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  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    A Project Report





    In Partial Fulill!ent o t"e re#uire!entor t"e a$ar% o t"e %e&ree o


    ()*+) , )*+-.


    NICKSON PAUL.BURRINICKSON PAUL.BURRI( +/***C+*/0 .( +/***C+*/0 .



    2ARAN1AL , 3*4**0

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    This is to certify that the project work entitled 5MARKET SURVEY AND


    HYDERABAD is a confide work done by NICKSONPAUL9'

    The study has been done under the guidance and superision of

    Mr9SAYULU , !aculty in Depart"ent of Business #anage"ent in the partial

    fulfill"ent of the re$uire"ents for the award of the degree of #A%TER &!


    Pro9 19 ':AVANI PRASAD :ea% o t"e Depart!ent

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    . NICKSON PAUL9', student of #/B/A, Depart"ent of 0o""erce and

    Business #anage"ent, kakatiya uniersity,waranagl here by declare that the

    project work entitled 5Mar;et 8ur

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    This project is an authenticated work of "ine prepared training report at


    this opportunity to thank all the people who e8tent their i""ense help to take

    this opportunity to thank all the people who e8tended their i""ense help to

    co"plete "y project/

    !irstly, . e8press "y deepest gratitude towards "y parents/ Then . would

    like to thank the "anage"ent of M789 RELIANCE COMMUNICATIONS LTD,

    HYDERABAD especially Mr9 'OMMA>I9C:ENDRA SEK:AR? Sr9 M&r%ales/

    9 Mr9 SRINIVASA SUNKARA, %r/ #gr HR/

    . e8press "y deep sense of gratitude to our Head of the Depart"ent Mr

    ':AVANI PRASAD/ . a" also thankful to Mr SAYULU, 4roject .n:charge who

    gae "e her aluable guidelines, ti"ely help and superision in co"pleting "y

    project work/ 7astly, . would like to e8press gratitude to "y well wishers and

    "y friends, who hae a constant source of encourage"ent or proiding all the

    re$uire"ent facilities in co"pleting the project work/

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    ;7earning categori?, Hi:tech city layout,#adhapur, Hyderabad:@)))?*/This has gien "e an altogether newe8perience, which would be i""ense help to "e in "y days to co"e/

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    S.NO. "O#$C

    %. Company #ro&ile

    A'out Reliance Communications

    Reliance (roup

    A)ards * Reco+nition


    ,ision o& Company

    2. #roducts

    -ata CardSB Modem

    /i0ed 1ireless #ones

    Mo'ile #ones

    3. #lans

    -ata card

    SB Modem

    #ost #aid a. /i0ed 1ireless #ones

    '.Mo'ile #ones

    4. Researc Metodolo+y



    Researc * /indin+s

    (rapical representation


    . Market Sare

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion

    !. Comparison

    . S1O" Analysis

    5. Conclusion

    Reliance Communication LimitedProfile

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    The Late Dhirubhai Ambani dreamt of a digital India an India where the

    common man would have access to affordable means of information and

    communication Dhirubhai! who single"handedl# built India$s largest %rivate

    sector com%an# virtuall# from scratch! had stated as earl# as &''': ()a*e the

    tools of information and communication available to %eo%le at an affordable

    cost The# will overcome the handica%s of illiterac# and lac* of mobilit#+

    It was with this belief in mind that Reliance Communications ,formerl#

    Reliance Infocomm- started la#ing ./!/// route *ilometers of a %an"India fiber

    o%tic bac*bone This bac*bone was commissioned on 01 December 0//0! the

    aus%icious occasion of Dhirubhai 2/th birthda#! though sadl# after his

    une3%ected demise on . 4ul# 0//0

    Reliance Communications has a reliable! high"ca%acit#! integrated ,both

    wireless and wire line- and convergent ,voice! data and video- digital networ* It

    is ca%able of delivering a range of services s%anning the entire information and

    communication value chain! including infrastructure and services forenter%rises as well as individuals! a%%lications! and consulting

    Toda#! Reliance Communications is revolutioni5ing the wa# India

    communicates and networ*s! trul# bringing about a new wa# of life

    Reliance Communications will offer a com%lete range of telecom services!

    covering mobile and fi3ed line tele%hon# including broadband! national and

    international long distance services! data services and a wide range of valueadded services and a%%lications that will enhance %roductivit# of enter%rises

    and individuals

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance India )obile! the first of Reliance Communications6 initiatives

    was launched on December 01! 0//0! the 2/th birthda# of the Reliance grou%

    founder! 7hri Dhirubhai 8 Ambani

    This mar*s the beginning of Reliance6s dream of ushering in a digital

    revolution in India b# becoming a ma9or catal#st in im%roving ualit# of life and

    changing the face of India It aims to achieve this b# %utting the %ower of

    information and communication in the hands of the %eo%le of India at affordable


    Reliance Communications will e3tend its efforts be#ond the traditional value

    chain to develo% and de%lo# telecom solutions for India6s farmers! businesses!hos%itals! government and %ublic sector organi5ations


    By ()*@, be a"ongst the top > "ost alued .ndian co"panies,

    proiding .nfor"ation, 0o""unication9 Entertain"entserices, and being the industry bench"ark 0usto"er

    E8perience, E"ployee 0entricity and .nnoation/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


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  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 3roupCs flagship co"pany, Reliance 0o""unications, is .ndias largestpriate sector infor"ation and co""unications co"pany, with oer *@) "illionsubscribers/ .t has established a pan:.ndia, high:capacity, integrated 'wirelessand wire line-, conergent 'oice, data and ideo- digital network, to offerserices spanning the entire infoco"" alue chain/

