Page 1: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

"Our house is on fire."

Last month was the hottest June ever recorded on Earth.

In January, young Greta Thunberg delivered a speech to business leaders from around the world. She

said, "Adults keep saying, 'We owe it to the young people to give them hope.' But I don’t want your

hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.

And then I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the

house was on fire. Because it is."

Hope without action is useless. What can you do to help? Join us. See what Worldchefs are doing around

the globe and learn how to get involved below.

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Page 2: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

Chef Atanda Oluwatosin Freedom of

Nigeria, Wale's National Sustainability

Champion Chef Donna Heath, and our friends

at AIESEC collectively brought the Food Heroes

toolkit to over 3,000 kids this month. Thank you

for contributing to the education of over 12,000

Food Heroes so far this year. We have a goal

to reach 30,000 globally. Help us get there! Click

here to download the toolkit and teach a

workshop of your own. We've made it easy. Just

70 minutes of your time is all it takes to make a


Wasted food is bad for business. Food losses

and waste amounts to roughly $680 billion USD

in industrialized countries and US $310 billion

USD in developing countries. Learn how Goal

Setting & Waste Cutting Practices can save food

and money in your kitchen. This new webinar

provides hands-on waste cutting

practices that make day-to-day waste tracking

easy. Click here or the photo below to watch

now, and follow this link to get started.

This month in Moscow, Russia, a group of

young people leaving orphanages have

begun their journey towards a culinary

career. In August, they will graduate with

renewed possibilities for a better future, and join

the 111 graduates who have already benefitted

from our free culinary training program. By the

end of this year, we'll have new facilities in

Egypt, Sweden, Ukraine, and Poland to help

even more people in need find professional

fulfilment in the culinary world.

Page 3: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

We are pleased to announce that a new

organization has adopted the Sustainability

Education for Culinary Professionals: Le Fort in

Ecuador! Click the image or follow this link for

more information about Le Fort and the

Sustainability Education program en español.

Next month they will hold a 2-day workshop;

check out the event poster below to learn more.

Felicidades y gracias, Le Fort! Implement the

curriculum in your school or

association. Click here to learn more about this

free program!

AIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the

Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad, India during their annual International


In just one day, these future leaders of the world educated so many children about sustainable eating and

how they can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and

Production. Listen to the event's opening keynote address with Electrolux's Social Investment Program

Coordinator, Ekaterina Trofimova, here.

Page 4: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

AIESEC volunteers helping kids in Hyderabad, India, to become Food Heroes.

The 2019 AIESEC International Congress brought together more than 400 youth for one goal - Peace and

Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential. This is just one of the many classrooms reached by their efforts!

Page 5: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

Chef Donna Heath's class of Food Heroes at Buttington Trewern primary school.

To learn more about Donna Heath's appointment as the National Sustainability Champion for Wales, visit

this link.

Chef Atanda Oluwatosin Freedom's class of Food Heroes in Nigeria.

Chef Atanda is helping to change the world. You can, too. Teach a workshop of your own! Get

started here.

Page 6: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

Education for Employment's new class in Moscow, Russia.

The Education for Employment program in Moscow provides culinary training for teenagers from

orphanages. Following graduation in August, they will be prepared to pursue a career in the culinary

world. Read more about this initiative here.

Page 7: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

Le Forte is hosting a sustainability workshop in Santa Elena, Ecuador, 5-6 August.

Asiste al evento!

Page 8: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

The 2nd Food Waste Challenge webinar focuses on 4 areas to reduce waste in your kitchen:

Purchasing, Preparation, Storage & Equipment, and Menu Planning.

Click on the video above to watch now.

Page 9: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

When is your Country Overshoot Day?

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity has used more from nature than our planet can

renew in that entire year. Follow this link to learn more.

Page 10: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

Thank you to Chef Vojto Artz and Zuzana Dúžekov of the Slovak Chefs Assocation for

translating and sharing recipes from your zero waste cookbook "To The Last Crumb." Check

out this month's recipe below!

Pasta Frittata with Bacon, Spinach and Balkan Cheese

If you have to cook in the "what’s left in the house“ style, frittata is the ideal way to empty your

refrigerator. Pasta doesn’t necessarily have to be a part, however, thanks to it the meal becomes

richer. Of course, it can be replaced with eggs.

Quantity: for 4 persons

Time of preparation: 30 minutes


250g cooked pasta (i.e. 90g of dry pasta)

8 eggs

100g English bacon, cut in stripes

100g Balkan cheese or Feta

160g fresh spinach

50g frozen peas

3 spring onions, cut finely

black pepper

olive oil

1/4-1/2 teaspoon salt

Preparation: Warm the oven to 210°C. Roast the bacon in a pan with fireproof handle and put it aside.

Now fry the spring onion in the fat that remained in the pan. Then add the spinach leaves cut to wider

Page 11: NEWS FROM FEED THE PLANET - AKCAIESEC, our Feed the Planet partner and the world's largest youth-led organization, delivered the Food Heroes toolkit to nearly 3,000 kids in Hyderabad,

stripes and leave them to wilt. In a big bowl mix the roasted bacon, spinach, pasta, peas and the

cheese crushed to small pieces. In another bowl, stir the eggs, season them with black pepper and salt

– if the cheese is very salty, it’s necessary to be careful with salt. Pour the egg mixture into the pasta,

stir, and put back into the pan. Roast at mild temperature for 8 –10 minutes, then put the pan into the

oven and bake for another 10 minutes, until the eggs become stiff and the surface is golden.

Vojto advises: Frittata is an amazing invention of Italian cuisine. Roasted egg omelette into which you

can add many other ingredients is excellent for weekend breakfast, but mainly as an alternative when

you want to prepare dinner and forgot to go shopping. My favorite is one with potatoes, cheese and


Lucia advises: The composition of your frittata can vary according to what’s in your refrigerator. You

can add any vegetables –blanched broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, sweet corn, beans pods, roasted

spring onion, leek, paprika or steamed spinach, or even just garlic. You can season it with any herbs

you currently have at hand. Balkan cheese can be exchanged with grated Swiss cheese, cheddar,

eidam cheese, parmiggiano, mozzarella or goat cheese. Smoked meat products can find their place in

frittata too – you can use ham, prosciutto, salami, sausages or bacon. If you don’t want to put pasta in

your frittata, you can replace the above quantity of pasta with 5 eggs.

Share an earth-conscious recipe with kids around the world!

We'll include it in our Food Heroes toolkit for children all around the globe. Submit your recipe below!


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