  • |1 rj i r. ( 11 Jüal'.ie*

    8i:v AetTOPoi. in Kt in.«..The fall of this stip-r.eed Ir p-»iB»bl« folr.s» will »it dimlalih the lir«. nl-i .Í»A»ri«TT k LtAia'aenpetlor Diockaar»« Hati whirl.


    sa.« at price« to .«'( tbe t asese, at Ha 57 (.1 h ithim it «ad cor.Chaire*" «nal Peei»«ta_

    RaosDWAT.Orkat Baruaisk.Carpkt.-j at (,'osr.Pi r-

    CBiiin «T Btot'ttn I*«uta -PtTtasoa A ¡ii-ariii» v-

    aawM'.l ol their »fork of Cilr-tTi, at ,»« Of '»»* price»Rica Vm it I'iartT«. ...'''Rica Tatbitsv CasrtTi. I/él./.Rica Bbusikli. ..Rich.«. Pit. .... .« ¿MS 4? yard.Rich Htivt liinriir. S -7/

    Ale* esa ceBai-aBn.iit . ».ry I«»*« eunnirTnent of ch.ap Is--«air» at S, yart O L Clorai. Roc«i,M»tti»«., Mat», A.*»43aa_y tow.

    No TTt BaoAOWAt.aOtTABT Wblte-et._"TrnilRO-B.MERlNOFi». . Just rrcoiverl andfor »ale Î1300 yart» of nip»rlor «xwalitT Kr.ach M»riDO»i. «t » Iaer yard -tb» seme a« uioally «old at 12/. Tbs«a ai« the cn*»¡.cet «iexte errr oflej. «3 te tbe irobli-,

    B. H. LsAcaaiTi a. No. 817 Broadwsy, corner Leonard »t.~^iinx_t Clotihro..tbe undersigned winBjfSMfJt «f oh» balance of fail »tock of furet quality Rt »DV-Min»C4.6THI««. corretsr-in» Overeo«!« Banne*» Cuan. Pant.loo.i.Vent», lue.. *t wlml«e»l» price«, w.ib a «tew of reeoterlno,the«tow arernees «T tb» od »tend Nt, 3531 Broadway, ob the In04 at.Osai*T B»xl with »a entire new etorkWm T. Jt«»i»ct. No» 7 »»id » Barclay et.MEI-ODEORS..Tbt* lartjest assortment *«7eftT»r>

    fcraUd MsLODtOki ta tbe Unit.i Htttee, «t a i*a» price t--ten be b»d elaewbrre Atura".* them thoae of s II i II. WRmilti'i weil known a.ak.. ceTrtirated .. ben.», tnned in theOqual t.niperain.nt IIhkaci Willis Nu I il Hrr.dnev«CoLIAR PlANOS..T71ûïi.BI.RT & Co.'o VlîïT-

    UltiM Piano», with 01 withnat II.« r.le'irat.rl Bit!»« aflt.'i-«nenti Ils'lrtt k Cunii'nn'i Pisnoi, (of the bid «irui uf Hi Ist!4k Co ,) HoBirs W Alias'. Mode) Piano», pronur.r.d by thebiabeeri mo«ic«I «nthnrin.-i l« be eouil .n p..wer. Iirillitncy andOweetri»!« of ton«, »lid elaiticity ol tioch. to «ay of A«n«iicanit.nutaclotc; Plano« of lever«! other ceirbiated Biet"« »mlHew York manufactúrete Eich Indrame et (tiar»n»«esd. a-idBold al prior» which defy cornpelltii.o fécond kood Plaàoi atStreet bargain»; price« from tfi te 0140. Cub paid for lecoad-banxl Puuce. Piano« to r«nt

    _HoBACt Wate»» Ko fr- Broadwiy.Special Baies or Stocks ami Iîonim..Tin-

    and*r!i«ned will b»r*»fl«r deTot» lwSSOAV, Wm»«r«i>4v,famas anal HaTURDay to ipecial »al»! of Stocki «ni aa-O«,ta »dditis»i to LU r.«i.l*r irmi wrrkly auctuio »«'»«.whichlake plac« «a uanal oi. M' sutv and ThusidaY. at l¡[ o'clock,«t the Mrrchatil«' Ex'bxnxe

    Ai »I «T n NIC0I.AT,Re»! Ketate and Stock Au-.tior «*r.

    _No. 4 Broad it.

