Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1845-10-13. · tvofto« pleat ad »uh ut «bkh U laaaempti.luiud i»ih.» ibatever) Manani Intending toa-¦ ».ut nafclag io? ol gfai.than «bai

aBOan-".-""mm.aaammaaaam -

nuota rr ·«· one taken pi«-« in

the hlttorr of m<«i ? · ma^er «hat m«v »*en the

provoc.Mir, ,? my part."en though I had -er. proven.n BUI ? ?? »a·..·-even ibsMgh I h»ui »«¦? r.ugnt ap

pi t!-« the torch ? d».-Lings ol defenre.ets «"men andIran.eeen bough h« 1 btaaa tabee with nand. red

«iththe t,. lodofM) " ¦ "¦ haractorof tbita.-ti ·? a BMhaeged la

preti had passed from my ?.m .! «k! itopped oy... Bt-oe«aM.wbsti eatened. f sr.y«va· pavead. t had ··- me inert ma'.:· apable olaaara at ¦<·«·> »? ¡·- even it «had noi ?a». Bsrsnltb oa y «as m sforiti are «hether g »si or ha lafot] '¦ BkMBBÎtywhir th.»e rr. < r eadangi r< II Iwhich la ret nteivet were the only enemiesOa Ihe |-iti lay of Augi»· then were the rontUtattoa-

al Bañan «·? ?»? ·..· ky BwribHirespoii« ,·«¦rj ni

Tasytalrysl » ··»'¦ »teats!the he»,! ol || > BJ ?>"·t?\·.tastagli M · - ¦ a« suit them- they mayin a » f'irm» and marbineI SSI

.... ,.

t ihaBn ilo··».«..:·· ...

? he «ame men «BOIBinary ? ·' and declared there waa bo

«.·· net the brani What earsm .- tos atad ail · 1 he raspeet

Mar, t" irui'i '·( t! ·¦ en ·.> srrrii an

annaarivM »one mm. .power The·'rana,.?. ,1 tr,«< .·'.,»·.-r dr«»· the CCUrtl.- .'U.hed theretjH-nt

r, »

·.·. .surely th. king < «r. d > W r ··

epatak there»·· ¦-··-! a-m. dMan hy th·· fl m mat atwnat ur·..· rernnan'. of I

.'. hat w...

··,. ·,.'.·. r.·

,.het¡. eye t I lawing kr. .

¦¦ :· mi to the etili |enee·'«!· i ani i·,.'.-lev. ...

«et of slavery r Ha· ?'¦

,ß drawn from nil

tenture I aewi en

?. ? ··· -

a···»«! .·? iiavi?<

j eath lool? ti,· tore, asd t their feet

g ar d tans .· > « I ,'¦¦

the¦..' ' '.·· tari dbow » iy.and «hile -s <··.?.··

? .· li....

otlu r

.tate· retara blm Ini tariert t... egal «


od t el upon'

?. »i.· ?-, pon ?

n i which... ..... ?

right Do ? noi?.???. al ?-1

up ? me at ai?

»h». ? .·¦¦ eher, || ih« watch logs an alaliih·· ?.'. ? be free wheiBevi¦ ?,?,? ih« organi ol twoariminlitratiieii mi?·· war upi.r. MS, ? j dual ' VI ··

» '.. ? persoa. to the alavi power I Is an)ihing more ·. ml· than thi *rty ol th.p.,... w ·.·,..., · ling Prei?.·?,t d., ,u the ir. e natoli t «bai - ?

Blty h re Is«, Il n··' the cih· un.?« of natioi ·

?·· > a« the d. ipotl of ??·' .-' Otb, ...k·· t. tr-.r into tie(BUBI ri Northern BM I

!.. that the liberty ol the pi·«· .- amali a

ihing Kn. » y ui ? '.um, ihat when th·· liberty oispeech end al the preM lelo. iloatl Heaven*and? .nil Must largai toi· ·?·.· »·.·.«. with the dearandanta olWMhiagtoa " ·: tdama ? Well then, Eripldet? «ini·· liberty «ban free-bom ana ?

lbs pal lie " · . d ( baihaniam io tu ai ech to ilo« Ho .-· m

putod « a im·· It to ß liberty I asean to exercise ; aoman ought to hi iifraii] ext-rriae IL John Mi

ton tbd although all u.· »inda ol doctrine wenloo«.· lo play lip. ,i ihe ear th »< tl nth I.. In lie luid, wedo ii.iuiiou«!y '·¦ licensing and problbiting to mladoubther ¦inrig-h ? hei ?.I falarl.I grapple Whoeverbaea Irnih pul totas ararss la . frsñsndne*j.luoui.iei· llalli·. W ¦'· ,? ?··· k Bg th·· freed m

p.iii .? ?? may Ih silenced by oiilitary po«ei bul... repita« il«· muí il

ralasrahto In um «eaponi ol ordinar) »-Hitar«· It ?-

liai iMpaaaable uoexi en«my ol more vio.. «ni ai lud mi y ruto, which, like ??

? \ Hal in every pa«!.I am,«I, bn B) am,?,Un'ini·, dia ,

I i.lii ili',· he pi,.pina!« ·I .· Mllsfled, ?» ,? lain Imver to talk ??!' ? li irapb or repose, ? -k ?.??· ?????.-un.? in. in io p data ? a- ihe tratti ol ibitv of to« pleat ad »uh ut «bkh U laaaempti

.luiud i»ih.» ibatever) Man ani Intending toa -¦

».ut nafclag io ? ol gfai.than «bai »i h bit own raaaaatini colui,. m ·. bo«evei erroneously bsvu dictated Inu· inni «iii.ili m.·, addren blaaalf u Ihe aniveireatiui of a »h·...· nation e.ltni upongot« -? nu m· m m lai, ?? up..? tlialol m BWU DMtu uiat .mntrj la u be may analyse the principlesoïUs('"..ttiuiioii pelai . .. ·. eatsarandranAi',1* tu ·· earn toll ?ciiiiiaa agaioalih« u uni.... - cow ?? ? - ami et.ii bit «boto faeuln··· m poi n 11 u g it the most ad» aatsgeous changes ine·-tiihliihriieiii- «hub ?.. mslders radically del ctlve, m

llbltog from t'?.???? ??.ton again I u lie« ?» not Ilu- liberty whl. h

»eiauh··!··· that BO grievance »h.uiil .··!

