  • I'llK W A T K H K O K O -NEWSKSTAm.lPHKD 1S17,

    (Alili-rnnin lUnuoNP, Vroiirictnr.)Ii.\nof>T C|K(TI..«TI!l .V IX TIIK SolTIl OK IRKLAM) .

    I'ub l if hf 'l I'rtTii Fri-hi & LIMKRICK nndWATKKfdii u A' Cf:\ijfAi. I K K L A .M* Lines.

    SHORTEST ROUTE, aud REDUCED FARES,*3 *jl r.V/>>v.«s Trains avd XIT; r'a.-t Mail y f r f̂f i '

    LT—Luic W A I K K W U I I :it 1 ]i .m., on Arrival of Train from Limerick , and 10.50 a.m TrainIrom Mnrvburoujili , A K K I V I M : IN LONDON atal 11.1& following morning.

    IKWX— I.CIVK Lusvox (I'ndilin^toii) nt 4.50 ji.m.,

    mul A R C I V K AT WA T K U I U K I I alion t U.30 a.m., inliui ' 1 lor il«! Trains mi the Watcrford and Lime,rick and Central Ireland

    KA K K S ~ \ V ATKi:FOi:l> AXD LOS DOS :SING LK S (available 1 Day.-) 1st Class & Saloon, -Ifis Oil

    „ „ 2iiilCI;u /"'"• « "(«r/ ird—M1CIUKL DOWNEY, Quay,


    •a '

    ^>/l^ll\v :^̂ —̂' c!a>H, J "ult-|».jwi!rbor of IUf 1 ^p' -Jmim,... ly Modi .

    A Mf'o ^;;,s™!,V!«l Pby.itHl Ability. lx>«-dDf'

    C? Tsn!rit. TdV»li»», '»«»« •' "Jl!1". I>»'!»1nf, of •SP"""', V. * a,ld l> ,caii.tnn l>ixhnei «¦!!¦ in-I),e n>.. ,of K ««. • ,0 LMll|l Jnd vi ,

    .tractions for pe.l«l '"" T Th, WABMSO Voicethe Kiw ^"'"..tij";",V»»ra and,,iaU. Oi,«IIM HS)";""" ™ ","" i e u « i>flue New Keranlin,wWice and roI™ for U >££ * ^M „,

    . E|fcltici, ,,,r»UU a Nf- i.n tne n. « j,̂ .^̂


    h.,.t.i«d •'••'Y"' V*. CU.. NVI.OOI lJ.bdi-y. Fire h,I«BOl Li»F.««d will no. cu.« ftj j,MIr ,,, 0 Uurlonpott lor l«o ktMuii ". Addit»s


    C orent, Londi.D, \V.C. ,TI ., Tf.-CoX6fl. l A I.UK .UrOMAKT TO C0C>T«t I AT.MTf. .̂

    B»i .oc«Mfol ratorilion to h.altb. l«« «•'


    INTENDED ORDER o/ SAIKIN Q—Kor . , 1871.i \a VTOTICE.—TlieWaterfordSteam.hipigTjMfr̂ i' Company rcccito Goodi for Sliipment

    VJvJ\lK .̂on the following Terms only:—They reserveWBXAfr the right to carry b3 any, not by particularVtKwto , with liberty to Tow Shipa and call at other Port!ml will not he accountable for injuries or lotsea arising fromdelay, accidents of the Seas, Kivera, Fire, the Qaceu'i Ene-mies, defective Navigation, or aceideiita from any other cause,no. for iiny loss which might have b«n covered by Insurancenor for Leakage, llreakngc, Condition, Quality, or comenta ofany 1 arcels orl'ackagw, unless specially entered and ad ra-Irtm t reighl paid. • Goods uut rtraofed to be Stored »t therifik and expense ot* the Consignees.

    W A T K R K O R J O A N D B R I S T O LQipi), Lara. or oilier eligible Vmel, direct .Kinin AVnterford to Ilrinlol : from Bristol to Walprford:

    loeidaj, NOT. 1. ... 3 Attn 'o. Thoradaj Net. 1, ... 81 MornTottday, „ 1*, — 0 Mom ThuiMl.y „ 9, ... 2 AVnTuewlay „ VI, ... 7 Aft'n. Thandaj, „ 16, ... *r-i Morn'Tuctdar, ,. 2?, ... 0 Morn. Tounday „ 23, ... 3 Afl 'n.I'buieday „ 3H, _ ?J Horn ,

    Jticerna.From Waterford to llrislol , I Kroro Bristol to Waterford,

    Direct. calling at Pembrok e Dock.Friday, NOT. 2, ... 9 Mo.o.Tncsili;, NOT. 1 ... 1 Altnyrl dmy , „• lo, ... 7 Morn. Toe«d«y, „ 1* ... 7 HornFtid>;, „ 17, ._ 9 Morn.lvutnU,, „ 21 ... 1 AtlnFridai, ,. 24. ~. 7 MorolTurstlcy, „ 28 ... 1 HornJS?" On Early Mornitn; Sail.Dgs , the Cabin of the Steam.

    rrs will be Open to receive Passengers arriving from Londonby thrlfigbtWail'/'fliiii.

    C'ahio Fare, ISs. Od. ; Servants and Children , 10s. Od.Kctiirn do., 2n *. ; or with liberty to return from DublinL'oik , or Wcjford, 31s. 8il., Steward's fee included ; Deck7A . 6d. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin.

    W A T E R F O R D AS!) L I V E R P O O L.Lara and Camilla , or oth*>r eligible Vesiels.

    rKOM WATF.B POKII : I FROM LIVER POOL:WedtlCHlay Not .l , .„ 1 Afl 'n. jWcdnpmlay N OT . 1 , ...17 NoonFiiilnr , ,. 3, ._ 1 Aft 'n. J TIIO H'UJ „ 2, 12 Midni ghtMi.mlay „ K . ... 3 Alt' n ..Mon.U; „ 6, ... 3A!t'nWninftday „ S. ... 9 Motn Wtdoetdiy „ 8. „ 7 MornKri.l»f. ., in, ... p Mrrn Thundiy „ 9, . M 8 A f l 'nMnndjy „ 13, _ l l .Vorn.(.«oml«y „ 13, _.IO MoroWednesday „ 15, ... 11 Xoon iWcdiiMilay „ 15. ...11 Momf i lde; „ 17, ... II iYoonTborsday „ la, l2MI'!ni |;>>lMon. 'Jj „ J", ... .1 All's Moa'lay , , *., ... 3 Atl'o« e.lncM», ,, :2, ... 9 Miro :We,diieid»; „ '^2. ... 7 MornI'.i'l-) . ,. 21 , .. 9 Morn Tharnija;, „ 11, ._ f Alt'oMornla;, ,, V7 ,... 11 Motnl.Monilay, „ 27 , ...10 Morn\ \< , lc i - « li7 ,, s!>, ... IS .Vooii U'o tic»djf ,, 23,... 11 .Motn

    Cabin Fare , 16s.; Servants and Children , 10a.; Deck,7*.3d. ; Children. 4s. Females attend the Ladies 'Cabin,Goods received nt Clarence Dock.

    W A T K U F O H D A N D L O N D O N .Aurora ami Vesta , or other eligible Vessels.

    PKl.M UATKRFCtl l l , JBOM LORDOX ,\V K K K L Y . I W B E K L Y ,LOA niKO H KBTII ^:—London—British nnd Foreign SteamWharf , Lower K;\*t Sruithficld, and West Kent Whart ,Soutbwark.

    W A T E R F O K I ) A X I ) P L Y M O U T H ,Aurora and Vata , or olher eligible Vessels.


    TakiiiR (ioojls for Kalmouth, Bouthnmpton, Portsmouth,and places adjacent.U ' A T K l l F O l l D A N D N E W R O S S .

    F ROM WAIIBPOBD— Daily, Suodays eicepteil, at 3.30 P.M .K UOM N BW Rosa—Daily, Sundnys cicepled , at 8.45 A.M .

    W A T K R F O U D AND U U N U A N N O N .FROM WATEKPOBD —Daily, Sundays ciccptwl . at 3.35 P.M.FROM DCXCASNOS —Daily, Sundays execpted, at 8.16 A.y

    ltcrtlis secured and every information given by theAgentl.Bristol— The Ucntriil Steam Packet Ollicc. Liverpool—Wutt 'rtor.l Stfmn Ship C'o.npauy, 23, JlrunfiH'icL '-street ,Wusliin t̂uii lUiittltt. ŝ. London—ANTiioy7.G. ROOINBOI.,i& Mark L:mr t* Hri tivh :md Foreign Sti'ani Wharf , LowerKn-t SinitliliiM , and W«.t K«ut U'liarf, Soutlnvark Plymontk— II EN KV J. WABM ti . thcWharf , Millmy. fj c29- lllAn.. ¦>' iS . . .»iir 't nrlico.tlii- M A L L . WATKRFORU.


    S T K A M C O M M U X I C A T I O NBetween Glasgow, Cork,and Waterford,CurrunKI"-., are intcliiltd ta Sail fl« uwlir (unl'-ss prevented byany unforeseen circumstance), with or without Pilots , andwith liberty to Tow Vessels, and to rcnd.r Assistance toYi>*tls in I>i>lri->» :—


    I'A I .ui , xi i p.m.; iun) lo u^n. v̂ 7 n mN OIK. — The Stiamm! cm Mnndays and Widnes

    d» )< call fir^t at Watiifnnl . Tlio Sterner m: Friday goc!ditict to Cu.V, tinil rails tit WaTrrlord rrtuminp.

    FliOM WA 'I K K K O U D !(*¦ HK Lr'AST, Via COIIK.FRIDAYS 3id , linli , 17tli , and a-lth NOT . and 1st Dec

    FROM CO UK TO HKLFAST Direct .SATURI>AY S...4tl> , and l l tb , and MONDAYS , 20th ant]

    L'7th NoT^mber, and 4'h Dm-mbcr.IIKI.FAST TO OJRK & W A T K K F O K D . riaOLASGOWMONDAYS.... U' li , nnd 13lh , nml WEDNESDAYS, 22nd

    Hnd UU.'li Nori'ioUr, ahil ti.'h December.FROM CORK TO DUBLIN ', Via WATERFORD,

    MONI)AYd... t;th i 13ili , &TUK>DAYS ,'Jl.l423ili NOTFROM WA 'IERFORD TO IJUIILIN , Direct,

    TUESDAYS 7lli uudl l ih , .ind WEDNESDAYS, 22odand 2Uib Xuvcmbcr.