    Plaiü RÄvTHilks at ¿Vic.. Wo will openUo« motnin« 1 case nf tbe t.»it QmliiT Plaid K«w BUat, 'war-t«xited «1. i'lk I » l.i« h we will »ell »t "0 enr« p«r y»rd, wur'li

    «V K II. I.Mlll'111«.No 547 Broadway cor LfMiii-d it.

    IiACE ANIlMl rtUBCl KTAINSIIKIM Al( HON..K» ltv k Fraoi'ioi,

    Na 2T»| Broadway md N«. M R.arle it has» on band20,1001.»cr. md Mi -lia Cibiaisi.

    botmbt at aewlbea, at a »rrat aacri6c», and will «.11 the urn«fee . few dsy» »t »rea««»!«.« full 20 p-r cent. le«, than tin-Oilxlna' Co«t of impoatitiiifi e>«, ««fly, for tbil II a rare oppi«-tasltv Alio, tbe lar«e-«t »tick of Wixnow SlIAOt-ll »nd lail.T«CoBBICta In tbe rity, »H of which mail 1er sett cbeip.

    CftTARACT HOl'PtE, Nta-UBft fxHm\ ». V..

    Tin: MiAsiiN ami Khox'o Firs..TT e rxre«din« niiàil wei'l.i tint fall bai proved detrimentalte tbe Uterem of th« f-r tt»de, tlnou«). tb« pa»« week lia» aer.tCteartiK.f lidlnt. Ki'.s« .«tshliahanrnti. Not KB Broidwivont ISM Pulton-it in |ii!'*ult of '.« modera'«

    FlRts! Kt Rs '.Ladies' Furs of extra quality.and o( i.u' ineiiiifact.'* only conaialin« of Capei, V iclijaeji-«ti.flin.d Coller». >ii a.I the known »»riotiei and .Bat.M e.rtl.rii.inr Lralt A In Hatt.ia Ait.r limn. Brn.rl .. av

    Tbo fiioalt'st indiireinents te» piirchiisers oí su-»?nor ( lothinc are" ollered »t No. ]'". Kullonet b-ing w. IIui»dr,e( t_e beat ma', riili and HTle«, «nd a'extrrmely low-alter» Cell «ad »»mit,«. Ehwaid T, H»c»*.tt,

    Clmbin» Knipotium, No. 108 Fnltoa-ct.(Ill AlllAli.III 3 ('lll'.AP AMI St .1.1. ClIllAi'..

    «>l00 0aii worth ct laaWlBTaa Cloihisg, intend«»! for th«Brokdw»y He'iil Trkd*. for sal« at Half prie« a' Hi-.--Clothln* W «retinut» Net. 6t and «il »ulton il Hnlit-iv.Baak t»kan at par; Lewi» Citant», 5C; Wa»htfntn,40._

    Ri-. v ni si s Pills, No. 4.*A'e »r* i-e.ritir nil's a»k«d -" What ii th« difference

    BadWas'i Iti.ol laii.ii ind ordinär» plllil"VV» answer that pill» «. tb«y air ordinanlv prrpurd »od »old

    by dlflrrre.1 uiiirafaci'.t.rt ai« «rnrrtiliy nur of tw.e kniliIhoM) wbicbnp« rat,- en lb« bowel« pur««tive pille,.od the«« which »teil» Ihr irrirtiiiB i.f th» liv. rsn-lare c« ledsnereeiiil or liver pill». HiDwiv'i Ri101 i a in», r«»emblel>ill» ii *r*ly in th'fr v.u. ililler in «v« ly other clif.ract»ri»UcThey «ct not only on the bvweli lot on III« ilvrr, ikin. pan

    «res* in« kidney« rrnnlatin« i-acl, oetsn to to healih) irtm«a.Tbe» »ri not dr»»tir »ml nrv.r »lv* |-»ln aa moat poriatise stillto; lb-y stimulate ihr livir wiebnol a-inlan;-. rii.» the BnaVcal«.lib »allivn ou s» im i.illa do; containin« nu luin.ra'ila their coeiipi.iiiiri the s »rae I.» un leu whrn need for a I. nthof Un«». They »re tmel.ii. bei«« ennlnpril in »u »I.iintCO»tln« of (uni. Die i« Ihre» retulite«, thre» In .1« pnifrÏcod at all tiufi. Kafiwiv it Co Pn-prii-tr-ri r.t Radwis'iIridy R. lief aid It« i. ,i itn.« II. lolv.iit (In lie, No. lb.' fulton it up itsiri. Nrw 3 er»A Kf.W 1)im>i»vi:kv..A WORORRRUL «At-IKT-

