
I»LP WATCHES, PENCIL CASESJlSFLSY sr. fer»e*<Mi»«p t» r * >« . . tn

IPHMrH A BEBCHEK, No. 1'llaa»ver-»t.


» o IM Chestaut-st Philadelphia, art purehae-.ralif-'r»'» fl*''11 ta> "¦f amwuBt tt Um h «» race, a

trad tn m»eefertn* it a- 'he «»orte«r ft . . - i

at* t«ba (ewelry aap», epooB*. fee.

SEI LING OFF!.GREAT BAR¬GAIN*'" -A JOEL fe CO. He ' if H id * .r r, ( .- Ai-t tome *il*a*iv* aKaratioas la then itore.

id* i*U at aa rmmeaa* tedoc! or. taair well *-. .»<"

Jiet»f Witrhea. Ri<b Jewe'ry. Stiver and Bilv«r Plate«ivi Pe>ee'B>B Vaae*. Papier Mache Ware«, Opera

gäa, Eaaa. *»d «aber r cn Paart 0. «>d* t their »w« im-

iDe>,) ea'il tue M ef Aprl. wnen their etere wi'J be.d .»>. altera iee« t» home effected

Gat tan'

Drp ©ooöe.


COACH AND Ca» aeaeetiurtee of the bureiag of their warefeoaae la

Btrt«« it., the itdem« Ltd have removed 11No. ti Pam-rtaci aao No it Mirrat-it,

araare they » ' n» epeatsg ea enure aew ctock ofF IhM'hlN ! DRY GOODS,

a> vfcwh braerii of trade teeir atteatiea will hereafter beigtmaivtly o "¦<.*<

_il have eoevtaattv ea Baud *n« nil Be reoeir-

fef aveet from *ae maaafari.irera. every dew pt o* aadtiabty .(1 4-4 FAMILY LINEN«Laaaa and (t "lor n.t. Liata and Cotma Table D*ma*ks. Napkias aad Toweling*. Cosb-avpaaei tid Qu.:-«. Sana De and Brncatellea, Da-aaaktaad Drapenei, Colored and White Biatketa. Car¬stenp. all the varieties, Vat"ags aad Druggets, CurledRur aad Feathere.Alt*, a fa'I aad eomple'e aafrrtmeat of

COACH AND CAR TRIMMINGS,Beeeived direc« rroii'the French und G-miaa Fact-tries,eaapnaief every va-rety of Pluahee, Clotht Or>tv>'ieeeRarnd i.». Car He.diage, Oil Clothe, Naaiaeled aadpatent leather, Poach La. ? and Frtaeee

Alen.Daaaaakt. Ltartiaita. Moreeae aad Carpeting*. *>r Chareh

* rfe klteiit .t. Bf ; and ui r> dea'era it particularlyarmed toeur etoek DOKKMC8 a NIXON.

SPRlhG-fe^at Half Price .Larpe nie Banal] figer'd frae Catamer* rich b»r<?era, wbi'e. blue, green end red ground,ae'v IM a piece worth St Ja Al»o a . and >teer<b S3 30, at Bt'RDEIT 8 cneap D . Goode Store, NoI't W »leer at

HOTCHK18SVILLE SHAWLS..Agreat varte'y of aew ad faetur.Bable dengai ia

em-H and large paiterat. lui'ahl* for the pre***' aeeaett,jar tata by D. H ARNOLD fe CO., No. 60 Pine at

PARI8 MILLINERY.--Wi\% HEEP,Mo. 420 Brotdwar, will open na Wednesday, March

|4. her new atyle ef Pant 6print Millinsrr.

Carpctings, (Dil (Cloti)©, &c.

T^HE UNDERSIGN ED HAVLNGeemPMted hi» tttea*iv* aad importaat alteratioaa

u kit old Staad. No. I3t> William it., teparatiag thevkeleeale from the retail dapartmeat, and kavier eati-

aaledeitkhim DAVID WEBB (late with A ft E S.

Riggiai fe Co ) it now ready to offer tke foliowiag gooda,ekrh kave been telerted great car* from the muttet «hrated manufactories ef Europe .-»d the United Btn'ee,


TÜRKE PL YS, aew *ryle*;INGHalNfl. of every grade

YENBT1AN8. of a'lwidtha,OIL CLOTHS. MATTINGS. Be fee.

And are likewiae in daily receipt of good* ef ev*ry de-acnptioacoBBected with the tiade from Aaciion, farmaasRigitker ta aanvaled aaa. rtmenl. to which we invi.e I ie

etpeeial attention of eonntrt dealen, and inch at are

about to fnraith anew their huueee, hotelt, ateamhoatt,akipi.ftc.fer. WM. M'GHORTY,

DAVID WE8S.No. 1M Wil'iam tt, between Fulton

and John ate.. N. T.


tTJ. MARSH, loag kaowa ia thi* City, ontinuea hitCeaatitg k im f»r ine ptaefeag aad ttudy ef Book No. »04 Broad*r»y, firai fleor, ap eiaira. Let thoeertteieeted nbtain (. n ciliar», wit ti term*, reference*, fee.Mr MARSH'S wmki ea Bouk-keepiag. well knowa intke(M>ain>eicial citie» of the Cuited State». Mane*. Bou'hAaerieaand Waat Indict lBStiauiah and Englith, fur aa'oa* above.


8MnH.for the mm oi $2 30 .Mr. G. will receive new

pupili uatil Friday, Apnl I at the reduced tnm of $t 30 .Selteriben will have until the lit of June to receiveIkeir V>». na Circulate may be had at the rooint, No. ISt)BNadwny,

PRIVATE INSTRUCTION..A grsd-B«t* of Harvaid Uaivsr*iiy wi.hta to procure a data

.f twelt* hoy* to prepara f >r college. He hat leiten efleioa.n.1 edition Iroui the Preaideut and Prüfet*ofRaivtid Coll*ge, and from II it Edward Everett. He ia

peiaiitted to re'er to the following gentlemen of thucityHob t.eorge Bancrelt, Rtv 8 Oagood Hev. H W. B*l-I. »..hev J M Watn-right, D.D Ad lrettC C .eareofj M. Fieke fe Co , Ho Ü South tt. Batly applicatioatar* iet)U*ated

BERGEN POINT INSTITUTE .Th* Hummer term will commence April 3. Tli* utim

her i» limited *t pUcattea eh' aid be mailr prevloua farm*ef nmiithi, finm $30 to *?3 Circelar* giving detain miybe bad at Mr. Cl HRIBH'S. No M3 Drerawich a* . or eftke euleetiber, »i the Isitituie. Scaolail ad.iiltlad anytima Open lor Mi*aei and Boyt »cide» Vi veart.

_j. M. VREKLAWp.

IPXCKLSIOK..ParfiiU wiatui^ f. findA aa Inttlttttien lb which good order n maintained hy

real kindnea* anil rapid imnrorement, lecured by vh.roughhattTuction. will be plrleeit and lerved at the C miiLcrr alaaaCUaticBi BeJtaol, Ho. 73 Henry it

eXM.OM<»N JENNEh.PrUiciaai.

Piano-Fortes.TO aw LADIES ami IMAM) MlK-

EB8 .Pearl Piano Bey*.a tew article, warranted. »p*i» r ia every re*p*rt tn Ivarv.and atwara re a n a

e»n, magiiific*ni poliah aad aever change* in ooler in nayr m ate To be had anly at No I« Am>ty plar*. of HIN! H-L1FFE, Catter ami Grinder of Pearl, late of No (7 For¬ay tk it P.ot Moiuea, Beala, Cnne Heada, Uua Pearl, fee.,ea kaad aad to order

PIANO 1-OKTES..An assortment ofgood New aad Second hand Piano For'et, for eala

ak(ap er to Let. hy UKIB ft JACKSON, Ho. 499 Broad-W(y,oa* dtu>r above the Alt 1'biob.

PIANO-FORTES, New and Old, forSale -V F H HASH being abont to chaage hie

Piaoo Fort* aad Muoc room, will tell hit pfeeeat iluck efr*iaaoa rarv low. Pricea trom $20 to $223. Come andneetkem. Tke aew Piaaoe are madehy Light* aad New-tea, aad are a* good Fiaaoeaaare made ia New-Yo.k.Two VieloBrelioe for aale. Piano* to let. Leaiona aa

Banal ia Stagtag aad Piaao Fort* at $:( per quarter.F. H. NASH. No. «39 Broadway

IANO-FORTES.HAZELTON &BB01HEN8 A loan .iperieare in the Mechanical

aad Muiical Department» ha» prepaied the »urwrritiera to

wanaat tkeir Pianoa in every retpert. HAZELTON 8,Hellt Centra it .Bear Giaad._

«V H7l»AKMORE «>fter at tlteir M..."o afaetory aad Wareroom, No. 24S BieecRer-et.. cor

»et *f Ckarlee-il., an aiaurtment of elegant PlANfAFORTES, with the metallic frame aad reverie hndge. aadall other modern imprueemeata.


PIANOS.. Fife «fcond-hand Pianos, at$U0. $73. $03 aad $13 , *ix aew aad very datlrabie

t*te»«Md Pianoa. vf 6, tl. a' and 7 cctavet. i..r tale verylew g Mn>ic Ktuola, 1 Mekdeon, I fire-ptouf Safe, 7 GoldWatctea Blank Bookt. Brtie*. fee Caah advance! ob

anrrhandia* and pareoBal uopertv geatrally.I F JONE*. No 31 Aaa it *«coad floor.

PIANO-FORTE lor SALE..Applyat Re. itl Grand-at.

