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Newsletter No.12 - April 2012

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Editor: Anika DziewiorDesign: Anastasija Popovska

[email protected]

Zavod Voluntariat - SCI SloveniaCigaletova 9, 1000 Ljubljana

Urban Presker Urška Hartman Katja Celin Maja Dolinar

Blanka RihterNoemi De Vecchio Anika DziewiorAnastasija Popovska

Silvia García Deja Dudič Ines da Gama Tina Vidmar

Maruša Vukelič

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This time we focused on recycling. Less general

speaking, more good practices.

See how to reuse glass to design your balcony. Make

your wallet from a plastic bottle.

Check photographic journey of youth from Trbovlje

and plant with old gardening methods.

New season, new layout

and a new staff of

Club of Volunteers.

Additionally, we are inviting you to check new

coordinators’ profiles, read about Tina’s experiences

in Sweden and Silvia’s reflections after EVS in Zavod


Spring also brought opening of the work camps

season, so check out your opportunities and go get

some new experiences.

Stay tuned.

Maja Dolinar

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The GLEN participant Maja Rijavec was working for 3 months in the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, for an organization called TanCraft. The organisation, having around 300 members, the majority of which are women, is connecting the local handicrafts producers and offering them support, education and advocacy. Led by a charismatic handicraft woman Elihaika Mrema, Maja and her German tandem partner prepared and conducted a number of workshops on design, production quality as well as on implementation of new products. Together they focused specifically on products made out of waste materials.

Within GLEN programme two other projects took place during

the last summer in Africa. The first one was attended by Neža

Kos. Neža was in working with children in the townships of

Capetown. The other one was organized in Morocco and was

focused on urbanization policies and their social impact on

local communities. The participant was Maja Dolinar.

past events

Handicraft project in Tanzania (16 July -16 October 2011)

GLEN 2011 projects

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Anastasija Popovska shared her ideas on how to

make empty jars and bottles beautiful again. You can

read more about the workshop on page 10.

Evening organized by our new volunteers was an occasion to meet each other and talk about future plans of Club of Volunteers. During the meeting at SLOGA we discovered Macedonia through its cultural heritage, Poland through cinematography and Italy through popular music. We also had the possibility to try homemade Macedonian Ajvar, Italian dry tomatoes and Polish cheese.

Photo exhibition at Mestni Muzej in Ljubljana was a presentation of photos made by Tomaž Zajelšnik during workcamps, that took place last year in Slovenia. Event was supported by the American Embassy and was at the same time the official opening of the workcamp season. More information about workcamps and how to take part are on page 14.

Italian, Macedonian and Polish Intercultural evening (22 February 2012) Re-use Glass - Workshop

at Gospodarsko razstavišče (22 March 2012)

Photo exhibition International Volunteering through photos and stories (15– 28 March 2012)

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Onion goes with carrot, lettuce with cucumber and

strawberries with garlic. The old knowledge about

gardening surprises with rules and logic of the nature.

The spring has come. Balconies, windowsills and gardens

are waiting for herbs and vegetables to be planted. Before

starting it is good to check tricks and solutions that

can help us in gardening. For example, some kinds of

vegetables and flowers, planted next to each other, acquire

a natural resistance to diseases and parasites. Onion goes

with carrot, lettuce with cucumber and strawberries with

garlic. Skillful compilation of putting crops together is a

branch of permaculture.

Spring smellslike cooking

Permaculture is an idea of ecological design system, making humans’ settlements more sustainable. We can use the land more efficiently by following nature’s patterns. It is a whole philosophy that includes many aspects, like social, cultural, educational, economical, technological, but also spiritual. By developing knowledge about nature we are able to build natural homes, grow food and even build communities based on these rules.

Permaculture is not only a complicated term. To make it simple, it means cooking, eating, relaxing and developing ourselves in accord with nature. It is a lifestyle. And it is not even a hard goal to achieve. Using our knowledge, intelligence and our resources we can create healthier environment not only for us, but also for our families and friends. Care for people is one of the three basic ethics of permaculture. The other two are care for earth and sharing the surplus. Obviously, the general idea of natural gardening is not new. This is exactly what our grandmothers were doing. They knew how to use nature: to cook, to cure, to keep the house. It is a great knowledge that we should protect and share, even if we can buy almost everything in supermarkets.

Nature is a complex system. Also in your garden you

cannot look at only one aspect. You should mimic the

nature and transform your garden into an efficient

ecosystem. You need to design the system consciously, so

before grabbing your gardening tools, try to make a plan.