    bat to Nati-bf Primi.! élu find it dithcuit to di«**i tbelr1. od, who stifl« r from .oumrii In tbelr ifoaiichi, wind or cholitseli.,01 . Heavy n-'.hl »t the pit of their momaclii, ihnuitake . win» «Ian ol l>r Ham's Im ii.iiraiisi. Sri»IT. Tbitnewly d.covm« d bra« r»«» e the «iiii.i d. iimot ÍDii«oratot iiawe. It linpaita new HI« lo ibr weary an« -vw aiaaiirrai 4ad .>« AT|(a,XV..Tr.LE(lRAF!« Tb« LKeit New» rect-lTid bv

    TeinfiaphXVI..REVIEW OP TÜR MARKETS: R»i.r bv nn v,¡3¡ier .t.l.eßriti«h lVitkaiutdron.publUbafd in the Ljü-donjoiinials" KubabiTt, «me of lb« Mt-c«.i..«a,. we nu0 visited

    Tb« bay, tu Ht weather, is tbe f-attt nn/n ti»ieco of tcrnery that can be iiiiat»ui»>d. It u per-fe ctl> land loekcl in shspe of a borse-iboe au_ ' lr-»ounded b> hill» »bout to l,HM feet but« j[i{,first pa»t '.»' our ttatj II ire the weather was very fia«»and we «Ho» i » n. h. I>uñnK bh» latterpart of our nay U .ainod it.a'cssantly. ant m boovil».a t«> pn vi-i --,: |olt»foi bore, l .eei all over the bod v and face.ana »omo of tl tm luve a terrific aspect. Tsbtif oot«tun»«) i* gcutra-is tliut »et.-n by our « mini >a paro.i;Adaui, but tb«-s are very foud of Kiropcau clotln «,.nd ». ear tLitn »;:h a irreal air. Tbe womeo are ¦ >tiiaai iookinaT. and have a liitle more dress than tin-tuen, e-tboutili tb« .r spare attire would alarm some ofoar gijod folks at hoiii«. i'bev are expert ewimaiers.I «aw «everai won,« ¦ in tbe water with their infants,.which Lbey mantled to boll aloft most cleverly.Tab« IsUiid «beeu-el» with e .h oanuts, bananas an Isruavaa, and all sorts of teg«table« grow profasoly,»1g» ait» «_"«> very Dumerous, but cannot be obtainedbf os at any price, tfelvillo's Typte «rires a most

    .»»ttavajitti-i. account of those Is-tuiu, _lthou«;b ratberOOKi-i


    Tbe adjourned Convention of Kturnal Kepre-M ntatirc« met at the Ai~rHouse, last n:ght, anlparted t lerie« of important re«o!utioni in regirdto fare«, baggage, running traim. Ac. The dead¬head qutttion wsi not definitely disposed of. TueCourt ntiou it to meet again in December.

    Bj the Canecía, at Halifax, we Lave four dayslater intelligence from Europe. Theie are «omeiinportaLt rumor» (torn the »eat of war, but it 1«doubtful «hat amount of eredencs they «re en¬titled to. At any rat»», they appetr very ugly f'"-the allie«. We give a pretty full ab«tr*M underour telegraphic Lead.

    ..WHY W__- VE BIKÎ"There is more property ¡n the United Sut.»

    (Lit '_:'h1 of Nove-iber, 1*4 than there wa« atthe corresponding period of any previ >ut year«¡DCfe the world w«« made. There are more able,».illful Land« ready to work that property overinto »uch »hape» a» will render it m p-nder itfully productive, ii unsalable except at ruinousprice». liniiker» bavt- «topped or all but woundup. I ilii,;-h'-l i.ailroal« are ept «hört,awaiting times wLen perfectly good bund« canbe «old at twenty per cent. di«coun\ or wheniiioney can be procured on ample OOOBtitj at tener twelve per c»nt. At least two htrndrsd thoumid the discarded « agallmtbut lueklts« enterprise, who have bei n driven¡Lto cibes and villages by the failure of their ac-custeii.e.l tmmfmw}merit, are now taxious'.y seek¬ing work for He winter, and seeking in viin.Tte Cities cannot Lire mid pay them; the Coun¬try does uot call for them, or they lack travel-mon« \ to enalile them to respond to the call.;-tiif.iihtion and dismay are general, and thou-«a» ill who have property enough, If it could be»old at anything like est, to pay all th.rj «-...ate Impeles»'v. dumbly t»waiting the »hock of ac-t«i«l ».These iBiwiliigl* idle workmen wiut gladly

