  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre

    Annual Report


    Avro Anson 2009 Avro Anson 2010


    Statement of Purpose

    1. To highlight the significant role of aviation in the ongoing development of Nhill

    2. To research and record the history of the RAAF Air School in Nhill from 1941 – 1946

    within the broader context of Nhill’s aviation and aerodrome history

    3. To collect Air School artefacts to display in secure premises

    4. To acquire and restore an Avro Anson aeroplane, leaving it as a legacy to this and

    future generations.

    Management Committee 2010

    President: Rob Lynch

    Vice President: Len Creek

    Secretary: Joan Bennett

    Treasurer: Lesley Stephan

    Trevor Borgelt

    Max Carland

    John Deckert

    Graham Drage

    Mick Kingwill

    Merv Schneider

    Chris Weeks

    Nathan Wheeler


    Incorporation Number A0053781Z

    Postal Address: PO Box 42, Nhill 3418.

    President Rob Lynch, Vice President Len Creek, Secretary Joan Bennett, Treasurer Lesley Stephan.

    Committee members: Trevor Borgelt, Max Carland, John Deckert, Graham Drage, Mick Kingwill, Merv Schneider,

    Chris Weeks, Nathan Wheeler.

    Notice of Annual General Meeting

    Meeting to be held Thursday 18th November, 2010

    Location: Soldiers’ Lounge, Clarence Street, Nhill

    Time: 7.30 pm.


    1. Opening and welcome

    2. Apologies

    3. Confirm Minutes of Inaugural Meeting

    4. Receive President’s Report

    5. Receive Treasurer’s Report

    6. Nominate Auditor for 2011

    7. Elect Committee members for 2011

    8. Set membership fees for 2011

    9. Special Resolution: ‘That the meeting considers and adopts the Constitutional changes as

    recommended by the Management Committee.’ (Amendment recommendations attached.)

    10. Closure

  • Nhill Aerodrome Memorial

    Minutes of the meeting held November 9th, 2008 at 3.00 pm, Nhill Aerodrome to gauge interest in pursuing a

    memorial to showcase the rich history of the Aerodrome.

    Attendance: Cr Joan Bennett, Cr Michael Gawith, Anne Champness, Grace Coulson, May Craig, Brian

    Farmers, Max Carland, Len Creek, Mike Kingwill, Nathan Wheeler, Merv Schneider, Gary Sherwell, Ken

    Schultz, Jean Schultz, Alex Bywaters, Fred Webb, Bruce Etherton, Chris weeks, Darrell Hall, Ian Wheeler, Bob

    Korreng, Gary Jones, John Schmidt, Rob Lynch, Tom Lynch , Jo Ussing, Don Kube, Julie Atkin.

    Apologies: Kevin O’Reilly, Max Davey, Jenny Graham.

    Welcome – Don Kube.

    This meeting was called by M. Kingwill, R. Lynch and D. Kube to establish community interest in setting up a

    memorial to the RAAF Base at Nhill including local personnel and perhaps aviation in general. They

    acknowledged the huge amount of work already done in this area by the Nhill Lions Club, Historical Society,

    RSL and many individuals.

    It is hoped that a new group would be able to draw on the knowledge. M. Kingwill has an amazing collection

    of memorabilia and information; certainly enough for a display. He would not be the only local with

    artefacts relating to the RAAF base. Nhill has a lot to offer and this venture could add substantially to it

    many attractions.

    D. Kube then invited four guest speakers to share their experiences.

    Guest Speaker Max Carland – Early recollections of Nhill Aerodrome.

    The first aerodrome in Nhill was at the top of Dimboola hill, followed by Blackwood’s paddock near the

    Netherby Road. When Amy Johnson landed her plane in Nhill in 1932 a crowd of approximately 1000 people

    greeted her.

    The 1935 Air Race which refuelled at Nhill was won by Reg Ansett and Nell Littley has a book signed by

    every pilot in that race. Max has no memories of the RAAF base in Nhill as he enlisted in the RAAF in 1942

    and left Nhill.

    Guest Speaker Merv Schneider – RAAF Base.