. immoli», n,th Ilia! ,et n,, ??·.?. i; ib.« u..i,.i eXBOel? wlan etasplsint·are Ireel) beat .'· pi) considere«!

and apaedily rei rimed Ihea I» the utmoat bound of eillit« ? Hllaill.··! thai » ? ?.en look fot

I'.ulairli iiohly »ay» Without .H-eity there to Bothu»g.? ? iking worthy the «toetiws ofasn

Ruttark ? arae oa bis memorj The prtashto»oui. «bat ilu- tongue ?. t-, ?¡,,,,,kBH \\ I,·, »

·' am in- longus to Mk auioilsstua fta lb· »

¦hall »ta-Mk or ion id the ».ul to general thought! ? »»'tut. »..«.i1./ bi Irir und »u. ?./ ?· ·??·' ?? /··,.»

liti,lanini .ranken Fri h ?.« tltr fri;»pal ;>· traf* ..r; ,« m¦sweats· ?', ?.· . tint ?? rflinifrad,

?« a«,, u,/ un r.

Krakln« 'IttobaeaaM Un !···?\ ..? the pian r«

».,¡vea ?;.eli ml*· tin» great iaan· Ihat h ?,·., been ib ß?<»antri ihs last Uberi) which rahtoeM have baan able to

? t. ·? ran the banda of powei ll ? are baldgOVI lliOleld, bUI Ul·' il' ell\ op n. u keep« y

a». · ,·?

/ BU S'» /"· .

«adr>.. .

|Janni Mi lnio*li One M) urn o! free dit

. ·? ?« lo.iile G?·., »In ri¬

man « an e\ua. i»e his reason on the moat Imp« taut. oau....? »... uty «ben at ranhithilypahBah alathoughii

arti nf ibi arnadaal aad Moat pnnerlsl ijianihe pi.·»« ai I n<: M ;« -1 i<«-, I· t| gyg ,,,?·.in,,·,.,o ion binen i: :· fmarat ,

the lu an and aim. ol Ing.-luii n ai.a If .. ,; u,.,v. litui. !.. »av ¡liai it it '·.· 1·· ??? ». ?. i.n.y lUMl.rth«· run· ol in. Rnlial m;

l'un in What Ihr. leniaiiia j,,· ut tire

press M » aal »arie.? l'altauium «hl h u.· iiiiliii-iie,.t*. a Bsbkil ·> ?? muent, «bleb Boti ;,? pin ily or toil) la «n evet ·?, ,·¦

? eiore, ol peace oi domestic..·. ? lava .-? ·.-¦ m.· ?. ?·- ·.» Mirto»

? ?., ?. oi Ibi > pi, m inai .'le «· -?

the »l Ihn ? mi ietociM ri pubi* Impot.¦-.? il taeaun «ton rinn ataa - .« »

.·. ? .,?.·. ouiiiioii giair ?.· .«-??\ m tu, inbjeat, andih·· ac> ai ly ni the rrown

»u.-h ars '!¦¦ opini an ri* ami ri the gn U and good oi«btrb d aouit

| tSMS and ·?Hut oui lath· . IV* Ibi· bads ri La li ·

invìi he l Hiie.l KMartici« I A. save· ? ...

·» ahri.ik n. -.

? e Cotaaattuti ? '«· aius-ky, arciih. pi.· ab.. . .

a».· .....

. ? he ' osbbbbbJUkuughlt and · touno and every cuit« u may Ire« y write epeak


'.«? « art) ? h. ?? I .au u|s.ii W lare 1 ·¦

- « Ui ?«rotee ? ?.¦ · -ru ..? ih« liberty of the preM

'. » .· a . an- at ! be ha.l not

\ »n aaanflb ban la Kentneki ? aMMUd ,·? btosih<> aaan ri ?· «r··' ai n·

ruiioB. t«· ? ail apon Jame· .. ...

' ¦· un· Sat ···!· arm u. > « heohet

·?> ol ne ?·· -·

m. ?.·, bg in :. a law of ?aaan t«· t»t.· n «tit out <¦¦ ... -¦

» ml:,·«···'" s «... |tonee

? »t? I· to.? ·,:·... .¡, ,|,.m«nd·- ·. .». \

pt to m1 "

· 'may bata aghi t... .initiait pun

l «rat, Aaare «»d · B«e». l.h « ihing « .,,. h totea·M » ' n man.!, ir

?? ?,·.! d« your own ?

. il humanity den.»? ... nani, of U .¦

-, e it.,?.?¬?? ibi iii.-antim.·. itami here oli niv BM

wi ii r.. « I hav« ? every ni liacklet«mein -une aiiu.l·! »llui.i».ih« daiig, ri «lui ilcaìli »lo, :i ,te ih.· phbJUO »uh mi»teriout and linpas·»'·.·- Mrrori h> day and Bight, hang

.·? ?.. .··«::.,¦in the b.«aoiii· o! Americana an mn.mV«· »haine and a

iiiagnaiinu.u« rciu-r·«-- -ihat they may nu· up n th.

omiiipoteiM-y «d the bailo! ra»l hy tittrssn ml.lions ·! !r«^·m»n and paanaMy ..»«-rihrow the ? ave d.-»p«titm ri ihnnatii u.and «ml th·· damning ii.lairi) which awaitatheni t« : ah tnu«· .ti the u.dgmeiit "1 th·· · ittasd »

if they ira« ?- me k« ir to di«·G? ato Baal? ? ni«, e untry «nd of mankind, then 1

de.!·., an myself and tina·· whom hold yet tmue dearMM i.»r Bto punty of niv motive·, and the patriotittn ulmy ile.m· paat »nd the future--1 appeal to Kentuckyaad to U.e world G M. CLAY »

Lasr»«ayu.n A, S,pt 86, id«I




Diet, l-I.ITHKK HBIIM-H. lasTW-?ß??,II-aTORNBLIlt) w AKKKN, Pannani ta/nt. H. IAN BCBOOKHOTaW, Ban

JAgg«m a. mmrUJKñ, «a. Istwnen??-ill I A. »I'I.V( Kit. t> » »

VI I.OKKN/.O I»A>A, A -g« y

VII -JOHN .11. IIOI.I.BY, V\»ynrVlil.-4.IUKO> HAM», Or.reaa.

( ap.POR KKf.l^TKR


llAVIII H. OI.IIKN, BLIalfl POTTKK,HAMILTON PISH, ¦» B. WILLIAMH.v\ II I.I l'I BALL,·*,\. K. I.AWHKM B, MOsUUtB >!tllM.A>*,P1TKH -. ???G«, JA'IKw KHI.I.V,B. ti. HAI.OVVI >. WM. t:l>.'IO>D<*.


«at» IA hi« f.enera! (ooiniltlee. ? »;·»· . M»t .«·-.«¦ I --· ¡

a »¦¦·>. a ayl-··· Pfl :.: N'NISO.CtouMM

? ? '<· BsWt, ; «WrUa.-lc.Wti ··. I Bibbi I a [ '"

ty «Tu \, > ? M Ci «?

