
When SUN in Cancer sign and MOON enter in PUSHYAMI nakshtra.

We know that Sun is the owner of Leo. Now suppose Saturn is transiting Leo. What happens?

We know the Sun and Saturn are enemies to each other. Here situation is somewhat like this:

1) With respect to Saturn, he has entered his enemy's house(Leo).So Saturn is uncomfortable.

2) With respect to Sun, his house been occupied by his enemy. So Sun's house Leo is being afflicted by Saturn.

There are two Situations :

1) Sun entered in the house of Venus. That means Sun who is sattvic in nature entered the luxurious house of Venus. Certainly, Sun can not feel good in this tempting environment of Venus and thus he may loose his rigid and royal character and become slave to sensual pleasures while transiting Libra.

2) Libra being afflicted by Sun. That means Luxurious environment of Libra being restricted or controlled by the Sun.Suppose, Libra represents Bars & Pubs and Sun represents Government, now how can we predict according to situation number 2. We can predict that Bars and Pubs may face some restrictions from the Government. Or Government can rise the tax on Bars and Pubs etc.

1) by the intrinsic nature of aspecting planet, whether a benefic or malefic one.

2) by the mutual relationship between the two planets, whether a friend or neutral or enemy.

Suppose in the above case, where Saturn and Mars are aspecting mutually, when we consider from the Saturn's point of view, Mars is the aspecting planet. Now what is the intention of Mars in aspecting Saturn...

1) aspecting planet Mars is an intrinsic malefic planet.2) Mars is an enemy to Saturn.

So, clearly we can feel that the result of this mutual aspect is definitely a malefic one.

Saturn being in enemies sign (Leo, Sun) and being also aspected by other enemy Mars who is also an intrinsic malefic one, Saturn is in the situation of a complete discomfort and frustration.In Corporate Astrology, we can interpret above aspect as, Labor or workers (Saturn) will become frustrated with the management (Leo-Sun) and additional fuel to this aggression being added by the union leaders (Mars) and thus situation results in strike by the labor. Workers try to dominate the management. They become lazy and narrow-minded. Mars adds fuel to workers whenever necessary.

In Stock Market astrology, we can interpret the above aspect like this.Mars adds sudden aggression to Market which is under consolidation with negative bias(lazy) (Saturn's style) and hence disturbing the steady market (Leo-Sun-Fixed). However, this rally falls with the same speed with which it raised due to tamasic nature of this aspect being both Saturn and Mars are Tamasic in nature. Sun being invloved we can say that major sector which will lead the rally should be PSU.

In fact, Saints gave some meaningful names to some of these conjunctions. They called these conjunctions as 'Yogas'.

1) Gajakesari Yog: a conjunction of Jupiter and Moon. (Benefice)2) Guru-Mangal yog : Jupiter - Mars. (Benefice)3) Chandra-Mangal yog : Moon - Mars. (Benefice)4) Budha-aditya yog : Mercury-Sun. (Benefice)5) Amavasya yog : Sun-Moon. (Malefic)6) Guru Chandala yog : Jupiter - Rahu/Ketu. (Malefic)7) Kshudra Yog ; Saturn - Rahu ( Malefic)

We should consider intrinsic nature of both planets involved in conjunction and also mutual relationship between them whether both are friends or enemies or neutrals.

Let us consider, conjunction of Mars and Venus.

Mars is a malefic and Venus a benefic, and they are having a neutral relationship. So overall result will be a stable one neither malefic nor benefic. Masculine nature of Mars will be satisfied by the union of feminine nature of Venus as far as marital happiness is concerned. This conjunction usaully indicates early union with opposite sex. Kama or Desires (sexual or money or luxury) of Venus will be satisfied by the strong masculine power of Mars. However, results vary according to the sign in which this conjuction is formed.

In terms of Stock Market Astrology, this conjuction clearly indicating a consolidation at higher levels after a sudden rally with high activity. Results will vary with sign and aspects recieved by this conjunction.

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