Get some knowledge: check websites, visit workshops or

at least ask your grandmother. In “old school” gardening

we should pay attention what works together in order not

to waste anything.

Anika Dziewior

Photos by: Katarzyna Pilitowska,

Žiga Pavlin, Michal Baraniecki

Life style

Just new word for an old idea

How to start?

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Although permaculture is nothing new, it is a good point to remind ourselves about nature that we can use in everyday life. It is the matter of changing our mindsets. There are many absorbing facts that can be discovered while learning about gardening. What kind of pots should be used for each kind of plant and why? Which herbs should be added to different dishes? How to use recycling to make gardening tools? The thing that is so absorbing is the logic of the nature. The logic from which, we can learn from.

If you live in the city you can use balcony and

windowsills. Our own herbs that we plant at homes

stay longer than those we can buy in supermarkets.

Fresh herbs from shops, were grown in glasshouses,

so they usually die faster, because of different

temperatures and humidity. You can start with

growing herbs that are useful in everyday cooking.

Thyme, parsley and rosemary are easy to raise,

make dishes more tasty and are practical in some

medical usages. Thyme for example is effective

against inflammation of the throat and cough

because of its antiseptic properties. Rosemary not

only complements a wide variety of foods, but also

improves the memory. And of course, they smell and

look wonderful. Start with simple gardening, then use

nature also in other aspects of your life.

Imagine a house. Most of windows are located on the South to catch solar energy. All bedrooms are situated on the East so morning sun can wake up residents. North part of the building is used for garage and rooms that do not need to be that warm. Walls are isolated with an ivy and pine trees on the North, which protects the whole house from the wind. In front of the house is a small pond that reflects sun rays, making rooms brighter and warmer. There is also a small garden designed to be a self-sufficient system. For example by dividing the garden into seven layers to get a sort of “forest garden” that mimics the natural forest. The result is a low-maintenance organic garden that is providing healthy food. This is a way of using biology and physics to build an efficient settlement. And this is permaculture.

So simple, so logical

Use your balcony How it works in practice?

You can also join Mirjam in some permaculture actions. For example, this April/May you can learn how to make a garden at the kindergarten in Bežigrad. Help with sowing of the flowers and making a hostel for bumblebees. Also the prison’s garden in Ljubljana will be renewed in the second half of May. You are welcome.

Just contact us: [email protected]

More information, like how to create your garden step by step,

what kind of vegetables and herbs to plant and more, you can

get in the radio interview with Mirjam Kopše - permaculture


Check it out on:

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KULT – Kultura Mladih is an interest group, founded in

the beginning of this year by MCT Youth Center Trbovlje and

Delavski Dom. With an aim of using culture as a catalyst for

change of the youth, it offers young people a chance to go

on cultural visits connected to specific creative workshops.

As a co-mentor of this group and since we are close to the

»Očistimo Slovenijo« action, we’ve decided to re-document

the places where the action took part two years ago and

create a visual map of collected trash pictures at different

locations of the region of Zasavje, which could then be

visible through GPS coordinates in Geopedia.

Through our photographic journey, we observed how much

of the trash is surrounding us and the state of nature in

general, that is still polluted even by objects that belong to

past Yugoslavian times.

KULT: re-using trash

This led us to the idea that a simple expedition, like the one we are currently doing, can lead to very interesting and creative projects and workshops connected with the re-usability of our daily trash.As a first pratical example, we are now preparing an exhibition connected to the »Očistimo Slovenijo« action. We intend to make the exchibition exclusively from recycled objects, using everything from plastic bottles as a support to display the pictures to already used photopaper.

And this is only the start. One of our goals for the group is to connect better culture with environment and sustainability projects.Further projects will follow. We will keep you informed.

Ines da Gama

Photos by Ines da Gama,

Lara Petje, Tajda Šrot.

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Have you ever tought about what can you do with the

waste of materials?

Have you considered the empty jars and bottles as a

usefull object?

Small details added on that piece of glass can make

it look beatifull!




Best and Cheapest

Worst & most


reusing GlassAnastasija Popovska

Photos by Anastasija Popovska

Elena Popovska

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re using Glassworkshop

Anastasija Popovska

Photos by Anastasija Popovska

Noemi De Vecchio

Make your contribution to idea of keeping Mother

Earth Clean. Start Reusing! Use your imagination,

search for ideas, create new ideas, create with Love,

make simple everyday objects meaningful.

My current obsession is Reuse of Glass. Creating

something from what most people consider as trash.

