Page 1: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We


A welcoming community of Many Minds and One Heart in Christ


With Christ as its inspiration & guided by Gospel values, the school strives to promote the education & development of the whole child. Our Mission is to provide a high quality education that will inspire an

ongoing love of God and embrace our core values:


2-8 Ferguson Road, Dardanup WA 6236 PO Box 67

Phone 08 9728 1054

[email protected]

Dear Parents and Community Members,

The Advent Wreath THE SECOND CANDLE – THE BETHLEHEM CANDLE On the second Sunday in Advent two purple candles are lit. The light burns brighter as Christmas is getting nearer! The second candle reminds us of the time when Jesus came among us as a baby and was born in the small town of Bethlehem.

By the light of this wreath, we wait in patience for Jesus the Christ, who comforts our fears and brings hope to the world.

Come, Lord Jesus. Father, help us to prepare the way for Jesus, Light of the world. Pre-Primary Assembly This Thursday our Pre-Primary class will help us to finish off the year with a lovely celebration about Christmas around the world. Our Choir will have an encore performance of their song from our Awards Night. All are welcome. Thanksgiving Mass On Friday morning at 9.00am in our school hall, we will be celebrating our Thanksgiving Mass, giving thanks to God for all our learning, growing, fun and friendship throughout 2017. Please consider joining us. Fr Wayne is away in Sydney, so we have Fr Nick celebrating Mass with us. School Board Update The AGM was held last Tuesday week. We thank retiring Board members Victor Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We welcome new members Keith Higham, Lauren Moloney, Briony Page, Chris Mangano, Angela Brett and Emma Tyrrell.

Many Minds One Heart

Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December 2017

I M P O R T A N T D A T E S 2 0 1 7


Wed 6

Thur 7

Thur 7

Fri 8

Thur 14



Mon 29

Wed 31


Thur 1

We Value:

Respect Valuing yourself and others because each person is

made in the image of God

We show this by:

Treating others as you want to be


Taking care of other people’s belongings

Saying please and thank you and using

people’s names

Following the school rules

Keeping the classroom and playground


PP Assembly

Year 1/2 Excursion

Last Day of the year for all students

Year 3/4/5/6 Excursions

First Day of Year for PP-Yr 6 Students

First Day of Year for Kindy Students

Last Day School Office is Open

Uniform Shop Open

See in Newsletter for times

Page 2: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

P&F News At the AGM, we thanked outgoing executive, who have renominated to continue next year. Executive for 2018 will be: President: Yvette Duane Vice-President: Tania Barnes Treasurer: Kirsty Frontino Secretary: Jenelle Commisso Uniforms: Alison O’Rourke. Committee members to be confirmed at the first meeting next year. Thank you to Briony Page for her work with uniforms over many years. Thank you to Ebony Harris for being the P&F representative on the School Board this year. Emma Tyrrell will take on this role for 2018. End of Year Celebration/Graduation This was held last Thursday night at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Bunbury. Congratulations to the following students:

Gabrielle Bertola Memorial Award: Jasmine Stone Italian Award: Jy Bolton Dux: Perrie Goater Monsignor Giles Academic Award: Perrie Goater Frank Dillon OLOL Bursary: Stephanie Congdon Pioneer Award: Joseph Brookes Students Leaders for 2018: Head Girl Amy Lockhart Head Boy Riley Stenhouse Ministry Leaders Pippa Bouteloup and Liam Fazey Environment Leaders Alice Carter and Brandon O’Rourke MJR Stars Morning Tea I had the privilege of getting to know our latest MJR Stars as we shared a special morning tea last Friday. Thank you to these students for being role models for their peers. Nature Play There will be a jobs list/ jobs folder available next year for people to help out with the next parts of our project. Please stay tuned for more information next year. Letter from our Bishop Please find below a link to a letter from Bishop Gerard Holohan in response to the result of the Same Sex Marriage Postal vote. This is a direct link to the letter on the Diocese of Bunbury website. Parish AGM An email was sent home yesterday with all the reports attached from the recent Parish AGM. Nominations are still needed for the Parish Pastoral Council. Please consider if this is something you can do to support our Parish. If you would like a paper copy of the Parish reports, please see the school office. School Fees These are now overdue. The office closes on Thursday 14 December. Please make arrangements for payment before the office closes for the year.