    Dl'HI.IN TO CORK &. GLASGOWWEDN ESDAYS..lsi , 8th , and loth , Bud THURSDAYS

    ^:liJ and 31)1 li NoTembcr.FROM CORK TO

    Gla«gow (direct) Tliursday, 2nd Nor. S p.raGU'Riiw (ci< " Saturday ItU „ G|j i)W(t;ia Wntcrlurd i Dublin) Monday, 61I1 „ 0 p.m(iU>irow (ilircct) Tburkday, Oth „ 2 p.mClii^'W (via

    Mi Kavt) Saturday, ll'h „ 3 p.m(iUfKowleioWulcrfoidt DuUiu) Mi.mlay, l:llh „ 3 -iiow (diretl) Friday, 17lh „ 5 p.mUU"|!"W Iriii llel l IM'»-i) Munduy, S7ih „ 2 p.mOU>aow |vuWiitcit . . id .t Tur-il-.y, 2dth ., 'J p.mi;i««n.i> ( i lnnt) Friday, l«t Da. I p.m(jl.1-KOW lTm H1.H11>1 ] Mi.nd.y, Itb „ 6

    FliOM WATKRFOUD TOL'oik fihi-Koiv Wedm>d»y Ut K0v. l p.1aC nk . Hi lt«s' , mid '"I.^KOn- ... Krid/.)- , 3rd „ 1 p.raDublin and OUsirv.v Tarulay, 7lb „ 1 p.mC'niX' mid l»l«»(f«w Wrdnmlsy, 81I1 „ 1 p.mCik , IWI.itt , ami I il.i-uow ... Friday, l'nli „ 1 p.mllul.lin nnd t!l.t"i;o» Tuesday, Mill „ 1 p.mCork and Gla-jti w WcdurwIHy, loth „ 1 p.mI 'ml , Hrlla-t , nnd Glasgow ... t'l id i ) , 1711 > „ 1 p.mII11M111 »"'! Wl»v* ... SL'iid „ 1 and Ola»gow Wedno.d.iJ , »lJ „ 1 F-MC.'vlli , licllH ut and (ila-gow ... Fri'Uy, 24th „ 1 p.roDul.lui HII II ljl.i-|i"w ... Wcdlicwlay 2Uib „ 1 p.mCi.ikand (iU-so* Wrilimdaj r, 2Ulh ., 1 p.m.Cotk , Uelfakt , and Ula» Bow ... Friday, 1" Dec. 1" FARES :— "'Glaigow to Waterfc.rd or Cork ...Cabin, 17s.6iJ .; Deck, 1MCork and vV.lcrloid lo Urlfa t̂ ... 17s. 6d. 10s,LVk tn Wnterlord 8*. Od. 4MCotk and Watcrf ord to Dublin ... 10M. Od. Os,Return Ticket$ , availaUe fur tine Month, not trantferalU

    lililkgow to Cork ur Wnttrfurd Cabin, 25s. Od.Wattrlold to Colk Cabin , 12s. 6d.%ff. 4 NOTE.—Tlic Clyde Company Insgro nil

    (iowls Shipped by tlu&e Line* ol Mismers , at 6«. pur Ceut.valui'1 to lie declared At titnr of Shi pment. Forms and all

    information to be bid nt tin- Offices .For Kates ol Freight , &r., apply tn—CoBK STEAMSHIP

    Co., lVnrosr Quaj, Cork ; .Ions I.YI .IIT , U'ATB »POEO «ndL l M l K I C E "RA I L W A T Opuct , I.I H R B I C C ; CA R -ILIIC andEn AX , No. »), Edrn Quay, Di'un.v ; J A MES M AILHOC KB anl II AJ.1., Newport (Mon.) ; J . C. l'lSBBRTO lc ,1IJ Victoria St., IMfsst ; l iBAil tM II BTMNBK , Greeuock ;t.'LVDt SmrPiicG COMPAICT , 4i, Oswald Str«et , Glasgow;or to MICHAEL DOWNEY,ali» Custom Hnuse Quay, Waterford.

    Tim LA IHKS aru respectfully holiciced to makea TII IAL of

    THE G LE N F I E L DS T A R C H ,


    FOR DRESSING LACKS, LINENS, ic.It is now used in nil Laundries ,

    from tliu cottage to tho palace, and whon oucotried iet found to be ii:din[icnnaljlc.

    %jfi" When you nhk: for Gi.K N HtLi> STA R'.'H, ACCf/ 'irt yiu -jr l it , us inferior kiuds nro often substi-tuted for the sake of extru profitfi.

    BENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS.lly Special Appointment t>i I I .R.II . H.o PK I N C B of WALBI

    1'ltIZK MEIIA I.S—L'liictoit, Dublin, ami I'aris.MAKKH of tl iu (Joi.u CA.SKKTS presented l)j

    IhrCnyof London to II .R.II . ibe I'B ISC B O I WALK )II .R.II . the DCKB of Komn atoo, Sir Jo»» U OBOOTUBM. I.B88F.P» , 4C. •WATCHES—Cbmnonnlrtr, Chron'srapln", Kryleai Re-

    peater", Levers , Horizontals, tor Lidira and Cjentlemen.CLOCKS— For In' nion met DrawuiR-rooln.; Fwl 'iry "vd, Cit y Show,

    LUIJfiATi ; JHLI - . *»» 0LU HOND-ST., LONDON.tCr- W»t«lic-. reft inu by -killtd woikmen. Old SilTer,

    Willow, Uuld , J.-w.ll«y, fa-. ;r.'b.Dged. M.rchanta,Shipper*, kudWatch Clnh. topplied. I n*-lyj

    G R E AT


    HAVE made- propnratioug for tho preeont and approaching Scnsonn, on ti very crtondedscab. A) \ thoir Uopartmonts nro fully supplied with ovory NOVELTY. Their llnycr

    having visited tho various Scats of Manufacture, they nro prepared to offor to thoir friondaand tho PubHo THE NEWEST PRODUCTIONS OP THE SEVERAL MARKETS,

    93T A T S T B I C T L Y M O D E R A T E P R I C E S !


    FANCY DRESS, STUFF, andM. P. & S. aro uhoWJDg nn unusually LARGE STOCK OF FANCY DRESS GOODS, comprising




    DRAPERY DEPARTMENT.ftSi" II. P. ti- witiiiGri '-t .'l .̂ ; Lirerf IJ»tU>D» , 5t>. per dozen ; KopriiTiuKSilvt-r f*|""'U> . Uri-st , *V. per dozen ; Crest aud Motto, lUs. JMTd-'itn ; it-Hik l'Ul Sln-̂ tB—The L'oronclji,Monnrratn ,̂ auil Arms of Karh>, llamuti , iuid ttrittidi OHUIUOU *eni. I '.t Sh '-i 'li "—Cirttiic MI .̂ ix Thom*;iud ililft ri-nt Crv.sU(nauiv umdrr ttirb), ££i . lly T. Cin.jrroN, Sr:tl Ko-rnivcrnoil t-ic liiuktr, by api'oiuliuvut to Her MujcstyV Government,ic, *:c

    ^ ^3 ̂QOLID GOLD SI 0 N K T S

    j mW MB >Hfei (iuinrxs Four nih/ t by Sp tcial Aj t f o i i i tmcn t ,Z5,-CItAN]J0UUN-ST., Curtifrl KT. M AUXIN'S LAN E,

    LuNDON, VV.C.IThc Heraldic Stodio aud Library open dnity. The Urgeit

    Cu Icclio o of Kug1i*fi aud Forefgu Heraldic Hooki m theKiu gdotn. Post Office Orders payable at Crnnbourn-Ktr**#tI'o-.t Office, W.C. The KUgs of all NalionB, 1 Sbeetu , beau-ifull y illumiDaUd. (B.23.1y.)

    'WT Order* for any of Die sbote will be rcceiTed at T»BSl'W< Office , Waterford.


    J O H N P E N D Bit ,HAVING plncctl tho MaDagemcnt of Iiia IMioto-

    Knipiiic Studio in tho bauds of a FIKST CLASSA ATIST, bo â to draw tho attention

    of his Patrons toHIS XEWI J V-INTKO1>UCED rOHTUAITS,

    T( ry suitnlilc IIR Family Pictures, finished in tho high-est bty lo of JMiniaturo J'ainti n ̂in Oil , Crayon, tSefiift,acd Mczzotiotc* As nil 1'ortnuU uro i'uintod outbo I'romisCH, ho is cnablwl to otFer fidelity of und graceful pos t̂ with tho highoat artiutic finish,

    (t0" Cartes do Visito and plain Photographs cuubutaken in tho darkest weather. J. 1*. aullciU tm iuypec-i ion of liis epocliQoafl* [mhlO>y *J

    S H O W J


    WATKKFOK!) AN» I.r.Mb'K(C'K H A I L W 'A Y.Vp Traint from If' atsrf§rd.

    WATcRro nD ~1 i 1 *3 * ";'¦

    »• i» ~"i "

    „ „,,„,, ma uj ius 1,*, ,m 1243: 1 J *JTO LlMimci. C|JM C,BM c,,,, oi»«i.:CI«n. Ulan. Cla«i.A.M. J *̂*. 1 A.M. j r.H . j P.M P. M. I ,M.h ra h in li m . h iri | h m h m b m

    W.ltrfuiJ....(( 0 I I 7 II Ml ...Cotk... 8 0 11 «> ; -I loo, Oxford , llirmingham, Worcester, Hereford, Cheltenham,llrlstol , Oloitcrkler , Newport, Merlbjr, Aberdare , Oatdiff , l.etlh ,Swansea, Llanelly, Carmarthen, and Carmarthen Juncllno , andNewMil ford. W. Wlu.iAUa .Si-crelary,


    „„„ I ; i ; 3 I 4 5 « 1 7 I t j 9r a m | a in ; p m t p m P_m_ i p in_' p m ! p m I p mli m ; h u I li m !'h m h m i li in ; h m ;b m ib m

    Wlbd «8 0 ]ll 0 ,12 15 3 3" 4 0 5 31) 7 15 0 tl ...T'mre !> 15 '11 30, | 15 ! 3 15 4 30 1*6 0 I 7 451 0 3ll| ...

    Sunday Traini

    raoy I ' i8 3 . 4 1 5 1 8 7 1 8 0

    ' °*' l a m , a ro p m ' p m ! p m ; p m p m ! p m p mi U tn h in h ro h m h m | h m bm i b m h a

    Word •« 1.0 12 15 1 30 • 3 30 1 311 9 li — I — —rroore I) 15 \ > 45 ! 2 0 ; 4 0 8 l.| 0 3. — | — —


    Jl'KNDKK , Auotionoor, WATEitroRD , has boon

    « Al'l'OINTED SOLE AGENT for the COUNTI\V ATKII K)I II >, by Jfcsurs. T. IIAlUiEV KEOGII DItO.Til BUS, fur tlioir CoMiuNEi i UtAi ', mul Muni.suiVlACIII. NES, TllKtblil.VU ilACUlhKS, I'LOV UM , &O., &C.





    lied, Is.; llrcakfhst, Is. ; Dinner (Onlinnry) Is. 6ov«

    cxtonsivo Establishment is replolo with ovcry accom.modation. Colfeo, Commercial, and Sitting Rooms ;Billiard and Smoking Itooms. Tho Jlooms aro largo,lofly, and airy, licnutifully decorated, elegantly fur.nislicd , and aro otherw ise fitted up with every regardto comfort and convenience.

    This Hotel is situated on tbo banks of tho far.famed Milford Haven, and command!) a most exten.sivo view of lier JInjcsty's Dockyard , und of theromantic and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour,hood.

    Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, amiFamilies will iind this Establishment, for nitrationami comfort, combined wilh Moderate Charges, sur-passed by no other in the l'riucipulity

    1835" Hot, Cold, and Shower Jlutlis.All corainuuications should bo nddrcsscd to

    Gy^'i-tf.) J. WHETrON , Manager.


