Page 1: Newsletter 28 - New Horizons Children's Academy · 2019-04-26 · Newsletter Children First – Aspire – Challenge – Achieve Please ensure you have paid for your child 28 26th

Children First – Aspire – Challenge – Achieve

Newsletter 28

26th April 2019

IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR PARENTS • Our uniform suppliers Simmonds have a fantastic offer on the New Horizons’ school coats by

over 50%. The coats are now down to £9.95 while stocks last. These are available online and

delivery is free at • A reminder that every Tuesday morning ‘Book Club’ is held for Years 1 – 6. Don’t forget to send

your child’s money into school in a clearly named envelope.

• Please ensure you have paid for your child’s club via ParentPay.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well, what an action packed first week back we’ve had! It was wonderful to see the

children so enthusiastic on their first day back. We have spent a week looking at

the cultures represented within our school, starting on St George’s Day. Children

have had drumming workshops, cooking, art and craft activities. Yesterday we were

very lucky to have a performance of The Railway Children, an English classic which

was first published in 1905. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and their behaviour

was exemplary! We have been enjoying the sunnier weather and look forward to the

warmer days. Please make sure your child has full P.E kit with them in school,

including trainers. These are essential for P.E but should not be worn at any other

times of the day.

We are looking forward to another action packed week next week – have a restful

and enjoyable weekend.

Mrs J Murphy

Executive Headteacher

As we start getting into the warmer months please ensure that your child is wearing the correct

summer uniform in the correct colours. School uniform provides a sense of community and minimises

competition to be dressed in the latest fashion. We are very proud of our school uniform and there is

an expectation that all children wear it.

White blouse or shirt with tie

Grey Pinafore/skirt

White, black or grey socks

Grey tailored shorts (plain – no logos)

Navy blue check Summer dress

Proper school shoes, Black, flat and hardwearing

Page 2: Newsletter 28 - New Horizons Children's Academy · 2019-04-26 · Newsletter Children First – Aspire – Challenge – Achieve Please ensure you have paid for your child 28 26th

Nursery In Nursery this week we have had the

opportunity to create our own ‘Samba’

Music and watched a performance of

both Junk Percussion and African

Drumming. We learnt about St George’s

Day and why this is celebrated in

England. When learning about Italy we created our own flags and even made our own individual pizzas.

Reception We have had a busy week celebrating

Multicultural week! We participated in

Junk Percussion and were given the

opportunity to play ‘Samba’ music using

household objects. We have learnt

about St George’s Day and England, finding out about different traditions we have. We also looked at

the country Italy and created our own Leaning Tower of Pisa and even cooked our own pizzas! We

used a double bubble map to look at similarities and differences between the

two countries.

Year 1

Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed Multicultural

week this week and have been learning all about

India. They have watched and taken part in a

performance involving Indian dancing, learnt

about Indian cultures and even sampled some

delicious Indian food. They have created their own Mehndi designs and worked

together to make Rangoli patterns using coloured sand and rice whilst using mathematical language

when describing the symmetrical designs. This topic we will be learning all about London and have

enjoyed the role play areas set up in our classrooms.

Year 2 This week Year 2 have been exploring Kenya.

We've looked at the incredible wildlife, focusing

on lions, and wrote some fact files on this

amazing animal. In English we've been reading

Little Red and The Very Hungry Lion and

comparing it to Little Red Riding Hood using a double bubble map. In Art we

used our green hats to explore the patterns of African fabrics and their meanings. Then we made our

own patterns using what we had seen as inspiration. In PSHE we compared our own lives to the lives

of rural Kenyan school children. We discovered that they live very differently to us, but we still have

a lot in common! Year 2 also enjoyed an African drumming session on Tuesday in which the children

experimented with different drums, rhythms and traditional songs from all over the African

continent. We were also lucky enough to see a spectacular performance of The Railway Children on

Thursday, which was a great experience for everyone.

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Year 3 This week, Year 3 have been looking at

African culture beginning with a dance

workshop at the start of the week.

Since then, we have thought about

what it means to have a culture and

debated issues surrounding this. In

Art, we have used silhouette to recreate an African sunset scene and

we used paints to replicate African tapestries.

Year 4 Year 4 have had a very enjoyable first week back. On Tuesday we

celebrated different cultures and focused closely on the cultures of

those from Africa. We particularly enjoyed a dance lesson teaching us

the journey of Africans through the ages. We have been able to taste

new foods with an African heritage as well as researching African artists and styles. We also had an

action packed English lesson as we are planning and writing diary entries about our exciting Easter

break. In Maths we are looking at feedback from our last assessments and this week have recapped

the four operations ready to tackle statistics and fractions in the weeks to come. We hope you have

a restful week ready for our adventures to Kingswood or Grange Farm next week!