    As early as 1937 Nhill’s aerodrome was well used. It was a good flat airstrip and DC3s would land to refuel.

    As tensions increased overseas an Air Training Corps was established for anyone over 16. RAAF personnel

    waiting to be called up helped out at the Training Corps and probably led to the high intake into the RAAF

    from Nhill.

    At the beginning of the War the Number 2, A.N.S. Astro Navigation School was established at the aerodrome.

    Following the Japanese invasion of Australia, the No 2. Operational Training School was established at the


    Merv flew Liberators during the war and is in contact with a group of people in Werribee who are restoring a

    Liberator. So far it has been 20 years of hard work and a cost of about $1.5 million.

    Guest Speaker Brian Farmers – Current user of the Nhill Aerodrome.

    Brian informed the group that after the war Max Carland went on to become a voluntary Flying Instructor

    with the Wimmera Aero Club and is one of only two life members. Brian commented that it is not unusual

    for people to drive into the aerodrome looking for memorabilia or where relatives were stationed during the


  • Guest Speaker Ken Schultz – Nhill Lions Club

    The Nhill Lions Club had a project to put a plane on a stick close to the highway. The aim of this was to get

    people to stop in Nhill and increase the economic benefit of through traffic. Although this project was

    shelved in August 2008, the Lions would support any future project. Ken also acknowledged ongoing

    support from the Rotary and Apex Clubs.

    These Aims and Goals were presented to the group.

    AIM: To create a memorial to the RAAF Base at Nhill

    SHORT TERM GOALS: To display the material already available in an appropriate venue for public viewing.

    LONG TERM GOALS: To purchase items of interest and perhaps an Avro Anson wreck and restore it to non-

    flying condition.

    To find a building in which to carry out that restoration, this will eventually be the display centre.

    Comments were then invited from the group. A summary of the concerns and opinions is as follows.

    -Don’t look too big for a start. Display existing memorabilia and build on what is available. There are plenty

    of RAAF memorials/displays that don’t have planes.

    -Sponsorships and grants are available but are not usually for purchase of buildings.

    -While finance may be short, there is a huge wealth of experience and talent among Nhill residents. There is

    also a huge amount of memorabilia in private homes and people may be willing to loan this to a memorial.

    -Some members expressed concern about using non-genuine artefacts. Others expressed disappointment of

    the lack of town support for previous projects.

    -There are at least two books almost ready to be published. One on the RAAF base in Nhill the other on the

    WAAF war effort.

    -We need to preserve the unique history of Nhill’s aerodrome especially that of the war years.


    ‘That this meeting recognizes the importance of the Aerodrome in the on-going history of Nhill, and supports

    the creation of an aviation memorial with focus initially on the RAAF presence at Nhill from 1941 – 1946.’

    The motion was supported unanimously and the following people volunteered to be part of a committee to

    explore this motion more fully.

    Rob Lynch, Mike Kingwill, Nathan Wheeler, Ken Schultz, Chris Weeks, Max Carland Don Kube, Len Creek, Jo

    Ussing, Joan Bennett (yet to confirm), Merv Schneider (to be asked), and John Deckert (to be asked). Anne

    Champness declined to be part of the committee but would be available to assist with grant/sponsorship

    applications and liaison with council.

    Meeting closed 4.30 pm.


    2008 - 2010

    A public meeting was called by Rev. Don Kube, Rob Lynch and Mick Kingwill on 9th November 2008 to discuss their

    mutual concern that history of aviation in Nhill and the WW2 Air Base established by the RAAF from 1941-1946

    might be lost, leaving this and future generations unaware of their heritage.

    Thirty people in attendance resolved unanimously ‘that this meeting recognizes the importance of the Aerodrome

    in the on-going history of Nhill and supports the creation of an aviation memorial with focus initially on the RAAF

    presence at Nhill from 1941-1946.’ A Committee was formed comprising Rev Don Kube, Rob Lynch, Mick Kingwill,

    Joanne Ussing, John Deckert, Ken Schultz, Chris Weeks, Cr Joan Bennett, Len Creek, Nathan Wheeler, Max Carland

    and Merv Schneider.

