Page 1: News Letter SFEH-Q2 2016-Aug 30-16

Dear All,

In continuation with the newsletter for the last quarter, we are happy to bring our Quarter 2 edition of “Journey to Light” for 2016.

In the endeavor of our VISION to eradicate the avoidable blindness and deafness from the districts of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh the Foundation is leaving no stone unturned to take forward the noble cause. The DNB and the fellowship programmes and Short term surgical trainings for the ophthalmologists are continued.

As on 30 June 2016, we have screened the eyes of 15,04,700 people in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh and performed 2,49,772 surgeries in all sub-specialties of Ophthalmology.

Our sincere acknowledgement to the supporters who are with us in this endeavor for the past 17 years, during this quarter we have received contributions from and individuals. We are very much thankful for Christoffel Blinden Mission for approving our new multi-year project for “Strengthening the community eye care services in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh and priority districts of Odisha”. As a part of this project, we have conducted a free eye screening camp at Nabarangpur, Odisha in the month of May’16. Where in 50 patients with cataracts were identified for surgery and brought to the hospital in Visakhapatnam. Of them 43 were operated and follow-up was done the foundation at Nabarangpur. We are happy to inform that all the beneficiaries expressed their happiness for improvement in vision and thereby in their lifestyle.

During this period, we have conducted a camp at Naidupalem in collaboration with NTPC as a CSR initiative. 208 persons were screened of which 125 were provided glasses ad 46 surgeries have been performed.

Yours sincerely


Managing Trustee, Mob: +9177277077 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: News Letter SFEH-Q2 2016-Aug 30-16

Paediatric Eye care

Refractive Errors in Children

These are common problems in children and can be detected easily with simple vision screening and corrected with glasses. If this problem is not identified early it can lead to permanent decrease in vision.


This is decreased vision for distance or short sightedness Squeezing eyes, not able to see board they copy from other's notes and decreased academic performance and watch TV closely.


This is decreased vision for near or long sightedness frequent complaint of tiredness of eyes, headache, watering and photophobia (not able to see light).


Slowly blurring of vision on doing work which is relieved by rubbing or closing eyes. Tiredness, headache, fatigue tilting, head squeezing of eyes, keeping book closely, complaint of burning or itching of eyes and rubbing eyes.

Vision Testing in Children

Paediatric Refractive errors are occurred mainly due to Low Socio Economical conditions which lead in improper Nutrition in pregnant women.

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Refractive errors are most common eye problem in children which can be treated early with glasses. So, regular vision testing in children is very important.

New born children will be able to identify their mothers at 3 months of age and their eyes look straight and steady by 6 months of age, so children (infants) having sight related problem are advised to get checked as early as possible. These children may have early treatable conditions like glasses. So early identifying will help treat conditions like squint.

Pre-school and school children are likely to be complaining headaches while reading or watching television closely. The children with similar complaints are advised to take immediate medical attention of Pediatric ophthalmologists.

Sankar Foundation in Outreach modes of identifying Refractive Errors in Children:

We are able to identify problem in new born infants and children below 3 years of age on a regular basis through screening of Anganwadi centers. Also we are conducting school screening camps and paediatric specialty camps in rural areas in order to eradicate the avoidable blindness in the poor and needy children.

Various methods of Paediatric Vision testing

Distant and Near Stereopsis: This is used to check vision by both eyes in a grading manner.

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Amblyopia:Some of the children can look normally but the problem is identified only when they close one eye. Most of the children with this condition can be treated with glass correction and vision exercises to the problem eye. This problem can be rectified only before 12 years of age.

RAF Ruler:After excluding refractive error by using this instrument, we can identify the cause of the eye strain while reading.

General Instruments:This is used to check vision and asses squint in children (matching cards).

HESS Chart:Used to identify movement problem in eye and their recovery.

29-04-2016:An EYE Screening camp was

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conducted at Paravada with the support of NTPC. Sri P.K. Bondariya GGM of NTPC inaugurated the camp.

26-06-2016:Sri M.M.Nayak IAS, Collector and District Magistrate attended the Sravanam Free Screening Camp conducted in Vizianagaram. He addressed the gathering and delivered an inspirational speech mentioning the services provided by the Sankar Foundation.


