
Established 1914

Volume XVI, Number 138 4th Waxing of Tawthalin 1370 ME Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

Garavo ca; reverence; this is the way to auspiciousness

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

New school building for Mahaaungmyay TownshipNAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept—

Chairman of Mandalay Di-vision Peace and Develop-ment Council Commanderof Central Command Brig-Gen Tin Ngwe looked intothe construction of newbuilding of No. 34 BasicEducation Primary Schoolat Thanlyathmaw westward in MahaaungmyayTownship, Mandalay Di-vision on 28 August. Thenew school building meas-ures 90 feet long and 30feet wide. It is one-storeybuilding with three class-rooms and 95 percent havecompleted. A total of 1,060students are learning at theschool.—MNA

Arctic acts as refrigeratorfor globe

Arctic ice always melts in summer andrefreezes in winter. But more and more ice is

being lost and not recovered.


Talks on“Export-

Import Licenseand its Online-application” on

5 Sept YANGON, 2 Sept— A talk on “ExportImport License and itsOnline-Application”sponsored by the Un-ion of Myanmar Fed-eration of Chambers ofCommerce and Indus-try will be held atUMFCCI OfficeTower on Min-yekyawswa Street inLanmadaw Townshipon 5 September. Acting Director UMin Min of Ministryof Commerce, will givethe talks. —MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept —The secondround of the 2nd Nay Pyi Taw Inter-Ministry Football Tournament 2008 con-tinued here this afternoon.

At Paunglaung Football Grounds,Ministry of Communications, Posts andTelegraphs won over Ministry of Health2-1 and Ministry of Transport beat Min-istry of Social Welfare, Relief and Re-

2nd Nay Pyi Taw Inter-MinistryFootball Tournament goes on

YANGON, 2 Sept—Advanced tailoring courseNo. 20/2008, basic tailor-ing course No. 49/2008and cane and bamboo craftcourse No. 3/2008 of Edu-cation and Training De-partment of the Ministryof Progress of Border Ar-eas and National Races andDevelopment Affairs wereconcluded at domestic sci-ence training schools inKawthoung Township on7 August.

Chairman of Dis-trict Peace and Develop-ment Council U Min Aye

settlement 5-1. Ministry of Rail Transportation will

play against Ministry for Progress ofBorder Areas and National Races andDevelopment Affairs at Nay Pyi TawFootball Grounds and Ministry of In-dustry-1, Ministry of Labour atPaunglaung Football Grounds tomor-row.—MNA

Tailoring courses concluded in KawthoungLwin and acting principalof the training school Daw

Tun Hla spoke on the oc-casion.—MNA




Myanmar’sEndeavours for



Commander Brig-Gen Tin Ngwe inspects

construction of new building for BEPS

No. 34 in Mahaaungmyay Township.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireWednesday, 3 September, 2008

This year, Myanmar enjoyed a goodrainfall at the beginning of the rainy season.Having put all the targeted acres undermonsoon paddy, Yangon, Bago andAyeyawady divisions have the potential forboosting paddy production. They have to stepup efforts to boost per acre yield of paddy.

Successful paddy seeds of high-yield strainslie at the centre of the drive for boosting paddyoutput. So, high-yield paddy strains are usedon a wider scale. Also important to achieve thegoal in growing paddy are use of advancedagricultural methods and utilization ofchemical and natural fertilizers incombination.

The government, entrepreneurs and well-wishers provided various sorts of agriculturalaid such as paddy seeds, diesel and draughtcattle for storm-striken areas to be able tocultivate monsoon paddy on schedule.

Local farmers in the areas worked hardwith the use of the agricultural assistance theyhad received. So far, they have cultivatedpaddy on almost all the targeted acres. So,they have to take measures for encouragingnew growth of paddy plants and boosting peracre yield.

It is also required to continue to provideagricultural assistance in the paddy season forthe plantations to be successful. It is also neededto put fertilizers on the paddy fields two timesin a season: when the fields are put underpaddy; and when plants are in fruit for theplants to thrive well with successful grains.

Local organizations and departments haveto render assistance for ensuring timelyutilizataion of necessary agricultural inputs,and local farmers, to plan the time carefully inthe crop season so as to achieve the goal ofboosting per acre yield.

Collaborative efforts essentialfor boosting per acre yield ofcrops

YANGON, 2 Sept—The opening ceremony of the16th Myanmar Cultural Performing Arts Competitionsof Yangon Division was held at Myanyilar hall ofNo.2 Basic Education High School of LathaTownship yesterday morning. It was attended byChairman of Yangon Division Peace andDevelopment Council Commander of YangonCommand Brig-Gen Win Myint and wife Daw KyinMyaing

At the ceremony, Commander Brig-Gen Win

Yangon Div opens Performing Arts Competitions

Myint cut the ribbon to open the contest and delivereda speech.

Afterwards, the artistes entertained with songsand dances. The Commander and wife presented aflower basket and cash awards to the artistes and theceremony was ended.

A total of 398 artistes—144 in amateur level(first class) and 254 in amateur level (second class)—took part in the competitions.


YANGON, 2 Sept— Atraining course onmanagement and de-signation of the role and

FIFA, MFF officials designate executive dutiesduties of executives ofFIFA member countrieswas held at NationalFootball Training Centrein Thuwunna, Thin-gangyun Township thismorning.

Windsor John, UrsZanitti and David Borjaof FIFA gave lectures atthe course and Presidentof Myanmar FootballFederation U Zaw Zaw,General Secretary U TinAung and executivesattended the course. Afterthe course, President UZaw Zaw presented giftsto the three courseinstructors.

Flood NewsNAY PYI TAW, 2 Sept —According to the

11:30 hr MST observation today, the water levl ofAyeyawady river at Hinthada is 1,346 cm and it hasexceeded by 4 cm above its danger level. It may fallbelow its danger level 1,346 cm during the next 24hrs.


The training courseheld on 1 and 2September is the first ofits kind held by FIFA inMyanmar. A similarcourse will be held inCambodia with theparticipation of PresidentU Zaw Zaw, GeneralSecretary U Tin Aung,

Executives Treasurer UThan Zaw, RefereesCommittee Chairman UTin Aung (Goalie),Technique Director USoe Myint Lwin andChairman of Committeefor Holding CompetitionU Khin Tun.


Commander Brig-Gen Win Myint and wife present cash award to artistes who have

performed during Yangon Division’s 16th performing arts competitions. — MNA

President of MFF U Zaw Zaw presentscommemorative penant of MFF to an

official of FIFA.—NLM

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 3

Obama says Palin’s family off limits

Barack Obama.

MONROE (Michigan), 2 Sept — SenBarack Obama said firmly that familiesare off-limits in the campaign forpresident, reacting to news that GOPrunning mate Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

“Let me be as clear as possible,”Obama said. “I think people’s familiesare off-limits, and people’s childrenare especially off-limits. This shouldn'tbe part of our politics. It has norelevance to Gov. Palin's performanceas governor or her potentialperformance as a vice president.”

Obama said reporters should “backoff these kinds of stories” and notedthat he was born to an 18-year-old

mother.“How a family deals with issues and

teenage children, that shouldn't be thetopic of our politics, and I hope thatanybody who is supporting meunderstands that's off-limits.”—Internet

Palin’s teen daughter is pregnant 500th USservice member

dies inAfghanistanKABUL, 2 Sept — A

sailor killed in Afghanis-tan on Saturday was the500th US service memberto die in that country sincethe war there began in2001. Petty Officer 1stClass Joshua Harris ofLexington, North Caro-lina, was 36.

Twenty-two USservice members werekilled in Afghanistan inAugust, part of a recentincrease in Americandeaths there. In 28 June,US service members diedin Afghanistan — theUnited States' highest one-month total in that country.

Republican conventionin Minneapolis-St. Paul,Minnesota, said thedisclosure of Bristol’spregnancy would not hurtthe Republican ticket andmay make Palin “a realperson like all the rest ofus.”

Since the start of theAfghanistan war, 940coalition troops have beenkilled, including Ameri-cans.


Bristol Palin, second from right, holds infantbrother Trig at Friday’s announcement of their

mother’s candidacy.—INTERNET

Japan’s Aso ‘ready’ for PM role


‘Rare’ mammoth skull discovered

The mammoth skull is estimated to be about400,000 years old.—INTERNET

Person dies in Thai protestsArmy takes to streets,

state of emergency declared in Bangkok

TOKYO, 2 Sept —TaroAso, secretary general ofJapan’s ruling LiberalDemocratic Party, has saidhe is ready to replacePrime Minister YasuoFukuda.

“I believe that I amqualified to take over MrFukuda’s agenda,” MrAso said.

Mr Aso, 67, who haslong been a rival to MrFukuda, had been madesecretary general of theLDP only last month.

This was not the firsttime he had been giventhe post - he went frombeing foreign minister tobecoming party secretarygeneral under PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe in

August 2007.Known for his

conservative views, he hasadvocated a tough linetowards North Korea andrejects changing the lawto allow women to ascendthe throne.

He is also seen as acharismatic figure who isknown to love Japanesemanga cartoons, was anOlympic sharpshooter,and comes from a familyof political blue-bloods.


ST PAUL (Minnesota), 2Sept — John McCain’srunning mate, Sarah Palin,dealt with two startlingdisclosures Monday. Sheannounced that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter ispregnant and plans to keepthe baby. And Palin hashired a lawyer as Alaskainvestigates the firing ofher public safety com-missioner.

Palin hired a lawyer threeweeks ago to act on herbehalf as state legislatorsinvestigate whether shemay have abused her powerin firing the state publicsafety commisioner forrefusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law, a statetrooper.

A report of findings of

a legislative inquiry thatbegan several weeks agois expected to be releasedjust days before ElectionDay.

