

Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 4): Mental, Neurological, and Substance

Use Disorders, by Vikram Patel, Dan Chisholm, Tarun Dua, Ramanan Laxminarayan,

Maria Elena Medina-Mora. $35.00pb

Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2016: Comparing Regulatory Good Practices.


Evaluaciones Nacionales del Rendimiento Academic, Volumen 3: Implementacion de

una Evaluacion Nacional del Endimiento Academic, by Vincent Greaney and Thomas

Kellaghan. $29.95pb

Findings from the 2014 Labor Force Survey in Sierra Leone, by David Margolis, Nina

Rosas, Abubakarr Turay, and Samuel Turay. $29.95pb

New Books – April 2016

The 266 titles listed below have been added to our selection in the past month. Stop in often, as new titles arrive every day!

Health Financing Policy: The Macroeconomic, Fiscal, and Public Finance Context, by

Cheryl Cashin. $29.95pb

Poverty in a Rising Africa, by Kathleen Beegle, Luc Christiaensen, Andrew Dabalen, and

Isis Gaddis. $35.00pb

Le Secteur des Industries Extractives: Points Essentiels à l’ Intention des Economistes,

des Spécialistes des Finances Publiques, et des Responsables Politiques, by Halland,

Lokanc, Nair, and Sridar Padmanabhan Kanna. $29.95pb

El Sector de las Industrias Extractivas: Aspectos Esenciales para Economistas,

Profesionales de las Finanzas Públicas, y Responsables de Políticas, con Halland,

Lokanc, Nair, y Sridar Padmanabhan Kanna. $29.95pb

Understanding the Income and Efficiency Gap in Latin America and the Caribbean, by

Jorge Thompson Araujo, Ekaterina Vostroknutova, Konstantin M. Wacker, and Mateo

Clavijo. $35.00pb


Development Economics and Aid

Aid for Elites: Building Partner Nations and Ending Poverty through Human Capital, by

Mark Moyar. Cambridge University Press. $34.99pb

Development and Sustainability: The Challenge of Social Change, by Cimadamore,

Mittelmark, Lie and Ottemoller. Zed Books. $39.95pb

Navigating Complexity in International Development: Facilitating Sustainable Change

at Scale, by Danny Burns and Stuart Worsley. Practical Action Publishing. $39.95pb

General Economics

Adam Smith: Critical Lives, by Jonathan Conlin. Reaktion Books. $19.00pb

And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe’s Crisis and America’s Economic Future,

by Yanis Varoufakis. Nation Books. $27.99hb

Beautiful Game Theory: How Soccer Can Help Economics, by Ignacio Palacios-Huerta.

Princeton University Press. $18.95pb

The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy

Bigger, by Marc Levinson. Princeton University Press. $19.95pb

The Cambridge History of Capitalism Volume I: The Rise of Capitalism: From Ancient

Origins to 1848, by Larry Neal and Jeffrey G. Williamson. Cambridge University Press.


The Cambridge History of Capitalism Volume II: The Spread of Capitalism: From 1848 to

the Present, by Larry Neal and Jeffrey G. Williamson. Cambridge University Press.


Can Green Sustain Growth? : From the Religion to the Reality of Sustainable Prosperity,

by John Zysman and Mark Huberty. Stanford Business Books. $35.00pb

Currencies, Commodities and Consumption, by Kenneth W. Clements. Cambridge

University Press. $39.99pb

Economic Forecasting, by Graham Elliott and Allan Timmermann. Princeton University

Press. $75.00hb

Europe’s Deadlock: How the Euro Crisis Could Be Solved-and Why It Still Won’t Happen,

by David Marsh. Yale University Press. $20.00pb

Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict, by Heather Boushey. Harvard

University Press. $29.95hb

Fortune Tellers: The Story of America’s First Economic Forecasters, by Walter A.

Friedman. Princeton University Press. $19.95pb

Game Theory in Action: An Introduction to Classical and Evolutionary Models, by

Stephen Schecter and Herbert Gintis. Princeton University Press. $39.95pb

Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization, by Branko Milanovic.