    work, if work were to be had. The lactorie»,founderie«, mine«, mills, furnaces, ¡a which theyshould find work, are closed or not half workiug.because money cannot be obtained wherewith tamu them, or the product» to which they areadapted cannot be sold The money which »houldhave kept tl i» Labor and other eipital ia healthyactivity hat been drained off to Europe» to payfor Foreign Fabric«, and there ii voracioui de¬mand for more to follow it. Let boj Hink v«-n-ti re to extend it« discounts, and it« bills imme¬diately return upon it in quest of specie toteadabroad, a>.J ii must curtail or become insolvent.Bo the laborer aid the factory »tand idle, whilethe lüe-blocd of buiineit is »tept a vay toFurope to pay for the fabric« tint they would¡.Indi) produce.

    Li t u« suppose, now, th.t word weie paisedaround that the balance of trade should no longerbe » gait, »i ut.that henceforth we tlioulJ importno more Ware« and Fabric« than we cou'd ea«ilypay for, ami that the residue requir«-d by oarneed« should be produced at there one»ingle human bein;; within the boundtrie« of ourI aion who would uot bear tbe tidings withjoy Might not the very u»urer» an-.l and sheriffiwho alone aie making money out of the public«lists-'s« be willlog to «top where th»y «tand,cor»ideritig that the property they hive acquiredso cheap'v W( uld speedily ri»e to it« fair »»lue 'How | .)fully would our beleaguered citizens an Ilaborer» bear that their various occupations wereal out to nriiiif their natural activity, and thattie whir of wheel« blJ the din of himner»would «oen m nie the air cheerful as, vn Hainot the very Shipping l_tere»t, which hai be-lievtd thitt Free Trade would insure it iin.enteand enduring prosperity, received a lésion nottoon to be fi-rgottcu ' Would not ev- n the Im¬porter», who have been taught to be! .1 e tu th-irenemy, be glad to secure full payment of the bsl-ateet now due« th' m. »t the c >»t of more 1 mitedmarket« hereafter ? Would not the l.iilroad-bi-ilder». who last year wen» in f«»r Iron du'r-frce, prefer that the Country ibould mike ironat Lerne »rd be able- to pay for it rttbof that itshould obUin it nominally cheaper a)ilM 1 an 1have milker cath nor ac.ept.ble credit t, biy ||-ith ' 'LM the word be once passed that the TirifT (inMan,.- of 1-i-would speedily auP|.:arit that,.f 4b. and there is not a «quare mile of the whole

    country wtich would not feel the impulse of re¬turning proiperity. Stock« and bond« would ri«e.Loan« ou good security would once more be ne-gotiable. Keal eitatc would h»*e a rtib more. Mill*. Faetoriet and Machineryw ould once more be in requeit. We «hould havetbe pletrtjre of advertising once more that me¬chanic« or laborer« are wanted in this tr that lo-


    I cality, to relieve tbe present Jrearr coin _oi ofI pitee« wtnted with next to nobody wanting m»n.Hope would be revived eo'ifilence renewed, by¦ »'Biple anurance that we w ere to m»ke our owoWare« and Fabric» »gain, instead of coutiaumgto plunge deeper and J« ep» r in debt fur them.

    li-it,' ivy » ¦ c. land try »et wtli giwih.' you for a Tanil if you will rette ,ur oppo«i--tien to Slavey." -Agreed." »av « another;'¦ my att w ill g" w i'h you if you will only join us" in advocatiBg Nativeiiiu.".Ko, gentleia-a Mlask cone of you to wai»e your prepoeiessioa» ooother topic»; why tootild you ex«ct «ucb a «ieri-firecfu«' Pe Pro-Slavery, be Nitive. if J Mthink bett: but join u« in re«toring work to theun» apiojes» and bread to the hungry, an 1 thenwe wi'l fight cut our difference» on other ques¬tion« at leisure. We do n't a*k you t) help reviie tbe Tariff fr our take», or for those of aoysection or eia»» what« ver; tes bave no interestthat direct'y require« Protection: no iutereit»ave in common with the whole People. ToeE*it can «tand Free Trade at long a« the West:tbe North a« well a« the South. The vhoh eoan-tiy i« now «uflering because of the false policy«Lieh triumphed ¡u l»'>, and all »hould uiit« inreverting it. Put we have no opinion! to »ell tosecure that ene", and wc don't wint to buy any.If those who trace our prêtent dimiter« to theirtrue cause will uuite in reawing that cau»e. wc»ball rejoice: if not. we must endeavor to livewithout. We would gladly iee tbe right prevail,but to secure it WO «hall neither comproaiii« ourprinciples nor t'ifle our convi-tion».

    niK »! vim: LAW IN E-O-ABD.

