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    News Happenings of Perns) • • - • ' - ' ' • i. I . i • i . • i i i . >•>«


    ONLY S9000 USED OF

    Luzerne County's Pension Commit-tee Returns $3433 of Unexpended Balance to State

    * flARRTSBURG, Pa., June 1.—Only $9000 of the $100,000 set aside for mothers' pensions during the fiscal year ending May 31, was used and more than $90,000 that might have been employed in pensions reverted to the State Treas-ury. The legislature, of 1013, provided an appropriation of $200,000 to carry the pension into effect, but so much time was spent in getting through pre-liminary steos in counties.

    Philadelphia has 77 mothers on its pen-sion list, having received a total of $3,-785.50 to date. Schuylkill county has 10 pensioners: Allegheny, 44, paid $1377.50 to May 31; Heaver, 32; Lu-zerne, 126, paid $10(10.50 to date, and Westmoreland, 21 pensioners, while Pot-ter and McKean counties are just get-ting under way.

    The Mothers' Pension Committee in Luzerne county returned to the State, $34.'13.50, the unexpended balance of the $4500 appropriated from the State. The committee has been able to investigate only 120 of the 500 applications received during the fiscal year. The committee was able to distribute only $1100.50.

    " " , * I I ' I


    ILUIRISBURO, June 1. -Pennsylva-nia troops will not go to tho vicinity of Washington for joint maneuvers with regulars in August. Orders for Keystone State guardsmen to participate in the maneuvers were rescinded today by Ad-jutant General Thomas J. Stewart on receipt of word from the War Depart-ment and consequently organizations of the National Guard which were ordered t6 work with regulars will encamp in this State. The organizations are the First and Fourth Brigades and the First squadron of cavalry. The probabilities are that the two brigades and the squad-ron and Battery 0 will encamp at Mt. Gretna. The date of the encampment may be August 8 to 15 inclusive. The details, however, have not been worked out.

    The Second Brigade will probably en camp at Indiana and the Third at Sel-ins grove, July 18 to 25 inclusive, the Fourteenth Uegiment, Battery B, the Signal Corps company and the Field Hospital going with the Second. The Second squadron of cavalry will likely be divided between these two encamp-ments.

    The two engineer companies will par-ticipate In field work in the vicinity of Washington in July.


    Special to fhe Inquirer. SHAMOKIK, PA., June l . -Claiming

    he owned a goat Yielding more milk than that of a cow belonging to Emanuel Goshen, at Kulpmunt, today, Samuel Oliswcll and Goshen got into an alterca-tion. They drew knives and stabbed each other until both tank to the ground senseless from wounds.

    They were removed to the State Hos-pital here in a critical condition.

    R. R. Mechanics' Brotherhood Meets Special to The inquirer.

    KASTOtf, Pa., June 1.—With dele, gates from four States present, the twelfth annual convention of the Su-premo Lodge of the Brotherhood of Rail-way Mechanics oi>ened here today. Su-i>reme President Thomas McNeill, of

    'hiladelphia, is presiding and today ap-pointed the standi ILK committees. The brotherhood has 15,000 members and is growing rapidly. New 'lodges were ad-mitted from Kaston and Baltimore. Bal-timore and Harrisburg arc bidding fbr the 1015 convention.

    Reading Heiress to Wed Special to The. Inquirer.

    READING, Pa., June l . - T h e wedding of Miss Mane 0. Smith, young Reading heiress, and prominent socially, to John Tarn McOrew, of. Paris, France, will be solemnized at the home of the bride here on Wednesday, June 24, by Rev. John Kiernan. The bride is a daughter of the late F. I>eaf Smith.


    - . . * • *i

    Burgess of Coatesville Heads Armed Men Who Are Scouring the Coun-try Near Cain

    Child Dies In Burning Home Special to The Inquirtr.

    COKRY, Pa., June 1 , - In the destruc-tion of the home of Vernon Smith by fire at Columbus last night Alden. aged 8 years, burned to death. The mother was badly burned trying to save the child.

    Special to The Inquirtr. COATESVILLE, Pa.,Njune 1.—Word

    reached Coatesville early\today that a tiger had escaped from a circus train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Cain, and that the beast was running at large. Armed with rifles and shot guns and led by Burgess Walter Jones, a posse left Coatesville in pursuit.

    It is said that the animal, belonging to Keen & Shipley, whose circus was en-routo to Elizabcthtown, N . J., escaped from a car when the train stopped at the Thorndale coal wharfs early yesterday morning. The track walker discovered tho beast prowling under the cars and he at once reported his find. The last heard of the wild beast is that it was wander-ing in Cain woods, north of Coatesville.