PIANO-FORTES and MELODEONSFOB SALE .Fereoaa ahoat anrchaaiB* Piaacw or

Maivdevaa. ar« iaeuro1 to rail at BENNETT fe CO.'SWartroom, No. U2 Fallon *» eei-oud d,»or, i*a»t aid* oi

S*. ...»», ) -here thev will And bb aMortment of tk* moa-

.t* etyl* of r. **»»mI Piaao-ForUa aad Mei.denti. EverylaetiuBicBt warraated for two ye«re. and when doublt are

exprsaeed a* t« th* quality, tke paymeat mar be vntkbeldhattl tuck doubt* ere removxd Old Piano* received tn

rft pBvmaat foi aew eaea New and eecond hand PiaajeML

PlANO-FORTES..Persons ahout pur-akaa'ag Piaaoe will Sad it to tkeir advaataga to call

»'R 4>l*n» a Oe i. Man atartery. No 194 Fullen *t. (we*»ef Bn«dwa« ) A geneial aeeorimeat ef mahogaay aadfeewood Pi»c.>e cobatantly oa hand, which will be toidlow I>r aaaa "i apprneed peper Dealer» *ut>p'>*»l ea liha-Mterma R. GLENN ft CO.. No lMFultoaai

MESSRS. LICHTE »v NEWTON, ineaa*eq>i*Bee ef the racreaeed demaad, aad aart*a.ed

fwpalaiity tf their FIANO-FORTES. h»v» *ii**vd*d tteirkaaitw». a>d o)w**d a Wararoaui u Broadway, No 403,.>h*i*«a«baU oattaatle keep a choree erleetioa of oarr.»B.» Fort**, ftum St 7* oc'ave. ia Rotcwoed caeea,* all the lateal iu.proveJ pattern* We aha'.l alio coa-

*.«»( to k*eP * full assortment of laatrnment* it *ur Man i-

.Aruty at d Waraioem*. Net} ('anal st. All Piaao Fortesf ear Mknaiart .it are wsrraat*d ia every reepect Pro-Ret rs, Aatatenri, a»d thoee who aafcipat* parohaaiag..'e lespeetfeliy invited te call andeiamme. Ail ordernBeat the city or n aatry puBctaally eaeouted. t_


great advantage ia purchasing Piaaoe to Tiait aa

.e>*hli»hni*Bt v.l.*;* ne can etamite. ia the same rooatj.}i>*ttnii.*B'»,.l ti r d.itvreiit <»l*bratrd mak«ra. Tin* w.ll

huied mbe the rase at No Jt .' Brosdwaj. The sub-BMhbrg si* the sole egeats, in this city. fAir the »al* or ta-

.tiVBitats frioi tke tollovetag well knowa Piaao-Fiwt*a»»t*r» of B< etoa Hallet ft Alle» («ucoeMor» to Browm* Hallet.) Wiadwaid a Browa. Wm P. Emeraoa. aad11 Laou

* SAFFORD ft BROTHER.No. J»9 Broadway, Hew-t wk.

REMOVAL..N. P. B. CURTISS hasremcrexl from H«. 421 Bioadway to the spaeioua

»»rereemof T GiibeitltCa. Ho 4lT Broadway, where

Jtay l* foaad » evmp'ete aaeortmeat of a*w aad escoad-head Piano* Tk* *ubirriB«ri are *ele M*a4* far the saieJ/ »k* eelebratsd Amencan Paten» AoUea Fiaaavfalta e#gSfge Hew* of atoaaea. Also kav* a fall taptdv of T.G**rt ft Co.'* mi.rh Bdmirad Aloi aa Pkaaee, af* ef watchme efteied for aale ea the mast reasaasble tei m«.

H. F. B CUBTISB It CO.. He. 441 Broadway

PIAKOS for Sale ami tr/Hire, at No 8Baitlay It an door to ibe Attar H from 6, to

7 trtsvse, i» atd e ..... ..i eatat.

_JA8 THOMPSON, . . Ta imas a Baase 1.

VF. I!.RKl*tON baa remcyed his. Basafactory atd Wararooatt frora No 7J CaaaJ-rt.

to No. t7 Mercer at aaar '.-and at « »er« ait be fossa]a ta'aadid ataartmaat of P*aso-Fortes.

JeV C. FISCHER, iiate Nunr* Fi-a CHth ) Masu'rca-y aad Warsrotisr, Na 17« Oreo.-

wich-et t I, «er of U-y at Pia Ml FOBTPC warranted,with reverse br dge and e*-sat tab*, trail calealated fo:Seester r» tana P-»»^-Fi»'ta» tssed r*b.<.I aad *aeh«, aged.

Professional Notices.

FOkTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE.-Dr. t ARPENTEBeoaiiaueetheprselirsof Phraie

and Surgery, aa aaaal. at bia old re ablithtd ..fie*, thePeak alia Dirpeassiy. No. 4 Park »! p. aaar Pearl.


(COPYING.. Persons who are desirousJ of haeiat their COPYING done, aiths' ef Mercte-

tle Law or Private Pa.rrs, with aeataeae aad slsraare,and at the lows, t possible ehaifre. will fled it greatly totheir advaatage to leave a liae tor B., at the öftre of th t

pater_ARTIFICIAL TEETH..Messrs. Ed-

itobs It affo-ds me great p'esrore la testify te theskill aid ty of Dr. T. MAN SO N, Deatist. No. 20 Ith-av.,Ahingdon square, in adapting aa entire set ef u |. r

teeth on gold, which frosa the cosomeneemeat to the par.frctioa or the woik, occat led but two days I caa eat wi

perfect facih.y, aad the appearaace is so aatara! that aoaewoald swppeee they were artificial J. W-.

Residence near W«*hiarton, D.C.Tremoat Tempers.ce Hase, No 116 Braadway. March


DR^~nTpT)LEON PRETERRE &8. LOCN8BEBKY. Dentist», have removed their

oflire frrm No S33 Broadway to No. 383 Broadway, be-twaen White aad Walker-eta , where they will eoat-aaathe practiee of tbair prefeseios la all ita vanooe hraachet.

DR. JA^rlES T. STfiATTON, TsRS'-TlfrT, will remove oe the 1st of May from No ttt

Oread at. te No. Ill 4th ev.,corner of tfth at.

LAM) WARRANTS purchased at thehighest merket ratea by th* undereirned. whi haa

the rtresiery f» me for transfers under tke laie Art.WM A WOOD WARD, CcmmiiSi'Ser ano Notary

Public No. It William st.

f J 8. PAs¥POYfS for all part* of the" e world.aa ladispensshle protection to travolereagaiast fereia-n aaireesmn.iseard by J B. NONEB. No¬tary Pubiic aad Commissioner, for nearly every Stale in theTjD"ir. No. 66 Broadway.N B..Naturalized citizens must produce their eertiO*


iUiscellaneons ftboertisements.

H^^\7n'T.TMifH7 House and SignPainting. Glaaihg. air... No IAM Broadway, aear

50th-st .House Paintini: of a 1 dserript.ons eiecoted withlead or zinc; a beautiful and Curable article of glots orpolished waits with zinc ; mutations ef Woods aad Mar¬bles in the finest alyle of art; Giaz-ng ftc Promptitudeend neatness of workmanship aad excellence of material,cnibined with reasonable prices, may toe depeaded upon.


Nr. 3Ö8 Giaad at Id door ass; of ton it , New-York .Cheep Upholstery sad Feather stors. Ths stsntios offamilies sbost pnrchMins is rsepectfully ranted to thelarge and brantifiil assortmest of beds, mattresses, Paillasses, bediteads. eets. Be, all of which have been par-rbaitd at low cash prices, snd will be sold st sach prices asto Bkhka it sn inducement for alt,, call ai d exarxunsthsshore stack previous to making their pu-cksses. Gaodsrent to Hiiy i au of iba city, Brook I>b or Wiliiamsburghfiee uf cartage. Old beds aad rsattreese« renovated sadaadsnvsr. W. CRAWBUCK.No 3J8Grand st

Id door east of Eassx st , N. Y.

S^ÖVVÜJASES of SilverTGermaB Sil-vsr, Mshogsny, Pine ke. of every description con¬

s' snlly oa hand and made to rod er Merehaateand store¬keepers frrm other cities would find it ss adrastage to callon the subscriber it-tore purrhssing elsewhere, ss hs is

niSEufactunag the above artic'ee equal, if sot supsnor, toany, at d at lower prices thaa they caa lie purchased at asyMM ettablithment in the city. K ALP1I 8 ANDERTON,No 142 (irand-st aear Broadway.

rpo GARDENERS a_tj AMATEURSM of FLOWAHR.One of ths most celebrated Horti-

rnlt tins s in Germany has consigned tome s small lot ofthe moot besntiful Flows.' Seeds, accommodated and asa 'in as for Eng an:, where ha has large connections.Tbe Seeds eon.prise the finest aanual and poreaaial Flow-art, 71 diflereat kinds of Chiss Ae.err.Hl dittereat sine*of aasusl, autumnal, and peiennial Gilli and Wa!lflowe»e,also 4 dille'ent eolora of Oxatis in bulbe, floweriar veryrich daring the whole rrtmmer, snitsbls for s fine herder,etc. Tbe far-famed Cultivator gives the aeenraere thatthe public baa sever before had aa opportunity to get allthe Bioel beaati'iil tbe art of Horticaltiire has produced in

lute-' ytara, as cheap as I hsvs the order to sell.A. DONOP, No S3 Water-el.

\V1NDOW SHÄT)ES7whol6sale and* "

retstl. by WOODFORD ft CO.. manafacturert,No 6C Catharine st. Also, a large assoitmeatof BuffHollands BidtsblsOiI Cloths of their own importation,which, together with tbeir large s'ock of Shades, thsy of-fsi st priese thst ransot bs equaled in tbie market Deal-are are itqsseted to call, as ws fool coufideot in «arme

ou r prirea csauot lie boat. P. 8. Corde, tassels, Brass**, any quantity.

I^REIGHT CARS..50 Eight-WheeledPlatfo'm Car*, made ia the most thorough meaner,

of the beet materiele and style of onnstru;tisa. Isd-u-Butiher Bprtnge For ea'e, to be delivered immediately.Esses Comp»sv. Lawrence, Mase

GORDON' M> KAY, Agest.

REMOVAL.The »uliscrihpr reapect-fully irformshis frieade and tbs public that ns has

rt no ved hie Tailoring Ettabiishment from No 18 Libsrty-st to his asw store, No. Hi Broadway, between Spring andPrinceats _ISAAC P. HULL.

Z~LNC PAINTS^^rrante7~PiJTB.--The NEW-JERSEY E1NC CO , Warohoess. No

4' Dey-st . sis prepsred to supply their Zinc Paiate at th*' » ii prices:

r o l Whits, ground in oil, 9c. per B.No 2 White,ground in oil, Be. per fb.No t Whits, grousd ir. oil, 7c. psr tb.Brown asd Black, gronad ns oil. Sft. per ¦>Dry White of Zibc, 9c perlb._

WHITE ZINC PAINT,After thorough test it, Europe snd ths Cattstl 8*ase*. has

beea lonad te retaia its beauty and protective qualitieslonger than any oiher paint. For whiteuess and brtlliaaeyit ia aurivaled it ia free from all poieoaous properties ss

commoB and dangerous is other pigments will covet

equaljwsight.ftom 40 to IM per coat more space thaa lead,aad is, therefore, mach oheaper to the consumer. As asusids paint, it will sot tsre yellow, evse whoa egposed teths sulphur ns gases of eoal Are* or ths foul sir of ships.Thsir Whits Zinc ground la varnish producss ths porce-1»id finish. Their

BBOWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTSha a fsw hears form s hard sad solid metallic oeatiag apoawood brick iron aad other metsllir. surfaces, aad ars re-asarkahls for their fire- proof properties. They are speciallyadapted for manse purposes, bsviag bees found to resistths co rrod ia* actroa of salt water, so destructive to etherpeiats. Paalerasrapplied on liberal terms by^MANNING B SQUIlfB, Agest.,

_Ho. 13 Day eA.. 92. T.