    Pertinacity it tbe keyitone of the character ofEngliibmen. They are very «low in tak_g IB anidea, but very determined, when they do take itup, in periiiting until it be full» carried ou1.Without running too far back we can cite »everalinttance», w ¡thin our own rec »llection, in w M hthis ha» been exemplified. The abolition of theTcit and Corporation Act», ( »rhich pli-ed th«whole bed) of Dissenter« in an unfair, htOMMunequal, position).tbe removal of the civil disa-l.ilitie» of the BoMMI Catholics.the carryi-i. ofParliamentary Ke'orm.the abolition BfNdgroSlavery.tbe curtailment oftbe inonstrotiB CotrchEetabjiibiucrit of Ireland.the repeal of the more»pprenive taxes (newspaper stamp» and adver¬tisement dutie» upon tbe diffusion ofknowledge.tbe ah.-i il .ii of the punishment of death, »are forthe T'-ry heaviest offense«.the cirrjing of FreeTrade atd the Abdition of the Corn Law«, bythe Istc Kir Robert Feel.tbe all but abolition of

    flogging in tbe Army and Navy.tbe surrenderingby tbeCrownof the arbitrary practice of Impres«-ment.nil these, with many other tbiugi. baveli'erally been wrung by the people of I.agitadfrom their I^piilator» and their Government, bymean» of conttant and untiring agitation, which,in tome instance», had been pertinaciously con¬tinued from a period bey.-nd the memory of livingmen. Tie restriction», by act of Parliament,upon the civil ri; ht» of Ihr.-enters an i P. un mCatholics, bad been complained of from the _MMof (I'osit »t an early hour, while a sharp ejel spy wa«deputed to stand at the poll and check each voteas it csRie io, taking care that the right man I t»tO-it. If any «ne pre«ent«'d a vote that did not bearbit proper number, he waa spotted; and if aoynianna« behind at the hour when he ou^httobave voted, a t imble Committee was sent afterhim. When the boxes w« returned, a Commictee«toed re ad) t«e note every vote ai it wit opened,ttd ifHt). IT-1, or any other number, did not bip-pen to carry the Hmdno nominee« throughout.then No. 17"1. or whomsoever was ¡mplica'»«d -Jthe révélation, was ki'ke«! out of th» lodge forthvviib .It is possible that the above m»y lie im« ir¬rtet in »omeparticular, but in substance It i« wellvouched for and undoubtedly correct.We a»k thore who -OVO twOBO antion of Liberty,

    und especially of an ur.constrsinei Suffrage, r the.e fact». Were they e««entiatly »ur-¦.«.»« d bj ai')thing that occurred dirsng the .Jac¬obin l.eign of Terror in France " Hero wereWbiga and Dtmocrata, Temperan.-e and Liqu »rmtp. vehemently suspected of wuhing t-i vote a*their own juJgmeiit directed; and 4iis L:quor L»w. Agteat number of incident« were mentioned, anl ca«c»marlt., silo«ing the good results alretdy achievedby this most rigLtco-1 ait. I will mention «oui1 ofthem:A man was spoken of who employs a grett nimhvr

    ef Hue».en. D«forc- the 1st of Augu-t In' was not :¦favor of the Maine No», bei». Ho hat eeenit« bappy « lie-1 t« aa his tat men, ai.d on his g ti is.Before our Liquor La* went into operation, hi» menwere often iu the ¡gtog shop, hit horses were» stiuJiogidle, aid be had every It.MB to suppose that to.nt> his money went to pay for tho grog; or, hosrovorthis may have b«en. he now received I-trger roturasfrom the labor of hi» teams. Hin horses, also, bokbetter.ore evidently bettor cared-for. aud bi tier u«tel.even while they do more- work. Tue men. aN», goabout »heir businets inore che« rfutly anl hare le-atrouble among thernselvi». S«) he has good r.m >n firItii f. in f ivoi of tho Mitine Law.