    Twelve months later, 10th November 2009, the Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre was an incorporated body with Don

    Kube firmly established as President. Joanne Ussing served as foundation Secretary/Treasurer until 9th July 2009

    and Joan Bennett was then appointed to both positions. In November 2009 Joan Bennett resigned as Treasurer.

    Lesley Stephan was appointed to the Committee and accepted the Treasurer’s position, and Joan Bennett

    continued as Secretary. Ken Schultz earlier resigned his committee position, and Trevor Borgelt was elected in

    November 2009.

    In February 2010 the NAHC suffered a great loss with the death of the Reverend Don Kube, an inspirational and

    greatly respected President. Don was a true leader who moulded and consolidated the group, setting in place a

    solid foundation for the future. In March 2010, Vice President Rob Lynch was elected President and Len Creek

    Vice President.

    The Avro Anson Restoration Project:

    In Feb-March 2009 President Don Kube met Graham Drage of Lah (Warracknabeal district). Their casual meeting

    had huge ramifications for the NAHC. Some years before, Graham, a pilot and flying instructor had purchased the

    remains of an Avro Anson aeroplane to save it from further destruction. The plane wreckage remained safely

    stored in Graham’s farm yard. Graham, upon learning about the NAHC from Don Kube and the plan to acquire

    and restore an Avro Anson, generously gifted the plane to the Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association. The

    plane wreckage was transported to Nhill on 24th March 2009 and restoration work commenced. We were very

    pleased to nominate Graham Drage to the NAHC Management Committee.

    Committee member Mick Kingwill manages the restoration project. Mick’s skills are legendary and he has set the

    benchmark for craftsmanship. Mick’s team of helpers - Len Creek, Rob Lynch, Whimpey Reichelt and Max Carland

    maintain a high standard of workmanship. Interest in the project is Australia wide, with Committee member Chris

    Weeks sourcing original detailed plans of the Avro Anson from England. Visitors from near and far are watching

    the Avro Anson project, which will eventually be completed to taxiing status. It is currently stored in ‘Mick’s

    Shed’, but is outgrowing this location.

    Avro Anson parts have been sourced from many places, including EBAY and aircraft auctions. The Mt Gambier

    Aerodrome gifted parts that had been stored since WW2. We were pleased to hear from Dale and Dianne Boxall

    of Watchupga West who donated parts that had originally come from our Avro Anson. Many generous donors

    have helped by giving parts, financial contributions, and expert advice and encouragement. I extend a heartfelt

    thanks to all including my fellow Committee members who have travelled many miles looking for parts and pieces

    of Avro Ansons at their own expense.

    Restoring the Avro Anson and collecting aviation memorabilia has put us in touch with aviation enthusiasts across

    Australia. We have visited the South Australian Aviation Museum, the Lake Boga Catalina Museum and the Mt

  • Gambier Aerodrome in particular. Two officials from the Queensland Air Museum came to Nhill to see the Avro

    Anson. Individual members of the NAHC have visited aviation museums across Australia and England during the

    past twelve months. We are on a continuous learning curve.

    The NAHC Fly-in 17th October 2009

    When Don Kube suggested that we should organize a Fly-In within twelve months of our inauguration, and with

    about six hundred dollars ($600) in the bank, we had grave misgivings about our ability to bring it off. However,

    every member caught Don’s enthusiasm and made a huge effort to make the Fly-In a reality. At the end of the

    day on 17th October 2009, we had approx. $17,000 to deposit in our bank account and approximately .two and a

    half thousand (2500) happy people of all ages who had joined in the excitement. Nhill Rotarians manned the

    entrance gates and collected $12,500 for the NAHC. Cars were banked back along the Propodollah Road to the

    railway crossing.

    Eighty-six planes flew in to Nhill for the event. Adding to the excitement, several WW2 planes attended including

    Winjeels, Mustang, Wirraway, Tiger Moth, Yak 9, and a Kittyhawk.