FRENCH WHITE ZINC..600 casksSnow and Silver White Paint l bbs casks Gray, seooad

Jiuality, of ths Yisill* Meatagae Comi«ar'e masufscturs,or .ale to ths trade by McCALL ft SrBONO.

No. IS WiUh_-at.. sat the Paited States

C~ALCUTTA GOODS.Cargo of theship Jams* Drake, rust arilred, eoastattag of

Saltpetre. 1,010 bsgsTwiss, too bales I snd I threadGuasy Cloth, too halee.GuBsy Bsgs, 400 halss.Ginge y. 196 bsgsHu: es. St oaJe* Cow dead, greea aa*1 alaoehtered

7 " Buffalo.For sale by 8POFFORD, TII.E8TON ft CO..

No 4ISo'ith-sl.


No 243 Broadway, are reeeirisg in store, by svsry srr.ralfitaiHavre. Fiaaeh P»|.er Haagiags ofetery descriiition,ronprismg satins, gold, velvet, oak. decorative, paaael, aAll if the neweet designs, aad which they offer a» pri.-.e1'wsr iban any other hi >< ia tho city, l a,era ,-ul up ia

tie beststjle by sxiisnsaced woikmen._

1 a yesa's will be received van. the 4th of May aezt at

tbetffireof the Engineer of tbe Comi any, is PrtsSurgh,f r Ifta Grsdiag sad Bridging on eight mile* of the Pitts¬burgh snd S snbesTills Bsilrosd. from Pittstarth to

Csn pbell's Bus. ci inprising stssssl M0 yards long, aadSome hsavy sscuons, aad for . - :h other wetk ea the Usesss a sy tlisa bs isedy for (oatract.Is'orn.stioa lesiwc'iag tbe work tns> be obtaiasd at th s

office or frosa W. M. Roberts CossulHsg Engiaser, st

Main. s.Ohio Be order of >he Board.D. MITCHELL. Jr ,Chief Easiueer.

Bi-gtsest's Oflics. Pittsburgh. Majchti IBM._

CYRUS W. FIELD & CO.,No. 11 < .-

Bt., Nsw-Terk. are sols Agesu is ths Uaitsd Statss foe

Musprstt's supenor Bleschiag Powdsr.Victoris Mills selebrated Wnttsg PapersKusssll MiU» BBS Writing PaperaCowaa * C« 'e English anal Beech Wnttag PapersRswlis's English Tis»as PaversGeataee Mill* Printing Papera.

They are also A rests for the pnncjpal paper maaatac-tarsra us this coasitty._

ALCOHOL.100 bbls. 95 per cent, suit-able for mskieg barsiag fluid, for gale by the ruaaB-

taetursr. JOHN B. LOUNSBkKK Y No. St Barliag-atip.

LlGNUM^YITiE..For sbJb in loU, aswaatad. a aaaatrtr of Ligjiajn ?ftaa-aBJHstBjSJSB aad

eery handaosne j MOBTIMER HALL. BTo. SS tWuta-at.

\ I kill I HAVANA CIGARS.Re-. l/e* Fa reived ; er bark Isle ds Cubs For salslow piire |M ,er M. WM C VALENTINE

r Me. SI South-»;

W' riting PAPERS BY THE? T CASE ONLY .Tbe largeet aad moot demrsbls as-

i tmsat ia Us UNITED STATES. f»r aala bya umeat ¦ rltlJ) ft qq,, wo. n C_T-et

REMOVAL..BENEDICT, HALL &CO Manufactarers aad arheleeale Dealer* is BoiHs,

Shoes and Ftadiaga. h»a» removed to No. II r^-to-_oeths silo of ths old Park Theater, tgipoeile ths aVater Hoses,

New-York._(%V HAPPING paper..5,000 RajaxnaTY Rag aad ftraw Wrapping tor aaie by

Jig. t. La-bjcesoji k CO-, BJe. IM Tmlto*-*.

CAUTION TO THE PUBLIO.-Thegrrst p i u'a-i'y .< .¦ Lyes . Nwittr Powders," (of

. I itsBBes'l rdhegt r > . 1.» fleas,flirt si di. .». !. en a.; otbe in ecu na pn matedctran pat' c, !o i.reo«-e ip'ii on S'tic re. and offer them,nndtr var oui CSto-misst-.nt. 'irult Pew of taste isdi-» co» -dare togivt tfca m.oo l aioatu" ''seof Doieaav.''TBS piop-ieor U :h» o u ina; a-t e'e hat. la an city, eeiythe nacer-vetticaed »genta aad the pnncica' de>'t BJ a'Na. I*« Brv-sdwsy where a'somev be obiaiaed Paia fo> taa

aa'aaeoia da«»'ayMrtfi n' »a»« ,-»«; ore* Roth stiele*pe era - >. .. sad ia«ir sasaaei ha* nawa ted a? .a* loa-l«wi»» rratlraee Lawrence B'ld Profeteor nf Cnemta-tr.:Jaa."*P th.loi. M I) Chemi.t, D D H»» l,Esq.. linae H< use. r.drman ki .a. Arte H>us*;JL. ft" me. E-q.. Sa->eriL'ecdeat of New-Vor» Heepil-al Vaieafme Mm. M D . Pn.feeeor sad Preeideat ofIte New Yo k Medical Aeacexy; and m.BT af taaBi"et BbbbMM phri"iaae 1a therfy ft Bai »ls« receivedtie tirrt pn onura of i be America* Institute Fersaiebv»11 the wh^'eeale druff l-ts

_K. LYON. Wo. 4M BroaBway." O won (i nm.e power trie i fr t iit US,To nee ' a re «n aa others ae* as

THOMPSON, the Dapnerreian Artist,No. 313 Broadway, posesseee thst sowor preeau-

». n' :v. and aiercitee it st low pneee. A perfect likeness,»rat iiclosed ib a handaowe momeeoeas* for Jor (or up¬ward.- by J. W. THOMPSON, Darruensiaa Artist, No.Hi Broadway, first door bolow the Hospital.


Tarred Rope. Old Papers, sad all other Paper Mahals'stock, by CTBU8 W. FIELD h CO.,

_Me. M R»Skassa st

lTEVV'S AND BOOK PRINTTnG PA-PERS.Constsntty aj hand sad made toerdar, by


IMPERIAL BURNING FLUID. Inbbla sad half-bbls for sale by the manufaotarer,

_JOHN I LOUNSBEBBY, No. sj Burliaf ally.

CAMPHENE..Triple Refined Cam-pheae, in bbls. sad ha I bbla., also, pat up ia oasss,

suitable for lote voyages, for sale by the aaaafhetarer._JOHN 8. LOUNSBEBBY, No. SI BurUrn slip.

IGS and TOUPEES..TheTbest andebeapeot ia the etty e»a be foaad st BATGHE-

LOB'S celebrated Waig Factory, No. « Wall-it._l/ ELLY'S Half.Price ENGRAVING1\ snd PRINTING Office. HI Falton-et., N. T .Woo¬ding. Visitn r Address sad At Horns Cards. in the rerr beststyle; Cake Boies. Envelops, Be. Be., and engrsred Plateaad 5ft Cards for II shillings.

PAPER MANUFACTURERS' MA-TERIALS!.The mest sxtsssivs assortment ia this

country, for sals by CYBU8 W. FIELD ft CO.,No UCliB-st.


EEMBROIDERY.Needlework for nn-i dereloves snd etampisgdoaein the very hegt masse

at L. HERBER'8. No. 114 SutTolk-st., nssr Rivington st.

C40CANADA PEAS - For sale by

J. W. TAIL ft CO., 31 Pearl-st.

TONS CHINA CLAY in store andfor sale by JAS. T. DERBICKBON ft CO.,

_He. 115 Fultos-st.

A~LUM, SODA ASH a7d UltramaViiiBBins on hssd, aad for asls byJAS. T. DERRJCK80N ft CO.. No. Iii FmRoa-st.

(COUNSEL IN LOVE AFFAIRS.> " The course of true love never did run smooth "

So Bhakspere said, aad he was eery sight;Then seek the Oracle, and leara from truthHow to pressrvs affection free from blight.The Day of Love ehall aaver k»ow a nigktIf bat IB Robsck's magic lore you trnet;He every cload of Isar ehall pot he flight.Beneatb his spell love's brightness rssnot rust.The hearts ha joiae are tree uuul they turn to dust.

Oh' wood roas work of Astrologie skill;Oh strong sfTect of sacioat, occult srt.Kindlisg s love thst Time cbb nsver kill,Aid maku.g heart lesponsive beat to heart.No more rf jealousy's enrenonisd dartWhen Robsck's spells are ob the lovers laid;They meet before tbe altar ae'er to part.Aad, ob bow thaokfnl for s Robsck's aidAre w idower, widow, bachelor and maid

All letters to C. W. ROBACK. No. I White St.. u pre-rsid.will he iel emuslv s tended to For more psrticu-lais, call Bl d »et sn Astrological Almanac, gratis, wbsrecertificates < an he seen

tiJatcr rjtjre.

HYDROPATHIC [NSTJ PU TE..Dr. TRALL receives patients at the commodious

city sstablisliment No It Laigbt-st. A sperual depart¬ment for the mechanical ai d treatment of FeraalsDisesats, is andsr the chsrgs of Drs Trail aad Horaford

\\ ÄTER CURE..Dr. SHEWfttiiiY v earliest Americse Hrdrcpsthic suthor and prae-

titiouer ) receives patieats for tiestment, either with or»ilboiit board, at bis rommodiims Estsbiishrsrnt, c

of ittk-at. aad Uaiversity place, aear Uaioa Park. Cstypractice attended to

itUbical.Aaotlier ffotantific Winder.