    f A dry grocer's experience was mentioce-l. II« itnow doing double tho business he did a yeir ago.He had just». Id thirty birreta ofaaflt«M porsuntwho hardly pretendí«! to buy aoytbiug but rum beforethis la v »entinto operation. An Irish woiuin e inao¡Lto his «tore with a roll af bills in her hand. It w.issostratfie an exptrriiMMO to her to have »o muchmoney the hardly knew wba' to do with it. Hu» sot¬ting her wtt» to work, »ho bough» aim >«t every thin:,'»ho could think of, and tina'.ly had one dollar left... There, «be »aid, hiiuiing tho List dollar to thegrocer, "j.-u le.p tag me until ( cono again,11 and then I shad want to buy something more. Aadthis man is not only having so much moro trade, butin some instance» old topers now made »ober by tiokind operation of onr law, have come in and paid npold debts of year« Handing.Another case wa« reported of a mau »hiving rented

    B-OMM to an _____B'l wife aui daughter«. l_eman himself was a drunkard, and paid nothing to¬ward the rent. The women had for »aartetraad tho'rown Ii'- Vg and his iba, tai hired tin- tciem.-nt iuwhich to home bi«sotti«h Ml« ties». Hut our law madebim a »ober man. He went to work, earned s >memonoy, and out of his first ctrnings went to the land¬lord with ten dollars to pay the quarters rent li¬sa:-! h«' had « me money, and ho th .tight howould cune ai.d pay the rent. Youkuow, h«»iy»," I have not been very well for so-ne years pa-t, and" not uhle to do much work; but I have been a groat"0.llbtt.V for a few weeks now, and have b«-u" able to work «iiiite »t-ivlily: and I bop»- no* 1 eh ill

    I.-- able to help my family much nine thiin I have" dine, liny have bail a bard time while I have" bien si. k so much. Ye«, the landlord knew- thefamily had hud a hard time, and he knew why thoybad it. but he though» blot not to «ny BaBth ab"'»' It,bal told U l m.-»n bo aa» rt rj glad he was b-'iter no»*,and i.ije-l he would continue M, and bo able t-» aidhi», f.-r they nee»-!, d hi* MMMtMMM

    'i I.. etjH tlaaao tt a __a_hatarar w i* ifraa. II--»is «'k'd tt contribue lio toward Hi t' ,-s «nLeague, in ono of our atutktj Eh atUbtttaldwell i iTo'.l to ..-¡»«- i -, or.v-ii IBM if tttt..rjlafiietsii, the Minn- I.nw; ii mmtt tktpttktjttu ft.a« IWforc it wont into operation, r-gul-trly afterpay-day,thirtwti Iraablaonmtmbb bala« Hehvloit« n to i--i:\crt lis orfii1«. into a Mit of poliao court.Bo had to heir cou plaint«: me>diato tho «e'tlomont ofeiitlu uliit», th< re were tights men w.-re off; inachiu-i ry whs s'.' g «till; and he ha«! been obliged tadice-ergo most valuable bands. Not* those thinMhave pH»ee«l away a'l gee» on as smoothly and quiet¬ly at a ],iei eof well-oiled machinery. There i» morework done; it is b< tter done; more- money made bythe employes; more laid up by tbe workmen, besidestl.e iueiease of home omt'orU in their fumilie«.And thus the story ran. A Hood of ev idence was

    ¡.cured upon us in proof that our L:-|iior Law is doingits woik wi-.l. If.BJ other incidents «r«-re mentioned,equally inte-rcating and encouraging with tlioao Ihave now given. The meotiug wa« not large, butcontained a fair representation of the active temper¬ance men of tbe Stute, aud an earnest, strong, hope¬ful »pint pervaded all it« deliberations. If« hive in¬creasing evidence that the Maine Law i« gainingetr-figth all the time. We tru-t it is alretdy one oftl.e fixture« of our eiomeetic policj, and will perpetu¬ate it« ler.iyn influence to the end of time. Surely,the results already reached are worth ten thousandtime« all lie toil it has co«t to obtain them.

    l-BTB-AtCB, _« , is MAss.icHiKi.Trs.An oldfriend at ChioopOO, Mas» , forwarding bis I'i foranother year of Thk Daily fklBVI., '#hich he laysLe cannot do without., incidentally observes:

    " I must add, I cannot wai* for your S-ato offijialcanvas» I . Ion I hurrah for (..'¡ark and the deatu amibuiial at rum' in the tl I Ktapiia State. I am hearti¬ly rij.i.i d to aaa your State t»h« «.ling in'o the temper-ai ce- ranks, and 1 hope the demon will be buried «o deepti.s' there will be no possibility of a resurrection."I al.-o ent. rtain an aríeut iiope lhat tbe next Leg-i.-:aiure of the old Hay State will make a 'Maine'I.av* thai will do the thiuj op as i- iblUlM bt,' Know Nothing' as it will undoubtedly bt.MT.OpraOO.I law i« worse than noie: n-< it is ex*.-

    r r-ither r.o'. x..ii'.d. ___tad Pat-riati$n¡«too m'.ch the errieroftae day iu t.rlotr.hlt|vhlaie. jet is virtue anOBfh lof» to r-ni our',uota T) if ffttntajft fiatpriaat» trjttaa «.