Palin also revealed thather daughter Bristol ispregnant and will marry thebaby's father.

John McCain was awareof Bristol Palin's pregnancybefore he chose her motherfor his running mate, a topadviser to the Republicanpresidential candidate said.

Asked how theunmarried teenager'spregnancy would bereceived by the Americanpeople, another seniorMcCain adviser, SteveSchmidt, replied, “I don’tknow; I’m not a psychic.”


A pro-government demonstrator, centre, is tackledby anti-government protesters in Bangkok, Tuesday.

AUVERGNE (France), 2Sept — The "extremelyrare" fossilised skull of asteppe mammoth has beenunearthed in southernFrance.

The discovery in theAuvergne region couldshed much needed light onthe evolution of thesemighty beasts.

Many isolated teeth of

BANGKOK, 2 Sept, —Prime Minister SamakSundaravej declared a stateof emergency in Bangkoktoday and gave the Armycontrol of public order afterovernight clashes betweenpro- and anti-governmentprotesters.

Later, the ElectionCommission recommend-ed that the ruling PeoplePower Party be disbanded,but a final court ruling couldtake months.

The commission said theparty bought votes inDecember’s election,dealing another blow toSamak's shaky coalition.

Under the emergency,public gatherings in thecapital will be banned andmedia reports that“undermined publicsecurity” will be restricted.

However, leaders of theanti-government protestmovement that has occupi-ed the prime minister’sofficial compound for a

week said they would notmove.

“There are not enoughjails to put us all into,” saidChamlong Srimuang, aleader of People’s Alliancefor Democracy.

At least one man waskilled and 34 hurt in clashesbetween pro- and anti-

government demonstratorsnear the Government Housecompound, the worstviolence since the alliancelaunched its street campaignin May. About 400 soldiersarmed with truncheons andshields were sent to back uppolice struggling to containthe skirmishes.—Internet

steppe mammoth have beenfound, but only a handful ofskeletons exist; and in thesesurviving specimens, theskull is rarely intact.

Palaeontologists Fre-deric Lacombat and DickMol describe this skullspecimen as being wellpreserved.

It belongs to a malesteppe mammoth (Mam-muthus trogontherii ) thatstood about 3.7m (12ft) talland lived about 400,000

years ago, during MiddlePleistocene times.

The animal was about35 years of age when itdied, the researchersestimate. The steppemammoth is of vitalimportance for understand-ing mammoth evolution.

It represents thetransitional phase betweenan ancient species knownas the southern mammothand the more recent woollymammoth.—Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

20 die in South African blazesJOHANNESBURG, 2 Sept—Runaway fires driven by strong winds across South

Africa at the weekend killed at least 20 people, including two children, mediareported Monday. An 18-year-old boy, eight-year-old girl and 11-year-old boyburnt to death, with five others hospitalized, in the Eastern Cape province after fireengulfed their shack, the SAPA news agency reported police as saying.

In northern part of KwaZulu-Natal, 14 people were killed while 25 others weretaken to hospitals in several blazes that swept through the province, the EMRSambulance service said in a statement.—Internet

Oil steady in Asia but risks seenin new storms

Taliban admit kidnappingChinese engineers in PakistanPESHAWAR, 2 Sept—Pakistani Taliban militants said

Tuesday they had kidnapped two Chinese telecomsengineers and their entourage and would soon issue alist of demands.

The engineers went missing along with their localdriver and a security guard four days ago near theAfghan border where they had been checking aninstallation. “Our men have kidnapped the two Chineseengineers and they are currently in our custody,”Muslim Khan, a spokesman for militants from therestive northwestern Swat valley, told AFP.

He confirmed that the driver and security guard werealso being held.

“Our central consultative council will take a finaldecision about the fate of the engineers,” he said,adding that a list of demands would be put to governmentofficials for their release.—Internet

Russian newspapers hail‘victory’ after EU summit

MOSCOW, 2 Sept—Russian newspapers onTuesday hailed a victoryfor Moscow after theEuropean Union froze talkson closer ties until Russiantroops withdraw fromGeorgia but stopped shortof imposing economicsanctions.

“Europe Can KeepSucking Our Oil and Gas,”read a headline in thetabloid Tvoi Den, addingthat the EU had not “givenin to the hysterics” ofBritish Prime MinisterGordon Brown and PolishPresident Lech Kaczynski.

“The mutual depen-dency between Russia andthe EU leaves noalternative to developingclose bilateral relations.This was once againconfirmed at the EUsummit in Brussels,” saidthe government newspaperRossiiskaya Gazeta.

“There is no mention ofthe introduction ofeconomic sanctions in thefinal statement approvedat the summit. This looks,at least at this stage, like aclear victory for pro-ponents of dialogue withMoscow,” the daily said.

The Kommersant dailysaid the summit was “avictory for Russian diplo-macy.” Izvestia said: “Themain result of the Brusselssummit of the EU is thatmost Europeans do notwant to have a serious andlong row with Moscow.”

Ahead of Monday’semergency summit of theEuropean Union, some EUmembers including Britainand Poland had calledfor harsher measuresagainst Moscow followingRussia’s five-day war withGeorgia last month.


Hurricane Hanna threatensUS southeast coast

At the National Hurricane Centre inMiami, meteorologist Brian Mayer

examines a video monitor, on 1 Sept,2008, that displays an enhanced

satellite image of the AtlanticHurricane Basin and showing, from

left to right, Hurricane Gustav,Tropical Storm Hanna and newlynamed Tropical Depression Nine.

PROVIDENCIALES, 2 Sept— Turks andCaicos – Hurricane Hanna stalled forhours over the southeastern Bahamas onMonday, lashing the islands with fiercewinds and rain. Forecasters said it couldthreaten the southeast United States bymidweek.

Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Ikeemerged as a new threat in the open sea,as the National Hurricane Centre inMiami monitored three weaker weathersystems moving westward across theAtlantic.

Hanna, with maximum sustained windsnear 80 mph (130 kmh), lingered formuch of the day near Mayaguana andnearby islands in the southeast Bahamas.


Police fire tear gas as protesters attempt to disruptthe 2008 Republican National Convention near the

site at the Xcel Energy Centre in Minneapolis,Minnesota. They came in their thousands—

veterans, grandmothers, young families and evendisgruntled Republicans bearing banners and

peace flags, and calling in one voice to end the warin Iraq.—INTERNET

Serial quakes hit IndonesiaJAKARTA, 2 Sept— A series of moderate quakes rocked

western and eastern parts of Indonesia on Tuesday, withno report of damage or casualty, meteorology agencysaid here.

The first quake with magnitude of 5.2 struck at 07:06Jakarta time (0006 GMT) with epicentre at 167 kilometressouthwest Bengkulu province and at 30 kilometres indepth, an official of the agency said.

About three hours later, another quake with similarmagnitude occurred, with epicentre at 201 kilometresnorthwest Saumlaki town of Maluku province and at139 kilometres in depth, the official said.—Internet

KUALA LUMPUR, 2Sept—Oil prices hoveredaround $111 a barrelTuesday in Asia as thethreat of Hurricane Gustavdissipated but traderspredicted further riskswith new storms on theradar and concerns overslowing demand.

Crude oil prices tumbledMonday as Gustavweakened more thanexpected and appeared tohave caused little damagein New Orleans andsurrounding areas.

There was somedisruption to oil suppliesas oil companies shutdown production andevacuated facilities aheadof the storm. Altogether,about 2.4 million barrelsof refining capacity hadbeen halted, roughly 15percent of the US total,according to figures fromPlatts, the energyinformation arm ofMcGraw-Hill Cos. TheGulf Coast is home tonearly half of US refiningcapacity.

It could be a day or morebefore oil and natural gascompanies can assess thedamage to their drillingand refining installations.Louisiana Gov BobbyJindal said as much as 20percent of oil and gasproduction that wasstopped because of Gustavcould be restored by thisweekend, stressing that itwas a rough estimate.

InternetA worker on a deck of an off-shore oil platform construction site in Brazil, inAugust 2008. Brazil will on Tuesday start to tap a deepwater offshore oil fieldthat could presage how difficult it will be to pump reserves in vast new fields

located even farther out to sea.—INTERNET

A destroyed policevehicle is towed

after a bomb attackin Baghdad on 1

Sept, 2008. A bombattached to a carwounded three

people, two of thempolicemen, after a

bomb attack inKarrada district incentral Baghdad

on Monday, policesaid.—INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 5

Zambia exhibitors toattend trade fair in ChinaLUSAKA, 2 Sept—The Zambian delegation of exhibitors to the 12th China

International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) and Africa CommoditiesExhibition (ACE) will leave this week for Xiamen, a coastal city in east China’sFujian Province, a senior trade official said on Tuesday.

Director of Industry at the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry SiazongoSiakalenge said the ministry had received overwhelming response from Zambianfirms, particularly from the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sectors.

He said the number of SMEs participating has risen to 57 and would berepresented by 84 individuals.

Most of the exhibitors are in gemstone mining, manufacturing, financial services,and other services in the various sectors of the economy, Siakalenge said.

The CIFIT and ACE shows in Xiamen will take place from Monday to Thursdaynext week.—Xinhua

A corner tower on the rampart surrounding the ancient Forbidden City isreflected in the moat in central Beijing, China, on 31 Aug, 2008. Beijing has

seen extra bright sunshine since Sunday. —XINHUA

An Indian soldier (Front) and his Pakistanicounterpart attend the daily flag-lowering ceremonyat sunset at the India-Pakistan border post in Wagahon 31 Aug, 2008. The daily flag-lowering ceremonyat Wagah boder post has become a tourist destination,attracting hundreds of people to either side of the frontier to cheer for each other. —XINHUA

One killed in shipcollision off Macao coast

MACAO, 2 Sept—A Cotai Jet ferry Tuesday collidedwith a fishing boat off the Macao coast, leading to onedeath and two injuries.