    Special to The Inquirer. HEADING,- Pa.. June l . - T h e ob-

    servance of the Feast of Roses at the Tulpehocken Reformed Church above Stouchsburg. when the annual payment of a red rose as a year's ground rental will be made to the Philadelphia estate, will take place on Sunday afternoon, June 7. A red rose will be-presented to J. Morris Witter, of Philadelphia, as a rental, this being in accordance with the will ot Casper \ \ inter, the original owner of the church fite. A white rose will be given as a token of gratitude to the Witter heirs for their kindness in aiding the congregation in purchasing a pipe organ.

    Addresses will. be delivered by Rev. Dr. Happel, pastor of Tabor Reformed Church. Lebanon, and Dr. Henry C. Welker. of Xorristown. There will bo a special musical 'program, to include se-lections bv Miss Ella Phillips, of Ah bright College.

    • U S TO Startles Physician In Pfeafor Treat-

    ment-—Escaped From Quarantine in!Cincinnati .; •'* '• '«!:"

    Mrs, Harry G, Umberger's Screams Bring Aunt to Rescue Before Suc-cumbing to Chloroform^

    Special to The Inquirer. LHBANQK, Pa., June 1.—Mr*. Harry

    C. Cmberger, of this city, was attacked in her home here today by two young men, whom she had admitted to her home on the strength of their claim that they were New York real estate men, desirous of purchasing the house. They insisted on a thorough inspection of tho premises and when the cellar was reach-ed, one of the men seized Mrs. Umberger by the throat and drawing his revolver demanded that she make no outcry.

    The other man sought to elap a hand-kerchief, saturated with chloroform, to Mrs. Umberger's mouth, but she fought them off and .made an outcry that was heard by her aunt, who was in the yard. Tho men fled. A systematic search is beipf made for thenv.

    DEATHS ANO^HARD LUCK Railroad, Overturned Bucket and

    Benzine Fatal to Three LEBANON, Pa., June' 1—Two chil-

    dren were killed today in Lebanon coun-ty. Luella, the three-year-old daughter of Ellsworth Brightbill, a Jackson town-ship farmer, died from scalds after over-turning a bucket.

    Samuel Noll, Jr., the eighteen-months-old son of Mrs. Samuel Noll, Sr., of Read-ing, died at Newmanstown from the ef-fects of drinking benzine. The child's father was buried on Saturday at New-manstown, having been the victim of a railroad accident.

    NEWS AT HARRI8BURQ HARKIsntJRO, I>a.. Jane 1.-Governor Toner

    today signed death warrant* of four men con-victed of murder In the nr*t degree and tbey will be banged on the following.dates: Frank f. Schnabel. Berks, and John Chlemllewakl, LackawsOM. July 9: Jamea Llnsl. alias James ktW¥^f v ? 0 0 1 ! ' . JvVL u- a n d William Abol. Philadelphia, July 16.

    The Iconpmy and Kfflclcncy Commission to-day began its Investigation Into the methods of conducting business In various departments at the Capitol, having completed a prelimi-nary survey ami studied the methods of slm-liar commissions at Washington and Boston. The branches of the State Kovernineut in 1'hll-adclphla were examined last week.

    State News in Paragraph Form I From Inquirer Corresponientt.

    HKADIXO.—At one time the possessor of about $300,000, George b\ Ijiuer. 62 vears old. of this city, who had an luterest *lu a large brewing establishment, was arrested here yesterday on a charge of obtaining money un-der falsa pretenses.

    YORK.- Wllllson A. Pfaff. of Rochester. N. Y., and Miss Masde Runkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. Uuukle, this city, were married yesterday by Rev. George ?. Brcckel.

    YORK. Ivan h. Stahl. sued 24 years, of New Haven. Conn., and Miss Blanche A. Myers, aged 17, of North York borough, were married In thvClerk of Court's office here yes-terday by Alderman Walter K. Owen.

    LANCASTKK. -During an investigation yes-terdsv at the county prison of charges that guards had Intimated prisoners awaiting trial l a d sont notes to frleuds. District Attorney Oroff presented a note, written ou_» piece of cigarette paper, which, it Is alleged, had been •ent to vineenco Carrlosslslo by Rocco Tas-eone. one of four convicted of Tony Oollato's murder. The matter will likely go before the grand jury.

    TREVORTON.-Tho Feaster Hotel and a double house adjoining were badly damaged bv flrtt of lacendlary orl"' Th* loss Is about $5000.

    origin here yesterday.

