
Message from Mrs Barton,

Myself, other senior leaders and Year 6 representatives have been showing prospective new YR

families around for September 2020. I have been very proud to visit classrooms where the

atmosphere has been hard-working as well as fun, creative and enjoyable. There is so much to

be proud of and the provision we offer our children is amazing. A massive thank you to the

wonderful team at Midfield.

Midfield and cross country

Midfield Year 5 runners were lucky enough to meet Dina Asher-Smith

at the Bromley Schools Cross Country event on Saturday at Crystal

Palace, well done to all Year 5 and 6 pupils that took part, Great


Love of reading at Midfield grows

Reading is very important at Midfield and last week saw the start of Y2

families being invited into school to read with their child. This new

initiative will be continuing on a weekly basis and I hope that other families in EYFS and Year 1

will be able to join us soon. The main aims of this initiative is to::

Nurture a love of reading

Offer a different reading setting for parents / carers and children

Provide the opportunity for parents and carers to ask questions or share ideas to make

home reading more engaging

For further information, speak to your child’s class teacher or Mrs Donnelly.

The countdown has started with just 3 weeks left until the end of term. You can find a full list

of events at the end of this newsletter. The PTA are busy arranging a Christmas Experience on

Friday 6th December, raising much-needed funds for the school. Please support the PTA as

Newsletter Issue 5

Friday 29th November


Classroom News

Bluebirds & Grasshoppers

What a fun filled few weeks we have had! The children have thrown themselves head first into our Space topic and have loved every minute of finding out about planet Earth and space travel! Did you know you can play bat and ball with a bubble of water in space? We have enjoyed making our own solar systems, playing in our space stations and learning songs all about the planets. In maths we have been learning about one more and one less. We started by jumping forwards and backwards on a number line to find one more or less than a given number. Then we moved on to trying to recall one more or less from memory! We are doing so well learning our sounds in Read, Write Inc and we are now learning to blend and 'Fred Talk' new words. Please do remember to read daily with your child at home.


Butterfly class have really enjoyed going to Forest School the past few weeks. They have been

exploring the environment, by searching for bugs, playing hide and seek and looking at the

different leaves. The children even discovered a nest which they thought may belong to one of the Owl babies, Bill. The chil-

dren also got to share some stories whilst we had a biscuit and hot chocolate (the best part!)

They have also been brushing their teeth daily and have their

very own special toothbrush to use.

The children were very lucky to have a visit from the Dental

Nurse this week who talked to them about what our teeth

help us to do and how we need to take care of them.

Classroom News



Last week, Ladybirds were weather reporters and gave their own forecasts to the class.

In science they have been observing and describing weather associated with Autumn and the

identifying three different types of clouds. In English our book focus has been The Three Little

Pigs, with a focus on the beginning, middle and end of a story.

Ladybirds also created their own version of a fairy-tale villain that they could include in their


Owls Class is brimming with excellent mathematicians! Last week we

learnt about the greater than and less than symbols and used our arms

to represent it gobbling up the larger number.

This week we have moved on to multiplication, in particular the two

times table. We spoke about how repeated addition works and created

Classroom News


We have spoken about what makes reading fun for us. Some of the

ideas that Rabbits shared were: reading a favourite book, using

expression when reading, reading in a special place and snuggling.

Some of our parents came in to read to us in the library, whilst some of

us made ourselves comfortable in class with Mrs Viljoen reading a story

to us.


Foxes were challenged to make a bridge from one table to the other. They were allowed to use one material and a range of fixings and fastenings to make the structure more stable. The bridge needed be longer than 20cm, and hold 100g! The children learnt that simply changing the shape of a material could make it stronger i.e. by using a concertina effect. Some children made bundles and then laid them in a criss-cross manner to make the bridge more rigid. Great engineering ideas were displayed across the class!

Classroom News

Hedgehogs and Dragonflies

In English we have been looking at the effects plastic pollution has on the environment. We

wrote our own information texts about them, and even wrote persuasive speeches to Tesco,

encouraging them to stop selling plastic bags. We will be sending them to Tesco in hope to get

a response!

In science we have been looking at how different types of rocks are formed. We really enjoyed

learning about igneous rocks and how they can be formed from volcanic eruptions. We have

had many amazing homework projects about volcanos– PowerPoints, posters, and some even

made exploding volcanos!

In RE we have been looking at how Christians celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus. We

imagined we were Wise Men and wrote diary entries.

In Maths we have been using the grid method to multiply 2 digits by 1 digit.

Classroom News


In squirrels class we have been looking at sculptures in art. We studied an artist called Andy

Goldsworthy, who is a sculptor and a photographer. He uses things he find outdoors to create

his sculptures. We got to see sculptures made of trees, rocks and flowers. After a long

discussion, we went outside and looked around at what we could find on the floor. Then, we

got to make our sculptures. It was great fun and there was some amazing masterpieces.