At around 11:45 am, the ferry, sailing from HongKong to Macao, hit the fishing boat on waters 75 seamiles off the coast of Macao, a Press official of theSpecial Administration Region’s MaritimeAdministration, told Xinhua through telephone.

The official also said that the three persons on boardthe fishing boat, registered in the Chinese mainland,fell off into the sea after the collision, and one of themdied when being rescued and rushed to Macao’shospitals. All the victims were mainlanders.—Xinhua

Violent crimes ravageMexico in August

Pulitzer Prize-winningjournalist dies at 89

LOS ANGELES, 2 Sept—Pulitzer Prize-winningjournalist Edwin O Guthman, who played a key role inreporting the Watergate scandal that ended thepresidency of Richard M Nixon in the 1970s, has diedat the age of 89, his family said Monday.

Guthman died Sunday at his home in Pacific Palisadesnear Los Angeles following a long battle withamyloidosis, a rare blood disorder, a family spokesmansaid.

Guthman won a Pulitzer for national reporting in1950 for his stories in The Seattle Times on theWashington Legislature’s Un-American ActivitiesCommittee.

He went on to serve as an editor with the PhiladelphiaInquirer and was national editor of The Los AngelesTimes from 1965 to 1977.

He was also Press secretary for Attorney Generaland later Senator Robert F Kennedy from 1961 to1965.—Xinhua

S Korea’s foreign exchangereserves fall in August

Charlene Choi signs

her name on T-shirts

at the meeting for fans

in Hong Kong.


SEOUL, 2 Sept—SouthKorea’s foreign exchangereserves dropped 4.32billion US dollars inAugust to 243.2 billiondollars, falling for the fifthstraight month, the Bankof Korea (BOK) saidTuesday. BOK attributedthe fall to the massive dollarsales by foreign exchangeauthorities in July to bolsterthe local currency amidspiraling inflation.

Despite higher invest-ment profits, foreignreserves fell in August asa stronger US dollarbrought down the dollarvalue of assets in othercurrencies like the euro,said an official at the Bank

of Korea (BOK).However, although the

authorities unloaded about9 billion US dollars in themarket the local currencyhas declined more than 16percent against the dollarso far this year.


All items from Xinhua News Agency

MEXICO CITY, 2 Sept—Organized crimes likekidnapping and murder ledto the deaths of 550 peoplein Mexico last month,registering the highestcrime rate so far this year,according to data releasedby the leading newspaperMilenio.

Nearly one millionMexicans marched acrossthe country Saturday toprotest the relentless tideof killings, abductionsand shootouts, and demandgovernment action tocrack down on violentcrimes.

The protests weretriggered by the recentabduction and murder of a14-year-old boy on his wayto school.

The body of FernandoMarti was found in thetrunk of a car in MexicoCity on 1 Aug, even thoughhis businessman fatherhad paid the ransomdemanded.

According to a survey,there were 400 cases of

abduction across thecountry in the first half ofthis year, equal to that forthe whole of 2007. Most ofthe hostages were killedby the kidnappers.

On 16 Aug, a group ofarmed gangsters mass-acred 13 people, includinga baby, in the town of Creelin the northern state ofChihuahua.

The violent crimes targetnot only entrepreneurs andcivilians, but also policeand drug traffickers.

On 20 Aug, twoofficers of the Mexicanfederal investigationbureau were killed ontheir way to Mexico andToluca cities.

Seventy-five policemenhave been killed in Augustalone, the Milenio reported.

Last week, a dozenheadless bodies were foundin the town of Buctzotz, 70km northeast of Merida,home to Mexico’s mostpopular beach resort,Cancun.


Six Nepali flood victimsdie in camps

KATHMANDU, 2 Sept—Six flood victims have so farlost their lives to diseases in temporary camps acrossSunsari district, in southeastern Nepal, local newspaperThe Himalayan Times reported Tuesday.

According to Sunsari Superintendent of Police (SP)Yadavraj Khanal, an infant child of Holi Mohammadof Sripur-8 died of pneumonia in Sunsari’s Babiya-based Saraswoti High School camp on Mondaymorning. Five others, including an Indian womandisplaced by the flood, lost their lives to cold relateddiseases, Sunsari Chief District Officer Durga Bhandarisaid.—Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

A woman sits on a banana raft with her children in a village of Kurigramdistrict, 240 kilometres (150 miles), north of Dhaka, Bangladesh,

on 1 Sept, 2008.—INTERNET

A bomb blast victim is rushed to a hospital in Digos city. Five people havebeen killed and 32 others wounded when a powerful bomb ripped through a

packed passenger bus in the southern Philippines, police and disaster officialshave said.—INTERNET

A Palestinian woman waits to cross into Egypt atthe Rafah border crossing in the southern GazaStrip on 30 August. Egypt has closed the border

crossing between Sinai and the Hamas-run GazaStrip after a brief opening allowed thousands in

and out of the besieged territory, a security officialsaid.—INTERNET

JOHANNESBURG, 2 Sept—South Africa will signan energy agreement withoil-rich Venezuela onTuesday that could pro-vide alternative energysources to Africa’s power-house economy, the gov-ernment said.

“Venezuela has one ofthe largest oil reserves inthe world and developingcommercial relations inthis sector could providealternative sources of en-ergy to South Africa,”Foreign Affairs spokes-

Venezuela and South Africa tosign energy deal: official

man Ronnie Mamoepasaid in a statement Mon-day. Venezuelan PresidentHugo Chavez will arrivein South Africa later in theday on his first state visitto South Africa and is ex-pected to discuss political,trade and economic rela-tions with PresidentThabo Mbeki.

Also on the agenda isthe strengthening ofSouth-South relations -between the two conti-nents - and the secondAfrica-South American

Community of NationsSummit to be hosted byVenezuela in November.

A crisis in South Afri-ca’s coal-driven electric-ity supply brought thecountry’s key mining in-dustry to a halt earlier thisyear with massive black-outs blamed for poor firstquarter growth.

Venezuela, a memberof oil cartel OPEC (Or-ganization of PetroleumExporting Countries), hasone of the world’s largestoil reserves.—Internet

RIO DE JANEIRO, 2 Sept — Brazil registered a sur-plus of 2.2 billion US dollars in August in internationaltrade, down 24.8 percent from the same month lastyear, according to a report released on Monday.

According to the report, which was released by Bra-zil’s Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,Brazilian exports amounted to 19.7 billion US dollarsin August, up 43.2 percent from the same month oflast year.

The imports reached a record high of 17.4 billionUS dollars in August, the second consecutive monthin which imports reached record high this year.

The accumulated surplus from January to Augustreached 16.9 billion US dollars, with an average of101.2 million dollars per business day, down 37.7 per-cent from the same period last year. —Internet

Brazil’s trade surplus fallsnearly quarter in August

SEOUL, 2 Sept—State-owned Korea DevelopmentBank (KDB) confirmed on Tuesday that it was in talkswith Lehman Brothers (LEH.N) for a possible invest-ment in the troubled US bank, but other reports saidthe price of the deal remained an issue.

“Our CEO said a deal is ongoing and cannot dis-close the content of it,” KDB spokesman Cho Hyun-eek said. Lehman, which has more than $60 billion ofmortgage and mortgage security exposure, is underpressure to raise capital ahead of its results announce-ment this month.

Yonhap news quoted KDB CEO Min Euoo-sung,who headed Lehman’s local operations until earlierthis year, as saying that the bank was in discussions toform a consortium with private banks to jointly buyLehman, but that a pricing gap with Lehman remained.

A senior executive of another top South Koreanbank told Reuters on Tuesday that KDB had a sub-stantial interest in Lehman, but that detailed terms ofa possible agreement had yet to be determined.

He said his bank would delay any decision onwhether to participate in a consortium to be formedby KDB, on concerns that the talks between Lehmanand KDB could break down. The executive asked notto be named until an announcement was made.


KDB confirms talks with Lehman onpossible deal

PARIS, 2 Sept —New French energy giant GDFSuez was to announce Tuesday the acquisition of USelectricity producer First Light, the daily Le Figaroreported, publishing an interview with GDF Suez CEOGerard Mestrallet.

The takeover would cost 1.3 billion euros, or 835euros per kilowatt, the paper said, adding that GDFSuez had won a contract for more than 650 milliondollars for supplying energy to a number of US De-fence Department sites.

First Light manages 15 power stations in the UStotalling 1,500 megawatts and plans an additional 500megawatts, Mestrallet said in the interview, addingthat the acquisition would give his company a “suffi-cient production capacity” on the other side of theAtlantic.

GDF Suez had said Monday its first half net profitand sales rose by double digits, allowing it to confirmits forecasts for the year.—Internet

FRANKFURT, 2 Sept —Commerzbank (CBKG.DE)outlined its plans to cut9,000 jobs and shrink in-vestment bank DresdnerKleinwort to a rump after

Commerzbank to axe 9,000 jobsin Dresdner takeover

buying Dresdner Bank,but investors were un-happy about the $14.5 bil-lion deal.

Allianz (ALVG.DE) isselling the bank in twotranches to create astronger German numbertwo behind DeutscheBank (DBKGn.DE).

It is a deal that willtrigger one of the biggestrounds of job cuts inbanking since the marketscrisis began.

It is also an admissionfrom Allianz —afterseven years and billions inlosses — that it does notneed its own bank in or-der to sell insurance tobank customers.

In Germany, investorswere skeptical that Com-merzbank Chief Execu-tive Martin Blessingcould make the dealwork.


