
Dodgeville U

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hurch 327 N

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odgeville, WI 53533

Prepared especially for…


sletter M

arch 2012

SPIRITUAL HABITS – PRAYER While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the LORD gave him this second message: 2 “This is what the LORD says—the LORD who made the earth, who formed and established it, whose name is the LORD: 3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. 4 For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: You have torn down the houses of this city and even the king’s palace to get materials to strengthen the walls against the siege ramps and swords of the enemy. 5

You expect to fight the Babylonians, but the men of this city are already as good as dead, for I have determined to destroy them in my terrible anger. I have abandoned them because of all their wickedness. 6

“Nevertheless, the time will come when I will heal Jerusalem’s wounds and give it prosperity and true peace. 7 I will restore the fortunes of Judah and Israel and rebuild their towns. 8 I will cleanse them of their sins against me and forgive all their sins of rebellion. 9 Then this city will bring me joy, glory, and honor before all the nations of the earth! The people of the world will see all the good I do for my people, and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them. – Jeremiah 33:1-9 (NLT)

Last month, we talked about reasons for ‘Spiritual Habits’ (disciplines) in our lives—that they will help us to be ‘spiritually fit’ as disciples of Jesus Christ. And this month, we begin a series of monthly messages about specific habits that will help us to do just that—to be ‘spiritually fit’ in 2012. It’s been said that ‘God’s great goal for us is to make us like Christ.’ This is the goal of spiritual habits, too; they are ‘means of grace’ according to Mr. John Wesley—founder of Methodism—that will help us as we ‘train’ to reach ‘God’s great goal’ for our lives. So, welcome to Spring Training… A while back, I was reading an article that began to talk about the ‘VLE.’ Have you ever heard about that? Apparently, there

was a large radio receiver in New Mexico, designed to pick up any signals that might come from life forms in outer space. It had been named the ‘VLE – Very Large Ear.’ The article—devotional in nature—began to ask this question: ‘I wonder how many of those scientists realize that a word has already come to us from the heavenly realm—a Word made flesh in the Person of God’s Son.’ Well, the truth is, not only has God spoken to us through his Son, Jesus; he’s also made it possible for us to speak to him. One writer, commenting on the VLE in New Mexico said: ‘God too has a VLE – a Very Large Ear.’ And, folks, that ear is continually open to us. God hears—with his VLE—even the weakest or faintest (and we feel that way sometimes, don’t we) of cries. One of my favorite hymns puts it this way:

Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Joseph M. Scriven (1819-1886)

One of the greatest of ‘habits’ provided to us by God himself is the gift of prayer. As we are still in the early part of 2012, ask yourself … how much time do I spend in prayer? It’s clear in the Jeremiah passage above that God absolutely delights in talking to us. But how eager are we to talk to him? Start out slow (but start!); work your way up to where you feel God is pleased with your prayer life. The truth is, there’s no way we can be ‘spiritually fit’ without this ‘habit’ in our lives. Go ahead. If you’ve never been intimate with your knees before, now’s as good a time as any to start… Let the training begin!

Pastor Rom

UMW Meetings and Events – all women welcome! The next regular meeting of UMW will be on Thursday, March 1 at 7:00PM in Fellowship Hall. The annual Prayer and Self-Denial program will be presented by the Grace Post Circle. The Evening Star Circle will serve refreshments. The Evening Star Circle will meet Monday, March12 at 7:00PM at Mary James’ home. Robin Digman will be co-hostess and Marilyn Liddle will give devotions. The Grace Post Circle will meet on Monday, March 19 at 1:30PM at the home of Louise Price. Rosemary Edwards will give the devotions. Everyone is invited to the Coulee District Spring Cluster meeting on Tuesday, March 28 at the Montfort United Methodist Church in Montfort. Registration will be at 1:00PM with the program beginning at 1:30. There is a registration fee of $1.00. There will be an informational program presented on the subject of “Human Trafficking”. This is the National/International Mission for 2012. There will be a collection taken at this meeting for the State Mission-- Harbor House . This is a shelter serving women and families located in Superior,WI. Please consider attending this meeting that will help our unit connect with other units from our area. If interested please contact Marilyn Liddle or Rosemary Edwards. If you have been collecting “Moola” caps and bag tops, or other items from Kwik Trip please bring them to the church before this meeting. These items are collected to benefit the Hmong House in Milwaukee and will collected at this meeting. Thinking ahead to April—the dates have been set for the Spring Rummage Sale to be held in Fellowship Hall. Please mark your calendar-- Sale days are Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21. Set-up days are Wednesday, April 18 and Thursday, April 19. Look for more information in the April newsletter.

