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Hitchin Boys’ School, Grammar School Walk, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1JB

Tel: 01462 432181 Email: [email protected] Web:

Twitter: @HitchinBoys Facebook:


Y12 Geography

Fieldwork ........................... 2

Library News ..................... 2

Year 7 & 8 News ............ 3-4

HBS Christmas Card Competition ....................... 4

House Round-Up ............... 4

Creative Arts Update ...... 5-6

Calendar Dates ................... 7

Movember .......................... 7

Christmas Jumper Day ....... 7

PE Department News ......... 7

Shine Bright ....................... 7 Sixth Form Newsletter, ‘Sixth Sense’

Parents’ Society Xmas Newsletter


Newsletter December 2020

What a term it has been: ‘baptism of fire’ is how it has been described. Coronavirus has dominated school life in a way that was unexpected as the virus seemed to be in retreat during the summer months. Education has become intertwined with public health and politics, and sometimes these three objectives have seemed to indicate different directions.

I know for some of our students, things have been very disrupted, and I am sorry for every student who wanted to be in lessons and could not be this term. While I may disagree with some government policy, the assertion that children learn better in school is one that is supported by evidence (Ofsted’s latest findings on remote learning have been published this week.) When learning has had to be remote, as a whole staff, we have pulled together to deliver as full a timetable as possible and try to keep structure, progressing with the planned curriculum and engaging students in live lessons wherever possible. In the face of adversity, our attendance so far this year is over 95% and students have been resilient and worked hard. The recent mock exam results for Year 11 are encouraging, showing what can be achieved despite the disruption.

I have been exceptionally proud of your sons this term, not only with their resilience and application to learning, but also in their commitment to the community and causes that they believe in. This term, we have supported improved mental health via the #JustTalk campaign, challenged inequalities during Black History Month, become (virtually) district Cross Country champions in every age group and raised over £1,300 for men’s health charity, Movember.

In the new year, as well as managing Covid, I will be looking to make some changes that I will tell you more about in future newsletters and correspondence. We will be simplifying our behavior policy, introducing blended learning in the sixth form with a Bring Your Own Device scheme and also adding in some wider curriculum choices at GCSE for September 2021 and at A-level the following year.

I will also need your help on a project to define the Hitchin Boys’ School ‘Values’ – the qualities and attributes that are important in our school community. ‘Per Ardua Ad Alta’ won’t be changing, but I wanted to bring to the fore and celebrate aspects of school life such as resilience, integrity and tolerance as well as academic aspiration. Staff and students will produce a shortlist of words that best describe our school and we will also ask for your input and votes as parents.

I would like to thank Ms Spencer and Mr Irvine who are leaving HBS at the end of term, having been great servants to the Art and Computer Science faculties respectively. We wish them luck for the future.

Finally, I wish all of you a safe and restful Christmas and New Year period. Look after yourselves and your families and I think we can all hope for a better 2021!

Fergal Moane, Head Teacher

‘I have been

exceptionally proud

of your sons this

term, not only with

their resilience and

application to

learning, but also in

their commitment to

the community and

causes that they

believe in.’

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Library News Thank you to everyone who has helped their son to find and return pre-lockdown library loans. We have got down from over 250 to just 35 outstanding. Thank you also to those of you who have donated revision guides. These will ensure that boys using our library in the run up to exams have more resources to use. Our Twelve Days of Christmas competition this year was our Goth take on Elf on the Shelf: Rook with a

Book. Anyone following us on Twitter will have seen Poe the Raven, Big Dave, and Rhonda the Library Dragon giving clues to 12 different books. Here’s Poe (below left) with his spiritual father, Edgar Allan Poe, painted by author Chris Priestley. We’re recruiting Library Champions from year 7 and 8 to join our happy little team. There have been lots of enthusiastic applications already, so we can’t wait to read them all and see what they have to say in their interviews. We’ve had some exciting new books in from The Book Trust who give a box of books to school every year including sets of ‘future classics’ and other interesting titles. Here is the list of books we received, and you can use The Book Trust website to get ideas, advice, and articles on supporting and inspiring children to read: Don’t forget you can download The Library Link app from your app store, and use this QR code to get access to

our whole library catalogue and special reading lists. If you have any problems with this, please email Mrs Baugh and Mrs Rushton on [email protected]. You can follow us on Twitter @HBSLibrary. Have a safe and happy Christmas break!