    The Nhill Aero Club granted us full use of their facilities. Hindmarsh Shire Council fully supported the NAHC

    members, as did adjoining neighbours from John Millington’s duck farm. Marcus Kube, Manager of the Cairns

    Airport, son of Don and Rae, was in charge of the Fly-in, with Brian Farmers the Master of Ceremonies. The RAAF

    cadets from Horsham assisted in the day’s events, and the Emergency Services attended. It is impossible to

    mention people who helped by name because there were so many willing volunteers, but I want to give a special

    thanks to the wives of the Committee men who hosted the pilots and crew throughout the day and put on a

    dinner in the evening.

    We will always remember the outstanding donations and sponsorships given to us by the business sector.

    Launch of Kevin O’Reilly’s book ‘In Just Five Years. October 2010

    Former Nhill resident Kevin O’Reilly had a successful book launch during the Back-to-Nhill week of festivities. The

    NAHC assisted with this event. The book was very well received and approx. 450 copies were sold on the day.

    The book contains historical information about the RAAF Air Base at Nhill during WW2 and stories of former RAAF

    personnel and local people. Kevin has generously committed five dollars from the sale of every book to the Nhill

    Aviation Heritage Centre.

    Navex Fly-in 25-26th March 2010

    The NAHC Committee hosted the Navex fly-in at the end of March 2010. This group of flying enthusiasts stayed

    overnight in Nhill on their way home to the Yarrawonga Aerodrome. School children from Nhill Lutheran School

    and Nhill College visited the group at Nhill Aerodrome, were given a history session by John Deckert, and also

    physically inspected the aircraft. Once again, the Nhill Aero Club granted us full use of their facilities.

    Grant Applications:

    Wimmera Volunteers Grant: successful application. We received $302, to offset insurance costs. Hindmarsh Shire

    Council Events Grant: successful application. We received $500 for Fly-in administration costs.

    An application for funds to build a Hangar/Exhibition Centre at the Nhill Aerodrome is pending. We have the

    support of the Nhill community, the Hindmarsh Shire Council and the Federal Government, and are waiting on the

    State Government decision. I thank Community Development Director Anne Champness for guiding the

    application through its many stages. The Ahrens Family has generously assisted us with the project application.

    The NAHC has sent two delegations to meet with Mr Stefan and Mr Bob Ahrens of Sheoak Log in South Australia

    to discuss the project.

  • Milestones:

    NAHC Anson Newsletter: The first edition written by John Deckert in April 2009 and subsequent editions

    emailed free to two hundred and thirty members and contacts Australia wide.

    NAHC Web Page: The Web Page was pioneered by John Deckert and posted on the Internet in June 2010.

    It is still under construction.

    NAHC Logo: Mick Kingwill came up with the concept. The design was professionally drawn by Brett

    Sherwell. Its centre piece is the Avro Anson aeroplane with the Avro Anson green and gold colours. Brett

    Sherwell prepared several applications of the design e.g. a letterhead and banner.

    NAHC Banner: This shows the Logo on a dark blue background and the words ‘Highlighting Nhill’s RAAF

    and Civil Aviation History’. First time displayed at the Nhill A&P Society 125th Show.

    Planning for the future:

    At the time we commenced our exciting journey we had great enthusiasm and many ideas. Most members

    started off with knowledge of WW2 aircraft and history arising from a lifelong interest in the subject. The

    decision to initially focus attention on the WW2 Air Base years and the acquisition of an Avro Anson channelled

    our energies in those directions. However, we soon realized that the WW2 years were only one part of Nhill’s

    unique aviation history which began in 1919.

    With the generous assistance of Association member and former resident Jean Roberts, we commenced to

    formally plan towards ‘Nhill’s Aviation Century 1919-2019’. We were aware that the Nhill Aviation Heritage

    Centre had captured the interest of the Nhill community, but we wanted more than that. We wanted the

    community to help shape our future and to participate in it in a meaningful way.

    A very successful Community Consultation facilitated by Jean Roberts was held on 17th May 2010 with more than

    eighty people in attendance. The event was co-sponsored by the Hindmarsh Shire Council with Mayor Michael

    Gawith, Councillors and Andrew Bainbridge the Director of Infrastructure in attendance, and guest speaker David

    Mark, the President of the Lake Boga Catalina Museum. The people affirmed the NAHC and gave positive

    directions for the future which have been incorporated into the Plans.

