e of <0 turned In ^Ijirlng th e tourney by B. H. Atkin­son. W olter r a n ou t the lirs l game in 48 Innings, while Dr. Parkinson ra n o u t the tiecond in 47.

O ne m atcli Is Mated for 8 p . m. today. ConteatanLi will be Mntl M»d B. B. Griggs, both play­ing a t SO points.

Seattle Purchases John Zar, Bevans

_ / / S

SEATTLE. Peb. 20 OJ.R>—T h e Se­ttle Pacific Coast baseball league

c lub today announced It. had uequlr- ■«J“T ^ o ra -B c T c n s -a n d -J o h n - Zar. r ig h t-h a n d e d pitchers, from the New Y ork Yankees.

Bevens form erly .W enatchee W estern ........................league. H e la te r w ent to Piedmont and eastern c ircuits. Z ar pitched for Id ah o Falls in IMO and ranked sec­ond am ong Pioneer league pltc lien .

Two Seattle veterans. O utfielder B ill Lawrence a n d InfleU er Joe Cos- carax t, will no t be offered controets th is year. Business M anager Roscoo TO m ince said,

Portland Loses McConnick to War

...............r Levi McCormack . .th e arm y, B u s tn eu M&oager RoUle Schefte r announced.' M cConnack. w as bought from the Spokane W e s t e r n In ternationa: le a i^ e club a n d played w ith th e Se­a ttle t«»m d tir ln s p a rt o f IMO. The

" '^ e e d r .o u tn e u e r bjul been e tp ec t- ed to bo lfter tb s BeaTer hneup th is

Ray Robinson Risks Great Ring Record


(Sugar) Robinson, H arlem 's ••LUUe Joe lyouls." risks boxing's biggest w inning sireak and a sliot p t . tlie w orld's 'w elterw eight cham M Riship ton igh t when he ^ 'b attles rugged M axle Berger In a scheduled 12- round bout nt M adison S<]uare G a r ­den. . . ■

T h e 31 -yeir-* ld ,N egro Is a 4-1 favorlto to r e g i s t e r l ^ i n t h Straight victory and hU 28th cohiecutlvc pro­fessional trium ph. And fcjje odds are even th a t he kayoes th e form er/C an­a d ian lightweight and welterw eight cham pion.

A crowd of 13,000 and a gate of *30,000 are ejpected. Tho national In fan tile piu-alysis foundation will receive a share of tlie receipts.

•RobJn/OH wiui conceded n n edge In speed ond punching power while B erger was expected to hold a n ap ­p rox im ate four pound weight ad ­vantage . Tlie w inner undoubtedly will ge t a shot a t the 147-pound (llle he ld by Freddie (Bed) Cochrane.

Robinson's rise has been rap id slrtco h e tum w j professional in -O c­tober, 1040. a lte r w inning BO s tra ig h t a fna teu r flKliLi. Of h is 37 pro vic­tories he hua wpn 31 by knockouts. H is m ost recen t victory was over F rltrle Zlvlc. the form er w elter­w eight king. •*

Dorothy Graves of G reenfield, Mass.. stirred the crowd a t the B ear M oupU in, N. Y.. SporU a s­sociation ski lou rnam rn t by tying W alter Brostrk for t i n t place. Miss Graves. Jumped 123 and 118 fee t fo r S05J points. She rinUlied ahead o t 16 masculine experls.

T o p G a g c ^ i l t s Set Tonight In Big Seven

T O N i o n r s s c iiK n u L E

T liere a re ' top-notch cage clashes tliroughout the Big Seven confer' ence ton igh t and you take your pick on which game will be th e ' o r which team will w in any buttle.

Oakley H ornets, w ho recently trounced th e Twin F a lls Bruln .1 i Uio Tw in Falls floor, will • get chance to show their stren g th In r e tu rn m a tch on the H ornet floor. T lio Hornets', tough to beat on court, a re cxcrptionally m ean to tonsle w ith when playlnK a t li a n d mu.M be favored to lake Bru ins—<ie.iplte the power shown by th e local club in tu rn ing buck-B ur­ley he re Tue.nday nlRht.

Two old-tim e rivals clash a t Filer w iien th e Buhl Ind ians make ai vnslon. O n the strenRlh of record, the Intilan.i m ust be vored—b u t ra rly sea-son play m notlilng w hen these two quin te ts tang le in the ir trad itional ba ttle .

A nother ‘'tTndltlon" contest wll b e staged a t Burley when Oie Bob' ca ts en terta in the I lu p e r t Plra te .i— Oie fourth time th is year these two c lu l» have played. , '

Burley h a s won two o t th e first th ree engagement.s, bu t of la te I show n some stalene.v. Howc\ plnylng on the home floor Is s till .... advantage for any club In any league and the Bobcats should make U -U ire»-out of four.---------- --

Three Chosen as Buhl Country Club Directors

B T JH U J^b , 30—T hree men wer< nam ed directors a t th e annual d in­n e r m eeting of the B uhl Country cJub. i t is-announced by A. E. Kllss.- president.

J . H. B arker and C. C. Voeller renam ed to tlie btf.ird ond Fred K arting waa elected. T here wei holdovers. ________

M embers said the club shotfld no t KO to th e expensej)f pU t^ng In g n u s greens to rep lace tho oiled snnd sreen.^ wlUch are In use a t U)e' golf 'course a t C lear-L akts .

PIRA TES CUT BQUADP rr rs B T O O H . P eb .'ao (UJ5—T he

P ittsbu rgh Pirotes today annotinced th o sign ing -o f f irs t basem an Elble 71et£ber and the reduction of Uie P ira te squad to 36 players w ith the

g .o f p itcher Johnny Qeo to o f JeagTie.

R t« Cane eearexM m t - K l a b . fllM tenll«w 7:S0—A dr.



W orld) — W onder w hat wlU happen to Yale football if tho Ells hire Clark ShiiUKline.viy, who looks like

mtMt likely candidate for llie .coaching J o b ? .. . . ..L ayola of New O rleans and Chicago U.. wliere he used to conch., botii dropped foot­ball a n d Uie proapecta don 't look any loo bright a t S tanford )f tha t bon on crowds over 5,000 stands and If the Navy takes oviy p a rt of the rampus and ath letic facilities . . . 3h. well, d idn 't Billy Phelps wise­

crack th a t Yale gave up football’ two yeiirs tuco? . . . T he deatli of John BurkeT^'ho fought th a t famous

•ounil bout with Andy Bowen iii Orleans, has been reported

from two different ploces within th ree years, bu t oldtlmew say Uir -O enl" Burke died several years be­fore Uie.ic reports s ta rted comlni;

use Retains Sam Barry As Grid Coach

LOS ANGELES. Feb, 30 (U.FO—J u s ­tin M. (Sam ) Barry, who took over University of Southern California's declining footboll fortunes as suc- cCMor to tlie lato Howard Jones, will continue as head coach for an ­o th e r *ea.son.

H is appointm ent was announced la s t n igh t by President Rufus B, /o n Klelnsmid, who said ho and h o university ath letic board con- ildered D aro 's Job sea.'on sa tts- fnctorj-.

Barry , who had been luviLitant conch under Jones fo r 12 yi-ars, saw th o T ro jans go to tlio bowi flvo tim es and emerge the victor each tim e, became head coach only

few weeks before the s ta r t of tiie i4l season. G raduation iind h it IP T ro jans huni. Injuries riddled

the. from the first Kimie. and tlie .sra.son wa-s omp of USC's most disastrous In 15 years.

T erm s of Barry's coiitTact were 3t dLsclo.\ed. I t h iu long been a

. Titvnrtitv t f) ro new Us conchlng contract each fea r.

BarrT Is 40. a Knidiiixle of the U niversity of WLscon. lll. His first college coaching Job a t Knnx college. From there lie w ent to tlir U niversity of lo a a for hLi first “big league" Job when Howard Jom-3 WO.S head roarh, Joni's brought Barry to Southern California In 1029.

In addition to serving o.i a.vilstant football coach. Barry wivv ba.sket- ball coach as well. He continued in Uie la tte r tfto capaeltlc.i Uils year, bu t will be relieved next year. I t wm .laJd.

Wyatt Holds Out for Raise

BUCHANAN,-Ga.. Feb. 20 </D -U w as very -chilly out on the expan­sive Jo h n Whjtlow Wynti farm to­day. b u t Uie ta ll Brcx)klyn liurler sa id I t was noUilng ccimimred to llio cold shoulder he's Ki'ttlng from Uie Dodgers ovrr hln 1042 contract.

T he whole Bltu:\llon 1ms Uie 33- year - old. partly bald Brooklyn m ound ace pu izlfd to Uie point w here h e spars m ost qiie.iUons with a "I Ju s t don 't know."

W y att said he had made three moves rind he 's righ t where ho s u r t - ed. He m ade G eneral M anager Larry M aeP hall a proposlUon on a visit to Now York rectnUy, M acPhall d id n 't m ake him one. T h rn came n co n tra c t in the moll. He d idn 't like it. se n t It bock. T lio same day he go t a n o th e r contract th a t't good M the first. I t w ent back.

And Uiero stands the situation

defeats for the NnUonai league cham plo iu In 1941.

-W yntt.- second ranking NaUonal league hu rler la st season, has beei repo rted asking 1 2 0 .0 0 0 . o r some »7, 600 over I^ls 1941 pay.

Figjit ResultsBy The Aiaeclated PreM

JERSEY CITY, N. J .—Aldo Spoldi. 139, I taly , outpointed Davo Bruce. 143. Orange. N. J.. i8).

NEW HAVEN. C onn .-C harlle Eagle, la s. W aterbury. Conn., out- polnte<l George Flicli, 200, New

.H n v en . (10).ATLANTIC "C IT K ■NTJ.=5Iug.

B tr W hite. 143, BalUmore, stoppetl ’ B u ster Corroll. 138, Boston, (0 ):N

PALL RIVER. M Low­ry. 178. New BnUord. Mass., stop­ped I rish Danny Devlin. AJIen- tc™,Ti. Pe rm , (3».

PH IL A D E L PH IA -Sam T urner, Philadelphia , outpolnttd Tpny Cisco, Norristown, P e n n , (mlddle- welghtfl) (fl).

EU ZABETU , N. J ,—D anny R o- saU. 140, Newark, v o n o rer F red ­d ie Wilson, 147. N«w York. <lui^lfic«Uona) <8>.

The Sports Round-up

Tui-ner Leads Nortli Division Cage Scoring-U N IV E R S IT Y O P IDAHO, Feb. 20 —Scoring 20 polnt,s against the W a.ihlngton S ta te Cdugars la st S a ­tu rday . Roy T u rner, lanky Vandal center, took over first place In Uie

scoring race with

Hot I Jm up:Rationing has h it semi-pro

■bo.seball. Team roateni will be 'l lm ltrd to 10 players for .district, sta te luid national tournam wLi. And the big playoff a t Wlchltu. K an.. In August will be held to 34 tcu iis . . . BaUvln (N,Y.) Li the flr,it town to nam e Its base­ball jmrk a fte r G eneral Mac- ArUiur , . . T lie Pirates, left. pracUcnUy h igh ojid dry In Uio in flrld (Irpiirtm ent when Arky VauKlian wa.i traded and Bill Cox drafted, a re Uilklng about shifting

big Bob EUlott from Uie outfield to Uilrd bas« . . . Frankie .Prlsch m ight do well to’ ask Mel D tt how th a t works . . . Joe Vosmik. the iild Ind ian and Red Socker. may maiioge th e Conton (O.) Middle Atlantic league club this year.

Today's guest suir:Jack T roy. AllantJi ConsUtuUon:

"TliumbniUl sketch of Uiose Phila­delphia AUjIetles: F irst In training and last In th e standings."

Hoop-la;Lew B urton of the N, Y. Jour-

tial-A m erlean te lli one about the hlKh school ba.sekvtball s ta r who vMted a college for an exam l-

'nn tion for a schnlorahlp . . . A frltnd a.sked how he hod made out . . . "You kno\i-," Uie kid re­plied, " fo r Uie f irst five m inutes I rou ldn 't do a thing, T lien I got going and sank five baskets in a

Oild.s—and sonip ends:At the a nnual show of Detroit's

Highland po rk ^ x ln g club tonight they'll celebra te tlie tcnUi a nn iver .■iar>' of Joe L ouh' d e b u t . a s oj amixfeur scm pper a t one of the club's tournam eiit.1 . . . H enry Vos- quM. who fight .1 on ton igh t's In fantlle porolysLs benefit card a t Ui* Garden, was n victim of Uie dLseoso himself w hen he was a k id . . . On the day of a fight, Ray Robin .'.on Li allowed only two poached i-UKs a fte r Uie welnh-ln. to "keep him liungry a n d mean."

Pin ScoresMacfic Ciil/ Ladies

124 points. T u rn er, a former Twin Falla h igh school s tar, has played in , two lesa gam es th a n oUier scoring leaders.

Gall Bishop, sophomore center, ond M arvin Qllberg. Junior guard, of the W ashington SUite club, trail Uie fl f t. 4 in. V andal with 120 and 117 points.

T u rner is fa r aheod of the scoring record established in 103S by Wally Palraberg. O regon Suite, who Ullied 187 points In tho 10-game northern division schedule. T urner needs only to average slightly over 1 0 points a game in the rem ain ing six confer­ence gom es to sh a tte r Palmberg’s record. T h e Vandol .c en te r has scored on average of 13.4 points k fa r Uils season.

A form er sou the rn , b ranch per­form er. T u rn e r is playing hU second year fo r tho V andals. Lost year he played forw ard and ended up In th ird place am ong th e . Idahoans in scoring. He tra iled OUs Hilton. 0 lu 8 in, cen ter, and Ronnie H arris, for- w a r* T u rn e r h a s been sliiftcd to cen ter th is year ond from his pivot position hos caged 47 field goals and dropped In SO free Uirows.• Tlie big V andal cen ter started ou t tho n o rthern dlvLiion cha-ie w ith .nensaUonal scoring, b u t a boll on his h ip slowed T u m e r'i pace down to 7 ond 0 po in ts ogalnst tho W ash­ington Huskies a t Moscow a week ago, Tho 20 p o in u ag ainst th e Cou­gars Is Uie h ighest scoring record of any norU iem division perform er Uils year.

Dates Set for District, Sub-District Cage,Meets

BOISE, Feb. 20 (/P)—Subordiiuite mcet.s pointiiifr up to the .stiitc Clii.4s A nntl Cliw.s B bjiHketbnll tournnmenLi were Hcheduled todny. An CHtimiitcci 1,200 Idaho youths are ex­pected to participate in the entire play-off program.

Sub-district tourneyrt are held in ii!l except the fir.H dis­trict. One .such affa ir wa.<? pinyrd week-end a t Bovill, an­

other is underjvay a t Piercc and two b e^ n ton ish t, at Council and Duboi.s.

Cl(l^n B disu-lct mrcL-i a rc f.clied- iiled tlio w eek-end of M orclj 8 and CU-'o A d is tric t piny m\iBt bo com­pleted by M arch 14. .

T he s ta te CIii.M A m eet won Iasi year by' Burley will be held a t Po- caU-Uo and Uie Cln.-k-i B n t Corui d'A lene. Sliashone h defending Cla.v B cliiimplnn.

Tlie Idalio H igh School AUiletlc n.uocliitlon hn.n ruled scK-C' i l 0a _ 0 l-.i«ny official all-irtar or all- s ta te touniiim w it team s a t Uie sUitc tourneys and hius asked . U ja t Uie re«ulntlon be obierveti o t Uie lesser m eets.

Plnylng Clas.i A ball Uils year arc n ine schooLi whose size normally would place Uic-m in Class B. Tlii-y a re M ullan, Prle;it River. Potlalcli. Oukley. F iler. McCammon, Fielding a t Paris. M idway a t LcwlsvUle ond AsliUin.