¦??..·« and nüeajeeof Ini ru nata«

... ·.- t.- norateg Lneply.... ? pon dag ba lue I-et b» m m

? ,.· it ha»«urli] radi Moi Liberty. Read

adoni «"? Janttoe! andtí.·· dar/ad deep aten

-. bend

; ?: li-li' \ ? 81 ??< ?? of Ontt -w'l.i · candidM lor8e^ntorae Ibe Pifth Dp. a widely I ran ¦>>..· nt lb· Beendete Jariaia,?,. -· l. an ·! aad taooat dV ·...·· IcntWhigain

? irk, rui'! we hc«pe*l< for him ih·· re

s., it, hope luppoli ol erery WiSdg te the Dte·? i.m Mr Bjtoune inrided

nty to eounty anhJag alii.· and e&ctieeU '.'. hip< ?- ptingj '· ninalk ?

which expoaed bin to certain defcai u!. dow lhalenire onj ? g nbatanttel

.oi ? ..? ?·· ? .: ihey t··«t v. HI h li

which now pen·:,?.«th<· Loco·. f the '·'· · ·¦ "t.·* of lha

,·¦¦¦. ·. "I .1. Il.r-oi,. Ot*·

nn.I l.ewi»' Will vou not poll', ·.·..· ¡ire coni: .· .1

Col brother» ?G??ß/ Bud ¦· I tb)NoVemlier 1. Itili »» tt SS'lll"

Inihe led I ifth District

???'.?????.'.? OBNELII ? WASEEN of Poteen0,1,.i« i,· fu ?, ?.,.n tied |br Senator by the V,

-· '',nr.-;i,l. lie Is ? Vm und /ehi'. of good talenta end onaulBed cheinetor..¦h the chance "I h;s etecthn la Banali, we

v. ... re h m a cordlai and TheWhigroteeaatia Ibe Dtetrlyear would mus ano<nbtedly eleet bbn; why not

poll 11. ih·m nml batea Whig BenatorThe Contention adopted the following naola

iknaI only to te· vVWg party «nd

1. hi nn h »iiiiiti.··. refortni m lac ? u

departan nu ol thi tarera« ? ? any ba required ñ ?tone to line und lot the ten)..I'm ot Ml h Bbnnt «« ['»?

/,·.. di ra Thai in adversity «» w. Il ? In'protpeiuy we «

ronitaueto et itlyand rlgtleatlj 0 tutttaalngthe·« Hint principles which beve heretofore «liatin

goiabed the Whig part) by winch alone the countryta inpe no permanimi «diatiinani ;n ?-\,t) depart

... ./ Thai are approved tbe roana Whig 1 " sui tag the.,--.. «Ttbe oliven; " Bill tbe rartataa 01 tbe

tin» Run«, and thai we ban roll enddeaci ß -..t.! Intelligence ol tbe people to

-. t lb« 1 on· enroll¦¦1 li.i'ne ht .orninoti win the American pen

pie cherish undtmlnisned ronfldenee and tin- höhest·, .p.. limi i. ·,. i,it un far the hungrily ability, aad greatattrai w..iih ot Boa Bnmi Clay, M Kentucky

.iule.nein tad patriot "I ti·, tgaj; timi BO "'

vereee will evei Impair or diminlah that confidence and...peel «nd ibas we earnestly believe the lim ia not!.o limali! «bee li - unfitly will BCBnO » ledge «lid e

ward In« le of dei..timi toM inlet, »t» und honor

] Tbe M r/? laapapnwereractaatljindertaba lo cotteci mm wbn moat gtertegijwren ter it eeu qaibble and biggie a week when.lei«·, led in Ih. ino«t gBUBBJ liosliike« hut (he loiiiiiiik· from us Baaaedaj apapar, anIn had being

Iatradneed in ? lecture t.. the Brooblyn Star aa

plain l.n la I 1.

I' "1 the i.nti K.'tit win || in th·· Third BeatalaInet . Il « Btnie H-t v. at ibe Whig party tunputted Rt the Renate In inai |. .?· 11 the »mil:·

in, Denoeruie candidati a mo« worthy and-Una!·. 111 n 11 con- ??«·»? losing Ina elei timi bj I:·,.»e reporta ?petad among Ihe wnaati oa Iba ?··»»· bold«lali » in ?e."it? "1 111 An,! w Imi ,io Me find nowTh.· ami 1;· m· 1- ol in, 11 -tt -et in.v.· agata non ··

. asaltean ·¦! Ua, h wu part] a Bei ate the VVbigi.'tinted lile «lune in.'.ll tt s···, ,1 «

miti Baaiere ta li Im[!;·' Non il· \ui lient ciiinh,laie for Senatorin

District Insi \enr \\a« Jemtpk Ci I

lilbnnj l'oiinti un orbjtenl Aatl Benter n rerjrespeei ble m. .uhi r ol ih«· Ifetbodia Cbanh and

»so Foco A little before Election he wnnot bj Wblga baeaanbiaraa

\ :¦¦ libelj te ¦'""'. '·? i ¡'lï'. 1 ·¦· « .,- Aliti Hem

¦andidate ati.r ibia ami of «ours.· the Whig« eoul.lM nupett any A tileretice to lie vote ot the l>!-

ii B «Ih id. o on Senn;,t ieri

? ?,.? Mr liai nor. ih. Whig.andidate tu oppeeed ta ibe oonlinaann of iml'eu.lai Tei. ne« is reg) true, th.· tal«.· n'p<irt«

a compedtot probablj libai ben - battbej atro ? flus il ml ? unra dieted bau trntj tu·· Ann Mimutanaa decideair. Hu\ te agite a Wl ibiattetolbt

Kenss« luci Conntj ati.i Ibe Amii. nters hern ?.minted a candidata Bgatea bin,sMwithatandiag hit arali knewa nppeaittea to il«·'..'.r.aii! ;. MM - V i« ·"']¦'-"..di cult fee !a*lul!>

Y- \ .in S, ho ???????'?? the prem'iit cind .¡at·· -

teMM in thai Ihsinct. WM MB 'ii.'Iml /Í-·,' h\ th«·irVfebjB aud afterward bj the Atol BmUib ii··va« a Wing Memher ol Assemhlv la»t ? ear. andev lousiv. un.I. ihongh brattile fron cinvictloa to

? itrOM tenure« .« ,v .-

noed, and tieicr will connteriaii.·.· tinili.-r than peaeeliil ami legal nicasure- tor lh«.:rrrnlnation,Eá**We gira over the.V«>i «s/Asm · Wehen

tednce it io tei ha read.,·:arj girli heaag

tonel uiiiloriiiiv emploi «·,| »t pi,·,·,· \,,,G?. pay'.lui!¦d. and that iba Coni Butea pieaat... Ba añal »h.·

an>·. and out ot baia pitying her heard I That,·.· ?··? iettai if wagM tooe aánei Le Hl Bunnrtbe

I Md w heii Muí. .-.a, rit,,.· was depress,·.:....1er the prnant Tarif ? iba Barar·

afaieu ? rep« arnitea ??'oarn Un ·· in un con ofboard k to hi ·

redneed wageeof ihe vétente audnate h te deaw by tbe Newa Bat we

.ave thai papi . .it) win. h It liA«.a.»et,dknd ?.'« we a»k the ci" aofPi Metten to tell

? » aeraUy. - ir. ?? pa ,| m i ·,· win.