IVE FLUID, or GASTRIC JU1CK prewarsd from Res-set. or its fouttb Moo,«cl. of ths Og, altar dtreeliuaa ofBa'os L'ebig. the i Physiological Chemist, by J. 8.HnK.H'lON, M.D.. Philadelphia. Pa. t his is a trulywnndeiftil remedy for lndigektioa, Dyspepsia.,Liver Complaint, Constipation and Debility, eariat,a'ter Na uie's own mrthrd, br Nature's owb sgeat, thettustne Juice Hall ¦ lesspoonfu! of Pepstn, istueed in

wstei, will digest or dissolve livs pounds of roast beetiu about two houre, out of the atomach.Scientific Evidence.Baron Lfebig, in hie celebrated

werk ob Aaimal Chemiatry, eaya: As arliticial Digest¬ive Fluid, siialegous to ths Gastiie Juice, may be readilypiepared from the mueooa membrane of the etomach ofIke Ox, in which vanoua articles of food, a* meat andeggs, will be softened, changed and digeeted. tust in ths.sine mat net as they would be ib ths lit mac a oiuach "

Call en the Agent snd get a deaenptive Circular, gratis,giving a large amount of scieatific evidence, similar to theabove, together with reporte of remarkable cures from allI arts »f the Cnited S'stes. To be had, wholesals aad re¬

tail, si No i*7 Brosdway.

PAVILION and IODINE VVaTER atHALF PRICE .To eloss a partnsrship. the sub¬

scriber will sell, during this month, too dozea ef beet Mia-eral Water from the Paviiioa. Iodise aad Empire Spnagsst Saratoga, at SI per doxen, lacludmg bottlss aad box..JOHN B. GASSNER. Agent for the Springa. at Na. 1»Chatham-st.

(^OURXÜD'SlCiQlIID HAIR TyTibaI posRively, unthout sxesptiea er reoervatios, ths verybest svor invested Dr. 43ouraud'» esAahliehod retmtat oo

aa a Chemical Plulcsophsr, is a gMBraales that it hi so.This Dye ssvsr staiaa the skin, reqmree so dryiag ia thesaa. bo troubls, sad moreover possesses ths exagaiar prop-srty f nourishing the hair, manag t soft tad nice llsuallyrenowned at Gouraud's ITALIAN MEDIC'A TED SO AH,for oaring tea, pun plea, frock lee, sallow sees, chaps cracks,ekafea, and all skin deformities POUDRB SUBTILE uproois hair from low foreheads, upper lips, or sny part of thsbody. LIQUID ROUGE, for pa'sclieeks snd lips HAIBGLOSS and LILY WHITE Foaad st Dr. GOURAUD'Sold esulilishsd Laboratory, CT Walkeret aear Broadwsy.

IYONS KATHAIRONfor theHAlR..A Behold ! Bead 11 aad Realise!! I.The great physical

remedy for protecting the Humaa Hair from its diseasssand imparities had never been disrovsrsd natll Mr. E.THOMAS LYON introduced hit iacoatoeted, his .nomtee-

ubls KATHAIRON He may truly eiclaun. Eureka!Eureka! I have found it I I have foaad it! This articlele tbe result of a loag ahemical research, aad br eattrslrmediciBsl la its vutsea, preeerviag Use hau with all thslivsly beauty of youth uatil the o'dsst age producing new

ksir whsa aay vitahty exists at the roots; prevents its

sursisg grsy srsdicates daudruff aad by psnstrstiBg lbsserves or ths head, will eure ths Headache Its beesty.refreahiag fragraace. and parity fromusTsssivs lagrsdienu,makes rt the ne plus ultra for toi'st ass. It ia use tree toadd its thousand eortificatoe of salia/actery »upsriertty.Prire eslr IS rests per bottls. A llbersi discoust to ;he

trade To he bad of all the dr-igntu la the c an try aad ofE THOMAS LYON. General Agent._BTe Ml Breadwy, New-York, td floor

BEAUTIFUL FACE AND HAND..The ad vr itner it is poeaessioB of as origtaal recipe,

the resii.t ef experimental teats sad particalar studr,wksrsbr ths facs sad hand atay be raadered fresh soft,sad fair, roBBteractiBg aad remedying the Jiangsretneatasnd lBCOBvaajeaces stubsg Bom changes of temperaturesnd varioas scher reuses, howsver aapromuting the pres¬ent eoaditioa. The reaps ts free from aa ia pi nous quality,and supplisd te Isdy or geBtlsmsa oa receipt of S to s»yi an of the Usited Ststes. Address Mrs L K YATE^.Rochester, N Y.

L~EECHES, LEECHES.-Jost re-reived by stsamer Wulungtoc 3I.0O0 large aad

hsslthy LKECHE8. For sals in qaantillea to suit par-rkassrs by J. F. CLEN, tmBortai of Leeches, No. »Jsaa st.


BA T C HELO R' S LIQUID HAIRDYE -BATCHELOBB Ligaid it te celsbratsd sad

saccessfal, that it is sxeiting the c ipidity of s hset of lm-

lU'jjra The pstdic mast be carefol to get tb» genuine stBerrrHELORSWig Mssufsetery. No 4 Walfet, whereit is sold wholesals aad retail, or appbad. This Dys haaheea in SUsaasssBlU oporatioa for the kast twelve vsar»


is lrcatsd sä Grass Valley, the focus of Qssrls Mtnisg ia

Calaforaia. Stock, $'O.eaarai, I leb each. Tkia Cem-

Ky is ia the posset»io» of silrsavrtwssry advsatssree. Itrich aad sxtsssivs pusseesieat or " clsisas." Its ma¬

ch.nsry will be of the moot in: roved patttra. aad of the

largest s.ze-adequate to the redaction of leu tans per dar.Moat of rta Tmeteea have beea practically engaged ia

L'uartx Mtxuse For further parties srs. see losgsdvsr-t^en ent .m pegs I of 7 ar Desiy TriAamt af March I.

orTered for sals st

above, will be axi»w»re.. t-y raturs msai, with tasBmoaator8?ock ihusordesssl. ,


pBOtphlets cwntaiusg ths charter af taeCoespaay, asm

the lawa ol California upon Uaari£ aad Quarts Mixeag,r.n be ha. at the Ofi.ce. or by addroeeiBg at abore yaael-naid. aad laaleaing two "wtage stampspsasj, .a «s j0HN A COLLINS, Prssidsat.Hob ant Gbbbi it. Bsearatary. wET Oflice hours from llo'oock A M-.taSP. aa.

AMES BANK notb8.90c.Bank ef New BxlseBe-JS*Commercial Bask Psrth. Amboy.-B*Peorls-s Bask of Patrrssa-.""gBask of ,<«J short. Md.rSCfZ-

Bought at the ahove priree see?BsOat,hy_

SATHXB a CHUBCH. No. 1*4 Nsasau-et

ft^fKHifin BOURBON, PA Y-Srf?ill rrTK A*D MASON X>C.TTTAND CITY Or MATSVILLE (KB aTCCKYi BON 1)8.-Mee»rt Gilbert A 1 bee n laanraac* Bsildiag*. Wil-li»mat «fl«. 'or m'« T»o Haad'ad Tu >a»»j»d D (Ian oftaa inx p*, Out. Boms of thsabovs Couetie* aad Cr»,",'',* l, ,J,ri.t0B*<*J PafAble »*bu saaualu, ta tka Cityaf new- York.Tb» Baad« are f .f 11 ON eaeh. the array*] reimharaable

ISJBM, ia the City at New feik.Tb«*» Baedt war* leaned t. the Wareeffl* sad Leriatrtoa

kail" Company ia ,,, at eloca tuft.'lotivaa iat&at mar* b, tk* abov* OWies aad Ci'» by au'.har-it. »4 a v,i* of kB* peotjl*. aeaaimoti»!» ta the ^.ty ef Mays *

* wt .*? b**T)' n»Bj.*iiiee ia the Cosa ice.

The ft. a* te which th* Bred* are uisued r» ttity sightMil'* tear aad c «nect* ;h* Cute* of Marsvtllt ea ta*Obi* Kit»,, an«. L*x nstcn ia Pant* County. The eatj-aited ree- *f the work i* Bl.44O.taK). ar.d th* atoeh lab¬el!*! »». ar«Bir*acr $1 623.311Ik* CouB'iea uf B-uihon. ratet* aad Ma**a. are all

I"' »..»ad wealthy The »eil ia aaaureaeied ia ferulit?ia eav enaB'ry. ai.d tke >«vti *ti a 1» iu.eliicent. ladastri-aaa axd ia'«t«attal. Th* Aaditor'i Beport for IEH. rtaee-it* tk* following »tum ra cf wraith aaa BBSelati >e

_ ._ Taaahls Propert/ Populttioe.Beertwa..,._$11 941 797 17.904?»'."..-. 17.7Jg.7M 13.171Maeoa...-. 9, IM At 5 14.8*2Tae above Coaruie* era satiraly iat of debt, exceptutg

jeS_taway receat eubicnpei n«. amoun'tag to$1 110,1X0 for whiratbey hold aa eq'ial aseoeatof Railroadeiack lb* city of Mayivill* hit a popalatioa of about* **°- kad laxahi* eroj-er tr to the amoaat of $ I (AM ran). It attke point oath* Ohl. River, ia the Couaty of Masta. aftiaaahi{au»at for th* whole Borth eaetera 00c ma of Kea-tackv. 01 merchaadiae aad prodai* going taward aad oat-ward.and mat tt the infloerre af the *y*tem .f road* aoweoaesrping upon 11. aad m n< cetBocttoaa with all tkanek eeatraj regioa* of Kea'uckr. aud with ike onacipalia<* *f Railway rinniag enuth aad aortk. th* ettv mustrsptnly rftw m buaiu***. population tad weai .h IfayurUleowe* now a debt of $70 Odd, bat ha* means to th* araouatof J - Mo. aad a revenue of $22 «00, errlutive of ike tarfor Baiiroed purposes. Thie indsbtednees a ba«ed ea a

BBJfBal af) $4*,43MJn, a* exhibited hythe Aaaettov'thooka,wbrh dee* aot rive mote thaa two-third* of the actualralae.Tke CeBttrtationa ity of the ietue »' Ueie Boads has

pgaa aSirmed by the Circuit Court aad Court of Appeals of:h* Slate of Kentucky, whick f'irever eaUie* tkat qaeatioaTkeCeiiit of Appeal* decided that their collect!aa aaa been orced bv writ of maadamu* aad the ladividual propertyofevery ciuzca tubiectad to th* pa>m*at.Hie Kentucky membe-t of I'orxreaacertify to the perfect

.erurity of th«*e Becda. and Mr Clay add* hi* lectimoaytoibeir valae. Heaa.e:ta*ae three cnuniiea are among the ncheet. I hebere:

ei- u.lmr Jefferson, they era tke three nehent m thaiState. The Bond« »> e executed under th* an horny of theLegwlstur*,ai d r'e power to grant that authority haa «**e

receetiy affirmed by the bighttt judicial tnbaeal ia Kee-taeky Iaatertaia no diubt ihBtthe priac>(>al and inter eatof the Bonds, ie*pe< tiealr, will be puaetualiv oatd aa theyl.eron e tee. Sack is mr con- ta tb* *af*ty of iaveat-ment ia these Bend*, thai if my pvoperty w*r* all <. 'avertedinto them, I should feel per'tetly secure

I am, with high respect your obedient servsat.H CLkY.