Sub-disU lct meeta a rc aclicduled Feb. 23-28 a t Culdesac, Rcb. 23-27; n t Cralgm ont. Nez Perce, Oroflno «ind Bancroft, F eb . 24-28 a t Bolv;, Feb. 20-31 a t New Meadows. KeK 24-27 a( M urU ugb. Feb. 20-28 a t R ichflrld . R upert and A rte, Feb. 23- 28 a t G lenns F e n y and Feb. 24-26 a t A m erican Falls.

Clo-vi B dLitrlot m eeta are slated M arch 4-7- a t R aU idnm i and Lewli- lon. M arch 2-7 a t Wilder. Msreh S-7 a t U 'endell and Idaho FalLs. D ates fo r ft Soda Springs event' h a v en 't been oubmltted to th e a .w - clatlon office bu t Uie w inner must be <Iecl(!rd by M arclt 7.

T he C laai A m eeU a re M arch 5-7 a t Coeitr d ’Alene. M arch 4-7 o t Lew- ten . M arcli 3-7 o t Nnmpa. M arch 10-14 a t Tw in Falls, M atch 11-13 o t M alad and th e Slielley m eet U bo flnW ied by M arch 14.

A g irls ' basketball tournam ent Is scheduled a t Post FalLi Feb. JO-20.

Preston Fight Team Meets BjiUdog Club

KI.MBERLY. Feb. 20 — Tlio top- notch boxing m a tch of Ui« se/tson Is sla ted here ton igh t when the soutlieastern cham pion Preston b a t­tlers Uinglc w ith Uie Kimberly Bull­dogs in n scries o f 'm a tc h es com­mencing o t 7:30 p. m.

Coach R ay B aker, form er Univer­sity of N orth D akoU figh t s tar, a n ­nounces Uint hLi team Is In top- notch shape. Eleven bouts are or. Uie card , wlUi Bud T ravis of Twin Palls as referee. Judge C. A. Bailey Of T tt'ln F a lb will be ope of the Judges.

OUier m atches still on the K im ­berly f ig h t schedule a re a.i follows:

Monday. Feb, 23—Kimberly a t Cos- tletord.

Wertnesdny. M arch 4—Jerom e ai K im berly. .

Monday. M arch 9—Shoshono a t K lm beny.

I'rlduy. M arch 13-K lm berly Sliaihone.

Monday. M arch 18—Kimberly Shelley.

Tuc.idoy. M arch 17—Kimberly a t Idalio Falls.




Albuquerque May Accept Spot in Western League

ALBUQUERQUE, N. Feb. 30 in i Albuquertjuc's acccpisnce of a m em bership InvltaUon from the W estern Boseboll league appeared probable today ofter a hitch devel­oped In negoUaUons for a franchLw in th e west Texas-New Mexico clr- culL

Elwood Rom ney and Neal Hobbs, presiden ts of Uie Denver and P u ­eblo clubs in the W estern league, extended Albuquerque a bid yes- terdoy.

Albuquerque was o member of the Artionti-Tcxaa league which recent­ly folded.

Kimberly Quintet Downs Castleford

______ ,Y. Feb. M — Kimberlyschool cagers n igh t de­

fea ted Castleford. 44 to 37. in a lgh*9cortn« IJasketball contcsL Ju n io r Emerson led the winners*

• t t ^ k w ith 17 points, while T hom p- Aoft w os looping 12 for Castleford.

Kim berly edged into a 7-0 lead At th e qua rte r and extended It to 33-14 ftt halfUme. CasUeford ended tho' th ird period a t a 3S-23 disad­van tage .

K im berly won the opener. 11 to 10. After bolding a S to 3 lead a t tho ha lf. Carl Feluin dropped in clgljt- p o ln ti fo r the winners, and G lenn S tetn* retaliat«d w ith four to r CasUeford.

Boxing 7:30 u n ite , K lm berl7 ^ -J U r . B oxb if la b«*t toslle. Klmb.—A dr.

Cage ScoresBy th o Associated ‘

SOUTHDlvld.son 34, F u rm an 39 (over­

tim e). »O eorgla T ech 49. Georgia 29.D uke 58. W ako Porest SI.Centre 33, B erea 30. 'L ouisiana S U to 48. T uiane 44

(OVerUme).M ississippi su ite 33. Alaboma 33.

MIO^VE8TM ichigan N orm al 61, N orthern

M ichigan S8.S t. Louis 40. W ashington 40:Ohio 57. M arietta 40.M issouri Valley 46. T arklo 30.

WESTE as t T exas 48, S tephen F . AusUn

31.New Mexico Aggies 38, New Mexi-

W est T exas S7, Arlxona State (Tempe) 30.

TCXO.S T ech 40, A rliona 43.Hardln-Slmmon.<i 44. A T lz o n a

S ta te (FlagsUiff) 38.Chico S ta te 40, California Aggies

Puge t Sound 81. Pacific (Ore.) 37.

Albion Ready For Vikings

ALBION, Feb . 20—Aibion Normol PnnUicrs will be in top shojw for their coming basketba ll■ scrleif wlUi Rick's college Vlcklngs Friday and Saturday n igh ts a t Albion.

TliLi will bo the f irs t time th is w o .ion 'tho t C oach Orville H ult will to pu t oh Uio floor a com­bination lit full streng th . T hus far llln ca and InellglblUty rules have ham pered the sqund.

Ricks college will b ring U> Albion ft high scoring, f a s t passing and speedy ball club. O pponents th is year has never he ld Uiem |o leas Uian fifty points a game.

Albion lost Uieir series a t Rex- burg by closo-jieores tw o.jkceks-ago but since has Improved ond hope to even th e count. . .

Pnul S anders who was ou t of the la.1 t two gam es will be back os a starU ng g u a rd . ilcC om bs and Mil­lard a re definitely welt and will hold down Uio guard and center spots.

Jita tthew s a n d Connell will receive Uie call as forw ards. I^V ere Gooch will be held In reserve os f irst sub- sU tutc. Oooch p laj’ed two excellent games Boise Jun ior college

. ■ find tho basket In shooting. T he o ther resen 'ea ready for action are Bill A nd reosoa forw ard. Olllo Batejf. cen te r: C e d i W atson. Paul Naef and Paul Sprodllng , guards. >

Former Cowboy Champion on Wake When Japs Stfuck

I f any of yom e guys and gals were w orrying obout the Twbi Palls baseball s ituation you can lay aside your fears' and comnlenco now to consider Uie opening of Uie 1043 season.

B ^ u i e if th e Planeer league Is io lo g to function tn the next year—Its fou rth—then Twin Falls, is going to batUe righ t along with th e .r e * t ,« f th e clahs, as It has done from th e in llU i year th a t tb e loop firs t saw the Ught ot day.

And d o n 't ever Uilnk m o t Uie boaebttll club as.iembled for Uio Ing year, will ever be anyUilua the one we had to w atch go Uirough Uiose p itifu l moUons In 1041 and 1840.

Because under Uie new setup the re 'll be money spent to ossemble p layers—n o t to buy a franchise, not to purchase uniform s and no t a t long d raw n-ou t spring training cam p t i ia t will cost around $3,000,

T he presen t plans call for the h iring or Tony Robello as m an­ager a n d Robello has already ask­ed fo r th e Job. He also reports th a t h e is capable of handling th e business end and the chances are th a t th a t post will be offered to him .Now, M r. Robello h a i been roundly,

booed In Jaycce park—but It was n o t bccauso o t hls..pla}'lng. ability. RoUier, I t was he was gen­era lly n g rea t thorn in the sides of T tt'ln F a lls ba.ieball teams from the s ta r t of tiie initial season,

T lio be.'it port about 'I'ony b his p ast records:

I n six years of m anaging In two d iffe ren t Irogue.i h e has never luid a club fin ish tower than third place. A nd h e won the champlon.ihlp wlUi hLi 1941 S a l t Lake City outflU

He Ls a g rea t dLsclpUnorlan ond his p layers will toe Uie m ark from Lhe stArt of the campaign right

.down to Uie end of the season.~ If he 's able to play—ond he ports U iat h is condlUon Li tip-top, he 'll knock i n - u f 'h e sa js ntid we believe h im —frrfm 40 to 50 home run-i per sea-son In Uie Tw in PalLi ba-ieball park where the outfield fences a re m uch closer thon In #om( of the la rge r arena.i.

An experienced basebaU pilot w ith m any good outside eontaets. Tony has a lready lined op six or •even yoGngsler* whom he be­lieves w in m ake the grade in pro- fetislonal baseball and h e ll laiie thpse six to w hatever club he'goes as m anager.

T lic above items should make him th e m ost valuable m an Uie Cowboys could possibly h ire. He comes highly recom m ended by Eddie. Mulligan, ow ner of th e S a lt Lrtke Dee.i, where h e was top-m on for tho p^st ti years.

Yes—T w in Falls got behind bali w ith n bong last n ight and If's here to s tay through the 1942 sea.son —o r O.S long os the Pioneer league fVncUons.

I f Robello comes he'll replace Andy H arring ton .- Andy Is employed In defense In- du.itrlcs in San FraneLico and Uie clionces ore would not return If of­fered anoU ier contract.

H arring ton did a good Job with th e m a teria l ho had last y e a r -b u t even A ndy hod to odmlt U iat he d id n 't havo th e nece.Mory cpntacts to band together a teain th a t would glvo A good accoun t o f itself in Uio race.

T h e Cowboy club paid »5M for h is release from Boise last year— b u t th e ehancet are h e ll be given * free han d to do w hat he wants dtiring th e nex t year.

Grid Star Scores Bridge Play Win

CHICAGO, Feb, 20 (,T^-Aco Qut- towsky. fo rm er s ta r fullbock with the D etro it Lions professional foot­ball team , atlll Is bowling over Uie opposiUon—only this Ume In bridge. O utow sky team ed wlUi Mrs. Phil S pink of Chicago to win the.m lxed

Picai’d Opens Defense of — — Golf Crown

NEW ORLEANS, F eb . 30 (UJ5-: H enry Plcord . tho lanky Oklahoma City profcsslonaL s ta r ted defending h is UUo in th e fif th anfiual l&OOO New O rleans O pen golf tournam ent today a g a in s t a ll th e a U r i of th« winter* c ifcu it.

AlUiough P icard v o n the (^am - plonslilp In 1B30 and Repeated last year, ho wan n o t favored-to ret*ln th e h ono r because o f h is lack of toum om eiit 'bompeUUon th is win- U>r.

Rated am ong th e passible winner* ere Ben H ogan, tho Ilttle-IIershey,

Penn., m oney w inner: Slam m ln' Bam M Snead. H o t Springs. W . Va.: Chick ^ H erb e r t. ' BatU e Creek. Mich., and Byron Nelson. Toledo, o . H arbert ranked h igh because of h is recent San A ntonio Open victory and » p re-tou rnam en t driving contest Over Snelid.J The w inner, however, waa n o t ex» (Kcted to lower the record 370 Pic­a rd established la st year. T he rea­son was th e soggy condlUon of th t to u rse —b u ilt on reclaim ed swamp- land—although Snead carded H 68 In procUce.

The p ro -am ateu r w annup yesUr- doy was won by Leland Gibson, who took f irs t honors In a sim ilar event In Uie Jo n u o ry Bing Croeby tourn­am ent. a n d Jim m y O uthfie. New O rleans. Ploying steady golf, they carded a seven under p a r 33-33—<ls. a ibson'fl score in th e best ball, 1 8 - hole m edal play event wos 37-3&—73, par, wlillo G u th rie sh o t a 41-48—179.

Magic Valley ' Youths Win

U N IV ERSITY O P IDAHO, Peti.^P 20—W ftshington-Stote college's fenc­ing, w resUlng and swimm ing te«jns mode a c lean sweep of Uio second m inor spo rts carn ival between the two schools lo.1 t w eek-end, b u t four Magic Valley youUis coptured their share of th e Vondals’ laurels.

Don A nderson. T w in Palls, fin­ished f i r s t in th e 60-yord dash «nd second In the iSO-yard backstroke In the sw im m ing m eet, won by Uic Cou­gars, 43 U) 32.

C ap ta in G eorge Redford, Rupert,- won two o u t o f three fencing bouts and G eorge H ackney. Burley, cap­tured one o u t of th ree bouu. T he W.S . C. fencers won B bouts to 4.

L aV em e Bell, Burley, m aintained his undefeated n o rthern division w restling record by declsloning F rank W ard . Cougar football player.In the heavyw eight division. Belt la a form er n o rthern division wresUlng tIUeholder a t 176 pounds. T he W ash­ington S ta te wresUers won 33 to U . I

SE I cham p* Kimberly te&lley—Adr,

M ONEY TO l ( m -ON


PEA V EY -TA B ER CO.'103 Sb«*boa« fit. E ast '

F n o N E , 2 0 1

sta te s compeUUon,

................. ! a t W ake island wosLeonard W ard o f El Paso and Ook-

.......................nplon oll-

Mrs. D. A. Stevens, W ard's slster- In-law. sold today th o t the 38-year- old W ard h a d been in the Pacific a lm ost e igh t monUis, part of the tb re on M idw oy island. He was n construcUon worker.

Boxlog a t K hnberiy tonlte.—Adv.

Care] Decisions Bellevue Cagers

CAREY, Feb. 20. I t was a n ip ond tuck eaap contest a ll the noy lost n igh t. bQt Corey nosed out Bellevue, -1 to 33. when th e final gun popped.

Pa tte rson meshed a dozen pointsir Corey, who trailed 30 to 19 a t

the h a lf . Sco tt o t Bellevue was cred­ited with 1 1 points.________

33 ro onds Kimberly tonlte.—Adr.

Jacobs Will Match Conn With Louis

JACKSONVILLE, Flo.. Feb. 20 | Prom oter Mike Jacobs says he plans ’ to pit Billy Conn agolnst Joo Louis th li year if conditions allow It.

•'Billy “C onn's showing agolnsl Tony Z ale Uio o ther n igh t w arrants

re tu rn m atch ,’’ Jacobs said.

W OLCOTT T O RACE CHICAGO, Feb. 20 f;p) — Blond

Freddie W olcott, hurd ling sensa­tion from T exas, today accepted an

lUon to defend h is champlon-

Preston boxe« KImb. lonlte.~AdT.

U w j v j w j w .



Bowling Party8 P. M. tp 12 P. M.^

Defense Stamps PRIZES

T liero will be no more league bowling on Frldoy nights. All 8 oileys a re open to th e public. T his is the second o f our F r i­day n ig h t porUes. P lenty ot p rlte s fo r beginner# and ex­perts. m en and women.


The. ~ , Bowladrome


F o r G e n e r a tio n s — A G r t a t

K e n t u c f y W k U k e y

Page 9:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

, Friday, Febhiaty 20,1942 TIMEB-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, laxLo' PageNia#

K l lN lS H E A R O FB airU o Con«o exp«rtenets u e n

relkted b j Dr- R»y<U J . Dye. plooeei .................... ' ^ meeiluB of

t h e l y l n P«U!a KlwanU club ye«i«r- d ty In th e Pork h o k l.

"MUslODU’l u ore serving u doC' Uyts. nitreea *nd cnrpenU ni In Africa ■ uem pU ns to att&la & Ulslier level

- * n d b e tte r u n d e n tan d la * of BrotJier- hood." *a ld D r. Dye.

O r. Dye aided In M lablUhln^ ths Con«a C lirliU an mUslon of Uie DU- c lplea o£ Clirlat, whleh U Jocated a t Bolenge. 1.000 miles Inland Congo river.

•■Material support of the people a t hom e in nefQed ao the mUslonarle# m ay h eal the sick, p i ^ o t e san ita­tio n a n a « a c h p r tp e r Uvlag," *•* aald.

