  • New Senior Secondary Curriculum

    21 Nov 2008

  • Year of Implementation: 2009Sept 20091st batch of NSS students (existing F.3)20121st batch of students to attempt HKDSE exam 20161st batch of university students to graduate under the new structure

  • School-based assessment (2)Long-term goal to have SBA in all subjectsGreater flexibility in weighting of SBA (15 -30% for most subjects, higher for practical subjects)Acceptance of both continuous assessment (Mode A) and specific tasks/activities (Mode B) but not mock examinationsSBA built into ongoing teaching and learning and not designed as add-on activitiesSBA to be designed to facilitate authentication

  • Standards-referenced reportingNew system of levels to be designed to encompass full range of abilities of students.Standards for Level 1 to be set at a threshold level that almost all students can achieve with persistence and effortStandards for Levels 4 and 5 to be set at a level of interest to local and overseas universities

  • Our School PLAN for NSS CurriculumClass Structure 666 666Progression of Study: 3X in S4; 2-3X for S5-6No of elective subjects planned to offer: 13

  • Core SubjectsEthnics and Religious StudiesEnglish LanguageChinese LanguageMathematicsLiberal Studies

  • Elective Subjects (2 or 3)

    Our school provides 13 subjects as electives for Senior Secondary students to choose. Apart from the compulsory subjects, each Senior Secondary student should study at least two elective subjects of 3-year duration.

  • Elective Subjects

  • No of subjects taken in F.4 0809No. of subjects preferred :

    Five core subjects and TWO elective subjects - 2X subjects Five core subjects and THREE elective subjects - 3X subjects

    Consider your number of subjects to be taken seriously. Assess your ability and opt for either 2X or 3XWhat subjects to choose Interest / Ability / Future CareerBe mindful of University programmes that requires pre-requisite

  • Arrangement: Block time-tablingStudents study 2/3XSubjects are chosen from 13 electivesTo maximize the no. of combination of subjects that students can choose, subjects are arranged in blocks according to students choice

  • Block time-tabling

    4A4B4C4D4E4FBlock 1Subject A, Subject B, Subject C, Subject D, Subject E, Subject F, Subject G, Subject HBlock 2Subject A, Subject B, Subject C, Subject D, Subject E, Subject I, Subject J, Subject KBlock 3Subject A, Subject B, Subject F, Subject G, Subject H, Subject L, Subject M, Subject N

  • Dry RunF.3 NSS / Choice of Subjects SeminarDry run on the choice of subjectsChoice of subject Form to be returned by 5th December 2008Finalize the number of classes for each subject and subject combinations

  • NSS Choice of subjectsMid-May - Actual Choice of subjects Form for studentsResults to be released by End of JulyAllocation is based on:Performance in First Term (~35%)Performance in Second Term (~65%)

  • Survey on Choice of Elective Subjects of S4The Form consists of 4 partsPart 1: Indicate your choice of electives Part 2:Indicate your Option for Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or 2)Students need to indicate their preference on Mathematics (a) Compulsory Part only (b) Compulsory Part and Module 1 (c) Compulsory Part and Module 2

  • Survey on Choice of Elective Subjects of S4Part 3: Prioritize your choice of electives Part 4:If you want to take more than 1 science subjects as electives

  • Two Science Subjects Students wishing to take two elective subjects in the Science Education KLA are recommended to take one of the Combined Science electives together with one specialised science subject. Each Combined Science elective contains two parts, and these should be the parts that complement the discipline in which they specialise.

  • Two Science Subjects Students are, therefore, offered three possible combinations: 1.Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) + Biology 2.Combined Science (Biology, Physics) + Chemistry 3.Combined Science (Chemistry, Biology) + Physics

  • How to fill in Part 2 & Part 3Preference of student A: She would like to take 3 non-science subjects as her electivesJust indicate her order of preference (from 1st to 10th) which should not include Two Science SubjectsLeave Part 3 empty

  • How to fill in Part 2 & Part 3Preference of student B: She would like to take 2 non-science subjects and 1 science subject as her electivesJust indicate her order of preference (from 1st to 10th) which should not include Two Science SubjectsLeave Part 3 empty

  • How to fill in Part 2 & Part 3Preference of student C: She would like to take 2 science subjects and 1 non-science subject as her electivesShe should prioritize Two Science Subjects as her first priority and then other subjects according to the order of preference (from 2nd to 10th).Need to fill in Part 3

  • Other Learning ExperienceMoral and Civic EducationCommunity ServiceCareer-related ExperiencesAesthetic DevelopmentPhysical Development

  • Student Learning Profile (SLP)Academic performance in school; Other Learning experiences ; Awards/ achievements gained outside schools

  • NSS Science Education KLASpecialized science subjects:- Biology- Chemistry- PhysicsScienceMode I:Integrated ScienceMode II:Combined Science

  • Combined Science3 combinations:1. Combined Science (Phy, Chem) + Biology2. Combined Science (Bio, Phy) + Chemistry3. Combined Science (Chem, Bio) + Physics

  • Combined Science To provide a balanced learning experience for students across the sciences To cater for the diverse interests and needs of students [to take up elective subjects from other KLAs] To broaden the future choices for further study and work