Year Academic Award Endeavour Award Christian Living Award

Year 1 Archer King Xavier Congdon Sienna Bowen

Year 2 Rosie Reynolds Charlotte Brookes Ashlee Rowe

Year 3 Michaela Williamson Olivia Licciardello Seb Johns

Year 4 Elena Frontino Siobhan Duane Pia Mangano

Year 5 Campbell Taylor Alice Carter Brandon O’Rourke

Page 3: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

Uniform shop

Our uniform shop volunteers will be opening the uniform shop on Monday 29th January for last minute

purchases before the new school year

commences. To ease congestion, please

attend at the

following times:

9.00 - 9.30am new families

9.30-10.00am surnames A&B

10.00-10.30am surnames C-H

10.30-11.00am surnames I-O

11.00-11.30am surnames P-Z

Booklists for 2018 The closing date was today, so if you have not brought your booklist back to the office, you will need to order online or make other arrangements. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and thank you for your support throughout the year. Best wishes to all families who are leaving our community at the end of the school year. May the peace of Christ be with you and your families in this Christmas season. School concludes for students on Friday 8 December. Reports will be posted on Wednesday 13 December. School commences for students on Wednesday 31 January 2018. Mrs Angela Hegney Principal

Lost Property

Has your child misplaced a hat or a jumper this year?

Our Lost Property basket is overflowing, it will be out for viewing in the undercover area this week.

Our Lady of Lourdes School Fee Structure 2018 It is essential for the running and improvement of school facilities and resources, as well as the sharing

of responsibility between all families, that we receive payment of fees. School fees are billed annually.

Payment options include a 'one off' discounted payment which is payable within 4 weeks of billing.

Alternatively, payments can be scheduled over a 10 month period (February – November), monthly,

fortnightly or weekly using the direct debit or Bpay facilities. Please contact the school office if you need

a direct debit form.

Likewise, if you are having difficulty meeting the full fee amounts, please do not hesitate to contact the

Principal for a confidential meeting to discuss options and alternatives.

Health Care Card (HCC) and Pension discounts are only applicable to tuition fees and building levy. All

other charges are still required to be paid. Please see the office as soon as possible if you have a HCC. A

copy of the current card is required.

The Amenities Fee covers some of the costs associated with incursions, excursions, stationery and

sporting events.

The Building Levy allows for ongoing maintenance and building projects.

Student Insurance is also provided by the school for each child attending Our Lady of Lourdes School.

Please contact the office for more information.

Page 4: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

Our Lady of Lourdes School

[email protected]

PO Box 67

2-8 Ferguson Road

Dardanup WA 6236

08 9728 1054

Many Minds One Heart


Kindergarten First Child $650.00 per year

Second Child $520.00 per year Third Child $390.00 per year Fourth Child Free Fifth Child Free

PP – Yr 6 First Child $990.00 per year Second Child $792.00 per year Third Child $594.00 per year Fourth Child Free Fifth Child Free

Amenities PP – Yr 6 $80.00 per child per year Amenities Kindergarten $43.00 per child per year

Building Levy

PP – Yr 6 $196 per family per year Kindergarten only $128 per family per year


Excursions Kindergarten $50 per year PP – Yr 6 $110 per year In Term Swimming Lessons $55 per child Yr 5 Camp $120 per child Yr 6 Camp $400 per child

P&F Levy PP – Yr 6 $125.00 per year (per family)

K $ 60.00 per year Diary $8 each

Page 5: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We
Page 6: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

Year 6 students were involved in creating a stunning artwork celebrating our school motto:

‘Many Minds, One Heart’. All of our Year 6 students had a go at tiling the mosaic background.

Students took action photos of each other and these photos were turned into perspex silhouettes.

What a wonderful artwork to leave behind for us to be able to remember our Graduating students!

Thank you to Mrs Brady, Mrs Bowen and the Art Committee.

