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This here was the ‘universal pictures’ film that I found on Youtube of high quality. I took the URL of this Youtube clip and searched for a Youtube converter as to import on to premiere

This here was the ‘universal pictures’ film that I found on Youtube of high quality. I took the URL of this Youtube clip and searched for a Youtube converter as to import on to premiere

This was the best Youtube convertor I found on Google as to was quick and easy to use. I inserted the Youtube URL in the box and within seconds it was done, I than imported this clip onto premiere to add on my trailer.

This clip was originally very long so I used from 00:00:03:00- 00:00:12:00 and slowed its duration so that the audience can catch this.

I placed this clip after the ‘green screen’ to show this is presented by universal pictures.

Here is the logo, one of our group member made on Photoshop of ‘paranormal pictures’ . I changed the background to a darker grey as it was originally white to blend in with our trailer but it didn't seem skilled enough

This was one of the effect I was experimenting with when I was adding this final scene of the Casey dreaming she was running as she felt someone was following her. However, when showing it to a teacher they felt it was ‘not scary’ it seems unprofessional therefore I changed it.

I placed this scene on between of when Casey is sleeping and before she wakes up from shock, this was to show that she is having a bad dream.

This clip was added right at the end over the sleeping scene

Here I used a different soundtrack, the peak on the soundtrack shows the building up of danger which worked well with the scene, therefore placed it below my existing sound.

Here after experimenting with the effects I decided to added double of the ‘luma key’ to add a dreamy effect and to darker the background as the light was bright.

This is the soundtrack named ‘Dead silence theme music’ the beginning of the soundtrack was not so eerie so used the pitched sound towards the end. Also I changed the audio by using the yellow line from slowly building up to the peak and than slowly fading back to our soundtrack of ‘ Creepy horror song’. Having a different soundtrack will allow the audience to acknowledge that something has happened or is going to happen, this helps to build a strong connection.

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