Page 1: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

New Year!New You!

10-Pound Weight Loss Challenge

A Guide to Losing.... Healthfully!Melanie Douglass, R.D., NASM

New Year! New You! - Getting Started -

The recommendations in this guide are intended to be used as an educational resource. They are not intended to replace the advice of a medical

professional. Always consult with your physical before implementing non-personalized exercise and dietary recommendations. The creator, author and

publishers of this document disclaim any liability arising from directly or indirectly using this information.

Page 2: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't


New Year! New You! - sample diet -

New Year! New You! - Getting Started -

I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't going to be easy. But YOU CAN do it! And the reward you'll feel when you're done is nothing less than sensational! All good things take a little time and effort, so be patient, focused, determined, and positive. Regardless of whatever you see on the outside, always remember that exercise and healthy food make profound positive changes on the inside!

Here are 5 basic steps to uncomplicated, successful weight loss:

1. ReflectBefore starting any weight-loss program, reflect on your daily patterns. How do you eat? How much do you exercise? Be honest with yourself. Most of us know what we need to do... we just need motivational triggers/thoughts to do it. If you exercise most days of the week but can't seem to lose any weight, you probably need to focus on food. If you eat well but never exercise, then adding exercise should be a priority. Decide on your priorities: food, exercise, sleep, positive thinking. It can be all, some or none. Now write down 3 things you'll work on for the next 30 days.

2. Create a DeficitTo lose weight, you need fewer calories. Period. Don't spend a lot of time trying to figure/track exactly how many calories you need a day. What your body really needs is CHANGE... change from you are doing right now. Create a deficit from your current calorie intake and you'll see pounds come off. You can either eat less, exercise more, or a combo of both. Cut 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week, or 1000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week. If you don't know how many calories you eat right now, track for a couple days, find your starting point and cut 500 or 1000 from there. "Lose it" is a great smart phone app to help you track calorie intake throughout the day. You can cut a daily snack, or cut dinner by half the size as a start. (See meal ideas, next page.)

3. Don't Be Afraid of a Little Hunger.Being hungry doesn't mean you are going to starve. Most of us feel a pang of hunger and immediately reach for whatever edible thing is closest. Tell yourself hunger is okay and that you can eat in a few hours. You'll never go long without food in today's fast-paced, food-filled society. A little hunger is a good thing... get comfy with it. Don't take it too far though--we need to eat to fuel vital organs and to keep our metabolism running efficiently.

4. Sweat... More than you do now!Whatever you do for a workout right now, realize that, to lose 10 pounds, that you are going to have to increase it! If you don't currently work out--start with at least 3 - 4 workouts a week. If you work out 3 - 4 days a week, go for 5 - 7 days. But that's not all... also add a notch of intensity. If you currently walk at 3 mph for 30 minutes, up it to 3.5 mph for 30 minutes. See what I mean? Make a change in the "more" direction :)... and have fun!

5. Stay Positive!Some people lose 2 pounds every week--perfect and steady. Some people lose .013 pounds the first week and 5 pounds the next. Some people lose nothing the first 2 weeks and then bam! 5 pounds each week the last few weeks. Don't quit before you give this a full 30 days. And please, please, please, please, please (enough? :) don't quit just because you have a bad day. You can start over at any moment you choose. Bad breakfast? No worries - just eat better at lunch. Bad day? Fine. Eat better tomorrow. Never give up because of one unhealthly choice. Balance your calories in 24 hour blocks. For example, if you go out to dinner, eat a light breakfast and workout harder on your next work out. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.... that's all it takes.

The recommendations in this guide are intended to be used as an educational resource. They are not intended to replace the advice of a medical

professional. Always consult with your physical before implementing non-personalized exercise and dietary recommendations. The creator, author and

publishers of this document disclaim any liability arising from directly or indirectly using this information.

Questions? email: [email protected]

Page 3: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

New Year! New You! Build-Your-Own Sculpting workout



New Year! New You! - sample diet -

Weight Loss Menu 1

Breakfast (400 cals)

1 cup cereal w/>5 grams fiber1 banana12 almonds1 cup milk/soy/oj

Snack (150 cals)

6 oz. Greek Yogurt w/<10 gm sugar1 cup water

Lunch (500 cals)

Big Salad!- lots of veggies- light dressing- 1/2 cup lean meat or beans

Dinner (500 cals)

4 oz. Baked chicken/fish1/2 cup brown rice1 cup veggies1/2 cup fruit1 cup milk/soy

Snack (50 cals)

6 slices deli thinturkey breast(Oscar Meyer)1 cup water

Weight Loss Menu 2

Breakfast (400 cals)