    I f ynn v:nnl oonjort, nmwimte,-and economy,



    r£jj" LUNCHEONS rcudy at nil times. (jy l)


    MARGAHET O'CALLAGUAX, PnopiiiCTon,BEOS to inform her friends nud tho public that

    she lias opened tho " I MI 'K IUAI/' which is mostconvenientl y siluato on the Scii.'Mt K, between thyNational Hank and tlic I'ost.ollice, nnd exactly oppo-Bttc where tho Couch and Day Cars start from.

    M. O'C. will pay every attention to those patron-ising tho Hotel. Charges very moderate.

    r£ Ĵ° Cars can be hat! on the shortest notice.

    Imperial Hotel , Duiifjamui , Jluy I , 1871. (m5-tf


    WALTEJl IIAXLON , 1'UOHHKTOU ,BEGS to inform his Commercial friends and the

    public generally, Dial ho has just made largeadditions and improvements in his Hotel , and Irusi*by strict attention to business , to .merit that kind pa.trouogc which they have hiilicrto iroliberall y bestowed

    Tbo 1'OSTI .NO EsTAiil.isii.MK.vr conducted as heretoforo, aud Omnibuses, us usual , attend all tho Trains

    Kilkenny, March H, 1.S71. [mhlO-lfj


    THIS is a Ceulrn l mid Ciimfortuble Hotel , in whicheverything can bo had on tho most moderate

    terms.rC5f "°st Dublin nrul iVexford Spirits; nlso Brsindies

    Wines, Porter, Ale , &e. (aulO-tf.)&45" Citrn on } l irc nt tbo jiboriest notice.

    D U B L I N .Commercial & Private Lodging House

    4 U M A 1 1 L B 0 H 0 U G I I S T R E E T ,PAKTIKS Yisiting Dublin can bo accommodated ,

    with or or without Hoard , and all tho comfottaof a home, on Moderate Terras. ¦ [o2',.tfj

    (SI" Situation central , close to Sackvillcj lreit.


    SHIRTS, thoroughly Shrunk, Itcuily-miulo orto order—Us. (id.

    OUP CASIIMEUE COTTON SHIRTS aro absorbentand durablo.

    Our FINE WHITE SHIRTS and COLLARS excelin stylo and value.

    rJ35" Patterns nud Self-Measuring directions, frcoby post.

    P. TOWN & SONS,Shirt and Collar Makers,

    mal3-ly] 5M & L'J, QUAY.


    J O I I N S T A I' K O It J>BEfiS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, and (Jentrj

    of VVntvrfnrd and surrounding districts, that IKHAS UI'KNED HIS NEW V I C T U A L L I N G E.STA

    I I L I H H M K S T , AT 17 OKOlitiE'.S -S'J'KEKT,when; he offers Tor Sale tbo very Heat deacriptiorof HKKK , 3I UTTON, I'OHK , ANlJ VEAL. i&? AllJoints Cut to -Suit Purchasers.

    J. S., in returning tli:.-ki to Iiia numerous aupportorn , for the very large share of patronage which theyaccunli..) him during tliu long period he has been inbusiness, begs t» iiaaure them thai in his New Katn.blishment they wil l litiil it their interest to continuettmt support.

    0 ĵ|J* 'i'he KKtiibli iluiicut will be open from Seven in

    tho Morning until Nine nt Night.OBSERVE:— (i eneral Victunllinri Jiitubluhmenl,

    17 tieonjc't Street.dii- 11 J O H N ' STAFFORD , P U O I I I I K T O K .

    HATS! HATS ! HATS !v^̂ ste (15-55" Mantifartnre I Vanrais r).

    MMM mm- i , LITTU: CEOHGICS STREET,^^^ X \YA Ti:uFunu.C5i* Huts Bought in [his KuMi aliincHt ,

    rVi-e of Cliarjc. (my lS-liin).

    THE fej gi£u£j & and.STONEMARBLE fflffi^^rSf WORKS,


    HENRY KENNEDY most respectfully lotunishisuiuccro tbuuks for the support ho has received

    during tbo last 35 years. Ho now begs lo inform thoPublic that bo bus got a Largo Suply of ChimneyPieces, Head Stones, (irnvo Stones, atid Monuments ;Grates and Kitchen Ranges ; also, a Largo Stock ofCat Stona for Building purposes.

    His Stock-in-Tntdo is valued at about £3,000, nudwill soil on tbo most reasonable Terms. [u2) i- 6m


    BEG to intimate that they li.ivo now uddud to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINEER-ING ESTABLISHMENT, Brass Work or everyicscription will bo cast and finished olf iu First-classstyle, and wit)] us little delay as possible.

    M CLEAN nnd Jklxri iM i nl*n bpg to tender theirsineei o thanks for tho kind ]>atroimgo bestowud onthem, und hope, by their constant attention to busi-ness, to merit n continuance) of samo.

    JSJ" Lead, limss, Cupper, and lion ll'orlj,3, UTTLE GEOHGE'S STHBET, WATERFOUD

    aud ROSE-INN STREET, KILKENNY.N.Ii. — Greou-honsos, Consorvatorica, and Public

    Buildings United on tho most improved princijilo bytho circulation of hot wator. (myl5-6m)


    WILLIAM YOUNGER & CO.iuvito particular attention to thoir

    LIGHT D I N N E R ALE ,NOW 8o much sought for in tho London

    Markets.It does not contain high alcoholic properties ,

    but is woll flovourcd.and possesses many invigoratingqualities, resembling Chnmpajjno Wines.

    Hiius., 54s.; llni.s., aCs.; Hii.r BKLS., 18S.,to be had in Wood, Jlottlo , or Jure, from tho STOKES,


    VETERINARY PREPARATIONS,Of tried efficacy and ropute, Sold by nil Chemists,

    jiro nr.wi.KY &, DHAI'KR , Mary street, Dublin;Messrs. GoL'UMXfi, Patrick-street, Cork.


    P11 Y S 1 C . f This excellent preparation does not) spoil by keeping. It is taken in a

    mash, and tho troublo of hailing a hnrs


    H f t 'epQ (CHRONIC COUGH , THICK.t± K J t t t >t , a .) WIND, 4C>1 ,„ plickete of Sir ,

    2s. Bd. It is nlson cheap remedy for internal WORMS(sec Ncli 'jnn) . No worm can in an auimal thattakes it ; this is guaranteed. Horses take it in theirfood, and can irork while using it. When hnlf apacket has been used is directed , tho hr-nctieial effectupon tlmnnimal will be seen. (£55" THY IT!

    " Numcrons Hunters, that cough or arc toiic/ici intlio wind, tnko HARVEY 'S POWDKUS regularly, and urothus kept «;> (o tiu; mark through tbo hunting season,that otherwise wonld bo all but useless."— Hell 's Life.


    IN USE. ( LOSITIES from KNOCKS , CUTS, orJ SPRAINS. Docs not blister , gives no

    pain ; no restraint required , or to rest from work.1'ltlCK , 8s. fid.—Farmers' Bottles, .V each. " Often

    cures lameness when firing fails."— The Fiel l ." I found Watt's Embrocation answer capitally ;

    it has entirely removed a largo Splint from my favor-ite hunter's near foro leg. I have recommended it tuall my friends.—R. HowT.M., Carmarthen.

    W A T T ' S " ) -¥71011 WOUNDS and BRUI SES inHE!) (J C HORSES and ALL ANIMALS.

    LOTION, f Tho healing proporliesof W AIT'S cele-)̂ br:itt:d IE KII f,oTio\ nro well known.

    " No Stable that contains a Hunter should be withoutit." It is useil without bandages ur covering of anykind to Wounds, l'riee Is. Oil . per bottlu, «r lo .̂ Ud.per gallon. Horses that ruii their inaii» or tail , fromitL'ltiii i.'.s's, nro cured »f it by one ilres-ing of the l !i:iiLOTION .

    Sold in Wat i t lo id by GK nitr . K Wil l l i : , ThomasSt. ; H KNKV BKI.I., Druggist, Quay, nnd at SMALL'SYeii't-iiiary Kstablishmeni , U KAI : Sri t KKi 1. New lto t .nr III t in.

    SlntlHitli , mill tiri 'iluc*' tiot-tt i r *' r> .tl .'il t'.N. i' i1'., :!•¦ l'.:l ,6s. ; nt all Cl iPiMKts ; ijf H. \Kt l . \Y «V >o>>, '.i-> K.uriu^'luii

    Itrcct , Loiid'in ; nr otH AMILTON >t Co., SarU-ilU.. slrcft , D.ibliu.( inUl .DI N'f i .t C".. C'.rk.OUAI TAX ,t C.).. l l b .,-1. [. -J7-l :i-


    0,, licin n , ;'i i(. . ,.JM - I -I. < C1.- S I. V II |I - II I I ..U , III; t l i . i i

    »(trt nml ik-srril.itij : s'j;lit. ('.- .ninunu-atU'tiH fr T11ON()MH;AI. TKLKSUU 'K ,PUK'E -fa COM PI, ETE—Will , snpniur :i inch aclmmiamobject cJ;i.***, twK itiiptov . il ryu picti-i , ^ull yl- i-;- , -oiulril stii t.J. 'flii ^ i-xlr.i. .r , JI I .I ixl.ibitn-illi di^t ilicl rt*« tlm tact of AH itt 'livj t lu ;)) , or of a cluck ,shcpp, calllf , *fcc, at tn..r.y tiii lt ^' ui^tAnri ', i- i{U.llluu io tli cmn*t t->->r -Mlij l puinU tl.ukc gU-iois usuall y MJ| >plit -il ulI Wl nr £7».

    l .Ml 'UOV i- 1) DOL 'BLK OPERA . R A CE , i FIELDBI.A^!1*-'- - i*riitnple, though un-*Urpj-*-"il f.- r rll'irl ,—Slitlcs i-.i KH' -it varitty—C uinic , Se.-ii it*, VMni*ati .,iHl , 1 Itii^lr.i-iniC tal'l.r-*, «*ti*. A aLpi-vi -.r L.u.lvrn iiu.l 1'J ^ r. f ran: 7s .

    J l . A C'atuluiiU K nt'i .ipph.'ilinli.AlJ . M I I t A L KI ' lZKl iV 'S I . M I ' l t O V K D I I A I I O M K l K I t

    — Arrurat irly foreti-liiinr tin? W i- Mt hr-r, lMinKiiim..lj' niuunti-i)II .M tlif.t'.-my, wnli "Mieriu'iinrtcr, prlCtl only Iu-.

    iSDI.OMo'. N S N K W M O I l K I , l i A I H l . M K l K U , ptkt12-t ll.l. C'.-r.i -ct '1 lii .tinoui. -lt -iii , al !•. upwar.l-1.

    IMl 'KUVKD AL'dUSTIC I.\SH ;CM1 - :N IS forcj lremtand t-v f iy iK- ifn'i.. or .l .a lu.?- .