    &ther "ajor group co"panies Reliance 0apital and Reliance

    .nfrastructure are widely acknowledged as the "arket leaders in their

    respectie areas of operation/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    , A0 2ielsenoted Reliance #obile 'for"erly Reliance .ndia #obile- as .ndiaCs #ost TrustedTeleco" Brand/ .n Guly ())>, it created a world record by adding one "illionsubscribers in a "atter of just *) days through its #onsoon Hunga"aC offer/

    hat sets Reliance #obile apart is the fact that nearly ) per cent of ourhandsets are data:enabled, and can access hundreds of Gaa applications onReliance #obile orld/

    Reliance #obile has ushered in a "obile reolution by offering adanced"ulti"edia handsets to the co""on "an at ery affordable rates/ Thisinnoatie low pricing has increased the nu"ber of "obile phone users and itsresult is clearly reflected in the "eteoric rise in .ndiaCs tele:density oer thepast four years/

    &ur pan:.ndia wireless network runs on 0D#A())) *8 technology, which has

    superior oice and data capabilities co"pared to other cellular "obiletechnologies/ 0D#A())) *8 is "ore cost:effectie as it utilises the scarce radiospectru" "ore efficiently than other technologies do/ Enhanced oice clarity,superior data speed of up to * kbps and sea"less "igration to newergenerations of "obile technologies are so"e of its key differentiators/


    The %uccessful rolling out of real broadband serices across the nation

    "arks the second chapter of reliance co""unications co""it"ent to user in

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    !ebruary *R0 Announces J> !inancial Results

    !ebruary *KReliance 0o""unications signs pact with Radio 2etherlands orldwide

    In T"e Year@)*+*

    Ganuary *Reliance Big TL and .ndiaga"es sign strategic agree"ent

    Ganuary (*R0 offers 0artoon 2etwork 0o"ics on #obiles

    !ebruary **R0 partners with %2DT o"ens 1niersity

    #arch *@Reliance 0o""unications achiees a land"ark of *)) "illion custo"ers

    #arch *KReliance 0o""unications and 4olyco" forge partnership to jointly drie "arketopportunities in .ndia

    #arch (KReliance 0o""unications co""e"orates *)) "illion custo"er land"ark with!ree 0elebratory Airti"e on #arch (?

    April (KReliance 0o""unications signs strategic alliance with 3etGar to create .ndiaCslargest and free applications store/

    #ay @B.3 TL launches .ndiaCs first HD DLR %erice

    #ay FReliance 0o""unications breaks away fro" tariff "etering tradition of .ndianteleco" industry/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    #ay *@Reliance 0o""unications announces J financial results for the financial yearended #arch >*, ()*)/

    #ay (KReliance ebstore co""ences "arket roll:out of .ndiaCs cheapest touchscreen0D#A phone

    #ay >*R0 "akes Rs ?@?@ crore pay"ent towards >3 spectru" to DoT for *> circles

    Gune *FR0 announces unli"ited internet access on "obile

    Gune (*R0 launches .ndiaCs first ;7ie 0hat= 0usto"er %erice .nitiatie/

    August R0 9 1niersal #usic sign e8clusie strategic partnership in its preparationfor >3 launch

    August *>R0 Announces J* !inancial Results

    August *FReliance #obile introduces Braille Bill %erice for isually i"paired

    August ()R0 9 2okia join hands for a first:of:its:kind "ulti:faceted businesspartnership

    2oe"ber *>R0 Announces !inancial Results !or The Juarter Ended %epte"ber >), ()*)

    Dece"ber >Reliance 0o""unications to 1neil 2ew >3 #obile Data %erices 4ortal &n#otricity 4latfor"

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Dece"ber *>R0 Announces The 7aunch of > 3 %erices

    In T"e Year@)**0

    Ganuary *R0 launches pan .ndia roll out of 3%#

    Ganuary (Reliance #obile and #icrosoft to launch fourth edition of 2ational DigitalElocution 0ontest'2DE0- in .ndia

    Ganuary ?R0 ties up with %wanbaytech , 16 to bring ad:funded ideos on Reliance#obile 4hones

    !ebruary *Reliance #obile launches 3%# serice in Delhi

    !ebruary *>R0 announces a record of fie "illion news subscribers in Ganuary ())

    !ebruary (F

    .0RA assigns 7AAA rating to R0Cs 20D 4rogra" and enhanced Bank 7inesMe8isting rating reaffir"ed/R0 ties up with !7YTNT, i"ple"ents new "obile "arketing platfor"

    #arch *(Reliance 0o""unications launches 2etconnect Broadband 4lus: .ndiaCs fastestwireless internet serice

    #arch *>Reliance 0o""unications announces adding a record of >/> "illion wirelesscusto"ers in !ebruary ())

    April *@Reliance 0o""unications clocks **/> "illion subscribers in Ganuary: #arch ())

    #ay **Reliance #obile to go 7.LE with all .00 orld 0up T () "atches on R orld LA%

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    #ay (FR0 shareholders approe sche"e of arrange"ent of de"erge of fiber opticdiision

    #ay >)Reliance B.3 TL e8pands channel bou$uet with ten new channels

    Gune ?Reliance B.3 TL can get lie in:stadia e8perience on interactie cricket

    Gune R0 .nfrastructure 9 6R.BH0& forge rural "arketing joint enture

    Gune *)Reliance #obile offers BlackBerry serice for Rs/ ( per "onth

    Gune *FReliance #obile in alliance with Aaj Tak to offer ideo news alerts/

    Guly )*Alcatel 7ucent, Reliance 0o""unications #anaged 2etwork %erices Goint

    Lenture co"pletes &ne year

    Guly )(Reliance B.3 TL launches i%tock .ndiaCs first portfolio tracking serice on a DTHplatfor"

