Page 1: News Canada's Media Survey Results (2009)

Media Survey ReportNews Canada’s in print service

Page 2: News Canada's Media Survey Results (2009)

News Canada’s annual survey of Canadian print and web media examines usage of News Canada articles and prefer-ences for content composition and distribution. We are pleased to share with you the valuable information that editors have shared with us including:

How publications have changed for print and web editors

Print versus online content

What topics are of greatest interest

Which factors determine usage of syndicated content

What article length(s) is (are) preferred

In November of 2009 we sent our annual survey to 3,600 print and online editors, advertising managers, content managers, designers, general managers and publishers. Of the eight percent (8%) who responded, 12% were respon-sible for a website and 23% for a print publication and 65% were responsible for content on both.

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How has the number of pages or size of your publication changed in the last year?

34% did not answer the question.

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How many websites/publications are you responsible for?

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The difference between online and in print content

50% of respondents indicated that content published in their print

publications differs from their online content.




Which contains more content?

Some of the main reasons cited for publishing more content online were: regular addition of new content online, posting of breaking and/or local news online, no space restrictions.

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Of the content published on your website what percentage do you also publish in print?

Over half (56%) of the respondents published 50%-100% of their content in print as well as on their website.

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Online videos

48% of respondents use online videos for their website(s). Of the particpants who do not currently use online videos, 62% plan on using video in the future.

Topics rated somewhat to very important

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Syndicated content

75% of respondents indicated that they use syndicated content.

Of the 25% who do not use syndicated content, 40% listed focus on local content or use of their own generated content as the reason.

Of the syndicated content users, 23% indicated that they have increased their usage while 57% indicated that their usage has remained the same.

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When News Canada asked this question in 2008, 60% of editors had indicated that they used syndicated content for filler copy. This year, 51% of respondents indicated that they use content for filler copy, a decrease of 9%. Usage as material for supplements declined by 9% For the past two years, use as free editorials and ideas for advertising increased by 10% and 7% respectively.

What are your reasons for using syndicated content?

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What determines which syndicated content is used by your publication/website?

Content will always be king.

The three most important factors in editor’s

choice of content are:

TopicQuality of content


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Topics that were rated somewhat important to very important by editors were:

Editors are more and more interested in lifestyle content. We’ve seen increase in interest in many categories since our last survey, with the greatest growth in Travel & Leisure (35% increase over last year).

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Which notification format encourages you to use News Canada content more often?

Eighty-four percent (84%) of respondents use News Canada as a source of content for their publications and or websites.

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What is the preferred format to access News Canada feature news?

Page 14: News Canada's Media Survey Results (2009)


101 -250 words

over 250 words


51-100 words

50 or lessOther






What size article is best for your publication?

Variety is best

Forty-one percent (41%) indicated that articles of varying size were preferred.

Use your News Canada insertion wisely.

Provide articles of varying size and tone.

Adhere to our Writing Guidelines and meet newsroom standards.

Make it count — provide timely information

and speak to the season.

Page 15: News Canada's Media Survey Results (2009)

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