Page 1: Newsletter · Web view"And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true

H.O.P.E. The Time is NOW By Richard Mabe

NOTE: Please take the time to click on the various video links throughout this newsletter to get a colorful view of how people are thinking and how our leaders are filling our heads with…..

People in our tribe are screaming loudly for something. They are yelling racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, narcissism, socialism

fascism, islamophobia, anti-America, blah, blah, blah. And it is getting louder and louder and louder. Why? What exactly is happening here? Are people really so

hateful? Do we really have a bunch of right wing or left wing radicals tearing our country apart? And do we have a bunch of globalists running around

preaching a new world order trying to rob humans of their individualism? Or is there something else at work? Let’s talk this thing through and see what we can do to fix this move toward certain annihilation of the human organism. For certainly we are gaining momentum in the destructive behavior throwing ourselves into the jaws of self-mutilation. Do you not feel that we are moving toward an unstoppable destruction of the human race if we can’t get a grip on this hatred and downright indecent

behavior toward our fellow tribesmen? ENOUGH,


So next let’s discuss how our people are divided and confused about religion and how our spiritual leaders and all leaders seem to have have abandoned us.

In Millennials and evangelism: The plague of emotivism By John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, Op-Ed Contributors to CP Voices Last, lets discuss how H.O.P.E. will bring us back to the point of balance we seek. “Our tribe is more divided than ever: God’s activity in the redemption of the world through a chosen, renewed and obedient people.” This is to quote from a book titled, “The Illustrated Bible, A Handbook for Students . This is quite a statement to start off a discussion on formal religion and why it seems to be so important in the lives of so many humans around the world. It is equally compelling for me to explore more about why humans feel it necessary to kill off one another in the name of their religion. So, let’s explore the deeper question of why. Why do people feel it is necessary to hold formal

World Religions Hold Our Globe in Ransome

“Honesty, Omnipotence, Pure Love, Essence”

-Richard M.

The Hope Institute, Inc.

Page 2: Newsletter · Web view"And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true

religion as a justification for war, hate, sexual misconduct and other

NTV Kenya •690 views2 months ago

•deeds that fly in the face of their doctrines? Throughout this newsletter you will see quotes from the three major religions that are so prevalent in our world today, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. First, we will have a short discussion on creation. I do not think that because we are speaking about religion that anyone reading this article will have the nerve to challenge the writer about the fact that man was created

in the image of God by God. Otherwise, this article will be useless. As man was created in the image of God, lets start here. In the Quran and in the Bible there are quotes about God creating man in his image. And the evidence is clear that we are created with free will and the ability to do as he does. And yet, we continue to hate one another and start wars because Mohammad

and Jesus came to teach us the ways of our Creator. I wonder if our religious leaders truly wish for us to live in peace and harmony when their coffers can overflow with money and

treasure if they can keep us living in fear of God and one another. Reader, I ask that you look deep inside as you continue to read this newsletter and ask yourself the questions at the end to fulfill your Essence as a Human Being.

Okay, so accepting that we agree we were created in the image of God and that all religions pretty much agree on that one simple fact we can move on to other things.


Instance, does it not seem strange to you that in all scriptures our God is the one individual in the room who loves all humans and who expects all humans to love one another? Why is it that the language injected by man into these “words of wisdom and enlightenment” calls for such things as slavery, women as property and the killing of whole groups of humans simply because they are different?

Quran (17:16) - "And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction."

Page 3: Newsletter · Web view"And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true

Quran (33:60-62) - "If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease (evil desire for adultery, etc.), and those who spread false news among the people in Al-Madinah, cease not, We shall certainly let you overpower them, then they will not be able to stay in it as your neighbors but a little while Accursed, wherever found, they shall be seized and killed with a (terrible) slaughter."

As I was reading the Quran I was utterly dismayed and horrified by the frequent calls for violence against people who do not fall down on their knees and worship Allah. At the same time, when reading the Bible I find many references to orders from God to take out whole civilizations who defy the word of God or who live in sin.Luke 19:27: “But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’” 2 Chronicles 15:12-13: “And they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or womanEven the Torah holds history of violence.