More specific, empty JARS and bottles. I wanted to

share my view and idea with others. I wanted to

make them realize how creative they can be and find

out what the benefits from the reuse of glass are.

And more important to let them know that:

The reuse of glass reduces waste and

decreases the garbage going into our

landfills. With the reuse we can create

something useful decorative and unique.

So, on 21st of March I had the chance to have my

workshop as part of the Eco Caravane within “Lets’s

Clean Up Slovenia”.

On 21 March 2012 at Gospodarsko razstavišče in

Ljubljana an event was organized within the »Let’s

Clean Slovenia« project that was composed of different

eco workshops. Zavod Voluntariat participated in the

event with the Reuse of Glass Workshop.

The workshop was amazing, people from different

age, different professions, shared same interest,

decorating glass :). Results: Beautiful!!!

Unique!!! Hand made!!!

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Those who have reasons not to do it, can help in other way :) Instead of throwing the used jars in the garbage give them to us, we will reuse them :). Contact us on : [email protected]

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• embalažo od čistila za

posodo (Pril)

• staro majico

• škarje

• lepilo (Mekol ali Uhu)

• šivanka

• nit

• gumbi

• drukar

• klešče

• flomaster

• čopič

• kozarec z vodo

• druga odpadna embalaža


Prazno embalažo od čistila speremo z vodo. S škarjami ji odrežemo zgornji del. Na ožjem delu embalaže s škarjami naredimo rez, tako da lahko odrežemo 2/3 sprednjega dela.

Zdaj odrežemo še zgornjo tretjino zadnjega dela, tako da se preostali del lahko zapogne čez sprednjega in ga pokrije. Zadnji del pri straneh odrežemo v obliki trapeza. Dobimo osnovo denarnice za drobiž.

Osnovo za denarnico bomo oblekli v blago stare majice. Za to iz majice

odrežemo širši trak. Nanj položimo osnovo za denarnico in jo ovijemo v blago. Odrežemo viške blaga – režemo vsaj 2 cm od robov denarnice. Nato blago prilepimo

na denarnico.

Lepiti začnemo na dnu, nadaljujemo po zadnji strani, pri straneh in nazadnje zalepimo sprednji del. Na tem delu se je nabralo več blaga, zato ga zgubamo in zapognemo čez rob v notranjost denarnice. Pustimo, da se dobro posuši.

Medtem lahko zašijemo ostale robove: blago odrežemo 1 cm od robov in ga namažemo z lepilom, nato pa prepognemo čez polovico. Posušeno prepognjeno blago zapognemo še čez rob embalaže in začnemo šivati z notranje strani. Namenoma lahko uporabimo sukanec druge barve, kot je blago, da poudarimo šive. Pri šivanju si lahko pomagamo s kleščami, saj včasih šivanka težko prebode plastično embalažo in plasti blaga.

Deja Dudič

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Dvignemo del blaga, ki je v denarnici in ga odrežemo približno 1 cm nad robom. Ker je na tem delu več plasti blaga, nekaj lepila nanesemo tudi mednje, da se dobro sprimejo. Vse skupaj zalepimo na notranji del sprednjega roba denarnice in

ga zašijemo.

Ko je blago prišito na embalažo po vseh robovih, prišijemo še drukar, da bomo denarnico lahko zaprli. Na sredini zgornjega roba pokrova denarnice prišijemo polovico drukarja na notranjo stran. Ponovno lahko uporabimo sukanec žive barve, ki je nasprotna barvi blaga. Ko je prišit, denarnico zapremo in si s flomastrom označimo, kam moramo prišiti drugo polovico drukarja. To prišijemo na zunanjo stran.

Denarnico lahko še polepšamo: iz odpadne embalaže izrežemo rožice, krogce, kvadratke, nanje prišijemo

gumbe in vse skupaj prilepimo na denarnico.

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Z razstavo »Mednarodno prostovoljstvo v sliki in besedi« smo tudi na Voluntariatu otvorili novo sezono mednarodnih prostovoljskih taborov tako pri nas kot širše po svetu. Razstavo, ki je bila v prostorih Mestnega muzeja v Ljubljani, so sestavljale fotografije Tomaža Zajelšnika, ki je v svoj objektiv ujel pestro dogajanje na sedemnajstih mednarodnih prostovoljskih taborih, ki so v lanskem letu potekali v Sloveniji. Razstava se bo tekom leta selila še v nekatere druge kraje Slovenije, z njo pa želimo spomniti na pozitivne vidike mednarodnega prostovoljstva in ga skozi mozaik živo-pisanih utrinkov s taborov približati slehernemu opazovalcu ter ga pritegniti k (so)delovanju, saj je prostovoljstvo dostopno prav vsem.