    Guly ((Etisalat DB Teleco" 9 Reliance 0o""unications Announce A 7ong:Ter"%trategic Teleco" .nfrastructure %haring Agree"ent

    Guly (KReliance #obile in pact with 1%:based 3a"eloft for 4aris HiltonCs e8clusie ga"e

    August **3ood Response to !ie 43 0ertificate 4rogra"s &ffered By Reliance orld 9N7R. Ga"shedpur

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    August *>Reliance 0o""unications %igns %trategic Tie:up ith 6odiak 2etworks !or2ationwide Roll:out &f #obile 0onferencing %erice

    August *?Reliance #obile introduces Antakshari serice on 3%# 9 0D#A networks

    August ((Reliance #obile plans uni$ue contest based on .00 0ha"pions Trophy

    August (@R0 targets rural custo"ers with new serices 9 sachet pricing for "obile.nternet access

    %epte"ber )?Depart"ent of Teleco""unications allots ?)@@ series to Reliance0o""unications for #aharashtra 9 3oa

    %epte"ber *)Reliance #obile launches B.3#aps on 3%# 2etwork

    %epte"ber *?Reliance #obile introduces job:search serice for blue:collar e"ploy"entseekers

    &ctober )@Reliance 0o""unications redefines Teleco" .ndustry bench"arks

    &ctober )?Reliance ebstore signs strategic distribution agree"ent with 0oolpad0o""unications

    &ctober (*Reliance #obile offers personali

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 0o""unications receies start:up 3%# %pectru"/

    Ganuary *FYahoo partners with Reliance 0o""unications to proide Yahoo &ne %earch forits 0D#A and 3%# custo"ers/

    Ganuary >*R0s J > net profit increases by ?/@O and reenues up by (/? O/ Re"ainsthe "ost profitable teleco" co"pany in .ndia/

    !ebruary Reliance 0o""unications offers 7ifeti"e Lalidity at Rs */R0Cs subsidiary .nfratel files Draft Red Herring 4rospectus with %EB./

    !ebruary @

    Reliance #obile strengthens its religious content portfolio on "obile by tie:upwith %adhana TL/

    !ebruary *R0 in partnership with 0anas#, launches #ulitplayer #obile 3a"es/

    !ebruary *HD!0 Bank ties up with R0, turns eery Reliance #obile into a credit card/

    !ebruary (KReliance 0o""unications consolidates 3lobal Teleco" Business under Business

    3lobalco"C/Reliance 0o""unications forays into .nternational #obile #arket with 3%#licence in 1ganda/

    #arch >Reliance 0o""unications drops prices of .nternet data cards/

    #arch *)Reliance 0o""unications announces E%&4s for oer (),))) e"ployees/

    #arch ()Reliance 0o""unications and HT0 forge strategic alliance/

    #arch (K0orporation Bank launches banking serices on Reliance #obile orld/

    April *

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 0o""unications forays into .T space, launches Reliance Technology%erices 0o"pany/

    April R0 launches educational portal on Reliance #obile phones/

    April (@Reliance 3lobalco" unit Reliance .nfoco" BL, 2etherlands ac$uires 3lobali#AN &perator eae orld/

    April (Reliance 0o""unications announces unli"ited free %TD calls/

    April >)

    Reliance 3lobalco" launches 4assport 3lobal %.#/R0s net profit up by K)/?O to Rs @,)* crore/

    #ay (Reliance 0o""unicationsC net profit up by K)/?O to Rs @,)* crore '1%I *,>@)"illion-, reenues higher by >*/?O to Rs/*, )F? crore '1%I ,KF@ "illion- andEB.DTA increases by >/>O to Rs/?, * crore '1%I () "illion-/

    #ay *(Reliance 0o""unications and Alcatel for" joint enture to offer #anaged2etwork %erices to telcos across the globe/

    #ay (FReliance 3lobalco" ac$uires 16 based LA20& 3roup 7i"ited/

    Gune (Reliance 3lobalco", %tealth 0o""unications forge strategic alliance to e8tendL&.4 2etwork across @) countries/

    Guly *(0A e8a" results on Reliance #obile/

    Guly ((Reliance 0o""unications #obile subscriber base crosses @) #illion/

    Guly (0A professional e8a" results on Reliance #obile/

    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Guly >*Reliance 0o""unications 'R0- announces its financial results for the first$uarter ended Gune >), ())?/ 2et profit up by (>/O to Rs/ *,@*( crore '1%I>@( "illion-/

    August *Reliance 0o""unications 7aunches B.3 TL DTH %erice/August ((Reliance #obile orld Brings Gan"aashta"iC0elebrations/

    %epte"ber *FReliance #obile 7aunches 4repaid Blackberry %erices in .ndia/

    %epte"ber ((R0 9 BB0 2ews Enter A %trategic Agree"ent !or #obile 0ontent

    %epte"ber (FReliance #obile Brings 2aratriC 9 Durga 4oojaC 0elebrations

    &ctober *)R0Cs !estial Bonan

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    RE7.A20E #&B.7E &R7D 7aunches GEELA2%ATH. on #&B.7EC%ERL.0E

    2oe"ber )FR0 launches Juick %earchC serice on Reliance #obile orld/

    2oe"ber **Reliance B.3 TL DTH %erice clocks one "illion subscribers in ?@ days/

    2oe"ber *?R0 Ties 1p with P#J to deelop "obile ga"es based on 12Cs the"es/

    Dece"ber *Reliance #obile launches Te8t 2ews %erice in 2ine Regional 7anguages/

    Dece"ber >)R0 launches 3%# serice across .ndia

    In T"e Year@)**B

    Ganuary *)Reliance 0o""unications adds a record */ "illion subscribers in Dece"ber C)F/

    Ganuary *?

