Page 1: Nick Lee Backgrounder

Nick Lee’s career took a major change in direction following the death of his wife Jodi from bowel cancer in 2010. Having witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of bowel cancer, he made the brave decision to use his experience for the greater good and do all he could to stop this happening to others. !Leaving his role as a Director of a multi-national consumer goods company (Unilever), Nick set up The Jodi Lee Foundation to promote the prevention of bowel cancer in Australia. His aim was to inspire others to take a simple bowel screening test and make positive choices to improve their health. !Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world and, while 90% of cases can be prevented or successfully treated if detected early, it remains the second most common cause of cancer related death. Nick launched The Jodi Lee Foundation to help raise awareness of the issue and educate people about the importance of bowel screening for early detection. !The Jodi Lee Foundation runs initiatives and events across the country to increase awareness and raise funds. Thousands of screening kits have already been distributed through the Foundation’s Corporate Bowel Screening Program. !Nick has brought his corporate business experience to the not-for-profit sector, successfully driving the growth of the Foundation. He has also negotiated a major deal with the Australian Football League, using the sport’s high profile to drive further awareness. !Nick plans to continue the national expansion of the Foundation’s programs, helping to save more lives by reinforcing the message of early detection. In 2013, he secured a $2.5 million Federal Government grant to run a national awareness campaign - the first of its kind for bowel cancer in Australia. !Nick was a 2015 SA Australian of the Year finalist, and was awarded the 2013 Social Entrepreneur of the Year (Central Region) by Ernst and Young.

Nick Lee Backgrounder

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