Harvard University Press. $29.95hb InfoShop Special—20% Off! ($23.96)

Happiness Explained: What Human Flourishing Is and What We Can Do to Promote It, by

Paul Anand. Oxford University Press. $16.95hb

Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know, by James K. Galbraith. Oxford University

Press. $16.95pb

Money Changes Everything: How Finance Made Civilization Possible, by William N.

Goetzman. Princeton University Press. $35.00hb

Naked Money: A Revealing Look at What It Is and Why It Matters, by Charles Wheelan.

Norton. $27.95. 20% Off! ($22.36)

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins. Berrett-Koehler

Publishers. $17.95pb

Runaway Inequality: An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice, by Les Leopold. Labor

Institute Press. $19.95pb.

The Social Life of Money, by Nigel Dodd. Princeton University Press. $21.95pb

Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth, by Richard Arena and Pier Luigi Porta.

Cambridge University Press. $35.99pb

Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy, by Robert H. Frank.

Princeton University Press. $28.95hb

Unequal Games: American Growth and Inequality since 1700, by Peter Lindert and

Jeffrey G. Williamson. Princeton University Press. $35.00hb

Behavioral Economics

Revealed Preference Theory, by Christopher P. Chambers and Federico Echenique.

Cambridge University Press. $34.99pb

Agriculture and Rural Development

GMO Myths and Truths, Condensed and Updated, by Claire Johnson, Michael Antoniou,

John Fagan. Earth Open Source. $17.95pb.

Banking, Finance and Investment; Microfinance

Breaking Up the Banks! A Practical Guide to Stopping the Next Global Financial

Meltdown, by David Shirreff. Melville House Publishing. $13.95pb

The End of Alchemy: Money, Banking, and the Future of the Global Economy, by

Mervyn King. Norton. $28.95hb

Fed Power: How Finance Wins, by Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond King. Oxford

University Press. $24.95hb

The Monetary System: Analysis and New Approaches to Regulation, by Jean-François

Serval and Jean-Pascal Tranié. Wiley. $100hb

One Step Ahead: Private Equity and Hedge Funds after the Global Financial Crisis, by

Timothy Spangler. Oneworld Book. $19.99pb

Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World, by

Juliet Johnson. Cornell University Press. 35.00hb

Data and Statistics

Everydata: The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consume Every Day, by

John H. Johnson, PhD, and Mike Gluck. Bibliomotion. $27.95hb

Truth or Truthiness: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction by Learning to Think Like a Data

Scientist, by Howard Wainer. Cambridge University Press. $29.99hb

Education and Training

In Defense of a Liberal Education, by Fareed Zakaria. Norton. $15.95 NEW IN


Energy, Industry and Mining

The Oracle of Oil: A Maverick Geologist’s Quest for a Sustained Future, by Mason Inman.

W.W. Norton & Company. $29.95hb

The Price of Oil, by Roberto F. Aguilaera and Marian Radetzki. Cambridge University

Press. $39.99pb

Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival, by Michael E. Webber. Yale

University Press. $30.00hb

Environment and Pollution Prevention

Decent Work, Green Jobs and the Sustainable Economy: Solutions for Climate Change

and Sustainable Development, by Peter Poschen. Greenleaf Publishing. $39.95pb.

Climate Shock: The Economics Consequences of a Hotter Planet, by Gernot Wagner

and Martin L. Weitzman. Princeton University Press. $18.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Harnessing Foreign Investment to Promote Environmental Protection: Incentives and

Safeguards, by Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Jorge E. Viñuales. Cambridge University Press.


The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth’s Climate,

by David Archer. Princeton University Press. $17.95pb

Managing Extreme Climate Change Risks through Insurance, by W. J. Wouter Botzen.

Cambridge University Press. $41.99pb

Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation: Inspiring Ecological, Social, Economic

and Cultural Responses for Resilience and Transformation, by Thomas Henfrey and Gil

Penha-Lopes. Permanent Publications. $15.99pb

Pursuing Sustainability: A Guide to the Science and Practice, by Pamela Matson, William

C. Clark, and Krister Andersson. Princeton University Press. $35.00hb

Treading on Thin Air: Atmospheric Physics, Forensic Meteorology, and Climate Change:

How the Weather Shapes Our Everyday Lives, by Elizabeth Austin, PH.D. Pegasus Books.