.i and :n Atmrican ?- .-onerai ? ' Miei ihtaineetton ftirlv. men

inen you Wouid 1?· divined We »re atixiou»

?ß truth »lioul.l 1»· inaile MUMUMI Wethat the wurkiiiK women of New fàrurland

? a ahn aatjaateilj ibon i.,-·-'¦· ·· md »-.cader em..;, ? mem. battei («ay.

.t lea« iwtean anea, ad u as they reeeta? there « en la, tori.·« tl,,·.,·. or ?µ ||aa aame


»on netiona ol our ooatatfy 'aninnotefcnaKaeaartee v\ 'j-· dañantbiaa JLi».uoe» I jThe Pi.auKK Kimu, The the.»t OftW al CoiH-ord N H Be the tir-l BBjatMl


-.1 under the liieap l'oalag«· u j: ?.' thert-i lou* .¡oarter under high Posta«·.· $-·.' bÎmJi only g«., or per rent A year will bnuaj it


? lo the old «aiidard [

Fair of tbe American Institut«·.-x-r. Dsy.1

The lenzth of the Ten, '.nter.. f I

Farmer· and Atmculiunats C -..··«

our gdVatf a*OaaaaW !.'.·¦ e l> lagIt ithowei.r .ur .-'«Ufymg duty to tute its: I

den *aa iitcrauy thronged :·.·:¦

with tr.e vet best and m «it r.t# .

fe" r* .-'.tiger.. from a.i parts at the ! r.. ·

.,d ( ari Texas we e prêtent, as »· ··

leverai Mem·.-· ' ' SgreM......·...·¦ ··» i.. · ·. ·-·

. admiration at tbe tpeciment x

.. tr.e n-.echanie a-u Ac. tod ·

p»,· iinr.i Lh»· have >-een madeand ind-jimoui countrymen during the last few yeaj-i.

· :c'· vanri - ·'

tionWe w.-re ? eased BE see s gT- »t rr.ary r «.-rr.· rs prêt? tl · a. r m wril M rurxier .1 annani from bos-

...,·,-·. any. Bata ? ir -er. r«. ««.a

·. adir..-»· y ....

. le« ? me halfBMchsnfem TI an

.^.ri r. .· ¦.·.''¦·¦·¦ I beve arrive i.-.und Othen «:.. trr.w I

¦eoa. w.···¦¦ -' to th- head ri*.·-·- ? .· · .-,'

? aaaasn ttohM »nd hnra all htoihmand da,··, rito n.'.ir :· .

-, entertainment that the world can piIf they aegis ml they iniurave.-;. We have d« ae our dut)The a r ·..- -¦--.·¦¦»-.- pprnatvriyl

lay aight i" aneh »-.'.ha· one .*dv i,..·.·».;. ¦

ralbad toteara t·· gravan t errile.-.e« ;'tuit. W'· iiiuit aik i.-ie managen la eaHlira tun e «r.

·· ti ·mtraw ¦ a .·. aad we thaoktaste to piace the Hydrsrgos there thii thatt. .-y r.ear.y lit dark «« midnight «.'. day long W· muí? ;'¦¦-' -.·".:·'. a eery a··· y »

·. . . tractor.with·ar.d ikUeaU! ? : .: ttM l I » sUghteit |

:;.·-: ·-.,..·.'.-. , - ..

.·· piace in th« ? lesi tao Fi

->..·.;·:of a new construí p·? ??.: ? has a

···.-. il.tu] rk'iealOfflc« M b Would ho murh ..::·¦ -:

thar,... .......

m to the s'Iey. Aln No S N ».-ark » rare handanm sud ralea

,:. .· It ha· bees In ·-e ti m mtb«¦nd never rei bed. the wot ·

a tody m peering the .··¦·.¦··? ·.. -..

. ag j .:,. .. servime " Bxao«

·., » ,i. i):·· r ame o( go Inon ess? .·. '!.·

\\. ? ·? BUT r«a¡··«., .(... «boto .... furar./

' « ? It, Or example, It « .? ..·.

meni died ? Pi» irai dag Clrcamfen mv r or Th«(rom ? Ma»·; and tel il t U" ? ne· pati ß? ' ¦>'¦'¦' f Benburgh.

'ih. r· ·,« »barrel ,!·.···'..I . ·-···.·,'·· !.. a.ty.).. »· \ toria m a pre«

Um I mpet r « f I... at to the A'isg

m<i.,«r fall be ·.mpan d w.lh I I'.ii :/ ·¦ IThe < aim litre pri di d lo ?

dent íor thil·, .


the Bei Mesmito '.·· ¦" Joi "h .n Dodge, Capi ??and fi«

In e·.« !,. Il « .'iRetard Unte « eia· ->.. w bmuy he a« »il to ttM«· thai :! hau Iti ',«.' ¦ I ¡aii.'iiii.,?? ihn three of tbe Bachea» draw up the < ni

ilia! a ma or.ty of th·- D irecton an in

Men; and that there areM DMre Loco-1 ·· »¦ '·'·

now in memben ojr limiti eonpelbreak oBbera

Conni nei ? W· hear tini in ihe mue·FairliiM New l.oruloii ami Wiii'lliam. en

about on« third ut the population "f (Ot.i.e tu u:

¦. -,/ n'a ·.·/. ??1' ? hat voted ta g- finis ¡eating I.upton In oehheroftha

other Countin has a niB|ori!y ofthe towns \ t« .1 to Ii?.·??... probabi·, not over twenty town« Hi tktwl:o|.· Siate bave 'lone mo I.··! ( ??,?,? rtirut but prr»«¦.«.re in this roiirse. »nil her rrimiiiHls and poopenwill nondwindle au gj t·. ? fraction oi thi ir presen)Bf i'r.'.'iitr 1'· r-. ?. re

(«eiirgln Hli-cil«iu.? imi IBoM« /.I l*»l I.

Oresti« « Crawford Me » leterhatbam.7'"»- Iffingbam.'?.·»'. lii

Richmond Ti. 4*1MB?·..· ne.T'.'l II.'.rlald »ni. 319 ·?-Colambla.MS msj «: ·.'

inoli. "JL "

Total.3,1 Ut ? «.-t 3,798Whig atojiwiljf afin ! Do la»; yearWhig Etepraeenatrrea hi all iheoe Countiaa bulhall amChOthon is M'Alister s (Outil;.· Hirlinioiuì iaftov

Crawford'· Polks majority in the State .Mi"

bfcAliatar wan rather baanad bis ticket, rawferdlittle ahead vVedaa'l like to ime ap thai ß?»Cnwfard I· booten.