    The Hindmarsh Shire Nhill Aerodrome Master Plan Advisory Committee:

    An important outcome of the Community Consultation was the formation by the Hindmarsh Shire of a committee

    to develop a Master Plan for the Nhill Aerodrome. The NAHC President Rob Lynch presides over this committee

    which also has other NAHC and community and business representatives. A draft Master Plan will shortly be

    presented to the Hindmarsh Shire Council.


    Due to the generosity of local business firm Driscoll McIllrie and Dickinson, the NAHC has rooms with a shop front

    in Nelson Street, Nhill. Our monthly Committee meetings are held there, and we also have a window to display

    artefacts from the Second World War RAAF Air Base and other interesting items.

    I thank the whole community for their support. Personally I feel privileged to be working with a great team who

    share my passion for the project.

    I’m also privileged to belong to this wonderful Nhill community who have shown me that they value the aviation

    history by their encouragement and support.

  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 1

    Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated

    Constitution amendment recommendations Nos 1 to 14 November 2010



    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Rule Title



    Relevant wording Rule Title



    Proposed Amendment

    1. That the Model Rules as set out in the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act Regulations be adopted as the basis

    for the following amendments – in place of the current Constitution

    The Model Rules clearly sets out

    the compliance requirements

    under the Act to be met by

    NAHC Inc: the following

    amendments adapt the Model

    Rules to the specific requirements

    of NAHC Inc

    2. 1 Name Same as the proposed


    1 Name The name of the incorporated association is Nhill

    Aviation Heritage Centre Incorporated (in these

    Rules called "the Association").

    The Model Rules requires the

    name and Statement of Purpose

    to be inserted

    3. 1 Name Same as the proposed


    1 Name 1A Statement of Purpose

    a) To highlight the significant role of aviation in

    the ongoing development of Nhill

    b) To research and record the history of the RAAF

    Air School in Nhill from1941-1946 within the

    broader context of Nhill’s aviation and

    aerodrome history

    c) To collect Air School artefacts to display in

    secure premises

    d) To acquire and restore an Avro Anson

    aeroplane, leaving it as a legacy to this and

    future generations

    The Model Rules requires the

    Statement of Purpose to be


  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 2



    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Rule Title and


    Current Wording Rule Title



    Proposed Amendment

    4. 18.Funds All monies received shall be

    applied in furthering all or any

    of the objectives of the

    Association and no portion of

    such monies or assets shall be

    paid to any member of the

    Association, provided that

    nothing herein shall prevent the

    payment in good faith of

    responsible and proper

    remuneration to any member

    of the Association, in return for

    any goods or services actually

    rendered to the Association,

    such payments to be

    authorized by the

    Management Committee

    1B Non- profit clause

    The assets and income of the organisation shall

    be applied solely in furtherance of its above-

    mentioned objects and no portion shall be

    distributed directly or indirectly to the members of

    the organisation except as bona fide

    compensation for services rendered or expenses

    incurred on behalf of the organisation.

    The non-profit clause is required

    to meet the ATO requirements to

    achieve income tax exemption


    5. 2.1


    The governing body of the

    Association is referred to as the


    2 (1)


    board means the board of management of the


    This is a change of terminology

    only in relation to the governing

    body of the Association – from

    Management Committee to

    Board: the role, function,

    responsibilities and authority of

    the governing body remain the



    There is no requirement for an

    entrance fee in the current






    Delete all references to an entrance fee for new

    Association members

    This amendment continues the

    requirement under the current


    7. 6.2

    Current constitution states

    within three (3)months of the

    end of the financial year.

    9 (1)




    Add “– to be held within five months of the end of

    the previous financial year.”

    Adds this additional time

    allowed (ie 2 months) for clarity,

    as stated in the Act

    Rec’n Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 3

    No. Clause Title

    and Number

    Current Wording Clause Title



    Proposed Amendment


    There is no provision for proxy

    voting in the current




    To be removed from the Model Rules This amendment continues the

    rule in the current Constitution

    that Association and

    Management Committee/Board

    Members must be present at any

    meeting to vote

    9. 11




    ‘The Management Committee

    shall consist of:



    (iii) Secretary


    (v)Eight (8) ordinary members.’