A World to Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet, by George M. Woodwell.

The MIT Press. $29.95pb

Governance, Civil Society and Participation

Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform, Second Edition, by

Susan Rose-Ackerman and Bonnie J. Palifka. Cambridge University Press. $39.99pb

Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, Revised Edition, by Edward N. Luttwak. Harvard

University Press. $24.95pb

Intelligence Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East,

by Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels. Polity. $12.95pb

State Capitalism: How the Return of Statism Is Transforming the World, by Joshua

Kurlantzick. Oxford University Press. $29.95hb.

A World of Struggle: How Power, Law, and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy, by

David Kennedy. Princeton University Press. $29.95hb

Health, Nutrition and Population

Metrics: What Counts in Global Health, by Vincanne Adams. Duke University Press.


Infrastructure, Transportation and Urban Development

Essentials of Urban Design, by Mark Sheppard. Csiro Publishing. $70.95pb

The Human City: Urbanism for the Rest of Us, by Joel Kotkin. B2 Books. $24.95hb

Reliability and Risk: The Challenge of Managing Interconnected Infrastructures, by

Emery Roe and Paul R. Schulman. Stanford Business Books. $65.00hb

Street Fight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution, by Janette Sadik-Khan with Seth

Solomonow. Viking. $28.00hb

Sustainable Cities: Inspirational Case Studies, by Simon Mills. Greenleaf Publishing.


Legal and Judicial Issues

Analogies in International Investment Law and Arbitration, by Valentina Vadi.

Cambridge University Press. $110.00hb

The Continent of International Law: Explaining Agreement Design, by Barbara

Koremenos. Cambridge University Press. $29.99pb

Custom’s Future: International Law in a Changing World, edited by Cutis A. Bradley.

Cambridge University Press. $44.99pb

Engines of Liberty, by David Cole. Basic Books. $27.99hb.

Investment Law within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives, edited by Freya

Baetens. Cambridge University Press. $44.99pb

The Politics of International Economic Law, edited by Tomer Broude, Marc L. Busch and

Amelia Porges. Cambridge University Press. $39.99pb

The WTO and International Investment Law: Converging Systems, by Jurgen Kurtz.

Cambridge University Press. $110.00hb

Private Sector

Complexity and the Art of Public Policy: Solving Society’s Problems from the Bottom Up,

by Roland Kupers. Princeton University Press. $22.95pb

Project Management

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Project Appraisal, by Per-Olov Johansson and Bengt Kristrom.

Cambridge University Press. $34.99pb

Public Sector

Escaping Jurassic Government: How to Recover America’s Lost Commitment to

Competence, by Donald F. Kettl. Brookings Institution Press. $25.00pb

Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government, by

Christopher H. Achen and Larry M.Bartels. Princeton University Press. $29.95hb

The Future of Financial Regulation: Who Should Pay for the Failure of American and

European Banks?, by Johan A. Lybeck. Cambridge University Press. $49.99pb

Making Public in a Privatized World: The Struggle for Essential Services, by David A.

McDonald. Zed Books. $39.95pb

Taxing the Rich: A History of Fiscal Fairness in the United States and Europe, by Kenneth

Scheve and David Stasavage. Russell Sage Foundation. $29.95hb

Water Supply and Sanitation

Cooperation in the Law of Transboundary Water Resources (Cambridge Studies in

International and Comparative Law), by Christina Leb. Cambridge University Press.


Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects, by Ronald

C. Griffin. MIT Press. $96.00hb


East Asia and the Pacific

The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation, by

Rena Pederson. Norton. $17.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps, edited by Karen Wigen, Sgimoto Fumiko, and

Cary Karacas. The University of Chicago Press. $45.00hb

China’s Hidden Children: Abandonment, Adoption, and the Human Costs of the One-

Child Policy, by Kay Ann Johnson. The University of Chicago Press. $22.50hb

China and Tibet: The Perils of Insecurity, by Tsering Topgyal. Hurst & Company. $34.95pb

Chinese Economic Statecraft: Commercial Actors, Grand Strategy and State Control, by

William J. Norris. Cornell University Press. $39.95hb

Economic Change in Modern Indonesia: Colonial Past and Post-Colonial Comparisons,

by Anne Booth. Cambridge University Press. $29.99pb

The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot: A True Story about the Birth of Tyranny in North

Korea, by Blaine Harden. Penguin Books. $17.00 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global

Superpower, by Michael Pillsbury. St. Martin’s Griffin. $16.99pb

Marigold: The Lost Chance for Peace in Vietnam, by James G. Hershberg. Stanford

University Press. $29.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Nothing Ever Dies: Vietnam and the Memory of War, by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Harvard

University Press. $27.95hb

Occupational Hazards: Sex, Business, and HIV in Post-Mao China, by Elanah Uretsky.

Stanford University Press. $25.95pb

Europe and Central Asia

Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia’s New Nationalism, by Charles Clover. Yale

University Press. $35.00hb

A Concise History of Spain, 2/e, by William D. Phillips, Jr. and Carla Rahn Phillips.

Cambridge University Press. $29.99pb

Crimea: A History, by Neil Kent. Hurst & Company. $29.95hb.

The Dream Shall Never Die, by Alex Salmond. William Collins. $16.99pb.

The Euro Experiment, by Paul Wallace. Cambridge University Press. $39.99hb

The Plans That Failed: An Economic History of the GDR, by André Steiner. Berghahn.


Putin Country: A Journey into the Real Russia, by Anne Garrels. Farrar, Straus, and

Giroux. $26.00hb

Ruling Russia: Authoritarianism from the Revolution to Putin, by William Zimmerman.

Princeton University Press. $24.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator, by Oleg V. Khlevniuk. Yale University Press. $25.00


To the End of the World: The Story of the Trans-Siberian Express, the World’s Greatest

Railroad, by Christian Wolnar. PublicAffairs. $17.99 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier, by David Brophy.

Harvard University Press. $39.95hb.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Ecuador’s Environmental Revolutions: Ecoimperialists, Ecodependents, and Ecoresisters,

by Tammy L. Lewis. The MIT Press. $30.00pb

Evo’s Bolivia: Continuity and Change, by Linda C. Farthing and Benjamin H. Kohl.

University of Texas Press. $24.95pb NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Middle East and North Africa

Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947, by Bruce Hoffman. Vintage

Books. $20.00pb

Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair, by Adeed

Dawisha. Princeton University Press. $24.95pb

Circling the Square: Stories from the Egyptian Revolution, by Wendell Steavenson. Ecco.


Holy Lands: Reviving Pluralism in the Middle East, by Nicolas Pelham. Columbia Global

Reports. $13.99pb

Engineers of Jihad: The Curious Connection between Violent Extremism and Education,

by Diego Gambetta and Steffen Hertog. Princeton University Press. $ 29.95hb

Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan, by Sarah A. Tobin. Cornell University

Press. $26.95pb

The Impossibility of Palestine: History, Geography, and the Road Ahead, by Mehran

Kamrava. Yale University Press. $40.00hb

Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Region

on Earth, by Avi Melamed and Lucy Aharish. Skyhorse Publishing. $26.99hb

ISIS: A Short History, by Fawaz A. Gerges. Princeton University Press. $27.95hb

King Faisal of Saudi Arabia: Personality, Faith and Times, by Alexei Vassiliev. Saqi Books.


My Journey into the Heart of Terror: Ten Days in the Islamic State, by Jurgen Todenhofer.

Greystone. $26.95hb

Popular Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, by John Charlcraft.

Cambridge University Press. $29.99pb

Power and Change in Iran: Politics of Contention and Conciliation, Daniel Brumberg and

Farideh Farhi. Indiana University Press. $35.00pb

The Pragmatic Superpower: Winning the Cold War in the Middle East, by Ray Takeyh

and Steven Simon. W.W. Norton & Company. $28.95hb

Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe, by Charles Glass. Verso Books. $16.95pb

Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring, by Ibrahim

Fraihat. Yale University Press. $40.00hb

Until We Are Free: My Fight for Human Rights in Iran, by Shirin Ebadi. Random House.