2012 ALL4One Middle School Events

Even in the midst of everyday challenges, there are treasures hidden in plain sight. Be refreshed and renewed at a one-of-a-kind weekend.

Each year, women of all ages gather by the thousands to take part in a Women of Faith weekend. This year we would like you to join us October 5-6 at the Bradley Center. Hear incredible speakers like Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg , Andy Andrews and enjoy music by Amy Grant and Mandisa. Tuesday, March 20th, at 6:30pm we will be having an informational meeting about the 2012 WOF weekend in Milwaukee. Hear from women who have gone, watch some video from last year’s speakers and enjoy some goodies. Please join us and bring your friends along as well. This weekend is an incredible experience for any woman to worship with other women and meet with God. If you have any questions please contact: Tammy Leiser 235-3975 (935-3537) tammy Or Beth Schlueter 319-2047 [email protected]

Community Garden

Meetings have started in the Dodgeville area

churches for a community garden. Land in Dodgeville has been approved. We will be looking for individuals who can donate garden supplies. More information will be coming next month. For more information contact Juanita Starr at 608-574-4591.

CURRENT MONTH JANUARY, 2012 Monthly Income $ 11,691 Monthly Expenses Paid $ 13,754 Net Income for month $ <2,063> Apportionments Paid 2,162 Unpaid Apportionments $ 0 YEAR TOTALS THROUGH CURRENT MONTH Years Income $ Years Expenses Paid $ Net Income for Year $ Apportionments Paid $ Unpaid Apportionments $ TOTAL APPORTIONMENTS DUE FOR YEAR $25,944 APPORTIONMENTS DUE PER MONTH $ 2,162


#276 “Give each what would keep (them) above want, and bestow all the rest in such a manner as would be most for the glory of God.” - John Wesley A few years ago Karen inherited shares of stock from the estate of a family friend. When her church asked for a commitment to their building campaign, Karen wrote on her pledge card that she had some shares of stock she’d like to redeem. No one from the finance committee or church office ever contacted her to help her make the gift! She didn’t know who to contact in the secular world either so she left the stock invested. Years later she read in her church newsletter that the Wisconsin U.M. Foundation could process gifts of stock, which meant she could avoid paying capital gains taxes. She would also avoid paying a selling fee or commission. She was amazed! By following the Foundation’s simple procedure, she could actually make a larger gift to her church than if she sold the shares of stock herself and wrote a check to the church for the proceeds. In 2011, the Foundation assisted 79 people in giving $483,512 in stock gifts to 48 different churches and ministries. That’s an average gift of $10,073 per church! Individual gifts ranged from $165 to as much as $22,393. These gifts of stock have offered support to local church operating budgets, provided items such as hearing devices and a piano, as well as supported a number of capital campaigns and Miracle Sunday campaigns. By making these gifts through the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation, these individuals made sure that 100% of the proceeds from the sale were used for ministry. For more information on how you can make a gift of appreciated stock to your favorite church or United Methodist ministry, please find the most current securities processing form on our website at Be sure to call us or send us a copy of the form so that we can process your gift as quickly as possible. Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation

750 Windsor Street Ste 305, P.O. Box 620 Sun Prairie, WI 53590-0620

1-888-903-9863 or [email protected]

Some Lenten ponderings from 1911:

Seven Ways of Giving First – The Careless Way: To give something to every cause that is presented, without inquiring into its merits. Second – The Impulsive Way: To give from impulse – as much and as often as love and piety and sensibility prompt. Third – The Lazy Way: To make a special offer to earn money for benevolent objects by fairs, festivals, etc. Fourth – The Self-denying Way: To save the cost of luxuries and apply them to purposes of religion and charity. This may lead to asceticism [severity] and self-complacence [self-righteousness]. Fifth – The Systematic Way: To lay aside as an offering to God a definite portion of our gains – one-tenth, one-fifth, one-third, or one-half. This is adapted to all, whether rich or poor, and gifts would be largely increased if it were generally practiced. (1 Cor. 16:2) Sixth – The Equal Way: To give God and the needy just as much as we spend on ourselves, balancing all our personal expenditures by our gifts. Seventh – The Heroic Way: To limit our own expenditures to a certain sum and give away all the rest of our income. This was John Wesley’s way.

