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014Newsletter 9 31 March 2014_Quarterly newsletter

01_Letter of the Chairman at the


02_An excellent 2013

03_Results have never been so “interactive”

04_Record shares

05_Credi Impresa Futuro goes social

06_Milan, Banca IFIS and ACMI


Treviso celebrates Credi Impresa

Futuro customers

07_IFIS, recruitment growth

trend in 2013

08_Job offers





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Sebastien Von


Chairman of Banca IFIS

are concerned; the development of new and

sustainable methods for managing household

lending; and new ways to lend responsibly to

small companies – these are just some of the

indicators of the Bank’s propensity to innovate.

We enter 2014 with an excellent level of equity,

allowing us to continue with our policy of

distributing dividends – something I believe all

our shareholders appreciate – as well as further

support the economy; abundant liquidity; strong

profitability; and outstanding asset quality,

considering the economic situation, and which

we hope to improve further.

The market appreciates the Bank’s position,

as shown by the 134% rise in the share price

during the period, the interest of Italian and

international investors, and the gradual

consolidation of the dialogue between the Bank

and all shareholders – a dialogue we wish to

expand further.

I believe we can be satisfied with our progress

as well as our prospects.

On this 30th anniversary, I wish to give special

thanks to all the staff that have made it possible

to build this Bank, which is now a reference for

us all and an asset for Italy.

The Chairman

Sebastien Von Fürstenberg

01 Letter of the Chairmanat the Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,

Banca IFIS celebrated its 30th anniversary

in style with excellent results, all the more

significant considering they were achieved

against a challenging economic and social


The credit industry saw significant tensions, with

banks curtailing loans for regulatory and risk-

related reasons, and thus negatively affecting

lending to companies and households.

For businesses, especially small-sized ones, the

credit crunch has had serious consequences,

impacting employment and income levels for all

those involved, i.e. entrepreneurs, employees,

and suppliers.

For households, even though their savings are

high on average, dwindling income caused

spending to contract further and, increasingly,

indebted people to default on their obligations.

The Bank’s support for companies on the one

hand, and struggling households on the other,

is intended to demonstrate confidence in Italy’s

ability to recover; make the Bank’s lending

capacity available to the real economy; and

show its ability to make an impact where the

market needs it the most.

In 2013, Banca IFIS underwent important

changes which will have a further positive

impact in the future.

A renewed and strengthened organisation,

especially as far as risk control and management

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The presentation

of the 2013 results

took place in Milan

on March 6

02 An excellent 2013

• Profit for the year up 8,5% to 84,8 million Euro, and up

18,5% to 92,7 million Euro not accounting for the

effects of the Finance Act.

• Net banking income increasing by 7,9%

to 264,2 million Euro.

• Net profit from financial activities rising 14,9%

to 219,6 million Euro.

• Excellent cost/income ratio, 28,9% (27,8% in 2012).

• Net non-performing loans/total loans in the Trade

Receivables sector: 2,6% compared to 4,3% (December 2012).

• ROE, equal to 24,8%, remains at excellent levels.

• Solvency: 13,5%.

• Core Tier 1: 13,7%.

• Contribution of the Government bond portfolio in

reduction; net banking income down 9,3%

to 70,1 million Euro.

• Net profit from financial activities increasing by 17,5%

to 60,0 million Euro.

• Profit for the period: -12,6% to 17,7 million Euro,

but up 26,0% to 25,6 million Euro not accounting

for the effects of the Finance Act.

FOURTH QUARTER 20131 October - 31 December

FULL YEAR 20131 January - 31 December


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Discover the interactive

annual report website

03 Results have never beenso “interactive”

Raising market awareness through socials. Not

only for the customer market – families, enter-

prises and savers – but also the financial market.

This was the leitmotif of the initiative promoted

on Twitter for the diffusion of data from the 2013

annual report.

6 March 2014 – approval date of the results of the

12 months of 2013 – the group’s most important

performance indicators were tweeted on the offi-

cial Banca IFIS Twitter profile, with the hashtags

#IFIM (identification code for Banca IFIS on the

Italian Stock Exchange), #shares and #azioni

accompanied by official images relating to the

2013 annual report. This initiative forms part of

the project of social financial education that Ban-

ca IFIS began with #CapireBilancio and #Capire-

Borsa, with the objective of diffusing the culture

of finance on social web platforms.