    Reliance 0o""unication launches uni$ue Q%i"ply ()>)Q plan on Reliance Hello/

    Ganuary (@Reliance 0o""unications pro"otes Roger aters "usic concert/

    Ganuary (R0 shareholders approe tower business de"erger with a /Ooerwhel"ing "ajority/

    Ganuary >)&erwhel"ing response to Reliance orldCs national digital elocution


    Ganuary >)Reliance joins 7enoo and .ntel for .nternet on the #oeC/

    !ebruary (

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 0o""unicationsC "arket capitalisation tops Rs * lakh crore ' * trillionrupees or (/> billion 1% dollars- on Bo"bay %tock E8change/

    !ebruary *FReliance 0o""unications offers best alue on roa"ing/

    !ebruary (F%earch jobs 9 classified ads fro" Reliance #obile orld : Reliance0o""unications ties up with 2aukri/co"/

    #arch FReliance 0o""unications ushers in Lirtual 3lobal 0onference 2etworkC/

    #arch K

    DH.R1BHA. A#BA2. + THE #A2 . 62E By 6&6.7ABE2Book on !ounder 0hair"an launched/

    #arch ?Reliance 0o""unications launches Roa" Ga"aicaC on Reliance #obile/

    #arch *FReliance #obile launches %uno PeeC/

    #arch *De"erger of 4assie .nfrastructure diision Reliance 0o""unications 9 Reliance

    Teleco" approed by the Bo"bay High 0ourt/

    #arch (*Reliance orld offers progra""e to help students C0rack Ad"issions in 0ollegesAbroadC/

    #arch (>3otCs Rural Telephone %che"e 'RDE7-through Reliance 0o""unicationssuccessfully closes by #arch >*,())K/

    #arch (FBooking train ticket fro" Reliance #obile 4hones beco"es "ore easy now with.TP 0ash 0ards/

    April Reliance 0o""unications unleashes the power of "obile adertising/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    April FReliance 0o""unications ac$uires */( "illion subscribers in #arch ())K/

    April **%unny days and nights for Reliance #obile subscribers asReliance 0o""unications ties up with %12 TL to offer ideo strea"ing of all%12 TL progra"s online (8K/

    April **Reliance orld launches su""er e:ca"p for school kids/

    April >)R0 first listed .ndian teleco" co"pany to reward shareholders/

    #ay (A 0lassic Bonan

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 0o""unications launches unli"ited calling/

    Gune @R0 hosts se"inar on E"erging Trends in #obile Applications Deelop"entC/

    Gune FReliance 0o""unications adds */ "illion new "obile subscribers in #ay())K/

    Gune FReliance 0lassic #akes #usic : !# Radio 4hones 7aunched at just Rs/*???/

    Gune (KReliance orld, B.#TE0H 9 4hiladelphia 1niersity uneil e8ecutie progra" inretail "anage"ent 'E4R#-/

    Gune (?Reliance 0o""unications ties up with 0isco to launch Business .nternet %ericesfor %#Es in 4une/

    Guly Bengali "oie AnurananC on Reliance #obile orld/

    Guly KR0 and J1A70# 0ollaborate on 0D#A())) E8pansion/

    Guly *(Reliance 0o""unications awards Alcatel:7ucent a 2e8t:3en network e8pansioncontract/

    Guly *(Reliance 0o""unications awards Huawei all .4 2e8t:3en network e8pansioncontract/

    Guly *R0 announces sale of e$uity stake in its Tower 0o"pany:Reliance Teleco"

    .nfrastructure 7i"ited/

    Guly *R0s A3# on Reliance #obile orld/

    Guly (>

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    R0 launches Rural #obile Application 0ontest/

    2oe"ber *F!air 9 7oely %cholarship on Reliance #obile orld is winner at the ##A awards,1%A/

    2oe"ber (K!7A3 and 3lassHouse ink land"ark partnership/

    Dece"ber **Reliance 0o""unications adjudged orldCs Top 0D#A &perator at the 3lobal0D#A .ndustry Achiee"ents Awards !ete/

    Dece"ber ()

    Reliance 0o""unications co"pletes YipesC ac$uisition/

    Dece"ber (R0 announces special offers for 0hrist"as and 2ew Year/

    In T"e Year@)**4

    Ganuary )*Reliance .nfoco"" launches Q&ne 2ation, &ne TariffQ to enable Reliance

    .ndia#obile prepaid users to call anywhere in .ndia at Re one per "inute/

    Ganuary *Reliance De"erger adds record Rs/@@, ))) 0rore to shareholder wealth/

    Ganuary (>T.#E% 2& launched on Reliance #obile 4hones, "aking it the worldCs first TLchannel to be launched on a "obile phone/

    #arch )FReliance 0o""unications Lentures 7td/ 'R0L7-, .ndias leading integrated

    teleco""unications co"pany, a "e"ber of the Reliance : Anil DhirubhaiA"bani group, lists on the Bo"bay %tock E8change and 2ational %tockE8change/

    #arch (*Reliance .nfoco"" introduces R orld in Hindi to beco"e the worlds first

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    operator to offer "obile data serices in "ore than one language on the sa"ehandset/ This will "ake it possible for "illions of .ndians to access the popular Rorld with hundreds of eery:day:use applications in the national language/

    #arch (>Reliance:Anil Dhirubhai A"bani 3roup signs up .ndian crickets whi< kid andheartthrob of "illions #ahendra %ingh Dhoni as the brand a"bassador forReliance 0o""unications Lentures 7td/

    #arch (Reliance .nfoco"" beco"es .ndiaCs first teleco" operator to launch sea"lessinter:standard international roa"ing serice : *orld/*2u"ber, with singlenu"ber on international 0D#A and 3%# networks/

