
September, 2014 — VOLUME 12 NEWSLETTER

Skin is as complex as it is amazing. It changes every day, responding to fluctuating conditions inside and out. The highly trained professionals at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre are dedicated to the successful treatment of your individual skin care concerns. We are committed to continuously researching and updating our technology, providing you with the very best skin products and solutions. You will receive unparalleled service, and create meaningful and memorable experiences.

Welcome to the September 2014 issue of SkinMatters!

GO SOCIAL for the most up-to-date event information!

As always, we hope you enjoy this issue of SkinMatters!

Summer has been a whirlwind and seems to have flown by in a blink of the eye…

We hope everyone had time to relax, spend time with family and had a chance to get

some fresh air in the great outdoors! Fall is always a great time of the year… the

kids are back in school, football season is here, and a change of clothes, makeup, and

skincare is on its way! This month, we are excited for a couple of reasons: a big, BIG

Lunch & Learn MORE Skincare Extravaganza on September 26th, a new collection

from jane iredale, and some ways for you to take a break from your busy schedules

and relax. Dr. Sass goes over the importance of GRASS, an acronym that helps you

remember the skin care essentials you need in your skin care routine for truly healthy,

youthful, and radiant skin! We hope you enjoy this informative, idea-packed newsletter

and be sure to purchase your event ticket before it’s too late!


Your SKIN on

Written by Dr. Sassmannshausen

Television and magazines are full of products proclaiming to be the key to more youthful skin.

Many of these creams and serums cost hundreds of dollars, but do they really help? As a

dermatologist, THE skin care specialist, I find many of these advertisements frustrating and

misleading. So, what are the best ingredients for anti-aging? What does the science show?

I firmly believe that well-designed scientific studies have proven several ingredients to consistently

give the best results for aging skin. It may help you to remember these ingredients by using the

mnemonic GRASS: Growth factors, Retinols, Antioxidants, Specialty products, and Sunscreens.

GRASS — rowth factors

The most significant advancement in anti-aging since the development of Retin A is the discovery

of growth factors. Growth factors are a large collection of proteins that our skin uses to promote

communication between the cells. In particular, they send the messages of repair, re-growth and

regeneration. This large group of naturally-occurring proteins works together to give us

healthy skin. As we age, our bodies make smaller quantities of growth factors, but our

skin requires higher levels of growth factors than it did when we were younger.

Adding growth factors to your skin care regimen enhances the natural pathways,

increases cell turnover, stimulates collagen growth, normalizes pigmentation and

boosts repair of cellular damage!

GRASS — etinols

Retinoids (such as Retin A) were the first scientifically proven anti-aging

medications. Now, all creams claiming the fountain of youth will compare

themselves to this ingredient. Retinoids stimulate cell turnover which

improves texture, encourages collagen growth and repair which

decreases wrinkles and helps to diminish dark spots. The downside

of retinoid use is irritation including redness, peeling, and itching.

There are many formulations of retinols (non-prescription) and retinoids

(prescription) available today of varying strengths and tolerability.

Retinols can be found in countless products on the beauty shelves of most

stores. Unfortunately, not all retinols are created equal. The type of retinol, the

concentration of the retinol, and how the retinol is delivered to the skin all play

a role in its effectiveness. What is the best retinol? It is the one that comes in

the highest active concentration and is delivered to the skin in a way that

lessens irritation.



GRASS — ntioxidants

Antioxidants are a family of ingredients that help prevent the damage to our DNA by protecting it

from free radicals. Free radicals are toxic molecules that are created by ultraviolet radiation. These

molecules are directed to the cell’s DNA where they attack, leaving damage. This damage causes

cancers & the signs of aging, such as discoloration and wrinkles. Antioxidants collect or “scavenge”

these free-radical molecules before they get to the DNA, protecting our cells. Even if there is sun

damage present in the skin, it is still important to protect it from future injury caused by the sun.



GRASS — pecialty Products

Each individual has one aspect to his or her complexion that bothers them the most. Sometimes

it is fine lines and wrinkles, sometimes the “smoker’s lines” around the mouth, other times it is

pigmentation or redness. And don’t forget the dark circles around the eyes. The Specialty Products

part of GRASS allows for focusing on these unique problems. I will discuss some of these

products individually and explain where each can be used.


GRASS — un Protection

We saved the most important for last.