Ho«pltal bed«, dniffs and tools » few 6f the lt«n» needed In Inland a ilsilona or A frica. MUslonarlfs m u st bo 'm en and women of rellaloua and technical experience, he said.

He was Introduced by Ujo pro- ffrain chairm an . Rev. O. Cron- e n b c n t r . • ' 1

W eekly a ttendance a w ^ of U. S. defense aavlnss «taihp»-WR!t slven lo J u n e » Reynolds by Dale J . W nkm .

■ V . N. T erry , president, was In chnrjo or th e sesilon.

J . T . SU U em . Boise, was tlio cuctt o f H a iry E aton. Rev. E. Leslie Rolls, v icar of Ascension BpUcopM c h u r th , w as th e Bueal ol r . V M etch . Rev. David Byerl'cc wiia U; guest o f Rev. Mr. Cronenbcrger.

Post Office Will Close on Monday;

Rural Mail HaltsTlio postoffice in Tw in Palls will

be closed a ll day M onday and there will bo no ru ra l delivery on th a t

d iy . FOBtmMter M. A. Strnnk nounced th is attem oon.

In Idaho . M onday h as been set aside for observance of W ashing' to n 's birthday w hleh ra ils cn Sun­day.

> e trtm k sa id th a t city carriers will m a k e 'o n e delivery Mondny. U coming In the m orning. Tlicre w be no nflem oon delivery.

Dunks, coimly offlce.i. i.tate ofllc a n d like pinces will oko be t day M onday.

Annulment Asked Because of DeceitC harging tiin t lie r husnand wn;

c u llly o f fraud nnd deccit In mlv represen ting his worldly po.vp.nsion: before th e ir m nrrlage. Mrs. Irlj K a tch petitioned dLHrlci courL today lo r annu lm en t of he r marrlsBC.

Mrs. K otch claim s tlu it Eric Hatch, w hom she m arried Dee. 15, 1041, a t Pocatello , told he r he owned "a nice lio m e and connldernblc properly, and hod coa-.ldemble money In ihe hank ." W hen he i<ook her to Au­b u rn valley. 40 miles back in Uie m ounU liis r.oiiihwcM of Pocatello, she found only a t^iree-room r.hack n lrendy occupied by h e r jiew hus­band 's b ro ther and family.

T h e petitioner asks re tu rn of her fo rm er nam e. Iris .S lra tto n ..H er a t­to rney la O. c . HaU;

E ight Sheep Pelts Stolen From Ranch

T h e ft of eight iheep pells from■ a ra n c h north of Uie counly fair

ground.i In n ie r wn.i reporled by s h e riff s ofJlcer.i todny.

Records -ihow ilm t the pelLi were taken some tim e durtnu the nlRlit o£ T eb. 1 8 . T l\ry v .ftc taken Jron\ th e M. M. McCall plnce.

Snow? They Have Almost too Much

At Magic-ResortH iree m onth* ' *«o ski cnUiuslasts

oP lh» ftrea v t t c crosaUxg Uielr fin- R er. and hbpln« I t would snow. Now. ihey’fe crossing th e ir ringers_a,nd hoping th e sun keeps on sJilqlng.— R eason?'lH *re‘* - « c « a iK in i ; f e c ro f snow on M agic m ountain, and W ednesdiy evening U>reo Inchen- of noa-der snow were added to Uie al- ready "alm ost too m uch" dopUi

•T U afs a lm ost too m uch o sood th in* . If it. stw«* any more we’l l .b e 'snowed under’, ' declared Verle Moser, p resident of Magic M ountain 8k l club, and Sliermun Oegood. club leader. IhU afternoon.

In spite of the sncnr depU). a bu.i wUl go to the a re a as on th e past th ree S tm daj's,' they said. 'Thon^ w ishing reservations are asked to contac t P au l U an lesty .--

T hlrd annual Maglo m ounU In ski ........................ been calendared for

"NO m ore Miow. and a 'cool' sur wlU keep the a rea perfect fo r Ui< m eet." *aJd M(y«r, as he pretllctrr tl^e mc*l »uccessl\il one In th e ciub', hlslorj'.

DEFENSE SIARTSDeferuie testim ony wo.i underway

In d istric t court today In tr ia l of damage suILn which see)c altiiosl *100,000 fronj the Union Paclflo rond.

n r .i t two wltnero,e;i culled by . .. riOlioad a llom eya w err C l^m en^ Palmer, ta re m an a t the beet dump opcm tlng a t C edar crof-slns Oct. 30. 1 0« , and A. W. Robinson. Uiiloi Pacific civil engineer for the Idalii division.

T he diimnge acU oai. Uiree ii number, were Instituted by .Mrs. T]Ille A nnette Condell and l^dwi Ram sdale, bo th o t'T roy , becuw e a trs ln -ca r criudi which kllird M ... Condell's husband, Rlcluird Cnndoll, ae, and Injured tlie two plnlniUi

n i e ciise for the plaintiff;. .re.M«'<l th is morning, l-'innl wiinf eiillfil yesterday were Dr. John Wlirnler. BulU. a n d Dr. KnhKo<ii 8tow e.'Tw in Falls. Depo.iItlnnr. v read Ib th e Jury from tlirr«* m Idalio residen ts—Juiiiiltft Mllrhell, Emma W ilson and Alfred O. Adum; ' brought to live Ihc 'num be of depositions en tered a--. ic;.ilmony for the dam age claimant.:;.

T h is Is old Claud P r a l t again—how a re a ll o f you? We have ihe A rkan­sas O un Orense—unloaded a big carload n o t long ago and there I; to n s a n d tow i of it. To Bive you t chance lo nave yourself a lot of m oney, you can buy It. from no' u n til (he first o f M arch a t the old la s t year's prices. All tfreascs havi ta k en a raise. We havc..en'biigli col. la r pads to (It a ll the mules anc trac to rs In Uie country. We hav< w ashtubs and buckets piled s-i high M th e ceUtaff. And I don 't knoanybody who lu u a finer a.-«orii........o r floor. c « -* rln |* _ in ia ld and prints, rugs, linoleum paste and a big Iror ro ller. A nd m a ly . -we have the la rg ­e s t stock o i - t ^ t In sou thern Idaho —we sh ip In linseed oil In carload lo ts . W e sold a whole carload

' 'h ardw ood flooring the other , way down in TJtalj. 'r tierc 's forty

thousand fee t in the c a r and we m ake » a th o a ian d and Uie m an aaved about »35 a thoa iand . 'There U a reaaon why we tu rn s lu ft.« e .

' f a s t You be tter ge t your Icnce . before we run out—Jhey're n lne teea

cen ts each. Wie h a re received more th a n a carload or A rkansas M otor o n pe r m onth for about six and a h a lf years. You can t buy a better m otor oH a t any price. In fac t we sh ip m ost o f our m otor oil )i ta n ifc a r .-

H arry B arry says to te ll you to keep you r eaf u5 the ground—an-

, o th e r carload of high grade U tah a to re lum p coal Is comlnc In.

W ell, bring your G randpa ' y«>ur A nut when you come to town and don 't forget th a t w e sell whQIi • rh e tt b read and shingle' na lli.

P ra tt’s the Barry Gas and Glass, Lumber

Dil & Coal Co.


Forty T*-ln Falls b^^^neas ei-tab- llahm rnta will place Jlve-pound sacks of pecan nu ts on sole tomor- row m ornlng for benellt of Ui< A m erican Red Cross w ar relief fund,

‘■ 6 « le-o t-p ec an s will -oontlnue Utroughout th e <l»y," naUl I Chsrle.H R-' ticott, w ar relief cluii. m an of Uie T * ln tV lis' county Red CroM chapter.

e . 1 0 0 roundsApproximately ll.lOO pounds of pe­

cans are ' to be sold. T]ie nu ts wei ' contributed and storBge cluirsi were n o t .aaaessed aaa in st liie Red Cross.

Com p F ire Girls have ccsnpleted sacking Uie pecans. Bags were do­na ted by SimpsoQ and company, whoJecjilo grocen, ' the sacks were /.ruled %'ltli s tr in g given by Purtflc -F ru it and Produce compony,

Free dcllverj' will be m ade tonlKht a t eacli store b / W arbenJ Bros. Coal and T ransfer can p a n y . Do>- ScouU will a.-ulst in Uie dLitrlbuUoi

Women W ill KellElKliteea women, niem bcrs of Uie

Red Crovi have volunteered 'to lintiille Uie sale a l certain store.-i^ n ip y have been requested to n ire t tomorrov/ a fte r lunch a t the Red Cross headquarters fo r final in- i.lrucUoiw.

Siile of nuta tomorrow morning will be linndled by s to re employes, b u t the Rod Ctosis women 'rUI take over durhiK Uie "ru.ih hours" in Uie afiernoon.

"Tliey are Ben Kene, Mrs.DoroUiy Poru ier, MtM E leanor Hol- tliiK.'.worUi. Miss M arne W eMer.Mrs. G race Coigrlff. W unda Klmes. .Mrs. Dob Brall-iforU. Mrs. In 'ln g T anner. Mrs. Gall S inclair, Miss Roatmwry Bhwlsvlr. M rs. T om W hite. Mr.i. LouUe H erbert, Mlsa Jane Brallsford, Mrs. T . C. Brown. Mrs. Miles Browi Mrs. Allyn M iddleton.

N. A. Barlow, 94, Marlis Birthday At Family Dinner

N. A. Bnrlow . HftMltmi. today is celebrating h is 04U» blrU iday-at Uie home of hU non, Clinrles W. IVxrlow, H atellon . Fou r 'generaUons will be represented a t a dinner, to be serv ed In I lls honor. Including Uie hon oree, h is son; Bert D. Barlow, Brand.son; arid J . Bruce Burlow, g rea t-grandson .

-M r__Barlow , was born In Ne'Y ork C lly . Peb'. 20, 1810. Ills family la te r moved to Rlpon. WIs, Mr. Bar- low pioneered In M innesota and K ansas. Inter making hLs hom e Iti Bt. Louis. Mo.. His Ilrn t lnvr;.lm eiit«' In Idaho

were m ade a t Hasclton In 1013. He m ade n tr ip to this couiiiry In 1015. and In 1B33 established his resi­dence In Tw in FalU a t the Reed apftrtm enta. w here ha renxaChed u n ­til the deaUi o f h is wife Ip IB30.

H e and Mm. Bnrlow had been m arried 67 years. Since h e r death he has m ade his home wlUi his son a t 'H a re lto n .

M r. Barlow In well and acUve and h as a keen In terest In nil th a t Is going on. according to m e m b m of h la tan \lly . U n til a Mvsrt tliwe ago h e was a direc tor In Uie H aselton S ta te bank . H e ti a brother of J . B. Barlow, who laid out and founded

lown of Harelton.

m R K E T S N D F i N i ^ C E



Msgr. Jo seph P. OToolc. P.A.V.O. pastor nf S t. Edward's Cntholti cliurch, has- ncceptcci the office ol thRpUln of U\6 Twin I'lvlh-tbuncll, K nighU 0 1 Columbii.^.

He add^es.^cd Uii- council this 'eek on CiiUiollc uctlnn. which was

InsU tuted by th e late Cope Plu

Here’s a ‘First’: Car Stamp Taken

U nder I t the laymnr hLs relljflon,

years past, durlnu I.«nl. study clubs hi lo r UiLs purpoi-.e.

Club Told Milk Supply Adequate

D eclaring U ia t m ilk Is ft vllal food. J l . D. Bo\'cy. s tn te milk sonit TWay told n ifm bers of Uio loc -)iw club U iat Uio Twin Kalb; arva :an be a.Mured of all quiintlile:; iiec-

The i.tate Nuiltorlun ta id Uiut 'Twin FnlLs L-i one of nine Iduho citle.i •■enjoylnjf Uie luteal m eiiitxb of grading nillk In A. B i^id C Kradn^" and ndtU-d Uiat Tw in Falls wiui Uio firs t clly to adop t Uils nielho<l. He urKcd inirdiime of milk aocn«lln« to grade rnUicr Uian by umio .publluied bftcietlal couttt.

Bovey Inm xluced H. S. P« ,t. d is­tr ic t w uiltarian. iind Verne H arris, locnl rJinltarlan. _

GuciUi a l today'.i .v;.'.lon Incliidc-d Ardic Cu.-.tofsoa luid Lyle Siiillli,

Lt-wlnioii, and B. K. H .-ni- •mbcr of Uie Burlt-y club.

Mu.slcal cn trrta lJiinen l wiu-i li : rn N i- l>y Dor5s Ann Shm cotxl and Cnrl-

tan McMuIHn. Jocjil hiKh hcJiool »au- ;. who ?jinB two d u e u . nic^- ncconipanlttl by M lM 'M urM lc

A l^ r ts m c r.chool niu.-lc r.upervL-ior.

Marines Expand Acceptable Ages

U. s . m arine corps todny notified a u f f Qflrgeant SUinley J . Jftidiarfc, Tw in Falls recru iter, to acccpt men between th e oges of .30 and CO for lim ited service wlUi the rfna rln i Corp.?. ^

-Lim ited service m en a re iitet duly av navy_ shore

said thi

A nother •' records a t U: today.

S heriff W. W. Lowery Mild he had received a tp ;» rt. th a t a fed­e ral c ar s tam p wiui s to len from a Inrm cr'a auto while Uie m achine was parked In the downtown T«.'ln FalU area.

O w ner of the c a r—and the Btamp—was R. B. Howells, who resides two mllr.s west and th ree - quarters-of • mile n o r th or 'Twin F a to .

be elUie

the United StAtcs,' ----- -AppllcanLs may


Hansen Box SocialHANSEK. Feb. 20 (epeclid)—J u n -

lo r hiBh school box social will be held Saturday a t 8 p jn . a t the H an- sen high school auditorium , a n d the public. Is Invited to a ttend , K was announced todaj-. A prize will be ofrem l fo r the box decorated In the fhost strik ing patrio tic moUf.

Car Hits Man, 55; He Escapes Hurts

D an Norton, about S’i . wiu; knock' cxl to th e KRnnid Uils inomlnK w hei h i t by u iiickuii tn ick in a asnjarcnt- ly WM no t m jured, Jwllce record.

A re jw rl of Uie ml/Oinp wiui m ade by A. U Klllliixcr, 1:00 Polk s t d river o f Uie truck. K lllliiger told officers Uiftt h e struck N orton a l Uie con ier o f Second f.trcet and Second avenue w est and Ui^t Uio m an cd on Uie g round for ». contldcrtvble dl.-.uuice.

He .Mvld ho offered to take N orton to n doctor's office b u t th e m an re-

'Ilie ml.-ihnp occurred earlyUils I

Buhl Man Seeks Estate Authority

Rober Maxvr of the

. broUier- A lfred Cartoon

wno oiea s t Berkeley. Calif., oi Dec. 32. 1041. nnd wlio le ft nn IdahL e state valued a t about $ 1 8 ,00 0 , today filed a pellUon for le tte rs of ad- m ln ltira tlon wlUi p robate Judge C A. n illey .

Maxwell Is the only relative o: Cnrlsoti rejldliiff in Idaho , Uie ixitl- lion shows. Attorney In Uie m attei Li O. P . Duvall,

Judgo Dsllcy . PL Mnrcl:for n

rcQuested api'iolntniir ln g 0 Uie

DUCKMrs, J . M, Diniond walked from

cr home in to her back .vard thU .lornlnK nnd d l t l ^ e x p e c t to rind mythliiR u n u s u tr t^ e re — b u t she

'ild-mnllafddid. _ _

-Jn -Um ‘yard-HTis- duck.