South Asia

The Colonel Who Would Not Repent: The Bangladesh War and Its Unquiet Legacy, by

Salil Tripathi. Yale University Press. $37.50hb

Kathmandu, by Thomas Bell. Haus Publishing. $29.95hb

The Land of Gold: Post-Conflict Recovery and Cultural Revival in Independent Timor-

Leste, by Judith M. Bovensiepen. Cornell University Press. $23.95pb

Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention, by Noah Coburn. Stanford

University Press. $22.95pb

Taming Indian Inflation, by Rahul Anand and Paul Cashin. International Monetary Fund.


We Are Afghan Women: Voices of Hope. George W. Bush Institute. Scribner. $26.00hb

Sub-Saharan Africa

Africa on the Move: Unlocking the Potential of Small Middle-Income States, by Lamin

Leigh and Ali Mansoor. International Monetary Fund. $ 30.00pb

Aid and Authoritarianism in Africa, by Tobias Hagmann and Filip Reyntjens. Zed Books.


American Warlord: A True Story, by Johnny Dwyer. Vintage Books. $17.00pb

Eat the Heart of the Infidel: The Harrowing of Nigeria and the Rise of Boko Haram, by

Andrew Walker. Hurst and Company. $24.95pb

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: Ohio Short Stories of Africa, by Pamela Scully. Ohio University Press.


The Fortunes of Africa: A 5000-Year History of Wealth, Greed, and Endeavor, by Martin

Meredith. PublicAffairs. $21.99pb

The Future of African Peace Operations: from the Janjaweed to Boko Haram (Africa

Now), by Cedric de Coning, Linnéa Gelot, and John Karlsrud. Zed Books. $39.95pb

The Ghana Reader: History, Culture and Politics, by KwasiKonadu and Clifford C.

Campbell. Duke University Press. $27.95pb

Moral Economies of Corruption: State Formation and Political Culture in Nigeria, by

Steven Pierce. Duke University Press. $25.95pb

The Petro-Developmental State in Africa: Making Oil Work in Angola, Nigeria and the

Gulf of Guinea, by Jesse Salah Ovadia. Hurst & Company. $65.00hb


Current Affairs

American Amnesia: How the War on Government Led Us to Forget What Made America

Prosper, by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson. Simon & Schuster. $28.00hb

The Essential Bernie Sanders and his Vision for America, by Jonathan Tasini. Chelsea

Green. $14.00pb.

Hillary Rising: The Politics, Persona and Policies of a New American Dynasty, by James

D. Boys. Biteback Publishing. $21.95pb

Incarceration Nation: How the United States Became the Most Punitive Democracy in

the World, by Peter K. Enns. Cambridge University Press. $24.99pb

Independent Politics: How American Disdain for Parties Leads to Political Inaction, by

Samara Klar and Yanna Krupnikov. Cambridge University Press. $29.99pb

It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the

New Politics of Extremism, New and Expanded Edition, by Thomas E. Mann and Norman

J. Ornstein. Basic Books. $16.99pb

Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins, by Andrew Cockburn. Picador. $18.00


Left of Boom: How a Young CIA Case Officer Penetrated the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, by

Douglas Laux and Ralph Pezzullo. St. Martin’s Press. $27.99hb

Listen, Liberal: Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People, by Thomas Frank.

Metropolitan Books. $27.00hb

Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, by Robert D. Putman. Simon & Schuster. $17.00


PolitiGuide 2016: A Simple and Neutral Summary of the Most Important Issues in the

2016 Presidential Election, by Julian Rudolph and Kyle Hackel. Morgan James

Publishing. $8.95pb

Post-Racial or Most-Racial: Race and Politics in the Obama Era, by Michel Tesler. The

University of Chicago Press. $25.00pb

The Racket: A Rogue Reporter vs the American Elite, by Matt Kennard. Zed Books.