This is an excerpt of Numbers 31:1-10 , adapted from the translation in The Torah: A Women’s Commentary:


“God spoke to Moses, saying, “Avenge the Israelite people on the Midianites; then you shall be gathered to your kin.” Moses spoke to the people, saying, “Let troops be picked out from among you for a campaign, and let them fall upon Midian to wreak God’s vengeance on Midian. You shall dispatch on the campaign a thousand from every one of the tribes of Israel.

So a thousand from each tribe were furnished from the divisions of Israel, twelve thousand picked for the campaign. Moses dispatched them on the campaign, a thousand from each tribe, with Phinehas son of Eleazar serving as a priest on the campaign, equipped with the sacred utensils and trumpets for sounding the blasts. They took the field against Midian, as God had commanded Moses, and slew every male….

The Israelites took the women and other dependents of the Midianites captive and seized as booty all their beasts, all their herds, and all their wealth. And they destroyed by fire all the towns in which they settled, and their encampments…”.

I will not go into extreme detail on the scriptures or attempt to do an in-depth study of the idea that God spoke to the Jews or the Muslims or Christians making demands for them to slaughter entire civilizations. I simply accept that all things written by man have certain biases from those same authors. I have taken the Omnipotent authority upon myself with the accompanying responsibility and accountability to state before you that the authors of these texts took an opportunity to use the most powerful texts ever written to justify and coverup their acts of horror against their fellow men by taking action in the name of and then blaming their acts on God.Just as I am instilling my opinion into this article, it is my belief that many of the demands and historical records contained in our religious texts come from biased and guilt driven persuasion.

The created beauty of our people has been greatly diminished by acts of oppressive religions established with malintent by those who have seen opportunity to take control of the Essence of humanity while ignoring the very Universal Laws of Creation they themselves should be living by. Need evidence to support my statement?

Page 4: Newsletter · Web view"And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true

Over the millennia we have seen atrocities by religions that make your hair stand up.

The Crusades Salem Witch Hunts Sodom and Gomorha 9/11 Terror and others Jihads Jesus Crucified Priests raping boys Slavery Polygamy Pedophilia Money Worship

I am certain the reader can name many more but you see the evidence of how these things are showing centuries of abuse by those that claim to be guided by God and their religion. Is it any wonder that the very texts and laws written by these folks are being challenged?

Now, let’s look at what is currently happening in the world of religion and see if there are any similarities to what humans have written and in their acts. First of all, the most obvious threat to humanity seems to be coming from the Muslims of Islam. Christian and Jewish religions seem to have learned a great deal from their historical events to a large degree. Or have they? Lets dive into this.

As recently as yesterday a video was shown going viral from Philadelphia of a group of Muslim school aged kids reciting the Quran. In that video these young kids were calling for Jihad and the slaughter of Jews and Christians. What? Sad but true. can be no doubt that the United States has become the target of Muslim hate towards anything not Islam. The Quran calls for this. Is this religious warfare in modern times? Of course, but it’s not the whole story.

What has America done to bring on the wrath of Islam? What has Europe done? And equally, what has America done to cause its own religious issues inside its own borders? We won’t touch the European side other than to point out that America was started by a bunch of disgruntled Europeans who wanted to escape the tyranny of a king not supporting their efforts in America. Keep in mind that these disgruntled Europeans were already under the hypnotic control of religious oppression in the name of Christianity. Many Americans may claim that we are completely innocent of any wrong doing from a religious point of view because they are above any other religion due to their Christian faith. And therein lies a very big problem for the United States from a world view. It’s called the arrogance of the Christian faith. So,

what is this arrogance all about and what is the answer? Christians take as foundational pillar, the belief that the only way to be in the presence of God is through his son Jesus Christ. Therefore, you must accept Jesus as your

savior and no other religion is legit. That is the arrogance of Christianity.

Unfortunately, Islam is similarly arrogant in its belief that only Allah is true and the Quran calls for the beheading of Jews and Christians. So, we find ourselves in a very sorrowful position

leading to religious warfare on our home soil every day. As a young country we find ourselves facing the same fights that are as old as man himself. So, the question: How will our country survive this onslaught of religious theology that will destroy our whole civilization if left unchallenged?