Page 7: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

Local author Lesley Geers has written a

childrens book ‘Gnomesville the Real Story’.

It follows the adventures of Nadia & Norbet,

two gnomes lost in the Ferguson Valley.

Ferguson Valley Marketing Inc are donating

10% of book sales to a children’s cancer


Listen to Lesley read the book at the following location:

Thursday 14th, 10.00am @ Dardanup Library.

Thursday 21st, 10.00am @ Eaton Library.

WAAPA Summer School 2017/2018

This summer The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) is again offering an exciting school holiday programfor students in years 4 to 12. The Summer School includes classesin dance, drama, acting, screen performance, music theatre and of course, how to perform Shakespeare. For information about the fantastic courses on offer please visit WAAPA Summer School or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at [email protected] or 9370 6775.

Scouting in Donnybrook 2018

We are pleased to inform our community that we

have been able to secure a Cub Leader for 2018.

Aaron Jacobs has stepped forward to run the pack

and so we can now open our doors, albeit for the

first term with other Leaders help from Groups

within our Districts. We will continue to search for

another leader to assist Aaron.

Cubs 7-10 year olds will run on Mondays 5-6.30pm.

We are also fortunate to have reopened the

Venturer Unit for 15-18 year olds. This will run on

a Tuesday Night 6.30pm – 8.30pm.

Scouts 11-14 year olds continues to run on a

Thursday 6.30pm-8.30pm.

On Sunday Feb 4th at the Scout Hall (Bentley St),

we will have a registration day for all those in our

community interested in joining any of the 3

sections and for those who are continuing in

Scouts. The day will start at 10am and will include

a chance to meet the current leaders, view our

hall, and to experience and participate in some of

the adventures scouts get up to. Not only do we

hope to recruit youth we are also looking to recruit

adult help for our Group.

Look forward to sharing our Scouting experiences

with you and to welcome you into the Lifelong

friendship of Scouting.

All enquiries can be directed to Debbie Bourke 0439511344 or [email protected]

Safe Swimming Message to all our Families As summer approaches, we want students and families to enjoy our beautiful waterways; remembering to swim between the flags when at the beach and stay safe around the water. Royal Life Saving’s recently released National Drowning Report shows that 280 people drowned in Australian waterways in 2015-16. This is a five per cent increase from the previous year. Each drowning death is a personal story, affecting families, rescuers and communities. The Department of Education, Royal Life Saving WA and Surf Life Saving WA wish everyone a safe and fun summer holiday. To find out more information about how you can be safe over the Christmas break visit: RLSSWA Summer Holidays Drowning Prevention Tips RLSSWA Water Safety on Summer Holidays Tips With beach weather now here, Surf Life Saving WA is asking you to help your kids find the fun Between The Flags and stay beach safe by downloading their free Safety Beach game to ensure you know all the tips for staying safe between the flags this summer!

Page 8: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

The Dardanup Lions Club and the

Dardanup and Districts Residents Assoc.

invites you to

Carols by Candlelight

on Tuesday 19th December,

6.30pm @ Carramar Park,

adjacent to the Dardanup

Community Centre.

Battery operated candles for sale

– $2 each, bring correct money.

BYO chairs & rugs

The Dardanup Lions Club and the Dardanup and Districts Residents Assoc. invites you to

Dardanup’s Australia Day Breakfast

on Friday 26th

January, from 8am @ Carramar Park,

adjacent to the Dardanup Community Centre.

Gold coin donation Cooked breakfast (breakfast

served between 8am - 10am)

This year the Dardanup Lions and Residents Assoc are

encouraging families to bring their own cutlery, plates,

cups and mugs. We throw away over 400 disposable

plates, plastic cutlery and cups annually at this event and

we think we can do better by our environment – every bit

helps. There will be a small supply of plates and cutlery

for those who forget to bring their own.

BYO chair or rug Entertainment and children’s games provided.

Page 9: Newsletter No 20 Week 9 Term 4 5 December Rodwell, Vicki Dewar, Linda Davern, Monika Srutka and Ebony Harris. We

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