TaboriMaruša Vukelič

photo:Tomaž Zajelšnik

Če razmišljate o udeležbi na taboru naj omenimo, da je sedaj na

voljo že preko sedemsto taborov, ki se bodo v tem letu odvijali

na najrazličnejših koncih sveta in že čakajo na vašo udeležbo.

Tabori potekajo na zelo različne teme, od okoljevarstvenih,

kulturnih, socialnih, spiritualnih..., ki jih lahko sami izberete v

iskalniku taborov, kjer lahko poljubno izbirate tudi državo, kamor

bi se želeli odpraviti, termin in podobno. Poletje se bliža in

razmislite, zakaj ne bi tudi vi prispevali k čistejšim pohodniškim

potem v Hong Kongu, popestrili poletne počitnice otrokom, ki

odraščajo v sirotišnici v Ulaanbaatorju, vrtnarili na vrtu taoistične

skupnosti na Madžarskem ali pomagali pri izvedbi Filmskega

festivala v Sloveniji. Vse te ideje so zbrane na enem spletnem

mestu, za kakršnakoli dodatna vprašanja

pa smo vam vedno na voljo v pisarni Voluntariata, od koder vam

želimo dobrodošlico v svet mednarodnega prostovoljstva.

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Večino časa sem posvetila lokalnim šolarjem, v treh različnih šolah pomagam

pri pouku angleščine. Včasih bolj drugič

manj uspešno se pogovarjamo v angleščini.

Nekateri so nad tem navdušeni, drugi malo

manj. Se pa tudi sama od njih dosti naučim,

njihova izgovorjava je dosti bolj angleška

kot bo moja kadarkoli, pa čeprav so začetniki. Poleg angleščine pomagam tudi

pri švedščini in sicer v t.i. šoli za imigrante.

Poučevanje odraslih je popolnoma druga

zgodba, vsekakor so bolj hvaležni, terja pa več časa in več potrpljenja. Napredek, čeprav počasen, prinaša še več

zadovoljstva, ko pomislim, da se bodo lažje

integrirali v družbo, lažje navezali stike in

poiskali delo.

EVS prinaša veliko izzivov in mnogo lepih spominov, tako

da tudi celo leto, ki je sprva delovalo zelo dolgo, mine

kot bi treznil. Biti prostovoljec prinaša zadovoljstvo, ki

ga sicer ne izkušiš kar tako. Hvaležnost in veselje ljudi

okrog sebe je najboljše plačilo, vsaj če vprašaš mene.

Evropska prostovoljska služba me je

popeljala na Švedsko. Znanci in družina

so se čudili, zakaj. Zakaj tja gor, na sever,

v mraz, v temo? Sama pa sem si mislila,

zakaj pa ne. In te odločitve ne obžalujem.

Vsekakor pravi izziv.

Naj začnem pri vprašanju, ki se porodi vsakemu, ko omenim Švedsko – a ni mrzlo? Je in ni. Seveda je zima kar bolj hladna kot doma, ampak se da preživeti. EVS projekt opravljam nekje na sredini Švedske, v majhnem mestu po imenu Edsbyn (po naše Edova vas) v notranjosti države, zato zna biti kar hladno. Prejšnjo zimo je bila povprečna temperatura pod – 15 stopinj, to zimo je malo višja, vendar se je že spustila do – 20 stopinj. No, lanskih – 30 stopinj letos še ni bilo. In ko zima mine, pride nagrada – dolgi dnevi, ko te sonce napolni z energijo že ob štirih zjutraj in sploh ne moreš spati dlje.

Moj urnik je kar natrpan, vendar po

moji želji in nikakor ne prenaporen.

Poleg tega pa še vse šolske

počitnice, tako da je prostega

časa in možnosti za potovanje

dovolj. Poletje sem izkoristila

za raziskovanje severnih dežel,

prepotovala sem Švedsko in

obiskala tudi Dansko in Norveško.

Polnočno sonce je vsekakor

doživetje, dan je občutno daljši,

utrujenost pa sploh ne nastopi.


