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New Life Ministries

Retelling the Story of Jesus through Japanese Manga

Witness the intense drama as it

unfolded thousands of years ago

through the vivid illustration and

colors captured by some of the best

manga artists in Japan

Readers will be vicariously drawn into the narratives,

experiencing what Bible characters themselves

experienced—allowing you to witness the intense

drama as it unfolded thousands of years ago through

the vivid illustration and colors captured by some of

the best manga artists in Japan.

Are you looking for an effective way to engage the young people in your church or family? Are you looking for a ministry tool that is both culturally relevant to them and at the same time faithfully retells the Biblical story?

and Russia as the Bamboo and Iron Curtains

opened. Bible production continued strong into

the 21st century, and in 2006, NLM and NEXT

Manga introduced the Manga Messiah, opening

up a new medium for ministry. “The first book,

Manga Messiah, has been translated into over 30

languages and, combined with additional Manga

titles that followed, nearly 9 million copies are

currently in print.

NLM is currently undertaking print projects

to provide Bibles and Manga for persecuted,

refugees, street children, and disaster victims.

NLM also supports ministries around the world

that request Bibles and Manga for ministry

work. To this day, providing the Word of God to

those who need it is what drives the work of New

Life Ministries.

If you want to receive samples of the Manga materials, or to know more about us, please visit our website or contact us at [email protected].

The Word of God to a lost world

This has been the vision of New Life Ministries (NLM)

for its 60+ years in ministry. First started in the 1950’s

as a resourcing ministry, helping local missionaries

and pastors in Japan, NLM developed into a full-

on print ministry over the following decades. The

World Expo in Osaka in 1970 was the first major

opportunity for NLM, printing 1 million Gospels of

John for distribution. The ministry continued to

expand from there, serving the Church in China

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It's been over a year since our arrival to Japan—a wonderful

time to reflect back on the transition here as well as our

new lives. While many things were hard: releasing worldly

possessions, our home, friends, family, and church family,

ministries, God filled us with such joyful expectation for

"His Will be done" that those sacrifices felt a small price to

pay for following after Jesus. He amazed us by His hand of

sovereignty, provision, favor and peace.

However, several months after we arrived, I began to feel

the weight of discouragement accompanied by the mocking

voice of the Accuser. I was struggling with my new title as

"missionary" because most of my time was dedicated to

tedious and humbling responsibilities- transitioning my

children into public school, finding the correct groceries,

getting on the right bus, saying simple phrases, to name a

few. I realized just how self-sufficient and self-reliant I am.

Now, I had to rely on my husband to do even the most simple

of tasks, such as paying bills or scheduling an appointment.


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every

activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot...

a time to tear down and a time to build..."

Obedience isn't about serving Him in ways I think are most

important. Obedience is about doing whatever He asks

me to do, point blank. All my days are His. If He wants me

to bring me all the way to Japan to do laundry and change

diapers, so be it. I will do everything "as unto the Lord,"

with a heart full of praise and gratitude.

As a side note, I have recently begun to host a women's

"Share and Prayer" group that has had good attendance and

been a blessing to both myself and the sisters who gather. In

the past month, I have also recently had more opportunities

to serve in worship ministry.

I will leave you with my heart's prayer:

"Teach us O, Lord, to number our days,

that we may gain a heart of wisdom...

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,

that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,

for as many years as we have seen trouble...

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the

work of our hands."

PSALM 90:12-17



Then came the "cherry on top." Seven months after we

arrived, we discovered I was pregnant with our third child. As

many of you know, life practically screeches to a halt in your

first trimester. My body's energy was redirected at sustaining

this new life inside of me. I needed naps, extra fluid, new

clothes. Now I had doctors' visits and morning sickness. I

thought I was supposed to be reaching out, discipling new

believers, organizing worship and prayer groups as these

were all things I'd done in America. I was concerned about

our supporters- what could I write to them? I had wanted so

much to make a difference, to do "real work" for the Kingdom

of God. In fact, I'd already tried to organize such events here

in Nagoya but none of them were very successful.

Gently, mercifully, God was teaching me about His timing.

His Timing, not mine. He was teaching me Ecclesiastes 3:1-8:

Learn more and apply to JEMS Missions:

Kristin Nakamura

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JEMS is grateful for the continued openness and receptivity

of churches in South America, willing to receive workers

from the USA. Unfortunately, in recent years, there have

been more opportunities than summer volunteers to fill

the needs. We received requests from five churches this

summer, but we are only able to fill two of the requests.