1 cup plain oatmeal2 eggs (whites are fine)1 cup calcium OJ

Snack (100 cals)

1 oz. string cheese1 cup water

Lunch (500 cals)

Whole-wheat sand- 6 slices deli meat- w/veggies, olive oil or vin/mustard15 baby carrots

Dinner (500 cals)

Big Salad! - lots of veggies- light dressing- 1/2 cup lean meat,1 apple

Snack (100 cals)

12 nuts of choice1 cup water

Weight Loss Menu 3

Snack (50 cals)

1 cup blackberries1 cup water

Lunch (400 cals)

1 wheat tortilla1/2 cup black beans1 Tbsp sour cream1 Tbsp salsa1 cup snap peas

Dinner (500 cals)

1 cup wheat pasta1/2 c lean meat/beans1 cup veggies1 cup fruit1 cup milk/soy

Snack (200 cals)

1 egg or 1 can of tuna100-calorie fiber bar1 cup water

Weight Loss Menu 4

Breakfast (400 cals)

1 cup plain greek yogurt1 cup berries12 walnuts

Snack (100 cals)

12 slices deli thinturkey breast(Oscar Meyer)1 cup water

Lunch (500 cals)

5 oz. fish/chicken1 cup cooked veggies1 pear1 cup milk/soy

Dinner (500 cals)

1 cup bean soup3 cups green salad2 tbsp dressing1 WW roll/bread1 cup milk/soy

Snack (100 cals)

1 pomegranate1 cup water

- The workout Plan -

So how do you put this all together? The best way it works for you! If you are busy, you can eat menu 1 for one week straight. (Hey, it works! Grocery shopping is simple and it's easy to follow!) Then menu 2, week 2, etc. Or... try a new menu every day, every 3 days, whatever. The point is to learn calorie control, balancing nutrients, and ensuring you eat enough food to fuel your workouts to burn calories, build muscles, and lose, lose, lose! Bottom line: Try it, tweak it, or create your own.

1) 30 - 60 minutes of intense cardio 5 - 7 days per week. Walk, bike, swim, run, aerobics, just sweat! Mix it up. Some days are a steady pace, some days are intervals (where you work as hard as you can for 1 minute, then do 1 minute at a "challenging, but comfortable" pace. On an intensity scale of 1 - 10, intervals would be like going from a 5 to a 9 and back to a 5, or 6, then repeating for at least 20 minutes). Always warm up and cool down for 2 - 5 minutes. (You can also try Melanie's workout DVDs: or Amazon)

2) Try the Build-Your-Own Sculpting Workout on next page. Or do your own strength workouts, 2 days per

week. Since this is a tight, 30-day challenge, focus on more cardio. But after the challenge, start doing strength training 2 - 4 days per week along with cardio 3 - 5 days for a complete fitness program with long term benefits, results and sustainability. You can do this! Have fun and tell me how it goes :)

Questions? email: [email protected]

Breakfast (400 cals)

2 slices wheat toast2 Tbsp peanut butter1 cup milk/soy/OJ

Questions? email: [email protected]

Page 4: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

New Year! New You! Build-Your-Own Sculpting workout

Pick one exercise from each category to create your own workout that sculpts and strengthens your entire body. You can build one workout and stick with it, or you can make a new workout each time. There are many possible workout combinations. An easy way to use this is to build one workout and

perform it for one week (2 - 3 times); that way you've got 24 weeks worth of workouts at your fingertips. Remember to listen to your body and work at your own pace. Anything and everything you do counts!

Don't Forget it! Now get to work...

Category 1: Warm-ups

Choose one activity and perform it for 3 - 5 consecutive minutes. You can also make this category count as cardio by going for longer durations (10 - 30 minutes) with cardio activities of choice (biking, walking, swimming, etc).

Category 2: Legs

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Leg Squat:

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes forward. Push hips back and lower down, pushing weight down through heels and keep knees directly above the toes. Don't go lower than 90 degree bend at knee. Squeeze abs and gluteals as you lift.

Airplane Lunge:

Push all your weight through your left foot, rest right toes on the floor. Bend forward from hips, arms out to sides, and extend right leg straight back - like an airplane, parallel to the floor - pushing all weight through the standing leg. Perform all reps on left foot, then switch sides.

Glute Lunge:

Step forward with left leg and back with the right leg so you are in a lunge position. Bend the front knee and lower down to the floor a few inches, then push back up and extend the back leg straight behind you. Lift the leg up and squeeze your glutes. Repeat all reps on left leg, then switch sides.



