Page 1: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

Newsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020

PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly


newsletterinspired by jesus, we make a difference

CAPACITY CROWD: Students, staff and invited guests gathered for the opening of the St Joseph’s Resource Centre on Friday.

Welcome to the 2020 school year. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and managed to spend time with family and friends as well as relax and recharge for another busy year.It was great to welcome all the students back to Trinity last Thursday, hear about their holiday break and see how positive and excited they were about the year ahead. I would like to send a special welcome to all our new families; starting high school and starting at a new school, while exciting, can also be a bit daunting.

While we do our best here to ensure all students feel welcome, I encourage any family of a child who is experiencing some difficulty transitioning into Trinity College to contact the school so we can provide the support needed.This year we have also welcomed new staff to Trinity College. We were very pleased with the quality of applicants we received for all the roles we advertised and I know the staff we have added will all be fantastic additions to the school.In the area of Learning Enrichment

we welcome four new staff; Danila Kavenagh, Belinda Langdon, Stuart Rickard and Melissa Westlake.Michelle Buchanan has joined Trinity College as our Canteen Assistant. Sharna Russell has been added to the wellbeing team as a third Wellbeing Officer. We have two new trainees joining the staff; Lilly Aldridge returns to Trinity as our Sports Trainee and Jack Holland has been appointed to the new position of Media Trainee.

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Page 2: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

Y7 Camp, Wed Feb 5 - Fri Feb 7Y12 Parent Info Evening, 7.30pm Mon Feb 10Y11 Parent Info Evening, 7.30pm Tue Feb 11Y7 Parent Info Evening, 7.30pm Wed Feb 12Commencement Mass, Fri Feb 14Y10 Parent Info Night, 7.30pm Mon Feb 17College Photo Day, Tue Feb 18Y8 Parent Info Night, 7.30pm Wed Feb 19


OFf AND RUNNING IN 2020Trinity CollegeSchool PrayerLoving God, We give thanks for the gift of life. May Trinity College be a community for learning, new discoveries and the pursuit of wisdom.Grant that those who teach and those who learn honour your presence in all creation as we respect and look after our environment. May we learn from the example of Jesus and be open to the power of the Holy Spirit. May the virtues of faith, hope and love inspire us so that we make a difference through our kindness, mercy and compassion for all. Amen.

Mother of Mercy, pray for usLive, Jesus in our hearts, for ever!

From Page 1Seven new teachers have also joined the staff, some of whom have already worked at Trinity on short term contracts or a casual basis while others are joining our staff for the first time. We welcome Luke Alexeyeff who will be teaching Humanities and PE, Sharni Gill joins the English and Learning Enrichment departments, Kate Nolan will be teaching Religious Education, Science and Humanities, Jarmin Paddick and Sam Moloney will both be working in VCAL, Humanities and PE. Mia Morrow will be teaching English and Humanities and Jess Van den Enyde is our new VET Agriculture teacher and will also be teaching Science. The year has already been busy with the opening of the new St Joseph’s Resource Centre last Friday and a Year 9 parent information night this week along with our first Year 7 camp. The Resource Centre opening was a great event. A number of former staff members joined us along with other special guests from Catholic Education Office Ballarat, members of the College Board, representatives from our architects Morton Dunn as well as the builders for the project Spence Constructions. The new facility was blessed by Fr Michael and officially opened by former principal

Tim O’Farrell and I thank both for their enormous contributions to this project and for their involvement in the Opening.Over the holiday break a tremendous amount of work took place at the College. The main quadrangle was landscaped and the IT infrastructure was significantly updated. Our maintenance staff and IT staff worked extremely long hours to ensure all the work was completed before staff and students returned and I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank them for all the extra hours they put in.

On a personal note I am very excited about the 2020 school year. I can’t wait to get to know as many of the students and their families as possible and I look forward to meeting you all throughout the year.I would encourage as many of our families as possible to attend the upcoming parent information evenings and to make contact with the school in the event that any issue, big or small, arises.Paul ClohesyPrincipal

A compulsory information session will be held on the evening of Wednesday 26th February at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Auditorium for all Year 12 students who are interested in attending the Tanzanian Immersion over November – December this year.Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to attend the information session, as important details about the immersion will be distributed, including the costs of the trip and a draft itinerary. A member of last year’s immersion will also speak to the audience about their experiences and highlights while in Tanzania last year. Current Year 11 students who would like to learn more about the immersion are most welcome to attend. Please contact me if you have any queries.Daniel Rodway, Immersion Coordinator

Year 12 Tanzanian Immersion 2020 Information Evening

Page 3: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

HOUSE SWIMMING SPORTS UPDATEAs in the past, our annual Trinity College House Swimming Sports will be held at the Camperdown swimming pool.This event will take place on Friday, 28th February. This is a wonderful day of celebration and students are encouraged to join in the fun of the day.Students are expected to support their school house as they can accumulate points for the Spirit Cup through their participation in the various school activities. Please note the following arrangements for the House Swimming Sports:• As this day is a calendared school day, all students must attend school. • Students may wear either their sport uniform or get dressed in their house colours.• It is imperative that students bring a hat, sunscreen and sufficient water to drink during the day. • All students are to report to homeroom at the start of the day as usual. From homeroom, students will be bussed to Camperdown in homeroom groups.• Refreshments will be on sale but students must ensure they bring their lunch to school. Alternatively, items at a BBQ will be on sale.• This is a College function and our usual school expectations apply. Students are reminded that the following items are NOT permitted at the swimming sports:Technology devices/ mobile phones/iPods etc; Zinc Cream or body paint; Items made of crepe paper; Water guns and similar items.Our Year 12 students are fantastic ambassadors of our school

sports and will take the lead on the day. We look forward to sharing a wonderful House Swimming Sports day with our students.