Mrs Baugh and Mrs Rushton, Librarians

Year 12 Geography Fieldwork This term in Geography, we have been lucky enough to offer our Year 12 geographers the opportunity for some outside learning. For their Water and Carbon topic the boys spent a series of lessons discovering how land use affects infiltration rates by using storm simulation plots on site. This involved pouring water into the plots at the top (rainfall) and timing how long it took for it to come out at the bottom (the river). By doing this, they were able to determine the impact impermeable, soil and vegetated surfaces have on the water cycle. This helped them to appreciate how changing land use in the world due to urbanisation, farming and deforestation is impacting upon the water cycle at a drainage basin scale. For their Changing Places topic the boys gained some practice with Human Geography Fieldwork techniques, including Environmental Quality Assessments and Clone Town Surveys. These techniques are used to assess the quality of various aspects of the environment and to gauge the extent to which the historic market town of Hitchin has been subject to the process of Globalisation and subsequently ‘over-run’ by national chain stores. They spent one hour lesson collecting data around Hitchin town centre, and upon return to Hitchin Boys’ School they were able to develop some GIS skills using ArcGIS software to present their findings. The purpose of both of these outside learning opportunities was to enable our students to trial a range of both Human and Physical data collection techniques, encouraging them to consider what they could explore for their non-examined assessment which they will begin writing at the end of this academic year. This element of the A Level is worth 20% and students can choose to investigate anything they wish, that links to the topics studied. In the summer term the boys will be able to put more of these fieldwork skills into practice when they attend the annual Lake District trip - we are hoping that the boys will make it to the Lake District this year! This area of study provides them with the opportunity to collect data on a range of physical and human topics as well as explore the glaciated landscape in person.

Miss Pickton (Geography Teacher)

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My first term at Hitchin Boys’ School As we all know this year has been unlike any other. Every walk of life has faced challenges. Successfully undertaking transition for 210 Year 6s from 41 different feeder schools during the first lockdown was certainly a challenge for all secondary schools. The new Year 7s had been out of school since March, had lost SATS that they had worked so hard for, lost their Year 6 trip, plays and normal goodbyes to their primary school they had come to know so well. Moving to secondary school and the uncertainties that it brings is hard at the best of times but to do it on the back of so much lost learning and lost transition time at primary school was a real challenge for our new intake. Whilst there will always be ups and downs on any given year for every secondary school in the country, it can’t have been easy with limited after school clubs, wearing face masks, one way systems and all those necessary health safety measures that we have to put in place at the moment. Yet I can honestly say we have been really proud of the way the Year 7s have risen to the challenge and settled in at Hitchin Boys’. Hopefully some time in 2021 they can see the full range of what Hitchin Boys’ School is all about. In the meantime many of our new Year 7s have found there is still lots to do and hear we have four brief summaries from Samuel, Nicholas, Felix and Freddie on their first term at HBS. Here’s to an even better spring term.

Mr Dawson, Assistant Head - Pastoral, Years 7 & 8

On my first day of school I had a lot of fun, I walked through the school gates and was greeted by the distinctive noise of a school playground, it felt so good to finally be at secondary school. I was amazed by the huge variety of sports that there were to do. My favourite subject is games and I really enjoyed doing rugby. So far I’ve been in two house sport competitions which were football and table tennis (we won table tennis). So far I have made quite a lot more friends and I am extremely happy with all of the progress I’ve

Year 7 & 8 News Fundraising thanks Mr Dawson and the Year 7 & 8 Pastoral team would like to say a big thank you to all the Year 7 and 8 students and parents who supported the non-uniform days this term, that coincided with the vaccinations days, to raise money for some playground equipment for the junior area. We are all too aware that with the increased number of students in the cohort it is vitally important that the boys have something to do at break and lunch times, especially in the winter months when the fields are closed. Thanks to your efforts we have raised just over £600 so far and are in talks with the Parents’ Society to add to this so that each of the Year 7 and 8 playgrounds can benefit from a piece of equipment in the near future. Thank you again for your continued support.