In beetles, we have been learning about electricity in science. This week, we got to create our

own simple circuits. We learnt how to put it together and why some circuits worked and others

didn't. It was great fun and we cant wait to see what we do next.

Classroom News

Woodpeckers and Robins

Woodpeckers have been very busy exploring Scadbury Woods during forest school, we were lucky enough to explore the

reserve while also learning about habitats we may find in ponds such as Frogs and Toads . We also learnt about camouflage

and how we may use this as well as techniques we could use.

We also had an outdoor art project which explored collage techniques and how we can produce a collage outside using

naturally available resources. During this lesson we joined forces with year 6 which enabled us to work with different

people as a team. We collected different coloured resources and created a pattern on the playground which resembled a

sun. Overall it was a great success as you can see and the children all had a great day.

Classroom News


This week we started our new text,

which is based on a video clip —The

Piano by Aiden Chambers. It is a very

moving video based on the life of an

elderly gentleman, who uses music to

reflect on his life. Using this as our

inspiration, we wrote letters from him

to his wife, who is no longer with him.

They were very good and captured the

emotion perfectly.

We are really enjoying this unit. If you

would like to watch it yourselves to

see what we are working on, follow

the link below:

Badgers .

This week, we have decided to celebrate the fantastic homework that is being produced regularly by pupils in Badgers. The wonderful examples shown below are the result of hard work and imagination.

Homework featured: periscope by Tirian, lit-up dolls house by Arzo and an electricity poster by Hanna.


In Acorns we have been exploring Autumn. We have been observing

the changes in our environment. We were so excited by the frost we

all went out to explore it. That inspired us to make our own frosty

leaves and frost pictures.

We have been making autumnal pictures celebrating the variety of

coloured leaves. On our sensory table we have been playing with the

autumn gifts of leaves and twigs. It has been a great topic and we

are now all excited to get thinking about...CHRISTMAS.


We have been working hard in Oaks this week and the

children have been learning about Bar Modelling in maths to

help them with their number bonds. We learned a song all

about dancing pairs up to 10!

The children had GREAT fun on Children in Need day and

they all looked like lovely rainbows.

We have been getting ready for Christmas and working with our hands making salt dough. It

was great fun and very sticky but the salt dough was worth it!

School Office Request

Would all parents please send their current email address in to the school office. This can either be emailed to: [email protected] / [email protected] or just send this information in with your child/children for the attention of the school office.

Also, if any parent/carer has not returned their annual data collection sheet to school and you have changes that the school needs to update, please return this to school as soon as possible. Thank you for your co operation.

Latest E-Safety News

Parent Info is a website for parents providing support and advice, with contributions from the leading experts and organisations, in matters related to young people and families in a digital world.

The articles published by Parent Info for parents are available on our website on the Parents page - Latest E-Safety News. These articles provide advice for parents on E-Safety to help families navigate the internet safely and confidently. New content will be published week-ly so you may find it helpful to check this page regularly.

The link to the page is


Pupil Premium

Is your child entitled to Pupil Premium but is not currently receiving the funding? This could be eligibility for Free

School Meals, Adopted from Care, Child of a Service Personnel or a Special Guardianship?

Although every child in YR, Y1 and Y2 are automatically entitled to Free School Meals you may also be entitled to

claim for pupil premium if any of the above is applicable to your family.

Claims for Free School Meals can either be made online at:—Apply for it—Free School Meals/

Pupil Premium Payment or collect a form from the school office.

If you are unsure if you are eligible then contact Sue Hill in the office.

If your child is adopted from care / child of service personnel / special guardianship and you do not think the school

has been provided proof of this, then please again contact the school office, who will be more than happy to help with


Important Dates for Your Diary

Monday 2nd December-Flu Nasal Spray Reception-YR6

Tuesday 3rd December—Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Wednesday 4th December—Reception trip to Church

Thursday 5th December—Scholastic Book Fair Arrives

Thursday 5th December—’Share a Story’ Year 2 parents (last for this term)

Friday 6th December-PTA Christmas Extravaganza

Wednesday 11th December-EYFS Nativity @ 9.30am

Wednesday 11th December– School Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 11th December– Treehouse Christmas Carols

Thursday 12th December-EYFS Nativity @ 2.30pm

Friday 13th December-KS1 Nativity @ 2.20pm

Whole School Attendance 28th August— 28th November


OWLS 95.5% LADYBIRDS 96.6%

FOXES 95.5% RABBITS 96.8%




RAVENS 96.9% BADGERS 96.3%

ACORNS 92.0% OAKS 93.7%


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