GDF Suez buys US electriccompany First Light: report

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 7

Myanmar’s Endeavours for LiteracyKhin Myoe Myint Kyu (Department of Myanmar Education Research Bureau)

Myanmar believes education as theenlightenment for success incomparable with otherneeds. From the very early days to the present time,Myanmar considered that education paved the wayfor success and is indispensable for the achievementof goals and success in life. The word torchlight hasbeen accepted as a metaphor for education. In theGlobal Village, Myanmar is one who regardseducation as “noble” and treats it as a “pinnacle”.

Myanmar, treasures education, studies and learnsas far as possible in its life. Education is thought ofas a treasure-house and literacy is the prominent keyin opening the gate of life achievements interlinkedwith education. In order to become literates, literacyprograms have been done enthusiastically by allnationalities. It is known that the literacy rate inMyanmar before 1886, living in the MyanmarKingdom era, was 85 percent approximately.

Britain colonized Myanmar in 1886 and thusMyanmar lost sovereignty. Since they wanted tocolonize Myanmar for a long period of time, theyplanned and forced Myanmar to become illiterates sothat Myanmar would be in the dark and probablyblind with not enough knowledge and education.During that period, Myanmar was totally lost in thewhirlpool of darkness, only a handful of Myanmarcitizens had an opportunity to pursue education; theresultant effect being illiteracy on the rise.

Myanmar gained Independence in January 4,1948. At that time, the literacy rate further declinedto 35%, the main cause was the result of “BritishColonial’s acrimonious plan”.

From that time onwards responsible personneland educationist all over the country tried to developliteracy programs to eradicate illiterates. The literacy

movement in Myanmar can be separated into threeperiods according to its implementation plan.

- The First period was from 1948 to 1964;- The second period was from 1964 to 1988; and- The third period began from 1988 up to the

present time.During the first period, the literacy rate was

increased from 35% in 1948 to 57% in 1963.Continuous extensions of literacy programs were

carried out actively and enthusiastically during thesecond period that is from 1964 to 1988. As aconsequence the literacy rate was increased to 80.04%in 1988. Within these years, Myanmar achieved literacytriumphs. At that time more than three million adultswere illiterates. About half million volunteer teachersenthusiastically taught basic literacy courses. Hence2.4 million adults eventually became literates.

As a result, Myanmar was awarded two literacyprizes by UNESCO. The first being Mohammad RezaPahlavi Prize in September 8, 1971 and the second isNoma Prize in September 8, 1983.

The period from 1988 to the present time has beenregarded as the third period. Literacy programs wereextended with the aim of Education-for-All. Inaccordance with Education-for-All programs, “formaleducation programs” and “non-formal educationprograms” are being carried out harmoniously.

Targeting all school-age children (that is from 5 to9 years of age) to attend school and to completeprimary education, efforts had been made not only byauthorities concerned and education staff, but also bynon-governmental social organizations andcommunities. This improved the enrolment rate andthus increased it from 91% to 98.01% for the academicyear 1999-2000 to 2007-2008; 98.13% in 2008-2009academic year.

In the Basic Education Sector, there were only33,747 Basic Education Schools in 1988. However,the number of school was further increased to 40,553in 2007 and 40,574 in 2008.

The intentions of studying secondary education intheir respective localities, Post-Primary Schools wereaccordingly opened and it now reached 6,263 PostPrimary Schools altogether. The transition rate fromprimary level to secondary level was also raised.

Ministry of Education has initiated opening ofmobile schools in remote areas and rural areas lackingproper primary school education. Initiation of mobileschool is, on one hand, aimed at providing all school-age children to pursue primary education in the suburbs.This program is meant for the school-age children whooccasionally had to move from place to place alongwith their parents who earned their livings as seasonallaborers. Properly trained teachers have been assignedfor these schools.

Non-formal education programs are being carriedout for illiterates and neo-literates: Basic Literacyprograms are for illiterates, whereas continuous

education programs are for neo-literates.The “consistent literacy campaigns” produced an

increment of literacy rate from 94.1% to 94.75% forthe period from 2005 to 2007; 94.83% in 2008.

It is rather important that neo-literates acquirefurther post-literacy training to enhance their basicliteracy skills, and hence continuing educationprograms played a vital role for them, These programsinclude Post-Literacy Program, Income GeneratingProgram, Quality of Life Improvement Program andEquivalency Program.

In the implementation of continuous educationprograms, Community Learning Centers are beingcreated which are then available for use asmultipurpose learning-centers. Community LearningCenters are developed with the community, by thecommunity, and for the community. CommunityLearning Center is constructed for the purpose ofobtaining knowledge and skills, at any time, foreveryone, without discrimination of gender, race,and religion: the current figure in 2008 is 2006.

Income generating Program is not only to improvetheir basic literacy but also to alleviate poverty. Thisprogram is conducted together with continuingeducation programs. The required knowledge andskills for the village production can be distributedthrough literacy booklets, pamphlets, posters, etc.Community Learning Centers can be used as a placefor giving villagers hands-on experiences for requiredskills. As a result, the rural people can learn more toproduce high quality products.

Non-formal Primary Education (NFPE) program isimplemented as an equivalency program. This programhas been provided for out-of-school children of 10-14age groups who never enrolled or dropped out.

One of the significant literacy movements is thelaunching of the Inclusive Education Program informal education. Although the enrolment rate isnoticeably increased, there are still some excludedchildren including physically and intellectuallyhandicapped children, children belonging to ethnic,linguistic and religious minorities, children living inpoverty, child victims of trafficking, drug addiction,and children in correction centers. According to thisInclusive Education Program all those special needschildren can get a chance to attend schools togetherwith other normal children. Booklets, video tapes andVCDs are produced for inclusive education program.

The theme of International Literacy Day (ILD)2008 is “Literacy is the best remedy”. Hence,Myanmar is now placing a special focus on theimportant relationship between literacy and health.

In conclusion, it can be said that the humanresource development is now in full swing in allregions of the nation due to the Government’s earnestarrangements to uplift level of formal and non-formaleducation.


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

Minister Maj-Gen

Soe Naing addresses


meeting on future

tasks for promoting

tourist arrivals.


Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung receives Mr Hiroyuki Konuma, DeputyRegional Representative of Asia and Pacific Regional Office of FAO.


Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa addresses opening of Advanced Organizing Course No. 15/2008 of MWVO. — MNA

Objectives of the 16th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing

Arts Competitions

Myanmar to scale up tourist arrivalsYANGON, 2 Sept—The

Ministry of Hotels andTourism held acoordination meeting atInya Lake Hotel, here, on31 August to hold talks toincrease the arrivals oftourists.

Minister for Hotelsand Tourism Maj-Gen SoeNaing delivered anintroductory speech.

Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyutouched upon related points

to be submitted to themeeting. Representativesfrom the MyanmarHoteliers Association andthe Myanmar Travels andTour presented reports.Officials concerned fromthe Ministry of ForeignAffairs, the Ministry ofImmigration andPopulation, and theMyanma Airwaysresponded to the reports.

Responsible personsfrom the Tour Mandalay,

and the Myanmar Foreignand Local TourismIndustry and MarketingCommittee gave accountsfor increasing the arrivalsof foreign tourists.Officials from theministries assessed thesubmissions.

The ministerreviewed the discussionsof the representatives andtourist guides from Bagan,Mandalay and Inlay hotelzones.—MNA

Division yesterdaymorning.

Member of CentralOrganizing Committee ofMWVO Vice-Chairman ofYangon City DevelopmentCommittee Vice-Mayor ColMaung Pa delivered aspeech.

Similarly, advanced-level organizing courses (15/2008) were opened at warveterans training schools inMandalay and MagwayDivisions.

The four-week courseis being attended by 50trainees each.—MNA

MWVO shares organizing skillsYANGON, 2 Sept— An

advanced-level organi-zing course (15/2008) of

Myanmar War VeteransOrganization was openedat war veterans training

school in Nyaunghnapincamp in HmawbyTownship, Yangon

Forestry Minister meets FAO officialYANGON, 2 Sept —

Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aung receivedDeputy RegionalRepresentative Mr

Hiroyuki Konuma of Asiaand Pacific RegionalOffice of Food andAgriculture Organizationand FAO Resident

Representative Dr ShinImai at the minister’soffice in Nay Pyi Taw thisafternoon.


New tarred road inaugurated inThingangyun Township

YANGON, 2 Sept—Organized by Thin-gangyun Township UnionSolidarity andDevelopment Asso-ciation, the openingceremony of new Pantra(Tawkha) tarred road washeld in front of thearchway of the new roadin Nga/Kha ward,Thingangyun Townshipthis morning.

USDA CEC member

(Yangon Division In-charge) Chairman ofYangon CityDevelopment CommitteeMayor Brig-Gen AungThein Lin, Vice-MayorCol Maung Pa, Secretaryof Yangon DivisionUSDA U Aye Myint andresponsible personsopened the road.

Next, the CECmember and officialssprinkled the scented

water on the stoneinscription and inspectedthe road.

The new roadmeasuring 1320 feet inlength and 12 feet in widthwas built under thearrangement of YangonDivision USDA.—MNA

1. Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservationand safeguarding of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

2. Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation3. Keeping genuine patriotism based on national solidarity

alive and dynamic4. Turning out younger generation who will continue to

safeguard the national culture and character



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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 9

All states have mind as their fore-runner; to them mind is supreme andof mind are they made. Therefore, if one, with defiled mind, speaks or acts,on account of the suffering follow one as the wheel follows the fact of that doeswagon-bearer.

The Pairs

Dhammapada 1

Athletes get moralsupport

YANGON, 2 Sept—Commander of YangonCommand Brig-Gen Win Myint met with athletes ofYangon Command Youth Football, Chess, Basketballand Martial Art teams who will take part in DefenceServices Commander-in-Chief’s Shield (Army/Navy/Air) Sports Tournaments for 2008 at the meeting hallof Yangon Command this morning.