    Got. BrtBti r.TUCI*mm*madPI*vm**a*mwb» Iba >\-br«»ka and i'opulac Sovereignty i'ot-tmvtorof the- For«st City, nominate» Isaiah Itynder», " with14 his bfttt bob*-aa!.er and fnrnous Lmpire I ib.a« euit-1 It P.«MM f>r the goveniin»» of the Territoryof L'tab.

    I'Ku n.Two Caer« v Year k\tbe farm of J.-bn Iseet of Lccaburg, Va , is reporteda« Uating the »ccond crop of peaches this year. TheIrM r. ¡. rjeted early, and «lie tree then bloomed»gain, and though of smaller growth, tbe pea« he« ofibe se. sad Mtf i aribab d tLemsclve« »o a« t«. be eat¬able, aiid tUvered with the taste of tb>»e of tlu tîntWtrf.The OtDl r RtaioBBV UirisitD..'ii

    .1. i. « mí Kart Cle.tland, died yesterdayat 11 o clockA. M. at his r«-,.!i in ai.d hi. faaaral trill be at-t» i.c . d t i:t. rro» Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock.Ibl cause of bis death wa« a splinter i a a finger, pro-ducing ittliu.n.ati-jn, which cx»~aded to his luogi.Mr. Joe«.« wa« T' year« of age. and wa«, we believe,the oldest living resident of Cuy»«hoga County. InApril, 1-C4. he settled near bis late residence, clearedfour acres of land, inclosed it with t brush fence, andwithout plowing dug holes and planted corn. Heas»¡»ted in "raising" tbe first frame house in Clevt-land, and th. tint chut eh, iu Euclil.





    LA!'(.K ADVUCI IN llUKADSTLrr.S.CottonUidct-Cimsolt 93 «5-8.

    Htt if tv. Thursday, Nov. 13, «jThe Royal Mali aTeamsbip Carada, Carat «Vsee

    from Liverpool on Saturday, the 11 th itvt, ren-hellir dock bere «t '20 minutes« ps«t 11 o'c'ockla_tnt«B»The Canada reports, Nov. -¿0, at tiOJ A. M paawl

    the H. M. steamship ArabiaThe rteamship Heruivnu left Sonthampio« f«r

    New-York on the («th inst., with ITS pii*».>tB«jr» u' tfair cargo.The C« llitiisteaiîirbip Hiltie arrived at L;v»rpijt

    at 3 o clock on the aftemo m of Toed tv. tS« 7'« Isjts-The steamship luion arrived off CieeeoaM««-»

    «lay, the :b.Tbe I'nited States steam-fr ;rale Saa Jacin' iiiilel

    on the 7th from Seiuthampton for Itordcsux, thdret«take ou board Mr. Seule, au I conscv hi«n to Ssatta-dar. Mr. Soul« proceed« «1 s if l'an« for ll-i-doaux.

    Tbe African Mai »:e«m»Lip Forerunner wotwrecked on Loxcn/.o Point. Madeira ou th« .'3th Oc¬tober. Fourteen fjtf tbe tiny mais ou board wer« \otL

    Tblrty.fiveship« bWoninng to Klwanl Olirsr,ofLiverpajol, were advertised for «lie at that port oathe. ¡d N os t tuber.