A pparently Uie sUuid tho cold weal a ir fo r th e ground home. 303 FourOi aveni

Mrs. D lmond took ID

bird couldn 't cr and le ft tho M Uie Dlm ond

cast, tflrd li


P U B L I C S A L EDeciding lo give op active fa m lo g , I have rented my farm land rtU ln ln ir bulldlngi fo r my own lue , S6'w l l l »etl a l PHhlle Ancllon

jW W y Farm O iie .foa rth m ile Sontii of H azelton S ta te Bank, HaxeN - ^ n . W ahe. on ha rfl- iu rlaeed Jo a d t'onsU tlng of Farm M achinery

aDd Equipment, Dairy Cow t a n d Uorset. etc.

■■ 'M 0NDAY."TEBRUARY 2 3 ri9 4 2 “ .......RALE BEGINS AT 12i00 O'CLOCK NOON. SHARP

Lnneh Senred by L. D. 8 . Relief floelety S HKAD O F GOOD H O R H E S-B ro»-n Horr<. 6 years, wt. 1000;

Sorrell Mare. 6 years, wt. 1600; M atched span black M ares, 5 y r s , ■fti. 3i 00; Silver Riny M arc CoH. coming 3 years.

8 HEAD G U Ea.\'9EY CATnLE—Well marked, bred to or are ou t of the A a ^ a U o n Bulls. B reeding CerUflcates of anme Riven w ith esch cow purchased. Bang* tested a n d eeruried. l Cow, •■Buhl^■• s yrs.. fresh Feb. 17.1 gol.: I Cow, '•Daisy." a yr* . Riving 4 gal., fresh July a ; I cow. -'BeAUty." 6 yrs_ gtvlng 4 gal., fresh Ju ly 7: l Cow, •■epot,*' 8 years., giving a gal., fre sh Oct. 10; l Cow, -Red," S yr*., giving gaL. fresh Aug. 33: 1 Cow "LAdy." a y r s , giving,3’i - i a b . r fresh Ju n e 0; l Heifer. "Boss,’' a yr*., treah Feb. 17; 1 Bull, Calf W n April 10. ■ “

FARM M A CH IN E R Y -Btudebaker wagon and ruck; Jo h n Deere two-wny 18 In. horse plow; Moline 3-sec. wood liarrow ; disc h a r ­row. M disc. 10 In.;. wood Innd IcYcler; hand .p low .. H -ln .; Fcorla 10-hole grain and pea d rill: M oline 4-hole bean and beet drlU; P lanet J r . cultivator: Jo h n D eere 4^row bean and beet cu ltivator: steel Mormon 3-row c om igato r; wood ditc lier; Massey H arrti grain binder, 8-ft.: tw o jo w bean cu tU r; OUver 6*ft. cu t mower; OUver itKfL rake: derrtclc. Jockson fork and cable: 3 seta of heavy work hameiw. "nils m achinery la pracUcally new and In good s u te of repair anc^resdy fo r se^rviee. Few tons 2nd and 3rd cutting hay If n o t sold by date of sa le. O th e r I tem i too num erous to men> Uon.

TERM S: C A S II-U nless A m u ije d wUh tlia Clerk

I. E. WATSON, OwnerW. l . nOLLENBCCK, AttcUoooer IL E . Q V N D tE F D iG E a , C lttli

.'. exhorted I- KU for-M vera

ab.1 V :icll to

s Kener

Seve In the c .'Ith onhe parl.nli hnll tiitiu

MsKr. O 'Toole advi-.c-d llie K n luh t U ia t he will have n IniKe a t. P a t­rick 's dance nex t niDiiili.

«WolCome-to Uie nnd tin mncll wn."i extendrd Mr.Rr. OToole

by H arry JD'Halloran, grnnd knight, nnd oU ier ipi

Board Okays Bid On Sheriff’s Car

AoUng to purdii «r fo r the fJirriH'.s

coiuily coniml:v-loncr»|t e d th e b id offerw l by Mile

1043 Bi.■<dan. EWllvcry will be by Uic Twin f ,\ILi 'on lng bo-inl.*nie m nchlne will rei)lu. (

Bulck vh lcJi hn .1 been lieai by th e law offlcern on inir. lo tw er trlpd neeewary in tliMr wor

'I lie Brow ning bid set a prlru - Si,303 and Rriinled ;l1Iowiiiu'o ' »7«3 fom Jie Old car. l-'ull rnulpmcj L-i provlde^l. T he :.lierlff'.\ I'ao-wi m d io o u tfit will be InsUiIled In tl new m achine.

m otor deparUnent Kiny approv. P.1 J , Brtra-n.

ck fTiocia! siibjet! counly

K-e a 1040 •avily used

• pf UiC

Markets at a Glance,NKW YOKK. Kth. « t-T)--, , iUxk.: Uli*.|: DWlon. .r>«l«lli«» Im

: Am.., ;io to <0t hlihtri lo <'fr •null (Uiipl;.

• : W«>k u> •h>a« lo>tr: buic

NKW YORK. Feb. 20 WV-Tlie itock lunrket worked on a sUTrvaUon Itei. toduy and. w iule numerous luex Ittckea cv crt'a w tnb lance of covery strenttU i. scattered motors, ralb and apoclalUes m anaged to rcucli iiiKher ground.

Uneven tendencies prevailedand th e direc tion remain

New York StocksNEW VORK, Feb. 30 (U.rj — Tlie

m arket eloicd regular.AloKka Juiienu .......................... - 2Allied Stores .......... ..... — ...... .. S'hAllU Ch.ilmer.i ------- ------------- 37HAmerica Can

•Ictiu.Locom oika _______American M ctols ....................—. 2American Rnd. & Sid. San, . .

Rolling MlIU ....... 1A merican Bmelt. & Rcfltilng .. 3

■n Tel. f i T el.................. 12ill Tobacco B-________ 4

A naconda Copper ------- ;----------.' 2A tlantic R efining ......... ............. 3

National Casii RegLiter.... ..NaUonal Dairy Products—N ational DUUllcrs' ............- York C c n lrM ______N orth A m erican ........... ......NorUi American AviationNorUieni Poclflc ....... ......Ohio Oil ............... ...............

> d fogny Irom frjcti lt03. Decill

raniied r fav

Uie close. Oal ms to a po in t u were narrow for tlie

ttiaw ugU A lew -nWet re in evidence,

were a round 3SO.OOO

1 Uio advancing side Uie

Baldwin Locor Bnltlmor* k Ohlc BendU Aviation . BeUilehcm fiieeiBiUovn ......BurroUKhs .............Cnllfom hi .1 . CanndliurPuciric ,J. I. C*u.c Co. .. . Cerro d r Caie.Mipeake Ol

liT Con). ...Cola , .....

Colonido r . A; I. Comnicrclnl Koivi Con--.o1l( I Coa-<olldiite<i I'.dl Con;«lldat<'U u il Conilm-nlal Cun CoiiUnrntal Oil Corn Produc

...N o;

t or the 10 full-jd t<i_roilow Uirough—were Westen U nloiiTAmerlcan Can, G eneral Mo- rtors, Chrysler, Sou thern Pacific. P c iin syhan ln .. S o u thern Railway, G reat NorUierii, N orth Amcricaii. Senra Roi-bugk, Douglas Aircraft, Dow C lirm iail a n d U nion Carbide.

Allied Chem ical ttnd D u Pont.I lo r Uie n !. Tlie

wn.'; Off nbout 3 points. Du .•eniuuliy revived, e laKging class were Betiile- oiiuK^town Sheet, B landsrd J), Texa.i Co., United Alr- VeilinKiiouse, G enera l Elec- nerliMii TUcDhone. Air Re- . -Tnternullo-nul "NlCBsl and

were Irregular, secondary s again displaying forward

Mo.1 t eommodlUes

Stock Averages

Miniu!' Stocks

f Permits Okayed For Car Delivery

P our add itional jiefm lts to acqi new pn-wenfier automobile.-, v tvnied today by Uie IV in r county raUonlni; board, brhiKbiK to 10 Uie to tn l num ber of pcrUIli-aio;. g ran ted here.

TJie pennlt.'i, nil for sedan/i. \vcrc Riven • to H enry R. Davl.s, 170 Blue Lnkes boulevard, Tn'ln FnlLi; R. T. LoRan, 253 N in th avenue no rth , Ts'ln F a llj ; Pacific Pinnnce corporation

.of CaUfomtn. (John .EllcnburR; I7i U nco ln s tre e t) , IV ln Falb , S tephen Jame.s Perkins, M urta i

AppllcaUons .fo r authorlsaUi rijulre ix new pos.rcnger automobile ;irchased or nsreed to be purchn-i- 1 on o r before Ja n . 1. 1042. musl ; filed p rior to T iiursday, Feb. 38.

Government Rests In Espionage TrialNE\V YO RK . I\ib. 20 U V -T he

governm ent re:.ted It ; case today asninsC. rivo -m cii .and ..w om an ac­cuse? of Bothering viuil United StAtea defeiv.e data, 'arvd triuiirolt Un£ It to agent.-, and officials o f thi G erm an relch.

T lie tr ia l aKalnsl the six persons form ally charRe<i with conspiracy t( viola te th e e.splonage act. started Fob. 3.

P rinc ipa l for the govt r rc n t wao a n attrnctive Germ b o m girl. Lucy Boehmler. iB -yi . old high school student, who pleaded guilty to a .luperseded- Indicti before th e tr ia l starU d.

Poise Subject of WSCS Discussion

Clrclc No. 3. W. S. C. B. o t Ihf' MethtxJisl church, m e t Thursday afternoon a t th e home of Mrs. K.Bandenu ............ ................. ...

M rs. C. O. Jelllson spoke on "Poiw; in th e H our * f Crisis," replacing th e usual devoUonal period. Mn>. 6. p. Y an tls reviewed "Th# BinRlng Salesm an." Mrs. A. L. Stokes «'as ftsslsU nt


force bombers la s t n igh t ranged Into O erm an y a R u h r and returned w ith­o u t loi« of a plane, Uie a ir m inistry sa id today.

-POTATO-GROWERSW c A rc Alwa>-a i i i the

M arket fo r Polatoca

MACK lU tlO nr IL J. WEAVEH ^iji ruu ni«Fliea«iTU rbon i M

Suyera lo r H . Hi Z lmraertl


t»»l Bu UuU

British Besf Axis i n Tank Conflict

CAIRO, P eb . 20 t/r>—Ajtls unit*. Inc lud lng 'M m e’tankfl. w ithdrew af­ter M chang lng urUIlery n re w lt'i th« British some 1 0 miles south and sou theas t o f T m im l. Uie com m and a n n w i^ e d today.

Uvlty a n d U ie-m ovem ent of BrlL . mobile colam iis aouth or Uie Tmiml' Cl M echlll line, b u t aald m ajor axis forccs appea red to be north or tha t lino w ith E l M echlll. strategic desrrt cro.uroads. atcongly held by *the

U. of L DebatersU N i v i ^ r r y q r i d a h o . Feb. ao

-V em on RA ven.«rofl. Twin FalU. md Dale G reeley.. Caldwell, repffr-

sented th e U niversity of Idaho tn Uie a iinual PaclTlc Forcnslo I tifu e debates a t U nH eld college Feb. 1 8 '

a t McMInavlUe. O re.. T hey dibftted th e QuesUon, "Be. solved: th a t th e democracies thottid rorm a fed e ra tto a to eatabllsh and m alnU ln th e eUcht principles o r the A tlaaU c O harte f." - -_________

Curl frlDu Pont Flre.itone T ire Frertm ri Siiliii O-enerui O eueral Fxi G eneral Mi G llletle S o ld i Goodrlcii . Goodyeur T G reyhound Ci> Hotr>tonJ31lItov I Sound .

ICeniiPcolt Coin* Kre.iRr . . lorrllard - ■■ ;k Ti-urkji ...

ma copper ..

m i i m ,


J: C. Penney Co......?cna'iylvnnlii R. R ___Peoples Oi\s ......... .....Phelp^ D odge .................elp’ DfPublic Service of N. J_ .P u lljian ..........................Pure Oil .

M A IlK E T a TO CL08B NEW YORK. Peb. 30 W>>-Se-

curlty and commodity markets throuKh Uie United SUtea wUi' be d a te d M onday. Feb; 23, in o b s e r v a n c e of W ashington's bIrUidfty. V arious livestock re­ports will b e Issued as usual by Uie dcp.-irtm ent of agriculiure.

Rodio Corp. ofi America— .... 2''iRadio X elth O rpheum ______ '2 ’iRepublic Steel .......... ..................l7 ’i

>lds Tobacco B ...........Roebuck ................. ........50'i

Shell Union Oil_____________ 12Slmmoivs Co.......... ......... ........NosaleiBocony Vacuum ............... ......... 7 'iB outhrn i Pncltle ............ ...... . 13'iHouthrrn Rallwny .................... 17^

CoriKiraUun .................... :Qa tnndn rd Brund.i ................. 4S tandard OH of CullTonila....... 31Stnndnrd O il of In d ian a ...... ;... 23',S tandard OH of New Jersey..... 30 Btudebiiker ............. ........ ........ - 5

United S ta le s Rubber _ United S tales Steel W arner BroUicrs _ _ _ Wcste

N. y . CURB STOCKS B unker lUii-SuiUvaCities B enlce ..............LElectric Bond i Share ..

Livestock Markets

•' lilshrr ur in , trtlilil

rOllTLANI>-. >'»b. 1

C lU .; S*Ubl* «n

n>«.elCtn to I I I ; Cl TI-* row* It <n 17 : ,.w. Quouhl. IK lo

KW«| K&labl* <

. aa IJ>-(II3I)AI-1I0L-.

CIUCAOO. Peb. 30 (UJ!i-ar»ln ■lures Idled wiUiln a narrqwly iwer price ran a e today.W hesa fu tures sliowed most weak-

ncA.1 , cloaiitg down \ to % cen t a biv.hel: com was oU U to oats

to' H ; rye off S ; and soy-bear o ff '

Illik U ” Cl»*

. :u ur>-wh«iii

, t l l i .y.t.i clov.f II' M r * -

iNEArouB rLoua t>>. Krb. -0 l/l^—Flouri

Potatoes bU: U.M oK*r«l

■I CITY, yn.. K.b. :o (8: .low; llr..ll..l .uiPi.lrr U.»n •niiin.,|.r'* •vrMir

:;aK>i>u i

f lA lOf hlfh^r: tr--

Short rr»noh et Uttnnrr ^,r .d ^ S jrit« . wool* iold

Denver Beans

-Twin Falls MarketsCh«l« ll«hl

Bofl ____


« itnitf QQoUdl.roTAToei

(Oq< d n l t r guoieOl.

Colored hColored ^t.nb«ra hL««bon b

(Upon*. I Ibfc ■

»Jlii« »»ry 11;

C.)bbl.rm. :.yi ulM. WlMonifn Chlp-<M, I o r ontnoijr rood II :^Itur7i;.*l cSlltfPO; iilM TrlumsKi, I t u f n tn l t r -I nuKllir 13.<>w aUick nurptlas modmw. d*m*B4

tnAIlO FALLS rOTATOM AIIO F'*- >0-M>-lU3DA»-' n«uUT^l’li[hl” o f r ^ iSihl!.rlna^ l'. u. b. ruh tnuk ta ’d«iWni . Hu...<li No. t. 100-Ib. uck*. WMbtd.' ...........■ • ••

« II.spinuh i:.:CokirxJo •!RIATTLX rRODUCS

SF.ATTU; -K.b. 19 .uiur. n j .™r« »7>4e. 91 ta r* Sl«. f t

.art* rx lr ii I2e: mMlun :t« (bolfe aa- hui(«d).

