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Lily By: Mason Hanson

Once upon a time there was a girl

who had asthma and really bad breathing

problems when she was two years old. Her

mom took her to the doctor and the doctor

said that she would die at age three. The

mom spread the news around to her

neighbors and brothers and sisters.

After three months the

mom finally would make

it up to little Lily. Her

idea was that she

could hire some

people to make a big

parade of her

favorite movie,

The Lion

King. So




news to


workers, neighbors, and brothers and

sisters. It took them five months to finish

the parade.

But Lily's mom was expecting more.

She got more than 1,000 “feel better”

letters. The mail men were going crazy

with this many letters!

So late one night they finally set up

the parade on their street. They started the

parade and Lily's dreams came true. And

they lived happily ever after.

The end

Snowy Owls by Isaac

Snowy Owls are the best animals in the

world! Snowy owls’ behavior is interesting,

they look awesome, their habitat changes,

and I would definitely not want to have

their diet.

Snowy owls’

behavior is


Unlike other

owls, snowy

owls hunt

during the

day, not at

night. These

owls will

aggressively defend their nests. They will

attack anything untrustworthy that gets

near their nest.

Snowy owls look cool. They are

mostly white with little brownish blackish

spots all over their body. Their toes and

claws are thickly covered with feathers.

Snowy owls have little golden eyes that are

way smaller than all other owls’.

Snowy owls live in the polar regions so

they can deal with the cold. But during the

winter they sometimes need a break from

the cold. So they will sometimes fly down

to California, Florida, and Oklahoma.

Snowy owls mainly eat mammals: from

small rodents to large hares. They will also

eat other birds. An adult can eat up to five

lemmings a day.

Snowy owls are awesome! They

have weird behavior and cool looks; their

habitat is cold and they eat a lot! I think

snowy owls are awesome!

The Last Leprechaun By Liza Montalbo

Lily woke up saying, “Five

days till St. Patrick's Day.” Lily

was a short girl and had blue

eyes brown hair. She was happy

as can be. So she showered and

got dressed. Lily ran downstairs

to eat. She ate some toasted pop tarts. She

lived pretty close to her school so she

walked then she met her bestest friend

Samantha. Then the bell rang, they went in.

The teacher was sitting at her desk.

Then she said, ‘Get out your book. Start on

page 23 then go to page 25.” Everybody

said, “No!” But lily loved math so she

finished early, so she read awhile. Slowly

they finished one by one. Then the teacher

said, “Time to do reading groups.” So they

read and discussed. Then it was time to go

to lunch recess. Lily and Samantha did

monkey bars; then they heard the bell to go

eat. They both had home lunch. Lily had a

peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips

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and a fruit snack and a treat. Then the

teacher came to get them. They got back

then the teacher said, “Arts and crafts.”

So they tie-dyed some shirts for St.

Patricks’ Day. The bell rang to go home.

She was walking to home but then a

weird short man popped

out. He said, "Hi. My

name is Bob.” Then

Bob popped

away again,

then popped

up saying,

"Don't trust

the science

teacher. He



but I’m a


Don't tell

anybody!" Then he

popped away. She

freaked out and ran home. Her friend was

there. They walked up to her room. Then

she told her everything. Then her friend

said, "I know what we need to do: go back

to that man today.”

They ate dinner. It was early out so

they walked to the path lily walked. But

then a secret door way opened and they

went in. Then the same man popped out. He

said, "Might as well." So he said, "Are you

here to help the last leprechaun?" They

said, “Yes?" in confusion. He took then and

said, "It is your job to catch the leprechaun

and take him back here. Then he will go

through the portal to the land of sweet

tarts, the home of the leprechaun" They

both agreed. Then he said, "You will need

supplies so he disappeared the appeared

with a lot of stuff in his hand. Then he

explained everything one is a squirt gun

that shoots nets the other

immobilizes leprechauns and other

mystical creatures it is called a

safari net. And a portal-table

flying car. Just tell it were to go

and you'll be there. He explained

that the science teacher was a

goblin they hate the cold. So he

said take anything so they did when

they went home and they set up the

yard and practiced. But then Lily's

mom came out and said, "What are you

doing?” So they told a little fib that they

were playing a game to keep the mom safe.

Samantha was really good with the freeze

ray. And Lily was good with the safari net.