Altogether 91 athletes of Yangon Commandwill participate in football, chess, basketball andmartial art tournaments. The command was awardedchampionship shields in chess and basketballtournaments last year.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW,2 Sept — Minister forConstruction Maj-GenSaw Tun in spec t edconstruction of SwaCreek Bridge acrossSwa Creek on Yangon-Mandalay Road today.

He visited theconstruction site, and atthe briefing hall of the

Swa Creek Bridge underconstruction

project, the engineer-in-charge of the BridgeConstruction SpecialGroup-14 reported tohim on works onconstruction of thebridge and future plans.

After hearingreport, the ministercalled on completion ofthe bridge ahead of

schedule and timelycompletion of approachroads of the bridge.

Swa CreekBridge is a reinforcedtype one and the four-lanebridge is 270 ft long and48 ft wide. I t canwithstand 60 tons ofloads.


YANGON, 2 Sept—Bachelor degree in Commerce (Logistics/ SupplyChain Management) can be got from STI Education and partner universities,Singapore Institute of Materials Management and Curtin University ofTechnology in Australia. The bachelor degree is presented by Curtin Universityof Technology and master degree can be learnt if qualified. One can studydiploma and advanced diploma in STI Yangon and study the final year inSIMM in Singapore and Curtin University of Technology in Australia.

The courses of STI Education cover courses of global universities, withwell-experienced and qualified teachers and practice of discussion betweenteachers and students based on two-way communication system in addition toadvanced teaching aids, STI Education becomes popular among knowledgeseekers.

STI Education will hold workshop on Logistics/ Supply chain as acompetitive advantage in a firm with case studies at Park Royal Hotel on 13September, inviting SIMM. Mr Roger Lee, professor of SIMM will give talks,presenting with case studies and careers & education pathway in logistics andsupply chain management at the workshop.

Those interested are to contact No. 7 Building 4 Myanmar Infotech,No. 377 Shwebontha Street (upper) or dial 507152,507151,507046,507048,250056, 700273.—MNA

Want to learn in S’pore or Australia?

YANGON, 2 Sept —President of the Union ofMyanmar Federation ofChambers of Commerceand Industry U WinMyint, Vice-Chairmen ofUMFCCI U Zaw Min Winand U Aung Lwin met

Myanmar, Indonesia plan toboost trade

Indonesian Ambassadorto Myanmar MrSebastianus Sumarsono atthe UMFCCI officeyesterday afternoon. They discussedpromotion of bilateraltrade and investment,

cooperation in economicenterprises, exchange oftrade missions andparticipation of Myanmarentrepreneurs in 23rd

Trade Expo Indonesia tobe held in Jakarta from 21to 25 October. —MNA

YANGON, 2 Sept—Sky Home Language Center, Yangon branch ofTokyo West International Education Academy of Tokyo, Japan will open its newcourses soon. For more information, those interested may dial Tel-535144,535626, 09-5048520, 09-5014453 or contact [email protected],[email protected] and—MNA

Sky Home Language Center opens

President of UMFCCI U Win Myint meets Indonesian Ambassador MrSebastianus Sumarsono.—MNA


Brig-Gen Win Myint

meeting with athletes

of Yangon





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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

Arctic acts as a refrigeratorfor the globe

BOULDER, 2 Sept—New satellite measure-ments show that crucialsea ice in the Arctic Oceanhas plummeted to itssecond-lowest level onrecord.

Arctic ice always meltsin summer and refreezesin winter. But more andmore ice is being lost andnot recovered.

The National Snowand Ice Data Center inBoulder, Colorado,announced Wednesdaythat the extent of sea ice inthe Arctic is down to 2.03million square miles.

The lowest point onrecord is 1.65 millionsquare miles set lastSeptember.

With about threeweeks left in the meltseason, the record mayfall, scientists say. Arcticice always melts insummer and refreezes inwinter. But over the years,

more and more of the iceis lost to the sea and notrecovered in winter.

That’s importantbecause the Arctic acts asa refrigerator for the globe.


Arctic ice always melts in summer and refreezes inwinter. But more and more ice is being lost and

not recovered.—INTERNET

The top of a building lies in the street after beingtaken down by the winds of Hurricane Gustav indowntown New Orleans, on 1 Sept, 2008.—INTERNET

UNSG says insufficient progressmade on water

ZARAGOZA (Spain), 2 Sept — Onebillion people worldwide lack access tosafe drinking water and countries musttry harder to reach their goals onsanitation, UN Secretary-General BanKi-Moon said on Monday.

“There has been progress towardsachieving the water and sanitationMillennium Development Goals, but notenough,” Ban said in a speech at thewater-themed International Expositionin Zaragoza in northern Spain.

The goals, signed by UN membercountries in 2000, aim to halve thenumber of people without access to safedrinking water by 2015. But the fall sofar has only been 10 per cent, due topopulation growth and persistent poverty,

the UN chief said. About 1.2 billion people have gained

access to improved water sources since1990, while estimates indicate the worldpopulation will rise to 9 billion from 6.5billion by 2050.

“The international community,national governments and the privateand non profit sectors still have muchwork to do between now and 2015,” Bansaid. Climate change was making it moredifficult to meet the water targets, hesaid.

“As the earth warms, people who relyon snowfall and glaciers in high mountainranges to replenish their water supplieshave serious cause for concern.”


McCain monthly fundraising hitsrecord in August

Fourth man charged in Britain over Brown threatsLONDON, 2 Sept —

British police on Mondaycharged a fourth manwith terrorism offencesover threats to kill PrimeMinister Gordon Brownposted on a militantIslamist website.

Lancashire police saidthey had charged Muham-mad Ali Mumtaz Ahmad,24, from the northerntown of Blackburn, withpossessing an article forthe purpose of committ-ing an act of terrorism.

Police charged three

other men fromBlackburn last week inconnection with the case,one with solicitingmurder and belonging toal-Qaeda. A fifth manremains in custody. Theywere all held after aninvestigation into threatsposted on an Islamicmilitant website inJanuary by a groupcalling itself al-Qaeda inBritain.

Brown and hispredecessor Tony Blairwere suggested as targets

of suicide attacks unlessBritain withdrew itstroops from Iraq andAfghanistan and releasedMuslims imprisoned inBritain.

Police have been onhigh alert after suicideattacks on London’stransport system in July2005 killed 52 people.Several plots have beenuncovered or have failed,including attempted carbombings in London andScotland last year.


ST PAUL (Minnesota), 2Sept — US Republicanpresidential hopeful JohnMcCain raised 47 millionUS dollars in August, hismonthly best to date andnearly twice as much asthe previous month.

His campaign toldreporters in a conferencecall on Monday that some10 million US dollars ofthe total was raised afterthe Republican presi-dential candidate namedAlaska Governor SarahPalin as his running mate— just three days prior tothe end of the month.

Campaign spokesman

Brian Rogers called theswell the “Palin effect” andsaid supporters are noticingthe campaign. “Thecampaign is heating up,”said Rogers. “It’s great.”

But even before Palin’sselection was announced,the campaign hadsurpassed its July total andwould have had a recordmonth. —MNA/Xinhua

17 feared dead as UN aidflight crashes in Congo

GENEVA (Switzerland), 2Sept, — A humanitarianplane carrying 17 people—most of them relief workers— has crashed during astorm in a mountainousregion in the DemocraticRepublic of Congo, theUnited Nations saidTuesday.

Search and rescue crewswere not immediately ableto land their helicopter inthe area and determinewhether anyone survivedthe crash in the east of thecountry, said ChristopeIllemassene, spokesman forthe UN Office for theCoordination ofHumanitarian Affairs(OCHA) in the capital cityof Kinshasa.

But Air Serv Inter-national, the relief groupthat operated the plane, saidan aerial survey hasindicated that all theoccupants on the Beechcraft1900 plane died. The planewas on a routine flight fromKinsasha to the eastern cityof Goma on Monday, withthree stops, Illemassenesaid.

Air-traffic controllers lostcontact with the plane whenit approached Bukavu, thelast of its three intermediatestops. The weather in thearea was stormy at the time,Illemassene said.


Police: Tycoon killed family in mansion arsonWEST MERCIA (UK), 2

Sept—British police saidTuesday they now believea millionaire killed hiswife and daughter beforesetting fire to theirmansion home and killinghimself.

Security cameras showa man, who police believeis Christopher Foster,rampaging through theestate’s grounds, torchingoutbuildings and blockingthe entrance.

Two of the three bodiesfound in the burnt-outremains of the property175 miles (280kilometers) northwest ofLondon, have beenidentified as Foster andhis wife Jill. The thirdbody has not yet beenformally identified butpolice are working on thetheory it is the couple’s15-year-old daughterKirstie.

West Mercia Policeconfirmed at a news

conference Tuesday: “Thebody of a man found in theburnt-out mansion hasbeen identified asChristopher Foster ...Police believe ChristopherFoster killed his wife anddaughter before setting hismansion on fire andcommitting suicide.”

Detective Super-intendent Jon Groves, whois leading the in-vestigation, said: “This is

a very complex andunusual case and around100 officers and staff havebeen working hard toestablish the cir-cumstances leading up tothe fire at Osbaston Housein the early hours of thatTuesday.

Three horses and fourdogs were also found deadat the estate. Police saidSunday the animals hadbeen shot.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 11

Eight killed by Hurricane GustavNEW ORLEANS, 2 Sept

— Eight people have beenkilled after HurricaneGustav hit the US GulfCoast, but so far the areahas been spared majordestruction.

Authorities reportedeight deaths related to thehurricane, which promp-ted around two million

residents to flee theirhomes.

The storm weakenedbefore hitting land with110mph winds but leveesappeared to hold, pro-tecting the city devastatedby Hurricane Katrinathree years ago.

The 2005 storm flood-waters burst sea walls,swamping 80% of the cityand stranding thousandsof people.