Questions? email: [email protected]

Page 5: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

Category 3: Back

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Bentover 1-Arm Row:

Place left knee and hand on a ball or chair. Hold a dumbbell in the right hand. Bend the elbow and row upward until the palm is near the ribcage, squeeze the shoulder blade inward as you lift. Keep shoulders parallel as you lift. Slowly lower back down. Repeat all reps with right arm, then switch sides.

Wide Row:

Grab one dumbbell in each hand and sit on a ball or a chair. Bend forward from hips and rest your chest on your thighs. Straighten the arms and hold the weights under your legs with palms facing the chair/ball. Pull elbows up to a wide "V" then lower back down.


Lie down on a ball or a bench with head, neck and shoulders fully supported on the ball/bench. Hold a weight overhead and slowly lower, with straight arms, down toward the crown of your head, then slowly bring the arms back up.

Category 4: Biceps

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Biceps Curl:

Stand up tall and hold a weight in each hand, palms facing outward. Bend at elbow and bring the weight up to shoulder and slowly lower back down.

Concentration Curl:

Hold one or two weights in the right hand, then turn toes outward and squat down so that you can place your right elbow against the inside of your right knee. Then slowly curl the weight up to shoulder and lower back down.

Side Curl:

Grab one weight in each hand and hold arms straight out to sides with palms facing upward. Keep elbows in line with shoulders at all times. Bend at elbow and bring the weights in toward shoulders, then slowly return to staring position.



Page 6: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

Category 5: Chest

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Chest Fly:

Hold one weight in each hand and lie down on the floor, or a ball or bench; make sure head and shoulders are fully supported on the ball/bench. Hold the arms straight up overhead, palms facing each other. Lower the weights down and bring them back up.

Push Up:

You know this one! Keep your belly pulled in tight and place your hands out wide to the sides so that when you lower down your elbows are bent to 90 degrees.

Chest Press:

Hold one weight in each hand and lie down on the floor, or a bench or ball; make sure head and shoulders are fully supported on the ball/bench. Bend your arms to 90 degrees with palms facing toes; push the arms straight overhead and lightly touch the weights together then lower back down.

Category 6: Triceps

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Triceps Kickback:

Hold one weight in each hand, step one foot in front of the other, then bend forward from the hips (slightly) and bring elbows up until they're in line with your shoulders, then bend only at the elbow and push the weight back until arms are straight.

Triceps Dip:

Sit on a ball or a chair, place hands on the edge, right under your shoulders. Lift hips off the ball/chair and then lower down until shoulders are just above elbow height, then push back up.

Overhead Press:

Stand tall and hold 1 or 2 weights behind your head. Pull elbows in close to your ears and keep them there the whole time. Bend at elbows and push weight overhead til arms are straight, then lower back down.



Page 7: New Year! New You! · - sample diet - New Year! New You! - Getting Started - I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Losing 10 pounds in ~30 days isn't

Category 7: Shoulders

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Lateral Raise:

Hold one weight in each hand and stand with feet shoulder width apart. Palms face each other, then raise the arms straight out to the side until they are shoulder level, then slowly lower back down.

Front-to-Back Shoulder Raise:

Hold one weight in each hand and stand with feet shoulder width apart, contract abdominals and rest the weights on the front of your thighs with your palms facing thigh. Raise the weights up to shoulder level, then lower back and slightly extend past your hips, then raise them back up.

Overhead Press:

Hold one weight in each hand and stand with feet shoulder width apart, contract abdominals and bring your arms up to a 90-degree bend at the elbow. Palms should be forward, elbows in line with shoulders, then push the weight overhead and slowly lower back down.

Category 8: Abdominals

Choose one activity and perform 1 - 3 sets of 20 - 30 repetitions. Rest 15 - 30 seconds between each set.

Ball Crunch:

Sit on a ball and roll out until the ball is in the small of your back. Place your hands at the base of your head and press your elbows out to the side. Keep your chin lifted and contract abs as you lift up, then resist the contract (don't let it relax and slowly lower back down.

Reverse Crunch:

Lie down on the floor and push your legs straight up in the air so your hips are bent at a 90-degree angle. Lift your hips 2 - 3 inches off the floor (like you are "stamping" your feet to the ceiling) and slowly lower hips back down to the floor.

Oblique Crunch:

Sit on ball and roll out till the ball is in the small of your back. Place your hands at the base of your head and press your elbows out to the side. Keep your chin lifted and contract abs as you lift your right shoulder toward your left knee; then lower and lift to the other side.

Plank:Prop yourself up onto your elbow and toes. Contract your abs and glutes, pull your hips up so you low back isn't sagging down. Hold this position 15 - 30 seconds.



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