  • BiologyCells and molecules of lifemolecules of lifecellular organizationmovement of substances across membranecell cycle and divisioncellular energeticsGenetics and evolutionbasic geneticsmolecular genetics biodiversity and evolutionIII. Organisms and environmentessential life processes in plantsessential life processes in animalsreproduction, growth and developmentcoordination and responsehomeostasisecosystemIV. Health and diseasespersonal health diseasesbody defence mechanismsElective part [50 hours]: Human physiology, Applied ecology, Microorganisms and humans, Biotechnology (any 2 out of 4)Compulsory part [200 hours]:

  • Combined Science: BiologyCells and molecules of lifemolecules of lifecellular organizationmovement of substances across membranecell cycle and divisioncellular energetics *Genetics and evolutionbasic geneticsmolecular genetics *biodiversity and evolution *III. Organisms and environmentessential life processes in plantsessential life processes in animalsreproduction, growth and development *coordination and response *homeostasisecosystemIV. Health and diseasespersonal health diseases *body defence mechanismsElective part [50 hours]: Human physiology, Applied ecology, Microorganisms and humans, Biotechnology (any 2 out of 4)Compulsory part [200 hours]:

  • Chemistry Compulsory part [198 hours]:planet earthmicroscopic world Imetalsacids and basesfossil fuels and carbon compoundsmicroscopic world IIredox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysischemical reactions and energyrate of reactionchemical equilibriumchemistry of carbon compoundspatterns in the chemical worldElective part [52 hours]:Industrial Chemistry,Material Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry(any 2 out of 3)

  • Combined Science: ChemistryCompulsory part [198 hours]:planet earthmicroscopic world Imetalsacids and basesfossil fuels and carbon compoundsmicroscopic world IIredox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysischemical reactions and energyrate of reactionchemical equilibriumchemistry of carbon compoundspatterns in the chemical worldElective part [52 hours]:Industrial Chemistry,Material Chemistry,Analytical Chemistry(any 2 out of 3)

  • PhysicsI. Heat and gasestemperature, hear & internal energytransfer processeschange of stategasesII. Force and motionposition and movementforce and motionprojectile motionwork, energy and powermomentumuniform circular motiongravitationIII. Wave motionnature and properties of waveslightsoundIV. Electricity and magnetismelectrostaticscircuits and domestic electricityelectromagnetismV. Radioactivity and nuclear energyradiation and radioactivityatomic modelnuclear energyCompulsory part [200 hours]:Elective part [54 hours]: Astronomy and Space Science, Atomic World, Energy and Use of Energy, Medical Physics (any 2 out of 4)

  • Combined Science: PhysicsI. Heat and gasestemperature, hear & internal energy transfer processes change of stategasesII. Force and motionposition and movement force and motion projectile motionwork, energy and power momentum uniform circular motiongravitationIII. Wave motionnature and properties of waves light sound IV. Electricity and magnetismelectrostaticscircuits and domestic electricityelectromagnetismV. Radioactivity and nuclear energyradiation and radioactivityatomic modelnuclear energyElective part [54 hours]: Astronomy and Space Science, Atomic World, Energy and Use of Energy, Medical Physics (any 2 out of 4)Compulsory part [200 hours]:

  • One Science elective:Compulsory part + elective part: 250-254 hoursInvestigative study: 16-20 hours

    One Combined Science:Comapulsory part: 135 + 135 hours

    270 hours

  • Assessment

    SubjectComponentOutlineWeightingDurationBio/Chem/ PhyPublic ExamPaper 1: Compulsory part60%2 hr 30 minPaper 2: Elective part20%1 hourSBAPractical related tasks + non-practical related tasks20%Combined SciencePublic Exam40%100 minSBA with simple investigations10%

  • University Entrance Requirements under the 334 Academic Structure

  • The universities minimum entrance requirements under the new 334 academic structure (1)

    InstitutionGeneral EntranceRequirementsFaculty/Programme EntranceRequirements City University of Hong Kong4 cores + 1 X1 X defined from a list of subjectsHong Kong Baptist University4 cores + 1 X1 X (unspecified or specified)Lingnan University4 cores

  • The universities minimum entrance requirements under the new 334 academic structure (2)

    InstitutionGeneral EntranceRequirementsFaculty/Programme Entrancerequirements The Chinese University of Hong Kong4 cores + 1 XMost programmes require 1 unspecified X or 1X specified from a group of subject. Some programs require 2XsThe Hong Kong Institute of Education4 cores + 2Xs2 unspecified Xs

  • The universities minimum entrance requirements under the new 334 academic structure (3)

    InstitutionGeneral EntranceRequirementsFaculty/Programme Entrancerequirements The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 4 cores + 1 XPreferred subjects onlyHong Kong University of Science and Technology4 cores + 2Xs1 unspecified X + 1X specified from a group of subjects

  • The universities minimum entrance requirements under the new 334 academic structure (4)

    InstitutionGeneral EntranceRequirementsFaculty/ Programme EntranceRequirements The University of Hong Kong4 cores + 2 XsMost programmes do not have specified requirement. Those programmes with specific requirements ask for one specified elective from a group of subjects.

  • Other RequirementsThe focus: core subjectsMost of the programmers do not specify any requirementOnly some professional subjects have special requirements59/334 requires science subjects7.8% requires Math (extension)9.9% required / preferred Math (extension)

  • Other RequirementsSpecial requirementsOverall picture

  • Thank you!

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