Page 1: New vibration tables for the 320 kN vibration system We



We give you space on earthNew vibration tables for the 320 kN vibration system deliveredFor the vibration laboratory, a new vertical table and a new slip table were delivered for the 320kN vibration system. These tables will re-place the present ones after 20 years of test service. As the old ones, the new tables consist of a magnesium alloy and are built as welded constructions. IABG was responsible for the design, the calculations, and the optimization of the tables whereas the production was taken over by a sub-contractor.

With the new tables a signifi cant improvement of the dynamic behav-iour is achieved. They will be integrated into the test system later this year in order to directly resume the test service.

New certifi cations according to AEO and ISO 14001Both the quality management system and the processes of IABG’s Space Centre meet the highest standards, confi rmed during the past few years by certifi cations according to EN 9100, ISO 9001 and ECCS-Q-20-07A as well as an accreditation according to DIN EN ISO 17025 through ESA and TÜV. Now IABG has taken another step: It got certifi ed also for its environmental management system, its logistics, and its customs procedures.

As a result, IABG now proud-ly holds the status as “Author-ized Economic Operator AEO” and is thus regarded as particularly trustworthy and reliable in all lo-gistics and customs matters. The ISO 14001 certifi cate, on the oth-er hand, confi rms highest quality for the environmental management system.







New nitrogen compressor for TV chambersThe thermal vacuum chambers at IABG are tempered by liquid and gaseous Nitrogen. In order to ensure an operation of the two TV chambers 3 m-TVA and WSA / TVA independently from each other, IABG obtained a new powerful Nitrogen compressor to supply the 3 m-TVA with liquid Nitrogen.

The 3 m-TVA, which was also increased in length by more than one meter, can thus be operated independently at all types of tests. Also the performance of the chamber could be increased by the new compressor.

News from the Space Centre

Issue 7

IABG Space CentreEinsteinstrasse 2085521 Ottobrunn

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Page 2: New vibration tables for the 320 kN vibration system We

IABG wins contract for test campaign on PAZ satelliteAfter the performance of the qualifi cation tests on the twin satellites TerraSAR X and Tandem X for Astrium Germany some time ago at IABG’s Space Test Centre, we have now been awarded the contract for the performance of the test campaign of the Spanish version of the radar satellite. The Spanish satellite called PAZ is almost identical to the German TerraSAR X and Tandem X, both producing important height pictures of the planet‘s surface in radar range since 2010. PAZ is being built by Astrium CASA as prime contractor. Tests include thermal vacuum tests, vibration and acoustic tests, shock tests, tests for electromagnetic compatibility and the determination of mass properties.

Bepi Colombo high temperature testsThe ESA mission Bepi Colombo means a big challenge for the Eu-ropean space industry. For 2015, it is scheduled to fl y to the planet Mercury where after 6 years of travelling it is supposed to study the magnetic fi eld and its geology. On Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, extreme thermal conditions can be found for which the materials and instruments of the spacecraft need to be designed for. IABG helps to realize the mission, e.g. by qualifying the solar panels of Bepi Colombo. For this purpose a special test device was developed with powerful infrared lamps that will be integrated into the thermal vacuum chambers. This construction allows the performance of thermal tests under vacuum conditions and under extreme tempera-tures from - 165 °C up to + 215 °C.

Upgrading of IABG’s Space Centre for satellite projects up to 4 tFor IABG’s Space Centre there will be the opportunity within the coming years to carry out tests on new satellite projects that have a system weight of up to 4 tons. In order to prepare the centre for this kind of test projects, appropriate modifi cations are currently made on the test facilities and the equipment, in particular the space simulation chamber, the acoustic laboratory and the facilities for mass property determination as well as regarding the Space Centre’s infrastructure.

SWARM and LISA Pathfi nder test campaigns at IABG – updateAlready in 2010 IABG started with the test campaigns for LISA Pathfi nder and the satellites of the SWARM fl eet. The object of the SWARM fl eet, consisting of three identical satellites, is to measure the earth’s magnetic fi eld. With LISA Pathfi nder instruments and technologies will be tested in orbit which will then be responsible for the detection of gravitational waves during the LISA mission.

The test campaign on LISA Pathfi nder was successfully fi nished some months ago. The satellite has been exposed to thermic, me-chanical and electrical tests in several confi gurations. Also the tests on the SWARM fl eet is completed and the satellites are prepared for the launch with a Russian carrier rocket.

IABG commissioned with investigation of VEGA Rocket’s modal characteristics at launch site As part of the qualifi cation of all ground operations performed for the launching of the VEGA rocket IABG has been commissioned by the company ELV with an important qualifi cation section. On behalf of ESA, ELV develops and builds the Vega launcher which is sup-posed to transport payloads of up to 2 tons in a 700 km orbit. IABG was appointed to analyze the modal characteristics of the carrier rocket on the launch pad so that the preparations for take-off can be performed safely in terms of wind excitation. The test took place on the grounds of the “Centre Spatial Guyanais” in Kourou, French Guyana.

The tests were performed with an inert (fi lled with non-ignitable fuel), otherwise fully functional rocket at the launch pad. The modal characteristics were studied during experimentally applied vibrational excitation as well as during natural wind excitation.

With this qualifi cation test high demands were associated, both in terms of the very short preparation time and in terms of the organiza-tion of the activities since all of IABG’s work had to be integrated and coordinated in a more comprehensive qualifi cation program. Similarly, the demands on the test equipment and the test procedure were also unusual as the huge mass of the rocket had to be excited at very low frequencies. At the same time, the test team itself was required to provide a maximum of precision under very unusual climatic conditions.

Satellite SWARM in the space simulation chamber

(SWARM is an ESA programme with Astrium GmbH as Prime Contractor)

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