    ‘Members of the Management

    Committee shall be elected at

    the Annual General Meeting.

    They shall be elected for a

    period of one year and shall

    retire at the Annual General

    Meeting next following, but

    shall be eligible for re-election.’

    ‘No office bearer shall hold the

    same executive office for more

    than two(2)consecutive years.

    This period may be extended

    at the discretion of the NAHC


    ‘In the event of a casual

    vacancy occurring in the

    Management Committee, the

    Management Committee may

    appoint a member of the

    Association to fill the vacancy

    and the member so appointed

    shall hold office, subject to



    Holders and




    (1) The officers of the Association shall be—

    (a) a President;

    (b) a Vice-President;

    (c) a Treasurer; and

    (d) a Secretary.

    (2) Board members will be elected for a two-

    year term, with one half of the 12 positions being

    open for election or re-election at each annual

    general meeting.

    (3) Association members at each annual general

    meeting will elect six persons, and

    at the first full board meeting following each

    annual general meeting the board members will

    elect the four officers from their number: the term

    of office for each officer will be one year.

    (4) The provisions of rule 23, so far as they are

    applicable and with the necessary

    modifications, apply to and in relation to the

    election of persons to any of the

    offices referred to in subrule (1).

    (5) In the event of a casual vacancy in any

    office referred to in subrule (1), the board may

    appoint one of its ordinary board members to fill

    the vacant office for the remainder of that

    vacancy’s term.

    (i) Combine rules 20 and 21

    (ii) Maintains current office

    holder positions

    (iii) Board to consist of 4

    Officers/Office-bearers and

    8 ordinary Board members

    – as in current Constitution

    (iv) This amendment moves

    from 1-year to 2-year terms

    for members of the Board,

    thus ensuring continuity by

    removing the possibility of

    100% turnover of Board

    members at one AGM

    (v) Rule 20 details how the 2-

    year Board membership

    term will operate, with the

    Board appointing the


  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 4

    these rules, until the conclusion

    of the Annual General Meeting

    next following the date of their




    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Clause Title

    and Number

    Current Wording Clause Title



    Proposed Amendment

    10. 11.3

    Election of




    Nominations of candidates for

    elections as members of the

    Management Committee:

    (a) shall be made in

    writing, signed by two

    members of the

    Association and

    accompanied by the

    written consent of the

    candidate (which may

    be endorsed on the

    form of nomination);

    (b) (b)shall be delivered to

    the Secretary of the

    Association not less

    than 7 days before the

    date fixed for holding

    of the Annual General


    (c) ©and shall be publicly


    ‘If insufficient nominations are

    received to fill all vacancies on

    the Management Committee,

    the candidates nominated

    shall be deemed to be


    ‘if the number of nominations

    received is equal to the

    number of vacancies to be

    filled the persons nominated

    shall be deemed to be



    Election of



    (1)Nominations of candidates for election as

    members of the board of the Association must


    (a)made in writing, signed by two members

    of the Association and accompanied by the

    written consent of the candidate (which

    may be endorsed on the form of

    nomination); and

    (b)delivered to the Secretary of the

    Association not less than 7 days before the

    date fixed for the holding of the annual

    general meeting.

    (2) If insufficient nominations are received to fill all

    vacancies on the board, the candidates

    nominated shall be deemed to be elected with

    the board filling the remaining vacant positions

    immediately following the annual general


    (3) If the number of nominations received is equal

    to the number of vacancies to be filled, the

    persons nominated shall be deemed to be


    (4) If the number of nominations exceeds the

    number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot must

    be held.

    (5) The ballot for the election of board members

    must be conducted at the annual general

    meeting in such manner as the board may direct.

    Details the procedure for

    election of all 12 Board members

    (ie Office-Holders + Ordinary


  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 5

    If the number of nominations

    exceeds the number of

    vacancies to be filled, a ballot

    shall be held.’

    The ballot for the elections of

    the ordinary members of the

    Management Committee shall

    be conducted at the Annual

    General meeting in such usual

    and proper manner as the

    Chairperson may direct.’