    CAUTION" !-li: r..ii-..pi.|!... ..1 ::u:uri.,:M :itlcm|iU atilti|i.iMli . . |l , It is II ^I-.-— a iv t - > i. ..'c nau.i; ;it., l a.l.lm., amitn parlicinarl y l..- .ir ni inui.l , lli;.l Mil. K. >OLOMON'SON I.V KMit lili sI in is

    IfcVJ- Nin.Wr N 1 N K I KK N ", NASSAU- STIIKKT , DUIt.I/ IN , III.? Kntralir . . K.Nci.i: -l\'i:i.Y '¦>¦ llo- U A L L t l ix iK ,—(/iii( /if i.i not cuwiccteJ icillt K>ttcu U T U I A , utcrruti-d or tur/ iil tun.sil> , wliuOninic courih, c:..lip, ar.tliioii ,wla-i-£>u ^ ftotn riCciunu-Lltcil muciius , utiil ihlVlcu ltlcn ut' rospualiDii , aNu |ial [,i-lutiuu , btilclivn iiiul nli .irioiss ot L.mi(li , tu:iy, wt llt ccitttinO* ,lie curnl liy rutiiiiu^ tli.s Et«;itniK Oiiilin.-ut over Iliu cliestand IMC II fur flt Ic.-i Mt half an li.iur twice a Jny, B«bi»tc .l byHppri .pria tc .)"> I-N of llull.nv .iy '4 iMU.

    KoH CiL AS IiCLAK S\VKI.1.1N(15 , STII 1* J ' M V I S , AS1 >Dl R KA HKS OF TIIK SKIN. —Tliorr is no preparation tnr 9alu-tury cITccti ccmip-tril-lu tu this It R II .IU M to wellrul.ticil otcr tlm iiffixtuf parts «fl« their iluo '.ililrnlatiimwith warm water, ll acts by H li i i i uUlinK the A I- HH IK-M S InIDcrcasiJ aclivily, by ptcvintin ^ fonK r»ticin :uu| |,n,n,i,tnitt free an-l copious circulalioti in tlio patts atlcclcil ; tlipnceiprtdily And rfTccttiHll)' il cu»iurs a cure.liOCT AM' HUKI'MATI-M.— Tllil iliT'liiatilc Ullgllfnl ll»-

    ^renter power Ofcr gout anil rlicutiutthtu limn uny otlirt

    plClmrdtitln. Noun need r«aiiiiu iu pain ll its rcitiors l ]>,> setabo«t in good curnt-st , by using tliih iufs lliblt ) xeiati l y ac*co:din^

    tu llie printed itiitrucl ii us

    afliztfil lo tacu po'. All

    seltlrd ncliea anil jiiiiui am rviualiabk in llio same inatine r.l'lits, KibtCLAs, ASU KXCUEIATIOSK .—The cure which

    this Oinllncut effectft iu Ii'i iling pilen and listulm of longstNt ii l iiitr., «ftiT they luive roUti-il all oilier npplications , havi.licrn so coutitl . ss atiJ no notorious tliroiulioul Ibe world thatHny «flbrt lo give an adequHtely difUileil btaleuienl of tlmiriiumlnrr nr cburacier wouM be Tain. It is kufficitnt to knowthnt llie Ointment bus ncvi r proved incfliCHCtous.

    Is Ul SOUUK Its OV TIIK KlIlNBI S , STOnr. A N D CiRAVKL.—The OiulmL-ut is a hiivete iitu rcioedy :f it lie ! Sale is iiitiiDMivp/ iiul hti i l iiicrcasinjf. I l w i U Vi v p

    ifuml for yi>:ir-( in auy climate.

    Y KA 'L 'M AN'S YKAB'I .' J ' O W D K J lIliaU-s !'.i.l rj lll'bt .lll'l llii.'l>IIV I ' , ^avina r^L'* anil

    l.utt. 'r, nml il.-liciuus li..lui: -inailr;hrr.iil in five initiutr- . L*-ilin llrr .Maj-^ty'* kilchi-n , the Army ami Navy, anil M .1.1 hyall r.ioirn Mini ('lu'Oii-t^.

    YK AT M A N ' S Y K A K T 1' OWD KJ I .^M in lil . ami 3.1. IL .X'-, ami ( i l . anl K, -.».. 'I.I. ,

    CIIOCUL.IT do la CIU.MI '.U;.\-I.V COI.O.NI.M.K, U IUau.l /.-.CinMir. . (j . 'Jill il.'in

    Kohl by It. RVAX , (irocer, 12 Broad St.i-i.-t , and111 Quay, Wnit-iTunl.


    ELIAS llOWt; (Junior), the Ori giuul liivcinoi- reH *.ui ;iki- rs ; .Maebii.e-fur Tailors , Hunt-makers, and .Saddli'is, to be seen dail yin operation

    AT KOISKKT I.OCia; &-. < • .:..A»enU lor Wati'rfonl,

    When: all an' invited to eulne and what il l . : c-.'le-bra led •• K L I A S I H I W K " ' Si-wi nj? Mn.-hiiies ran do !

    .N'.li. — Ob.sim: tbe .Medallion Tra.fe .Mark, for-Ini i t of K I .IAS II O U K Kmbedded in eaeb .Machine—none p'liuine without il.

    MA M T A I T I M I V —I tri i l ^epori , Coanectietu , U.S.A.I' U I M I I ' A I . Oni i i:—lill'.i , U roadway, New \'m-k.ICruorK.W D>:i -or—lil , lie^i'iit- .str.'el , London, W..V . 1*. SIOI K W K I .L, l.'uropea u .Manager.UKAM'II— fi7, 1iuld-streel , l.iverpoul.l lr . l ' IIKSKXTATIVK I' llR I I IKI .AXh — .1. I' t '"¦ .'

    mei-eial , , l j-7 - ly )


    A pply ul tlm Ollici: of ibis Paper. fs 'Ji

    Dil. 1) H UOOS' cclcliriileil (iUTT.'E V1T/Kol I . I K K IlliOI'S ) t .,r .S|. , t i ,:at. . irl , ,ei , .V..r:im: i|

    Kinl**ious , Iiiipun-m-y, >, xual Iticapicily, Drlnlily, l îilt-p ŷ,au.l all llimc ili-K.-. s lor uliicb M.-.cury, Saisaparilla , &• .,ate too 1.1101 .-il hy;li?.h I'liysiciuns to the. ultimateril'U i.I l l . t iSutI.r. r\ l.i- .lth.

    Tlii!< :L'TT.-K VFI'.IC arc tho rwult nf I OIIJT pr.ii:lic.,l in-ve ^li ^atioti of tin: r.-un .I I .H l.c-l at lapt. «l fur lhc*c di-.-a-. < .'J'l-t-ir rich, stininl.itiui;, stotnachic qualities, ami, above all ,tl n-i i - rouip li'te r«ii';i'i(ii.u of the itrrvm ts syi tem , rcu-b rth.-in in ivi-ry n-pt-cl Woithy tlit - ir li l l i - . Th.-ylimy ho taki'll VMthi.ul hin-liauc i : or v.- -ti..iut of d:ot , »ti\ ,HII .1 iu i.->pict aUu tin')* may claim pie-einiiit >nci ' nvi rmo-t ottiL -r a.lverti ^.- .l ini-dtcnir s . l i y (.roiiiotini; i^i^i^tioii—¦;ii.ui'i >liiiiK lli > ! cinislitution—cnricliui ^ wiihi.ut iall.unin^the l luiiil — t>r.t.:iu ^ nrithout stiiuul xtiu ^

    ibe nervous hy^trut

    :i.o violentl y— tln:y strenv;tln-n theu'ener.-ll habit , ami n->toro:he ualural healthy time of the ueivous un.l muscular fibres,[bus I' llliv .-nili K iuvigoratl-lR doth l>qc}y ^n.l ininj.

    The UUl'T/K VIT/K l:.i»« he'll particularly siicc-'fillwill: youtif ; pro[ily ^f« *ui t itii 'J tts -(JU. il y re» fut.itif» u ; cit.-i p-

    ti-ri un ccrliiiii (h'util fi*- , H ml the li--.t nicati^ fnr tii. ir rt- .IIJOV.I I ; I in-' u.ti:ro>nipe :is an mil tu ilsirftiosi- ; .Muiri..k'c> iui.i-qui .iitkatKJtH ; rulus ami iitt scri ['tiMm tor ki-ll-trt-aniKMit ,it*:. ; llllir. t liileil with nuitirrtH H c.lStS. It y Dr . Walter I)u!:n,.- , II..Html II. .UM - , Ili .it i 'Tll ^quu,- , I.onJ.Mi , U'.C.

    NUTICK TO 1 X V A M D S .—Alt l mnj l i ihrrc U mi •!•> .uyiii.' ( Hi" (iuil .u Vi 'u: .t

  • W A T E R F 0 It I)

    IMPORTANT TO DKAPERSStock-in-Trade and Business Premises

    TO in: VIVOSKD oy .J

    PEXDKK will Sell hix STOCK-IX-• TliADK , anil llie Interest in thu Leaso

    o/' llio Premises, 0, mill li , (.'KORUES-STJtKKT,WATKllFOltl) .

    Tho STOCK , which is a general one, consistsof tho usual Goods stiltl by respectable Houses.This would bo a very dosirablo opening, ns thoCom orn lias been u very paying one, anil liasattaGirtt l-to it array nnmeruus aud rcspcctabloconnection.

    Part of the piirchaso money can rcmuin in tin)hands of tin: Purchaser, at Interest , if desired .

    A pply to M B. J. PKXDKU , o and I!, (icorge'.t-Ktroct .Watcrford. (aull-t f)



    CAKIM.U.KS , CAItS , H AUX K SS , SAD-DLKItY , Ac, Ae.-- .t. PKXDKlt will hold an Auctional the above Hipository ,lf5J" ( '.i tin: Fi,:i 'S attached thi'reto, situate inXow-siH'et , in said Town of Carrick-oii-Suir , heldunder Leases dated rr.-pectivel y thi> Pith January,1S:IG, lor ihrru lives or li l years, from the 2 !Mlt Sep-tember, ]>s;io ; anil li-Sth .Jul y, IS 11 , for one life anda term of lio years, subject to the yearly rents of X Iand ,CI:i sterling.

    The lives in said first.mentioned Lease are still inexistence ; but tho life in the Least; of :.'i>th Jul y,1811 , died on 7tli Julv , INI " .

    rlio premises nt present produce a net prolit rentof JC23 , and am situate must favourably for business.

    Tho biddings will lio submitted ti> tho HonorableJudgo I.I N T I I mi the following W K I I N K S H A V , the I.'H I Iof November next , without furllirr Nutiee.

    Dated this ^Hth day of October , 1S71.II . l(. G I! KKXK , Chief Clerk.

    Kor rentals and further particulars apply al theLauded l-.'siatcs court , Inns'-Quay , Dublin ; to theAuctioneer; or to

    WILLIAM It. O 'DONNKLL , Solicitor havingcarriage of Sale, I I , ll jiper Ormoiid."—At I.I3MOK1: at Ten o'Clock on the I' dayof each Sessions for that Division ; at D I 'N OA K V A v atTen o'CliKik ou the TN I K H day of e.teh Sessions fortlmt Division ; nnd at W A I I I . TOIMI .-a Tun u'Cloek ontli t ; Foi it 'in day of each Sessions for that Divi - i 'iu.Notices of Claim.-) shall be set down for hearing bylodgment with the Clerk of ihe IV.-ice oin: week beforetho first day of each Land Session , and Copies thereofand of the Notices or Dispute (if any) shall be deli,vercd to him for use of the Chairman within two daysnfler entry. All documents which are to bodelivered to the Clerk of the 1'uaco must be writtenfairly and legibly, and on paper similar in size andijualily to that now u-ed in proceedings in the Courtof Chancery , and the reasunable. expense-; «.f all ii'fes-Barv copies will he allowed in cisi-< in proper ease.;.