St. Patrick's Day

They went to school. They needed to

search for the leprechaun. Then they saw

the leprechaun. They chased it to the

science lab. “No!" they said, realizing they

just led it to the goblin. Lily and Samantha

saw the science teacher change into a

goblin. "Gross!” they both said. Then the

goblin jumped behind them to corner them

in. "Ha, I got you cornered," said the goblin.

"Quick, freeze the science teacher," Lily

said to Samantha. "No!” said the goblin.

Samantha took out the freeze ray and shot

him. He froze. They saw him crack: crack,

boom. He burst into shards. They said,

"Yes, boo yea!” But then they realized,

“Where is the leprechaun?” Then they got

out the tracker. The leprechaun was still in

the science room. "Hurry, use the safari

net. Catch him!" said Samantha. Whoosh!

The leprechaun was caught. Then the flying

car: whoosh. They were back at the hide

out: whoosh. Samantha and Lily threw him

through the portal. Samantha and Lily both

said, "Looks like our work is done here."

The End

Let It Go!

By: Mandy Vanderstek

Once upon a time there lived two girls. One of the girls' name was Elsa; she was the older one. The younger girl’s name was Anna. The girls lived in a kingdom on an island called Arendell. Oh, what a beautiful place it was. Elsa had sorcery that she had (accidentally) struck her sister (Anna) with. They found some trolls to help them with the baby. The troll had to remove all the magical memories from Anna's head, but

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he left the fun. As the girls grew older their parents died and the girls were on their own. It was Elsa's coronation day. For the first time in forever the gates will be opened. Anna was so excited for the day she will meet people. Elsa has to conceal and not feel; it was the day Elsa's dad had been preparing her for. On Elsa's coronation day, Anna pulled off Elsa's glove and Elsa accidently revealed her powers. Elsa ran away and let it go, because the cold never bothered her any way. Elsa was free at last. Anna wanted to get her back so she went looking for her. Elsa was found by Prince Hans, Anna's true love. Anna found out that Elsa had put ice in Anna's heart. Anna returned from the mountain where she was looking for Elsa. She came home and returned to Prince Hans. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. A true love’s kiss is what Anna needed. She wanted Hans to but he said, “Oh, Anna, if there were only someone who loved you!” Anna was very confused; she thought he had. Olaf is a little snowman and he found Anna and helped her to Cristoff

and Sven (the person/reindeer who had helped her find Elsa.) Anna wanted to go to Cristoff but her sister was in deep trouble: Prince Hans was going to kill her. Anna had to save Elsa. Right as Hans was drawing his sword, Anna put her hand up and froze. Her whole body was ice. Elsa LOVED her sister so she enveloped her in a deep hug. Anna thawed: “Love will thaw, LOVE!” Elsa said. Arendell was now back to summer and the gates were always open. Anna fell in love with Cristoff and every one lived happy ever after! THE END

How The Super Bowl Was Created


The Super Bowl has been around

for a long time. It was created by the

NFL and a rival league called the AFL.

They wanted to see the best team from

each league and see who is best in the


championship. The

NFC is part of the

NFL and the NFL has

26 wins and the AFL

has 23 wins. The

Steelers have the

record for the most

Super Bowl wins.

The Super

Bowl is the most

watched sports event in the world. This

year they had 111.5 million watchers. The

Super Bowl is the best!

A Story by Gyana

Once there were 6 girls named Violet, Rose, Sunny, Mazy, Hannah, and Apple. Each one had a pet. Rose’s pet was named, Apple’s pet was named Bo, Violet’s pet was named, Sunny’s pet was named, Mazy’s pet was named, and Hannah’s pet was named. They all lived in a very small cabin. It was only as big as a classroom. They barely fit in that


That house that they lived was very old, in fact, it used to be a classroom. It was owned by a very, very evil teacher. Whenever she heard a kid whispering she would take them outside and hit them with a stick, or she

would have a horse buck the poor kid, but the worst of all was that if the kid needed help with something or if they ever

said, “But . . .” the teacher would say to the kid, “You can’t go home for 26 weeks, you will clean the classroom when I want you to.” And she even wouldn’t stay with the kid

after school. She wouldn’t let him sleep either so right before she left she would

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set out cameras to make sure that the kid didn’t go to sleep and if the kid did she would send her robot to go whack him. The 6 girls didn’t know this story all they knew was that it used

to be a classroom but one night they were about to find out.