Year 5

What an exciting week we have had in Year 5 as we

jumped into the world of Brazil. We have learnt some

great facts about this colourful country: geographical,

social and much, much, more. Do you know which

language they speak in Brazil? In English we have

begun writing a newspaper report about The Last Game – a hypothetical football

match where Originals play against Clones – I wonder who won? Brazil has enabled

us to get really involved in the incredible colours of their country – through the

creation of parrots, our own Christ the Redeemer statue (with a slight variation)

and carnival masks – both big and small. We have had a great time immersed in the music and joy of

this country whilst still working hard on our maths (especially during Samba time).

Year 6

Patrick and Summer here! This week we have been

learning about Peru for multicultural week. In year 6

we have created information posters . In art we will

be creating and designing our own masks inspired by

traditional Peruvian masks. Also, we learnt a dance

from Peru. In Miss Morgan’s group we have been

writing and planning our own ghost stories, we have

also been doing some reading so we can practise how

to answer 3 mark questions. In Miss Slattery’s

group, we had to write and plan an autobiography. We

have also been revising our maths ready for our SATs. In Miss Martin’s class we have been publishing

our story ending. This week and next week we will have extra SATs lessons before and after school

to make sure we are ready. These will be running Monday to Wednesday. The morning session will be

starting at 8am and the afternoon session will be from 3.15-4.15.

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Well done to the following top 3 classes who gained the most units on Lexia last week:

Birch, Elder and Juniper

Next week’s Thunk is… Is it better to play well and lose or play bad and


Buster’s Book Club The winner of the Buster Book Club trophy this week is Damson. They had the most

number of children reading at home on Wednesday and having their book mark signed.

A huge well done to Damson who were our clear winners! Also well done to Birch who

read for the most minutes!

Happy Reading!

Well done to everybody who read on Wednesday.

Thinking task of the week – Thinking task of the week- Each week we will focus on a different

key. This week is the Variations key.

How many different ways can you get to school? Which way is good for the environment?

We were very fortunate to have M and M Productions

visit again today. The children really enjoyed watching

their performance of The Railway Children - they even

had a moving steam train on stage! Thank you to those

parents who have already made the donation of £1.50 to

cover the cost of this. If you haven't done this yet,

there is still time to do so. It is an amazing experience

for the children to watch a live theatre performance and

we will be unable to book again for next year if we cannot

cover the costs for this year.

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Page 6: Newsletter 28 - New Horizons Children's Academy · 2019-04-26 · Newsletter Children First – Aspire – Challenge – Achieve Please ensure you have paid for your child 28 26th

Dates for your Diary – Term 5

Wednesday 1st May – Friday 3rd May – Year 4 Residential Trip

Thursday 2nd May – Year 4 trip to Lower Grange Farm

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday – School closed Friday 17th May – Year R – Kent Life Trip

Tuesday 21st May – Year 2 – Spruce class – Dockyard Trip

Wednesday 22nd May – Year 2 - Birch Class – Dockyard Trip

Friday 24th May – Year 2 – Pine Class - Dockyard Trip

Please see below a message we have received of notification of major gas works on and around the

Gerrard Avenue area of Rochester.

We are writing to make you aware of the upgrade to our gas network in the Gerrard Avenue area of

Rochester. Our project involves the essential replacement of old metal gas mains with new plastic pipe to

ensure we continue to provide a safe and reliable gas supply to the local area. Our contractor WCB

Utilities are undertaking this work on our behalf. In consultation with Kent County Council, we started

work to upgrade our network in January 2019. We have competed our network upgrades in Jackson

Avenue and Grafton Avenue. Over the coming three months our engineers will progress through the

following roads:

Argyle Close – started 17 January and lasting approximately seventeen weeks

Gerrard Avenue– started 03 April and lasting approximately six weeks

Wallace Road – starting 29 April for approximately five weeks

Haig Avenue – starting 13 May for approximately four weeks

Duval Drive – starting 20 May for approximately four weeks

Maidstone Road – starting 27 May for approximately one week

Wilson Avenue – starting 10 June for approximately seven weeks

Whilst working in Wallace Road and Duval Drive we will need to close the road around our work area, for

everyone’s safety. We will also need to close Wilson Avenue at its junction with Beatty Road. Signed

diversions will be in place for motorist. We will need to install temporary traffic lights around our work

area when we are working in Maidstone Road for everyone’s safety.

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