    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Clause Title

    and Number

    Current Wording Clause Title



    Proposed Amendment

    11. 11.5.


    of the



    ‘Questions arising at a meeting

    of the Management

    Committee or of any Sub-

    committee appointed by the

    Management Committee shall

    be determined on a show of

    hands or, if demanded, by a

    poll taken in such manner as

    the person presiding at the

    meeting may determine.’

    ‘Each member present at a

    meeting of the Management

    Committee is entitled to one

    vote and, in the event of a tied

    vote on any question; the

    person presiding shall exercise

    a second or casting vote.’

    28Voting at board meetings

    (1)Questions arising at a meeting of the board, or

    at a meeting of any subcommittee or task group

    appointed by the board, shall be determined on

    a show of hands or, if a member requests, by a

    poll taken in such manner as the person presiding

    at that meeting may determine.

    (2) Each member present at a meeting of the

    board, or at a meeting of any subcommittee or

    task group appointed by the board (including

    the person presiding at the meeting), is entitled

    to one vote and, in the event of an equality of

    votes on any question, the person presiding may

    exercise a second or casting vote.

    Includes voting at any sub-

    committees or task groups

    established by the Board for any


  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 6



    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Clause Title

    and Number

    Current Wording Clause Title



    Proposed Amendment

    12. 18.


    ‘The funds of the Association

    shall be derived from

    subscription fees, donations,

    Federal, State and Local

    Government grants, fund

    raising effort, user fees and

    such other sources as the

    Management Committee


    All monies received shall be

    applied in furthering all or any

    of the objectives of the

    Association and no portion of

    such monies or assets shall be

    paid to any member of the

    Association, provided that

    nothing herein shall prevent the

    payment in good faith of

    responsible and proper

    remuneration to any member

    of the Association, in return for

    any goods or services actually

    rendered to the Association,

    such payments to be

    authorized by the

    Management Committee.’

    ‘Cheques are to be drawn and

    signed by the Treasurer and

    one of two designated

    Management Committee



    Funds (1) The Treasurer of the Association must ensure


    (a)all moneys due to the Association are

    collected and received and all payments

    authorised by the Association are made; and

    (b)correct accounts and books showing the

    financial affairs of the Association with full details

    of all receipts and expenditure connected with

    the activities of the Association are kept.

    (2) All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange,

    promissory notes and other negotiable

    instruments must be signed by two of the three

    members endorsed by the board as signatories.

    (3) The funds of the Association shall be derived

    from annual subscriptions, donations and such

    other sources as the board determines.

    Rule 31 (1) requires the Treasurer

    to ‘ensure’ that the following

    sub-rules are complied with

    Rule 31(2) requires signing of all

    financial/negotiable instruments

    by two of the three members

    endorsed by the board as


  • Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Association Incorporated: Page 7



    Current NAHC Inc Constitution Draft Constitution – based on the Model Rules Rationale

    Clause Title

    and Number

    Current Wording Clause Title



    Proposed Amendment

    13. 16.

    Current wording ‘the assets of

    the Association shall be

    disposed of in accordance

    with the provisions of the



    Winding up In the event of the winding up or the cancellation

    of the incorporation of the Association, the assets

    of the Association must be distributed to

    organisations with similar purposes in which the

    membership base is comprised of citizens of Nhill

    and district, and are prevented from accessing or

    using the assets of their association for the private,

    personal or business benefit of any member. The

    process of distribution must be undertaken in

    accordance with the provisions of the Act.

    The assets and income of the organization shall be

    applied solely in furtherance of its above-

    mentioned objects and no portion shall be

    distributed directly or indirectly to the members of

    the organization except as bona fide

    compensation for services rendered or expenses

    incurred on behalf of the organization.

    Provides requirements for

    distribution of assets upon the

    legal winding up of the



    There is Currently no provision

    for proxy voting.

    Appendices Deletion of appendices relating to proxy voting

    and schedule of fees:



    RULE 7(7)



    With no provision for proxy voting

    being continued, the only

    Appendix required is Appendix 1:

    application for membership of

    NAHC Inc

    The Schedule of fees is not

    required, as Association

    Membership fees will be

    determined by Association

    members at the AGM

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