    April (KReliance 0o""unications launches .ndiaCs first Talking #essage %erice 'T#%-enabling its "obile users to send oice "essages to not only other "obiles butalso fi8ed wireless phones '!4- and landlines/

    Gune ((Reliance 0o""unications ties up with Disney to offer on Reliance #obile orld.ndias first >D ani"ation on "obile/

    Guly )>Reliance 0o""unications launches Hello 0apital 4lan to enable its subscribersin * state capitals to call each other at the local call rate of ) paise per"inute/

    Guly *Reliance 0o""unications slashes .7D rates by up to FFO/

    August KT:0o" signs contract with !7A3 Teleco" for Europe:1% bandwidth/

    %epte"ber @1nion 0o""unications 9 .T #inister Thiru Dayanidhi #aran inauguratesReliance 0o""unicationsC !A70&2 0able %yste"/

    2oe"ber *KReliance 0o""unications launches !ree 3roup Ter" 7ife 0oer for its 0D#A

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    Dece"ber (?Reliance 0o""unicationsC !7A3 Teleco" announces !7A3 2e8t 3en to coer F)countries/

    In T"e Year@)**3

    Ganuary )Reliance introduces first e:recharge facility in 0D#A in .ndia/

    Ganuary (Reliance .ndiaMobileannounces "ega rural plan to coer lakh illages and F@crore .ndians by Dece"ber ())@/

    Gune (FAnil A"bani appointed 0hair"an of Reliance .nfoco""/

    Guly >)Air Deccan and Reliance eborld join hands to offer air ticket booking facilityat Reliance eborld /

    August **N7R.s 4ost:3raduate 0ertificate progra""e in 7ogistics %upply 0hain#anage"ent '4307%0#- launched on Reliance eborlds irtual classroo"platfor"/ first of its kind e:learning progra""e in .ndia/

    August *?Reliance .nfoco"" rolls out international roa"ing facility across seeralcountries to beco"e the first .ndian 0D#A operator to offer its custo"ers such aserice/

    %epte"ber )FReliance .nfoco"" tied:up with the Bo"bay %tock E8change to "ake aailablelie stock $uotes on its "obile phones/

    %epte"ber *@Reliance 0o""unications, 16 launched Reliance .ndiaCallserice in England

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    and ales enabling callers to "ake high:$uality calls to .ndia fro" any landlineor "obile phone at econo"ical rates/

    %epte"ber (*Apollo Hospital and Reliance .nfoco"" join hands to proide top classhealthcare serice to "illions of .ndians in oer a hundred .ndian cities/

    &ctober *>Reliance eborld wins !rost 9 %ullian #arket 7eadership Award for Lideo0onferencing serices/

    2oe"ber *(Reliance .nfoco"" hosts the th global 0D#A &perators %u""it/

    2oe"ber ((Reliance .nfoco"" joins hands with .ndian Airlines to offer .ndias first "obilebooking of do"estic airline ticket/

    2oe"ber >)Reliance .nfoco"" introduces #&REbile, redefines custo"er rewarding with >>O "ore talk ti"e on prepaid recharges of Rs >*@ deno"ination and aboe and"uch "ore/

    Dece"ber *(Reliance .nfoco"" and 0hina Teleco" sign agree"ent for teleco" serices to

    proide direct teleco""unication serice, including a global hubbing serice, tosubscribers in the two countries/

    In T"e Year@)**-

    Ganuary *(.nternational wholesale teleco""unications serice proider, !7A3 Teleco"a"alga"ates with Reliance 3ateway, a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance.nfoco""

    !ebruary 7aunches R.M4repaid with attractie offer : !or Rs >@)) get a #otorola 0*>*"obile phone and Rs >() worth of re: charge ouchers instantly and stayconnected for * year/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    !ebruary *KReliance subsidiary !lag Teleco" announces !A70&2 4roject : a "ajor new#iddle East 7oop Terabits %ub"arine 0able %yste" with links to Egypt and Hong6ong ia .ndia/

    #arch ((Reliance .nfoco"" launches "ulti:player ga"ing on R.Mhandsets : a first in.ndia/

    April )@Reliance .ndiaMobileintroduces .nternational Roa"ing facility to *K( countries,>)) networks/

    April (>

    Reliance .nfoco"" introduces first eer auction facility on #obile phonesthrough R orld/

    #ay (KReliance .nfoco"" receies the #ost 4ro"ising %erice 4roider of the Year())> 'Asia 4acific- award at the Asia 4acific Technology Awards instituted by!rost 9 %ullian/

    Gune ?Reliance .nfoco"" introduces orld 0ard : a 4repaid .nternational calling cardfor affordable and conenient .%D calls fro" .ndia/

    Guly (Announces .ndias !irst #47% 3lobal L42 %olution in partnership with #0./

    August @7aunches the first regional custo"er contact centre in 0hennai/

    %epte"ber F#ukesh D/ A"bani, 0hair"an, Reliance .nfoco"", receies Loice 9 DataTeleco" #an of the YearC award/

    %epte"ber .ntroduces railway ticket booking fro" R orld data applications suite ofReliance .ndia#obile/

    &ctober *(#ukesh A"bani oted the worldCs "ost influential teleco" person by 16:based

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    publication Total Teleco"/

    &ctober *Reliance .nfoco"" bags the 0D#A Deelop"ent 3roups 3G CDMA IndustryAchievement Aard !or International "eadershi#$

    In T"e Year@)**/

    Ganuary *@.ntroduces Dhirubhai A"bani pioneer offer for Reliance .ndiaMobileserice/

    !ebruary *7aunches Reliance eborld in top *F cities/

    #arch >*7aunches .nternational 7ong Distance %erices/

    April >0o""issions all backbone rings/

    April (@.ntroduces colour handsets/

    #ay *7aunches Reliance .ndiaMobile%erice co""ercially in top ( citieswith one "illion custo"ers/