Our official College photographs will be taken on Tuesday, 18th February. There is no need to return any forms or payment to school for photos before photo day.However, if you do not have internet access you may contact the school for an order form. Individual Photographs• All students must have their individual photograph taken and must be in the class photo, but are not obliged to order any photographs.• Please refer to the additional information in this newsletter concerning ordering photographs. • On the photo day, students will receive flyers from the photography7 company that are personalised to each student. • These flyers will have step by step instructions for parents to go online with their NEW 2020 CODE and register their details.• Once photos are ready to view and order, parents/carers that have registered online will receive an email notification.Sibling Photographs• These photographs are taken on request and must be ordered before midday on Monday, 19th February.• Sibling photographs will be taken

School photos day approaching

after all the scheduled individual and class photographs. Sibling photographs cannot be taken earlier than this, due to the tight scheduling of class and group photograph times.• Please complete your request online before midday on the day before the taking of the photographs at school:1. On your phone, go to; 2. Enter the name and class of the eldest child to be in the photo3. Enter the names of all other children to be included in the photoUniform requirements for photographs• Students must wear the correct summer uniform as well as maroon jumpers. • If students need to wear their sport

uniform for HPE class during the day, they need to bring their sport gear to school and change into sport gear as needed. • Year 12 students are permitted to wear their Year 12 Jumpers, provided that every student wears one. • Our College Uniform guidelines must be followed: this includes ensuring that hairstyles fall within the guidelines laid out in the College planner and that male students are clean-shaven. Students will not be permitted to wear hair accessories or jewellery not consistent with uniform expectations. • Please contact Mrs Leanne Eastman (Director of Students) or the relevant YLC if you have any questions concerning uniform expectations.

Page 4: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

Our College’s annual Commencement Mass is a wonderful celebration of the start of our school year and an opportunity to celebrate the various achievements of our students. Please note the arrangements for the College’s Commencement Mass that will occur on Friday, 14th February 2020. 1. As this is a calendared school day, ALL students are expected to attend school on this day. Commencement Mass will be held at the start of the day during Lessons 1 and 2 and students will resume normal classes from about the middle of Lesson 3.2. Students must report to homeroom as normal at the start of

CANTEEn VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDEDThe Trinity College Canteen provides a wide range of nourishing food to students and staff at reasonable prices.The canteen is also an important fundraiser and contributes greatly to the provision of equipment in the College.The support and work of all those parents who volunteer their time is greatly valued and is certainly appreciated by all that use the canteen.A number of parents help with the canteen and, once again, we are calling for volun-teers to help in the canteen.You would be required in the canteen from 9am-12.30pm and from 1.55pm-2.20pm to cover the main school breaks.Once a month is all that is requested or you may prefer to volunteer as an emergency ‘fill in’. Fathers/grandparents are also most welcome to volunteer.Please note that all volunteers in schools are required to obtain a Working With Chil-dren Check (WWCC), which can easily be obtained by filling out an application form online at and complete an OHS Induc-tion.As a volunteer, there is no financial cost in obtaining the WWCC, however, there is a requirement to attach a photo of yourself to the form, this is at no cost.The canteen relies heavily on volunteers to operate and this year we really need your support in order to fill the roster for the year.It would be appreciated if all volunteers, current and new, complete and return the reply slip (below) by Wednesday, 20th February 2019 to enable roster completion. Looking forward to having many new volunteers this year!Jo CarmichaelCanteen ManagerPhone: 5233 9247 [email protected]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CANTEEN VOLUNTEER REPLY SLIPPlease return this slip to the Canteen by Wednesday, 20th February 2019.

NAME ______________________________________

PHONE _____________________________________

Please Tick:



NAME OF YOUNGEST STUDENT: ________________________________________

YEAR: ____________

COMMENCEMENT MASS PREPARATIONSthe day. Students will then be bussed to St Mary’s Church. 3. All students are to wear the full and correct College uniform. Students that have HPE during Lessons 3-5 will need to bring their sport uniform to school and will need to change for their HPE class during Break 1.4. Students may not take water bottles with them to the church.5. After Mass, students will be bussed back to the College. On return to school, after their Break 1, classes will resume as timetabled. Lesson 3 may be shortened, depending on the time of return from Church.