Year 7 & 8 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen – Autumn Results For the past two years we have focused the individual element of attaining achievement (house) points into a more visible group format that focuses on our core values of TEAMWORK and RESILIENCE. Each week the Assistant Heads of Year, in both 7 and 8, tally up the points totals for each form and put them in a league table that is shown on a Friday form time. The aim is to achieve as many achievement points as possible with few behaviour points. As well as the form league table there are weekly awards from the form tutor and each Head of Year gives a weekly resilience award. Each half term the winners get to have Dominoes Pizza bought for them one lunchtime (usually on a Tuesday to make the most of the ‘Two for Tuesday’ offer). With the autumn term at an end the final league tables can be published. The top four places for each year group are as follows:

Congratulations to 8T and 7A who will both be getting some pizza for the form in January. Hopefully we will see some strong challenges from the other forms in the spring term.

Year 8: Position Form Total Points Movement

1 Platinum 8T 1201 No change

2 Gold 8E 1083 No change

3 Silver 8M 974 No change

4 Bronze 8W 846 Up one

Year 7: Position Form Total Points Movement

1 Platinum 7A 1723 Non mover

2 Gold 7O 1634 Non mover

3 Silver 7M 1495 Up 2 places

4 Bronze 7K 1431 Down 1 place

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HBS Christmas card competition Key Stage 3 students were given the opportunity to design this year’s HBS Christmas card, and they rose to the challenge. There were 43 entries in total from all three year groups and Head Teacher Mr Moane selected his top three anonymously, looking for things that emphasised the school and school colours. Mr Moane scrutinised all the entries closely and eventually selected his top three. The winning entry was designed by Daniel B of 7K (above), while second place went to Benjamin P of 7T (below) and third place to Harry P-A of 7K (top right).

The Art Dept would like to make a special mention of Isaac W's design which also captured an HBS Christmas beautifully (middle right). The winning design was turned into a Christmas card, sent to all the important people of Hitchin with links to HBS. All entries received 5 house points and first, second and third place received a further 15 house points and

some Christmas chocolate! Overall, Mattocke won the house competition.

Miss Rainbow, Subject Leader, Art

House round up This half term, the PE department has hosted House Football, Cross Country and the first ever HBS House Dodgeball. The events were hugely popular and successful. Year 7 were introduced to the house system in an assembly early in the term. In the assembly, the four house masters competed against each other to throw balls into a bucket from various distances. It was a tense competition but in the end, Mr Cook won, much to the delight of Year 7 Mattocke students. The house points table currently stands at: 4th place – Radcliffe 3rd place – Skynner 2nd place – Pierson 1st place – Mattocke All to play for in the Spring term!

Mrs Strachan, House Coordinator

made, especially in French and Music! So far my transition from primary school to Hitchin Boys’ has been very smooth and I hope to learn a lot more up until I’m 18.

Samuel W, 7W My first term at Hitchin Boys’ School: fun, challenging and exciting. Secondary school is very different to primary school, but it is worth that little bit of getting used to. There is a range of clubs and activities for everyone to get involved in such as chess club and string group. For me, string group has been a lot of fun as I play the violin. On Friday lunchtimes, there is a music recital which I took part in - it was lots of fun! The teachers are also very good; they are always kind and supportive. Overall, HBS has been a great experience so far - just don’t be late!