    Gune *)7aunches .ndias first wireless 4oint of %ale '4&%-/

    Guly *.ntroduces Q#onsoon Hunga"aQ &ffer5 .nstant "ulti"edia "obile phone andconnection for just Rs @)*/

    %ets world record : ac$uires one "illion custo"ers in *) days/

    Guly >7aunches R 0onnect .nternet connection cable/

    Aug (F

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    .ntroduces Reliance .ndia%hone!i8ed ireless 4hone and Ter"inal/

    %epte"ber ()Q2aratriQ a data serice in R:orld posts a world record of *) "illiondownloads on the first day of the launch/

    %epte"ber >)R orld clocks a pheno"enal * billion hits in * "onth/

    &ctober F7aunches integrated broadband centre at Reliance eborld, Bangalore/

    &ctober (Deploys pilot of Ho"e 2etway in #u"bai/

    &ctober >)Reliance beco"es .ndias largest "obile serice proider within K "onths ofco""ercial launch/

    2oe"ber >0usto"er base touches @ "illion/

    2oe"ber *(#igrates to 1nified 7icense Regi"e/

    2oe"ber *F7aunches national roa"ing/

    2oe"ber (*7aunches international %#% to *@ countries/

    Dece"ber *Adds @))th 0ontact 0entre E8ecutie/0ontact 0entre beco"es the largest such facility deployed by any single .ndian%erice 4roider

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    In T"e Year@)**)

    Ganuary *@!irst Base Transceier %tation 'BT%- "ade Ready for ElectronicsC/

    !ebruary (@&btains international long distance licence fro" 3ot/ of .ndia/

    Dece"ber ((0o""issions *st &ptic !ibre backbone ring/

    Dece"ber (Establishes *st 4oint of .nterconnect '4&.- in 2ew Delhi/

    Dece"ber (KHonble 4ri"e #inister of .ndia, Atal Behari Lajpayee e:inaugurates Reliance.nfoco""Honble 1nion #inister for 4arlia"entary Affairs, .nfor"ation Technology and0o""unications, 4ra"od #ahajan, inaugurates 22&0/

    In T"e Year@)**+

    #ay *!irst #edia 0onergence 2ode "ade Ready for ElectronicsC at Gaipur/

    In T"e Year@)***

    #ay *)&ptic fibre laying process co""ences in 3ujarat, Andhra 4radesh 9#aharashtra/

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    In T"e Year@+000

    The Drea", *Q#ake a phone call cheaper than a postcard and you will usher in a reolutionarytransfor"ation in the lies of "illions of .ndiansQ : Dhirubhai A"bani

    The Reality, 2oe"ber *@Reliance .nfoco"" begins project planning/


    e will create world:class bench"arks by5

    #eeting and e8ceeding Cu8to!er epectation8with a seg"ented

    approach Establishing, re:engineering and auto"ating Proce88e8to "ake the"

    custo"er centric, efficient and effectie .ncessant offering of Pro%uct8 an% Ser

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion




    A product is a bundle of physical service and symbolicalparticulars expected to yield satisfaction benefits to thebuyers.

    (Phillip Kotler)

    A product is a complex of tangible and intangible attributers,including pacaging, colors, price, manufacture and retailer!s

    service "hich the buyer may accept as offering satisfaction of"ants of needs.

    $%illiam J S&an&on'

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Reliance 2et 0onnect #ode"



    ireless internet access across @>)) towns and > lakh illages/ .nternetbrowsing and download speed upto *@>/F kbps/ 0o"patible withindows ())) and indows N4/

    +oice and S,S Compa&ible*

    #ake and receie oice calls

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    ea&!re *-

    1ninterrupted high:speed wireless .nternet connectiity, across *)))) towns, > lakh illages and growing/

    Better surfing speeds, with download speeds up to * kbps/High download speed of heay e"ail attach"ents&ne:ti"e installation of the dial:up software without the need tochange the dial:up configuration/Hassle:free connection

    & 0onnect instantly '2o line busy waiting tone-

    & Easy to re"e"ber userna"e password 'your phone

    card nu"ber-

    Enables a user to surf the .nternet without being tied down to a landlinefro" any location your bedroo", drawing roo", hotel roo", office,outdoors or on the "oe in a car, train or bus/

    /he ne&"or ad(an&a0eThis re"arkable serice irtually conerts the whole of .ndia into a

    wireless hot spot/

    *)))) towns and cities and >)),))) illages &n highways, rail routes, airport lounges and re"ote locations

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    By Nickson paul.B

    L1 LSP 234R

    Speaker #one

    R 9 Connect

    Lar+e9capacity pone'ook

    L1 5ricon 6 LSP 784R

    /M Radio

    377 #one 'ook

    #o)er -o)n


    5/S9::8 Cordle

    C-MA2777 %: R""standard

    %! ;

    Lar+e volume

    L1 LSP ;34R

    Ni9M< Recar+ea'leBattery

    O"A ?Over "e Air@


    %2 rin+tones

    Claic 28

    Support te C-MA2777

    %: R"" standard

    Supports i+9uality

    voice services )it5k'its enanced varia'le

    rate codec ?5k'ps ,RC@

    Support dual tonemultiple &reuency

    ?-"M/@ secondary

    dialin+ Auto installation

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study OnMarket survey and productpromotion



    %aier &'

    -ual S$M?C-MAE(SM@

    .! cm ?2.2F@ "/"


    G1R"> ;eypad?n+lis E

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    /he be& iPhone 3e?perience a"ai& )o!on &he be& 21 ne&"or.