-by Dr. A. T. Pierson from Gems of Thought on Tithing, Published 1911 By George W. Brown, a Presbyterian layman

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation 750 Windsor Street Ste 305, P.O. Box 620

Sun Prairie, WI 53590-0620 1-888-903-9863 or [email protected]

Mission & Outreach News

Cornerstone Party The first Cornerstone Lunch of 2012 will be on March 14 at 11:30 in the fellowship hall. You may 10 purchase items for the lunch or make a donation for items by signing up in the Fellowship Hall. All donation must be in the church kitchen by 8 am Tuesday March 13. If items are not there by that time they will be purchased. If you wish to help prepare or serve food contact Roger Stewart at 345-5895. Help will be needed Tueday evening from 6 – 8 and Wednesday, March 14, from 9am – 2pm. Special benefit – if you help on Wednesday you will get to hear the Praise band play some old time favorites and enjoy time with the clients frin Cornerstone.

Loose Change Update January, February & March Loose Change will go to

'Imagine No Malaria'. This is a continuing global outreach which started with the Christmas eve service,

in which $1,267.44 was raised. 2012 Giving to date is currently $299.39.

Homeless Shelter Needs

The homeless shelter is in need of double sheets, toilet bowl cleaner, paper towels, toilet paper, broom & dust pan, kitchen towels, dish soap, hotel sized shampoo, body wash, bar soap, etc. Please drop these items at the church with “shelter” on the bag. Items are tax deductible. See Juanita Starr for a receipt 574-4591. Items do not need to be new. Thanks to those of you who have already donated!


Did you ever notice how you react when your spouse walks in the door with a wrinkled brow and a sad or angry look? You might think, “What did I do now?” Or, “What is bothering him or her?” The point is we see the behavior and we react to it; not understanding what caused the behavior. The Marriage Encounter Weekend helps you to understand why.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter-United Methodist Weekend in Wisconsin:

October 5-7, 2012 Bishop Sharon Zimmerman Rader Retreat Center, Westfield, WI

More information: toll free # 866.633.3862

Mentors needed for Homeless Shelter The Iowa County Homeless Prevention Coalition is looking for volunteers to mentor families/individuals who are living in the homeless shelter and/or transitional housing. If you would like to assist a family in their efforts to find consistent and safe place to call home, this may be an opportunity for you to serve. Mentors would plan to meet at least weekly with their mentee over a period of 2 - 6 weeks. One could expect to work with 2 to 3 families over a course of a year. The primary responsibility would be to provide moral support and assistance in moving beyond the issues that cause homelessness. Training and resource will be provided. If you would like more information contact: Roger Stewart 345-5895.

Academy for Spiritual Formation

In mid-February, I attended my first “official” training - Academy #33, Session 1 of the Academy for Spiritual Formation. This will fulfill some of the educational requirements for a Professional Certification in Spiritual Formation, which is part of the path towards ordination as Deacon. Completion of the two year program will be an acceptable substitute for two graduate-level classes: “Teaching for Biblical Faith” and “Prayer in Christian Ministry”. Below is an excerpt from the Academy for Spiritual Formation brochure and a summary of the Session 1 topics and pre-session reading “Since 1983 Upper Room Ministries® has offered a place for spiritually hungry pilgrims, whether clergy or lay, through the two-year Academy for Spiritual Formation®. Participants spend forty days in residence (five days every three months), with the first year dedicated to deepening one’s own life in Christ. During the second year, as the focus begins to shift to more outward aspects of leadership, participants continue to engage in spiritual practices of body, mind and spirit in the context of a supportive community. The Academy’s commitment to an authentic spirituality promotes balance, inner peace and outer peace, holy living and justice living, God’s shalom. Theologically the focus is Trinitarian, celebrating the Creator’s blessing, delighting in the companionship of Christ and witnessing to the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, churches and the world. The daily rhythm of the Academy restores a needed balance in our lives. Silence and conversation, rest and relationship – these open our hearts and minds to wisdom and Word. Worship follows a modified daily office; daily eucharist (Holy Communion) feeds us as evening falls. Covenant groups provide a place to listen to our own life and in the sacred circle of trust, to enter onto holy ground. Night Prayer sends us to our beds. As we enter the great silence, we discover again a new hunger for listening to God.