Nicholas H, 7R At first, moving up to secondary school was very daunting, especially one as large as HBS. The funny thing though is that after attending the school for a week I felt like I’d been there for a year! I have taken part in so many positive activities, such as picking up litter on the school grounds to make HBS a cleaner and greener space. A benefit of having such a diverse school is that there are so many different clubs. I attend Hockey, Rugby and Science clubs regularly. My favourite place in the whole school is definitely the Library, as it always has the book you need and the librarians are really helpful. I’ve already made many friends - not just in my form group, but across many forms through clubs and activities. Even though we didn’t have the usual transition, Hitchin Boys’ School already feels like home, and I am proud to attend.

Felix M, 7M I have really enjoyed my first term at HBS. I’ve joined loads of clubs like badminton, hockey and table tennis, had fun doing experiments in science and enjoyed learning new things in maths. I have made new friends and had lots of fun with them whether comparing Christmas jumpers, sharing popcorn chicken or just simply chatting.

Freddie W, 7W

Year 7 & 8 News (cont.)

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Music news This half term has seen the start of HBS Introducing: Musical Moments, run by Mr Woodin, our clarinet and saxophone teacher. We have run four recitals on Friday lunchtimes - they can be viewed in our end of term virtual concert, which will go onto YouTube by the end of term. Well done to all of the boys who have taken part! If you would like to play in one of the recitals in the new year, please speak to Mrs Strachan, Miss Parkes or Mr Woodin. On 25th November, we hosted an online piano masterclass with Richard Meyrick, concert pianist. Our Year 13 pianists, Jude McCreath, Jamie Finighan and Charlotte Brettell (TPS) all took part and got some excellent tips on improving their playing ahead of their A level recitals. Mrs White, our department secretary, has done a superb job of managing the ever-changing timetables for instrumental and vocal lessons this term. If your son suddenly has to isolate, we should be able to arrange on online lesson with his instrumental teacher via Google Meet. Please contact Mrs Strachan if you have any queries about this. Please be aware that Percussion Group will be open for students in Years 9 and 10 after Christmas. To take part, you should be able to read music and you must be at least grade 1 standard on your instrument. Please come to the auditorium at 8.35 every Thursday if you would like to join. As part of our virtual concert (available on YouTube here), we have created an Eventbrite link to raise funds for the Music department. Please go to if you would like to make a donation. Have a very merry Christmas!

Mrs Strachan, Subject Leader, Music

Drama News This term, we have been lucky enough to be able to invest in a platform to watch live theatre online. Digital Theatre+ allows all students access to productions, operas, interviews and much more. Please feel free to take a look through the resources available, including the 12 days of Christmas calendar, which has recommend-dations for festive theatrical fun! You can access the site using the login details above right. Now, more than ever, it is important to keep our creative brains stimulated, so please take advantage of this platform and enjoy some theatre together. Once you have watched a production, please send me your thoughts on

the play so I can publish them in the next Headteacher’s Newsletter and make a regular feature of it. The more reviews, the merrier! How wonderful it will be if we can encourage each other to watch a play outside of our usual repertoire. I look forward to reading your recommendations. Happy watching!

Mrs Gale, Head of Creative Arts Username: student.hitchin Password: dt123

Art News Close your eyes and take a moment In support of the #JUSTTALK week this half term and inspired by Ray Burniston's 'Take A Moment' exhibition for the charity MIND, three of our GCSE Photography students accepted the challenge to capture reflective moments from members of our community. Having previously looked at portraiture within their GCSE portfolios the boys seized the opportunity to further their experiences of working with models. Capturing imagery which evokes emotion by not only the subject matter but also the audience takes skill, understanding and sensitivity towards the models who are, to an extent, allowing the photographer to experience them while in a vulnerable state. The students asked both students and staff to close their eyes for a few seconds; to simply 'catch their breath'

Creative Arts Update

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amongst the hustle and bustle of the school day or return to a memory with a reflective mindset. The imagery was taken without a single word being shared from the models which leaves the audience and photographers alike pondering over the thoughts or those involved. The result was the capturing of beautiful and powerful moments of self-reflection. The photographs are currently on display in the Art corridor. Now more than ever, we need to take a moment, so let's take a moment together.