    3G data at 99 per GB

    Free Facebook, WhatsApp & Twitter for 3 months

    Premium number free for the first 3 days

    !c"usi#e benefits for iPhone customers

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Post%aid Plans:


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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Research methodolog#:

    5ethodology in the applied sense refers to various methods usedby the researcher right from data collection and varioustechniues used for the same for interpretation and inference.5ethods and techniues are often used synonymously in

    research literature. ?esearch methodology is "hat must bedone, ho" it "ill be done, "hat data "ill be needed, "hat datagathering "ill be employed, ho" sources of data "ill beselected and ho" the data "ill be analyBed and conclusionsreached. hen "e tal of research methodology "e not only tal

    of the research methods but also consider the logicbehind the methods "e use in the context of our research studyand explain "hy "e are using a particular method or techniueand "hy "e are not using others so that research resultsare

    capable of being evaluated either by theresearcher himself or by others.

    Ob9ectives of the Research:

    8he basic purpose of the research "as to identify the position ofthe employees . 8he ey obCectives of the research are asfollo"s$

    ?%@ 8o no" about the ho" they get training.

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    ?2@ 8o no" about the employees satisfaction fromtraining.

    ?3@ 8o mae the employees a"are about the ne" product andplans and "ith this to no" exactly "hat type of plans doesthe customer "ants to use.

    (=) As them to tae the complete vie" of the customerabout the ?&:> and its services and thus to generate need of?eliance products.

    ?4@ ith the help of the uestionnaire the company canmade the important changes in the training procedure so that

    the company reaches to"ards the employessatisfaction.

    Im%ortance of the Research:*ignificance of research and research leads to invention.#ollo"ing facts highlight the importance of the research.

    (3) ?esearch facilitates logical or scientific thiningprocess "hich leads to"ards flo" less strategy formulation.

    (-) :t facilitates identification of Dtrends! "hich ultimatelyresponsible in mareting opportunities.

    () +ecision maing becomes easier for "ellresearched phenomenon.

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    (=) ?esearch is important in solving various operational andplanning problems of business and industry.

    ?@ :t helps understanding perception of the employes aboutthe training and accordingly designs the training


    )a9or data Collection )ethods:

    I. Secondar) Reearcha) :nternal secondarydata

    +ata from the company itself"hich the company alreadyhas.

    b) 1xternal secondarydata

    +ata from the magaBines andne"s papers,

    II. S!r(e) Reearch


    &ollection of information fromrespondents via telephone

    b) 5ail intervie"s &ollection of information fromrespondents via mail or similartechniues

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    c) Personal intervie"s



    &ollection of information in aface6to6face situation.Personal intervie"s in therespondent!s home or officePersonal intervie"s in a centrallocation, generally a shoppingmall

    III. ield e?perimen& 5anipulation of theindependent variable(s) in anatural situation.

    Research and >indings:

    8here are many types of the research lie descriptive,analytical, basic, applied, ualitative, uantitative, andconceptual. : have chosen the field of Asthana to"er,reliance communication .

    De c r ip & i ( e Reea r c h *

    :n this type of research : have collected data by observation, bymailing to the companies or to the ey decision maer, by going tothe company "ith the appointment "ith the ey decision maerand as employees about training produres in the ?eliance&ommunication .

    A n a l ) & ica l Reea r c h *

    : also have collected data from already available information. : gotthe information from the ne"spapers "ith the help of that

    information (phone no.) : used to tae appointment "ith theconcerned person and. :n this research correlation techniue isused to analyBe the data.

    Ba i c o r P ! r e Re e arc h *

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    4isiting to the company to company : have got many people "ho arenot satisfied "ith the services of ?&:>.8his enhance my ability ofdealing "ith the people and mae them satisfied.

    A p p lied R eea r c h *8he research "hich has immediate commercial potential is calledapplied research. Applied research can further be classified asproblem oriented and problem solving research.

    P r ob lem O r ie n & ed R eea r chE+uring the research : have met "ith many people "ho are havingmany problems regarding the connections, poor net"or, poor

    services and many other problems. 5ost of the customers aresaying about the billing procedure they have big problem "ith thecollection of the bills so that maes the satisfaction level of thecustomers do"n.

    P r ob lem o l( in 0 R eea r chE?&:> is facing the main problem about the net"or and the billingof postpaid connections users because there is no collection

    centre near by the area "hich : have visited that is "hy thecompany is not getting good business from the particular area.

    @ ! a n &i& a &i(e R eea r c h$: have visited about ; companies and : have got different resultfrom them

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    Areas 7ur#ed:

    :n my proCect time : have visited in many areas in Pune so here is

    the information about the company "hich : have collected fromthem.6

    Areas *urveyed$6

    procedurePimpari5:+& 0hosari5:+& &hich"ad

    :ndrayani nagar

    Alandi5:+& >ande"ari


    The sche"es of RE7.A20E 0#12.0AT.&2 are better in co"parison toother

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    RE7.A20E 0#12.0AT.&2 0D#A has a facility of Auto Roa"ing/

    Better .nternet plan co"pare to other/

    Better roa"ing plan/

    RE7.A20E 0#12.0AT.&2 hae strong custo"er seg"ent in corporate/

    7acking in pro"otional actiity/

    0lassic which is new "obile "anufacturer for RE7.A20E hae to face "anyproble"s related to "obile set/

    Promotional ?or*:

    Sale promo&ion is one of the four aspects of p r omo tio n al m ix.(8he other three parts of the promo tion a l m ix are adver tis in g,pers o nal s e llin g,and p ub lic ity@p ub lic re la tions.) *ales promotionsare non6personal promotional efforts that are designed to have an

    immediate impact on sales. 5edia and non6media maretingcommunications are employed for a pre6determined limited timeto increase consumer demand, stimulate maret demand orimprove product availability. 1xamples include$

    cou p ons

    d i s c oun ts and sales, including 0 l u e & ross * a l e con tes tsp o int of purc h ase displays reba tesfree samp les (in the case of food items)

    gifts and incentive itemsfree travel, such as free flights

    *ales promotions can be directed at the cus tomer,sales staff, ord is tr ibu tion channel members (such as re ta ilers ).*ales

    By Nickson paul.B
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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    promotions targeted at the consu m er are called con!mer alepromo&ion. *ales promotions targeted at retailers and " h o les a leare called &rade ale promo&ion. *ome sale promotions,particularly ones "ith unusual methods, are considered g im m icby many.