The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents Are (Still) Going Broke, Elizabeth

Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Basic Books. $16.99pb

When Women Win: Emily’s List and the Rise of Women in American Politics, by Ellen. R.

Malcolm and Craig Unger. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $28.00hb

General History

1966: The Year the Decade Exploded, by Jon Savage. Faber & Faber. $ 29.95 hb.

American Character: A History of the Epic Struggle between Individual Liberty and the

Common Good, by Colin Woodward. Viking. $29.00hb

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania, by Erik Larson. Broadway Books. $17.00pb

Decolonization: A Very Short introduction, by Dave Kennedy. Oxford University Press.


Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers, from the Fifteenth Century to

the Twenty-First, by Frank Trentmann. Harper. $40.00hb

Founding Finance: How Debt, Speculation, Foreclosures, Protests, and Crackdowns

Made Us a Nation, by William Hogeland. University of Texas Press. $15.95 NEW IN


From Silk to Silicon: The Story of Globalization through Ten Extraordinary Lives, by

Jeffrey. E. Garten. HarperCollins Publishers. $29.99hb

The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free

World, by Tara Zahra. Norton. $28.95hb

The Paper Trail: An Unexpected History of a Revolutionary Invention, by Alexander

Monro. Alfred A. Knopf. $30.00hb

Prisoners of Hope: Lyndon B. Johnson, the Great Society, and the Limits of Liberalism, by

Randall B. Woods. Basic Books. $32.00hb

Roosevelt and Stalin: Portrait of a Partnership, by Susan Butler. Vintage Books. $20.00pb

Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, by Adam

Hochschild. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $30.00hb

War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony, by Nelson A.

Denis. Nation Books. $17.99 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

International Relations

Diaspora and Trust: Cuba, Mexico, and the Rise of China, by Adrian H. Hearn. Duke

University Press. $24.95pb

The Envoy: From Kabul to the White House, My Journey through a Turbulent World, by

Zalmay Khalilzad. St. Martin’s Press. $27.99hb

Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, by Frank Costigliola and Michael J.

Hogan. Cambridge University Press. $32.99pb

The New Great Game: China and South and Central Asia in the Era of Reform, by

Thomas Fingar. Stanford University Press. $27.95pb

Power and International Relations: A Conceptual Approach, by David A. Baldwin.

Princeton University Press. $29.95pb

Power Politics: How China and Russia Reshape the World, by Rob de Wijk. Amsterdan

University Press. $21.99pb

Targeted Sanctions: The Impacts and Effectiveness of United Nations Action, edited by

Thomas J. Biersteker, Sue E. Eckert and Marcos Tourinho. Cambridge University Press.


War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft, by Robert D. Blackwill and Jennifer

M. Harris. Belknap Press. $29.95hb


Bloodsport: When Ruthless Dealmakers, Shrewd Ideologues, and Brawling Lawyers

Toppled the Corporate Establishment, by Robert Teitelman. PublicAffairs. $28.99hb

Building the Future: Big Teaming for Audacious Innovation, by Amy C. Edmondson and

Susan Salter Reynolds. Berrett- Koehler. $ 29.95hb

The Consultant’s Handbook: A Practical Guide to Delivering High-Value and

Differentiated Services in a Competitive Marketplace, by Samir Parikh. Wiley. $40.00hb

The Disruption Dilemma, by Joshua Gans. The MIT Press. $24.95hb

Emerging Market Multinationals: Managing Operational Challenges for Sustained

International Growth, by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, William Newburry, and Seung Ho Park.

Cambridge University Press. $34.99pb

The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore, by

Michele Wucker. St. Martin’s Press. $27.99hb

Key Business Analytics: The 60+ Business Analysis Tools Every Manager Needs to Know,

by Bernard Marr. FT Press. $26.99pb

Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma, by Charles A. O’Reilly III and

Michael L. Tushman. Stanford Business Books. $29.95hb

Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to

Make Them Work for You, by Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne and Sangeet

Paul Choudary. Norton. $27.95hb

Six Rules of Brand Revitalization, 2/e: Learn the Most Common Branding Mistakes and

How to Avoid Them, by Larry Light and Joan Kiddon. Pearson. $39.99hb

The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts Are the Emerging Hotspots of Global

Innovation, by Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker. PublicAffairs. $25.99hb

Business Management

The Creator’s Code: The Six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs, by Amy

Wilkinson. Simon & Schuster. $17.00pb

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures, by Harvard Business Review. Harvard

Business Review Press. $24.95pb

Lean Sigma: A Practitioner’s Guide, 2/e, by Ian Wedgwood, Ph.D. Prentice Hall.