Gustav’s powerful stormsurge pushed tons of water

into the Mississippi River,Lake Pontchartrain andNew Orleans canals,putting pressure on barriersthat were repaired orreconstructed after failingthree years ago andprompting a tense watchfor signs it would happenagain. About 750,000customers were withoutelectricity and LouisianaGovernor Bobby Jindalsaid it could take more thantwo weeks to restore powerto everyone.—Internet

Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi attends a ceremony inShanghai on 1 Sept, 2008, celebrating the tenthanniversary of Platinum Guild International’sentrance into the Chinese market.—INTERNET

A model wearing a wooden head piecedisplays a creation by Hokuto Katsuiand Nao Yagi at the mintdesigns 2009Spring/Summer collection during the Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo.

Kent Couch lifts off from his gas station in Bend, Ore,in his lawn chair rigged with more than 150 giant partyballoons. Couch, 48, is making his third cluster balloon

flight and hopes to go more than 200 miles to Idahobefore running out of daylight or helium.

People look at one of the fountains of The MagicCircuit of Water in Lima. The Magic Circuit of Waterin the Reserve Park, accepted by Guinness Record as

the biggest fountains complex of the world, is a complexof thirteen fountains that combine movement, lights of

several colours, sounds and Peruvian images.

Modesto man tries to amputate own armPolice say a man tried to cut off his own arm at a restaurant

in Modesto, Calif, because he thought he had injected air intoa vein while shooting cocaine and feared he would die unlesshe took drastic action.

Authorities say 33-year-old Michael Lasiter rushed intothe Denny’s restaurant late Friday and started stabbinghimself in one arm with a butter knife he grabbed from atable. They say that when that knife didn’t work Lasiter tooka butcher knife from the kitchen and dug it into his arm.Police Sgt Brian Findlen says Lasiter told officers he thoughthe needed to amputate his arm to keep himself from dyingfrom the cocaine injection.

Lasiter was taken to a hospital for treatment of severe cuts.The Denny’s closed for the night.

Spanish town blushes withannual tomato fight

Spanish revellers have pelted each with113 tons of ripe tomatoes in an annualfood fight. Town hall says an estimated40,000 people took part in the hour ofmessy fun in the village of Bunol nearValencia. The ritual dates back to the1940s. Some warriors in Wednesday'sbattle wore swimming goggles to protectthemselves from the acid sting ofprojectiles in the form of pear-shapedtomatoes. Others swatted them awaywith tennis rackets.

Cell phone photo foils man in Pizza Hut plot


A man accusedof trying to extort$500 from a PizzaHut in Elko wasfoiled by his owncell phone camera.Police said aformer employeeof the restaurantallegedly calledthe manager on

Friday and told himhe had five PizzaHut signs that areused on the roofsof vehicles andwouldn’t returnthem unless he waspaid $500.

Police said themanager wantedproof that Long

had the signs. Sothe 23-year-oldman sent him a cellphone picture thatproved to be hisundoing. Officerswere able to zoomin on license platenumbers of twovehicles in thebackground thatare registered tothe man.

Weather data to helpmonitoring for nuclear testsGENEVA, 2 Sept—Weather data will help scan for

nuclear tests and explosions under a tracking systemunveiled on Monday by the UN weather agency andthe Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban TreatyOrganization (CTBTO). Using a process called“atmospheric transport modeling,” meteorological datawill be used to detect radioactive particles and tracethem back to where they originated from.

Cross-checked with other verification tools, thetechnique “allows for a much more accurate locationof a potential nuclear explosion,” the WorldMeteorological Organization (WMO) said in astatement. “With the contribution of WMO's high-quality global meteorological data, CTBTO will beable to considerably improve its calculations forradioactive particles,” it added.—Internet

Job training for 100,000 students BEIJING, 2 Sept —

Twelve vocational highschools will be built in thePearl River Delta over thenext few years to train upto 100,000 students fromless-developed areas ofGuangdong to meet thesoaring demand for skilledworkers in the region, alocal education officialsaid yesterday.

A Nanfang Dailyreport quoted Luo Weiqi,director of the provincialeducation department, assaying: "The development

of vocational educationwill be a priority over thenext few years.

"A dozen vocationalschools, each with 5,000to 10,000 students, will beset up, and secondaryschools in betterdeveloped areas of thePearl River Delta re-gion will be encouragedto work with theircounterparts in lessdeveloped regions."

The delta region haslong faced a shortage oflabour, and skilled workers

are now in particularly highdemand as the region seeksto switch focus from labour-intensive manufacturing tovalue-added industries.

In contrast, there is asurplus of unskilledworkers in the northern,eastern and westernregions of Guangdong.


TOKYO, 2 Sept — Women who drink a lot of coffeemay have less risk of developing cancer of the uterus,a Japanese study said Monday.

The study led by Japan’s Health Ministry monitoredsome 54,000 women aged 40 to 69 over about 15 years,during which time 117 women developed cancer in thewomb, according to the medical team.

The researchers at Japan's National Cancer Centredivided the women into four groups by the amount ofcoffee they drank.

They found the group of women who drank morethan three cups of coffee every day were more than 60percent less likely to develop uterine cancer than thosewho had coffee fewer than two times a week, the studysaid.—Internet

Coffee may lower risk ofuterus cancer: Japan study

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA RAKAN VOY NO (027)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RAKAN

VOY NO (027) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 3.9.2008 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Spanish police captures22 drug traffickers,

over 2 tons of hashishMADRID, 2 Sept—The

Spanish police force saidMonday that they detained22 drug traffickers andseized 2.28 tons of hashishin a recent operationagainst a drug traffickingorganization. Besides, 11vehicles with three of themreported as stolen, twoboats, a gun, and mobilecommunication materialswere also seized in theoperation, said the SpanishCivil Guard in a statement.

Without disclosing thedate of the operation, thecivil guard said thecriminal organization wasengaged in the smugglingand distribution of hashishfrom the north of Moroccoto Europe.—Internet

Fifteen dead in Chinafireworks plant blast HOHHOTS, 2 Sept—

Authorities in northChina’s Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region onSunday confirmed 15people died and six wereinjured in an explosion ata fireworks plant onSaturday. The accidentwas the worst amid a seriesof explosions sinceOctober 2005 in thistownship of Sijizi, AohanBanner in Chifeng City.

The blast happened atabout 10:13 am on Satur-day at the Xinxin Fire-works Plant in SijiaziTownship of AohanBanner, killing 13 workersinstantly and injuring sixothers, two seriously. Italso destroyed about 50workshops, a regionalwork safety bureau spokes-man said.—MNA/Xinhua

Drive withcare

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 13

Threeinjured in

plane crashin easternCanada

OTTAWA, 2 Sept—Three people wereinjured, two of themcritically, when a smallplane crashed inCanada’s Ontario pro-vince Monday, policesaid. The three youngmen were in a small planethat landed in a hayfieldnear Toronto early in themorning, said ConstSally Stewart of theOntario ProvincialPolice.

The plane, a Cessnafour-seater 172 owned bythe Brampton Flying Club,took off from the city ofBrampton earlier inthe morning.

The pilot called policeon his cell phonefollowing the crash. Thecrash site is a no-fly zone.The Transportation SafetyBoard is investigating thecase.—Internet

Thawing permafrost likely to boostglobal warming, says study

A handout photo from 2004 shows coastal erosionof mud-rich permafrost along on Beaufort Seacoastline Drew Point in Alasaka.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 2 Sept—The thawing of permafrostin northern latitudes, whichgreatly increases microbialdecomposition of carboncompounds in soil, willdominate other effects ofwarming in the region andcould become a major forcepromoting the release ofcarbon dioxide and thusfurther warming, accord-ing to a new assessment inthe Sept issue of Bio-Science.The study, by aninternational team ofresearchers, more thandoubles previous estimatesof the amount of carbonstored in the permafrost: thenew figure is equivalent totwice the total amount ofatmospheric carbon dioxide.The authors conclude thatreleases of the gas frommelting permafrost could

amount to roughly half thoseresulting from global land-use change during thiscentury.Researchers refine earlierassessments by consideringcomplex processes that mixsoil from different depthsduring melting and freezingof permafrost, which occurto some degree every year.They judge that overmillennia, soil processes

have buried and frozen overa trillion metric tons oforganic compounds in theworld’s vast permafrostregions.The relatively rapidwarming now under way isbringing the organicmaterial back into theecosystem, in part byturning over soil, said theresearchers.


NATO should cooperate with Russia on Georgia issuePRAGUE, 2 Sept— NATO

should cooperate withRussia on the issue ofGeorgia, otherwise it mightbe defeated in Afghanistanbecause Russia would makeit difficult or impossiblefor NATO to supply theallied troops, SemyonBagdasarov, member of theRussian State Duma, toldCzech Television (CT) onSunday.

Bagdasarov, memberof the pro-governmentFair Russia party,indicated that Moscowmight disconnect crucialtransport routes going overRussian territory by whichthe alliance transport itsrotating troops andsupplies for them.

NATO needed Russiamore than Russia needed

NATO, he said, addingthat NATO’s Afghanallies were behind theproduction of up to 80 percent drugs that get toEurope via Russia.

Russia agreed only inthe spring that NATOtransport its supplies andsoldiers over its territory,according to Czech media.Georgia, a former Sovietrepublic, has long been at

odds with Russia over itstwo breakaway regions ofAbkhazia and SouthOssetia, as well as its ownbids to join NATO and theEuropean Union.

Earlier this month,Georgia sent in troopsto reclaim South Ossetia,its breakaway region,triggering a militarycounter-offensive byRussia.— MNA/Xinhua

Two menwade throughflood waters

inMadhepuradistrict in

Bihar, India,on 1 Sept,


Donate Blood

Afghans protest against civilian deathsby int’l troops

KABUL, 2 Sept —Hundreds of citizens inAfghan capital Kabulrushed into streets andburnt tires on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway onMonday protestingagainst the death of aKabuli family caused bythe raid of US-ledCoalition forces.