•LOfl .<1 ANC

iNHELEH rBODi;CI •.Lla. t r t . S9 t^>—(080A>

<.<.»] lU.l chMM W,I03 It*.; VO 1.S0I <4>M. Umur in balli Met «u>-- llrd larv* lOc: muIM mtdluaM;7o; tm«H Ut, ■

NEW YORK PBOOUd K rw YOKK. Feb. 19 (/rt—trn f l lU4Ti

I eolort fanrr lo astra faacr

■£v'r.tsssr£i;^tura ucbans* 9 m w

in U No. . siS«.

li toUoraw r »na sU'J

u so>;ti JoM iu u i a <d « u h u n tor iMdlumf l u to U«lirW l».uU> /iT aiAhaiun Id (aaci>lMa«* >

m n a t n * tm mW-'aS-'.

Page 10:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

J>ag« Ten TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO . - Friday, February 20,1942

............... I b oy- nraku MetlBshita m b ^ lU B dr Moaj«kai>i b«>a. t lfa j ChsUBdn Tovrrr, Ttkoa* r v •lu* « M lo r fu l li 'r I* inr>>1«I7 > ri<irdnn. daaskfrr otIfadlBK pkrilrlJiK. » r . 'IX inrr.



Tn n y cnmo to Ibe end o t the lin# o l cnra.' Drako wnlUcd baclc-

yiDTi end K julnlcd nionc Hie rail*. •7IeUo, D rnkel' Hello, P n rrb!"I t w as nnndy MonaRhnn liiinp*

Inff over Iho ta ll fcncc- cit tlio lop • o f tlie cm bnnkm cnt

Dmko *poko ouickly. "WoVn goin ' clown to Z lroy 'a Icchou^e."

•'W hat fo r?” *""Nothin' m uch. Swing on Uia

llnRr. mnybc."“It’s cool down tlierc.”“ Wliy don’t you come, too?" H andy wiis evidently wailing

for Uie Invltntlon.Tliey opened n heavy door nnd

- jum i> ^ d o w q jn n r re a t p ile ot raw dust. T h e nlr w as damp and cool. 11 WHS diirlj. too. n jle r tlie glare.

'•Cce, m ost of th e Ice Is Rone. Seo how low It’s Bellin’?” Drnko *elied Uio tw o rin ;:j an<) swung for ou t from tlio tiill hcnp. !Io le t so and Inndcd on. liia f re t, |mU burying him self Jn the looso dry ■awdust.

Randy iln ig jle il u p to tho ring* which iw u n g from the rafters. •’Can you sk in tlie cat?"

■’Surel" D rako I'coITcd. ‘‘B ut I bel you can’t "

She executed tho-fent, h e r ilou t■ lojts cu lling h e r ho ld neatly, e n d .

landed u p r ig h t"PrcU y Rood."•‘1 can do Uie double roll on tha

p a r’liel ba rs , too.” '"Doggone.” Droko exclulmcd.

"W hcro’d you learn to do 117” " Jake Z lm y nhowed me, He eaa

do 0 lo t o f tilings. Como on. T ar- rL . you try .”

W ith h e r oncoiiraKcmenl nnd ndvlec P a r rb made rapld'proifrcM . b u t ,Uio doublft roll was beyond- him . ,

Xliey re traced th e ir way along tho ra ilroad truck. Randy iX'alked along th e m il , balancinc herse lf

• from Umo to tlmo by a touch on P a rris ' shoulder. H e felt tiult« happy w hen sho d id llils and Btaycd carefu lly In cosy reach.

H andy r^ n u p the em bankm ent, "I'm comln* do\^T> this way

again aomcUmcj,” D rake r.ald."All rlKht," she an:;wcrcd care*

Icsjly. " It 's a free country, I guess."

Parrl-i fe lt strangely hnppy. Ho fe lt th a t h s wa» & cloner Irioiid o t ’D rake's tlian h e had ever been 'before. I t w ould bo cxcitlng to reo him often. A nd lU ndy, too. H e had n e v er imaBincd fho would jbo 1 0 amuAlng. H e thought oC iReneo w ith n ludden stab of com itritlon. H e hadn’t tliouRht o f hen 'till day, and she wo;i ccriainly-l;li [best friend. , , , • •

(TTHE w hole o f K lrg.i How lay on a £cn«6 8\op* th a t lifted graiV

•ually from th e creck on the south to th e slrnggle o t Negro quarlcr.i tlin t edged Uie nnrlhcrti boundary o f th o to\vn w ith n disrcpuLililo Irlngo of.’nhaclu and hnpha;Mrd Janes. O n tho ihe Jnnd dropped suddenly down a sleep incline. T here , a t Uie foot o f tli« hill, w as n slrcach o f level ground

.. S>crhaps a c iuarler of a mile squ;iro w hich w as tho *lle o f Jinklown.

Benny Singer nnd his molhcj* ilv ed In tho sm allest o f tho J in k - tow n colLiges— two roomj. one of them ha rd ly m ore th a n a Ican -ld

Benny %vns a hig, gansllng boy of 10, good-nulurixl ami. In hUi aw kw ard fashion, klnil. Benny

, w as a ha lfw it, b u t h is m other w m th ank fu l th a t h e w « obedient and

. BlTecUdhato.B enny w alked wlUi a slight rt^l

. a s though h is head w eroJoo heavy lo r hia body, l i e rtoi vxacVly eomforlnble In his m ind. H e wAs try ing to rem em ber fomctlilng.

All a t once ho slowed h!i wallc. Ho r ra e m b e re d now whnt i i w as- ho w as try in g to tliinl: ubout. Ho Stopped .ind looked hack tow anl home. A lm ost ho wijihwl he d idn 't have to go to school. Ho. h adn 't been prom oted last y e a r nnd he’d have to t in y In tlie samo class w ith th s ve ry young kld.i.

W hen ho cam e in o t Oio playground h e forgot a ll about J t Lo ts and lot.5 of Uio kids w ero ' tliero a lready . He hurried. He pau.<ied on to p o t th e stllo and looked a t th o boys running jibout.

T hey cau g h t sigh t o f him. F u U ’ m e r G reen ehouted, ''Lookj'l There’s Benny'. C’m on. 01' crazy Ben!" Ho w inked, r.cri-wlng his mouth to one side so th a t his treth

■ ihow w l aU th o 'fray biTClc.*‘C'mon."A crow d gatlicrcd around tha

lUla. T heir g rins w’cre derl.iive, bu t Denny d id ’no t luiow that. T heir eyes w ere eage r for romo dianco to raaJre fun o f him—w alt- Sng fo r h im to say som ething slUy, but h e d id n o t know IL

H o stepped dow n from tho stilo.' ■Hello, everybody," h o said hap-

. . .'■ 'H E n e x t tw o y e a rs w ere not

.exactly p leasan t ones fo r P a r­ris . School ItseU W 3S-lc« Inter* K tlng . H e h a d a new teacher, MIs3 M artha Colt. N one, o f tho chUdren - liked h e r. '

F a rris w as n o t unaw are o f tho. ch an g e faim sett o r unobservant oC th o changes In others. B u t a l- n to st w ithou t noUcing It h o and

• - - W f W ends began to thlnlc o f - ..(hemscl^’c sa sa a o ld e rc ro A -d . Tho

In M iss V enable 'a room —- i T tc y young . D n lu f, w ho

y n * s e a r ljr 16; k e p t his M e n d - •h ip w llh\P !»rrl* , w h o iound th t__________V .A VI I ^ ■

On his nth birthday Pnrrlfl had hia u^ual blrthdiiy'supper with o caico nnd ciindic;!. Rcnce was his only giiosU Ilence gave him three handkerchiera <vith crocked Ini­tials worlieri In the corner#, Slie had made them herself.

V After r'upper Anna, tlie slout Qcrman maid, gavtt him 14 play­ful •spanks— ono for each year— and another to grow on.

•’It’s after cighl, ParrK” Mad- nmo reminded him. "You’d bet-, tiT walk down to Rftiee’s housa witii her. U’u moonliKht. You’ro not afraljl to come bad: by your­self, are ^ou?'*

Ho flu.-.licd. Hi.s grandmother didn’t seem lo realiza ho was 14 and would hiive to sliavo next year. "Ot couri.o not," ho an- Bwtred imp;itlenlly.

A r ’they went down the tcrrnco .stc'pa Renee took his hand.

."Ii guess I ouKht lo givo you 14 lickr, too, like Anna did."

Hi! laughcd.'hul tl)o lauBh dird c]iilckiy nnd his throat tii;hteni'd. lio swallowed. "I’d ratlicr you'd !;1.i3 mo," he said.

Kial Eslulc TransTt'r.s liiriirm alion furni*hnl Uy

Tw in Ka I Is T it le and ^ li i l r a r l Company

t i ;k .s i>a y , r a » . nI> 'cd; P iirk.i UtnTlopiiiciil Co., to

W, I. Siickett, j:o o. acc. 18,•v«lr,

Deed: E - C. H o llzrn lo W , Sclicn - k c l»10. P t.a W 8W,23 10l 7.

WKDNE.><DAY. FTH V*...........Dee<l: K. .M. Moore to J . ,M. D « -

W itt. $1. N E 23 12 J5, Lot 4. U lw k D, T w in Fulls,

Deed; V . L . DarkiLi lo M. M. Q lrn n , MOO, P t N W S W 30 10 IR,

I> rd : L . I., Brlll.ston to V . D . G lrnn . WOO, Banin land.

D m l: a . A'. I-’hk to U U LiuiKdoii. jaoo, Lol.s i . 5 IJlotk 130, ■I'v.ln n ilb .

D cN l; J . H. Fun;o to f - A . Moon, » I . Lo t 10. Block 113 In T tt 'lii FaII.h.

I> e d ; H . Moon lo O , T . Porlcln- >11. $3050, Liit^ 23. 21.' Bik. 11, Ditie

U iken.Addition, T w in F iilb .Deed: P. StoilcnlwrB lo K im Hous

A u lli, S100. Same ia iill.D ri-d ; A . Ilow e ib lo N. M. Me-


"All rlghl," the said readily. I'll klsri you U times.” She placeij her honds -on his shoulders and kissed him on tlie mouth, counting each time. . . . "12 . . . i;j . , .14 . . . nnd a big ono to grow on." Ho returned the embraeo awk­wardly and they stood for n mo­ment n lltllc breathles.s. TliemooQ ilione fcill on her face.

"That’s.Ihe best birthday pres- tnl I ever had,” he snW ^ho gal­lantry of his speech surprC^ him, but he was piea.ied to liuv^j U "I— I lovo you, Renee." /

"I'd like to be your'girl. I guess you’re my . \ l•ctllcart. too."

"Lei’s l>o sweethearts forever, ' Renee, you and me."

"All right.” ,''Cro.'.s your heart?" ho de­

manded.’'. . . And hope to die," she rc-

pilrd."Oood niKlit. Renee.”“Welt. . i « you tomorrow. Par-

fit.""Good night, then."’‘G'niKhl.” Her voice trailed Uie

A'ords cofily.(To Be Continued)

A diinu. » 1. Ix )l i . Block 150, Tw in •miL';.

D c « l: J , O . S<'lmiip to Mrs. A . Ilclcleinanii, Jl'-’O. LoUi 31. 22, Block <5, Klml>rrly.

Drr<1, Mr-1 . A. H r id c n m n a ^ Kim Umin A iltll, S7. 0. Lot* 31, 23. Block 15. K ln ib friy.

J , O . Kriiiinl) Jo F. StOlten- IxTK. S!H). l^iLi III, JO. Block IS, K im ­berly. “

D rcd ; H. I I - Ulrmann to stvme. *118, T/ii 18, n iork IS, Kimberb'.

Deed; E. f . »<-»d to R. W . Sharp, $10, KF^K -:2, S 'sS ';, 23, N W N W 2S; Src 2G: \V ';N K 35; 15 10.

Uertl; Hiimr lo same. $10. N W 8 E 23; E U S W , S 'iN W , N £ m V 25, 15 1(J.

IS N E A ts c a . TO ✓V'O/^UVC^V' T H A N I T IS TO

' W H E Nt o o B O U D R E A U .


WAG . . .C O M N i e / V \ A C K »



T o KCCf> W UBO£ D OW N, ' VDU /ViU&r OI& 'E M U P .- S»y* O. J . CAMTONVl/JNE,

M C U IX , O R U O O N I.

4, laiiii^on iill'HiM "■ J

H. Klnil o ? <1.

:n. II.-3ilpl<-r«:i. Nol«oflh»11 Kina of eon*®- SS. Corpiilsnt :» ! \^ rlrty ot Sfl..Cr.'.vi .ireet:

I I Him polntrWiiid of Borrow j. .Marlri'

t i. Co"nlunctlon

Solution or Ytitarday't Puul*' OOWM ». •1-ai* h<-twffn

•hip wllhVTarri*, w h o

w r

twaki 'e . CImr.irtrr In

•Tn. KoerUQue»n»"

' Ilehtly ». D»nc« «l«p

j;« lr»m »IL ruVJjilo irs«

■ i i - — •• - : « ib f th * » lr

ItDfUlt«. AS"' An<t Tiflt

L liallooB buk*t

' H 6A .O ,C L ^N C V ,V O U M ^ R K TtkAE . H E ftE W HILE X R E C O M sy S lT E R /- \ W ITH O H E PU G 1L\9T W tU E W OUSE,

W,V W ffE MAV MAsJE Q U A L M S . A B O O T AhJ<3TWec: e W E R - E N T R E N C f^

IMG IN T H E M A k JO r/^ x w X 'lL ^ V '- 'P " r o H E R . A S A U T T L E


MWi A S TO U T ;• S O L D I E R 'S <;


N O W / -c d L

OKAV, VOU D O T M t SPV W O R ><jA N 'l'LL . CAM P T IL L I- G E T ^


6EA.K1S.' ,

, , O U B O ^ v B O im & m b ORDER NUMBEB iibS AND REQUISITIOM W JM B E R 7 7 6 b A M P

,_& P ^lP lC A TlO K ) NUM­BER 4 4 0 0 6 ." H U RCy

T :



■l^ARS AND tOKTT I S H A K E S P E A R E . THIMV; MUCH OF A / T H E '/ TE AC H XXJ G u y W D H ^ S - O / W H E R E ^ UOOIC

LtM K. UP , / P E R rr W HEN N EED - T H IN G S .’ A E d .' A DOG S L E E P S


- S i

" E t ' s a‘oCODTIMG O E T N L = M O D E R N K N O W L E D G E

r e t ty f f ro v e N a m e d N ew H oard M em b er

HANSE.V. I'Vb. 20 — A lfred P c liy - drove Wl\. niimrd lo th e . Ilan.scn ■vlinol bosrd. succeeding W a ller O o llrr, tt'ho moved nway recently, a t ft r i -r r i ii m rc iln i; of the Kroup.

Harold Koenig wn-i named ehnlr- niiin of the board and \V. U. •'Ulll" SlniiKer ua.i retained lui clcrk.

I}y William FcrRU-non





'o r Mwe.<sEMeftAu,6UT-


<bOS«,30CTT&OCrC‘& 0?v: -TO v io « v .

c r ts ’ c f‘* 'c .~ w \‘u v s OP

‘bOV.OVti. ©CN VOU'&

> OO IV\\S J

p o o a


L tu CW E.W-N- £\6W t-VO TW



T -H E A V E ?