A full pruted eahibit may be had at the office oftke oa.derpgt *dThete Bond* etTsr nn* of the best perfectly ssfk arena**

of iarettment now hefnre the publicOILBEBT A JOHNSON, Insurance B iddings,

_William at

On: g Ii linois CgMTaaL Bailroa'i, INew-York, March 13. ikit. (

TO RAILROAD CON TRACTORS..Sealed Propose'* will be received at the office of the

Chief Eiriaeer, ia tke City of Chicago, Ilimoi*. for theGrading, Masosry, Bndrmr aad Superatructurs er eitherof then, w.lh or wi houi materials,na ths foliowiag Diris-lirat of the Illinnie CsBtrtl witFu»t Diriaioa, from Caire to B« Muddy River_60 mile*.Second Dinilon fiom Big Muddy River te Towa-thip Mo I, Borth 01 the base hae of the Sd pria-eirral msndiaa._.-3) miles.

Sink Uirisioa, frcra Blnomiagton to the MiaouRiver_._._.M mile*.

Eighth Divuioa, ftom Eiseport t* Dubuqu*_r>7 miles.Ninth Divraioa, fr >sa Chiciro to !vaak*kee Biver.33 mi!**.T*sth Divis in, fmm Ktnkakee Kivar to Crbana .10 rotlee.The propoaals must be for th* mire leagth of each Di¬

vision, aad will h* r*c*iv«d at the office in Chicago, a* fol¬low*For th* Ninth and Tenth Dreuioas. until April 13, ISM,

at r.ocnEar ths Sixth Divitioa, un'.d April 11, IUI. at Boon.For the Eighth DivisioB, antd Ann] 29 1132. at inn.For the East and Second Dimitae, nntd May 17.1134, at

BoraPrt ftls*. plant, Bed approximate netiuiatet of auaatitiaa,

will be ready tor inspection and blaak to>ms for propo¬sal*, and itatement*cf th* mad* aad term, o' payment,tail! he fnrtiehed at ths nfJtc* rvsr th* New-York sadNew Hsv*n Ralroid Pateeacsr Sta'ton, So 33 'am' »rNew York City and at the office af the Cbiaf Esgieeer iaCliiragv. Illinois, i n and after »lareh »5.1132. The seate.aefar at relate* to the First anil leoosd I) visiont. may alto befound at Joeeaboyo', Cnioa Co., Ilkaoia; to tb* Sixth Di.ruiop. at LataUs. Lasalle Co Illinois aad to tha EighthDivteion at Krteport, Stephensoa Co., Uliaois.Separat« proposal* will alco be received at Chicago,until

tke 27'h ot May. :.< furnishing lira Plsak, Bndga Timberand Pdea. for the whole o any put of the road.8p«'ifie*ti< n* may be obtained cn and after the 1st of

Apiil, 832, by application at the office of the Chief Ingi-neer, in Cti cagoSstitftctoiy references will in all ca*e* be rsqured.

R. B MASON,Esg-iaeer in Chief IBiBoi* C*B>ral Railroad.

Wt7~ 111 !. 1* ers copy, aad send a paper M No. t Haa-ev*i t*., New-Ynik.

FreiHwals ror Loan.


AMB INDIANA RAILROADSEVEN PER CENT. KIRRT MORTGAGE, CON¬VERTIBLE BONDS.The Bellefoatain* aad fadianaRailroad m, ev for *al* $13(i.eoo of their 8EYRNPER CENT MORTGAGE BONDS, wttk latereet Cea-poeaaaneaedThty are instinil of $1,000 each, payable 1st July. I0g«.

wttb inteieetat 7 per ceat .eemi anaaally. on th* lit day ofJalyand Jaauayy, at tk* Bank of Coaimetca, ia the Citgof New- York, where the erincipal is alto payahls, and aresecured by a mortgage to Job« A Stevens, Esq., of N*w-Y 1.. "1 t'.i.t forth* Bondholders. They are conrertibleIstotncitock of th* Company, at the optir.a of 'he holdersTk*y ate itaued und r acts sr the Legialatura of.Obio, au¬

thor mug lamas, and the mortgage at above to tecure thepaymeat thereof. The amount of Bondttn hetbui leanedusder the Mortgage i* limited to $800,000, of wfcich $100.00*k*v* bees d-»i«'»eil of Only $'2'j*,(mt are aow offered forsale. The residue will be diamwed of as the want* of tkeCompany, hereafter, from time to tuna, may make it neo«*-sery.The mortgage covert the whole Road af th* Cimpan/,

118 mile* long, snd is 'be hrst und only lien -he «ob. Thisami rare* the entire line, fr»m its connection with the Ohioand PeBi.eylvama Railway, at 0* Bear Gb'i ib, where theCleveland and Coiumbu* Railnrad ertauiei tb* same,through Maiiiin, Belletontaine. Sidney, and othar imtMirt-sat town*, to Uaioa, on the line dividing the Sttt** of Ohioand ladiaaa, wb*r* it coanact* with th* Imliaaapolis sadEell*foBl»in* Ra'lrnad. bow nearly completed. The sa¬les line of til mil** ia aad*r contract for graduatioaaad mtsoBry, and amrat 34 m e. of it areaow aearly readyiirthe Lroa rail*. A 1- r.o! th. rail* are ii'irchase.1, aadin th* course af arrival. It ia expected that tha first see-ttoa of the road will he completed, aad in opera'ioa. by thaSrst day of July next, and the remainder of tke lino ky tkeflrsi day of Januar? nextThe mean* frr the ciaetmction and equtptaeatof tke

Road are prev.ded br Stock asd Bonds. The »um of $130,-goo 1* sahemried to the Capi al Stock of ths Compsay. andever $300 00» has bees slrsady pud in aad sipeadeduatke line, and ia the purchasBfl<materials. Be. Th* residueit being regalarly paid at the .call of tkeComptay. Te raiae

|he remaining meaaa tk*C«moanr kas reeorted totkisloaa.Tn* morigags empower* the Tnistse. a case of faiiars

to pay eiiser latereet or principal, to take poaeessioa of tkeBead, vntk its eqiapmeatt. aad to receive its eevr-aiage,orto sell tke same, on due notice, and apply the praaseeds iapaymeat.Ab tBtperWoa of tha map will show this Road to occupy

aa imp*rtant poaitnm It is a eoatiunatina ef the Ohio aadPena*ylv*aia Road, throusk Ohio, these* to leeiaaapoliaaad St L«ai*. ky way of Terra Haute Tke ladiaaapoliaaad Terrs Ha at* B- ad it now romp sted, aadi n eperaitoa.The Indiaaapolis and Belkafontaine Road ucompleted, aadlaopetatioa trnrn Iadiaaapulii ti a poiat aetr tke OhioStats line, and will be entirely completed by October aext.A Com fan y ha* beea cigaaizeel to raaka tha recnaiaiBg

poitina of road Iriag betw«*a Terre Haate aad St. w0mm%and tke werk will scoa be placed uader eoatraet

It will be saea that this u the seared, most aatiral analdivert route from New York and Philadelphia to St. Lone,trtvsrttng perhaps ths moot fertile ooduIosj and improvedport' nt of lbs Statte through which the line paaaea.From the aatnre of tke coaatry, the coat'.ruction ef a

Railway 1* »>" and oheapThe eetimated coat. wKk aalfieient equipment tor eae

year 11 $ 648 684.Tk* BONDS abov*-ukmed coaotitate the oaly debt of tke

Company. Tkat this road will prove on* of great uesfeiBern and prnfl. adm:te ef bat little eVoubt. Iti local beaiaeaaaloB* will yield it a handaom* support Bat, onaaeeted a*

n 1* Baal aad W**t, it will be oa* of the great**! ehaaaela.f tkroagh travel a tke Untied State* It mast *v*r beth* pnaoieai lue of travel fxwxt th* slattern aad WorteeraeitieitoSt Louietaad the vast reg oat beyond. This will¦takt the eeavertibl* clause of great valae at aa aarly day.SEALED PROPOSALS will ne received fur aay autaaot

aot leas than $ I,trio, uatil Tueeday. tk* 20th day ef Marek,inaUBt, ai J o cluck P M Pragauäai* will b* addreteed t >

ti. Ageauol th* Co . Meears WIN8LOW. LA VI EH ft« 0 .No. 31 Wall-st. ladvrsed "Propoeals for Beiivfua-taiae aad Ud.'aaa Iloads."Twsaty-Sv* per ceat. of tke purrkaae .-tvuey will h* re-

gairad ta be paid oa accepting the Bid*, th* remainder a

equal moatklr las'almaats, of 13 percenL Any pareksaeiw ill be at Ubartv to pay ta fall a: oace, and intereet oa tkaB< eda will ran i'm date of pavmeBte.The above $230.Ota will b* Bold abaolutaly and

re*, r-.* to tk* h:gr**t bidder. A pnatad exhtntl, wttk amap and all tha neceetary laiormatieau relatiua to tkasaaecuntiet, caa be kad by calkar at tke office of tke No 31 Waif st New-York March «,IA31. JAS H CODMAN. Preet Belief, ft la. R R- Ca.

IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION.Ne. r Graeawieh-st .This laatitation. orgaaixed

ander aa Act of the Legisla are of tke State of New-York,ia bow i r-e* j\i!v at No 279 Green wich tt betweea Cham-here aad Warrea ata., from 4 to 7 e'elack ra tke sfterairaa.Iatsrset at sir per ceat. per aaaam will be allowed oa all

tu*. 1 aga taceediBg $3*0.Tkmlaeti' itma *er*rv» to mlaots and to femalas, ntarriad

er anmarried, the fall and eirJaeire ngkt to all moataata-reeted therein in tbeir a«m**

orri' ana.CALEB S WOOOH CLL. Pr*ttd*atVANDERBILTL BCXTON, let Vic* PrtandeaA,WILLIAM M PCLLIS, »1 Vie* PToetdeat.