The protesters said thatthree members of a family,two children and thefather, were killed whilethe Coalition forces in asurprise raid early Mondaymorning threw grenadeson their house in HudKheil area of easternKabul.

Neither NATO troops

nor the Coalition forceswere available to makecomments immediately.

The demonstrationcame after a string ofcases resulting civiliancasualties by internationaltroops in the past monthas Afghan Government'sinvestigating team onSunday confirmed that 90

non-combatants werekilled in the US air raidson 22 August in the westHerat Province.

Under the escalatingpressure and fury of locals,Afghan Cabinet has calledfor regulating the authorityand responsibilities ofinternational troops in thewar-torn country after thehuge civilian casualties inwestern Herat Province.

Conflicts and spiralinginsurgency have claimedover 3,200 people's liveswith more than 800civilians so far this year.


Four killed in Colombianrebel car bombing

BOGOTA, 2 Sept—Four people were killed and around20 wounded when a guerilla car bomb exploded in theColombian city of Cali, damaging a court building inone of the worst urban attacks this year, authoritiessaid on Monday.

The bomb ripped walls off several floors of the localjudicial offices, destroying nearby stores and scatteringrubble and twisted wreckage over a main street in anattack officials blamed on the country’s FARC rebelgroup.

“There are clear indications this was the FARC,”Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos said at thebomb site. “This is the desperate act by the FARC totry to show their presence.”

Colombia’s four-decade war has eased as PresidentAlvaro Uribe has used billions of dollars in US aid tosend troops to drive rebels back into the remote junglesand mountains. —MNA/Reuters

Sri Lanka fighting kills 84,airstrikes hit rebels

COLOMBO, 2 Sept — Sri Lankan jets and helicoptersblasted Tamil Tiger rebel positions on Monday afterthree days of combat killed at least 84 people, part of amilitary offensive towards the separatists' de factocapital.

Fighting since Friday killed 70 insurgents andwounded 77 others, while 14 troops were killed and 53were wounded at several locations along a shiftingfrontline in the north of the Indian Ocean island nation,the Army said. — MNA/Reuters

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008


In a photo provided by Benoit Photo, StardomBound and jockey Mike Smith win the Grade 1,

$250,000 Del Mar Debutante horse race on 1 Sept,2008, at Del Mar Thoroughbred Club in Del Mar,


Berbatov joins Man Utd

Manchester United beatthe transfer deadline tocomplete a 30.75 mil-

lion pounds (37.7million euros) deal for

Tottenham strikerDimitar Berbatov,

pictured in July 2008,on Tuesday.—INTERNET

Beckham’s LA Galaxyto return to New Zealand

WELLINGTON, 2 Sept — David Beckham's LAGalaxy team will return to New Zealand in Decemberfor an exhibition match in Auckland, officials saidTuesday.

The US Major League Soccer team and its Englishcelebrity skipper played the Wellington Phoenix in anexhibition late last year and will return to the countryfor a match against an Oceania All Stars team.

A crowd of nearly 32,000 saw Beckham's team beatthe Wellington team 4-1 last year and up to 40,000 areexpected for the Auckland match.

The Galaxy will play an Oceania All Stars invitationalteam captained by New Caledonian and French playerChristian Karembeu.

There are hopes of including three internationalplayers from outside the Oceania region, officials said.


Robinho joins Manchester City

Real Madrid's Brazilianplayer Robinho attends anews conference on 31August in Madrid. Man-chester City signed Bra-zil striker Robinho fromReal Madrid for a fee ofaround 42 million euros(61.6 million dollars), theEnglish Premier League

club confirmed onTuesday.—INTERNET

Serena, Venus set up USOpen sister showdownNEW YORK, 2 Sept — Serena Williams

will face sister Venus at the US Open forthe fourth time after bringing SeverineBremond's wild card run to a halt with a6-2, 6-2 victory.

Serena and Venus have met 16 timespreviously with both winning eightmatches, but this will be the first timethey have met in the quarter-finals of aGrand Slam tournament.

Seventh-seeded Venus, who elimi-nated Polish ninth seed AgnieszkaRadwanska 6-1, 6-3 on Monday, saidlife on the court would be easier if shedidn't have a superstar sister.


Liverpool sign Riera, offload Finnan and Voronin

Liverpool have signed Spain wingerAlbert Riera, pictured in 2007, fromSpanish first division side Espanyolfor an undisclosed fee to boost theirattacking options, the English club

said on Monday.—INTERNET

The USA’s Venus Williams at the USOpen tennis tournament on 30 Augustin New York. The two-time US Openchampion has avenged an earlier lossby routing ninth seed AgnieszkaRadwanska 6-1, 6-3 to set up a show-down with sister Serena in the quarter-finals.

Nadal withstandsfierce test to reach US

Open quarter-finalNEW YORK, 2 Sept —

World number one RafaelNadal battled his way intothe US Open quarter-finals,outlasting 55th-ranked SamQuerrey 6-2, 5-7, 7-6 (7/2),6-3 to match his best careershowing at the Grand Slamevent.

The reigning Wimble-don, French Open and Ol-ympic champion is tryingto become only the fourthman to win three Slam sin-gles crowns in a row, join-ing Pete Sampras, RodLaver and the man he de-throned atop the rankings,Roger Federer.

“Very tough,” Nadalsaid. “I’m very happy forthe victory. Now I'm in mybest round at the US Openand I hope to play better inthe next round.”


Japanese ace loses US Open showdown of teen stars

Argentina’s Juan Martin Del Potro,seen here, ended the US Open dreamrun of Japan’s Kei Nishikori with a

6-3, 6-4, 6-3 triumph in a fourth-round matchup of teen stars seen asdestined for greatness.—INTERNET

South Korea’s Park signs for MonacoMONACO, 2 Sept — South Korean attacking

midfielder Park Chu-Young has signed for Monaco,

South Korean attackingmidfielder Park Chu-Young, pictured in 2006,has signed for Monaco,the French first division

club said on Monday.INTERNET

the French first divisionclub said on Monday.

The 23-year-old Park,previously with FC Seoul,left for France on Sundayand has now signed a four-year deal for a reportedthree million-dollar fee(2.04m euros).

The 2005 South Koreanleague top goal scorer isthe fourth from this coun-try to play in France.

Park, who was firstcapped for his country in2005, is seen as one of themost talented young play-ers in Asian football.


LONDON, 2 Sept — Man-chester City signed Brazilstriker Robinho from RealMadrid for a fee of around42 million euros (61.6 mil-lion dollars), the EnglishPremier League club con-firmed on Tuesday.

Robinho agreed a four-year contract with MarkHughes's side shortly be-fore the close of the transferwindow.

The 24-year-old had re-peatedly said he wanted tojoin Chelsea but Real'spresident Ramon Calderontold news radio Cadena Serthat the English club onlyoffered 30 million euros forthe player. City took ad-vantage of the stalemate tomake a shock move on the

same day that United ArabEmirates-based investmentgroup, Abu Dhabi UnitedGroup for Developmentand Investment (ADUG),agreed to buy the club.


LIVERPOOL, 2 Sept — Liverpool signedSpain winger Albert Riera and offloadedveteran defender Steve Finnan and Ukrainestriker Andriy Voronin in a busy transferdeadline day at Anfield on Monday.

But as Riera's arrival from Spanishfirst division side Espanyol was con-firmed, the club suffered a setback whenstriker Fernando Torres was ruled outof action for two to three weeks with ahamstring tear. Riera, 26, has signed afour-year contract for a transfer feebelieved to be around eight millionpounds after turning down a host ofother clubs including Liverpool's cityneighbours Everton.—Internet

LONDON, 2 Sept — Man-chester United beat thetransfer deadline to com-plete a 30.75 millionpounds (37.7 millioneuros) deal for Tottenhamstriker Dimitar Berbatovon Tuesday.

Berbatov, 27, agreed afour-year contract withUnited and Tottenhamconfirmed the deal on theirwebsite 45 minutes afterthe transfer window shut.

Manchester City hadtried to lure Berbatov toEastlands after having anoffer accepted for the Bul-garian, but he opted to jointhe European championsfollowing talks withUnited manager Sir Alex Ferguson at the club'sCarrington training ground.

United's young striker Fraizer Campbell has gone toTottenham in a year-long loan as part of the deal, whilethe London club have agreed not to pursue a complaintagainst United for making an illegal approach to theplayer.

Berbatov passed a medical at a south Manchesterhospital and then went to Old Trafford, where he putpen to paper on the deal with Ferguson and Unitedchief executive David Gill.—Internet

NEW YORK, 2 Sept — Argentina's JuanMartin Del Potro ended the US Opendream run of Japan's Kei Nishikori witha 6-3, 6-4, 6-3 triumph in a fourth-roundmatchup of teen stars seen as destined for

greatness.The 19-year-old South American

stretched his winning streak to 23 matcheson Monday and became the first teen inthe last eight at the US Open since Ameri-can Andy Roddick in 2001, denying thehonour to his 18-year-old Asian rival.

“It’s unbelievable. I don’t know whathappened with me and my tennis but ithas been a great week for me,” Del Potrosaid.—Internet

3-9-08 (FINAL) NL 7/30/18, 6:52 PM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 3 September, 2008 15

Wednesday,3 September

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6:00 pm 9. Evening news

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hrMST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershowershave been isolated in Kayin State and Ayeyawady Divi-sion, scattered in Rakhine State, Sagaing, Magway andBago Divisions, fairly widespread in Shan, Chin, Kayahand Mon States, Mandalay Division and widespread inthe remaining States and Divisions. The noteworthyamounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (0.12)inch , Hkamti (2.84) inches, Machanbaw (2.64) inches,Kyaukpyu (2.21) inches, Bago (2.09)inches, Loikaw(1.38)inches, Gwa (1.22) inches and Zaungtu (1.10) inches.