Be** The Southern Mm! tu '«-.1 yeaterd·) whichleave» aa withon lam roturna faon the '··

leel on than :h"«e reren, ,1 ,m Sutnr,!·,_«.\\ ?··?· Ft ?. to» Tin loJiowiag ?

loi il'· DeleL-ai« Flertion la that TerrilWeconpa<Ta with IMI,ike only roM »··


C.a.lltie« Mart!, / C ¦':· W Dl lg. t An LHM «aukee ill)_?··?.? da Lack '»i ?11Winm ? new c.Calumet. BJ.

?Man·!· ». e ill . gjPheboyagan. ). ||

It« M_ «

Browa. BJ.lire» ».?: .

. M... -»?Vt ·· t!h. ¦·

. I

.*7 ?.tri'! 107

.. :.on.

' .I».70

Urn» . S«.y. 13

^ ' * .13 . wuh Dava

.Mariin » ??? 1>the election seene te hove been govi nada

bj ¡oral lei hag as many oi th·· C Btfesu I: have·· U·, n W! if, and which hav,· it .

r'<-· led ihe W? .... [ mj anulanCounty oülr.o« ,-;vr \1:·-; g

VW al \v> « ii ion Oii!e.¡ \\H H , o -, ,,-.,?·,!! ut t|. .

iiilate f' -si,·,,;·:, \fr Taylor il (¡ni HtVf -

soli Ìli .1,1

t W* ',"' TMOMAI 1, UM \v!,._- "BIlillOn· !·t (iuveriior in \lis«ia.ip^i ;t,

1'.»" kHOaTJ '·»! " .h r.:·.. th,· i,oii.lii.iIioii

; ; 1 :, Law bnd Ordar' party 11 8Ca. hav,· n,minia!..I Toi :·· Il ? ? far flTu··»: ?- Lavi » > R Bad Hajivbi \v »· s

\s«ini.iy Tke flm two ai* Loi ?.the latterB W UgJG7** Tke N d h « of A % Ce bove

¦'v Brook ya and .'.'. Ieri ii h'¡¦'i id W.oiiiiii-liurgh lor ih.· AaaaakfjftV* ?/'- ·-. '

G.· hs-, anfle.l al Syrai-u«. :. the -tli-Ura« I!. ·.

¡iik-toti presi ag The atteadanee w «· ..·! the

I hat menK'.lglou» 111, 11. ought .I

nan ri G tal \hil:nenre. ¦.· TWana ? renani Bagatl tot, ? ¦¦ ?

ih·' lan.l »re cnro..«-d in m rank« l'hot th.·i..i|uori ii the inaln»|'.'-,n.· olititi e

men f r ·: ·« .· .ggrne» and·' . -

a«sy. i Thal An N ¦·

·.» « a r g' ? pt h much ri lai':IV!t"r:: I fth..»jal*nce. and that ihn mutt.e rgrnek an ¦ rad» ri lawpssunes

?rath ihr .4 the ?M re ¦ -R.«.?«·' nett tori r rty ,.. | . .

he Tasananan .»ute OManal ï «: ?,< ·.

1 m Jiaast ??t> Oh ????? t?·.· ?

lotire.l :ti BW paper of Pi idaJ as :?? arkaM at ?¬? J «ir«. . . tond ?

ury on Saluniay uight ioTe«t:g»t.d tbe raie and ren

lere.1 a vetd.rt that ; , ? death was

lickneM «? hti asloned ( th«·u. per authontiet «huh authontiea. ¦ si iil' the May.,? and t. ierrt:· J«-r». t ":ty The cafe

'"!·'. · leu.ani tanh« r ir. ·:

toa Wfsda an iMak the anneritone! Jsrssyi?»?· » lullw tiegieetad ihit lorloro human :-.·.:.«ina«*«.«!» i«e«idrntiy in fsuif, and the public «li. insiat ?«.nuwib, ·$ ihalt^uMíjody U

Formers". 1.urden«·r·' and "»HU-Airowers· f'on-ventlnn ?»??«t

Mes--- " ? G? Bátete, I. - f r


irba -. ? ? :

--·- :, un, and

n on tin »uhject of- MM .

I·. .meneau


·. ? ,"

¦¦·¦·n htnds....

. rill·¦

.. Basai

rae pleated ? Satobis

ere bed ? gì,

f other«es ....

? BillBg a waa » re·


?« Vs... girai

f the deirhite ?


I cui

'·'. BtOHTVOBn,

OS "d ?

¦. -·. ne, of I


? Hi

r Stair il

I \



Mi laid that

... t wti

The ·

Mr. Hit

Mr < r



populata. I



and a a eaniter 1

nipo: leni mal -

gì, there wen areuej mb

lien. Ti ' air'?,.· of, and a Centra.

fommitl - Biin?. ? ? iiiK.

Mu ti 1ted on

the eubj< aiag, troni all part«ol the eo mtri

Ml M to eX

it vii - ? ;a om tp· en rj

ipoai .·· li·· aid oof k> ep pani\ ,thti - torn,

w r ,i

Bled tO pre-eoi tbe Bind ? '·.¦ ?

BJ inen that> ·! all over the


I that wentn bar aann

His ?

.' · -a.«e

r |u'.tur.· and .

res ofall tlx? North.

- anatta

BteU dM in


i ... t M

would great!) ....




t tou··

? meeting · with 1


»ard·.i s the «


-. ? te 11«t one

. · litio«

ant in


ta (t?wing li

ti that? the

S v. .

pa, pern-¦ ¦

peprrt and-.·:··.-- .


s- to eaiat.i« the anconiBf ei untryBepM ·»:::..·.: ,».· ¡,; jo-n :: | .¦

Mn nteda ... ett uto I *

aaaspftM, tb« the American Institute, by «¡un co-

,· ·¦ , ¦· - wo « e -r ..«·.·

di ir taetr noble rfffjrti tt tJn enne at agatenfeunlnana ¦benna mauer

igbt before the aext anet .' -.···»¦····

U upi.n ;t a» ? ad gre»· -e·;-» |tin balte ti ¦ *


In Fra- ave beer, m«.:- a tail ?,»-.-.- «stoni

.-·.·· .· :.

?? : th.«·..··. < ¦· t «rowel

«ny ex:· '·.·.... . · ·

* .· «earful ;t ·»¦· a · ··

..···.· rae raandy la te? n tka trete, hune·. ¦··.». .n «nd

«· ¦ n gît granare« B ¦.· - « gra.n

jyThe 'the Butani al the Coa. ? « « > J»y

(Itv Item«.tV Baal Wl «< !.··<·.;-.«·'· m «?? lase

-nmenar andhuen msd» a very firing pointlaa em -·¦ -.« mretattana He

., G tota irate> rid aaateaaanrilyne M Ut :-¦ .i.m.mena which

.-- »ned ¡mpoatu.-·« r. tea ; ?