Jorm THoartoa, V H. Bsatholf. fJetJiatary.

TAVsTBSSC. $ Woeaaall, Beuben B Wood. Caarie* Jeakiaa,HearyB Coakhn, Hcary I. Hart. George H. BeU,Wi'di»m Ha. id. E.Tildea Blodgeti, D«v,d Momeia,ftaagea Waketnaa, Mason Thomsna, Bdmuad Gntta,.1 - H Schuita Thnatu Camly. Wil.iam Flagg,\ L Baxtoa, Wm M. »allis. Abr m Fraxee.I tvid B. Moeee, Al*x M.Eerute. Horari« N Feme,Vsl Gregory, Warren Chaaman, Riehd F Ca<rBtaa,J. ha Anderson. Hsnry J Alisn. John Römer

LfANK DEPARTMENT.State ofJLfNew York.ALBA5T. Merck 24, 1*32.-The PBATFBANK, (Buffalo hta -kit day f led in this office.a a*ttca

sd tk* appotntmeät af BANK of ALBANY in th* city ofAlbany, a* ag*nt for tke redemp.ienof .u-- iru aot**,1. g«ih*r wnh e rseceratioa of the aepnutrteat or Waah-bara k Ca.. of tk* *ame city, as soch ages'-* hgreeabl* tothe act eaukled M Aa set t-> amsnd tke several asta re stiagto Itcorjarated Baals Baak tgAs»»cutionisadI»<lividialBaakers.' peaeed Apnl 17. 1*31

_ _

DANIEL B BT. JOHN. S'l^nat^&

DRAFTS on tae BANK of IRELAND.Payable at sight m all pens of lrc'tai -for sala by

tk* Ltrh Linitrtnl h cie;. No 11 Chambara it.* OBtOOBT DIXLJ*. Prtsnleui.JaslBI Stvaar, Treaearer.

Em: >«»xr .'»¦ -¦--.:.: Sirina* ii«\g )Ne.iiCh*»e»rt-et.i

NOTICR .l»»-rx.-<'t»''8 are iof.tnit«*d that«»pH ma> . «a wmIm .Ii« Mh dar of aari! Bant,wi k»n :. tJ';.Ju!i laxere«! ja ..*d a' the

ret« pf *<i r>*r rest um tank earn da e fem !.A.M. o3 f M aa b-m laaTP M

GBFQOhY tMLLOH PtandeaiJO Er>H »TCAKT. ist Ytce Presideat.

Pitb» ClIliT. Ace-^staat.» ow To.i Merck II iui

Omj Mosen «^»üil »is Basatwo Co.,(. . k-St l itt. H. tSt, (

PVOTICB is hr-rr-lt» kjieea. that trie? Aa-1 . anal Eiec kea ¦ < I etd st tee Ornre e- be C»*B-pssy M Joaeei C*i aa HON 'O'.tse Rh d«v of Apnlatit.tot the choice ei >rf Oi'»ct it. ta pace of CtaaaBo. 1. aka»o totai -f servace will theo eratre Tee a>\H-ill »e pea rroa» 1J . .. M aa'ti J«> och P M ,eftt«: dsyThe Traa«isfsr Run» will be f! «W oa, sad from, the

If h tagt, maul the I k Jai »l «peil.O E. 9AFFOBD. 8ae*etary

Nt» J«e«Br l\*y OOBTtAal /Tiaaa'O' orP,-e [Sfg || |. ..-..,» (

]\J 0T1CK..An aiiit-iifimt-tiX to the iBar¬le uref'ke Ne» Jen«) Rirl <r:ac aad Mt !>d( On baapatted tbo Legislal'ire a| Bow Ft *ov. aad been fcwetejh- the Diter eit The d ie. bf ths art, ie changed to"New Jersey Z iiff au e."Tbe New-Jersey Rip'.otieg sad M a at Corn-war stosa,sad tbe stick or the pataaa Zise aad Cep»er Miaiagaad

Maeuftrluritg C< -. an. - ba exchaagsd f r tbe sowstork (Nsw Jersey Zise C aipast) a.»>a aosltcatioa at thisefliee JAWEÜ L CCHT1S. Prswdest.New-York. March It. litt

OrKici BocHEsTta a.M) Svaaci-sa RtaaoaD Co..)CaUASDaluta. March tt, litt.

I?QV RTH 1N«TA LM K >T. NOTIC E..A r »1 of 8 0 oa earb ehare of tue uatlled eteck

of this Cenipaey bee hoes Saids hr rsscluti >b of the Boardof Dtrectsts. pSTShle oa the Ith April atzt.Pivcttunit be Stade to the credit of CHA8 SKY-

MOl'B, Treeio'er st th» eftVee of Mett-s D'ia»aa. 8tt«r-Bt> h Co.. New-Yo-k ; Me*er« J B. rhas" A Brother,Bottrn Baak of Syracuse, Bark if Aihurn.the R<cbes¬te- City Baak. or at tbit fliceCeenficatee tf iv . '. ¦ tde ia ihe above-aanied sffirss

to be forwarded to tbie i fSce_CHA8 SEYMOUR,Trsasarsr.

Knickerbocker saving8bank. S h-ar.. euraer et SJd-e» .Oeoa daily (root

10. A. M . to I P. M .The chartst of this lattitutioa toenreeto anaort asd fema'ea married or aanan ted, thstotirs conttol id ail m<>ee«e de-.M»it>d in their aaeiet

WILLIAM w. CAMPBELL. Preaideat.Aksob Willis,Secretary

L~~ANI) WARRANTS tasutd under theLaw sf lU\ h -n«ht kf

E W. rij*RKwl^nD",(jE^i^0- t

JnBttrancB Companiet.CITIZ ENS' fire INSURANCE

COMPANY.-Cffeet No 57 Wall-st ssdft Bowery.This Compasy with aeatb rspital ef $130.60*. sad a larsesnip us. tecuily laeeeted costitass to Insure see ntt I. wtor Densts by Firs oa I).sl!n.f HoUise, Merrbssilss,flout* hold Furniture and all «eeer rtiua of portoaal sroa-srty ob the sauet fsrorshlh tertae


Dania! Burtsett. Robert Bark'sy,Jsrssiisk Jobssns. Wiiliasi Wtl.aro.A esroA Alverd. FrasciaA Palmer,JametC Baldwia, Win J Valsstiae,Jar Jsme. Jecob Miller.JohsS Hams. JsmssM Wstsrbarr.

John Bod me.JtMEsW M( Laa.^,Sec¦ D aMEI. BCRTNBTT. Pres.

Office of the grocers' fFrBINSDBANCE COMPANY, No II Wall-st ats>

aer of Pearl-st.CAPITAL S3tH>,(MeO.

At sa slect'oa keld true day the followtag fentlesioawere cboeen direct ire of this Company for ths eaaaiaarear:fem.j eon Moore, Moast Taytor, Oemrgs Eider.Bee: B Sherman, Martha I Psooon, Franc« Skiddy.Peter Msitia, Alea. H Oraat. CharleaBarkhalUr,R ifnt Story, Aas 8. Purer Jamet B Wilsoa.Henry Eds*. Itaac C Taylor William B. Foster.At a tubsecjueBt meet sg of ths B««rd, S A M PHON

MOORE. Esq , wss unanimously led President sfths Costpsny J MILTliN SMITH,Secretary.New-York. Fob. I. llilN. B .TkieCempaar cMstisess to let uro Buildings. Msr-

ehtadite, Hossohold Foraiture. Yessols is Port, fae., eathe moot fseorabls tsruu All losses promptly adiuetedand pa d.


Cosa., insure hones cattle Ac. agaiast loss from death,a"her frem natura! cauea. accident, or dlessss sf say doecnptioa whatoear New York Ageacy. No II Wall St.

tlopartncreliilJ.NoticeIjF limJTKD PARTN er-

SHIP .Nonce it bersbj girno thst ths sudersignsdhare rermtd a limited iisrtnerthip partuaut to the St-vtuiesef tbe 8 sts of Nsw fork, that such osriasrship la to becosdaeted aider the name or rrnn of O NEILL A COL¬LINS, that the general natare of the business istsndsd tobe transacted is tbe huyins aad selling of tobacco aa ae-eourtof the said bunted partnership, and oa coiuiaissiosia 'he City of New York that tbe aamee of all tbe seasraJBed special partners luiere.teti the eia are OAVIOO'NEILL, Ja Ml:: B COLLINS, and ROBERT HABKSNBURUH, that tbo «aio D*v«d O'Noilt, who it

side in the City of Bn oklyB County of Kings and Stateof New- York, sod the said Jaaiee B Col,iat, who residesIs ths City. CoUBty, snd Sta'o of New York, are the gen¬eral psrtasrs and that the eatd Robert H. Arkoaburgh,who rosvros is theCity. Coustr, sad Stats of New-York,la the special psrtusr, that ths ssid Robert H. Arkea-bareh.tae taid epecisl partner, has eoatrihated as capitalto the commoB stock of said limited partnerehip the sumof Sre thwasaad dollars ia ctsh. aad that the said limitedpartnership it la commeuce on the eeeoad day of Febraary,one thwutaud eight hundred and fifty-two, aad to terminateoa the tocimd day of Fehrusry, soe thousand sight hua-d-e^ aad «ftv-6»e .Dated, New-Y,.rk. January 11, llal.



MESSRS. CARLETON A CO. hariiifthis day sold their eatirs partaership estate aad

assets to ABBAHA M R FR')THINOHAM, the bussnaaswiil beyealVer oe coBdurtad ay him. aad all detite due or

owiBg toCarletea A Co are to bs psid to him -New York.Fob 18. Itot CARLETON * CO,Ths firm of CABLRTON k CO has been this day das-

e» by mutasl«-"^B^t^jSdfc,CHARLES CftOSBY,HEwRY J SEAMAN,


ADAMS & CO.'S CALIFORNIA EX-PBE84.Agency for procuiiag paeeage tiekets fir

California, Europe, Havaaa, sad teuthsrs U. S Ports.JOHN W CARRING'l IN.

Address, eare of Adams A Co.. No II Wstl et., N. York

©ccon ötfarncre, tot.

I^(»R LIVERPOOL..The new andsplstdid stesasskip CITY OF MANCHESTER.

Robert Lsiteh, Commsadsr. wilt aail from PhiladelphiafurLirerpvel es THURSDAY. April 1, at II o'clock.