Maximum temperature on 1-9-2008 was 90˚F.Minimum temperature on 2-9-2008 was 70ºF. Relative hu-midity at (09:30) hours MST on 2-9-2008 was 84%. Totalsunshine hours on 1-9-2008 was (2.6) hours approx.

Rainfall on 2-9-2008 was (0.24) inch at Mingaladon,(0.51) inch at Kaba-Aye and (Tr) at Central Yangon. Totalrainfall since 1-1-2008 was (80.87) inches at Mingaladon,(91.93) inches at Kaba-Aye and (109.68) inches at CentralYangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was(4) mph from West at (21:30) hours MST on 1 -9-2008.

Bay inference: Monsoon is feeble in the AndamanSea and weak in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 3-9-2008: Rain orthundershowers will be widespread in Kachin and ChinStates, fairly widespread in Rakhine, Shan and MonStates, upper Sagaing and Yangon Divisions, scatteredin Bago, Ayeyawady, Mandalay, and Taninthayi Divi-sions and isolated in the remaining areas. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Weak monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area

for 3-9-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for3-9-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of cer-tainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 3-9-2008: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershow-ers. Degree of certainty is (60%).

Tuesday, 2 September, 2008

6:30 pm10. Weather report

6:35 pm11. �mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>�mn\ma.Del.Riu;ralk\ew>

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7:20 pm13. Siuliuk\”ksiu>Siuliuk\”ksiu>Siuliuk\”ksiu>Siuliuk\”ksiu>Siuliuk\”ksiu>

8:00 pm14. News

15. International news

16. Weather report

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R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministpry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Chavez threatens toexpel US Ambassador

CARACAS, 2 Sept —Venezuelan PresidentHugo Chavez threatened toexpel the US Ambassadorin a dispute over drug-trafficking that couldworsen already frayedties between the SouthAmerican nation and itsbiggest oil customer.

Chavez, who sparswith the United States overeverything from oil pricesand free trade to democracy,has made similar threatsbefore without followingthrough on them.

This time, he wasresponding to US criticismthat Venezuela should domore to stop cocaineflowing through the

100-year-old woman foundshot dead in New York home

NEW YORK, 2 Sept— A 100-year-old woman wasfound shot death in her home in Long Island of NewYork, according to a report available on www.ny1.comMonday.

Police said Jessie Burke was discovered by herdaughter Sunday afternoon when she returned fromthe grocery store. The woman was found in sitting ina chair in the den.

Police said there was no sign of forced entry andapparently nothing was stolen from the home. Herdeath was ruled a homicide.

Burke was described as a spry woman who lovedcrossword puzzles. She lived with her daughter, andhad three other children. Police have not questionedthe daughter in the slaying. —MNA/Xinhua


Obama, McCain virtually tiedin race for White House poll

country from neighbouringColombia, the world’sNo 1 exporter of the drug.Chavez ended formal anti-drugs work with the UnitedStates in 2005 and refusesto renew a cooperationaccord.

“We are not going toaccept interference in ourinternal affairs,” Chavezsaid on his weekly TVprogramme on Sunday. “Ifyou violate internationalnorms, then you would haveto leave this country ... Youmight have to grab yoursuitcases and get out ofVenezuela, so choose yourwords more carefully yourexcellency, Mr Ambas-sador.” —MNA/Reuters

ST PAUL (UnitedStates), 2 Sept — As theRepublican NationalConvention is about startin St. Paul, Minnesota, laterMonday, a poll releasedhere Monday showed therace between DemocraticBarack Obama and hisRepublican rival JohnMcCain for the WhiteHouse remains virtuallytied.

The poll, released byCNN, found that theDemocratic team ofpresidential nomineeBarack Obama and hisrunning mate Joe Biden

and the Republican teamof John McCain and SarahPalin were in a virtual tie.The Obama-Biden ticketled the McCain-Palin ticketby one point, 49 per cent to48 per cent, within thestatistical margin of error.

The survey wasconducted last Fridaythrough last Sunday among927 voters, after theconclusion of theDemocratic NationalConvention and McCain’sselection of Palin, theAlaska Governor, as hisrunning mate.


Photo taken on 1 Sept, 2008 shows a cliff carvingin the shape of a human face, in the Helan

Mountains in northwest China's Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region. Over 700 face-like cliffcarvings turn into a unique scenery for the


3-9-08 (FINAL) NL 7/30/18, 6:52 PM15

4th Waxing of Tawthalin 1370 ME Wednesday, 3 September, 20081234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890

� Skyful liars attempting to destroy nation� BBC lying

VOA deceivingRFA setting up hostilities

� Beware! Don’t be bought by those ill-wishers

YANGON, 2 Sept –Jointly organized byMyanmar Writers andJournalists Associationand World IntellectualProperty Organization,the seminar on the Role

YANGON, 2 Sept — KyaukphyuAssociation (Yangon) will publish amagazine to mark 180th anniversary ofthe founding of Kyaukphyu.

Articles, novels, poems, jokes areinvited to feature in the magazine, andthose wishing to contribute to the maga-zine may contact U San Mya, No 137,

Durability of power lines stressed

Advocate U Kyi Win allowed to meetDaw Aung San Suu Kyi at her request

YANGON, 2 Sept –Minister for ElectricPower No. 2 Maj-GenKhin Maung Myint to-gether with officials in-spected control panel andinstallation of new bluephase current transformer

(33 KV) at Thakayta natu-ral gas-fired turbine on 30August.

The minister heardreports presented byDeputy Chief Engineer UKhin Maung Oo and offi-cials.

Next, the ministercalled for systemic meas-ures on installation of newcurrent transformer anddurability of power linesand transformer and ful-filled the needs.


NAY PYI TAW, 2Sept—At the request ofDaw Aung San Suu Kyithat she wanted to holdsome discussions withadvocate U Kyi Win forthe third time, officialsconcerned made arrange-ments for him to meet herat her residence at about 9am on 1 September.

Officials concernedgave him a message to herthat in compliance with

the suggestions of theUnited Nations, the gov-ernment had made ar-rangements for anothermeeting between her andRelations Minister UAung Kyi at Seinle Kanthaguest house at 1 pm on 2September; and that DrTin Myo Win would visitthe residence at 1 pm on 1September to give medi-cal check-ups to her andDaw Khin Khin Win and

child.After holding a meet-

ing with Daw Aung SanSuu Kyi, U Kyi Win leftthe residence at 9.55 am,and reported to the offi-cials that regarding theprogramme to meet withU Aung Kyi, for the timebeing, she wanted to meetno one, except advocate UKyi Win, and she was una-vailable to meet Dr TinMyo Win that day.—MNA

Local, foreign resource personsdiscuss copyright system

of the Copyright Systemon Promotion of Publish-ing Industry continuedfor the second day atParkroyal Hotel, here,this morning.

Local and foreign

resource persons pre-sented their papers andanswered the queriesraised by those present.

The seminar con-tinues tomorrow.


Seminar on Role of the Copyright System on Promotion of Publish-ing Industry continues for the second day. — MNA

YANGON, 2 Sept – Organized byYangon Division Traffic Rules Enforce-ment Supervisory Committee, the fourtheducative show on rules will be organ-ized at the Tatmadaw Convention Hallon U Wizaya road, here, from 10 to 16

4th Traffic Rules Educative Show on 10 NovNovember.

Altogether 36 booths of depart-ments concerned and 67 booths of com-panies totaling 113 booths will be dis-played at the show.


Kyaukphyu to mark 180th birthday38th Street, Kyauktada Township, Ph388608; U Khin Maung Soe (MaungPaw Tun), No 349, Zaya 8th Street, Ward-10, South Okkalapa Township, Ph564662 and U Aung Kyaw Zan, No 69,6th Floor, Kyaukmyaung Road, TamwayTownship, Ph 09 513 8513.


Google launches internet browserGoogle is launching

an open source webbrowser to compete withInternet Explorer andFirefox.

The browser is de-signed to be fast, and tocope with the next gen-eration of web applica-tions that rely on graphicsand multimedia.

Called Chrome, itwill launch as a beta forWindows machines in100 countries, with Macand Linux versions tocome.

“We realised... weneeded to completely re-think the browser,” saidGoogle’s Sundar Pichai ina blog post.

The new browser willhelp Google take advan-tage of developments it ispushing online in rich webapplications that are chal-lenging traditional desk-top programs.

Google has a suite ofweb apps, such as Docu-ments, Picasa and Mapswhich offer functionalitythat is beginning to re-

place offline software.“What we really

needed was not just abrowser, but also a mod-ern platform for webpages and applications,and that’s what we setout to build,” Mr Pichai,VP Product Manage-ment, wrote.

The launch of a betaversion of Chrome onTuesday evening (UKtime) will be Google’slatest assault onMicrosoft’s dominanceof the PC business. Thefirm’s Internet Explorerprogram dominates thebrowser landscape, with80% of the market.

Those already in thebrowser space were quickto respond to the news.

Writing in his blog,John Lilly, chief execu-tive of Mozilla was san-guine about the new rivalin the browsersphere.


Basic Accounting Course in Nay Pyi Taw PyinmanaYANGON, 2 Sept — Under the

supervision of Auditor-General’s Of-fice, Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana DistrictAccounts Office is to conduct a book-keeping and store accounting course inNay Pyi Taw Pyinmana soon. Thosewho have passed the matriculation ex-

amination may attend the three-monthcourse which will open in weekends.Those wishing to attend the course mayapply to the accounts office on 17thPaunglaung Road beginning 27 August.Dial 067-23925 for further information.


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