“Give me my doll back,” said (5 year old) Apple, “Ok, here you go,” said (9 year old) Rose, and threw it outside. “Stop teasing Apple,” said (10 year old) Violet and went to go

get Appl’es doll and just then (8 year old) Sunny, (7 year old) Mazy, and (6 year old) Hannah came running and screaming. "There is a snake after us and it’s as tall as-as… well-just look!" and there appeared the snake. It was 100 feet tall and 11,110 inches wide. It slithered 10 miles per minute. It slithered toward them and then it stopped, turned around and started hissing, but the girls couldn’t see anything, but then they heard a crash. "What was that?" said Apple. "I don’t know. Let’s go find out," said Violet, and they went toward their cabin.

First walked in the oldest (which was Violet) and there they saw it: a ghost. It had dark, dark brown, long,

silky, beautiful hair and golden/brown eyes, and a beautiful face with rosy cheeks. All the girls screamed and ran away but there was the snake

slithering toward them and then Rose said, "We have 3 choices: we can either stay right here, go to the snake or go to the ghost." "I don’t know!" said Violet. To Be Continued...

Snakes by Kiol

This is an article about why some people are afraid of snakes and why you shouldn`t be afraid of snakes, if you are afraid of snakes, and facts about snakes.

If you are afraid of snakes, it’s natural; the fear of snakes is the one of the most common phobias for people.

Snakes have adapted over time by learning with the vision, and their minds are growing smarter, but so are ours. If you do get bit by a venomous snake, don’t move. If a snake injects venom it will travel by bloodstream. You might have heard if you move around on a cold day you won`t be cold. This is because your heart beats faster and pumps blood around even faster

than usual, so if a snake bites you, don’t scream and run around: stay calm and slowly remove the snake. Get a parent and go to the hospital. But if isn’t venomous then don’t worry and don’t just kill it; it’s just defending itself.

Some people say snakes are scary because of it having no legs and its slithering motion. Television and other media can make you fear snakes also if it’s something you think you would see every day then you could start to fear it. Did you know that if you kill a snake that is clung to you, a snake’s reflex tells it to keep on injecting venom?

Some types of snakes eat poisonous frogs and stores the poison in its belly. If a clawed creature rips it open, well, shame on them, because the snake stores poison in its belly: a

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surprise for the creature! The poison explodes and the creature gets a poisoned face as a reward. That’s what you get for messing with a snake: kill at your own risk. You won’t believe this, but a snake can glide tree to tree.

You shouldn’t be afraid of snakes because, for all snakes, it is hard to inject the venom because it’s not every day they encounter a human. Also, there has only been forty one snake bite deaths since the 1980s. Plus nowadays we have anti-venom. You will know if a snake is venomous if you see these things: Only venomous snakes have fangs, so if the snake you find doesn’t have fangs you know its harmless, but finding fangs may be tricky so here are other ways you can find out. There are six dangerous snakes in the U.S. To identify if they are dangerous they will have facial pits; facial pits are like another snout. What I mean is, there is a black spot in the back of the snout; the color of the dot is black. All dangerous snakes have it. Snakes are endangered too.

Snakes are more afraid of us than we are of them. Before they attack they give a warning. A nine year old and a baby are not afraid of snakes and live with them and play

with them. A type of snake can spit poison 6 feet. Snakes always have venom. In 2006 there was a plane full of snakes. Did you know there’s a snake with twelve heads?

Rabbits by Andi

Rabbits are so sweet. They are found in deserts on almost every continent, they are herbivores, and have big predators, Plus, they are really cute.

Rabbits are found in deserts in countries and continents such as Japan, Sumatra, North America, South Africa and Europe; otherwise usually kept as pets. I have a pet rabbit.

Rabbits are herbivores. That means they eat food such as grass, seeds, alfalfa, nuts, berries, fruits, and vegetable. They are also food to lots of animals to such as lions, mountain lions, men and wolves.

There are different kinds of rabbits. Some of them are: the Dutch rabbit, the

Lion head, the Dwarf, and the Rex. My rabbit is a New Zealand white.

So now you know were rabbits live, what they eat, and

what eats them.


By Ethan

The caracal is an amazing creature, capable of doing amazing things. They can jump up to ten feet in the air thanks to their big, beefy muscles. This also helps them run really fast to catch prey. The tufts and big ears help the caracal hear even the smallest footsteps from a guinea fowl a quarter mile away! Caracals can be unheard by prey because of its footpads. They can also be unseen thanks to their maroon-brown coats.