Pssssge ia saloon srsts-roomt.$IMPssssgs ia fore-cabm ststs roosts. t»

Paseenge-s will bs provided with railway ticketa to PkO-sdslphia. frss of siieass. by tbe Agest

THOS RICHARDSON, No tl Ekckaags-plsee.


Mail stesmship WASHINGTON. G. W Floyd, Coamaa-der. wi 1 leers for Bromes, touch ng st 8cuthtmptoa.rolad tbe msie aad neeeengers. for Kag and and Eraa e, oa

SATURDAY. Maren V, from Pier No. 3, North Hirer,at He's eck MPrice of PStaate fr. an Nsw-York to Soutksmptea or

brsmtB.ia First |Cahis. Mais Saloea-.I IS

Fust Csbia. Lower Ca>ia. M

An experienced Sergeoa n attacbed to the «bip All lei¬

tete must paae threigb the PoeS-OSce. Spec« de iroredis Have and Londoa For paatege orjrstght. spsly to

MOLLER BAND h HIERA. Agents No M iwaih-elTbestesmth s HEhMaNN wui succeed the WASH¬

ING I ON. ea th« ira of AariL

FOR LIVERPOOL. . United State).Mail steaütahip PACIFIC, Capt. Bars Nys-That

steamer wil! depart with ths U. 8. Mail* tor Euroos pee.tirsly oa SATURDAY, Ayr : 3. st It o'elosa, M fromher berth st ths foot ef Caaal-st. No berth assured till

(.aid Air For freight or psaeags. hanae e-i aeooss

solatloBS tor eiagaace or comfort, apply toBDW K COLLINS A CO No M Wall-st.

Ths steastsbip ATLANTIC wtU taortad the PaeiAe.sad sail April IT, latt.

BOWMAN, GRINNELL A CO., No.13 Sooth st Nsw York-Sols Agesst aar the Swsl-

Isw Tall Libss cf Leerpeol aad Load >a Pachete.LirtarooL racgiTS, Londob Pa' StTt,

Sai. ath ssd list cf sack Baal ere>y sksraateMr. C Tssrsdsy.

Ship Queea of ike West, Ship Yorktuwa,Ship Livs'pooL, Bbip Sur Robert Peel,Saip ( oattrtution, Ship Luadoa.Ship New World, Sh p Coroeoee GnsttslLSkip Coastaatiae. Ship ladepeadesee.Slip Albert Gaüatia. Ship A me eraa Coegrsst,Ship Asbbartoa, Ship Pnace Albert.Ship-., (sew.) Shis Pstriek Heary

Wkca pusseageis dsc;tss omiag the paaesgs saoAsy «s

retu-aed without rsductioa.Draitg, from a I aad siward, oevslils at sight la aar tows

throughout Grant Bntaix and I-sland.

EMPIRE CITY LINE.For San Fran-i civra, via Cbsgres, direct Tte new aad splendid

coableengiaos eamah.p SIABBA NEVADA, (I tHJ tuaaburden,) J D. Wilaoa. Commaader, fermsr'y of rne Em[iieCuy e i1 leave for ClragTee. direct, oa TUESDAY,April lt. st 3 o'clock, frem her Cock, pier No 3 BerthRiver This steamer has seeommodstisss for Cabia aadS'eersgs passecgrrs, s aperi r to ssy ah:p ia the 'rade. Aa

ei^etisaced Su ga«a is attac led to tie ship Fog freightsi pesasgs, spply to J HOWARD k SON. Agents

No Ja Broselwsr.The 8IERRA NEVADA wi 1 rgarn oa THLBB-

DAY. Mar in. consorting st Panama with the steasaahipNew- Orleans.


Wdeox. will tad from N»r-* ltil jej, gteamsr wasports ob lUERDAY. Äu^'» -rade, » -optarred andUilt sxprsstly lor tbe vgmmi ^ ^ tkiillmt, tcupper »ateaeel. s»d « ^ iais stoamsr »J1avsr madste C»'^^«;«.^ .eftko Uhma*. A Hat-avoid all tke be'secured by sa early apsUea-!Ud ««»^°e*||aMILTON. Arasrf, oBee over Oeeaetioa to GEO J%Smmmgm kma paitoa ett.Cl eviaer ef Graeawesa awu » -»

qt1am BaTn^M» N | A'- YORKR^ 4*1 til.* . It. . »n"w aad New fera"*V»*mthiy fa an ear- u ,iuem«»'i> " GL4S-povr" i vc '.»a**¦. .*. « .«¦ ?»...! *¦«*»*'>»*»Om-» <ar ». .¦ v i i » »«.»-.. 84TUm-F a Y rh» !«. .f Ma* **<V .» *>l**e B'**

f if < ahaa. f>«>*«««. i.ii ¦¦¦¦in-tH9*evsd' ahta 0^«««.e .v... Mr'Mio J M. 'VMnH, Ja» |»J4f*i<w>t

'MTH» ST«. I» ami pacificMaII .»K4MS'<i» ¦Mii'a'.lKS -Oa |T« oark

L »» fw I ad .?. r»i. »¦ « <)> ¦« ... . V K \ r*r*e«h TVA-MB aaMV *al* .Th» *»¦*« I i » eng-*? a'eawakip1! I IVOIS. lia* i... h. J Sa- .I*-*, V A N CeaW-¦»H ,Wrt| ».« r**J- fa- aataiew a».U leave for NATTbay. drrer'.aaa MONO*», »p i «Aar- t e'ekaek P M.r ¦«. .-> "i- a . «.. nmL, N B,. t**na<a*rt w.tb theGOl OKS nn * Ml taa*. Lieut. Paltar-aa.l » N t . i. ....t. -. «u<-i, (traaaai t* erdarrd t.remeie at Paa>*aaa 'a V* i* »atliaaaa tmaaadkeleiy eaa < .a .( ike t***sa*i M t»a ...tu.: u> «aal daeettor Sau. Flair" *ri. «nhout ».' «.'%»Taa a<-ra»n.<Mt*tin»* ml ».. . ('*aaa*aia* » . mt'

Kced. Bid tk*a hat* rented to be thai fastsea .**/acked. Uia I: iBo.s k.aiu,* .** Maaatata frees Beer-

Yer% to tb* I* ha. aw la *.¦ a 4*>* .». t.- ?.a » u » aartik* Ge.V.B Ga'* fruaa l'ai.<t»a <a *ta Fraaraaro ia *>*t*«data air sight***th* Ptaati.a Rai. road maetodea* aid th* .aar*

I* nt hia a t«* an »*..' G "« -a, «t th* heed r.»*r aari-gat aia.sad aaili with.-u Seehf to camp eted t* that potathi th* )»¦ A pol. which *>i.l ***N'a ih* peeteagers M4a>fret ik*.r iratal from t> t* imp w iTtaa u <. M hoar*.Partetgete gaa.Br for"a * -tie** ..*.*>! it la Ml

itaili »taJBaaBi,»ill reach Sea k'iaacjtro wi kit II dart,'r>.ai th* aat* «.* l*a» »* Baa \ .a

Early a»vlieetB'B atli ** *»c*.a«ry to **«ra»a p«t**Maf«.h>r wh ah till* a- th* .;! o* nt th* tViataaaiaa. N*. (7TW**t tL.cvra*! of Warraa.



NDEPENDENT LINK fer CAU-. rORNIv.<>pim*i ioBtoM.>e*B4Hp.with«m*avprataa.rN-d iar* *udjrr*al n..»d Ta« b*« and ap!*ailtal *t*4aaMhOTHBB JONaTH a.N. t « » taaa th* aat**! *a taa

reuis. with *at>*rior acwariraxwa oiai for Taa) paaa«M*ra.will tail far 1 b*(r*« aa«l Aaa Jaaa aa BBiDAf. MarchM. at 1 P M -t u. Pi*r No « N B.New ariBBi*ai*et* at«a b*«a aiade with taa laataaaa-

d*a: SteajBsrtoathe PeeitW. ohnah wtU preeaat the r*¦. »I -n» d*l*t oa <h* la'Bataa

Th* H«ot*ar* bow ob«B ..»' 'Ba aa * of a Uatiteal aeatketef Throath Ticket* arupaiU iBa aateed. aaa et radaeaant** At>p » i- tb« ».a>* n>*. *.h* oat? aaUoa-ni* It-r-rlfor tha Brother J*aalkaa

B. MllXa. Ne. 11 Coartlaadt at.

V.W LI N h f.t S A N ¥ K A N CIS« 'O..Throuab Tica*r*t*i ICtk «' kptil Y ANDBRBILT.

a-w aed tplardld <V>u»le e«att»* »..«....hi. NnRTrlladtLIGHT, of t j. tana bunte, m H aaak* W Brat trip toCaatr**direct, teaainc N*» tori oa 8ATlTBX»at, thek (.¦ of April, at IPM, f-^ts F.». ». 1KB.Baaawarera bf the 1l>(?THkRN LIGHT wtB be Uvkaw

fi 'Bi Patiao.a to (taa F'^m» to th* eew Bad aptaatail*V.«M* *B(ib« lUamteii.« N I I'* Is, I.BMtaa* bardaaThe** .t*aa>*i'* ai* Bamalad i» th* eealit* aad etrteated

their .h,:i oh'ui .. t»d airreeair fit teal to aaeet the re-OBireBieat* ai th* trad*The haa k* ar* aeet orwa at' patwaaa Apblp eaay toD B ALLBN Aceat. Na IBattorr pla«*. apetaira

f 'NITED STATED ar<J PACIFICI MAIL STEAMSHIP lYtMPANlRS .The aalpThrough Lme for ('ALlEttKNIA *ad OREGON, viaNat; Bat, direct, p*r atoawera iHYi 'ENT CITY, Moa-da.. ApnM. «od h* EMPIriE ri I Y »ia Haraaa oa Tn-

... A ;i. The tpietd i ai*«atk<e t'KKtOENT I'lTY.loeotaai J 1 ,.......¦.,..« a, -i «ad oa MONDAY.Apiill. at to'clack P.M., dwell fot Nat; Bap euaaectlaaa Paaao.a with tha Coaiuaar'a a'aaiacr*. aad the BM-P1NE tTTY. I <ta tau« J l.etda, e .n.o.aadea wiU t*ae*her piar at tb* rout M wVrea .< *a EHID AY, April«, atto*l*ct P M for Navr Bag. *ia Hataat Paa**Bf*r* b»tb* Kiiipne. I'll* will wi a IA* weil kuewa aaafaiorite i 8 Mail ....jewitp T'B****i*. Ij tail fer aaaEraac'ec* *a th* arriaral ef th* *u-*nt*ra aad ataila. NadeieatioB ai Psaaiua Rai*, m fa'* (a Saa EraaaAaoe. IrMcabin ti\i, eea-aind cah.a t T*. aieerade. flSO Rate* oi*far* to Naar« Bar drat cabin IM. .01,1 al> a |l V atoer-a... f Eur fi*ahi or paoea*. applr at the eflac, Ma.IT7 weet *t.,noru*r of Wtnti it

¥T iTMÄlL~8TRÄllriSHIP COM-" ' e PANY.Eitra NEW ORLEANSDIRECT-The tpliBdid t.a.ab.p » HU ADELPHIA.1 3«n tans, M I 'hi i' o . ,'e will sail (reea th* pierat the loot 01 « aiten it. N R a Tl'ESOA Y. March I o'clock P M B'ece'lt.