U hie nao.that seek ana men< ' gad :·, with

the aim ? ofa a · ut.«nd that on tee ari·. . a .?? :i »trended with

. than th.· »dr:. -- ¦ Ba«ayi that the m»'ter I. « eith.r that

· ·.....,·- ·: nang ba wss

-¦ ? .· nn it're wa« r. ¦_·¦:··.-. ? .

. ?

ear a unta, aad tdtan··.··. infiniti an >

- -. .· ,,·

« ...·-·«- tai mduann tb··

.. - :.·.? r B. a a- » ? ef ?···:¦···:.

? that of ? tIV-

¦¦ '..· ? 11

Bad :ue V«ae»» .r« ret..·· ·

'-I'.. Th- ?»

Men ? ? I ;·»·«· n,: .»:-·· .

.tag at - | -.'i? · ?···'·1 «t

. . j ...

Siate tea [a· Con···¦··:,

M .. "... ···m Im ''· » ai el·· ., -a the ?

as ban an equitable right to their

el fa net I'r, a and the tea

V T· II ?? l



hat in«·:·

» re it tu not anon ··

dn r«I tin··

||| ..·


the boa« l »reni a who ban to ai I | n h. ur

Bg h.m

I an admitpleat·

.lured, uy ih tee aneanetoa oi aawas u:


,mi.· ..t ti,.· _· ? r» 111 atibar whomthearee bry, M the Paitan Fei

il i'· .·« a ?? G si lafV A little tri ri in Brooklyn, BOI moro than ten

·.. Badataci lag eru¬to from aererai atona It nona ten ah·

'· adr.iitn.ia man».'···! n. ibatraet · largefcoetlj

ibe boato unknown t ?., parenti Bbe w·««

.¦ ·· ? ?.· -: tu i peatarday, who teand hitpendedi . bai Irene

? an rVa thtek a tanni tnanktega bare ra h. ¦: bei ut d seni ¦

r trian p..;.ein.·. I' r· an, however, men "f

l"v ?.?·/' '..·;.·· .. ipnfcIngoi Knapper »nJ nurdent Of Sarai Decker «aya that a»

:ier took the taattenuy Ci th·· g:tl when Knapp¦tate la ate he aBoand to he ned te Coarti

und ih·· c. ya thus añapa ten\?. ??t?? it Kit i'iiiti ?ßµ.· TJnfoltosrtogfroo

. norte tea BtM draofba .ere

Hi, »? .· .? , | tea tr.ntftttaaew Open Honnta aoariy ftalehed The«

a-·· wry anal und have been put up by ani ft » pair.?a it... pillar· ?...· ? tan «nd th··

froto ta a little en t| twetl ak R will «aad throuth? « -:rmig wind«, o: ubi

VV .· ?. ?.

a am atand by « dirtj ¡eared I to the inn that our r. .

· irei iiipany.Ur' A nun named Daniel Miller, alia.« Ifitchell

a a» ??.·*· «¦ '-tween fourteen and fifteen hun? ·:··. who board-

.·,? at tei Bn i·: ».-s Bo. ? Bendi ? Philadelphia, »nd lied t.. thi» City but h«S nut yetU en arr-

f"ñ** A ¡.'..iillemiri name.! W It ? tr-M,of Hu"-.· ,'trm at,cana pagaaueer ¦¦> tea itaanfeoatOn

.n \ o,·. Lnrteg th.· atghtUawaontwnMU Batel Bg «ek'JO in

? on the Hank ad BteiwngBan, Vena« u lha BaBety Pend Banks d this

. r,'.·

py h·:·. like to have killed herI , ? mg

.rat« ··¦.:.. ting th··

man »»leep in .

I ¦: ntl -·. tlinei. It ii-· m,

I tV Bone m rag Friday aigbl tea dry¦···, >

Btea toytand f altea nd othtr. totha araiunt 0Í »'.out gl'SJ. Where mm* ¦¦



? ··. tVeeteaaday · na agi The) ha«.·

¦etaniPP"* They an . ip a conpllne

IV G? eing ¡e I ? ¦ -nakaI Bale 'wner .1 '.

. Cum-

?»·· d.ed «r. nanti ? hav- eaten ·. IBM

(few? k for daI »very flO

an hi· Pon. tee ? »ry Attori*

... tee preparato·.·¦· . ? teat tka ,-raud


. .· .r·· «nd :m

ad in the aceom-


? tan :v Hi· 1 -. .

an (irphan A«ylum. wh «eventiyears been mat.. ? n« of |

·.;·. who areconaiant

. ¦· 'ITua Aaylum ha» alrea.!y rr«

¦ the baiinuo· daaam

- U U ? «:.«.· ,

» Iwfefc I » ·.. y arr

»r. nini penne an tetarTi-y are aad y :u war.· ..f meant t

. : toMÉaauan ?- »*r.t iri-y kan penned the «emcee of leverai

eminent muiiciana and will g.i·· « ('· vcgar t. VV .·.;

aeeday Btaateg next, at fifty cent« s ti.-ket Wc auBua? »nd giaai t Albany, ?.-..y CaU«.. I .

'oxaacaie. and | ·»..., tbosra ? in Hudson, to p «ke .

? ...· .. ? fot w.s

.uant. an.! the enterprise to be .

. ' ?» let naie «lay sway wko'-*an fi.

7>* B r.· ? »nd Marine New·, and !.;it uf Lettera on It

tp" The Hendrik Hiideon trnved at Al¬bany ? "taturday m ra ng Uve minutes bef ··· î «

.ai.nated mat evening Therew· r- ·:.- 'tig «.tnpt. to« .1 a 'hop r. «

I a*" Hn BBBBMB oancil of Bortón will elect anew Mapte ? Thuraday next In placo sf Mr Davit re.signed uti tccuuui ol ·.. hssbla.

?" ?*-' Bdfew / G?» 7-

As a Delawnhan her·· in BfentoUwUn at the Fair of

the America: -' .

-. » iwnfronl·¦ i'LlBBABl puh -

- it

? Tribun leu? «apport ?

ml u t wl ·

. rhtsn.


I undertake to ny tan the piSmHrkowl

a a L X « H

-, a kobaren "V'1W

York a.. · I aTM

¦uta untotentite the H rfJB tuen ...their

nu.bers tiiroua-h agents. /."¦' I? t

. ?«? r- ?¬

? iaafajBBdeaaaja»ntwyknbi. ·

te,nd ¦·

rutti k ietta«. Ina tette·:t may be itat.-d ih«t ? ·- cinga «*'

? a · put

3V * gre«: t. .·:.. ¦·


· ·» ?

t oitrl tnleu.lnr · BaiUM rotar.? » ?



; .'.- · ta,·.