    Tin: wak.oV vflstopol hold« stoutlv out. The substance of th»

    news is that Nie allies bal met wi-b un irtiportaotcheck, and bid not made nic-li ojtBfjf/tah*. (JooorslCanrobert sein!« oflbItaly to the French Miiii.tar ofWar. under d*t«- '¿.'el October, that " (h«> V.«*b »p-" proacbts continued to a IvanM act ordm » to prori-" out plan». Tho diflkulfit-s nut svith are tw.i-tolix,"viz: The- rocky nature of tho «oil. and so.'-iudly tb»"heavy ea'iberof the eiieur, « artil'o'y, while th«" i-ien only dopend on th..>ir «¡«f-p-iun 1er« tail" l-'-inch mortars This \,-l tin. the cl»'lay."" On tbe night of the satt-, the enimy attempted to

    »pike the French guus, but failed, and too Ktiuiaaiwbo did «nt.-r tbo battorioa Won killod. Tüe Fieusblosses aro not so .rent us nu-lit bo t-fOl ted, aud )h«va«.undid are all tent to Constantinople, wb«ro th«hospitals ate in an etl'cc'ive condition. TV health ofthe army i«..n the whole «rstinfii. tor) altliouj;h lia..nee« has ap-ieared auiong tbo gunner* fro u tbe ships,

    (rimed ) 1 \v.KO IKBT"The total French loss from the l ; th It tho .'lib Oc¬

    tober was .'»00.Private iic«"

    It was reported loubtfuil) that tli« Grand DuklC"«titine win in tbe City of Sevastopol.The English reports «ay that the City of Ser»-«! >p«n

    i« in ruins, that unburied eorpnes poinun the air, taitliut the commamiers of tbe allie+d army refuse 1 M«*-cbik'.lï tbe three hours be asked to bury tb« dtti.Tbe liuseian lots since tho commencement of lb»»iege is CKtiiiistod at 10,000 men. The E-afastl a*sorttbat Mcnihikoff bolate'i the Hospital Ha/ over bitprincipal magazine, and that they fired sb-.ll apoo Itand blew it up.Tbe.Tuikih Hull'tin ¡doubtful, say« that a dis¬

    turbance had occurred witbiu Scvastopeil esj tbe partof tie people, who wished to surrender, »nd tb»Polish deeert'-rs say that a meetia,' of treops had all taTst

    I.uaaian ports in the Hiack Sea and Azoff.LanBBOB, Ftiday, | p. M .There is no Ister a«»«!

    from the Crimea. The Mmit, ur of this in iruiag p»b-liehe» 0 disjiateb ree civexl by Govenmieiit from 0»inJ.Csnrobert, dated at IIoivl luirtrs, S.vaetipol, OttM, toying the works of the siege are buingeootiftatsa.On the '-.'.'/th, tbe kosrlanartny appeared on the Pl^na»e.f llaleiklava, but tbo batte which took plaie irttofno particular conseqnence, although the Ki-^isb ta»perieneed some loss in a charge whi b wa» rep1-»»!by Ihem with great vi-rnr. On the followin'» i«^««''»'ir.g _,' '/0 mm kit SevaAto;«ol and tttorbt» tb« ItitfitBjtf the Pi it *h lr»x-p«, but weru beaten l»a-n«ILe IiusesiatiS then ra'lied again end tepstted tltattrtick, but were ».«ain def« ate-d wiib eon.'idi¡rtbl« iant»TaM lent;- !'.¦ ,s lt.II i'i Kielbty.rosaihogor-t»

    havip-f be.« n r« e.:,c.t. Th« »team in aro fullyceiant-mul r« -d s fu . a.


    A-IA.TaVt Tuik« at Kar-, an l t.- 1; - iaaU tt Tat*,

    bad gone into a inter ipiartcri.

    GLKMANV.Vienna r.dvice« report IsM 't- '"*' Au«trit

    Batfi lin«-aria cam« to u satisfactory uu-U-ritaad rig«*«¡an question. Austria coincides witli Pr»»»**

    'be deliberations of t\o Gcrraan''« Di¬en tbe war question until tho »rrlvalof tb» «-'i*"»re ply to the lait Prui-iitn note. Indicati«)««* .*.throe n out flat l.'u-ia will reply to the l^tmm*r.ote, if Prussia will obtain a guarantee from «rf*_^Kiglnml and Au.tiia, that they will not go m ¦*ilen.r.i.i!« beyond the four poiat», Uaasi» will 0» t-O¡Dg to Lt-gotiateon that basis.

    KNGLAM). _In L'-ndon, on Nov. '», Lord Miyor« d*y W,*|T*

    celebratee!. The new Lord M»y«r of ,'°lvJ,,s','V'*^man Mtron, gave a grand banquet to tho {-Mini-tert md Embattadoia. Mr. Bu htna .*.

    preoent. The Fremh MinUter exproaood tb» ***that at that moment all tbo alliod -«..'i f,¡H^w*\lover the ruin» of «Kov««topol. E»rl AÀori**verted to tit effort! to pre-*tvo n»«>«

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