    SORANTON. -Mrs. Michael Linn was throwu from a trolley ear In South Scranton aud will probably die.

    WILKES RARRR. -Millard Kester. of Hhlck-shond» stocksjjxml investments. $1,000,000. Wilmington

    HiUiorfioratora. Scheiissclhurg's Aeroplane Cor-poration to manufacture and deal in aeroplanes^ $00,000. Dovpr Incorporators. United States Olay Products Company, to manufacture clav products. $250,000. «eorge W. Mlickendcrfer and 8. L. Weaver. Uriclwllle. O.. and A. H. McColloch. Cambridge. O. Danser and Oom-pany to deal In investments. $65,000. Wilming-ton Incorporators. Sokol r*olskl Beneficial So-ciety to conduct a beneficial organization, no capital stock. Wilmington incorporators. Amer-ican ltadlo Company to. manufacture electrical and masmetleal apparatus. $10,000. Henry G. Gray and Al»>ert B. Kerr. New York. B. F foundry Machine Company to manufacture laundry machines. $100,000. Wilmington incor-porators. Car TilKhtlns- Companv. Incorporated, to manufacture electrical apparatus. $2000, Wilmington incorporators.


    I I


    51030 MARKET 5T; NOT** )pen a Charge Account for Convenient Shopping^

    Another Remarkable

    Regular $15 Jap Silk Messaline and Crepe de Chine Models

    $10 saved! That ' s ex« actly h o w * much y o u keep in y o u r pocke t if you buy one of t h e s e beautiful Silk D r e s s e s today. W e picture but three of a number of the smart s ty l e s with Russian tunic, s o m e of which arc tr immed with R o m a n stripes. C o m e in to sec these splendid offerings and s a v e e n o u g h to buy several more dresses .

    Second F loor

    From Inquirer Correspondents. HAMMONTON.-Charged with robbing the

    home of Hiss D. Loring. Herbert Moore, of Ororbrook, was held for a further hearing *y Justice of the Peace George E. Strouse.' A number of odd coins, alleged to have been stolen from tho Lorlug place, were found on the accused, "

    BOUDK^n^OWN.-Uey. Morgan Ashley, who was taken 111 with scarlet fever while visiting relatives at Bast Orange. N. J., six weeks ago, will return to Bordentown this week to resume his duties at rector of Christ Epis-copal Chpreh.

    HAMMONTON.-An Impressive temperance meeting was held In the l'reshyterlau Church, when Mrs, Florenco Kwell Atkins, national nrganlzer and lecturer of the W, C. T. U., and Mrs. Steelmun. of Atlantic City, address-ed the combined congregations of the Unlver-sallst, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches.

    MICKLBTON.—Only about a hundred farm-ers and thtlr wives .attended the quarterly meetlnir of the Gloucester County Board of AgrlcuUurav yesterday. The small attendance was caused by the average farmer being so busy with his asparagus.

    BUBMXaTON.-Kecovered from terrible in-juries sustained when her lower Jaw was shot away In an attempt at suicide, Mrs. Mary Stockley has returned to her home in Burlington from the county hospital..

    GLAS8HOHO. -Boys will have to show, them-selves good, financiers as well as farmers in the second'annual corn contest in Gloucester dress «..*««».*«. f l i a n t i t i ' t . lfufr # A V w h t n l i U M B A H * M f A r . - . / I A S I

    ik or two. „ity officials and

    ests may effect a compromise t the deadlock which now prevents the from collecting a penny of th

    the rolling chair Inter-hat will break

    le^Ho.OOo' tha? lectin* a penny of lue today for the

    enjoyed, by; the chair MUrM, walk. A conference with that end |n_ vltew beeanie due today for the. franchise privileges

    • chair barons along the Board-

    > l l l be 'rhnrsdaj Itles wll

    nrsday drs«tfe action by the ill probably follow. guthor-

    Llfe Guard Davis, today made the..flrat • re* in a mail apd woman off Virginia svetigc using the can Mtor. .Upon.reaching the i*ea*U the couple hurried off, refusing to give their names. , . ;i

    After, an Investlgatlayn today. Coroner Harto and County Phyaiclan Leonard' aj toupced that no Induest wcwld be held into the death of nTne-year-o\d .WjlfredN rreajwv of Ahaccon. wjjo


    , . an automOMle owned by Dr. Owl-man. of New, York. Tha conviction and dismissal of George

    erad « * « • ala*a a«s«*. Y/J" fc» bKnHlrt,JLait 'o r

    «sS»Si$T flWwsW»"Sssp§) www.

    county, tha entry list for which closed yester day with more than 100 boys enrolled. Instead of simply striving for the largest yield of corn on measured plots this year, as has been the customJn previous corn-growing contests, the young Gloucester county farmers will also strlye for economic production.

