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The American Liberty League (ALL) formedto - 10 points the Bonus Army.b.oppose FDR’s New Deal.c. introduce new legislation.d. oppose the TVA.

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Congress established the ______________ to help regulate the stock market so it was safer for investors. – 20 points

A) Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationB) Securities Exchange CommissionC) Emergency Banking BillD) Civilian Conservation Corps

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What did Congress do to deal with the banking crisis?– 30 points

A)Create the Tennessee Valley AuthorityB)Pass the Emergency Banking BillC)Deny the Bonus Army benefitsD)Vote for the Civilian Conservation Corp

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What were the goals of the New Deal?– 40 pointsA)Reform the government and decrease spending.B)Create schools and protect farmersC)Increase spending on defense and tradeD)Provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American economy

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Some opponents of the New Deal believedthat it __________________. – 50 points

A)Benefited only the banking industryB)Harmed home ownersC)Threatened individual freedom, by giving the government too much powerD) Gave too much power to the people

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What program did the President introduce tohelp retirees? – 10 points

A)Fair Labor Standards ActB)Works Progress AdministrationC)Second New DealD)Social Security Act

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The Rural Electrification Administrationprovided electricity to – 20 points

A)The elderlyB)FarmersC)The unemployedD)Minorities

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The right to collective bargaining was partof the ______________.– 30 points

A)Wagner ActB)Works Progress AdministrationC)Social Security ActD)Agricultural Adjustment Act

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Members of the _______ participatedin a sit down strike until General Motorsagreed to recognize them. – 40 pointsA)WPAB)UAWC)READ)NLRB

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What caused Republicans to gain power inCongress in 1938? - 50 pointsA)The Supreme Court started approving New Deal programsB) The economy took a downturn and wiped out FDR’s progressC) Southern Democrats became supporters of the New DealD)Unemployment went down from 14 percent to 10 percent.

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Who was the Louisiana Senator who was FDR's most serious political threat?

A) Norman ThomasB) Charles CoughlinC) Huey LongD) Alfred Sloan– 10 points

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One way that Americans escaped their concerns during the 1930s was to…

a.) live in the countryb.) follow the stock marketc.) go to the movie theatersd.) avoid watching news on television – 20 points

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Written by John Steinbeck, this was a book about the plight (problems)facing farmers fleeing the Dust Bowl….a.) The Wizard of Ozb.) The Grapes of Wrathc.) “War of the Worlds”d.) “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”– 30 points

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The Federal Art Project set a precedent for…

a.) increased government support of radicalsb.) federal funding of the arts and artistsc.) free theater performances for the publicd.) realistically showing living conditions onthe farm– 40 points

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Although the New Deal helped restore the American economy, what eventually led to the end of the depression?

A) Vietnam WarB) World War IIC) collapse of the stock marketD) World War I– 50 points

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The New Deal Coalition was a strongpolitical force that….– 10 pointsA)Encouraged African Americans to vote for RepublicansB)Prevented Native Americans from voting in electionsC)Gave Democrats a majority in both Houses of Congress for many yearsD)Brought wealthy people more power in the federal government

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Which of the following extended job opportunities to many minorities and youth– 20 pointsA)Civilian Conservation CorpsB)Federal Emergency Relief ActC)Tennessee Valley AuthorityD)Federal Writers’ Project

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Critics disapproved of the TennesseeValley Authority (TVA) because it – 30 pointsA)Distributed money to people outside the Tennessee valleyB)Gave government direct control of a business C)Paid farmers to kill off excess cropsD)Built dams to control flood waters

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People turned to radio and movies in the 1930’s to …..– 40 points

A)Escape their troubles B)Celebrate industrial workersC)Listen for ways to save moneyD)Lean more about the depression

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Which of the following New Deal programswas meant to prevent a run on banks?– 50 points

A)Civilian Conservation CorpsB)National Recovery AdministrationC)Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationD)Tennessee Valley Authority

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Why did FDR declare a bank holiday earlyin his administration? – 10 pointsA)To cut off the use of cashB)To weaken the banking industryC)To inspect the financial health of the banksD)To give people in the banking industry a well deserved vacation

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What was the Second New Deal? – 20 pointsA)A series of tax laws that primarily benefitted the richB)A program designed to balance the national budgetC)To inspect the financial health of the banksD)A wave of legislation including more social welfare benefits

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In his first 100 days in office, Roosevelt– 30 pointsA)Abolished the banking systemB)Avoided direct action and sent problems to committees for studyC)Pushed Congress to pass legislation to improve the economyD)Concentrated on programs that strengthened big business

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First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt defied tradition by …….. – 40 pointsA)Serving as one of her husband’s Cabinet membersB)Refusing most public appearancesC)Actively and aggressively promoting the New DealD)Rallying opposition to many of her husband’s programs

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FDR would frequently talk to the citizens inthis manner……….. – 50 pointsA)Fireside ChatsB)Bathrobe and slippersC)Desk debatesD)Playing cards

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