Caracals are strict eaters, hunting a small variety of birds, rodents, and small deer. But they rarely hunt gazelle and young ostriches; they sometimes also eat house cats!

10 Ways on How to Kick Butt in Baseball by Ryker

1. Play as a team. 2. Talk about what's going on in the field. 3. Make sure to lift your team up if they

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feel down. 4. It doesn't matter if you win or lose; it's how you play the game. 5. If you make a mistake, it's OK; just don't make two. 6. Don't get mad at your team when they make a mistake; lift them up. 7. Stick up for your team. 8. Don't cheat yourself. 9. Have fun. 10. Don't trash talk the other team.

Follow those 10 things and you will be a kick butt team.

My team is called D.C Elite. My coaches are: Justin, Peter, Skee, Mitch, and Jay (he is my dad). My teammates are: Canton, Stockton, Rhett, Ryker (m)}, Colton, Tyson, Mitchell, Jonas, Ethan, and Amari.

Horses By: Lexi Ellis

Horses are big, amazing animals. They

are very useful, even for helping people to feel

better. This paper will better explain some

questions you may have about horses, or just

give you a reminder. Now let's get this paper

read! Giddy-up!

Horses eat a lot of things. Hay, grass, grain, and

some like treats. Many different types of hay

are fed to horses throughout the U.S. Just

to name a few, there is, timothy, orchard,

costal, oat, fescue, rye, alfalfa, and clover

hay. There are two categories that hay fits

into: Legumes and grasses. Alfalfa and

clover hay are grass hays because they are

grassier. Pretty much all other hay fits into

the legumes category. Horses also love

grain. Most horses practically eat a full

scoop in two minutes they love it so

much! One kind that horses eat is called

cob. Cob stands for Corn, Oats, and

Barley. There are many other kinds of

grain that horses eat but that would take

forever to name all of them! Treats are loved by

all horses. At first, they have no idea of what

they are, but then horses start to sniff them,

then nibble them, then, CHOMP! It's gone just

like that. Some basic treats are apple flavored

treats, carrots, sugar cubes, and apples.

Many people still love to use horses for

a variety of things. Some are used for search

and rescue, others for cleaning up hard-to-get-

to hiking trails. The use of horses we're going to

talk about next is cattle horses. A lot of big

ranches have large grazing pastures for their

cattle to go out and graze on. After a long time

being out on the field, the ranch hands go out

with their horses and round up the cattle. Then

they bring them back down to the ranch and life

goes on from there. Search and rescue horses

go out into the mountains or where ever there

are trails that vehicles can't get to and the

horses search for and rescue lost or injured

people. The next use for horses we'll talk about

are horses that clean up walking or hiking trails

where vehicles can't go or aren't as effective.

Plus, rough terrain makes it hard for vehicles to

drive over.

How do you measure yourself? In feet,

or inches maybe? Well a horse is measured with

something called hands. But it's not just any size

of hands. A hand, when you're measuring a

horse, is four inches. You start at the bottom of

the hoof, work your way up, the end at the

highest point of the withers. Withers are the

highest point of the back. Most people think of

a pony as a really tiny horse, like a Shetland, for

example. But did you know that a pony is

actually 14.2 hands high or smaller? If a horse is

14.3 hh (hands high), then it is considered a


Ask yourself a question, how long do

sleep each day? Maybe 8, 9, or 10 hours? Well if

you think that that is a small amount of sleep,

then brace yourself for a mind blowing fact:

horses only sleep for about 2.9 hours EACH

DAY! Crazy, right? Not if you're a horse! They

only sleep for about fifteen minutes at a time.

Lots of people think that all full grown horses

sleep standing up, but a lot of the time, they

sleep laying down. Almost all foals sleep laying

down, but some of them think they're bigger

and tougher than they really are. You'd laugh if

you saw a foal sleep on its legs!

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All horses, or animals for this matter,

have very different

personalities. In order to be

safe around animals, you

must learn how they

behave. A horse's ears can

turn about half way around

and if they do, you'd better

watch out! The horse will

most likely try to kick you or

bite you because it's mad or

angry, or maybe just scared

and trying to act tough. If a

horse's ears are pointed

forward then it means that

it's happy and alert. A

curious or uncertain horse has one ear pointed

forward and another pointed back. One more

thing, if you are around a mare and her baby,

be extra cautious. The mare might be extra

protective of her baby. You could get hurt or

worse, if the mare is insanely protective.