We have three volunteers who have committed to serve

the Lord in Brazil this summer. They will have very different

ministries. Greg Oda, Anthony, and Constantino Gabrie will

serve in two churches in the southern state of Parana. The

churches in Assaí and Londrina have requested ministries of

Vacation Bible School, English classes and cooking programs

as means of extending their outreach to their respective


Koh Ikeda, representing the Mission Valley Free Methodist

Church will serve in a unique hybrid ministry developed by

the JEMS South America department. Koh will be serving

in the city of São Paulo in partnership with a local church

and a local school. Rather than having Koh serve alone,

JEMS is exploring in a new model for ministry.  It provides

opportunities for Brazilians to explore God's purpose and

JEMS Brazil Summer Mission 2018Rev John Katagi, Director of South America Missions

JEMS is exploring in a new model for

ministry. It provides opportunities for

Brazilians to serve in the mission field

alongside JEMS US teams. 

plan for them by giving them a chance to serve in the mission

field alongside JEMS US teams.  

We want to combine JEMS workers with Brazilian national

volunteers to work jointly in ministry.  It is evident that

God has invited many young people in Brazil to think about

serving him in missions.  But the problem is that there are

not many opportunities to serve in transcultural projects or

programs outside of their own churches.  Many Brazilians,

when thinking of missions, think of China or India.  But

that quite challenging to achieve financially or logistically. 

I believe that we can groom and cultivate the missionary

vision by beginning in their own backyard: their Jerusalems

and Judeas.  With the contacts that God has given to JEMS

in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Peru, we anticipate this

hybrid project having great possibilities!

Another reason to explore this ministry opportunity quite

frankly comes from the reality that we are seeing fewer young

people serving from the USA.  As smaller teams go to South

America, they can be augmented and encouraged by team

members from Brazil working side by side.  In so doing, we

also provide young Brazilians with a taste of cross-cultural

ministry. And who knows if from there, they will consider full

time missions service.  

Please pray for God’s provision of national workers to serve

alongside our US JEMS teams this summer. Thank you as well

for your prayer and support of Pastor John as he recently

returned from his field ministry in April. For more details of

his service, please visit:



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Challenge AcceptedJon Liu, Director of AACF (College Ministries)

students; it is to empower students for the sake of the

Gospel. So we teach and equip them for service and witness

on the campus, in the church, in the marketplace, and in

world missions. One of our core values is student initiative.

We want students to be the primary agents. They practice

vision casting, planning, evangelism, prayer, worship,

discipleship, community building, and leadership. We want

them to know that they are called to proclaim Christian

truth and demonstrate Christian life in meaningful ways to

their campus—and they're doing it!


AACF is not just a club. It is a gathering

of young people learning how to be

disciples of Jesus Christ.

Just when we successfully met our challenge, AACF Berkeley

hosted this year’s United. United is a national gathering of

all AACFs. It was an afternoon of worship, fellowship, and

gaining vision for the kingdom of God. Over 350 students

gathered in Oakland, CA! This wasn’t just a time for students

to hangout. It was a time to develop a bigger vision for their

time in college. The students were challenged to walk away

with an action item of what they could do in order reach

their campus with the love of Jesus Christ.

The juxtaposition of the March fundraiser and AACF United

reminded me of the mission and vision of AACF. AACF is not

just a club. It is a gathering of young people learning how to

be disciples of Jesus Christ. But our task isn’t just to gather

AACF was given a challenge. If AACF raised up 200 new

sustaining partnership during the month of March, then we

will be awarded a $20,000 grant. If we missed the challenge,

then we would lose the grant. With 209 new sustaining

partners, AACF surpassed the challenge!

Students are stepping into leadership roles,

going on missions, serving their communities,

reaching out to their peers, and more.

This is only possible because of God’s grace and by your

generous donations. Praise God and thank you to every

sustaining partner! Please continue to pray for AACF as

it grows. Pray for its leaders to be godly stewards of the

financial resources. Pray for its students to continue to

respond to God’s calling. Pray for more staff members —we

need more staff as we launch on new chapters! Thank you

partnering with us to meet the challenge of reaching college

campuses with the Gospel.