Negotiating the Impossible: How to Break Deadlocks and Resolve Ugly Conflicts

(Without Money or Muscle), by Deepak Malhotra. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. $27.95hb

Behavioral Management

The Art of People: 11 Simple People Skills that Will Get You Everything You Want, by

Dave Kerpen. Crown Business. $27.00hb

The Mentor Myth: How to Take Control of Your Own Success, by Debby Carreau.

Bibiomotion Inc. $24.95hb

Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business from the Inside Out, by David

Gelles. Mariner. $14.95pb

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business, by Charles

Duhigg. Random House. $28.00hb


The Art of Leading Collectively Co-Creating a Sustainable, Socially Just Future, by Petra

Kuenkel. Chelsea Green Publishing. $29.95hb

Conscious Leadership in the Workplace: A Guidebook to Making a Difference One

Person at a Time, by Rosalie Chamberlain. Morgan James Publishing. $14.95pb

Leadership for a Fractured World: How to Cross Boundaries, Build Bridges, and Lead

changes, by Dean Williams and the Dalai Lama. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. $24.95pb

Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders, by Jennifer Garvey

Berger and Keith Johnston. Stanford Business Books. $21.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Nonprofits and Social Entrepreneurship

Systems Thinking for Social Change: A Practical Guide to Solving Complex Problems,

Avoiding Unintended Consequences, and Achieving Lasting Results, by David peter

Stroh. Chelsea Green Publishing. $24.95pb.

Organizational Behavior and Change

An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization, by Robert

Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey. Harvard Business Review Press. $32.00hb

Leading Change: How Successful Leaders Approach Change Management, by Paul

Lawrence. Kogan Page. $29.95pb

The Negotiation Book: Your Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating, by Steve Gates.

Capstone. $22.00pb

Organizational Culture and Leadership, 4th Edition, by Edgar H. Schein. Jossey-Bass.


The Power of Peers: How the Company You keep Drives Leadership, Growth, and

Success, by Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary. Bibliomotion. $27.95hb

Secrecy at Work: The Hidden Architecture of Organizational Life, by Jana Costas and

Christopher Grey. Stanford Business Books. $27.95pb

Think One Team. 2/e: The Revolutionary 90-Day Plan that Engages Employees,

Connects Silos and Transforms Organizations, by Graham Winter. Wiley. $21.00pb

Under New Management: How Leading Organizations Are Upending Business as Usual,

by David Burkus. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $28.00hb

Social Media and Communication

A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media, by Mikolaj Jan Piskorski. Princeton

University Press. $22.95 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection, by Jacob

Silverman. Harper Perennial. $15.99pb

The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communications, by Alberto Cairo. New

Riders. $49.99pb

Understanding Social Media: How to Create a Plan for Your Business that Works, by

Damian Ryan. Kogan Page. $24.95pb


The Internet of Us: Knowing More and Understanding Less in the Age of Big Data, by

Michael Patrick Lynch. Norton. $25.95

Maps & Atlases

Concise World Atlas: Everything You Need to Know About our Planet Today, 7th Edition.

DK. $35.00hb.


Between You and Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen, by Mary Norris. Norton. $15.95


Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage, by Jeremy Butterfield. Oxford

University Press. $18.95pb

Garner’s Modern English Usage: The Authority on Grammar, Usage and Style, by Bryan

A. Garner. Oxford University Press. $50.00hb.

Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious About Serious Books,

by William Germano. The University of Chicago Press. $20.00pb

Washington DC

The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House, by Kate Andersen Brower.