The Creative Mask Competition Inspired by the French designer, Anne Sophie Cochevelou, The Creative Mask Competition challenges you to design an avant-garde face mask which reflects her imaginative and playful approach to materials. It is our hope that an expressive take on the masks we are all having to wear at the moment will help inspire us to create, imagine, find humour and comment together as a community. The competition is open to all members of the HBS community and can be developed in any way the creator chooses. There is no restriction in terms of the materials used or design and construction. So what have you got to lose? Get creative!

The best designs will be made into wearable designs and entered into the local schools competition organised by St. Christopher’s School, Letchworth and judged by professionals from the creative industries. The deadline for submissions has been extended by the organising school so you now have until Friday 8th January to hand in your designs to the Art office. As well as winners of the different age categories, additional prizes will be awarded for the following: Best Overall Design, Most inventive use of materials, Face to the Future, Best Mask with a Message, Best Slogan, Maddest Mask, Most Innovative Mask, Best Household Bubble.

Need some inspiration?..... Space; planets, constellations - Under the sea; fish, coral - Dinosaurs; fossils - Childhood toys; Lego, Lego people, Minecraft - Climate Change; plastic impact, endangered animals - Travel; road signs, passport stamps, maps, holiday memories - Party; carnival, celebration - Isolation; virus, bacteria - Mythological creatures; dragons, trolls - Mechanical; cogs - Food; fast food, sweets…. Art Ambassadors This year we really wanted to celebrate our amazing students in art that go above and beyond within their lessons and show enthusiasm and passion through their involvement in our extra curricular opportunities whether that be clubs, competitions or events such as open evenings and the school productions. So we can proudly announce that the first Hitchin Boys’ School Art Ambassadors are..… drum roll please……. Harrison G (below left) and Reuben T (below right). Huge congratulations to them both! You will be able to spot them around school wearing their Art Ambassadors pin badge!

Miss Rainbow, Subject Leader, Art & Design

Creative Arts Update (continued)

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Calendar Dates: Jan - Feb 2021

Movember Magic! We are very pleased to say that the total amount raised by our Movember campaign this year was £1,312! It was a tricky task at times to come up with ‘Covid safe’ ways to raise money but, not only did we do it, we managed to have fun along the way. Big thanks to Sixth Formers Lukas Haase, who ran and organised the online quiz, David Addison who helped run events all month and all the PE staff for giving up their time to run events like the basketball free throw competition and penalty shootouts (as well as growing very suspect moustaches). Finally, a huge ‘moustache gracias’ to all those that took part and donated. A fantastic effort by the HBS community!

Mr Mason

Christmas Jumper Day fundraising This year’s Christmas Jumper Day last Friday raised a grand total of £900, which will be divided between Save the Children, Show Racism the Red Card and the Garden House Hospice. Pictured are members of form 8R, winners of the Christmas Jumper Contest.

Date Event Monday 4th January Term starts 8.45am Monday 11th January Year 11 Mock Exams start Tuesday 12th January Year 10 Tutor Evening (virtual) Wednesday 20th January Year 9 Consultation Evening (virtual) Friday 22nd January Year 11 Mock Exams finish Saturday 23rd January Year 10 D of E Bronze Cohort Training Day Monday 25th January Year 9 DTP / MenACWY Vaccinations Tuesday 26th January Governors' Pastoral Committee 6pm Thursday 28th January Year 9 GCSE Options Evening (virtual) Thursday 4th February Governors' Resources Committee 6pm Tuesday 9th February Governors' Health, Safety & Premises Committee 6pm Monday 15th February Half term

PE Department News Mr Cornell, head of PE, has summarised this term’s achievements as part of a YouTube video: In it, he looks at four core values - that PE should be Inclusive, Enjoyable, display Resilience and promote Excellence, and congratulates the House Cross Country Competition winners, who went on to compete in the District Competition. This was held ‘virtually’, with all teams completing a timed run at their own school, and HBS won all age group categories.