K*l># of ' fo Hew-Orleaw-Nev Arrangementl.ediea' Saloon PerRia.$T*After Salo a lleitha ._. T4Forward BafcpMI Beitht._. JS8te»rage Brrthi. ._.-.-ttFre'thti tatea to Me* O'leana at 1 c p*r cubic foait.Slupiiera of (.«..«..* *r* noa« *<l to «.ipplr th*m**lT*e

wifh the Coaipaa?'* I l l* of '*du« whi.-h mar b* had aa

application at rh* orti.r* Noo'b* fo'iu will b* *iguard.No bill* ol lad lag . at.*d af er the eh p ha* «ail*.lFor fie t t er p**>a(e, *pp> to M O BOBEHTB.

No. 177 etit *t .enrasrof Warrea at.

U"8~MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPÄa. NY -For NE« ORI.KaNS eta havana .

Tit ip'ei.iv ateaa.ihii * MPIhE CI TY, E"«* Ibbb. JohnLeedi, comm.inder. wtl 'row th* pier at the feet ofWarreB it N H oa FRIDAY. Apul 9, M I e'eleek t. M..recite Itbath or rAtiAcr fa Mf.n ano hbw eaisaaa.

New derraaaaaawieaafI.i.I e« Salboll H« im._.-|TiAt" Ha o, Berth*._.aaaawBForward Maaa Hertha...-.mRteerB«eB**BJ

hpaari* obI? taken oa ft*>ghl to H*>*ua.Freight takea to New-Orl*an* ai lie per euhie feel!3hip|>*i*of fieight are r**«**tad to eapply thBaataleaa

With th* CempBBy * hill* of lad'u*. which mat be had aa

application ai the o(Ii*e N» ether.a will be ..aaed.No btllt of tart nat a «nett »Aar 'b* ahip ha* aa led_For freight or paaeaa*«.*]! to M O. ROBERTS,

Mo 1*7 w eat «1 caraer *f Warrea-et.

f^\ÄTlI (»r<NI\ TICKr'r.S-TtYo first.J eltae Sir V ANDERSII. I'd I.I v v to e* I.Maj i, for

er.;*. li,.,uir* or J. R. FERRIS. No ), W illiam tt

(^I.IF<)RNfA~^-Thri»..ah u> 8$.n Fran-' riacn aad foBad for SMO.i* tb* Heaatifal aew ellpper

J i.i a ANN, Cap*. H.*....*!! bow I) lag la the *tr*am,aad ready for let I 1* folly eipec'eil *h* will mat* thep***age ia 9ii day* A faw b« i betthi te let if early ap-p ication 1* mad* thi* A ay Tickete fo- wh'ch eaa oalr behad at BUTLER Ilhorn URS Ne. IST Beateat .n Y

C1 ARD .It haaiDK Kein reported that> PALMER ft CO h*e* ma.te ,rr.a«.manU with ma

to carry n-aene a la 'he l ea nahii Reledeer, I kerebpgiy*a*tir* that inch i* sat the a *e I hate Be eoBBeetioaw.'hthemiB iirmaiier wbatofar GBO E HAMIL¬TON, over Ocean Bank, eeraer Fulton aad Greeawieh eta


JONATHAN havag beaa withdrawn from tke liae, ar-rai femraU kavs beea m*d* 11 f 0w,id thnae paraeagatak ldiag Tickai hy k.r*' I'NIFBO SfATBS,lo b mit. B MILL, Agent, No it Coarilaadt-it,

sIttjai Notices.

ÜPREME COORtT.iBtivep3 tha epplaeattea of tan Mayet, Aldermaa aad of the Crty of New York, ralatiteto tha OFBMIIfmOF FIFTY FiRBT ST from iSth-a?. U the MadeoaBirer, la th* City of Mew- Terk Th* euoearnaere. 0*aa>miMioB*r* of EatimBte aad Aattwmeat ia taa aaaree eamVtied matfy, duly appointed by a rale oftaa Sepram« Oaeat.

R»« aotic*. p'ir*aaat to th* r-.|Hir.r»euU sf aa AM efe Lectiieteroof the people or* the State ofNew Terk. ea-

Ulled ¦ AB Act to amend an Aet eatitled aa AM to reduaaaeaeral lawt relattag partwularlr to tke City ef New York,into oaa Aet, paieed April . Uli." naeeed April M, IMS'that the abatraei of tke **t mate and uiiaiiaial af taaCoaaauaaioBai* ia the ebwe* matter. «'-«taiaJag kae aamaaef the oweei* of th* kete aeeeated. th* ¦amber* af taekIrA* M tkey appear oa the Map* ef tke 1-¦-'"g.tker with teea map* and tb* amyaa* of aatai wiBfowhether for daaage or toraeflt. tod alee all tke sBrtUrtfaf,aetimatee, aad oth*r d»eam*bu wkick ware aaad kwthB)Commiaeiimera m makiag tkeir report, keve kaaa deeoaatadU tkeftreet&immieeiewer'i 0«oe *f taa City aad Oeemtfaf New-Yeik.for tke inaeer.lan ..f wkoaaaoarrar It mayeem.eera; there to reaiaia fer at least wgtr days before takeOsmmiesHiBere make tkeir roewrt to th* said SepreeaaCaart, at tbe lime aad plane kareiaafter meatlaaaati Aadtha aaid Coeiiulsmeaers far'ker g:»a mMies, parsaaat to thareqmremeato of tk* aot, eatitled Aa Act te amaad aa AMsatitlad aa Act la relalioa to th* a llertioa ef AaaaeameaMaadTaja*mtb*Cityaad(>i*ty'fN*w-V«rk^adforotk»aypurpeees. paaaed May M 1AU seawed Mat 7 IMI; to tha*wa*r or owaere. wapaat or .mcnpanU at all barasae. aadimproved eg aaimpruvad laad* autecied tkereby, that tawher* completed their Estimate aad AaeeeeaaeeRMd that aD

Chairmaa of the *aid >mmr»* .»*r», at <ae am** er ramaa8 Stmdford. Eng.. No 7g Broadwa/ ia the Oty mt Veer-York, witkia thirty day* from '.h* date of this aoUe* Andthat tk* limit* embraced by this aaeesemaat are as feilewa,that .1 ta. tay Ali tke iota, ir roe* or pareeU ef aad ia thatCityot N*w York, teamrittod aad baraaded as fellows,towit: Oa the etat, by tha weetarly lima ar sida efIMk-ar.: qb Ue west, by Me eaaterly baa *e aadaef llthar ea tke north, by tka lias ta* tha eeatggof th* block ket«*«a ilet-et aevd '.Ad-st., aad ea taasouth, by tn* Ua* of taeeeater *f '.k* block hsiwssa Itafost ardMtk st And alas all 'ke lata, sieaeeer pMaab adland *rt«at*. I/lag aad txatg ia said City, dsmrthsd sad»¦ ii .lad as fvllows. to ant: On th* east by taa wastortplia* or end* of llta-a* | oe that warn. t,y ta* easterly mm.r ude of litk it, aad by taa lias of kigB- water-atari ea.1* Hudeuk h.rar, ea tke aorta, by taa Uae *f taaeaator of tas block katweea Jin-a* aad Md-et.. seatoa tha soutk, by tka Ua* ef tka .eater ef tke kleeatbetween Mat St. aad Mtk-M Aad tka eaad OraBuam-t: a*r» 'urtk*r f.»* maios, taat taatr rfcpert tn tkaabcT* entUled mat'er will he made aad proeeatod te MMS-i^tem* peVIt r>f U* S ate of New York, at a "I .¦MlT*em of tha said Coart. to he held at Ike City Hail ef tkaCity of Bew-York, oa Satardty he ma day ef Marek,l<iy,e*tia opeaiag of th* Court ob thai say, ea to seemthe-eeitor ss Coaa**'. eaa be heard .aad that tnaa smalaers.a mot oa will te* auals tkstsaid Beport be tiaflrmsaJHtealNtw York, Jaa. I iA*».Ä , .MOSES MAYNABg. ia , t


Rgear B Ua»ir« Atloraer

UPKEME COUJlT, City bsm! Of«f#. '. v-,, _H«*ry W Geeee agalast The Cam-iM-t^^s^* m*a ZEjtVJhS

aea afomegad «m eoBireet .(C»m. aot armi-iiut-?»aiTia NT Yob ar* h*r*by itatreel aad required tofBNDAWl lo" au- .~'ti_ . glad a* taa


if January. laUt.amltoearTaacopy er yoax aawwwwe comi lauiit ea the anbeftnher at aa etfica. No. T> WaJt-1 in tb* City of New-York, witkia twenty days after theerriet of U11 sammoes on ye, sxclasrre of taa flay sfack semca; aad U y«u fail to answer tka satt Boat-auj.t withra tke tim-a af<>re*ejd, the piaauldfia this eotlsaill take -dgmeat agaiaet ion fwr ik* »a" of *M»»*a-aad aad **»en hundred doller», with .Ta

.n-£WS^IN PURSUANCE of an order of the

a.rr^.ie af Bm Couaty ol New Yktrt. aotir* m hare-br g yea to *S%tsaes harlng eU-as agruaM BOBEBT f.tlfiMY latouftka City of Ne*-York deeaaaed, t«>nr^ent tke Baaae, wAh eowener* thereof, to tka sabaartbar.KTa remdeae*. Ne 143 Tk.rd-.y in tke CRy ef Jfcay-York aa or beiere th* foarteeaath day af Jaws aast .

I .a ,d NeX York, the day of Dsreeakar lajLdU UwatiiF* MAJUiABmT HAUEY, AaimHtx.


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