I supereroi ipeak ·

lalwayi» mplj remind»«>' · ·

Law..Wi *

. «


with the murate! ivenpon -. a wasa thai


dr tire«- :h t ita a beai 11¦ nona

,-.,·· a ,



. ·

. ... ..

.. ,..., supattao, a



rlag earn work a »



,. the ai gli! « ·

.... r« are a... . . m pie

,«.,.., ? «ball reell)mon « e ss

a .


, \ ·. .

M« book p · '

,. .. . .· »tati re *. ? an

/.«?. la numerous cassi t, th" ??

. ... ,··

?p .··

?? a a Ite«,



[? «Vtftan, b»» ne- ....

eale«! ......r

? eterni·? ¦¦.· of Praae . a Mr. Wi

Depot, Ni. ÎIJ M«lib...

, ? ih« Mr. Wi....

wann g but lo ut

-pm of t.m.·.

Daucnea Ootoae..A mosi delightful black teal. «o..I by tin·

my ? ?. ? ? pi penad «·?| ?

rtor to any Btaek Tea t

ha ¡in.·.· ,r raa :· < » u· ·

? 'h te» ("ir wh

pound li i» ¦ «run Mnow where yo· nga than,.'.? bare ? ¦· ·.·. «ofail

.'. .· copy tei ·· / rafa)

4 Dauci . ? ? k iii at 90 Cairn PnrPn m.Ve bave drank this de |htfu G?? «? ^»<*Now·York, we trial fe nn»:.i t'ting « h--' t ?? \.·?? u|»rfor oureell ndleiglibor« We han draques rnfl ? pound

a ·· ? .· Wa ··¦ Bed any thingikii IVe uted to be rerj : Ga

... ,!.,· -

. < ? ?¦ a c mpaarj »? tea nry 'en«...·.. s

» enti ptr ;>· unWe drink Oreen Tea, and for aaany yean ken en

.«·. ¡?-· ,¦ .! b.r .1. Hut liihii«· · ¦¦

'ekin Teal mp bbj ara r ? ibetter toe from tea ¦at 73 eenta par poaad We drink one p. .und perateek,y wh.. b na ara r, ,w mrteg thirteen d".;»r« p,

|betl nia tl irgata ? annend ua toi..- Peate Tea Conpny. nyara ?

(..a· Tµßß ita Black Tbj Parynpsrtar ?ß ?-

¦x'.r« nne do·;«, v eg Bytoa, ¦ -.

· ¦ . Coin:.-,.

? ,· -as. | p..erl a·:.I I: ...

. a Tn Ennui inirara Thai¦ I I .' "i Ira '..' ». H M -r/ bj ?

. . . , , ..... .... Hg,¦tad. Wa anille«

to this ve reaper lenta ···.«

. H'.·!. L

IT t.rrai Vii» ì ori« Fnlrm Nihlo'a I.Hrdeu.V ·¦« .' tbt r ? ,

< tU :. ,- u .

-, . ? ? ?.· ?,«Mad

.."i »Oe.age.corr,.f . .t

'.··· I. ? ?·.. - VI .....

a -a taa.1 M *e,ot BteMBeary aadlav.

'¦"'·· ' · ? f Ba? - ktteg Match, eauuni ¦ »

·' vi n · · n Adirete a

Passat] a

R^anaatnaj QaajsV IMA.Ta ] ,i ..?.

a n »i M -; ». .- penI and Ta r .

? N11 · toga,« ... Cauto na« bana. M

·'" · Una I ··· day t an - Ri? ?. - a ? ·. ; . ? M

'- fa'·». (,·-.·

knee. 4 · I ¦ I »

·¦ a Bed r :. Ma·, aj "? ? te P.M. ?

. .

¦ of tee dna adi ?

··.-,. ...

? talea


geaat. ?p ...

? and win ?¦eta ?.lia««!»,,

rite Crtap m [tattle Henryß ?



armer ar,,¡ Mr Placide taVe bee ? ?


. ·ti |ht of the seti

G?" G·? Cci « .·. \¡ t- «? , , y,.1 ».nger fruì ,

Ir« appearance t ss American Mua'· '' v '· «gaged

? 1 .ir. ·.· te ·- ü.'iiei ,¡ a.The ma

' * «-«¦·-¦ fi,-¦



u tao I a.

? Boti ......

1 » ...

eaeretaed ?'' ·- ; ...

r ev«atiB«j. fall of «ciaaxs» «od lasse.sad on Wad ·

. I .-?.%. .-. ? ... Brook-». «bed «arts «Ito Out Baft

Pat »Cm·.· , Hut Hi! M .The lown talk :»»

. ·-.· . . a

« . rater People· · · ..... . ·*··»«. and ;'*'.-«,? m «.»nie

«*«· part.«..y la.1. lair ret,,o «ted M I «r rop« "

'...p rie.Y t.y u»:ng · few ..,::.e.o| ???-..ii , !a-ni»iacom·round. There we Ibuuaand· who ought to uar it if Uwy?.·? io preeerva ibeir hair »o^J by t Pbaion III Utvad- Isty. uppotita lib tama.

¦?»« .? ? ???..?t??- -Thoae from the jostiy .-e«.

hrated f»i ery .«fProfeMir P'.umba, are certa ß y -r. .

to tbe h . .· i{ | arrang· m-itfor p.ctcrU.aowto tobeantitul ?«·? ihe »t:*? unmeaning 'iprrMinawih-h m.>st i.f th.··» put ,r, » h«v» 'ut a i.appjjeat m the. · ·

, ,r,;ed» ... ,·· and ih.

? · . < - tre -air

I affla HI ?' .¡Linon G .une;! Me rialied

toW · » ··* :· .·

H Banning'? rWg Bri., ? bj·';¦»" ¦··.:.-·..· i«v ¦:.·.«···,, ^ c

rorka .¦ ? Ve t ? -·,

.-¦.in M «nd laaasediste . .-ary ? t_.? -?-et«'.aciden toasdentary ha «


«.."iiHI Kranril Imponimi lo linabera.«MM·

«per tbat l'ay A New,·,. h«ve p.acej « ¿^ ß. BU kbi.Tr

reward t »?? U M»f ? ? t g t t>.artice in alterni 1 <? ¿

their poSaSM , .-e pa re tuck ?»

linimenti as they p. ly I . *·-¦:· Ihi ndk| »- · .ge« and kd

Mtbl-· ...... mat»,

mm w g r.a». . ·., g at,· rari .··

» y and mu·

ranto»; I *"M, >

... ».

riñan; a ...· « .g other,· ? ·

? .·-· «et a

.... BOn -·

rn ir.··. ... . r·. .

- k, and aaaaaajM n y th.· -

... « ani . ».

« ?aa.«¡math·

t,orany wort«to to

.' 1« »?" «»'· \'.

'..-e»b)tbeee ? · B «nutac

?, Nee > ? « n c·«

petition vrid r·, thai · · · ihn«·: e Kanter»

procurii r · iman*· / ait«. « e ih.

tlthat are ? msk.i .u ¡r..·

Wear» ? ?« f-.ea .... . .