Every day I get inquiries about age spots and wrinkles. Most people don’t realize that all of the

changes in the skin that we attribute to getting older are actually caused by the sun. Ultraviolet

radiation is the number one cause for making us “look old”. Therefore, the number one anti-aging

step is sun protection. And it is NEVER too early to start protecting the skin. Using sunscreen every

day should be started when you are born and stopped when you die. Be sure to protect your skin –

it’s the only one you have; you have to live in it your whole life; you have to show it some love.

I hear people complain that they don’t wear sunscreen because all sunscreens break them out. To

that I say, “Piffle!” I will agree that some products may not be right for every skin type, but there are

many different types of sunscreen available. The key is finding one that works for you.


In the next few newsletters, we are going to delve into each of these categories in more detail

and discuss the best anti-aging ingredients and products, what they are used for and why everyone

should be doing something to prevent or reverse the damage done mostly by ultraviolet radiation

(either from the sun and/or tanning beds).

We have all heard the old adage, “You never get a second chance to

make a first impression.” In both our personal and professional lives…we

simply can’t help it…. we make a judgment about people the very first

time we meet them. We dissect their hair, skin, and overall appearance

as we quietly decide if we want to be associated with this person. Be

advised….you are being dissected, as well. Keep reading for a few tips

to make a great first impression every time!!

Wash your face! For radiant skin, it’s so important to wash your face morning and night,

and follow up with a moisturizing night cream before you go to bed.

Sleeping in your makeup is a recipe for dirty, dull skin. It’s simple…just

don’t do it. Always wash your makeup completely off. Call us and

schedule a complimentary consultation and one of our skin care

specialists can recommend the treatments you need and can help

you create the perfect skin care regimen for home.

Alter your diet

Toss out the sugars and starches! Instead, choose healthy foods like

fruits and vegetables to snack on. One of the best ways to get your skin,

hair, and body back in shape is to include berries, carrots, and green

vegetables in your diet. The vitamins and minerals in these foods are

crucial for glowing skin and hair, and a healthy body. And don’t forget

the water. A hydrated body is a beautiful body!

Get a workout in

Not only does exercise get you in tip top shape, but it also boosts

circulation and opens pores, much like a good spa steaming. Try hitting

a low-impact cardio machine or taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes each

evening. You will be surprised how great you look and feel after a few

weeks of sticking to a workout plan.

First impressions are so important! If you follow these simple

steps, you will make a fabulous first impression EVERY TIME!

Still trying out a different night cream every month in hopes of finding that one

miracle cream that will have you waking up looking flawless the next morning? Are

you getting frustrated because you aren’t noticing immediate results? Perhaps it’s

time to consider an alternative method for a more youthful you!

Consider Botox! Botox is a purified protein molecule used for cosmetic & therapeutic

purposes. It works by interrupting the messages that the brain sends to the muscles

through the nerves, stopping the muscles from reacting. This allows the skin to remain

smooth and wrinkle free. It is most commonly used on the upper area of the face

around the eyes and between the eyebrows to reduce frown lines. In short, Botox

makes you look younger. Keep reading for a few of the benefits associated with

Botox treatment versus other anti-aging techniques.

Still trying out a different night cream every month in hopes of finding that one

miracle cream that will have you waking up looking flawless the next morning? Are

you getting frustrated because you aren’t noticing immediate results? Perhaps it’s

time to consider an alternative method for a more youthful you!

Consider Botox! Botox is a purified protein molecule used for cosmetic & therapeutic

purposes. It works by interrupting the messages that the brain sends to the muscles

through the nerves, stopping the muscles from reacting. This allows the skin to remain

smooth and wrinkle free. It is most commonly used on the upper area of the face

around the eyes and between the eyebrows to reduce frown lines. In short, Botox

makes you look younger. Keep reading for a few of the benefits associated with

Botox treatment versus other anti-aging techniques.


Within days of treatment, you will see beautiful results. You will look rested & relaxed,

not like you have been through a windstorm that left your face frozen in time. You will

be amazed at the compliments you’ll receive about how refreshed and alive you look!

In addition, Botox results last anywhere from 3-6 months. What a hassle-free way to

maintain your youthful appearance!

Botox has been used safely as an alternative to other anti-aging solutions for

approximately 12 years. To discover if you are a good candidate for this phenomenal

treatment, call 260.436.9696 to reserve your consultation.

“This was my first time

using Botox, and I was very

pleasantly surprised! There

was minimal discomfort, and

my results were amazing!