Continued on next page

Academy for Spiritual Formation (continued)

The quarterly rhythm — gathering back to the same retreat center every three months — has its own wisdom. At home between sessions, participants engage in spiritual disciplines, complete reading assignments and test new attitudes and behaviors. Over the course of the two years, this rhythm of gathering and returning home encourages participants to integrate what they are learning. The mantle of spiritual leadership comes as a joy and delight. Spiritual Leadership for the Church and the World - The Church and the world long for spiritual leaders of all kinds: extroverts and introverts, lovers and dreamers, builders and thinkers. The Church and the world need passionate, persistent, authentic, well grounded people of faith, centered in the love of God. Spiritual leaders who return to the Source of their call bring fresh energy and new life to the world that needs them. The Academy is a proven place for renewal and call. We welcome your application. For more information: The Academy for Spiritual FormatiUpper Room Ministries P.O. Box 340004 • Nashville, TN 37203-0004 Phone (toll-free): 1-877-899-2781, ext. 7233 Email: [email protected]

Academy for Spiritual Formation Morning Curriculum: Attentiveness to the Word: Spiritual Formation and Scripture The purpose of this course is to enable the participants to establish a regular discipline of reading and praying scripture in a formational way. The iconographic nature of scripture will be explored as a way for participants’ to gain access to the richness of the Word residing in the words of the sacred texts. The distinction between formation and information should be made clear, and meditative practices based on scripture will be

Continued on next page

taught. Participants will also gain some sense of understanding what if meant to be attentive to the Word in other places apart from scripture: in nature, in relationships and in other literature. Adjunct Faculty: Sister Mary Margaret Pazden. Sister Pazden O.P., is Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at Aquinas Institute of Theology Required Reading: Becoming God’s Beloved in the Company of Friends: A Spirituality of the Fourth Gospel. Pazden, Mary Margaret, OP. (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2007). Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of GOD. Wiederkehr, Macrina. (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2011)

Academy for Spiritual Formation Afternoon Curriculum: Traditions of Christian Spirituality The purpose of this course is to offer an introduction to the history of Christian Spirituality. It is to be an historical overview. The content could be approached in any of several ways: schools, personalities, categories, or themes, etc. Whichever of these ways are chosen, it should be presented chronologically. While the historical content is important, it is equally important to connect the content to the current life of participants. Adjunct Faculty: Dr. Wendy Wright. Dr. Wright holds a PhD. from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is currently Professor of Theology at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Required Reading: Christian Spirituality: Introduction to the Tradition, Charles Healey, (Alba House) Francis of Assisi: performing the Gospel Life, NS Lawrence Cunningham, (Eerdmans) I would love to share the experience in more detail with anyone who is interested. Just let me know! -Gail Ray Adult Ministries Coordinator

Prayer Boxes

The prayer ministry meets on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM to bring the needs of our community to God in prayer. If you would like to bring a request to this group, please feel free to use the blue cards in the prayer boxes on the wall outside the sanctuary doors. Prayer cards can be placed back in the prayer box after you have written down your request. The prayer ministry team is happy to lift these needs to God in prayer. Thank you for taking advantage of this ministry!


It is not too early to begin thinking about a possible trip to the Holy Land one year from now! Pegram-Hosted Tours is announcing that they will be going to the Holy Land in January of 2013. It will be a 13-day tour, leaving on the 12th of January and returning home by the 24th of the month. On this tour, we will be traveling the length and breadth of the Holy Land—from the Red Sea in the south to Mount Hermon in the north, and from the Dead Sea in the east to the Mediterranean in the west. There will be new stops on this tour that we’ve not seen in the past (always a surprise!). And Malcolm Cartier, the best tour guide that Israel has to offer, will once again be guiding our tour while in the Holy Land. Please do prayerfully consider this very important opportunity—a great way to grow in your personal walk with God … by walking the land where Jesus walked! More information will be coming out soon! If you have any questions, please make sure that you ask Pastor Rom ([email protected] or 608-417-0060)…


