Page 1: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued


Loops taste ex-

actly the same,

or just how

many licks

does it take to

get to the cen-

ter of a Tootsie

Pop? Why are

eggs and light

bulbs pack-

aged in flimsy

containers, but

batteries are

secured in

plastic that's

tough as nails? Ev-

er buy scissors?

You need scissors

to cut into the

packaging of scis-

sors! I still don't

understand why

there is Braille on

(Continued on page 2)

I am 59 years old

and I have so

many unanswered

questions bring-

ing in the New


I still haven't found

out who let the

dogs out or where

the beef is...I still

don't know how to

get to Sesame

Street, and in this

age of technology,

why doesn't Dora

just use Google

Maps? Why do all

flavors of Fruit



The Evening With Liz Hutton

Liz Hutton, one of

the founders of the

Life in a Jar pro-

ject, came to

speak to N/L

members at Old

Kinderhook on

December 12,

2016. Life in a Jar

tells the story of

Irena Sendler, a

Polish social work-

er that saved over

2500 Jewish chil-

dren during the

Nazi occupation of

Poland. Liz and

two other girls

brought Irena

Sendler to light, as

a history project

in a small Kansas

high school in

(Continued on page 2)





Page 2: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

drive up ATM's

or why

"abbreviated" is

such a long word.

Why is there a "D" in

"fridge" but not in


is lemon juice made

with artificial flavor

yet dish-washing liq-

uid is made with real

lemons? Why do

they sterilize the

needle for lethal in-

jections? And why

do you have to "put

your two cents

in"...but it's only a

"penny for your


that extra penny go-

(Continued from page 1) ing to anyway? Why

do the Alphabet

Song and Twinkle

Twinkle Little Star

have the same tune,

and why did you just

try to sing those two

previous songs? And

just what or who is

Victoria's Secret.

And what would you

do for a Klondike

bar when you know

as soon as you bite

into it, it's gonna fall

apart? Does she or

doesn't she, what?

Why do you care if I

got milk? And do

you really think I am

this witty? I actually

got this from a

friend, who stole it

from her brother's

girlfriend's uncle's

cousin's baby mom-

ma's doctor who

lived next door to an

old classmate's mail-


was able to visit her

three times prior to

her death. The

book, Life in a Jar

by Jack Mayer com-

bines the personal

stories of Liz and the

other two girls with

the story of Irena


1999. They pro-

duced a short play

that has been pre-

sented across the

United States. Irena

has been deceased

since 2008, but Liz

(Continued from page 1) The evening was

both touching, en-

joyable and informa-

tive for all in attend-


Vickie’s View (cont’d.)

The Evening With Liz Hutton (cont’d.)

And why do

you have to

"put your two

cents in"...but

it's only a

"penny for



Page 2


Liz Hutton

Page 3: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: [email protected]



Baxter's is known for their fab-

ulous Happy Hour in the

lounge offering special drink

pricing and 2 for 1 appetizers.

To take advantage of this, we

will be gathering at 5 pm on

Tuesday, February 7. Then

moving on to an always enjoy-

able dinner at 6 pm. Hopefully,

we may even arrive to enjoy a

few moments of the sunset as

the days lengthen.

The choice of entree's being

offered is:

8 oz Sirloin Steak, served

with homemade steak

sauce, smashed potatoes

and vegetable of the day.

Baxter's Signature Meat

Loaf, served with gravy,

smashed potatoes and


Sauteed Tilapia (farm

raised in Costa Rica); this

mild fish is served with

mushrooms and red pota-

toes with a champagne

cream sauce and


Grilled Chicken Breast

topped with bacon shallot

demi-glace, smashed pota-

toes and


ble. Din-

ner is in-

clusive of


choice of

Caesar or



rolls and




with ice

cream for dessert, coffee or

tea, tax and tip. All for

$35.00 per person.

There is a flourless chocolate

cake option for a gluten free

dessert, which is an additional

$2.00. Please order this and

include in your payment if this

is your preference.

Reservations, entree choices

and checks, made out to

Donna Steele, are due

by Wednesday, February 1st.

Please mail to

Donna Steele, 4675 Harbor

Heights Lane, Osage Beach,

Mo. 65065.

Should schools be closed due

to weather this event will be

rescheduled February 21st. If

you have reserved and cannot

attend the rescheduled event

we will refund if notified

by Wednesday, Feb. 15th.

There are no refunds for can-

cellations or no shows after


Ok, there are rules and regu-


Just a word of apology for hav-

ing to change restaurants last

month when Jake's was unex-

pectedly sold to a developer

and closed. We were fortunate

to be accommodated by the

new Kilt and Clover for a

splendid Irish feast. I thank

everybody for their under-

standing and for all of those

who reached out to me for

clarification and information.

We did everything possible to

make people aware of the

change but were unable to

change pre-submitted news-

paper articles or correct the

newsletter as it had gone to

press. I'm always happy to an-

swer any questions and can be

reached by phone at

702-328-4505 or by email

at [email protected].

Check the Newcomer's calen-

dar or evites for updates. Hope

to see as many members and

guests as possible at Baxter's!


Dining Out at

Baxter's Lakeside


2124 Bagnell Dam Blvd.

Lake Ozark, MO

February 7 at 5 p.m.

Page 4: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

Where Are The Meeting Minutes?

Page 4


The February

16th luncheon is

at Osage National

Golf Resort. The

menu includes a

pizza and pasta buf-

fet, with four differ-

ent pizzas and red

and pesto sauces

for the pasta. Salad

and garlic bread

will be included,

along with cookies

for dessert.