Names of horses are very important. A

newborn baby horse is called a foal. Females

are called fillies and males are called colts. The

horse called a foal until he or she is weaned.

Then it's called a weanling. A weanling is a

horse that has been separated from his or her

mother to continue its life on its own. Then

when the horse has its first birthday, it's called a

yearling. After that, the horse has their second

birthday and is called a two year old. Pretty

simple right? When a boy horse reaches its

third birthday, then you call it as stallion. A

stallion is a full grown male horse who can

reproduce. And when a girl horse comes to her

third birthday, then she is called a mare. A mare

is a full grown female horse

who is able to reproduce.

I hope you have

learned a lot from reading

this paper. If you don't

already have a horse, you

should get one. They are big,

majestic animals. If you treat

them kindly, they will be

your companion for life.

Adventure! By

Connor Smith


wake up now you

jackinitty!" Johnny

was so annoyed at

his hectic brother.

"Doctor Clay is

stuck in the most


abandoned mine

and needs us to get him out! Any ideas?"

"Dynamite," Chris said. "We'll use

dynamite." "Why dynamite?" Jim came in

without them noticing. "Because it's most

effective," Chris answered. "Effective

enough to kill the poor man I think!"

Johnny exclaimed. Chris looked calm, still.

"Relax, dudes! I've got the perfect idea

that won't let us down!" "You hope won't

let us down," Johnny mumbled.

"Remember when you lost all those cute

little pandas to a bear because you had

some 'great idea' that totally killed

them?!" Jimmy got mad too. Chris finally

lost his nerve. "Scram," he said. "This is

my room anyway, and I want to check

something out that you tweets can't see."

He said the word "tweets" with extreme

force. The boys did as they were told and

left. Chris started to work on the

triplets' birthday present for his younger


"Guys," Chris

called. "What?"

was the answer.

"I apologize for

what I said

earlier." Chris

felt bad. "We

forgive you,"

was the reply

that he heard. Chris slowly exhaled the

breath that he'd been holding in for what

felt like a long time. He went downstairs

and sang "Happy Birthday" to his younger

brothers and gave them each their

pickaxe that had broken a few years ago

when they had to save their parents from

a criminal mastermind but were too late.

They looked for their parents' last will

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and testament and found a small piece of

paper labeled "The Last Will and

Testament of Robert and Stephanie

Sharp". They read through it and learned

that they were all the rightful owners of

the estate. Jimmy now owned the Ford

2800 that their dad had bought a year

ago. It had no mileage on it. Chris got the

antique priceless grand piano that had

been in the family for hundreds of years

and now was his. Johnny got the air rifle

collection and the mini gun collection and

was quite pleased.

They finally stuck their heads

together and got the TNT that they

needed to get to rescue Doc Clay. They

went to the mine where Clay got stuck

and put the dynamite 100 feet away from

where Doc Clay was. They lit the fuse and

rand 200 more feet from the TNT and

got Clay out.

Later, they were all having some

soda and enjoying themselves and

thanking each other when Doctor Clay

said for the one millionth time, "Thank

you guys for saving me. But tomorrow I

want to take you boys out to that mine I

got stuck in. I found gold!" The boys all

yelled, "Really? That's sick. Let's go get

rich now!" So that is the story of four

brothers who became billionaires when

they mined sixty million pounds of the

purest, 60 karat gold, and went to charity

and gave half of it away and became

country heroes because they saved the

craziest of crazy people and had a fun

life. (They did not marry, but lived

together in the largest house in the

universe.) They later met me, Connor and

my friends, Anthony and Beck, to tell us

this glorious tale about how they saved

their beloved lunatic, Doctor Clay. The


The Girls by Rilee

Once there were three girls named Kit, Hailee, and Amber. They were on a vacation in Hawaii for the summer. One day the girls were playing on the beach in front of the hotel. Hailee saw something shining in the sand. She called her sisters. "Amber, Kit, come look what I found!" Kit and Amber came over with their shovels. The three girls dug it out. "What is this?" Hailee growled. "It looks like a key!" Amber said excitedly, "I wonder what it opens?” So they set off trying to find something it might open.