/ HC Drr.TW' f WOlOTIKi-t.lWtI


AHOTUaro o w i

AMM (V/UP u ite O A


T O O fir o u r OF ■

THE. , H o u se : ■




— F O R A >t>UNG



O U V E C^/L, HA.Ve HA GjCWE CzO G P S 6t2.suMP»g: ^A,4ACKIKJ‘ M S OJITH ^ d » s h e s a n * PVWS 7 J

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'ttww, Mou ^ Piece o f CHEESEl WOU’RS THE OWE T H «rS KA-RATV— 40U D O trr KNOtUlUHAT vou UJAWT FROM C#jE MiJjCITe TO THE WBXT.' O W , MMJ-

-^CHCU ftRS.TOO.'ivftM m r ! )

ij Mag f t g g . T T X ^ ^

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\(?// P.h

I H t U e l l

Page 11:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

Friday, Pebruajy 20,1942 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page EleVSn-


W A N T A D R A T E STlmu'Nevt

•W A N T A D R A T S 8 i B u e d on Coet>F«r-Word

----- 5c per word: Any-------i days------------- ^B d a y s_ L — So p e r woro per a»y

A o t U n words b r»>qulred In u i7 on« clawlflM, m L T enns fo r a ll elmssilled ad»—GASH.


m JEROM E Leave ads a t K . & W. Hoot Beer


W eek days. I I a . m . .Sunday . 0 p . m . S a tu rd a r

Thla paper subscribes ta liie code o t e th ics o t th e AisoclnUon N em paper ClassUled Advertising M anasera a n d reserves th e right tc e d it o r re je c t any classllled adver' Using. ."B lind Ada“ carrying i TUnes-News b os num ber are strict* ly confldenU al nnd no Information can bo given In regard to the ad ­vertiser.

E rrors should be reported tmmo- Slately. No allowances will b« made Tor m oro th a n one Incorrect liuertlon.

SPECIAL NOTICESTELL youp land lo rd about renting

Iho portab le "IIUco" sanding m a­ch ine to renew th e Iloors of your offlcc. a to ro o r home. I f s quiet, dusUess a n d easily operated. Moon's.


T O O bta in em ploym ent In airplane factories. ahlpbuUdlng yards, fed­e ra l offices a n d o ther ma}or In­dustries proof o f b irth la required.

L et th e TIM ES»NEW 8 Photo and Engrav ing D ept, make a photo copy of yoiu- b irth record or of any o th e r papeni o r documents of special Talue to you I

PERSONALSQLANDULAR trea tm e n t makes im -

dar-developed •, children healthy a n d hnppy. Sc© D r. L. A. Pelerw n. O nteopathlo Physician. 130 M ain north .

JE SSIE, r rm ik . Monica—w hatever you r nam e, have It p rinted on a aclectlwi of fine personal siaUon- • r ; now available tn Uio Tlmes- Newa Job D epartm ent. Reaaon- ablB prlcesl

RESORTSSHARE expense tr ip s m any places.

T ravel B ureau , 617 Fou rth Ave­nue east— 1 0 8 8 .

SCHOOLS AND TRAININGTyPIffTB , e tenographers and book

keepers a re needed nowl Equip yourw lf to fill one of the many openings n""'' Hvallable. Enroll now.’ T w lh ' i'ftlls Business U nl- vemlty.

TO R sores th a t will no t heal, tAke aajufllmentJi. Dr. Alma H ardin. 130 M ain n o rth .

BEAUTY SHOPSM BS. N E E L E Y -M ra. Beomer. Over

Independen t M eat M arket. Phone S&5.

I4JX), |j.OO. IQ.00 perm anents, ha lf price. Id ah o B arber and Beauty

.. S hop .P hon (,.i2 i.

'M A O H IN ELES3 perm anenti, |3 iO up. OU p e n n a n e n u , tSJIO up. Ar* UsUo B eauty Salon.

O IL P ^ m a n en tfl. t u s " u p 7 " a a u l » E ugene D u ar t and P a r .............le ts w ares . B eauty Arts Academy.


H O USEKEEPER on nm ch. 3 soutji, 1 w est S ou th Park. E. Meunler, Route 1.


MARRIED m a n . F n m work. Harold Brown, m ile north , mite west Ourrey.

ENGINE la th e operator! wanted. H arris Ice M achine Works, « 0 NorUi TUlfttnook S treet, Portland,

PO U R m en w ith cars to call . . . fanneiB in th is district, Espert- ence n o t essential. Men now earn*

-----In fba tw een-fortyatK i

RELIABLE experienced mechanic to a c t a s shop forem an for Twin P a lls Im plem ent firm . M ust -be experienced In truck , trac tor and autom obile repair. T h is Is a po- slUon th a t requlrea an experienced m an. P a ; wlU be adequate and th e Job pe rm anen t. W riu B« Tlm es-News.


TWO M ilk route* and tnicka. 708 N orth Broadway. Buhl — 3 W ,

. Buhl.

FO B SAUS: Cocnpiete beauty abop equipm ent, reaw in able, Good Jo-

• caUon. only ahop tn town. WHte ■ OP Inquire of l ^ n n qoon. Paul.

I d a h a


,t7NUSUALLY nice four roonu, ba tli. P riva te en trances. AlrHxmdlUon* cd. A dults, eeo M ain north , phone 1175W.


330 ACRE (arm . good land. 230 shares of w ater, good home, good well. Pou r m iles from town on highway. Priced J72J0 j>er’acrc. Good tenns. Roberts & Henson. Phone SOS.


TW O R oom s,.ground floor. Refrlu- erator, range , stoker. 3S3 Plfch

’ > rth.


ap artm e n t. 1413 Kimberly,Road on bus line. Phone 3S5,

F O U R rooms, m odem , sleeping porch, stoker, gnm ge, garden. Phone 444-W.

FO U R Rooms, b a th . clrculaUng heater, electric range , gnrnRe. 1151 GUi Avenue east.

TH REE Rooms, h o t w ater, stoker. MS Second A venue north , Phono 7I0-W . ✓

THREE room m odem , stoker heat, Oungniow A partm ents. Sccond avenue east.

APARTMENT sa ltob le to adulta. , Privote en trance. 253 F ou rth ave-

nuo east.

PO U R rooms upbIjUdi. H eat, ho t w a­te r. R ear p rlvat« en trance . O ar­age. 311 N in th avenue north .

TH REE Roonui, p rivate batll a t Boston A partm ents. Also vacancy a t Cott4i(!c. ch ild ren perm itted. Inquire C allfom ln A partm ents No. 10. aso Seennd Avenue nortl). Phone lOM.



home, fum nce h e a t. 3 ia SeventJj Avenue north .


rwo roeras. ga rden sppt. monUily. a « H arrlsofi. I

FIV E room m odem house. Third nortli. *33.50. A dults. References, 01B7-R3.

PARTLY fum tshed two rooms: — - furnished th ree rooms. 105 North W ashington.

TH REE Rooms, baU). hardwood floors. Clean. 171 Addison. Call 0<87R3.


EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished five room, m odem hom e. Maple avenue. Phone 740.

TW O rooms, sleeping porch, aliower, electric range, w ater heater.

. AduJta—713-R.


GARAGE. In Im m ediate vicinity o t Bdlevine A partm ents. Call 1508, n ine to six.

80 ACRE farm . Wotild consider buy­ing etock and equipm ent. In q u m Box 48, Tlmes-News.


FARM B D d 'c lty loans.- N orthsm l i f e -loturmace C cm ptay—JFted B « ta . U79.

HOMES FOR SALEH ACRE, a iodem h c sn ^ U rge chick­

en eoop, eow. f ru i t trees. Real sac- ilf lcel Box 741, C ity.


<> A C R E S wlUi six r< m odem hom e. Stoker. alr-condU tloner, w ater softener. Close In. Phone 1333.

MODERN five room home, newly decorated, stoke r heat, »2J50. I n ­quire 334 F ifth avenue norUi.

d e d u c e d p rice l T h ree apartment*. F ine shape. 137 N inth avenue north.

OR TRADE fo r p roperty in Pocatel­lo—equity In m odem two story hoUse. com plete apo rtinen t on each floor. A real buyl Phone 1734.

NEW T hree room house on U ........B ath , double constniction, full basem ent, »1.2S0 — $350 down. T h ird hoa ic on righ t. LIndy Lane, South Locust.

PIV E room m odem home, Good lo­cation, excellent buy. $2,100, Terms, Rbberte A: Henson. Phone SS3. '

ATTRACmVE new five room dwell­ing, fum ace. hardwood floors. In­su lated. New.dU trirt,.c!oso-ln. *750 down. t3 l£ 0 per mo. Phone 543


GOODING acreiiRC—five or __acres. Excellent Improvements.

• City w a ltr. Tcrm.i. S. E. Palth , Goodlngr

4 1 ACRES ad jo ln lrg T a’ln Palls. Good location, fitxid land, ranall Im provancnln. Priced a t *1.400 for one week only. liiqulro 170 Alex­ander street.

EIGHTY acres near llatLien. Gcod Improvcroente—*3.000 clown. For­ty acres With equipment, near TWln Palls—*1.500 down. C. A. Bickford.

137 Acres In Buhl U rrltory. Four room house. Sm all ou t buildings. AH under cultlvnUon. Price I11& pe r acre, on easy te m u . Eighty acres sou theast of Kimberly. Sev­en ty acres under cultivation. Bal­ance pasture. F a ir buildings. 114.000. F . C. G raves and sot

110 acres on paved highway.130 acres on graveled roud lens , th a n mile from paved highway.

« e p , heavy, well ferllllMd soil w atering um uually well. In my Judgm ent, best Inveotmcnta on




160 ACRES. 4 n o rth . 3 east, south Jerom cr M ust have own rqulpm ent and finance self. F lfiy -flfty basis. D. L. Barge, R oute 1. Jerom e.



INTERNATIONAL m anure spread­er. fa ir condition. 3 miles south of South Park.

SEEDS AND PLANTSORDER Certified s e e d ' potatoes

nowl Globe Seed and Feed Com­pany.'

355 BAGS G em seed potatoes, first year from McCalt. O tto Fowler, K im berly. P hone 51-J5.


00 TONS good a lfalfa hay located U mile w est o t H aielton on h igh ­way. C harles W . Barlow, pliona 33.


MORELAND MILLING SERVICE Ph. 318. Filer. P h . calls o ff grinding.

CUSTOM GRIMDING 1 or 3 ton 8c cwu; over 3 tons. 7o MILLER MILLING SERVICE

P h .'7X13. Filer. P h . calls off grinding

ALFALFA by load or stack. Heavy type Spotted boar. 18 m onths. F. J . W eaver, 4 west, U sou th of Filer.

FEEDERS!FEED WHEATT ake It off the car 02c P E R BUSHEL

Place your o rder for tlie nex t car..W e g rind - We mix



work horses. Some Tilce mulched pairs. H ughes ib SmlUi.

T H IR TY head young horses; ........well m atched team s. O iit-hnlf mile r.ouUi east F ive Points. Carl Wool-

ONE good tciini. six and righ t vrars . .old. W eight 1,750 each. P . H. P rln-

glr. Phone 7G-J3, K lm berlj'. One mile soutli, % eas t o f Kimberly.

FIV E good young horses, also .s-... al h t l f e r j to freslien w ithin sixty days. wcat. U n o rtlj Joe Day com er, n o r th of H ansen bridge.

BABY CHICKSSW ITT’S baby ch icks—H atches each

Wixine.-xlay a n d S a turday . Call Swift's Hutclier^-, 204 Fourtlj a ' nue south. Phone 185.

90U-EGG R.O.P. sired large U r> hom s. R egular Leghorns, R. I. Reds. N. H . R eds, B arred Rocks, W hile Rock.H, B uff Orpingtons, W hite G lan ta, A lu tra Whites. L itera ture free l Custom hatching W ednesdays a n d Saturdays. Elec­tric and oil brooders. Hayes Hl- gmile H atchery.


MILK — C ream — Eggs. End ol Second A venue west. E .C .H olucn, Phone I085-R.

IDEAL house dogs—resU tered Pcm- oranlnm . Ih reo to alx months, Uiree to six pounds. 133 N orth Al­bion. Phono 258-J, Burley.


WANTED: W ood or w ire hangers. In good coodlUoa, Ho each. Troy or N atlooal p la n u .

A FEW two row bean cu tters. In - qiilMr^Self ManufftoUirlng Com­

p any .

WANTED to buy : Sc rap and cast iron. dLio all so rts o f m etals. No quanlUy too smaU. L . L. Longdon, Truck Lone w est. Phone 1M3,


FURNITURB upholstering and palrlnR. T ljom ctx T op and Body Work:,-720,

PROTECT your fam ily. Have th a t broken "repaired ' ta^ay a t Moon's.

GOOD lau> m odel N ational cash rcKbter. P . O . Box 375. Pli

' 2S3-R3, Jerom e.

STOCK Sa lt. *10.00 pe r ton . Bring sacks. L.- L.--Lnngdoa;'Truck 'Lane west. Phone 1552.

AUTO glass, canvas, canvas repair­ing. T hom eta T op and Body Works.

AUTO glass Installed a t T w in Falls W r^k lng , K im berly Road. Phone 137.


only *2i)8. G am ble Store.

PRACTICALLY nrw Apex wa.ilier for *20Hi. T erm s. WUson Batoj ApDllance.

lIO U S n iO L D furn itu re In excel lentcnndlU on. Lawn fu m ltu re . p i­ano. etc. m ione 1550-J.

TEN tued refrlReralora. 13 electric rangc.1 . Big .lavlngs. C. C. Ajider- son Company.

USED Stew art W arner radio. 1041 model. *43 value, only $10.05. T enns. WU.vjn Bati-s Appliance.

HOUSEHOLD fum ltu re In excel­le n t condition. Lawn fum lture, tw in tubs, etc. Phone 1559-J.

BEAUTY equipment, clieiip; Sinner electric .lewlnK mnchlnr. tllnclle table, chairs, ovcrstuffed set. 035 M ain north .

CLOSING out stock of nU Spiirk oil healers . Bub;.Uiiitla] re<luctlon. T«-o used oil healers, Robt. E. Leo Siiles Com pany.


SW ING chairs, velour covcrs. sorted colors. $12M. End tablc.s, »1J5. Moon':,.

FO U R piece bedroom suite, *5DiO. C edar chcsts sUll u i t old price.i. See these before you buj'l Moon’s.

>EE o u r 6<UTjaln buscmenC of nt used and . unflnL'Cied fum ltui Sw eet’s I ’um lture .

SO POUND cotton felted mattre.ia for only *OaS. We have only 75 a t U)ls price. Full o r twin sizes. M oon’s.

LINOLEUM rem nan ts, all qualllies. Sizes average 6 feet by 10 feel, Uiese are n o t scraps bu t ends of rolls. Priced a t low as 4c per Lquaro foot, Be sure to bring your . m easurem ents . Moon’s.


L ■’SPRING A IR - m a ttress carries a fifteen year guaran tee .'S ee them a t HaiTV M usgrave's.


ANOTHER used p iano. Good con­dition. tuned. *75.00. H arry Mus- gmve'8 aiore.

REPOSSESSED Console walnut piano, your cliance to save money. See Adams Music Store, formerly Daj-nes Music Com pany. **


1040 TUDOR deluxe sedan . Five tires. 12.000 miles. No trades. Sam H atm aker, Jerom e.

1037 STUDEBAKER pickup, good rubber, good m otor. 1031 Clievro- let coupe. T erm s. Robt, E, Lee Sales Company.

l5« 'H D l3S O N super six sedjOi. ra ­dio, heater, a ll now Ures. 1037 SlU- debaker sedan, overdrive, heater, radio, good tires. 1030 Terraplano coach and ID35 Lincoln sedan, both A -l condition. S trong ’s Setvlee Sales. 403 M ain no rth . Phone 2iO-J.


New 32 0 . D. G enera l tires ... rear. 3 east, V4 sou th E den, Phone 13-P3.

TRAILER house, now. Guaranteed. Give away price—come and see Itl Dr. T anner, 1411 ElU abeth.



DIREGTORY'A u io n ib tice S ervice

Baths and MassaffeaThe sta .W e ll, B27 M ain W. P h . 155.

Bicycle Satea and ServiceBLASIUS CYCLERY. PH . 101


ABERDEEN COALIn term ounta ln S^ed ta Fuel Co.

Money to LoanAUTO loans. Bob Reese a t Magel’s.

AUTO LOANSReflnanco your p resen t c o o tn L c t^

reduce paym ents—cash m dnne*.