«urd of I » te I R fat sac- lach mutt ?

IPs would. ......

·. tanna· that .n Am ¦

? lock to be picked, ari ? mi«



. meat » ««

¦. ..

« red. .. «

nj m ? it ¡?

?.,, am "¦¦¦ « ? aai -t themagri » i. ..ny tu ut.ty a.·', ml » lair, ti

to wenw.· .dir mat rito BUaaryand aaeaM

i) .1··, eived ? ? laiion to lb · ( toi·'. to pines sui ka * nhtoh h ? u

t ·>

I :- .? .< m«) al

·. mpi i,. pb « u. nahm Im«*, gì» lag Ann ampie pan t..

uTtiflce I i ti ? any (her«h instiiimeiits a» ihe\ ma)

think aeeen» rari di Bri kl ny mn attempt t.. ·> ?- Bofln hu) pul·

enge from sa) - ? the sanie priviire not granted ui Wlththsa arti api

,..· !.. ? ,'< m .- ¦· ?? U« lb.·! doll"! Ill

.¡int. We ti usi til U 'j'ii.r» will readilyipproi libai imi objet ? to Bailing Ibrirpai

?< it ?? olili.· ·¦' .up itine«!

We wo· ?an ? ¡hat .".?

« .h hat'sen »·. i't.-ii «¡?.«.·.), »ah (¡re linn

dred dollars?a toward to aa) arke n.ig'it saeandk.·.,,,, · reeta nan pa '·)

n .· persevering and Ingeni · ai-m toopnflndaOw «lami« wilhi'ut ? r.vii. the lu' pin i.ltr« Of ill

ka, and that lias ? >t '.» .. rittul!)bed ¦ ?a . nakatal

.- :.i pick it.-. ALU ?, ?»·m ? r Dag ? n.-w.-íi.

.·.- ?-. ? ··. s. ? Yerk

il w r u.iiia BiNk. June cl., MBG?*" I lie rei.· i-rlil* M ¦·· I"· k ?··«-?'· Pc

Peri nal * Bank Lucks, which «mItaah by ? IIhn. Igen for Pay h Ban BrotJ

.ay,B*u York, ari ¦»' »·>«» «arraand by iriid a

I* tag· any ti'euiptt In pickibi told I in·· 1 day >>f Jiat,

I WOtUMB .Mr lit'.. Juna.Newark, ? · "g ih«· kev. ari · I

-..,.: ??», I... » and UU1

Bank tasi M Joaee to faenesate Leih "ist ha... ¦. BanM

.M.. Jones's Loi-k. iSigiud) IAMBI lilLK,,. r m ihe tJnVSrM Hank. Haver«..:, Mut

? ? TIMI ···!.·'k was S".d lo t!.·· Ht-rerid.1 Hink ?a


?p??«·.« l'ini«·.·.« llniiiM, ?????,?Ni » Y.iKk, Sep., teak, ihv ?

Inidly ton ? C.Jeeaa,efB*warh ? i did pisrs oes

at hto Bank Lache ? a < ¦asneaajflaaajnl.1 .1 depinit #,»», a« » turf· rure if «ny per«. - 1 .psal

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S h ?.?.PIS. Prof r r ¦

Dana rtiaTiaa.aayB.BBrahM · -lav ( 'ir.hiaeil urn· M

n t j Change« . ¦ Lacha, ni¦Mia .-·¦ »ad w* ad hna

. ·OBO. Il AKiill II. A.a'M »· "

'.a.N'»wY.,»a,4'liO.'f..1»*VHipa ? t I ( Joe·»,

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\|r. j,,·,. ... ,.,:·¦ r uf usa... . llou-e, end il.Ink il s perlai

.i « klockt0l·Iw-. ? U 'l'ilH·'.·. ··

f~W liiiporlmil lo HnnLi-r* In r «· '¦ii.eskjvtr Br. Joan«, of Ben »>t, N J .*

r '·. a aiimua cation and ri .: enee u· k»

igh*«e a·- lo u.a«·· k M · Bag * r«ma»l

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ipabi . ,'rusaiV ...... e ..«'. »W

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e In in !he Piiiiox Itaiil dSWUa «' 'Ir J./ne» »»a no! ka*, i

¦toeeBMptoyadim so*· »sah BaBALocaVafl »

lined, fro« ama·¦··· ri ·. .· Lock, ?·*

.· lU given bi Ms own ? mmni.

»Mr.J -a· »¡?/ß??.. « . .?

latoi ? Lock, WM ? illy gtvsa toriG. » in«· , ? , , , Hart ?

? atoete to to» st*».-¦.a -adán*

....... r«l»»f*> AI.I.KN.

.».· lav A Ban I Ur ,··:···?

,. '.". aat afl? pound, tori the Ha**·

ptton. Toa aten ¡leafIONIC BVI · «.erta.m r*iw*dr'·* 1

ipapata, I. ..-r t.puna Caria, »'"f**;?««!«·« a . · > san

s ?. rtlaad-ateaa .t.»-. ./rai.. -i gtanj·. a -·. IwJaUBS» w ·

, ,.aari j...


, ¦ :bs pure ·**¦ne, ¡ned ter· ed Pu.» y directly u. the I""

· s s ,PlKM|. ...... ,^g.r·?lß,**

.¦.·.·- ' *il

,-¦..... lie usos-'.e » '»·!.' a · ? ..riiot.ic

. J H. SCllKNt-K-Krr»yi«i'i OtluiniL (iratiar. Pu B*UteBnnV-«w»

- IV rj.-e of Coii.unifHwe, Ba *

. 1' Ma»·· af i:·- :.. .· 1. ."r ( .mp.sint aadlrfS·Pep».a. eau te had. as u«u»,. al a* Uam ?*"1 o4f*An BrOffJtteter, R*. A'! toruand-tl. un· door tMio·" *·

comer of li renow .-h-»t. (gi°**

IV" i ¦¦ UU uerriiy rauuoi,~l tgaiDS! ¡S» PO«*wriee ransrtod :.. hy a certsut yhug msn o .**uva' ?*·. | hav«Bo(hmg ta . ,,., ¡?? b**>lzLtere.; m, ,.»·..,? .·,;,·. . ... ...atevsr. ?"


base and puec.r etf.,ru. '.bough ordiiianiy iM'OueM atuss^.m. ... «M.iilv ????.....?.~. a-_ in wahrt a^are ·¦· leiiiiv Baaaal :·· o.-ai» a la.à· ?·**·*··re.,|.re, lulbslreapect.asurficienlnotl'-eto ptil UM a**«*on their guard against ihe Uituriou» conse«|j»s>c«» ¦*»idaug U*· Jskjepuoti. t. a. atJCJULAit, **% uettlan*

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