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A I R2 0 1 5

A l g o r i t h m i c S k e t c h B o o k


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Loft is used to form surfaces. This week we have asked to pick up a part in the existing building and and try to form surfaces. I have chosen the Heydar Aliyev Center of Zaha Hadid to start with. I have taken a part from the building and form the surface. The surface is formed base on three curves. By lofting them together a smooth surface is formed. Moreover, loft can form smooth surface with volume too. This is done in my second sketch. This is a basic technique which will be useful for other sketches


Heydar Aliyev Center

Page 3: Ng weng teng algorithmic sketchbook


Based on the loft expoeriment sketch. It is further development useing the OctTree component. As it can be seen in the experiments, the OcTree component try to form the surface with a group of box. By changing the surface into a geometry, some points can be formed on the surface. With the use of the number slider, size of the boxes can easily be changed, at the same time, the arrangement of the boxes changed .


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The Kangaro Physics is a plug in for simullation, constraint solving, form finding and optimization. With the use of Kangaroo Physics, it can be easily examine the different forms when a force is added on to the mesh surface. It is very useful in the project we will be working on for part B. Using the template that is provided as a starting point, I tried to generate some forms with the surface. By changing the force strength and gravity with the plug in, I can test out the effect of forces on the string. The anchor points that are set on mesh are used to attach or connect to differenct elements to hold the strings. For example, in the following project, they could connect to trees or columns, breaking the connection between the strings and the ground.

Experiment 1Force Strength: 0.3Gravity: 2

Experiment 2Force Strength: 0.8Gravity: 2

Template being given


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Kangaroo relaxation formed by two surfaces and tubes. Instead of using surface component, I have tried to use Brep, forming the initial geometry and relax the mesh.


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Transform Menu

The transform menu is to break the surface into part and transform to the plane view of each part.


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With the tranform menu, panels can be cretaed according to the loft surface. Furthremore, the panels can be adjusted to fix the curvature of the surface.


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Aside from panels, strips can also be formed. This technique is can be used as the process of fabrication. Besides, the surface can be divided equally and forming 3D panels on the surface.


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The image sampler provides a wide range is creating patterns. Moreover, it can create pattern with not only one image and it can combine a few images together to form the pattern.

The first experiment I have used one image as the base of the pattern while the second one I tried to combine one more image with the previous one. The result is unspected better than I thought. This would be a useful technique in creating pattern.


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Graph Controller

Graph controller is used to make pattern curve. With the use of graph mapper, the patterns changed. I have trie to use different grph typr such as Beizer, Sine and Power to obtain the outcomes..


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EVALUATING FIELDS AND GRAPHING SECTION PROFILESThe biomimicy form can be made by the use of fields. Using Point Charge and Filed line to get a field pattern. The number of curves produced can be varied by the dividing points on the initial curves, point charge value and number of Field lines. Moreover, 3D shape can be formed by pulling the points on curve. With the use of graphing section profiles, it gives an interesting effect on the curvature of the lines and the shape of the lines. In this exersice, I have learnt from the Biothing seroussi pavilion to create various shapes.


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Mesh setting and kangaroo Relaxation

In creating mesh in square or rectangle shape can use mesh component and forme it easily in grasshopper. The Mesh density can always adjusted by the use of custom setting. Howevr, in creating shape such as triangle, the points of the mesh may not fit ot he boundary. In this way, weaverbird’s spilt triangles subdivision can be used. Furthermore this component can form triangular mesh. Using this method, the mesh can be varied accrounding to the shape and density that we want.


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Voronoi and Voronoi 3D is a quick method of producing geometry. The 2D Voronoi produce a “pattern” on a surface. I have tried combine voronoi and kangaroo physics together to form pattern on the smooth curve. This is close to what we would like to do for my design project, creating a shelter like design.


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