Harper. $15.99pb

Art & Photography

Fashion Africa: A Visual Overview of Contemporary African Fashion with a New

Introduction by Chris Spring, by Jacqueline Shaw. Jacaranda Books. $45.00hb

Foam Magazine #43: Freedom of Expression under Surveillance, by Ai Weiwei. Foam

Magazine. $29.95pb

Foam Magazine #42: Talent (2015). Foam Magazine. $29.95pb

Children's Literature

Hillary, by Jonah Winter & Raul Colon. Schwartz & Wade Books. $17.99hb.

Joseph’s Big Ride, by Terry Farish. Annick Press. $17.95hb

The Man with the Violin, by Kathy Stinson and Dusan Petricic. Annick Press. $9.95pb

The Wander Society, by Keri Smith. Penguin Books. $20.00hb

Water Wow! : An Infographic Exploration, by Antonia Banyard and Paula Ayer. Annick

Press. $12.95pb

Women Who Changed the World: 50 Amazing Americans, by Laurie Calkhoven.

Scholastic. $8.99pb.

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Dirt! , by Ian Graham and Mark Bergin. Franklin Watts.


You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Gravity! , by Anne Rooney and Mark Bergin. Franklin

Watts. $9.95pb

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Pain! , by Fiona Macdonald and David Antram.

Franklin Watts. $9.95pb

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Poop! , by Alex Woolf and David Antram. Franklin

Watts. $9.95pb

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Sleep! , by Jim Pipe and Mark Bergin. Franklin Watts.


You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Vegetables! , by Alex Woolf and David Antram.

Franklin Watts. $9.95pb


The Association of Small Bombs, by Karan Mahajan. Viking. $26.00hb 20% Off! ($20.80)

Betty Boo, by Claudia Piñeiro. Bitter Lemon Press. $14.96pb

The Best Place on Earth: Stories, by Ayelet Tsabari. Random House. $26.00hb 20% Off!


Confessions, by Rabee Jaber. New Directions. $14.95pb

The Discreet Hero, by Maria Vargas Llosa. Picador. $17.00 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

From Pasta to Pigfoot, by Frances Mensah Williams. Jacaranda Books. $14.95pb

Girl at War, by Sara Nović. Random House. $16.00pb

Guapa, by Saleem Haddad. Other. $16.95pb

I Saw Her that Night, by Drago Jancar. Dalkey Archive Press. $16.00pb

In the Café of Lost Youth, by Patrick Modiano. New York Review Books. $14.00pb

In the Country, by Mia Alvar. Vintage Books. $16.95pb

The Last Weynfeldt, by Martin Suter and Steph Morris. New Vessel Press. $14.95pb

A Little Lumpen Novelita, by Roberto Bolaño. A New Directions Paperbook. $13.95 NEW


The Maestro, the Magistrate & the Mathematician, by Tendai Huchu. Ohio University

Press. $18.95pb.

Peace-Keeping, by Mischa Berlinski. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. $27.00hb. 20% Off!


The Rope, by Kanan Makiya. Pantheon Books. $25.95hb

Something Will Happen, You’ll See, by Christos Ikonomou. Archipelago Books. $18.00pb

The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen. Grove Press. $16.00 NEW IN PAPERBACK!

Tram 83, by Fiston Mwanza Mujila and Roland Glasser. Deep Vellum Publishing.


What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours: Stories, by Helen Oyeyemi. Penguin Random House.


The Year of the Runaways, by Sunjeev Sahota. Knopf. $27.95hb 20% Off! ($22.36) Young Once, by Patrick Modiano. New York Review Books. $14.95pb

Remainders/Bargain Books

Burqas, Baseball, and Apple Pie: Being Muslim in America, by Ranya Tabari Idliby. Was

$27, now $5

City: A Guidebook for the Urban Age, by P. D. Smith. Was $25, now $8

A Conspiracy of Faith, by Jussi Adler-Olsen. Was $16, now $5

Cyber Attack: The Truth about Digital Crime, Cyber Warfare and Government Snooping,

by Paul Day. Was $19.95, now $5

Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance, by Jane Gleeson-

White. Was $25.95, now $7

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Was $28, now $8

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