    C I V I L III ;S INI :SS.All Civil liil ls :in.| List»o f Defenresmust be lod,-i'd

    with the Clerk of the I Vac, or with such person nsho .shall appoint in each Se.ssions Town (arranged inal phabetical order, distiiiL 'uitliiii :; Kjeclmenls , itep le-vins, and Legacy Cases from ordinary Civil Hills), ator beforo Four o'(,*lo4:k in the afternoon of the tinyprevious to tho First dav of eaeh Sessions , exceptwhen same shall commence on Mondav , in which raseall such Civil Hills ami Defences uuist be entered inlike manner, on or before Four o'Cloek in the after-noon of the Saturday ptwions to the commencementof such Sessions-. Lists of Defences mu-*t be madeout alphabetically tin foolsea p paper. Tin: Lisi* orClvtt. H11.1.S will be called in alphabetica l ordei al theFillin g of the Court , and all parties will he i-cipliredto be in ifadines--. The Ciitlvlendeil Cases will bectllh -t l oti in t/ie f irs t itt *tnttcc.

    I NSOI .V I M r i i i t i o v s w ill be heard at Ten o Clriekon the Second Day of each Sessions for th" Divi s ionof WaK iTord. Allidavit . - in I n-olvent mailers mustlie lodged with the Clerk of the I'eai-e at or beforeTwelve o'clock on the day previous to the day oflitwii. ;.'. The. Court wil l sit on the First Day of theSes-ions for each Divis ion at In o'Cloek., a.m., pre-cisely.

    A i i 'u .v m will be reijuired lo ItK.iiin: mm:Ll- IAI r.s itt Hilary Ses-inns , when same shall com.Tuenee nl'ler *ith tlay of January next, aud at Ka-'terSf-.ssions in tithe ) eases. Attorney s from otherCounties must produce their Licenses when vuteriii i;(,'ivil liills or Dt-feri-es. Atlnt i ievs are vei|ilired tofeud in their Civil Hil ls and Defences, for entry , andlleerces and Dismisses lor Signal ure in al phabeticalortler.

    CI . K C K S tu IV ITT Si-:ssto\s arc direcfed , pursuantto the Act of ih.i 1 It h and l.'tli Victoria , chap. !KI ,fecs.r> and l!l , to lod '̂o all Infornvil ions . Reco^nizim.e« s , and Appeals , returned lor Trial to QuarterSessions, in tho County I'eaee Ofliee , Waterfurd ,within seven tlays after they s-hall havtr reeeivedtame, under n Penalty of Sir , for neglect in eaeh KIM'.

    1'KOC KSS O I I I I -» :iei .—Tlit! I'mnw Officers for eachDivision are directed m he in attendance in the seve.ral Sessions Towns, at. Twelve o'Clock on the iky lorrntit riiifc Civil liills In oaeh Division , to deliver overJ'rot:es.-es to tho |>ersons who have employed them.'J "ney oro ret |uired to ludun their Hook s with th" Clerkof the Pence (or with such person as he Hhall np|oim)on the day after the last day lor Rurvicu in eachDivision.

    .Nom K i o l ' i • ii r.iC A XS. —Kaeh Publican , or It etiiil erof Spirits , Hei r, or Cider, is required , in six days afterhe Hhall have paiil his License, in every year, to re»i a.ler same of tho Clerk ofthn Peace, pursuant to the :irdanil lib William IV , chap. Us, nee. 1". In default ofdoing io, ho lwcomea liable loa penally of CH I , whichwill bo strictly enforced.

    N».M »:H OK l'ito*-i:ss O»-vifi:i:s . -l) i-trirt of I.WUMIV : Mn-lilf'.irnfn. I.i'iii"!-: '¦ S H I , I ) I t V A U C T I O N on WI- ; i lNl .SDA YJL X. 'xl , ihe sih l u s t . , at DORP.YN 'S V K T K I t l N -

    A l i V K . S T A I t L I S I I M K X T , lleiesford-slreet , immedi-i l le lv after lln: Sde of the Manpiis of \V.vri:i:l 'nl:li 'sSix 'Horse- , TWO C l t l t I I U N T K I I S, > property olI I . W. H I : I S. . II :, K M |., M . K . F . H . : li. G. Ag-d ; I t l . A O KM A I ! U , I 'ivo Years old , thu prn|>»rty of a I 'arrner;also a Highl y.bre ! W A Y ( i l l l . D I N G , Hi Hands high ,up lo great Wpi^ht , coming Five Years old , a fineFencer, aud seaic.Jv ever ridden.

    T H O M A S W A L S H A SON , Auctioneers .The Mall. Waterlerd , Nov. it , 1«7I. I t


    TO UK SOLD by AUCTI ON ", at K K A I t N K Y HAY ,the followiir.', tin) prn[ieriy of the late Lieut. -t.'iilom. l CI U I :I .I ;S K I :.\ B N I :V , mi 'I'll (j'KSIJAY , the. KithNovember , at TM K I . VI : o'Clock ,

    :i Powerlnl FARM HOKSKS ,1 Two and a HalT-year HULL ,2 Large Slacks ol OATS ,2 Luge Stacks or I J A K I . K Y .

    A splendid Il iek or Hay, and Two Ricks of Straw ,a tpianti ty of Manure , '.i Ploughi , 2 Harrt iws , Rollers ,Winnowing Machin e , Ladders , Carts , Tackling, witha variety of suudii e .s not. etiuuierattjd ; also , aboutFour Acres of Turni ps, ami One Acre of Potatoes , alarge Gabboard , full y found , Nets , Ac. The Cropswill bo sold in lots to suit purchasers.

    THOMAS WALSH A SON , Auctioneers.The. Mall , Walerford , Nov. I , IS71.CC ŷ* Kearney Hay is nii- l .way between New Koss

    and Wa J iTloril .ui i lh' .' old Road. iiS-21

    C I l f V T Y I I I ' 1.1 M K I t l C k *

    C A I I K K K L L Y (within SixvUiViS of J.unorick).Very Valuable Fattening and Dairy Farms

    (Situaie in the bi'st pall of the Country),I'M m; SOLD \: Y A I C T I O N , ON T I I K L A N D S, 4H.I // . . . » , i» ; , t - -J i he W il — i h L - i •/.(".- , /»-....,.././...y.

    I/. ,. . - .- . . -/ - ' l iu l l : r l S „„ .) / / . ;/.- ,_ < ; ..„.:., „. 1 .1,., If . , , , . , ,:..), ljf/. - .Y. -r.- ; S l. -:rr K, -f , / 1. r . , v C-.lfs , 1 'iit, ' l l - i : - ef ,I '. , ,:,'¦ ¦¦¦} / . . .;•'¦ ;,.'!, '.', //• ¦>/ , y -:.

    OX W K D X K S D A V l. / t i i X O V K M B K I i .

    MI I A H ' I ' I G A N has receiviil Ins lru etions to

    • Set up and Sell by I T I i L I C A U C T I O N , ontin.' Lands , on the above dav , at. the Hour of Oneo'Cloek .-harp, the very valuable I . K A S F . I I O L D I N -TF.liKST in the following Farm :¦-

    Lor I--Th:it part of the hinds of C A H K R I - J L L Vf l -':ist) , coi i laining l .'. la . :ir. l.'.p., Iri.-li I 'lantationJlcisure , held iindcr L"a-:i', mado in IVi I , lor oneLife fnniv :ii"'d 12 ypiuvj, or :! I years, at the low-yearly rent of ,L"!2I :is . !ld.

    Thoso Lauds art! al l in the lus t hearl , :md are wellknown to be some of the soiiiidi'sl ami best fal teninglauds in the entry. They are well watered, shej.tend , and divided , ami the Farm Olliees are mostextensive and in good repair.

    tf .̂" C v l l K K l . l . t . v is w i t h i n siv miles of Limerick ,four of Hruir , eight of Ki l i i ia l lock , liri: or KiiocklongSiation , aud three of Hosp i i ; i l ,.where there is a lirsl.elasi Hut .tt-r Market , and severa l large Cattle Fairsare held throug hout t i n s year .

    Immediately after t in: Sale of the Lands , tho fol-lowing valuable S' | iiCK , C I I ( ) l ' S , aiid l . M I ' L i ; . M i : . N T Swill be di>i io.-ed of:-

    .V! really hi .-t-class , larirn , hi-.dil y-breil- lwo and.ahalf-years-old llulloeks , .-.ound and health y, and inj i i ime grass.|..I eondition-

    7 Two-and-hall-viai-s.old Heifers, with colour andqual ity; in prime condition.

    7oiie.and-half-ycars.olil Heifers , highl y hrctl.I Very Prime Fat Stri ppers.1:; Young well-bred Dairy Cows.(Al l the above Stoel; are sound and health y, and

    p.irlieulary (rf : from fool-and.mouth di-e.-ise).I!J Pri.s ; threo l!l:oun M \ i ; i . s ; stinie promising I wo

    ami three yi ars old Col. is; very lint! Gennett , audsoiiiu active WO I I K -H O II SK S ; ,',o i,,m prime well-savedU \ i .

    I-'A I:M I ^O I \ M - I . I :M I :M S, iue.luding two-horse threHh*ing machine , Knglish winnowing inachiiic , bay-trdder ,hav-rake, turni p-cutter , nals-Lruisrr , Ac.

    Tim usual CI I I I I I I I I H - IOII of .'. per cent, lo bo paid inaddition to the biddings. For further informationapply to M H I I M I - SM .I .O K S, Solicitor , 17 , George-ntrei .'t , Limerick ; or lo

    M. H A R T I G A N , Auctioneer.October 2ard , 1S71. (n:i-2t)

    Purchase of HOUSB Furniture.JOHN PKNDKR ic prepared to buy (ir preferred)

    by private t reaty, at. tho Hi ghest Price , theF r i t x i r i H K of Hoi sfs , ind PI:O I I :IITV of K V K I :V K I N O .Jiiheral AdvnnceH made on all Property sent for abso-lute Sale, ull'uiding the public an opportunity neverbefore »lfered.

    IT'S}" Sales of Properly of every description nej/n.ciated privatel y, and no charge made unless a sale iselP cteil. Valuations lor Probate Duty and otherpur-poses completed with aeeurmy mid despatch.

    Irn l i lO- ly l JOHN PKXDKIt , Auctioneer

    Contracts will oo takeu in tho Xow Ross nDionto.morrow.



    PIANO-FOHTKS , OllGANS , A X O UAllMOXIUJIS .The above-named Musical Instruments, practically

    Tt 'XKI ) AMI l lKI 'AIKKIl byMil. F. ))1XON, ORGAN BUILDER ,

    No. S:t T H K Q U A Y , \V A T I : K l ' U R D .If5?" I t Yeara' experience in the princi pal Musical

    Houses of London. Testimonials from the greatestProfessors of Hie period, and ;IOI) References.

    X1CW MUSIC always in STOCK , aud forwarded atllAU'-MA R KKIi 1'IIICK .

    Mark tho Addics.s:—U KMOVKII KKOJI Ktxo STIIKKT ,TO s:j Tut: ijr.v v, U'.ATKiiroi in.X.H. —No Connection wi th any other House in town.


    LAD1KS , Xo . 51 , K I N O STIIKKT.riTHK course of Instruction comprises French ,JL Italian , English in all its branches ; Music Sing,ing, Arithmetic , Plain and Ornamental Needlework .