Year 11 info nightYear 11 students undertaking a VCE subject and their parents are invited to attend a Year 11 VCE Information Evening on Tuesday, 11th February in the Jubilee Centre, commencing at 7.30pm sharp. A presenter from the VCE Help organisation will deliver a one-hour presentation, aimed at both parents and students.This presentation will support students and parents as they make the transition from middle school to the final years of schooling. It will also be an opportunity to meet the Year Level Coordinator, VCE Coordinator and Homeroom Teachers, in order to provide both students and parents with the support and information that they require for a successful journey throughout 2020.We hope this evening will provide some valuable tips as our young men and women strive to achieve their very best as they move forward. Year 11 students will have follow-up sessions on Monday, 16th March, which will deal with aspects such as:• Communication & teamwork • Leadership • Goals & Vision• Building Working RelationshipsPlease feel free to contact either the Year Level Coordinator or your child’s Homeroom Teacher should you have any queries.We wish our students a most successful year and we look forward to meeting you at our Year 11 VCE Information Evening. Miss Leesa SharkeyYear 11 Co-ordinator

Page 5: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

The Year 7 camp is this week. Students will leave from Trinity College after Homeroom on Wednesday 5th February and travel to Kangaroobie. At camp on the first day they will undertake a walk over the sand dunes to the mouth of the Gellibrand River. Over the following days students will participate in a variety of activities including; Canoeing, undertaking an Obstacle course, playing the Survivor game and touring the farm. All students have received a list outlining what they should bring to camp. They are expected to bring their lunch on the first day. No phones or electronic devices

Adventure awaits our new Year 7 cohort

are allowed.We will be returning to school on Friday 7th February in time for buses.

If any further information is needed please contact Cate McCullagh on 5233 9248

please noteAction Required in PAMCan all families please log in to the Parent Access Module (PAM) and check that your email address is correct in the system.You may also be asked to verify the current email address.Go to the menu on the top right - it looks like three bars - and go to ‘My Settings’.This is important as we will be using this data to email newsletters and correspondence.While you are there, please check and verify that your student’s medical information is up to date.It is vital that we have up-to-date medical information.

Top End TourAll Year 10 families with students attending the Top End Tour please note that your next payment is now due.Please contact the front office to arrange payment.

Uniform ShopThe hours of the Uniform Shop will be 10am - 12.30pm and 1pm - 4pm on Tuesdays and Fridays.Please note that on the 14th of February this will be limited to an 11am start. Apologies for any inconvenience.Stocks of tracksuits and coats will be replenished early in March.There is currently difficulty in accessing long sleeve white shirts due to the Caronavirus issues in China and the closing of ports.Limited stocks are available in the shop while we investigate and access other suppliers.

Two graduates have been invited to be part of the State’s top VCE Arts performers in displaying their talents in Melbourne.Congratulations to graduate Connor Knight, who has been accepted into the Top Class Drama program as part of the VCE Season of Excellence 2020.Connor will perform his VCE solo piece as part of a concert at The Arts Centre in Melbourne in March. This is a rare and exciting opportunity.Congratulations also to graduate and emerging artist Bonni McLaren on being selected to exhibit at Top Arts 2020.The exhibition celebrates the exceptional and thought-provoking work of VCE Art and VCE Studio Arts students. Drawn from a range of media, topics, schools and students, Top Arts 2020 is part of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s annual showcasing of excellence.Bonni’s art graced the cover of our Year Book and will go on display at the National Gallery of Victoria in Federation Square between March 13 and July 12.

Top Arts studentsto display talents

Page 6: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

With the start of the new school year came the fresh faces, new opportunities and new resources.These factors culminated within the newly built St Joseph’s Resource Centre on Friday, as Trinity College officially opened the centre for use.This centre will serve as a home to the College’s library, IT, Media and Careers departments, with state-of-the-art facilities bringing a plethora of opportunities for Trinity’s students and staff to learn and teach.Friday’s official opening recognised the hard work of many within the school community, particularly the staff in the resource centre, maintenance team and IT staff who were determined to provide a modern and interactive centre for learning, growth and hands-on application of education.Mr Tim O’Farrell, who during his tenure as principal oversaw the development of much of the project, was invited to officially open the new centre.Friday’s ceremony also recognised the history of the College and the people who were a part of that history, linking former and current staff and students, who make up the pieces of the Trinity College puzzle.Father Michael blessed the building and the triunes, which were crafted by former Trinity College librarian Mr Andrew Macintosh.Open for businessThe Resource Centre is open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, with IT support available from 8am to 4.30pm. The Resource Centre is a fantastic hub for IT Support, Careers, quiet studying, media production and reading.Students are welcome to use the Resource Centre before and after school for studying, reading or to seek IT support. Please note that students dropped off at 8am must remain in the Resource Centre until 8.30am as staff yard supervision of students commences at 8:30am.

St Joseph'sRESOURCE CENTREOfficial Opening

Page 7: newsletter - Trinity College ColacNewsletter No. 1 – Tuesday, 4th February 2020 PLEASE NOTE: Our Newsletter is now produced fortnightly NEW FACES, new SPACES newsletter inspired

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