Different religions are in place all over the world and include: (Some links provided)agnosticism Confucianism Islam People's Temple

Amish Dami Xuanjiao Jainism  polytheism

ancestor worship deism Jedi Knights Raja Yoga

animism Divine Lightmission

Jehovah's Witnesses Rastafarian

Asatrú Druidism Judaism Ravidassia

atheism Druze Mennonite Salvation Army

Aum Shinrikyo dualism Mithraism Santería

Bahá'í Faith Ebionites monotheism Satanism

Brahma Kumari Eckankar Mysticism Scientology

Branch Davidians GnosticismNative American Church


Buddhism Hare Krishna New Age Shinto

Celtic Paganism Heathenism Zhu Shen Jiao Sikhism

Chen Tao Heaven's Gate occultism Spiritualism

Chinese Religion Hinduism Order Of The Solar Temple sun worship

ChristadelphiansHookers For Jesus / The Family Of God

Paganism Taoism

Christian Apostolic Church In Zion Humanism pantheism theism

Christianity Islam R astafarianism Thelema

Concerned Christians Jainism  People's Temple Theosophy

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Confucianism Universalism Unitarianism Voodoo

Many of these religions exist within the United States and are not known for their assaults on the humans they proport to love. If I may be so bold as to urge all to look into these various religions and consider what has happened to cause us to be so violent a people. Perhaps, if you desire to have a crutch with which to hold yourself up, choose one that does not demand violence or other harms to fellow man as the one.

The other various groups who control our thinking and beliefs include our government, our schools and our parents.

The government of the United States was originally created by the people and for the people. Our Constitution set out the methods by which to hold government in check so as to guarantee that it would never become a tyrannical monster that the originators of our independence battled so hard to escape. And yet, here we are, taxed without proper representation. We have a Congress that operates outside the laws within which it was established. We have a Justice Department that no longer operates to bring blind justice to bear on our republic and we have executives who are constantly battling the other two branches of government to get anything accomplished and often using those same branches to violate the constitutional laws established to hold the executive branch in check. They have forgotten why they are there and have chosen to use their office as a career to become wealthy and get reelected rather than to represent their people.

Our education system, from elementary to university is now indoctrinating students into political and theological doctrines to shift the thinking of young minds rather than teaching our young people subjects of higher learning. This is what is causing so much hate within our society. Check out what your students are being taught. Go to their schools and listen to the lectures on history, sociology and civics. Perhaps you need to make some changes and maybe you need to think about what you are teaching your kids at home too.

So let’s close this with what I promised earlier in this piece; those questions that I believe could be the beginning of the answer that will save our country from certain destruction:


We Americans, whether born American or become American, have a certain component of our essence as human beings to define our foundations of America. One of those is the Constitution and its Amendments. So, as an American you may wish to assess your accountability for

the current state of affairs in our First Amendment guaranteeing religious liberty. If you desire to help with the solution, maybe doing this will help determine what you can do to change our situation. Here are some Honesty Questions:

1. What have you done or not done to help land this country where it is today regarding religious animosity toward your neighbor?

2. Do you believe that you are no longer to blame for your actions because that is in the hands of a higher power?

3. Do you blame someone else for attacks in public places by one religion against another?

OMNIPOTENCE ASSESSMENT: Our country was founded upon the principle that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. It seems

that we have shied away from any sense of accountability for exercising our free will, especially when it does harm to others. In an effort to bring H.O.P.E. to bear on this discussion of our country’s survival, answer these questions:

1. What have you done that would be considered going

against the Ten Commandments? I do not ask this out of a sense of biblical duty but out of common sense from the Honesty Navigation System inherent in my design that says these decency obligations make sense to me. You?

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall make no idols. You shall not take the name of the Lord your

God in vain.

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Keep the Sabbath day holy. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your

neighbor. You shall not covet.

2. Will you accept the responsibility and accountability that comes with being granted the authority to have a relationship with God or have you given that up by blaming every bad thing you do or that has been done to you on fate or some higher power?

3. Do you think that perhaps it is time for The United States to take a closer look at what the

true cause of unrest is in our country?