    Terms known on application to(flO-tf) Miss O'MARA , Principa l , 51 King-street.


    M I S S H A Y , P R O F E S S O R or M U S I C ,G I V E S LESSONS on Ihe PIANO -FOJITK , at

    her Residence, No. 17 LOMHAIU ) STKKKT , or wouldalteud Pup ils at, (heir residences ir required.

    A SCHOOL for J U V K N 1 L E S has been OPENEDit the above address, at ihe rct]tlcs.t of many citi/.ens

    l&ij"Terms, on application. (ol -51)


    GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES,IMPORTKD direct from the Manufacturers, Messrs.

    CtlU.Alill it Cnl.l.Altl ) , K l U K M A N , D.M.MA1 NK , Hltl .NS .M K A H, &.C., v-.o- Ir 11,. -. I ¦.,,-„.., ;,,,.! si|,|,|i.-,| |.. pi-r-Lim..I l.i; lii- l.:.r:.. -l.- i ;.• ' tu. . .) , . . Il l - , l,ol «it1i. ,ut Mm-.-- .- . I ,-.111H- .« iwll i ^r. -a t . ...,-, an.I I . . I . ( i i i t e i-..:iif..ilal.l";:ui.l n-.I '- . I . I I I I - I I - I .Mr. .Murphy '.- lu. th--! ..f . xtr;i .ti . . i , :u 1,-iii,.. ,t.-un . - inl . I) . IJ '!!I :I I :.Y) It.iMi.

    ( ( '. . . . ' I.'. . . . S.V J.J.,1 i lwih , K . i '. I I . )sir .I . .HN I: I , I :..II l»-j, t., u,(.,nn Mr. '.\ln:ni|- that hi., tr.-al.

    HI . ut ..f l . i - -mi lu- l.- t- ii UI.. .-I -u -fill , :in.l l int hi- i.- linn-. ¦. l i . | . l .u lv .-UI. - .I ..I Hi.- . . . in, from u-lii i 'li li.- |,:i. l l> I N Milli-riti- .S ir . I . .I I N ¦¦:•- :.!--.. I» H - U'!n.-.l l . v . . t l i . i- lri.- ii. |- . .f hi- that Mr.Ml Kl- l l l h:.- I- . li . . , i i . . l l j- .- I I . . . -. .-In]. A |.ril J- illi , )¦•»«.

    ( / ' . '. '/¦ '.( , /•>;., M. I I ., /,.., ) ..Mr. M I I : I - I I V : In r.|.|y ti. i . .t.r kin . l iiininri.- . , I :on Imiii.v I..

    i l i f . .r iu j i . n l l i a l t l i . tu . i -.,tl i:.,n,- li:n.- ,-,- :,M -,1 t., 1,,- t, - ,,i,'l,l . . ..-...,.. . ¦!"».. li:. | . | . .ut-i .l .. |K-.ts , ni,,. ,.„ ,:.,.|,..,,, :,|| t,,., ,v,- iv,-ir. -.rull .v tn .U. i l ; .io.| Ihi.- iiii.ri,iiv I I.-. 1 i- i f . , tly ii>mfi.rliihli' .

    .I - . II .N H i . l . i , 7 I ' r.iiil.y 'r.- rnu-i- ,Fiilham l!..a.l , l ir , I, ..II .|I .II , >.\ V .

    (l-V-.t If.V/i'.i... Cnrr-.ll , /:«.,., M.ll) .Mr. J..: ,i.rn MiM' iiv , l'l.ii - ..|..»h-t , li:. - ..|H-r:.l"l » . -,--. !

    |.. I -. , , , - u, || Kli ' .un t.. .,.¦• ui t l , . . ,n, |,l . I, . l i . ., - , . | l,,|i,.i,: |,miI.. I.- a - l . i l lu l | .ni .- l i l i - r i l l h i -ar t . W. I .'.I U I :.. I .I ., .M.ll.

    :;?, l .a . l i - l ; -. ... , Wal .-rf i. i i l , |s;...IMPORTANT TO PROYLSION M KUCHA NTS.

    TO BE LET,mi l l: I . A R G K and K X T K X S I V K P R O V I S I O N 'i STOKKS , situate in KYHK - STIIKET , GALWA Y,

    anil I'mmerly worked by U,,, |;1|e Mn - ir .tKl. O 'l l t t iKN ,K-i |. Tim abovo fstabli-hliienl. i.s Ihe largest in iheWe-i of Ireland , and contains Slaug hter , Curing, andSmoke-houses , all in perl'i:ct working order. There arealso on the premises a LMI '̂I : Corn Store , with Kilnattached ; also two Dwellin g-houses , with Out-houses ,Ac. For further particulars , as to rent , Ac, app lv lo

    M I C I I A K L A. O' H K I K N , 2 William -sl., Gahvay.N.l l . Galway is ono of Ihu largest I'i y.fewliuj,' din.trictH in Ireland , and is now in direct communication

    by rail with Wuigrlbnl. (sl -I lin)

    TO BE SOLD,r i VI K IXTKRKST in the LK A S K of the old-estab-_L lished and exiei^ive Concerns known asW K E K S ' C I I A N D I . K R Y , (!, Uarifinstiaiid-streei ,Waterford. The liiasu is renewable lor ever , and at anominal rettl.

    A pp ly to It. W K K K K S .Si'Alti iou . fiii the premise.s iM A I:K D I:I .A M I KK , Solicitor, Wulerlord j or at 11 , Fleet-Ktie i .-l. Dublin. (au2."i-tr

    TI I K M.\ 'r i t iKn* SI I K I : Asw. r .M .—-Mr. Jamos Mora:i ,builder , Manor street , is profitssiui; rapidly wi th thoeri!ction of this asy lum for tho disLressed. l l is toconsist of nan hue.; building, on the site or Wyse'ndemesne, Manor Mid llath street ,to contain nine Kepa-line hoinc'K, /.,!- tho fiixommoilatit .u of ful ly pc-raons.In front wi l l bo a let-race and a small bit of laud. Thobuildings wil l bo two stories high. Tho work , so far,appears excellent.


    THK N0HIL1TY, OENTHY, and PUBLIC Rene-rally, aro particularl y rcqaosted to tako Xoticothat tho abovo old-established Hotel is now HE-OPENED, under tho Solo Proprietorship of Mr.SI .MO .V MOKICIS ,W )IOSO most ardent dosiro is to render itworthy of its ancient famo. Tho entire Establish-ment having undergono thorough repair, will bofound unoxncptionablc in all its arrangements, parti-cularly in cleanliness , economy, and real comfort.

    Tho I.ivory and Posting Establishment aro in con-nection , as hcretoforo, with tho Hotel , and everyeHbrt shall bo mado by tho Proprietor to inako itworthy of general Patronage

    X.H.—A 'llus will attend each Train. (nS-iit.)


    JUt. AMI MR. KH LL iY~l i ESPECTFULLY announce thoir arrival

    from tho Loxiiox M AI I KKT S , and will beproparcd to Show,

    OX MONDA Y NKXT and /Miwin-j /%.*,A LARGE STOCK of tho Choicest amimostFASItlON AHLK AUTUMN GOODS,

    I N



    (f- 5̂" Mrs. 1\. wtnild direct special atteu-tiou tt) her Stock of



    M it S . K 10 L 1, Y ,MILLINERY , MANTLE , A X D . GKXEItAL

    DltAPKRY W A U K I I O U S K ,73, QUA Y, \VA Ti:iiF0l:l) .


    Coi.oi us.Wii'n and K.\iN-ritoo h '. Invaluable to Gentlemen

    whoTnivel , ay aro much exposed to the weather, anilarc peculiarly adapted for Ci.KKt.v. tf K.v who reside inihe Country .

    Can lit! hai l , l ( i : . \nv M \ | .r. or to (Jui . n i : , And t: ,\iti:l.\iiKM I L, to any Railway Station in tho Kingdom.

    H'j,} " I'.VITKI I X S, with Jiisiruclions for Self-Measure-mem, free by post.

    1'. TOWN iv SON'S,s2!l.:imj 5S .t .VJ Or .iv , W.MKittoitn.


    'I'l li- ; S1LKNT H K M i l t A V I A ISnplIK I I H S T S K W J N G M A C H I N E for F.oin.v ,JL Ui i KssMAKlMi or .MAM'r. ic i i .'KiM . purposes. I t

    is on the Wheeler and Wilson princi ple, wilh .S-.*.:i-.--|..v,. A -ldii;, , , , , , l l \tl.. , , i . , . ( /,i.j.,-,."«''¦ I'rcu).

    Under lioyaC and dislin

    V- llIT , U. .I1.

    ( ¦C O K A L I T K T O O T H P A S T E ,M K H S HS . ^

    i, , r Cl,-.i x ,, iu! i i i, | io.vins th.; T.ctli ,G Mil l lKI / S ') i«. |i.T!- .i l iailir.i l r i J l ..^ In Hi.: sum-, .mil

    L -ivc. l .nl l i - i i i rv I" t l i e . 'i..-iiin: 1'riiv. K li I.

    , R O Y A I. I) K X I I F i t I C K ,

    M lvSSUS. \ pit-l"!"'1 ' Irirni n n-i -spe :is u-i-J hy lU-r. ) .M.-ij .-ty ; siv-s tin- n-. l h a I - l ike

    U A 11 K 1 H L . ."-! 1 W |,,|,-,, ,- ,-, i.n.l iinp.,rl.- .-. I I.O ICH .IIS l"iii -•̂ jjliuitv I" thi' lirralll. Pure 1- . til.

    /•WmiK (iUTTA P K R C 1 I A K N A M K L ,.\I KSSUS. \ !,,r Sinponi* D.-i-ayvJ IVvth ; m,il. r, the

    ( ^V l i l t l K I /S ) l "utll -ilml ,,l..l

    u^fll l l.,f u,..-t,c.,tl..i,( no m.itl.rhoiv l.i r tlrcaywl. IW 1.. IIJ

    r OSTEO E N A M E L S T O P P I N G ,\H\mK \ « H I M I I !C-.I t" r«'in.iin wl 'i i e , ami ..s fn-.n :i»

    , , ;,;,.:; ¦

    ] n,L.T.».ti.!ibcir. TU ,, b.-..U i i i . . i p.^.i.raiio,,( j A IJ U l r j lj o / if .tor ^lt .Mit ti:cUi , an 1 e.,u he , asilyiwd .^Sulliiill .t tii >tup MX lei II I . l'rict: 5< .

    ('0 D O X T A I. (i I (J U K E L I X I R.I This tvicbr.tli-d iniiu tli-ivii-li is ii.u-»t rf-

    ^IESSI'S . ¦{ lo .-len^. It htre t i ^lli i- li- th. ' |!lllll« , ITJ -G A M U K I .'.S I il tai l i t i . anJ all ii.jiiri.-us sect, lit .fi- ,

    I >»i .-,'.-ii. the brr.itli , an.I lur tH-..n-nîL:ir' :li. -i:d Itvl l l is it iv. i l i l . i l . i f . Piiiv, .".- .

    Stt id in ] VATI:UFU I: I J I- J M ,: ii . /.•/¦:;./., 1:2 '.ji '. i r ,.1;.—-,-.--. //. M:IH.I:Y y ., ^7 /••¦".•-...-'.-.....' J> I ,.- .- I ,Iron) w l ii.iu in.i v tie bail , l t*- i ol^e . a s.. 'a:l>| ' l i < f t .