CELIA Singer/Songwriter/Comedienne

Celtic & More Concert Friday, March 9, 7:00 PM

Tickets $10 in Advance, $12 at the door Call 935-5727 to Reserve

Plymouth UCC _______________________________________

World Day of Prayer

Plymouth Congregational Church March 2 at 9:30 AM

Christian Motorcyclist Association Info Meeting February 25th at 11:30 AM

Country Kitchen in Dodgeville

Boscobel/Mt. Zion (BMZ) 4th Annual Leadership Summit April 20-21

Boscobel United Methodist Church or (608)375-4565 to register

Lay Member/Leader Annual Conference Training Saturday, March 10th, 9:30 AM-2:00 PM

Here at DUMC

Lifeline Preventive Health Screening Faith Fellowship Church Thursday, April 19, 2012

*First name listed is 9:00 service,

2nd name is 10:45

*Worship Assistants MARCH

4 Jan Aschliman, Mary Ellen Schultze 11 Jeff Athey, Terry Edwards 18 Sandy Alexander, Sarah Godfrey 25 Kevin Kirschbaum, Julie Piper

APRIL 1 Peggy Forrest, Beth Schlueter 8 Julie Athey, Mary Ellen Schultze 15 Sandy Alexander, Sarah Godfrey 22 Jeff Athey, Cathy Bandyk 29 Jan Aschliman, Terry Edwards

Greeters MARCH

9:00 AM Klint & Wanda McCutchin Steve & Sandy Alexander 10:45 AM 4 Judy Halverson, Lee & Mary Lou Oxnem, Gail Ray 11 TBA 18 Judy Halverson, Lee & Mary Lou Oxnem, Gail Ray 25 TBA

April 9:00 AM Scott & Denise Tolzman, Merlin Gorsline 10:45 AM 1 Dale & Nancy Mortimer, Gail Ray, Judy Halverson 5 @ 7PM Mary Ellen, Merlin Gorsline, Nancy/ Dale Mortimer 6 @ 7PM Mary Ellen, Merlin Gorsline, Nancy/Dale Mortimer 8 Dale & Nancy Mortimer 15 Dale & Nancy Mortimer, Gail Ray, Judy Halverson 22 Dale & Nancy Mortimer 29 Dale & Nancy Mortimer

PLEASE PRAY: Dan Williams

Beth Schlueter Marie Wenger-Rowe

Tammy Gerald Fingerson

Brittany Ronald Scott Mary Lou Fry

Brenda Pattinson Dorothy Leffler


MARCH 4 Gail/Julie 11Tom/Matt 18 Gail/Rays 25 Tom/Rays

APRIL 1 Gail/Rays 5 Matt-7:00 PM 6 Julie 7:00 PM 8 Gail/Rays 15 Tom/Julie 22 Tom/Matt 29 Gail/Rays

Café MARCH 4 Shirley Lewis Lois Weier 11 **Juanita Starr 18 **Julie Colden Diane & Shianne Carroll 25 Penny Edwards Sandy Alexander APRIL 1 Mary Aschliman **Dee Dochnahl 8 **Rom & Jane Pegram 15 **Jan Aschliman **Charlene Mingst 22 Sarah Godfrey **Julie James 29 Ginny Gorsline Mary Lou Oxnem **treat suppliers only

No MARCH Anniversaries Please contact the church office if your special day isn’t listed.

Acolytes: MARCH 4 London & Dacotah Greeters 11Alex & Bethany Maggie & Eliza 18 London & Dallas Maggie & Eliza 25 Alex & Bethany Maggie & Eliza APRIL 1Dacotah & Dallas Greeters 8 Alex & Bethany Maggie & Eliza 15 London & Dacotah Maggie & Eliza 22 Alex & Bethany Greeters 29 Greeters Maggie & Eliza

2 - Phil Udelhoven 7 - Julia Harman 7 - Linda Reger 8 – Stu Miller 14 - Margaret Humbert 15 - Dallas Starr 16 - Preston Phillips 16 - Tammy Steele 24 - Kevin Weier 29 - Kyle Reger 30 - Jeff Athey 31 - Autumn Bell



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