Tina Vidmar

Moj EVS projekt je bil pester in raznolik od začetka lanskega februarja do danes, ko se počasi poslavljam. Delam za plesno organizacijo s sedežem v vasi s 100 prebivalci, ki poskuša prebuditi umetniško izražanje v mladih in starih tu okoli. V zadnjem letu smo organizirali dve večji plesni prireditvi, junija plesni forum z udeleženci iz približno dvajsetih držav, od Japonske do Etiopije, in decembrsko uprizoritev Alice v čudežni deželi. Pri nekaterih sem tudi sama sodelovala, čeprav nimam nobenega plesnega predznanja. In nič talenta. Podala sem se v neznane vode. In preživela. Ob tem pa še raznorazne druge zadolžitve: voznica taksija, fotografinja, prenašalka pohištva, prevajalka...

Viksjöforsbaletten, moja organizacija, ima vedno tri do štiri

prostovoljce, tako da dolgčas ne pride na vrsto. Trenutno si stanovanje

delim s Francozinjo, Nizozemcem in Ukrajincem, vsak ima svojo sobo

in dovolj zasebnosti. Seveda se tam pa tam pojavi kakšen spor, vendar

smo še vse uspešno rešili. Drug od drugega smo se mnogo naučili,

vsekakor potrpljenja in mednarodne angleščine. Ko se razumeš, čeprav

pogovor poteka v treh do štirih jezikih, veš, da si na pravi poti. Sklenili

smo veliko novih prijateljstev, zlasti v krogu imigrantov je bilo lažje

splesti vezi. Prosti čas tako preživljamo na raznih rojstnih dnevih

in drugih praznovanjih, seveda je obvezna „fika“ (druženje ob kavi

in pecivu, npr. kannelbulle, obvezna parkrat na dan), poskusili smo

razne oblike smučanja, igrali namizni tenis, jadrali, raziskovali bližnje

gozdove in nabirali borovnice, gobe, gradili verande, itd.

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You know that you will return soon, but for just a few days and it will never be

the same. In my hard drive I have more than 12,000 photos that shows most of

the experiences of this past year. These pictures contain many faces and many

places, but there are moments and memories that cameras cannot capture. You

know you’ll never live them again, but you also know that other moments will come

and you only expect they will make you feel as good and special than before. Bad

things will disappear and the good memories will remain. As one of my favorite

phrases in Slovenian says “Imam metuljčke v trebuhu” “ which means that

nevertheless… “I (still) have butterflies in my stomach “...

I just read some emails I sent to my sending organization more than one year ago

telling about my first impressions after my arrival in Slovenia, where I did my EVS

during 2011. It is curious that I can easily see the evolution of these emails, how

the project began, my first impressions and how things were calming down over

the months. I found my place and I put more effort into little details. I also began to

think more about myself. Each day and throughout the year, new people appeared,

new proposals, new motivations... maybe it was more valuable to learn how to

adapt myself to these situations than doing specific things.

Suddenly one day you’re in an airport, you’re happy because you return to your country, and at Christmas time in an environment that increases your desire to meet family and friends, to go home. Bittersweet and contradictory feelings after the goodbye which was happening during the last days with all the friends you leave behind and bearing in mind that it will be very hard to meet again at least for many months or even years.

Regardless of the reasons why each person decides to join this adventure of EVS, we

all accumulate unique experiences, making us become different people at the end of

the project. Some find their way in the destination country, others had already found it

before going there, others trip over Cupid, others return to their former tasks and others

don’t have any other choice but return, as I did. Everything was frozen when I left and

after a year, with a simple click your previous life is set in motion again, making you

remember why you decided to leave and why did you decided to be an EVS volunteer.

They talked about a “shock” in the mid-term training… this feeling that finally shows up. You feel that you miss some people who had become essential in your life, hugs, glances, laughs, secrets, places and thousands of moments, but mostly you miss that feeling of freedom and the fact that only you can control your life that depends on you and nobody else.

You feel and know you’re someone else and that this year has been a big change. Some call it “growing up”, but I think it is much more complex. Despite emotional setbacks after the return, you are more than sure that one of the main objectives for the future is to find that peace and happiness again, no matter where or with whom.

Butterflies in my stomach

Silvia García, ex-EVS at Voluntariat (2011)

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NoemiCoffee lover


So, basically this is me: coffee dependent, really

connected with Naples, an Italian girl who usually

make words longer. Sometimesss. ;)

I can‘t start the day without a good cup of


And if someone asks me where to drink a

really good coffee, I will reply »In South

Italy!!«, for sure. Short, strong and tasty

with a cigarette in the hand.! Anyway, South Italy is not only good coffee,

but also amazing places, sun and incredible

blue sea. There I spent all my holidays, visiting

grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and

eating grannies’ oily stuff. I’m really addicted to

dry tomatoes and aubergines in oil and when I

also learnt how to make them I felt like being

part of old traditions and past ways of living.

friends always know

what to give as a present

Noemi De Vecchio

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After two months in Ljubljana


I can say that:

• I like cedevita (and generally the idea of drinking

tap water),

• I love the view of the mountains from my kitchen


• happiness is easy.