    Fi nn A X I I -M 01 rn J K V I :I; or I . M T I .K . - I Insl. i l i l i l i l l .. . l i . | . l : i iut i- -|>iva.liliir I r i p i - I I v '. \ . r Ti l . n t r v , :in.|

    ni t a i l - .- ri.. i i - I - - - t" ft . f .i . - r- • >• ' .- » l - ' i'f - " >' ¦¦¦¦ ' ¦-•• i i .- r . i l lv

    km. 1111 Dial IV J U S l : i I. I . ... I . . N I . . i - » . . I I I I .|. :.::¦! -"Iv- in ii..r-.~ ,a K. |.:.r.iti..u .- f i- l i l . . r i- l f . . f /

    'nif "-I H i - I n . i:. ..r.. . Walt- . V.S. ,..t ll i i l . l i ln , i - a .-lll.|.l- !in.l l . l . - l l l- . l . l l .. - i . i . .iy |..|- t l i i- .li-.:.-.- .[ I - ai ' l l"M "II t i l l- ¦-."¦¦ - Ul Hi'' ln-"lt ll I- i n- t a u t a l l- o t l- : it a IT. .-t.-l l , i- i . n i i i . l . i i l i l , an.l . 11.1I.I. - t i n- a i . in ia l - I . . !¦ , .1 , .-.. Hint lie 1 e Ll1, 111, . | [ unit. ..,- ll.-l i. Kv. r\ I. ..- i al l- ctt-il .-l i.'.il.l alx.bavf) : M an . . . in. .- "f t i n - n V, lr ,. . l . . I i — . 1 -. . . 1 in wut.-r, :uliuiiii->nili-v. i-v < - \ . i. i i i - . TI.'- i-.-t of l l . i - arti . -l. - i.. I. -- tl. aii Tu-o PI:SI.- K| - r

    '|'..HI.• ! . .1 11- 1 ¦¦'" p'.IMl'l Ui . l l . - J I -I .-' - . I- U :.- .U---. lv.-l i lllhr.-.- L-al l'. i i- "t I r . i l i i i '.' u . i l. r . t. . w l i i . h t iva.-l -.i^ir inav I-a.l.l ' . l l. . mak. I I I . - i l r . - l l . - l l I. ." I M I I - . . I I - . l i .v a , l . . |, l i l ,-.- tin.,

    r l i fi i l i i n i. l - i i iU'l f l|- .-i i t in . n l. a l . l n--> ¦ M-. - i l r .- t l i. m !.. I l l - in-l-l. -lll. li. v "I l l i . ».:ill| . I', I. . - ! •. . _- ¦•!. 1 .¦ ,i :¦ ¦ i (- . . .I l i : iv ..| - ln.« ,nn.l ..llt . - l i l v ill t i l .- ' "*. a t t i . r . ani lna l .- -.,--ti -.'.- t i.v. r t

    'l i . - a t t a. - k .anil I l l l if h M l l l f r i l if i i l r l I"" :i.f!iv.Tt"l. W a i f - II . . 1 I.. .M. .II il- . . .- I . - a|. a- I" >» w i t l i i i l r- a. I] "f I I I . - l .ul. i l . l. -I . . . t t i. r, v i / . :1- :i. |. | - r l« . l l l". ..r In- . '»! |"-r --.i l l u u l i f u l l :ui.| -iinpl.-,1 1, - , , - t i f. ,r „.,.. I t i- -. . |.| I.v .M.- .M \ S I I : I : A l'.... ..f l a | > l - l . ,I m l . l i u : t.y t li - l i o fi I'lS' .s i-l 1'i.rk , .>j . ¦ t al l i h . i, , i -( - . .Mr.S.M.M.I., V ..s., Watnf ..r . l .

    H I . M M K I / . S I l i lan g-l l i l i i t i j ,'. Vanila. 'l't.'u, Colfeo,.To.k.-y Chili , Vm.e i , 'N.-w Muit n l l . i y , F itt y utl.r i

    .M iriimb i'.-rtiiti ie-- li.r tin! I l : i i i ' l k e r i l i i > f Iron. *J-*. (i.l. ia. il,

    Sni.1 I.V all l'. r l . . l i . . i v l l -a l .'.Ml l ln! . . l ,. l .

    UI.M.MEIVS l-'AX CY C K A C K K R S , it .ili.l

    ISu owv '.s Jl itoxwiui . Tniji no, fur l l ie euro olC-.llrfli- , Col.Is , lloars.juen , llioiicll . '.r Aslbai.i , HaLo rll, lirinly irriMHoii or t.oii-iic.-.s of the Ibroat , 111. * n.-iv io-piutrilmill in this com.tiy at Is U )'" boi , |ut up m thlo in lit :. " Io7.rii2- -." l l is : lie lno M . , l .OMm .X , l.Mii',P.OTTLK D AT COCXAC ,

    \ x i. LA I -.KI . I . K I . A i i i u i i . iv . . i t , A I . K ,F I X K I) I . D !

    C II O J C K (I I, I) :V K ll Y ( I I. D !

    .j ftor licd: * ; ^^ ; ^w*TO UK H AD OF THE HKST M KHCIIANTS.

    f>J4'" P l I K I ' K K U K U II ) ( i n f il l J l ' l i t i K S .N.B A V O I D I N F E R I O R B R A N D I E S

    II :.»HTO-) 'N O S M A L L ' IO T T L E S . lj

    COUPELLK , De ROOS & Co.'s PREPARATIONSA N AS.SDHTMHN 'L' ..•!" l 'Klt l- 'L'.MK .S, at Is./\ „,„) ,t HI , rach Loiilf , with tli. ' i. ill . i»tii .'-i. .i'> . i' .l 1'ir-

    plMlinns of Coupm.i.K , I > K Itoos ,t ( '..., t'tilt. inl Plut-c ,ltlo-nn-l.u rv .̂ qiiH ro , Loinlou , m-iy I..: h.i.l in Watrrt'.r. l atTnv. N KWS Oilit.'.', Ki» H*-str. - .:: r — **nt::u Vitir , or YiyrubULif.Y Drop- , tl« i!"1"I ri'in.-il y lor Xirvoii » u. '>-< , Su:

    Ma l. i ini' Col - 1- KI .I. K 'S Hair l:.-,l. . i in ,. Fhnil , ivhi ¦ li lhi-betut N.tili.l -r lull >- i'!li.--..'ioiis in luiii ^in ^

    tt.e h:i:r toits t.ritfiu . 'l rolor ; al-o, l.'oi-l'Hl.l.i:'s Hair Dyr.

    Tin! H. 'ii-il I 1'"". l'.-"i-'l.-l''i r.iih> , Liin-i ,|unv .in.l (!!y-eeritl.' nn.i A 'soilnl ri-rluill is.

    TO xi:i: i urs si FI HUKUS .RIIAD TIIK "SKCKKT 1-'RIK.\I ) ."-

    Woliih rlul .Mrdici i l l i i u . l v II .:: only uiv. -s till ' raiH. '. hut>llo\vs llovv * peit i.iilll 'llt cut.' t'lln l« t-li. 'ct.'il in ;.ll IM -. S olXKHVDl'S D K I H L I I Y , D.-pr. ssioti ol .Spiri ' -, T muhty,impnirnl Sizht anil MiMiu.ry, Pai'n in the lin k , Lm-ituih', , linpi iit.-, in M:.riia:c , Strit :ltirr , Svii 'P :oi n *. ll111 ' :t" Y.-iu n-al Diseases , Without tho L'-uof Sb'icuvy- Di. H A U M S 'S I OII -^ i-x|ii'tietice in I lie tn-atuii-i t lof ;ill Sexual DiMvis.ri h.*s t'uahlrsl liim to trtat the UIOH I in-vctt*r.ili! t-n-.'s with tii' . iki 'il suci-rss. Tin-, vithuilil. . work ,' •TDK SKl 'ltKT F I M K M t ," is illn-imtul with muii.roiisC.t-.-H iit. il Testimonials I rout Patients .'Xpr i'SAillJt thrir .l.-i'p.c\l jt rat it t i-l. " '"' hivin g I.- . i i it'-tortl to IH-HII II ami in inlyvn-iir. To T I I K M A I I K I M I A X I I S I X O L K Ihi- IHI..! is iuv.ilu -iibl. 1. Sent p..->t tr . -f , si-cur.' Iroiu ol.-i 'ivation, on ol

    I M I 'O U UN T TO ( i . i ' N r r . v 1'A T I K X T .-..— Du. I I A U X K Smay I e i ultiti pcrsoiiall j ..r hy Irttir, in all ptival.- anilc.iiiliih' iitli 'l i- i- i- i "ii.l lor tin: l. i-l ii lit ol XI- KIIUS Milh rrisn-lio cannot vi - lt l i i tn , he \vill , l^criviii ^ a i lrHCliptiott oltlu'ir raw , " nclosina a Mamp. 'il rufrlopu for rrply, IK I U I I I V tnirivt : h:^ .-pun. n up'-i- lite iMtnn- ol the CUM*, al'.il tin- pr.'.ici-|,l,- i.f l . i i l i i i in l I" o—aiy I.. . lie. t :. p.- ifrut ruro.|CyAihlri'!-s Dr . l i A U X I r t , 1 Lmn.hilg Square , llnrn^tmr:)

    LiiiM t iii , X . [---M- [My

    X K « /O/.I M I S.— W e have been favored with a copyof the now series of Zr.;.'ot.^-. Wo are glnd of this,becauHO tliu anuouueemunt of its demise was felt as acalamity liy tho public. The new aeries is to eschewpolitics ; or, in other words, lo hold neutral scales.Its price is to bu -d., and ii cannot bu published forless. Tho paper in verj well got out. Itu Londoncontotuporary, I' l iurh , costs Ud.

    TI IK H.M.t.or ix Six M ONTHS.—Mr. (iladstono sayswe shall have thu ballot in HIX or eight months.

    Tho new (iaicty Theatre in Dublin, will shortlybo opened.

    Mils WlNbUl W's SobTlllSU SVUUP »ORCHILI ) KK N ".Should aln-nio It. ' n-f I «l. -.-n d.-Ur.-n a" cultinu Imh ; itrelievrstlir bt i i o MiHere tMit mice, it prudnwi iKtural i)iurttlui'P by relii-vu .c the il.ilil from pain , anil H"> I'ltle clieruhHiv ak. us '* a- hi^bl us a button." It is pf.tcctly lianulrs^ ,K I I I I v.'i y pliMSAta tn ta- tt>. It H .oilier ll | ill pain , rrl'rw i-ill l , rwuliitce |li« Inw.-lsH ' i( is Ihu b.-t 'MIO .HI li'.ni-il) fo: >l yl .'rill.liti" - - - n o o '" o]- i n i; o_ Mjj ti I - o I:, MHATS , t»:r litirn-l of 1 Mli- .

    li la.-k - •' I I '¦• I- "Whit.: . . . i"i I '•¦ "Il i n-v ¦ ¦ - 'i »I N D I A N J I K A T . . .tin.ri.-ni , | »r l . . rr .- l ..f l ' "ll • ••' "

    I Jlo:i..' .Matiuf.-,.-t,, r. , |,.-r . I -:n-lr ..f .- . i l l . . i

    1 —

    l m piirls y K cj ' t n -ts f f i r Il'- -.:A- t - i i- i i n- t yV. ".- .- / - . -/ , •l n-> ¦* > . - '

    i .Mi' i i i tTs . i:xrf H :TS .Wh-al - l ,i.i a i t . i - i . Wli. .,! . 1- ', |:,:-. :In.lrui l.'..r:i - ¦¦ .1.. I I :,!. . . -... p. .!. . .I 'ari I.. . | : ,rl . . ... . v- . ¦! . .l i . ir l . -v- - :¦" .1.. . f i ;. l : : i t , f . , r n ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦.- ¦ .