Later on that day they found a mysterious looking gate! "Let's try to open it!" Hailee said. Then, in went the key and the gate burst open! "Wow!!!!" They all were amazed! They wandered around near the gate. Then Amber wandered off, so Hailee and Kit followed her.

Later on they came to a wide river. "How do we get across?" asked Kit. "Hey, what's that over there?" Hailee said. "It's a bridge!" they all said. So they ran as fast as they could go to the stone bridge. As they came over the bridge they saw a beautiful flower under the shade of a very tall tree.

As they got closer they began to see an arrow pointing north. "Let's go that way,” Kit said. They went on north until they came to a cottage. All the three of them found an entrance. And on the doorstep there sat an apple. Amber picked it up and took a bite!

To be continued...

Red Pandas

By Hannah Palfreyman

The red panda's name is very unusual

because, even though they are related to

the giant panda, red pandas look

nothing like them. Red pandas have a big

diet. They also have a big habitat and

they look very interesting. Red pandas

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act strangely and they have many

interesting facts.

Red pandas eat many different

things. Like giant pandas, they eat

bamboo, but

they also eat


lichen, acorns,

roots, eggs,

leafs, berries,

and blossoms.

Like the giant

panda, red

pandas also

have a small

projection on their wrists that help them

grip bamboo stalks. Red pandas have an

interesting way of drinking. They stick

their paw into water and the then lick

the water off their paw.

Red pandas can live in many

different places. They can live in the

mountains of Nepal, northern Myanmar,

Burma, central China, Bhutan, Yunnan,

Xizang, and the Himalayas. Red panda

babies stay in their nests for about

ninety days after birth.

Red pandas are about the size of

a house cat. They are about thirty one to

forty seven inches plus their bushy

ringed tail adds another twelve to

twenty four inches. They have

cinnamon red fur and white markings

on their faces. Red pandas look a lot like

a red raccoon.

Red pandas mostly sleep during

the day. They are in trees a lot of the

time. Red pandas are solitary animals,

which means they live alone. When red

pandas are on the ground they keep

their tail straight or horizontal, but in the

trees they use their tail to balance.

Some interesting facts about red

pandas are: they are a relative of the

giant panda and the raccoon, they are

endangered, and in the winter they

cover themselves with their

tails. These are some facts

about red pandas.

Last Minute

By: Shyann Everett

"Alright'' Elei said

as she skipped beside her playful puppy. She was exhausted from running the track. The all of a sudden Principal Ashtrey called and said, ''We need a spelling contestant for the 10th annual school spelling bee." "Goody Gumdrops," Elei said. "I accept." Principal Ashtrey had already hung up. That minute Elei panicked and screamed at the top of her lungs!

The Spelling Bee

"Elei," Mrs.Valenteen said calmly, "spell enfranchise.”

"E-n-f-r-a-n-c-h-I-s-e." "Correct, now define enfranchise." "Give the right to vote." "Correct, and now you have won 1st place in the 10th annual spelling bee." The End

The Dukes of Hazzard by Cody Muir

It was a nice day in Hazzard.

And all the retired moonshiners were

heading to a party to celebrate their

moonshining business. They are

celebrating by watching home

movies of their moonshining

years. Then Bo Duke started

a bet that had Uncle Jessie

Duke and the county

commissioner, Boss Hogg,

having a moonshine run,

only with water instead of

real moonshine because

moonshine is illegal.

Soon they go to

Cooter’s. there they found the

Black Tillie, but Boss Hogg was

making a plan late at night. He will

have Rosco P. Coultrane go and put

sticky stuff in the fuel tank of the

Black Tillie. The next day they turned

on the Black Tillie but it wouldn’t

start, so they had to clean out the fuel

tank. But Boss Hogg was on the phone

with Sheriff Emmett Spike who lived

in Hatchapee County. He hated

moonshine, so Boss said, “Jessie Duke,

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in the Black Tillie, is going to run real

moonshine to your county.” Then Boss

said where and when, then hung up.

So the next day Rosco paid 2

guys to switch the water with

moonshine. Then they went, but Rosco

put a sign so Jessie would go to Sheriff

Emmett Spike. The Duke boys, Bo and

Luke Duke, came in the General Lee.

And Cooter

in his tow

truck had


bottles. So

they caught

up with

Jessie and

switched it

back so that

Jessie is


water. Soon

Uncle Jessie

won and they all celebrated!

