Page 1: New Singulair Montelukast

NURS 1566 Clinical Form 3: Clinical Medications Worksheets(You will need to make additional copies of these forms)

Generic NameMontelukast

Trade NameSingulair

ClassificationPharmacologic: leukotriene antagonists

Dose10 mg


Time/frequencyQ morning

Peak3-4 hr 

Onsetwithin 24 hr 

Duration24 hr 

Normal dosage range10 mg once daily

Why is your patient getting this medicationfor asthma

For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and/or solutionsN/A

Mechanism of action and indications(Why med ordered)Action: Antagonizes the effects of leukotrienes, which mediate the following: Airway edema, Smooth muscle constriction Altered cellular activity; Result is decreased inflammatory process. Indicated for prevention and chronic treatment of asthma. Indicated for prevention and chronic treatment of asthma.

Nursing Implications (what to focus on) Contraindications/warnings/interactionsContraindicated if there is a hypersensitivity. Use cautiously in Acute attacks of asthma, Hepatic impairment (may need lower doses), Reduction of corticosteroid therapy (may increase the risk of eosinophilic conditions). Drugs which induce the CYP450 enzyme system (phenobarbital and rifampin ) may decrease the effects of monteleukast

Common side effectsCNS: fatigue, headache, weakness, EENT: otitis (children), sinusitis (children), Resp: cough, rhinorrhea, GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea (children), dyspepsia, nausea (children), increased liver enzymes, Derm: rash, Misc: EOSINOPHILIC CONDITIONS (INCLUDING CHURG-STRAUSS SYNDROME), fever

Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal medicines (ask patient specifically)none

Lab value alterations caused by medicineMay cause ↑ AST and ALT concentrations

Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medicationtake medication daily in the evening, even if not experiencing symptoms of asthma. Do not double doses. Do not discontinue therapy without consulting health care professional. montelukast is not used to treat acute asthma attacks, but may be continued during an acute exacerbation. Patient should carry rapid-acting therapy for bronchospasm at all times. Advise patient to notify health care professional if more than the maximum number of short-acting bronchodilator treatments prescribed for a 24-hr period are needed

Nursing Process- Assessment(Pre-administration assessment)Lung sounds, respiratory function, and allergy symptoms.

AssessmentWhy would you hold or not give this med?In case of allergy

EvaluationCheck after givingIn case of allergy

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