With the announcement of the financial results,

Banca IFIS publishes the most relevant data on-

line, picking up on the facts and figures from the

interactive annual report.

Since 2011 the banking establishment has cre-

ated an interactive annual report site to mark the

publishing of its annual results through which

visitors are able to explore the data and contents

of the report. A new and interactive method of

communicating a theme which is often difficult,

using various digital tools to provide financial in-

formation. Videos, presentations, press releases,

images and indices are all available to web users.

The “Download centre”, which permits the down-

loading of pages and content in pdf form, is also

now active and allows users to write notes, print,

add to preferences and send pages via email to

their contacts.

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The video of the 2014

STAR Conference

2014 STAR Conference

In the wake of meetings held during the two days

of the STAR Conference in Milan, the encoun-

ter between companies belonging to the STAR

segment of the Italian Stock Exchange held at

Palazzo Mezzanotte, Banca IFIS shares reached

all-time highs. At the close of the market, the

price per share stood at €15.46, marking one of

the most significant results for the bank. A record

beaten a few days later, on 31 March, when the

share price reached a new high of € 16.45.

“We have seen so much interest, we have never

had two days of meetings like this,” said CEO

Giovanni Bossi in an interview with MF Dow

Jones at the Star Conference, 2014, underlining

the strong interest of foreign institutional inves-

tors, “many British, Americans and Europeans.”

“There is interest in Italy and the banking sec-

tor. Within this area there is also interest in the

bank”, said the CEO, also noting the strong focus

of investors on the non-performing loans sector.

Source: MF Dow Jones, take from 26/03/2014

04 Record shares

Banca IFIS increases the floating

On the 10th of March La Scogliera S.p.A. sold

2.168.332 ordinary shares of Banca IFIS S.p.A.,

corresponding to 4,03% of Banca IFIS’s share

capital, for an amount equal to Euro 28,188

million after the requests coming from two

International institutional investors of main

standing. The operation was carried out by In-

termonte SIM S.p.A. The sale was realized at

a price of Euro 13 per share. As a result of the

sale, La Scogliera holds approximately 52,651%

of Banca IFIS’s share capital subject to a lock-

up period of 180 days starting from today.

“The continuity of excellent results, a market

ready to acknowledge stories of sustainable

growth, increasing confidence in the economic

outlook and in the credit market in Italy - says

Sebastien Von Fürstenberg, Chairperson

of La Scogliera – persuaded us to open the

Bank’s share capital to new funds. It’s a path

of transparency, dialogue and value creation in

which we believe”.

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05 Credi Impresa Futurogoes social

Credi Impresa Futuro, the Banca IFIS brand

dedicated to corporate finance, has been

enhanced by new communication tools in order to

be closer to its customers, including on the web.

After launching its contact services via Skype

and WhatsApp (belonging to the “Direct Line”

package), Credi Impresa Futuro has opened

its Facebook fan page and Twitter profile to

extend dialogue with its users onto the social

platforms. With nearly 3,000 likes, the Facebook

page of Credi Impresa Futuro contains all the

information about the SME financing service and

publishes news and information about events in

which the brand managers take part. The newly

launched Twitter platform allows anyone who

wants to interact with @CrediImpresaF to send

their questions and comments and - as with the

Facebook page - contains links to the articles from

MondoPMI, the Banca IFIS blog dedicated to the

world of small and medium enterprises. Thanks

to the dedicated hashtags on Twitter, conversation

becomes direct interaction in real time, aimed not

only at the introduction of services but also the

discussing of issues and problems that Italian

companies experience every day.

Visit the Facebook page

and follow Credi Impresa

Futuro on Twitter

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06 Milan, Banca IFISand ACMI conference

Treviso celebratesCredi Impresa Futuro customers

Banca IFIS, in collaboration with ACMI (Ita-

lian Association of Credit Managers) and un-

der the patronage of AITI (Italian Association

of Corporate Treasurers) organized the wor-

kshop entitled “The Sale of Company Recei-

vables” held in Milan on March 26 at the Up-

town Palace hotel.