    GLA8SBORO.—Class day exercises were held last night l»y the seniors of the high school in the auditorium. Miss Sum Thompson was class poet; Miss Bebecca 1'haro, prophet; Miss Hazel Stiles rend a memorial oration and the class will was presented by Charles Ped-rick. «.

    i . . . j , i _ i i i - *


    Special to the IHquirer. TBRNTOM. N. J., June l . -Dr . David F.

    Weeks, superintendent of the State Village for Kptlopties at Sklllmnn, Is to be vindicated by the Board of Managers on the charges of mismanagement made by Charles J. Smith, a former employe. The report will be for-warded to tho Governor this weekVand, It is understood, will recommend that Dr. Weeks be continued In office.

    Their demand for an Increase of VA cents an hour refused, upwards of 400 machinists nult work hare today, four shops being af

    A n n u a l Exhibit of

    R o s e s and Paeonies at the

    NEW DOUBLE STORE 714-716 Chestnut St.

    All this week will be devoted to the exhibition of cut blooms of Hoses and Paeonies. The exhibition will include all the latest creutious of the hy-bridizers of England, Ireland, Scot-land, France and (Jermany and Amer-ica. There will be shown the

    New Daily Mail Rose the greatest new hybrid tea of recent years.. Exhibition open from 0 A. M. to 5 r. M.—free, of course.

    Seeds, Plant8, Tools 714-716 Chestnut Dreer

    Special to The Inquirer. NKW CA8TLB, Del., Juno l . -James Mar-

    shall, a resident of this city for t\ number of years and who formerly was employed at Phil-adelphia, died of heart trouble yesterday. His sister, Mrs. Jane Young, of Collingdale. Pa., has been not I tied of the death.

    Stepping from an automobile In this city Sunday evening. Miss Mary It. Thompson, of near Bldley Park. Pa., sustained a badly sprained ankle. She was taken to the home of a friend and given treatment.

    The Daracca Athletic Oluh will hold a festi-val In the Knights of Pythias Hall on Satur-day evening to secure funds for tho baseball team.

    A great number of persons will take part In a lawn fete at the farm of William Btirrls, near this city, on Saturday evening to benefit the Christiana baseball team.

    • ' •" • - * » « - . .


    Special to The Inquirer. BLKTGN, Md., June 1.—The annual com-

    mencement exercises of Cecil ton High School were held] this evening at Klon M. 13. Church, when five) graduates were awarded diplomas by School Superintendent J. M. McVey. Dr. G. W^̂ ^Ward, of Baltimore, delivered tho ad-

    Jay ' that the conte uled to ,h5. Adm. 25e.

    HIMSELF IH HIS OFFICE David 0, Kerbaugh's Act Believed

    to Have Been Inspired by Nervous Prostration

    Placing the muzzle of a revolver in ]nR mouth. David O. Kerbaugh, sixty-five years old, a well-to-do grocery broker. whoso home was in NorristoWn, pulled the triKger and ended hia life as he sat at his desk in the office at 141) South Front street yesterday afternoon.

    Two wool brokers, J. W. Hunter and A.. R. Patterson, who also have desks in the Front street address, were in7 the office at the t»me. They turned at the sound of the explodin« revolver and paw the man topple from his chair and fall to the floor. A reserve policeman sum-moned a patrol and had Kerbaugh sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

    Nervous mostration is believed to have

    Erompted the man to take his life. Ker-augh lived with his wife at 814 West Airy street. Norristown. For two years he nad been a victim of nerve ailments and recently he had been growing worse.

    After a sleepless night, he told his wife yesterdav morning that he intended to consult their family physician before re-turning home in the evening. Mrs. Ker-baugh advised her .husband to see a spe-cialist before he went to his office.

    Id Curiosity Shop itlniioua 11 AM. J o j j 1»M_.

    Market &

    Continuous 12 ACTS


    Market & Juniper Rta. l i a o A . M .

    TO 11.30 P.M.

    MINSTRELS AND AltCH Nightly.


    Hill Changed

    Vaudeville DUMONT'S"

    "Laat Week." T p n p A n p p n JO"1 & Aivu. Mat. Dally

    J^_Z_ _ , ' J , n : OH1KNTAL MAIDS h A Y F T Y 8 " 1 bol Vine." MAT." DAILY VJ/\ I L* t I XONIOHT—Profeaalonal Tryoatf

    DANCING^ Prr t f Plirlf'

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