Page 1: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

View and Know about Easter Lunar Eclipse and

Aries New Moon by Celestial Insight

Page 2: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Easter Lunar Eclipse

Page 3: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Another Full Moon rolls around. This one is a total lunar eclipse that will happen on Easter Saturday and it will be visible from all parts of Australia.

The Earth’s shadow will cross the face of the Moon over several hours, but the period of total eclipse will only last a few minutes.

This eclipse will be directly overhead in the Fiji region, so keep an eye on events in that part of the world.

In eastern Australia we’ll get a great view of the eclipse (weather permitting) and daylight saving ends the same evening, so if you want to stay up to watch the whole event you can count on an extra hour of sleep, plus since it’s Easter, there’s plenty of time for body clocks to readjust to normal time.

Page 4: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Uranus is once again highlighted in the heavens, lining up with the Earth and Moon from it’s most distant point on the other side of the Sun. This line up squares Pluto, so although we’ve had the last exact hit of this square, the influence of PLURSQ continues to be felt. We are now at the half way point of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, a long process of systemic reform that’s not only necessary, but inevitable. Pluto asks us to let go, and in Capricorn what we most need to let go of is the current way

Page 5: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Aries New Moon

Page 6: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

This Aries New Moon sees Mars in Taurus squaring Jupiter in Leo. With this aspect in fixed signs, it can sometimes be a bit judgemental and inflexible.

It is however an excellent aspect for getting work done and tackling big projects.

Energy is ramped up and intensifies.

This aspect is also helpful if we have to take a stand or confront an injustice, but it can swell egos and make for a self-righteous attitude, so take this into account in your dealings.

Page 7: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Meanwhile Mercury is in Taurus and Venus is in Gemini, so they are located in one another’s natural signs, an arrangement known as a mutual reception. Social interaction is activated by this combination. It’s also likely to spur debate, especially around monetary policy, buying and spending, education and transport issues.

Page 8: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Planets that are in semi-sextile are like our next door neighbours. Sometimes you have to talk to them, but you don’t really know what goes on behind closed doors. Your neighbours are people with whom you would not normally form a relationship. You probably don’t have anything in common, but you are in a position where you have to try to get along and understand their point of view. In the end you may have to agree to disagree.

Page 9: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

Although this is not a traditional interpretation of mutual receptions, 30 years of observation has convinced me that there is merit in this view. And since Gemini and Taurus share a cusp, Venus and Mercury are being forced to engage with one another now. Some questions to consider: How do we communicate with people who have no idea what we are talking about? How do we express our views and opinions to people who disagree with our values? How do we take other people’s opinions and lifestyle into account when making key decisions that affect them?

Page 10: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

If you experience difficulties understanding other people, or

your intuition tells you that something is not quite right,

you’d be well advised to listen to your instinct and look within your

own heart for answers.

Page 11: Nice Astrology Update for Easter Lunar Eclipse and Aries New Moon from Michele Finey at Celestial Insight

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