A comprehensive and in-depth workshop

that explored the theme of the assignment

of company receivables as a viable alternati-

ve to traditional banking operations to fund

On Thursday, March 27, Credi Impresa Futuro

celebrated the redesign of its commercial branch

in Treviso. Over 50 customers attended an enjoy-

able moment of dialogue between the Bank and

enterprises. “The group has never had traditional

branches” said Raffaele Zingone, Head of Stra-

tegic Planning of Banca IFIS. “The branches of

Credi Impresa Futuro are a functional place for

entrepreneurs, where the operational and ad-

ministrive part, necessary for providing Italian

companies with financing, occurs. Contact with

entrepreneurs takes place in their own companies,

working capital. The workshop, dedicated to

Credit Managers, Credit Controllers, Treasury

Managers, Financial Directors, Administrati-

ve Officers, and the Finance and Management

area, involved sixty participants.

Paolo Marinelli, Sales Manager for Italy at

Banca IFIS, made a speech entitled “The sale

of company receivables and reverse facto-

ring”, including an overview of the funding

opportunities that Banca IFIS offers to compa-

nies operating in the domestic market.

achieved through a network of professionals de-

ployed throughout the national territory. Also the

web channel started to generate important results:

in addition to the normal way of contatct with the

enterprises, “Filo Diretto” is now fully active: a web

contact tool that represents the will of Banca IFIS

to welcome customers, also through new digital

tools. “Celebrating the restyling of the branches -

concluded Zingone - is a way of showing our cus-

tomers that even though we are growing on the

web, we are always at their side, ready to listen,

ever more attentively, to their financial needs.”

The presentation of

Credi impresa Futuro

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The Group’s workforce

Investment in human resources by Banca IFIS

Group continued throughout 2013: as of 31/12,

there have been in excess of 500 new hires,

compared to 457 at the end of 2012. 2014 is

also expected to see an additional double-digit

growth in the workforce.

Selection, Training and Development

Social networks, especially spontaneous

applications via our website and LinkedIn,

have become the main recruitment channel,

reflecting the innovative and technological

approach of the Bank.

2013 also saw the continuation of recruiting/

employer branding at the University Ca’ Foscari

of Venice. In 2013 the Group participated for the

third time in the Finance Day event - at which

Banca IFIS will also participate in 2014 - meeting

hundreds of students and recent graduates. The

collaboration with major Italian universities

continues to lead to the launch of numerous

post-graduate internships; 11 trainees in 2013, of

whom 10 have subsequently been offered jobs.

The fourth quarter of the year saw the start of

an innovative research and on-site selection

process of Open Days, for the recruitment of

Family Financial Advisors.

Over the course of 2013, the Group conducted

important, targeted training operations.

The main training activities were:

• Giovani Leoni: training course designed to

develop the technical/functional/commercial

skills of 13 new sales account managers at

Banca IFIS. The course lasted six weeks, with

training provided by in-house and external


• Focus Group: study days aimed at developing

the Group’s high-potential staff. 3 editions were

held involving a total of 34 employees;

• NPL Academy: Technical/behavioral training

dedicated to future Family Financial Advisors.

There have been five editions, each lasting

two days;

• English: The third quarter saw the start of

English language courses for 87 employees,

divided by their level of knowledge by prior

admission tests;

• Anti-laundering: refresher courses and

regulatory discussions;

• Security: courses for new hires.

07 IFIS, recruitmentgrowth trend in 2013

Discover Banca IFIS’ social

recruitment on LinkedIn

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...and Financial Family Advisors ...for families

Until June 2014, the CrediFamiglia Open

Days will continue to search for new Family

Financial Advisors throughout the whole

national territory. Rome, Naples, Bari, Milan,

Florence, Bologna and Turin are the cities that

have so far been visited by the CrediFamiglia

tour. In total, the number of FFA who have

joined the CrediFamiglia team so far is 13,

and 25 candidates took the OAM - Association

of Agents and Brokers - exam on March 30,

2014, the passing of which is a fundamental

requirement to join the Banca IFIS team.

Job offers

The Banca IFIS Group differentiates itself from

others in the industry due to an increase in hir-

ing that continues despite the negative national

framework. The Bank is offering various job po-

sitions, looking both for junior roles and senior

figures with more experience.