The charity is

Dogwood Animal

Shelter. Please

bring supplies for

the shelter. They

would especially

like canned pate

dog food, hand san-

itizer, bleach, paper

towels, and old


Have you ever wondered what goes on

behind the scenes? The minutes from

the Newcomers/Longtimers board meet-

ings are now available on the website


Just click on the Meeting Minutes tab.

Page 5: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

Did You Ever Want to Be A Model or Be

Part of a Fashion Show Production?

N/L Has An Opportunity for You!!!

Would you like to be part of an exciting fashion show? Have you always wanted to

model? Have you wanted to work behind in the scenes of the runway? How about a

significant other (or two) to escort the models? We need you! We are seeking volun-

teers in all roles!

Forget about that stuff that you need to be skinny or under 30! Everyone is beautiful

and there’s a place for you in the Newcomers/Longtimers Fashion Show on April 20 at

the Ozark Yacht Club. Please help make this year’s fashion show better than ever!

Perhaps you have a favorite boutique or apparel shop that would be interested in show-

casing their clothing……we welcome your suggestion!!

Please e-mail Susan Akscin at [email protected] or call at 314-973-7127.

Page 6: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

The First 2017 N/L

Diners, Drive-Ins,

and Dives will be

held on Sunday,

January 22 at 12:30.

Our location is the

Wacky Knacky Diner

on Osage Beach

Parkway east of KK

in Osage Beach.

Please check your

E-vite for more


February Cards & Games

Page 6


5896 Osage Beach Parkway

Osage Beach, MO 65065

“Old Man Winter” dealt

us a blow on Cards day in

January, didn’t he? Let’s

hope he behaves on Feb-

ruary 2nd!!

February Cards will be

held on February 2, 2017

at 10:00 a.m. at Camden

on the Lake (weather per-

mitting). Please arrive

no later than 9:45 a.m.,

so we can all start play-

ing at 10:00. Our rooms

are in the restaurant area.

Please use the Toad Cove

entrance; registration ta-

bles will be inside the


Our Menu for Febru-

ary 2nd: Grilled

Chicken topped with

Chardonnay Cream

Sauce, Rice Pilaf,

Glazed Carrots,

Rolls, Chef’s Choice

of Dessert. Water,

Coffee & Tea.

Speaking of weather per-

mitting – did you know

that ALL Newcomers/

Longtimers events are au-

tomatically cancelled if

the local schools are

closed that day?

No schools = No Newcom-






Page 7: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

1. To see additional infor-

mation about the activity/

event click on “View Mes-

sage from Host” located

right under the invitation.

2. Remember to adjust the

number to “2” if you are

bringing a guest/husband.

3. To RSVP, you must hit

“Reply” in addition to the

“Yes” or “No”


test box that will be on

the Membership table

space at the luncheon.

The entries will be re-

viewed for accuracy.

Of the correct entries,

one will be drawn for a

prize. You must be

present to win. Hint:

there are nine ladies

with this first name.

Congratulations and

thank you for your par-

ticipation to all twenty

seven of you who found

Our second “Getting to

Know You Contest” will

be held at the January

19 Luncheon at Cam-

den on the Lake. The

challenge this month

will be to enter the

most popular first name

among our members.

So ladies get out those

directories and start

searching. Put your en-

try on a piece of paper,

make sure your name

is also on it and place

your entry in the con-

the Christmas birthday

ladies last month. They

are Jean Fickle, Julie

Beecher, Jan Weeks,

and Mary Lunsford.

The lucky winner for

the nice prize donated

by Old Kinderhook was

Cheryl Snapp.

Our Second “Getting to Know You” Contest!

Reminders for Success!

Page 7

Page 8: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

On The Board

Couples Bunco Wednesday, January 18,

5-10 p.m.

Li’l Rizzos (Outlet Mall)

Ladies Luncheon Thursday, January 19,

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Camden on the Lake

Diners, Dives & Drive-Ins Sunday, January 22,

12:30 p.m.

Wacky Knacky Diner

Movie Day Tuesday, January 24,

1:00 p.m.

Wehrenberg Cinema

Bunco Day Wednesday, January 25,

11:00 a.m.

Golden Corral

Cards & Games Thursday, February 2,

9:30 a.m. -3 p.m.

Camden on the Lake

Happy Hour Thursday, February 2,

4-6 p.m.

Golden Rock Winery

Dining Out Tuesday, February 7,

5 p.m.

Baxter’s Lakeside Grille

Monthly Events

Cards & Games – 1st Thursday Canasta, Jean Fickle 573-348-3985 Bridge, Donna Steele, 702-328-4505 Dining Out – Dates Vary Donna Steele 702-328-4505 Luncheons – 3rd Thursday Claudia Thomas 319-329-0880 Bunco – 4th Thursday Pat Thompson 573-365-9126 Couples Bunco – 3rd Wednesday Mary Ann Overkamp 314-608-8613 Dena Aaron 309-360-1172

Happy Hours – 1st Tuesday Lois Schweiss 573-883-0237 Movie Days - - 4th Tuesday Vee Jay Groce 573-374-0374 Diners & Dives – Dates Vary Linda Commons 573-365-2074 Single Ladies Night – 1st Saturday No Event in January or February Jan Weeks 573-365-7072

Page 9: NEWCOMERS/LONGTIMERSthe story of Irena Sendler. 1999. They pro-duced a short play that has been pre-sented across the United States. Irena has been deceased since 2008, but Liz (Continued

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: [email protected]


Pixs Of An Evening With Liz Hutton


Contributors to this Newsletter

Vickie Faulstich, President

Claudia Thomas, 1st Vice President

Jean Fickle, 2nd Vice President

Sue Bleigh, Membership Chairperson

Donna Steele, Dining Out Chairperson

Nancie Boland, Webmaster

Susan Akscin, Newsletter Editor

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