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Charity at Christmas This year, we decided that our boys should show some community spirit and so we took in Christmas donations for Hitchin Food Bank.

Each tutor group collected together a selection of items, both festive and useful, which were then taken to be distributed amongst families in need.

Obviously a lot of families in our area are in tough positions, given the upheaval we’ve all been experiencing during 2020. We hope that our contributions can help to make the end of the year slightly better.

If you would like to make donations, you can do this on Tuesdays and Fridays between 10 and 12, at Our Lady’s Scout Hall, on Nightingale Road.


Sixth Sense HBS Sixth Form Newsletter

NOV-DEC 2020

All Change Our rota of study spaces means that Y13 are now allowed to use the Common Room. Y12 are using the canteen or the Main Hall.

UCAS Boys who got their applications to us before the deadline will have their submitted before the end of term.

Coles-Swinburne Cup Thanks to Mr Moane who hosted the University Challenge round in this years C-S Cup. HBS were also victorious - well done team!

CHRISTMAS PARTY We hosted a Christmas Party for Y13 Thur 17th.

Y12 were offered one, but there was no interest.


MOVEMBER Boys took part in Movember

activities arranged by Mr Mason, including the Best Tash Competition. Winner was Elliot

Beard (no joke!)


QUIZ LEAGUE The winning tutor group for this Half

Term’s Quiz League is 13Tn.


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What We’ve Been Up To As we finish possibly the toughest term we’ve ever been through, here’s a collection of things we’ve done and things you need to remember.

‣ Progress Checks should now be with you to give you an indication of current attainment levels in different subjects. Please remember that this information is used for predicted grades. Boys who are underachieving will be supported to improve their progress by the Sixth Form team.

‣ Thank you to the Senior Prefect Team, especially Lukas Haase for championing the first HBS Pantomime. The enthusiasm and dedication of those that got involved was commendable.

‣ Continue to check e-mails. The Sixth Form team receive lots of messages from external companies offering a variety of different initiatives. Don’t miss out by not reading our correspondence.

‣ We have our new UCAS Destinations Board on display in the foyer of the Sixth Form Centre. This shows you where last year’s Y13 students went and what courses they did. Have a look at the variety of places our boys end up and if you are interested to find out their experiences of these institutions or courses, ask one of the team to try and put you in contact with the boys.

‣ 11th December saw HBS’ Christmas Jumper Day. Lots of money was raised for Save the Children, so thanks to all those who took part.


This half term saw the first HBS week dedicated to mental health. It coincided with International Men’s Day 2020.

The week was kicked off with an assembly put together by Mrs Oliva-Pugh and our very own Mrs Christou. Throughout the week, our Pastoral Twitter account (@HBSPastoral) provided students and parents alike with lots of useful tips and information regarding talking about mental health issues. The wonderfully talented Miss Bruen and Ms Rainbow also produced a very moving video with our boys talking openly about their own struggles. We have also started The Wellbeing Team (pictured above - there are more of them, but these were the only ones available at the time the photo was taken!), who are on hand to help younger students with any issues they may have.


NOV-DEC 2020


4th Jan - School restarts

24th Feb - Y13 Mocks begin

5th Mar - Y13 Mocks end

12th Feb - School closes for Half Term

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In this exceptional year Hitchin Boys' School Parents' Society sadly hasn't been able to run the host of usual fundraising events,but we are still here and now, more than ever, we'd love for you to become part of the team.

For those that don't already know, the Parents' Society is an active body of parents and staff members primarily focused onraising funds to enhance the facilities available at our school and to provide equipment that would otherwise fall outside of theschool budget. In recent years, funds raised by the Parents' Society activities and our amazing school community have purchased the following:·       

£22,250 to equip the new Performing Arts Building      £25,000 for the purchase of a new school minibusNew piano and other musical instruments      Donation of £10,000 towards the development of new sports changing facilities plus new kit for our sportsteams     Funding a state-of-the-art computer suite for the Science departmentAn outside classroom plus many other smaller donations for equipment across the school


Usually funds are raised through a number of successful events throughout the year, including a biennial Summer Ball, aSummer Fair, a Christmas Fair, a quiz night, and many more. The Society also runs two raffles a year, at Christmas and in thesummer. We are also on hand to ensure refreshments are available for consultation evenings, music concerts and schoolproductions.