Current profiles required are: Credit Analyst

(Venezia Mestre); Junior and senior Risk Manage-

ment (Venezia Mestre); Organizational Analysts

(Venezia Mestre); Legal Service Officer (Venezia

Mestre); Junior Credit Manager (Turin); Sales

Manager (sales branches throughout Italy); Fam-

ily Financial Advisors, NPL Area (all Italy) .

New Giovani Leoni for Italian companies...

The recruitment of Giovani Leoni, relative to

the commercial area aimed at enterprises,

continues. After the first group, in March, the

second installment of the Giovani Leoni began

training at the Group’s head office in Mestre.

Until April, a dozen future Credi Impresa Fu-

turo sales agents will take part in specific les-

sons run by the heads of Banca IFIS and profes-

sionals from ABI.

Banca IFIS has decided to put the whole

team of Family Financial Advisors on

the web: from March all FFA profiles are

available on the site www.credifamiglia.

it, a further commitment from the Bank

in accordance with the ethical values

and transparency that characterize



To see all open positions

visit the LinkedIn section

dedicated to job offers

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28 April: Corriere Innovazione presents the

GEM report (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

2013), a focus on the state of enterprenaurship

in Italy Italia - Padua, Centro Culturale Altinate

San Gaetano, 5:30 pm


8 May: Approval of third quarter results 2014

16/17 May: Salone d’Impresa – Banca IFIS

Headquarters via Gatta, Mestre (VE)

22 May: Open Day CrediFamiglia – Reggio


23-24 May: Technology Forum – Castelbrando,

Cison di Valmarino (TV)


04 May: About Pharma Conference – Rome

06 May: Open Day CrediFamiglia Catania

10 May: Conversazioni sull’Innovazione (date

to be confirmed) - Banca IFIS Headquarters via

Gatta, Mestre (VE)

12/13 May: NPL Academy – Florence

23/24 May: Banca IFIS partecipates at the

Italian Social Banking Forum - Palazzo Stelline,

Sala Leonardo - Corso Magenta 61, Milan.

26/27 May: European Midcap Event – Paris

09 Agenda


4-5 April: Villa d’Este workshop “The outlook

for financial markets, for their governance and

for finance” - Cernobbio (CO)

8-9 April: ABI, “Dimensione cliente”- Rome,

Palazzo Altieri. Eight edition of the event

dedicated to the relationship between bank and

customers. On the 9th of April Luca Schibuola

Luca Schibuola, Web Marketing Manager of

Banca IFIS, will present the case history Credi

Impresa Futuro.

9-10 April: NPL Academy – Florence

15 April: Finance Day Cà Foscari - Venice

17 April: Board meeting, approval of annual

financial report 2013

To be always updated

with the events please

visit the dedicated

section of the website

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Financial Calendar

Banca IFIS’s shares on the Stock Market


04/11/2014 Approval of third quarter 2014 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

05/08/2014 Approval of quarterly report 30 giugno 2014 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

08/05/2014 Approval of third quarter results 2014 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

17/04/2014 Board meeting - approval of annual financial report 2013 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Price on 31/03/2014 16,01€

Min – Max 2014 5,64€ (02/01/14) – 16,01€ (31/03/2014)

Number of shares 53.811.095

Capitalization on 31/03 861.515.630,95 €

1 month performance +31,84%

6 month performance +66,63%

1 year performance +145,60%

Dividend distribution 2013 0,57€ (06/03/2014)

Specialist Intermonte SpA

There was continued appreciation for Banca IFIS from market operators. In March 2014, the share

price exceeded € 16.00, surpassing the value of the previous year. The positive appreciation is

also evidenced by excellent performance indices, which have ensured a half-year growth of

64.81% and annual growth of 142.92%.

The positive opinion was confirmed by financial reports and updates from research conducted

by Edison and Intermonte following the publication of the annual results on March 6, 2014.

Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg 52,651%

Floating 34,831%

Giovanni Bossi 3,417%

Invesco Limited 3,000%

Riccardo Preve 2,321%

Marina Salamon 2,000%

Banca IFIS shares 1,780%



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10 Contacts

Coverage by analysts

Mark Thomas

Edison, Investment Research

[email protected]

Irene Rossetto


[email protected]

Investor Contact: Mara Di Giorgio

Email: [email protected]

Tel. +39 041 502 7623

Christian Carrese


[email protected]

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