    Doing a project in &E"IANCE C'MMUNICATI'N in 4unecity, was a great opportunity to practically understandand e8periencing the "arketing field/

    . e8press "y deep sense of gratitudeto &E"IANCEC'MMUNICATI'N for giing "e this opportunity and forproiding platfor" to undergo training, and get the

    aluable knowledge of teleco" industry/

    AsRELIANCE COMMUNICATION is a telecom company theproCect "as totally a mareting proCect hence it helped me topractically understand the telecommunication services.

    By Nickson paul.B
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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    The co"pany helped to understand arioussche"es

    The co"pany also helped "e to understandeery step of their co"petitors in the "arket/

    The co"pany also helped "e to understandinghow !&%

    perfor"s their work efficiently/

    During the surey it is obsered that

    what are the real proble"s faced by the custo"er/

    #eeting different people in ariousseg"ents, interiewing with corporate and actual usershelped "e to learn the basics of teleco" industry/

    During the surey . ca"e to know the realco"petition between the "ajor players of teleco"

    industry/ .t helped "e to understand the future of teleco"industry with its opportunities and threats.

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion

    7?OT A=AL@7I7:

    ST R EN G TH

    Big brand name

    The newtechnology launcher(CDMA)

    First in FWPs

    trong mar!et"ood networ! in


    W E A K NESS


    Customer caresection

    $ot %ery good tari&&'lans &or TD users

    Battery li&e o& handsets

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    "rowing data cardmar!et

    "rowing mar!et o&CDMA 'hones

    stablishment o&new business in Pune

    T H R E A TS

    aunch o& TATA#ndicom *B modem

    Big mar!et share o&Airtel and growingTT in Maharashtra


    ?eliance communication is a very big brand name and : am very

    thanful to the ?eliance people to help me in completing my proCect in

    ?eliance communication. ?eliance communication provides me the

    good opportunities to mae my sills stronger in mareting. : am also

    very thanful to my proCect guide 5r. ?aCiv 8aneCa for giving

    me his useful guidelines and important time.

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion

    hile doing this proCect : have taled "ith many people and came to

    no" about the maret and : learnt that ho" the companies! "ors

    and "hat they have to do for retaining there position in the maret.

    ?eliance &ommunications has trained me to face the challenges

    "hatever in the maret.


    After co"pleting "y work of analy

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    %ales E8ecuties are not getting proper guidanceand support fro" the seniors because of heay workloadon the" so there is a need to "anage workload so

    "anaging "anpower is also a big task to do/#ajority of respondents co"plain about the after

    sales serices like billings, and interruption in the networkso the $uality of after sales serices should be i"proed/

    0usto"er care serices are ery poor co"panyshould i"proe that part also/

    Deice installation and registration on site should beeasier to work so that custo"ers need not to gie "ore

    papers at the ti"e of purchasing a new connection/Reliance 0o""unication should "ake such strategies whichsuits the co"panyCs na"e and brand/ Reliance0o""unication is already haing a good brand i"age


    10* :81* $G


    " "" .googl

    0 99 K * P ?1 # #1 ? 1 + $

    5areting 5anagement6 Philip Kotler

    5areting 5anagement6 ?aCan *axena

    By Nickson paul.B
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    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    71 * P AP 1 ? * $

    8%1 1&9795:& 8:51*

    8%1 8:51* 9# :7+:A




    7ame of the company H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

    Address H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H&ontact no.

    %andled person H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    3) hat are the telecom services you are usingI

    ?eliance Airtel :dea %utch other -) :f other then ?eliance then E

    :s there any possibility for other service providerI Jes


    :f ?eliance then "hich oneI

    Prepaid Postpaid

    3@ +o you no" about the ne" plans in ?eliance postpaidI

    Jes 7o

    =) hich plan are you using currently and "hat is your billIPlan 6 6 6 6 6 6 0ill6 6 6 6 6 6 6

    @ +o you "ant to tae any postpaid connection "ith these plansI(After telling him all the plans according to his usage of phone) Jes



    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion



    7ame of the company H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HAddress H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

    &ontact no. %andled person H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

    3) hat are the internet services are you usingI

    ?eliance Airtel 0*7> 4*7> other -) %o" much is your monthly billI

    0ill 6 6 6 6 6 6

    ) +o you no" about the ?eliance net connect data card and *0modemI

    Jes 7o

    =) Jou are using internet on

    >aptop +estop 0oth

    ;) hat is your usageI

    By Nickson paul.B

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    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


    A BB R EV I A T I O N S

    ADA3 A2.7 DHEER1BHA. A#BA2. 3&143%# 37&BA7 %Y%TE# #&B.7E0D#A 0&DE DEL.%.&2 #17T.47E A00E%%R0L7 RE7.A20E 0#12.0AT.&2

    LE2T1RE 7.#.TEDB%27 BHARAT %2LHAR 2.3A# 7.#.TED#T27 #AHA2A3AR TE7E4H&2E 2.3A#L%27 L.DE%H %A20HAR 2.3A# 7.#.TED

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    By Nickson paul.B

  • 8/14/2019 Nickson Edit1


    Reliance Communications Ltd

    A Study On Market survey and product promotion


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