WESTERN FINANCE CO'.Next to Fidelity Bank.

Curtain ShopsWindow Shop. 602 M ain a Ph. BI4.

DiamondsR. li, R oberu , Jew eler. 115 Bho. N.

Floor-SandingA-BB Floor Co. Floor service. Ph . 711

HeLder d> Sons, 811 M ain E 14A0-W.

insurance I3T. CTATPcterson. 130 M«in n ,, 4 3 3 .

For F ire a n d C asualty Instironce. Surety a n d Fidelity Bonds, see Swim Investm ent C a Baugh BIdg.

D r. E. J . Miller. 413 M ain N. P b . 1977 '

0 . A Robinson Agency, specialists In fire, auto and life lu u ran c o .A. HOWARD HALL. M anager-



ESTATE O F G UY STODDARD, DECEASED.Notice Is hereby Riven by the un ­

dersigned a d m in istra tr ix of tiie estate of GUY STODDARD, de- cea.icd. to Uie c red ito rs of and all pcf^tons having claim s against the sold deceaicrt. to exh ib it tliem wltlj Uie neccssary vouchers. wUhlti six m onths a fte r th e f irs t publication or th is notice, to Uio sa id Frances Tliomp.10 1 1 , adm in istra trix or to Rayborn i i Rayborn. Attys. a t Law County of Tw in Falls S ta te of Idaho, tills being th e place fixed for th e transaction of Uie business of r.ald estate.

D ated Ja nuary 30th, 1042.FRANCES THOMPSON,

AdmlnbtralTlx of Uie e sU te o r o u y Sloddard. dfcci%ed.

PiihlUh. Ja n . 31; Feb. 0, 13, 20. 37, 1012.

Job Printinff

HANSENMr. and Mrn. H arold McCalliun

w ent to W endell Sunday to visit Mr. M cCallum’s sister, Mrs. Everett Jolm.ion, a p a tie n t w ith h e r new daughter a t th e W endell hospital.

Mr. an«l M rs. D onald Dietz en ter­tained S a turday a t bridge for u party of friends. Prizes w ent to Mr. aiul M rs, W lllurd M cM asJer.’.. Paul K opp, eon of M r, anil Mre.

Fred C. Kopp, le ft M onday for Salt Lake to begin service w ltii the U nit­ed S ta le s navy, following 10 daya a t h ti hom e a fte r being examined Uvrre. He Is a volunteer In Uic'navy, AlKiiliig up for mechanlc.'i work.

Mrs. Pay Slieesley and grand­daughter, P a tty Jennings, arrived Tuesday for several days Visit wltii Mr. and Mrs; H arold KoeAlg, ’R ielr home Is a t Pocatello.

Six weeks tc its have been given In tJiB H onsen od iools during Lie post week, according to Supt. H. J. Doerlng.

A son was b o m Monday >t a m a tern ity hom e a t R upert to Mr. and M rs. Bud Felton , form er resi­d e n t of H ansen .

Mr. and M rs. Oalde>- Barnard are m aking plons to move to tiielr farm ne .v T w in F a lk . T lie y .h av e been residents o f H ansen for a number of years, while M r. B am ard .has



PERSONAL STATIONERY Engraving, le tte r press, llthograpliy

Scliool A nnuals. buslne.M forms a specialty

TIM ES-NEW S Commercial P r in t in g Dept,

Key Shop

LandscapingFor a landscape p lan , one tlia t Is

artistic , nerulhlc and practical— W. E . Hawley. Landscape /rch l iec t Sunset M emorial F o rk Phone 203

MimeograpldngRoom 10. FldeUty Bk BIdg. Ph . 418.

Money to Loan

. $25 to $750ON YOUR CAR




Consumers Credit Co.

Naturopaihie PhysicianA ntha Lee H arbeat, 1303 Klmb, Rd.

Osteopathic Physician

a a W, R ote. 114 U . N. Ph . W l-W .

Photo Finishing8 prin ts a s y roll U e . SaT«Uor D rtif.

Plumbing and BeaiingAbbott Plumbing C a

I B eating . P h . 383.

Schools and TrainingT . F. Business U n lv e rsl^ . Phone 94L

Sewing Machines.

Shoe Repairing— DyeingR alph T u n e r a ( HudsoQ-Clark.

New Era. oppoolte Idaho T heater.

TrailersGem T raile r Com pany. Phone 439

TypewritersSales, ren ta ls a n d service. P h . M . '

UpholsteringSALARY LOANS

S trictly confidential *5 to *50 to emplbyed people on

your own signatureCASH CR EDIT COMPANY __________________________________ _

Rms. 1-3.-Burkholder BIdg. Ph. 778 F lo jd Lilly. Ph. 2030. 314 S h a E,

Water System s

been asioclatod wlUi Uie Rock Creek CCC cam p as amlatxint auperintend- c n t

Miss n iz a b e lh N aum an Is recov­ering from th e effecta of a second operation for correction of an a f-

pltal. S h e ‘Is a t liie home of Mrs. Edna BaUy.

H arry LaCourso. w ho h as been spending th e w in te r on th e form which was tlie fo rm er residence of his paren ts. M r. a n d Mrs. Kelly La> Course, moved h is fam ily he re from MontAtui la s t w eek-end t o ' make the ir home.. Because of th e d is tric t rifle tfioot, which Is scheduled a t Gooding T u u - day evening, Fob, 34. regular meet­ing n igh t of tiie Hani>en Royal Neighbor lodge, postponem ent of tlie local meeting has been called by the oracle, Mrs- Cloe W eech. The wcnj- en'A team will a tte n d the shoot wltij th e W oodmen.



First S tate University.The University o( N orth Carolina

w u the firs t s ta te tmlvertlCy to open Its doors, in 17SS, b u t a m onth passed before the f irs t s tu d e n t appeared. Ha was Hinton J u n e s , w ho walked 170 miles from W ilmington.

ATTENTIONCash paid for w orthless o r dead c om , horses a n d prie« o f pelts for dead sheep.

Idaho Hide & T a K p w C o .Call Collect N earest Phone Twin FalU 3 1 4 « Goedlng 4 7

Hides, pells, tallow , fur. and Junk bones bought.

DUSTPR OO F . . .BLUE BLAZE COAL fa gir* a ((leniUie el! toaut** as<l r fa d d to n ak a It pem aneotly daitlen. It's eleao a . ■ p la la • ibe bl».N

BLUE BLUE MloTMniiowBT J i a i i i o i n ooju

WARBER6■ BROS; \ ..............!

P ho tie lBLUg B L A a j3 0 a i> j l

Page 12:… · Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties W^/WLLETIN: HOWOW, reb;< M aw — BsmUr troopTlutV*

•Page Tw^y« TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO F rida^ February 20, .1942



WASHINGTON, Peb. 30 WV-L«B- UlAtlon to repeal p e ru loa i Tor coti>

■grtsa, cu ry ln ff a tA uinpIns 7S' to S M naw endorBcment, w ent today lo th e house w here alinllur appronU w u predicted.

T he house, however, wn c e u u n til MoDday. and IcAdert have

• n o t decided w h at day to bring the m easure to th e IJoor. C hairm an Rob­e rt Amspeck. D.. Co.. of the houM civil service eommlllee. expecta ac­tion nex t week. He probably will luik th e n ilea com m ltU o today to f r a n t right-of-w ay.

Aj In Uie aenalc. dem ands trom. th e member* UiemJielve.i forced com- m Jttce MUon to b r ln j th e bill to th e floor. In the houne a aeparnt* measure was reported ‘'w llhoul rrc* ommendaUon” wliJle Uio senate was p u lling Uirough a repealer by Sen. H arry F- D - Vn.

No R«commendatlon House members said Uie lack of

a definite recom m endation on Die bill was ou t of r ea p ed 10 Ramspeck, who sponsored tlie original civil ser­vice relirem cnl a c t which became law Jan . 24 and under which m em ­bers of consTCis were pcrm ltiw l lo apply for pensions In re tu rn for conlrlbuUons o u t of salary.

T he only d ifference In effect be­tween the B yrd bill .and Uie house jneaaure, which Bnmspcck »pon.-sor- ed was th a t Qyrd's would repeal

- pensions for senators, repfesen ta- tlves. the president, the vice preal- d en l. and cabinet members, while Uie house blU elim inated "elected of- JUlals” from Use law. Since cabinet members are appointed they could

, en ter Uio reU rcm ent system under Uio house bill.

207 B lr iu tu r r s 'House com m itw e action cw nc a fte r

R ep Jack Nichols. D.. O kla .,subm ll- ted a peUUon carrylnR th e slgnn- tu re i of 307 m em bars ojiklng Immed- JaK report of a repeal m easure. The •lg t» turc3 of a iS members could have Invoked form al parliam entary

ThQ five senator? who voted against repeal were Sena. D. W orth Clark. S T l d a J ^ a m e s Mead. D.. N. Y., M on O. W allgren. D.. W ash i G erald

•P . Nye. N. D-. and R obert M. La Pollelte. P.. Wls.

T he senate repealer was only p a ri o f a m inor navy bill to w hich I and several o the r m easures on which th e upper cham ber sought to force house action were a ttached as riders.

T he bill wouW provide pay a llot- m enta for ono year to dependents of m e t e r s of th e arm ed forces and c e r ta in clvUlana who ore captured by th e enemy or listed as missing.

FAmVIEWM r. and J^r*. H arold CrOM and

tw o daughters re lum ed Sunday a f­te r a six weeks' visit In Calltom la, Arlsorut, New Mexico and Colorado. M r. Cross will again work for Melvin H arrison.

T h e Hodge fam ily Is now living th e BaL«h place where th e Van Z anies have been Jiving and have tw o sons atU ndln tf Paln,-lew school. T hey are Jim Hodge In the sIxUi s rad e and Elm er in the seventh.

Mlsa Donalyn Runyon Is hcxne a f ­t e r having w ork since fall a t the Shields elevator In Buhl.'

PaLrvlew school children enjoyed a V aientlne p a rty S a turday a fte r­noon a t the school. ValenUnen were

• distribu ted , gomes were played and le frtshm entfl were sc n ’ed.

A t Wlllowdalo school a Valentine p a rty was held Friday. Special In- v ita tlo iu were se n t to th e motheni. G am es and contests wera enjoyed w ith , Mrs. P rank Hach Rcttlni; a p i ^ a t the upper grade pa rty . Val­entine* were exchanged and refresh- m e n u were served.

A t Superior school th e moUiers w ere en terta ined with a program consisting of a ValentlDS play and f t few o the r appropria te program num bers and g a m « . A fter the ex- «han5« of ValcnU ifts, r ttre ih m en ts w ere served.

J lm tny B arron apen t the week-end visiting a t th e F n n k B arron home.

M r. and M rs. L . O. Watjion and so tu . and ' J im Bucklew. M agna. 'U tah, were d in n e r guests Sunday th e h . G . P lsher home.

M rs. Roy W ood and M rs. Mark Sk«em le ft Sunday for a visit a t the hom e of th e ir daURhtcr and sister, M rs. P ra n k PatU nion. Glendale. C alif.

M r. and Mrs. H ugh Eddy. T hou- • a s d Springs, and Ivan Cowan. KAn •ha. were M onday visitors a t th< X eonard 1-elh home.

Mr. and M rs. W. C. P os t en ter­ta ined th e ir po t-luck pinochle club S a tu rd ay oren lng . P rltes w ent t<j M rs. Harlow See. Oscar Carlson, M n . Sm ith and Alf Livingston.

H arold H am by spent M onday help ing to reg is ter the new reg ls ' t ran ta .

Em ile B em ard l. ] r , who-Is a tten d ­in g school a t W eber spen t Saturday a n d Sunday hom e w ith h is parents.

N orm an Ja se la w en t to BoUo Mon­day to take h is testa for' en listm ent In th e a ir eorp.

JEROMED r. and M rs. K enne th Walker.

Jerom e, are Uie pa ren ts of a daugh­te r bom a t S t . V alertline’R 1 W endell, Sa tu rday Evening.

Mlsa E3va M. -Pugm lre. Jerom e county jxibllc h e a lth nurse, liaa re ­tu rned to h e r du tlcT th ls week a fte r hav ing been a t h e r home

, I n s from a severe in juo-. Miss P uem lre feU recen tly w hen she slip­ped on an Icy s tep In fro n t of her hom e here. •• - M rs. B rttyton B urks, sunbeam , and M rs. B IU y.^urk8, Boise, le ft from Je rom e fo rT o r lia n d w here they will Join th e ir husbands who a re a t the p rese n t tim e engaged In . th e sh ip ­yards in P o rtland . Ore.. a s Junior engineers.

.M r. and M rs. £3tco Capps. Burley, have moved to Jerom e w here they p lan to live, a n d w here Btr. Capps h a s accep ted a position w ith the Je rom e bakoy.

V lilto n to Zioa NaUooal p a rk ' in U ta h tota led 165.03:9 In M,4Sl private Mitomoblle*. du ring 1 ^ .


tn s o n No. 3 In “w h at to do during an a ir raid"—If you’re drlvlnc o r w alk lnr in th e open an d 'llK m li no oolld building available for »hrHrr. find some kind of refnre ImmfdlaleJy. Above. T erry Crook crou rh ri behind a solid po«t. I t would be even belter lo lie f la t on the ground.

Perils of Trans-Ocean Rides Told by Returning ReporterBy IlEUEL S. M O bRE

NEW YORK. Feb. 30 OJ.n>-Luxur- lou* irana-A tlan tlc liners are only memories these days o f submarine warfare.

Now. as likely a t not, you will go 1 a fre igh ter If you w a n t to make

Uie crossing, and spend well over a fortn igh t zlg-zagglng w ith a cavo}’. Tlie Uiump of exploding depUi charges from lim e to tim e will re­mind you Uial danger is fiol far

way.SucU-.a voyage I .liav'o J u s t com­

pleted, tlianka to thO ~tvkrU itis ot BrltL%h and Americzfi cscorv vcx.icli which safely h d w our convoy—a small -0 110 nu!)»tfcnng Icis ihnn two acore vcmcU—to safety on this side of Uie ocean.

unable lo pick the Milp I sailed on. In s te ad .'I wns lukeil lo fix

date when 1 would bo ready to leave Brita in , and lold I would be given two or th ree dny.i notice be- ,forc Imiid. After omp Inlac a ta r i I ftjiftlly made my -way to n jw ri ncv- eral hours from London by train.

2 8 Paw cneers Tw enty-elghl pa.wenner.-t gnUiercd

a t Uie nppolnicd pliibe on a snuwy afternoon and we proceeded by te n ­der to our vessel whose Identlly ue didn 't know until we saw her name loom out of Uie fog.' Slie was n Ire lsh tv r of about 10 ,0 0 0 tons, capable of fou rteen knot.i. be* loni^iR lo one of Uie neutral na- tlodj and cliartered by the DrlUaH government. One .im all irroup crowd­ed Her Jlmlled pa-wenRer occommo* datloiu FO Uiat we slep t Uiree In a cabin, l l i e followlnR mornlni; we sailed and picked up ve,virL'\ from oUier ports until llie convoy wn.' complete. T lie convoy proceeded on a front e igh t sh ips'w ide wlUi three ships In lino a«tem In m oat columns.

Rules iLbout showlnB llRhta were strict. N o one could timoke on deck. No.llRhl oould be allowed to shine through open doors. PavenKers were advl.^ied to sleep In th e ir cIoUj- Ing In case I t was necessary to take quickly to Uio boats a t n ight.