During this year in Slovenia I would like to make a short movie, go to Tiffany, learn how to make Ajvar, go to the seaside, share my passion about polish movies, sew a dress on old Singer machine that I found in my room, meet someone, who will make the short movie with me. I hope at least ten people will read this so I can make new friends ;)

I also like: coffee with milk, coffee and

cigarettes, coffee to go, book in the park,

honey in tea, chocolate with raspberry, smell of

the spring, sun on the face, spinach with cheese.

In my free time I’m cooking soups and dreaming about making

my own documentary movie before I turn 30.

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Hallo Everyone, it’s been quite difficult to decide how to

present myself in this newsletter...

So I decided to do it with quotes from a song that I feel

describes my feelings towards life in general.

The song is from the Great Manu Chao and it’s called “Je

Besoin de la Lune” (“I need the moon”).

However, I believe that Mother Earth is the home for all living

beings, and no one is the master of the universe nor has the right to

decide on someones destiny.

I stand for love, respect, equal rights (regardless to race,

nationality, class), truth, honesty, helping, compassion


I rise against manipulative people (systems) politics, ‘isms and

‘skisms, wars, killing, destroying, selfishness, media .........

I need the moon, to talk with at night

don’t need the death, to laugh at my destiny

“Share Love Everyone”

I need the Earth, to get to know hellI need love so much, need some everyday

I need the moon, to talk with at night

I need the sun, to warm up my life

I need the sea, to look far away

I so need you, close to me

I need the moon, to see the day coming

I need the sun, to call it at night

I need the sea, right beside me

I need my father, to know where I come from

need my mother, to show me the way

welcome to my world

full of colors

Living in this strange world, trying to create the perfect

life for me, trying to discover what I need, what is it

that makes my soul satisfied. I searched for answers in

the trees, the wind, the leaves, the water, the flowers,

the cliffs, the stories of wisdon from the old, the

clearness of the children.... and I found my way :)

Photos by:

Anastasija P.

Galina Strackova,

Martin Hristovski

Live, Love, Feel, Explore, Learn, Contribute,

Help, Enjoy the moment, Smile, Cry.... that’s

life for me.....

Page 20: Newsletter n.12 Club.of.Volunteers


Documentary movie »One step for mankind, one giant leap for a volunteer« is focused onshowing effects of

global volunteering on volunteers that took part in the EVS Ghana project in 2011.The premiere of the film

will take place on April 24 at KUD France Prešeren in Ljubljana, which will be followed by a round table on

images and messages of the Global South in different presentational and promotional activities. The film and

the roundtable will serve as an intro into the opening of the photo exhibition that will be focused on presenting

Africa from volunteers’ point of view.

Lens on volunteering in Africa

– premiere of documentary movie, round table and photo exhibition

upcoming events

From April 12 until May 7 you can visit the photo exhibition “International Volunteering Though Photos and

Stories” at the Brežice Youth centre. The official opening of the exhibition will take place on April 12 at 6

p.m., where you will get more information about workcamps and taking part in this enriching experience.

Season of workcamps has begun! Do not wait, check them out on:

International Workcamps 2012

Photo exhibition “International Volunteering

Through Photos and Stories” is moving to Brežice (12April –7May 2012)

Page 21: Newsletter n.12 Club.of.Volunteers


The project that started last year at Povšetova prison will be

continued in future months. With the help of permaculture

specialist Mirjam Kopše we will help plant a garden. Read more

about permaculture on page 6-7 and join us at Povšetova.

Permaculture workshops

in prison in Povšetova

Let’s make it together

Improve your journalistic skills and help us develop the

newsletter! We want to use more channels to present the

topics. The idea is to tell the stories through radio reportages

and show them not only through photos but also videos.

However, we need your help. All fresh ideas are welcomed, so

just contact us:

[email protected]

Coordinate and facilitate with us

We are looking for volunteers who would like to help with

coordination of the working group for young people with fewer

opportunities. This year we will facilitate a youth exchange in

Slovenia and also send two groups abroad(Spain and Greece).

We are also looking for female volunteers who would like to

facilitate workshops in the female prison in Ig.

If you have any skills, which you would like to share, please let us


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