Organization Name Type of Donation

Purpose of Donation

Year of Support

Amount in Rs.

SRI SAI TRUST General Donation Community Eye Care Services Apr-Jun 2016 1,50,000

R.V.R PRASAD 80G Community Eye Care Services May-2016 1,00,000


Services May-2016 40,000

CHINTA MANMOHAN General Donation Community Eye Care Services May-2016 10,000

P. RAMPRASAD 80G Community Eye Care Services June-2016 10,000

D.TRINADH 80G Community Eye Care Services June-2016 10,000

Total 3,20,000

Apr-15 Apr-16 May-15 May-16 Jun-15 Jun-16 Cumulative since

June 1997Particular Paid Free Tot Pai


Tot Paid


Tot Paid


Tot Paid


Tot Paid



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OP Treated

3389 3136 6525















7650 1504700

Surgery Performance

Cataract 334 980 1314 311 815 1126 350 543 893 416 858 127

4 367 1009

1376 436 978 141

4 226160Glaucoma 21 7 28 24 2 26 20 8 28 18 7 25 22 7 29 19 9 28 5300Retina 45 52 97 28 25 53 57 43 100 59 29 88 56 40 96 98 40 138 6161Squint 1 2 3 1 4 5 0 7 7 3 4 7 1 4 5 1 6 7 387Cornea 14 42 56 5 78 83 4 52 56 9 68 77 10 79 89 13 79 92 4008Paediatric 0 5 5 1 5 6 0 8 8 3 5 8 1 7 8 0 8 8 1695Orbit 24 3 27 28 7 35 43 0 43 52 0 52 46 0 46 53 3 56 1730Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4331


439 1091 1530 398 936 1334 474 661 113

5 560 971 1531 503 114



620 1123

1743 249772

Apr May Jun



Cataract Surgeries




OP Treated

Glaucoma Retina Cornea Paediatric Orbit0




197,440 Non-paying surgeries

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Paediatric cataract surgery @ Sankar foundation restored Nithin Sai future

It was Visakhapatnam, couple with a boy of 4 months old were looking for an address for change in life. Finally they reached the address. In front of them was a huge hospital. They took the boy (Nithin Sai) to reception and registered for OP. Both the parents CH.Sattibabu and Lakshmi were waiting for their turn to see the doctor. The father was swirling in thoughts. He remembered well the first time he took the boy in his hands. Within 3 months, all the joy vaporized when he came to know that the boy was born with cataracts in both his eyes. Both the parents were shrunk in their hearts.

Sattibabu was an agricultural labour and was only source of income to the family. Beyond their financial status,

they tried many hospitals regarding the treatment. Being residing at Srikakulam they don’t have a wide choice in hospitals. So, on the advice of Dr. K.L.Naidu an ophthalmologist, they came to Visakhapatnam. But there are no many eye hospitals with fully functional paediatric dept and with affiliation to the Govt. schemes. Through friends he came to know about Sankar Foundation Eye Hospital. They have been through a very tough time as their elder son of 16 years have passed away in an accident.

With hope of resurgent life, they came to Sankar Foundation. They were eagerly waiting for their turn to see the doctor and what would the doctor say. The pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. G. Suparna examined the baby and informed the parents that Nitin Sai need surgery in both eyes for cataracts. The mother got terrified hearing this. The doctor and counselor have comforted and consoled her. The counselor showed Nitin Sai parents successful patient records and how those children life changed after the surgery. She explained the parents the importance of the surgery for their son’s bright future. She also informed them that the surgery would be done for free under Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva scheme. The information from counselor made Satti Babu and Lakshmi a little relieved. All the necessary arrangements were done and they have been admitted in the hospital under Dr. NTR Vaidhya Seva scheme. Nitin Sai successfully got operated on right eye and left eye surgery was fixed after 1 month.

The parents are now in CLOUD NINE that their son’s future can be as good as any other child. They expressed their gratefulness towards Sankar Foundation and all its staff. They specially thanked the doctor, counselor and NTR Vaidhya Seva staff for extending exemplary care.

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