Pure Love is that act or resonance of love that is given without expectation of reciprocity. Our country can

only survive if we can make it our business to ensure that we care enough about our fellow humans to guarantee that we will allow no harm to come to them. In order to do this we wrote our Constitution and Bill of Rights with certain unalterable pillars guaranteeing us the right to challenge our government against acts of tyranny and to make certain of human equality. Although our founders were only focused on their “kind” when they wrote the Constitution, we have come to a more universal acceptance of these guaranteed rights to include all humans. Gone is the arrogance of European supremacy that was inherited by the early Americans. There have been so many books and stories told of how love heals all. So, lets answer these questions to further our discussion.

1. Do you accept all humans as being equal creations in the image of God without religious prejudice?

2. What have you done to fuel that equality in your house of worship?

3. Will you shift your behavior to one of pure love and away from religious persecution on all levels?


Our essence is that thing we were born to perform in this lifetime, as mine is to write, and be a coach and help others to be a bright star, all humans are

created with an essence as well. I have come to understand that even when a person has other things that must be done to earn a living, because we live in a monetary system, their essence may still live in other areas. In America we have focused so much on things that are not related to what we are created to be but instead on what we can create to be for someone else. The essence of the USA is obviously to be a bastion of freedom and equality and so we must ask ourselves, what we have done to contribute to that end or otherwise.

1. What is it you love to do and if you have not found it, is that the real question for you to answer?

2. Are you willing to allow your Essence to free you from oppression?

3. Do you believe that living your Essence establishes your relationship with God and gives you authority to live happily and prosper?

These four assessments will likely start a conversation with yourself about H.O.P.E.:

As we tackle the question of religious freedom and what the implications of violent theologies may have on our freedoms in America, it will be largely on the shoulders of Americans to decide to what degree we will continue to put ourselves under the control of fear that these mystics continue to force upon us.

Obviously, when we think clearly about what God has tried to make clear to us; live honestly, establish your omnipotence with God, have only Pure Love in your Heart and do as I do in your Essence. For thousands of years, and some would say millions of years, we have been evolving after creation, evolving in our thinking and beliefs. Whole civilizations have risen and fallen because the Natural Universal Laws that are in place to hold things in balance are violated resulting in destruction.

Somehow it seems that America is going down that path as well although there are many people who are

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attempting to thwart that fall. These religious wars that have been going almost non-stop since the days of Cain and Abel when one brother supposedly fell from good grace because his tithe was not of equal portion before God. Light before darkness is simply a natural law that is inherent to our design as is free will.

We teach our young darkness through our actions and lack of H.O.P.E. Religions that teach doctrines outside Honesty, Omnipotence, Pure Love and Essence are failing our Creator and leaving our people in confusion, fear and anger. This leads to acts of desperation. Is not a wonder why so many around the world are starving and living in constant fear for their lives when our religions teach us that they must find salvation or be condemned to Hell or that they must be killed because they are infidels? The world is abundant, and we humans have DOMINION OVER OUR GAIA! It is time to wake up to what God wants us to be. It is time for each of us to remember that we choose our lessons in this life and we are accountable!


The H.O.P.E. Institute is a place where we are beginning to help change thinking. It is a place of New Thinking or NeoThink® for many. In order for our systems to change, we must change. In order for us to change we must have a place where new behaviors can be welcomed and shared. The current parenting, educational, religious and governing systems are stuck in the business as usual concepts that have resulted in fear, oppression and crumbling economies. We can argue about one religion verses another all day long and the middles east has been doing it for thousands of years, but none of it works without the removal of corrupt thinking and practices as has been demonstrated since the beginning of man’s ability to work with FREE WILL. Religions of fear and oppression are not for the good of all humans but for the good of a ruling class of humans who have figured out how mysticism can be used to rule the world.

The H.O.P.E. Institute. Inc is a non-profit self-sustaining place of learning and thinking for people to gain the

necessary tools and resources to begin the shift to a different way of thinking. This will provide a catalyst to remove all but the individual as the holder of all things valuable to Americans. The basis of thinking may be along the lines of but is not dictated by this:

1. People come together and discuss the meaning of being human in the image of God.

2. Learn to live with Honesty in governance.

3. Only expect Pure Love to emerge from their conscious movements among humans.

4. Every Essence of human creativity is a design component of each human to be discovered and nurtured to maturity.

To make a contribution to this change please visit

Last, lets discuss how H.O.P.E. will bring us back to the point of balance we seek.

Rick Mabe can be reached at [email protected]

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