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Spring Concert, April 28—PNWRev. Carolyn Shimabukuro, DirectorPacific Northwest Ministries

allows for increased opportunity for people to be touched by God, and to experience God’s love in the context of community.

Was the event successful? Logistics went well, people were smiling, enjoying, the refreshments were awesome! But what blessed my heart, was a young career man who for the first time took the step to invite a co-worker. The co-worker said “yes” to his invitation, enjoyed the concert, met new people, engaged in conversations and went home. Is that the end of the story? I think not. For there is a truth at work as described in the scriptures… “We are only God’s servants through whom

you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work that Lord gave us. I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow…the one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose… and you are God’s field.”


May we each engage in the things of God by being prayerful people ready to invite those who God has already prepared to hear and respond to His love.

Mark your calendars, our annual Warm Beach Conference is August 16-19. Our theme is “This is eternal life” from John 17:3. Come and be a part of God at work touching hearts and changing lives.

Ukulele, drama, duet, spoken word, dance, music, arts, creative expression—what’s not to love about that! The Lord brought together artists from the great Seattle Asian churches that love the Lord and who share the same desire to use their gifts to point people to God. Through each performance our hearts were touched and we were drawn into their stories of challenge, struggle and personal experiences of trust and gratitude.

Is this concert intended to be a “feel-good” evening of Christian entertainment? Perhaps it may seem that way from the outside—but from the early stages of preparation our motivation and purpose is to be a venue that allows creative expression to testify to the things of God. On the part of believers, we are to prayerfully invite and share the evening with those who are still on their way to knowing Christ. Sharing time in this setting


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Do you have an unused auto in your back yard, driveway taking up space in your garage or in front of your house? It will be valuable to JEMS! It does not have to be driveable! We accept all types of vehicle donations including autos, trucks, sport utilities, motorcycles, motor homes, and boats.

You may donate your “unused” vehicle to JEMS and support a ministry, a missionary, a support-raising staff, or the JEMS General Fund!

Extend the life of your automobile … It’s easy, just call us …


JEMS Event Calendar

Please return this slip to JEMS, 948 East 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

or Email your information to: [email protected]

Your Name:


Email Address:

Other Household Members:

June 24 and July 30 (2-week missions starting dates)

2018 SOUTH AMERICA MISSION TEAMSTeam composition may be made of church teams, campus ministries, or assembling a team of interested individuals. Call 213.613.0022; or

June 2, Saturday

WOMEN'S CONFERENCEJEMS Nichigo Ministries & Church Federation “Stand” Women’s Ministry USA “Love One Another”Wintersburg Presbyterian Church2000 No. Fairview Street, Santa Ana, CACall 213.613.0022 for reservations before May 30. Child Care Available.

Their Emails:

Join Our Elite Group!

The mailing of 10,000 JEMS Journal is very expensive.

Partner with us to save trees and postage costs! JEMS is

also asking those on our international mailing lists to join

our email family for JEMS newsletters, prayer letters and

event notifications.

Thank you very much, JEMS

June 8, Friday

JEMS GOLF TOURNEYJEMS SoCal Mount Hermon Scholarship FundLos Verdes Country Club, RVPInfo and registration form:

July 1—7

JEMS MOUNT HERMON CONFERENCEfamily/career, jr hi, inter-hi, sr hi, college, special campsInfo:


ROCKY MOUNTAIN BUS TOURIncludes Yellowstone (Wyoming)  Glacier and Banff National Park (Canada).Interested? Contact Rev. Sam Tonomura at [email protected] or call 213.613.0022.

August 4

MOUNT HERMON POST RALLY Evergreen Baptist Church, San Gabriel Valley 323 Workman Mill Rd. La Puente, CA 626.363.0300

September 29, 9AM

JEMS LADIES LUNCHEON AND CRAFT CLASSES “Encourage One Another” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11The unique Craft Classes are followed by Lunch,Worship and a Guest Speaker, Ms. Karen Wakamoto, SAVE THIS DATE!  GREAT IDEAS FOR GIFTS! The flier and registration form will be available soon.

October 15-26

ITALY AND GREECE TOUR With an optional day trip to Pompeii. The tour includes Athens, Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica, Greece, Rome, Vatican City, Florence, Venice, and the Grand Canal Interested? Contact Rev. Sam Tonomura at [email protected] or call 213.613.0022.

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