Everyone is welcome, we have lots of new members and ideas, but we'd love you to join too!



D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0

[email protected]




Interested?Just email


In many ways it's more difficult to stay connected at present, so joining us is a great way to meet other parentsand get involved in school life. Please email us at [email protected] for more information and to findout how you can help - from just an hour at a future event to becoming a member of the committee.

holidaysH A P P Y & H E A L T H Y

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It takes only a few minutes to register and doesn't cost you anything,but could help us raise thousands of extra pounds to enrich the school livesof our boys.

SUMMER 2020 PAGE | 02


It's so simple, find out how you can sign up on our page:

When you are buying anything online weget free donations if you register withEasyfundraising to help our school!Over £1,000 has been raised by parentsso far, but we need more supporters!

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SUMMER 2020 PAGE | 04

Monthly Draw Rules1 . The name of the draw shall be HBS Monthly draw , which may be changed at the discretion

of the committee .

2 . The aim of the draw shall be to raise funds for Hitchin Boys ’ School .

3 . Each month the draw shall have at least 70 members with no maximum membership .

4 . The decisions of the Hitchin Boys ’ School Parents ’ Society shall be final and binding in any

matter requiring adjudication .

5 . Each person entering the draw shall be allocated a number and advised thereof in due

course . A register of numbers shall be kept and made available for inspection on request .

6 . The annual subscription shall be £12 per number payable on the 1st October either by :

a) Annual standing order of £12 payable on the 1st October each year

b) By cash or cheque made payable to Hitchin Boys ’ School Parents ’ Society , and returned to

school in an envelope marked HBS monthly draw

7 . Entries will be accepted at any time of the year and payable for the remaining months of

that year . However , unpaid entries by the date of the draw will not be entered in that

month ’s draw .

8 . Prizes shall be awarded monthly at the discretion of the committee . No less than 50% of

the annual subscription shall be awarded as annual prize money .

9 . Each prize will be paid by cheque and the prize winners notified by post and via the

School web site

10 . The draw may be wound up at the discretion of the committee whereupon outstanding

subscriptions shall be repaid .

11 . Amendments to these rules will be notified to those concerned within one calendar

month .

12 . The first monthly draw of each academic year will take place on the 1st October .




Every month since December 1999 we

have run a fundraising prize draw ,

offering you the chance to play for just

£1 per ticket and awarding monthly cash

prizes which are currently :

1st prize £302nd prize £203rd prize £10

All monies collected from the draw will

be split equally between the prize

money and the Parents ’ Society fund to

benefit your boys ’ education .

So the more people that subscribe ,

the bigger the prizes !

Entries are in units of £1 payable:

a) Annually at £12 per year by cheque

payable to HBS Parents ’ Society .

b) Annually at £12 per year by

standing order .

You can have as many £1 entries asyou like. Just fill out and return theentry form attached to this letter.

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SUMMER 2020 PAGE | 05

Standing Order Mandate To: The Manager



Ref (name of pupil)  

Please pay to:   Hitchin Boys’ School Parents’ Society                           C/O Barclays Bank PLC 

Sort code: 20-41-12  Account No: 00792039 

I authorise you to debit my/our account the sum of:- £    per year (£12 per number peryear). Commencing 1st October 2020.

Name(s):  Sort Code:  

Signature(s):  Account Number:            

Please return this form to the Hitchin Boys’ School Office addressed to 'H. White HBS Monthly Draw'so that it can be passed on for registration and transmission to your bank.




Telephone No:    


Pupil ’s Name:    

Tutor Group:     





Number of entries per month

Standing Order (Y/N)OR Cheque for £12 perentry per year

Cheques made payable to Hitchin Boys’ School Parents’ Society please












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