After BrlUsh raU ona. Uie dalli' gm pefru lt and two eggs for break­fast. nlHhtly oranges and plenty of oUier good food provided a mofit wel'

rnio cliange.How cloae we cam e to danger Uie

capUdn wou^d n o t aay. W t heard and feit depUi charg ta fou r times for sure and possibly two o r three ot^er Umes. Twice we were in«trucU>d

a n d b - w ith our lifebelts on.Charges H it Ships

The shock of th e dc p ih charge h lu the sh ip like a sledge-hammer blow. O n one occasion I waa on deck when a destroyer d ropped some

charges about tw'o m iles abeiun of Uie convoy. Even a t U iat dlntnncc Ui6 sliock.1 rcgLiiered .iliarply on the hull Uirotigh Uie w ater UioukIi Uie airborne sound ha rd ly wa.i notice­able. O ur destroyer hovered over Uils spot unu i I t d rifted a iK rn nearly ou t of s ig h t of tlie convoy. The destroyer exchanged nlKuals with oUier e.-icorl c ra f t w hich went toward Uie sjw t bu t wc never licard w hat happene<l. T lie cap ta in abided by hLi Instructions to te ll us notliliiR. When aiked he siUd he d idn 't know.

E\’cn when our c.'corl w m cliunKcd some dayo ou t he (U-cllnrd to Iden­tify Uie new escort vc;,-;cb w ith tlic same "I d o n 't know.'’

Music Discussed At Fireside Chat

JEROME. Feb. :i) — One among series of Klrealde Chals iirriiniieil

by members of tlie M -M m and OIe»{fcr Olrls of Uie U tte rDay SalnU church wiui held fol­lowing the s /c ram e n l mi-ctlni: held Sunday cvenlnK. ProKnim wu;i u.r- ranRrd on music by Gt-rirude Miirjihy. who gave examples of loiis types of mu.'lc.

As special RUe.'.Ui, slake officers from Carey were In aiten ilance In­cluding Mr. M eechani. youiiR nienV. president of Uie ntake. nnd Rondu Hunt, seoreUirj' o f the j.lnke mutual.

J.F. Clark Rites Set on Saturday

BtJHL, Feb. 20—ru n er:il r.ervlres for FriinWUi CUtVt, Ti. liuW.will be held a l 3 p. ni. S .iiurday In the P i n t C hristian rliu rrh here, H er. M url M, Jones will officiate and in te rm en t will Iw in tlif Hulil cemeteo- under dlreeUon ot A lbert­son funeral home.

Mr. C lark, who lived ihe pa.',I three years w ith hLi daUKhler. Mr.'. W aller Messley. died ’n iurr'dny m nm lng nt ihe Buhl honpltal.

Next to tho JaRUar. th e m ountain lion Is th e of the eat irlbe native to America.


IDAHO H ID E St TALLOW Tw in P a lls P h . 314

Q aodinr P h . 41 R opert r h . U

M iM A L W A Y Sfits into the P I C T U R E


Officers of Uie T w in P a lls E3ks lo<lge win conduct In itia tion a t the Elko, Nev.. Elks lodge on W ashing­ton's blrUiday. Feb. 3J. I t is an ­nounced by J. H. B landford , exalted ruler.

.Blandford also h as designated iJitwrence V. Groves, p a s t exalted ruler, and M. B. D elss,. aecrelary. to a ttend the E lts ' b ir thday tJa rly a t Uie S a lt Lake City lodge Feb. 31. 23 and 33.

Two Twin FalU "candlOaleji will bo lnlUale<l a l Uio rako ccrcmony, aloiuT 'W'ltli Elko catvUilfttes.

Elks olllerrs w ho will conduct Uie inlUatlcn. In addition to B landford. are 11. G . Hayes, esteem ed leadlnR knight; H arry BaLich, cfltefified iW'al knlghl: Jim -T liom pnon. est'eiified lecturing knlk’h t; L. R. D oug lav , e.- - quire: W. A. O slrander. Inner guard, and F. C. Slieiiet>erKcr, c liaplaln.

Tlie Elko even t will open -wlUi a stjig diitcli lunch iil 3 p. ni. Saturday, followed by a baniiuet and dance a t 7:30 p. ni. In ltla llo ii. followed by a buffet luncli, will com m ence a l a p. ni. Sunday.■' Eight or more T w in Pall.i Elks also plan to make Uic tr ip to Elko.

Featured speakers a t Uie S a il Lake C l ^ vlctdry conclave and W aililngJon's celebraUon will be John R. Coen, past g ran d exalled ruler: J . &lwln S tein , d l.u rlc t dep­uty grand exaltrd ru ler of U tah , and Eflwanl Baird. Botie, g ran d esteemed loyal knight.

Selective Service Standard LoweredBOISE. Mil., Feb. 20 lU W -Siate

selecUve scrvlce headquarte rs an ­nounced lo<liiy new arm y physical atandariL'. m aterially low ering den ­ta l ond eye rrQUlrementi, h ave been adopted by Idaho local d r a f t board.'.

.Officials explained th a t from now on a m an Is eligible fo r Induction If he can "ea t and d igest arm y chow." He m ay have false leelh entirely, a lthough here tofore each seleclee had to |> a t least elx masticating and six Incisor teeUi.

'Die eye requlremenUn now for general nillltarj- service In a ll non- com bntant branches w ould Include:

’'Regl.strants whose v isual, acuity Is below/^O'lOO b u t n o t below 2 0 / 2 Cp0 In each eye wlUioul glasses, If cor- rectlble to 20 , < 0 In each eye."

Goodinp Trustees Discuss Pifoblems

GOODING. Peb. 30—Ab>PoodlnK county triMtecs of Uie lnde ift«4« il. and common Jichool dlstrlcLs we>e preseni for Uie a n n u a l meeUng held Feb. 17 In the c ou rt room.

J . M. L jle. Jr.. a.sjilstant s la te su- pcrlnteiidenl of public Instruction, was tlie principal speaker. Mr. Ly!e dlscu.'.sed the gtiprrul school prob-' lem-s, problems dfjfhatlonal defense, farm problems, leaclier’s salaries and .school d istric t budgel.s.

Japan Iiieieases Attack Fui’v To Beat Allied Reiiiforceihent

By DEW ITT MACKENZIE Wide W orld W ar A nalyst

T lie Japanese, raclnB a ja ln s t time to beat allied relnforcnucnt^i, arc

, rapidly Intensifying Uielr offensives UAaln.a Uie E ast Ind lex and Bunna. and th t ponitlon of Che defense in boUi were a tra lfg lcaU J v ita l posl- Uoiui Ls serious.

A.S prrrloitsly rcm arktd in - Uils coliunn. we likely arc In f o r more verj- bn<l news m Uie linwiedlatc fuUire. n i a l aorl of Uiiiig b n ' t plea- nant to dbcus.s, b u t we ehall save a lot ot wear and te a r on Uie nfrves If we face Uie fac ts about these unfortunate M tuntloas ujuorply.

On Uic B a taan jxnxltwila indlca- Uoiis are U iat Uic Ja p s finally have KO’- se t fo r Uielf all-out offeailve.

.Vow Uie cold fa c t iil>oul U ie Plill- Ipplnea seems to be tJisl Oenen>l MiicArUmr has lllUe lioiw o f huld- liiK .oijt wlUioul strong relnforce- ihvul<C He would have hud Uiase Innn ago If Uierc w ere »ny way of Rtlilng them lo h im . B u t Uiere hiisn'i been, for I lie Jnpiinrj^c have an ovrrv,'helmlntf force of troopi and Uie)’ control boUi Uie n l r and Uie sea about UiO W ands.

•In Indonesia th o NliHWurNe are. of seeking a duutile p r iz e - Uie viL'i T trourc ts of IJie Ind ies and Uirir sUTite«lc /itfensU i. Java Is Uie key position and here li centered mci-.l of Uie D utch defeiije, w hich 1s ccnMdcrnble. TllLn' rlrJi Island, to- >;ether wlUi neighboring S um alra . ^eI) l■^enl.s Uie la;-l biilwuik b o U tp n the and Uie IiulUui ocean, and ir Uiey forcc Uiai bulw ark tliey will have op<’ne»l iip a water- waj- lo India an<l Bunnu. .

Tlie question of w liethcr Jiivfi can be hci<i depends on w hcilier heavy relnforcrnientfl c an rcudi Ujcre hi timr. and Uie D u td i are looking to Uiic:e Hiun for Uils help. W h a l |;i nenled Ls a large flee t oj wiin>lanes of all calefiorleri. c:.ix^lnlly IlRlitcr p^mrs lo ntand o f f Uie Jnp bomb­ers which have been causing Bucli liavcc.

n ie ixjiiibliig o f Uie nnriliem A ititra lla ij ix>rl o f Darwin today. represenUs nn ef/ort to pre­vent Uiul base iJelng uso<l to a id ' Java.

Tlie Ja|>anesc drive aKulnst Burma hasconilnuM l to m ake progrciw. and Uiej' lire gelUng dangerously cIokc to Uic R4UiRoon-Lii.-.hlo railway whlcii-feeds th e Burma rotul to Cliln.-v. T lie lo v i’ of Dumia would




S a t Nite, Feb. 21All Twin Falls daneer* Inv lltd

PRIZE WALTZLadles Free. G enta GOc U x iae. I.erB go to G oodinc tia tu rd aj




J lc t tc r food Is w hnt makc.s 'Amcriea nlroni!,'. T h a t’s why i t’H impcrnlivc lh a t you buy und serve on ly ' foodn you know, to .he hcailhful and nu- tritimi.K. Do whnt wise home* mnkcrH arc doinf; — Khop here.

C O F F E ES and W I lb. Can . 2 lb Can .....

31c..... SU

CRACKERSPremium Flakes 9 4 m 2 Pound Box ..................

FLOURW estern Gold. All ^Purpose. «9 lb. Bag . .. V * • 4 “

SYRUPStaley's G olden Table, ^ m B lb. P a l l .......... ..... .............

^ KETCHUPHeine. gy — H os. B o lU e_____________ I V C

ROLLED OATSRed Ro m . S tee l Cut. «2 lb. Cello Bag .............. ......

SARDINfi F IL L E D8. W.. fB o t C a n ___________ - .....- * y C

SOAPCrj-sUil W hite.4 Large Bars ........................

SOAPPeela G ranula ted .Large Pkg................... - ....... . . . 2 9 C

KLEK 'W hite Beads of .S o a p for SUks,Woolena. R a y o n s ,------U r» c P k g . ..... ......... .......—. . X ^ C

MEATSOtice yott ahop e a r

' m e a t departm en t yo a ll t»e ■ ile ad r cxzatoRier. Y ob’U ree - egnlM a t oniee o a r high qna llty n e a ts and y o n ll enio> o ttr reaaenable price*.

S&H PARK-1“I t’s The jSovinjf On Every Item Thiit Counts” ■

Main and 8th SL W est

have far-rcochlng conse<juence», n o t only because It m igh t result in China belmr strang led bu t because It would leave Uie J a p s sltUng U iedoon iep o t m ighty India.

Wo a re told Uiat Uierc are a ltcr- naUvo Bupply route.s Into China, but i f a my undersU uidlng Uial. while .sevenil a re being developed, none o f them Is y e t rtiidy .

Registering of Melien Falls Short

--------JING, Feb. 2 0 -M ra . :Massey, clerk In th e seleeUve .... vice ofllcc. h a s nnnt>uneed th e reg . Lilratlon of 400 m en on 'r e b . : between the ages of 30 at)d 44.

This nyrnber fell sh o rt nearly 2 l . o f Uie predicted num ber to regLsier. 1 1 U though t th a t marty men who would qualify for th is regLstnillon were away from UiL’i com m unity In defense work elsewhere. Tliese of coiirw will be Iniivirerred to Uils office. T licre will bo a num ber of tho 4D0 registered h e re to be tra ju - ferre<l. said Mrs. Mavsey.

Tlie selccUve service office hi.. received a bullclln wlUi InstrucUons to reconsider a ll ID and 4E regis­trants. T he ID classification In­cluded those rejected , by local doc- t o r r fo r lim ited physical dlsnbllltles and 4E, disqualified for phys­ical dLsablllUe.s.

A, regular board mceUng followed Uie rrglstrolJon.


LONDON, Feb. 20 (/P> — Prtmfl M inister Churchill, im pressed by Uie firmness of hoiise o f comm ons op- poAlUon lo th e p rese n t sovem m ent. Is expeeted to announce th e enlry of S lr-e u ffo rd Crlppa a n d CapUUn Oliver L jlU eton In to Uic w ar cabi­net beforb a •crucla^ debate on Uie war a t Uie nex t com m ons ne.s.slon. Informed sources decla red today,

B lr,'Stafford, ./o rm er ambas-sador lo Moscow, would e n te r th o cabinet wllhoul departm en tal duUes, these sourccs la id . LytUeUjn. now minis­ter recrcsentlng th o cab in e t in Uie middle east, probably will be ap ­pointed Churchill’s deputy nilni.stcr of defense to coordinate Uie b ran d i­es of Ihe (lervlce.

Alfred Duff Cooper, they predict ed. would lake over I^ -iile lo n ’fl pres- cnl Job.

’Tlie consciKus In Uie to­n igh t was lh a t a new w ar cabinet composed of Churchill. Crlpp.s, Clem­ent R. AtUee, lord privy aea l; E rnest

CA SH -Paid for dead, old or disabled horses, mules and cows. Call col­lect Percy G reen a t M A R t ALICE TRO U T FARM

Twin F a il. P h . 0280-J3

Bevin, m inister of labor an d n a ­tional service. and LytU etoa w ould' be announced wiUiin th e n e x t 34 hour*.

T he house of commona will holdtwo-day debate on th e w ar situ a-

Uon with special reference to the Pacific situation when I t m eeta nex t, - BriUsh spokesman announced.


nad ian Press)—C anadians subscrib­ed I39.H03M yesterday to C anada’# second victoiy loan lo r M0 0 « » .0 0 0 and brought total Uiree-day w b - RcrlpUons to 1124,610550.

You Can Help!Buy Fine Pecan

NUTSin Twin Falls stores

Saturday a t only

5 “:r ..... 50cENTIRE niO C EED S TO


P e n n e y 's SC O O P T h e M a rk e t!J u s t 300 Pair


S l » p y .Here's the opporlunily you have been w allhig for. Sheer flattery from top lo toe. 'i 'ou’ll love th e smooUi fit, the tran sp ar- ene>'l Most of a ll — you’ll love Ihe durable rugged- neas th a t cornea wlUi fine quollty Nylon.

P ure S itb - S e m iS h e e r Full F ashioned

H ose79CLuxury Blieer

d beauUful, I yet a t a price to f it anyone.s



Stock up now In this h a rd to get h o s e . . . Cob­web sheer jT t Nylon for serv­ice.

A ctu a lly H u n d red s o f Crisp N ew B u d g e t F ashioned


119FlntterinK' .ilim-Iined prints to put you riKht , in the mood for sprlne! . W hat­ever, your taste', type or nRC — th rifty , w'lish

,fu s t cottons .will do you proud on mowt any duy- tinic o<;casion. See them in our do\vnal;tirt^ htoro. SiiCB 12 to 62.


TEA APRONS !Fresh b rig h t nprin;? pi*<nt.'< Un novelty atyle.'i. You’ll w an t mote thnn One of these for the .scfl- son nhend. - f______

M ed iu m Weight MEN’S UNIONS

Long legs a n d sleeve* for early sprUig £


BOOT SOX — .H eavy w eigh t y a m for com lorl and ' mwarmUi. D ark t r e y or brown wlUi redo r green top . • ■

. Sapou tP a tm WORK


IftcW arm double faced palm and lined throuffhout. S triped canvas back.

BARGAIN FOR MEN.'s S p o r ty W ind B reaker


$ 1 . 9 8G ood looking J a c k e t of s lu r- dy relan fin ished co tton pop- - - ' Un th a t 's w onderfully light a n d w arm . “W ind rea litan t a n d w ater rep e lla n ll T alon fron t, p leated back a n d e la« ' tic a h ln td oidea. , *

N NP E N N r Y C 0 P A N V ,

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