In just a few short days,

years of wrinkles were gone.

I would strongly recommend

this treatment!”

~Peggy (First-time Botox Patient)

The photos were taken using our

Visia Analysis System which provides

Dr. Sassmannshausen with a detailed

evaluation of the skin. The green lines

in these photos indicate wrinkles.

Notice the significant reduction of fine

lines in the treated area. If you can

see these results in photos, imagine

when you look in the mirror.



What to do on the weekends while everyone else is watching football…

Here we go again! Another football season to endure! But it doesn’t have to be that way

this year. You have things you enjoy doing, right? Revamp the way you view football.

While everyone else is jumping up and down screaming at the television all weekend long,

take the opportunity to do some things you like to do. Out of ideas? Here’s a list we compiled

that will keep you busy from pre-season all the way to the Super Bowl! In fact, you may even

be disappointed when football season ends!

Go shopping. No need to be in a rush. The game could very well go into overtime.

We promise…the football fanatic is too concerned with the score to worry about

how much time you’re spending at the mall. So go ahead and hit up all the sales!

Get in some gym time! Haven’t had time to take that spin class your friend has been

telling you about? Go ahead and give it a shot.

Take advantage of your free time and enjoy a picnic-for-one in the park! Make a

day of it. You can even take a book to read. Sit back and relax. You deserve the

“me” time!

Sit outside and watch the sunset with your favorite glass of wine.

Now that’s therapeutic!

Have you ever taken a yoga class? The health benefits of yoga are numerous.

And what a great way to relieve stress! Check your local listings for a yoga studio

near you.

Take the kids bowling! Some healthy competition with loved ones is good for

the soul! And the kids will love it!

Spend a day at Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre! Nothing beats a massage, body

treatment, or a facial to take your worries away! Give us a call!

But for the remainder of the season…have fun doing those extra little things you don’t

usually get to do on the weekends. Don’t forget…a few extra visits to Windy Ridge Skin

Care Centre will perk you up. We look forward to seeing you!

In Their Own Words...

The doctor approached my needs

in a very professional and caring

manner. Ready to answer questions.

Staff all very pleasant!


Three Rivers Dermatology

staff was friendly, on-time,

professional, and informative.

I will emphasize on-time as my

appointment was late in the day

which typically means you pay

for the delays earlier in the day.

In addition, the on-line

advanced registry was excellent

and saved loads of time at my

first visit! –Todd

This was my first experience at Three Rivers Dermatology.

The staff was very professional & courteous, and the service

was prompt & efficient. It was a pleasant visit and I would

recommend to anyone with needs for their services.


Thank goodness for Dr. Sass!

My skin is now under control!

The girls are caring & friendly.

Love this place!

–Ruth Read More

Guest Reviews

Things always get more sophisticated in the fall, richer clothes, richer makeup

and the events that go with them. Dinners in that new restaurant, a trip to see a

Broadway play, maybe even an art opening (Picasso anyone?). This is why we

called our new collection City Nights, a collection that speaks to the sophisticate

in all of us—and is just perfect for a night on the town.














STEP 1. Heat oven to 350○F. In 10-inch nonstick skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of the oil over

medium heat. Cook shallot in oil 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until almost tender. Add

remaining 1 tablespoon oil, the mushrooms, salt and pepper. Cook 6 minutes, stirring

occasionally, until mushrooms are golden. Stir in rosemary and sherry; cook 1 minute longer.

Remove from heat.

STEP 2. In medium bowl, mix ricotta cheese and goat cheese with a spoon until smooth.

Stir in mushroom mixture. Fill each fillo shell with 1 tablespoon of mixture. Place on ungreased

cookie sheet. Top each with 1 teaspoon parmesan cheese.

STEP 3. Bake 14 to 16 minutes or until golden. Serve warm.

Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil

1 shallot, finely chopped (2 tablespoons)

1 package (4 oz.) fresh wild mushroom medley, finely chopped

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves

2 tablespoons dry sherry

1/4 cup ricotta cheese

1/4 cup crumbled chévre (goat) cheese (1 oz.)

1 package (1.9 oz.) frozen mini fillo shells (15 shells)

1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese

These bite-sized, mini fillo tartlets, nesting a creamy mixture of wild mushrooms,

make an impressive appetizer—they fly off the tray as fast as you can serve them!

20 minute Prep Time 11 Ingredients

40 minute Total Time 15 Servings Recipe source:

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