Bald Eagles by Anthony

Bald Eagles are very

interesting. Most people only know that they eat fish and they are the national bird for the U.S.A. I will talk about a bald eagle’s appearance, diet, fun facts, and behavior.

A bald eagle gets its name from its white feathers on its head, which makes it look bald. Their wing span goes up to 90 inches. They are one of the biggest birds ever to live. Their body feathers are brown when they are adults. When they are babies, their feathers are grey and a little brown. When they are juveniles, their feathers are brown with white and grey specks.

Next is a bald eagle's diet. Bald eagles are carnivores. That means they eat meat. They eat meat like fish. They eat fish like salmon. They also eat smaller birds and rodents. They sometimes will steal food from another bird. Only one out of eighteen attempts for attacking prey is successful. When a bald eagle does catch their prey, they put out their wings to cover and defend their food. A bald eagle is also a scavenger. They will find dead carcasses to eat sometimes.

There are fun facts about a bald eagle. A Bald Eagle's scientific name is Haliaeetus

Leucephalus. Bald eagles live from Alaska and Canada to North Mexico. A female bald eagle is bigger than a male. Bald eagle nests are very heavy; some can be as heavy as a ton.ald eagles behave in several ways. Sometimes a bald eagle won't let go of a big fish, and it gets dragged into the water by the fish and doesn't let go until it has gone into the water. A bald eagle can lift 1-4 pounds of fish, or whatever it is grabbing. Some pesticides that are like DDT are very dangerous to bald eagles, and bald eagles were endangered about 20 years ago because people were hunting them and using pesticides.

As you can see, there are many things you didn't know about bald eagles that you probably learned from this paper.

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Barn Owls by Zenia

Today we (and by we, I mean you) will be learning all (O.K., not all, but some) about barn owls. You will be learning about what barn owls eat, some of their many features, where they live, and last but not least...... (drum roll, please).....random facts! (Yes 100% random, here for your enjoyment). Have you ever wanted to know what barn owls like to munch and crunch on? (No? You haven't? What a surprise!......Not!) If you have, then this is the paragraph for you (but if you haven't, you can skim along to the next paragraph). So, anyway, if you’re still there, barn owls like to eat field voles, wood mice, shrews, moths, fish, lemmings, pizza (not really, but they totally should) and pretty much all other small mammals. A barn owls features are unusual. They have a puffy white or yellowish stomach that often looks like they have just been splashed with mud (Translation: often spotted). They also have brown eyes and a ring around there face (Translation: ring around face). They have brown, white, black or orange (just kidding). Last but not least, you’re going to learn about the random facts about barn

owls. 1. They HATE! snow. 2. The barn owl is one of the world’s most widespread birds. 3. They live in every continent except Antarctica. Now you know about what barn owls eat, their features, where they live, and random facts.

Red Foxes by Sylvia

Red foxes are

so cute, don't even weight that much,

and are really small. They will

sometimes live in places where people

live! They eat a lot of different things.

Not kidding, they eat a lot! Guess what?

The interesting facts are amazing!

The colors on the red foxes are

mainly red and white, but sometimes

they are brown and white. On the

paws, the belly, at the end of the

tail, and at the end of the

nose is all white and

the rest is red

or brown.


red foxes'

head and

body size is about 18-33.75 in. and only

the tail is 12 to 21 in. The weight is 6.5

to 24 lbs.

IN the forest, grasslands,

mountains, deserts, farms, and areas

where humans live of the northern

hemisphere is where you will find red

foxes. But if you want to find out, you

better watch out. They are very sly!

Time for the really long

paragraph! All foxes eat rabbits, birds,

fruit, fish, frogs, worms, mice, shrews,

moles, squirrels, woodchucks, raccoons,

skunks, muskrats, grasshoppers, beaver,

turkey, turtles, lizards, snakes,

caterpillars, beetles, and other insects.

Oh, if they are a pet, they will eat pet

food and garbage. They are also mainly

an omnivore.

Did you know that red foxes

bark? Well, they do. They are really

small. Also, they are really sly and

intelligent. They mate in the winter and

the female has 2 to 12 pups. At birth

they are brown or grey. They have

whiskers on their legs. They can climb

trees really well and also live 2 to 4

years. They also have really strong jaws.

The red foxes are really cute, live

in forests and other places, eat and lot,

and are really interesting.

Hey, Baldy, how ‘s

things going?!

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