    "-I - w: %£¦;, ;̂, : !> ;-: :̂ ¦ — S:..-l. -. , . . I,, , :.! ¦ .! - .WATKIlFOl iD Hl.'TTKR M A I I K K T .

    N v m Kf - r t i f Firkin* \rr iqhrt t i l the l' lt ld i c I t n l ' - r .I / . t r* .f ur tt 'erk- ewlinti Frid.ii/ (th is • I t i i / ) , m i l iV.'.-.'.- .

    Satitnl . iv , — :-.'. l — U: . "I . t - . I .'- . ¦¦M lay, - ¦ ."' - I j : - . '-I . i J i ¦Tu.-.laV , • - » ¦- " I . .".. . ' .W.-.I... -'.l:iv ~ l ' l - i ". I-! !_¦?

    V 't r i . l|aiKri,l: .v. 'Tli . ir- . lav , — 1> 1 I J t - . I I . ! ¦"Kri.lay. " ¦ '¦ - . "I

    N...'..f lirki.i rr. - | - . t i . | in .- -. v - V : I:., - v a rI' l- i . - i H - r . -v vl . - I.'.;- .' . - I ', '. i . . .

    (l".,rr.rf. './ t h i . f l t i . i /•„• TI- - W. i t- r f - , - 1 X - .)P l l t i V I - I n X . -.

    li.». "X I' l.. -- , p. r . - ivt. - - I '. . "¦! • - . :¦¦HUM. .!. . . ¦ .". I - . ' -I . ¦

    ¦¦•:I' l. i .r .1". - I -'- . "I . I :l l r i i . s .1-. -¦ . '-: •-

    l. iue .-ba i i . l : . i - ''i l.v "I . :-'-

    i:i n li i . i : - ' M I . A I .H KI I-. l - r :i. , 7.1 -I :- . :¦¦-. l . » - .i .: . ]- r • !• '¦ :¦•

    I I . . . - I . . .I . . '-1 t" I"! ' V i M . |.. r '. ¦- . 7 ! t - .

    M l 1 l".v , I. . - I - !li , ?' .! -I 1" I" . I' . ' l - K , |» I I" . "I !• •i ' i . -r \T.. |. :.-.

    A v. i-a-.- p ri.-, '-I • - ¦ -i |-'!:!: I:AH .tt'it i n :, I» T II ' . — ' H . I" ¦: •! H - . - II : I- . | - i > : ' • ¦ ¦! t .

    w i n .- K I . V .Di n . IN . i » r - .Mi:..II,; |i- - . "i i n . i . i

    -"i:x . -.-.. 'u. -n , ::l.'n ii K , nun. I i ' . . I I , l- i- . 'i l .

    I- I > II .N' lM't .ve, |.r'- '-vt , JJ- . I" i - "- . I' l w -

    ¦ ¦¦; " ¦¦ '•-l l l . lt . : i x . ; - , | . -r l .rt, I!'- . !•> :£- . .-- i.r . -I t . . ¦-

    S M.M'. N, I - r h> . ••- "•! i> . 'i-l . 'I' 1 . :.- - . : . - I . :¦F .iw i . A M I i;. .. ;-

    I->1M., l"-r i .a ir . ::-. t- . : : - i'.- :.. 7"- . I A lA N . ; ' . i . t . s . p'-r t . - i i . I - - ;•ln«, (»¦!:. ;.t.ii| '¦'¦¦ I.. :.|. | Ti I.XM- , |~ .¦ t..n, '-¦ ¦!

    1 1.1 . |.. . l t - l l l I- t'. .Mi. . I I ' l 1« , p -t - I . . I I . >'- I

    W A T K I l F i l l t l ) I M P OI i T S OK I ' O K K K i N C H A I NA l i . i r a n t l i -, I.. .'. .h- I . i - l , Nan! . -, 7-Vl ...lir!. r- l . . .r ! - v. - l

    t':.r. iv

    Btvth^, ittiirriucjCiS, »v ^3c;ttU?iAilt i .nt t icrmrnl f 'J l t irl l tx , Mirr 'tny * * l) .- 't tf > * , 11 . "trl, — pr s.p . u

    U I K T II S .f'ti !li .- .r> :Ii t i ,- t . . l^ r. .1; >;. TI ,.,:,,. I .

    - - T- rr 1. f , U'.- i l . -rf- T-i , !;,tr i f .. . .f .Mr. .1. I ' . K l i n - - , "l a .-, .n .

    . ..'t..l...-r >, at S! I'm:. Ifc irr- - , t:"ik . i l l . - « . f « -.1 T i i- . t i i : . . MI.:.,,.', r.,.,.. of :. .....

    n.-t., l .-r J- , at "I l i . i r i - - , tl i-, w. f . - ..f W I '.I M IU M ¦!•,-. ¦ v , I ' ...I i lur- i i a i i t , ..I a .-.n .

    M A K If I A ( i K S .mi Tl it lr - . lay iii - .r i ii il- . I .v t l ..- \ [. :¦ |" >•.,: -,; . , ¦ ., j . . , . , '

    r i . l l i- . l i . - f l ii .n-li , in t i n - n iv , . M i - . .I n:- I '- . u . , -. . - ,,¦ ¦..h...-l, i .r ..f N . .-I i . . la - !•. . » , , - ,

    ' .1.. ;, 1 j -1 . , , 1., .Mr . W:]Y, -ri.rr.-II . K i l s t . .

    I K I . . I» , ¦: I , :,nl,.: . - .. t i i . . l i . . I'lenvli .-f M illo ::,!,. . , ,. . I, -.- ¦

    ) ¦"'¦'

    \\'"ii ' ¦. '•ViV''1"''- I' I ' . I'-.- ¦


    ¦-¦': N i. !,..;-, . , •„.„. ,-f . . . iI.-.I.. IStt ll .M'k Mill . ... '-ii- t., - li,... , 'i- , - 1 . I . , . I .,.( Mi.-h:,.-l Mnllally, I"- ~ . IsVlll- ."-.iH.-. .V...;,.11- V ii.,.VV-'.rt "

    •'¦A^i,!̂ ;̂ ,';!:̂ ^!1;,:;::^ ^'^ "^^-' ^Mar/ai.-t . .-Mt-t .la.i-bt.- r , , t Mr. Tlf.11. v,,i',.. "' ;¦,".;"'''" ,•

    n..i, , .-..iii.ty W,,-k:...v " "'"-1 - '" •-"'¦'¦ '¦

    Al S t .SI . plf 11 '- r ln.p l i , I l i i l i i n i , .la ' ii.- . . .. .-..n ..f th- lat. It i . -ht r . l Sl i . .- , I-:-, , l:allyr. . |- ! . :"' ' ' .'' '• ''Ir.-niv , t.. S;irah . -..-•.I.-l . l . i . i -.-if.rr ¦ f W::!.a:,i , \; , ' "•¦) tv ,.1 .1" .." I. .I. . V..-tcrl.. ri.- . > :. . i k. '" ""' l -'


    III ! tb.- J l t i l nil , at All Saint. - , Kia -.' '..a- .- i . Tliaia. ,V.- II . An-ll' -.1 l . iMi - r i . -k , it n. -l. - ..I th- l.r i- l. - - r.-- ,, '- ,fr. v I. .IV. - I:..-.-, >. i-.ii.l -'.n ¦.! lh.' I .i l . • l i ' -l fr . -.v

    1;,,-!,,; ) ¦.'. ' 1of 'liallyinir.- , ity Ti p|« t.. l i- .p . t l i - ; .' '. |..laii '.'bt.-r of t 'arl Itruiii i . l-.-.i., l:- -r.'.-ii . N- . nv av .

    I) K A T I M .N'.v . l . in l lu l. li it , »-h.-r» li- h...| •.•

    ¦ f . r .n .'.! :.':d a.|'. . .. ..l:. -r . Ivliif.:i. | M..1..H.-.1 , I M '. . f Kl l ' ti , ,!:.. . ( l .ni.- i .



    .-l.- ivvmail bi-.'blv . - l . --m- ,1 f-.r h:< virM'- - a n i • \- -> l i - :, ¦ ' t

    .-han'i . t - r a - a l 'liri-ti:ui 111:1:; . t . -r . a i . l . . . . |.!\ ,,i-.:.ra. -i !¦; ¦ '¦¦

    pa ti-hi'.u-t-- , t . . v .lf,t.i It.' In-I I.. . 1. a .-""I fn-.i. l an.l l > • :• I :—t-.r It . I . l '.

    1 If^--. , '.t. I I I . - l - l i i.-t . i i. W.T.-rf. .r. l. K! :/.il» :ii . i ! i -!» :.. -..¦.! w ife 1,1 Mr . S II , V . .s . .,.-.,1 71 .

    At Ki l lt l l '", 1.11 v - t . i-. la v , M r - . . l i l ) in. | . ! .v , ¦!¦ ¦]. '> r ...•r.- t t . -.l .

    i i . t . .'.. at I' l la lt. . !. I' > . a-.- . - l v y.- . i - -, I:-I ' -- II Vr.-l l.-r. i:-|., f. ir tii .-rU- .. I l l i , t i . .> . r - t . - - ¦ I . > -r\. . -. - . -.. i - l - .i . .- !I I I. - ! . .!. - Al . i . l ia.a I ' • - ! . - • . K- ., . . . [ Y-, :!:.,: . . .... .. • >• ' - -.

    mi tb.' l!'tb I I . -1.. t i t t l i . ' ,- . - ..1. - 11. -. . . - I li. r - I- : - r, M : . ! M- - i r. . -\f:ii-ri. -l. -. .t i-Si.; i- . Mr- . I '. I . I M - I 'I ::. S- .MI

    A t M. i - t l l:..y. i '» | .-. . f i :»- . l I I .p.- , f:-.-m u !. - r . :. "!. - ¦! t l .-- t . . ina. li . "ii t in - I - I t l i - . f 1 l a . t . 1:- . . i .e .1.11 W. -M MI ...!.. - ,lir K-. |., M . l l , la!.. 1,1. . l i ..-al .. ili. -^r

    ¦¦( !li" I t m-l n M i - -

    p. :i-ar\- . li - ln.-t .t u i .Si in . lav tn- .r iMii .'. in \Y.-l;nr.-t . . ii - i n . r , K : ! « . .'int . V .i U v \

    M-.r.n, K-. | . T .' . -.1 :- -i t . . r . :t- ..| ... > . .. r..S. pt.- i i i l-r J7 . :.t N.-w V..r!. . Mar .'... -.•! I 'I -..W |..V , -.vif- . •

    I'.-.t l l . k'.|-., a l iat :v . ..f .- . , I I I I » v W..l. r : . . i- t . M. '-. l- . r .'.M l . I , : . ' I M - .- , :i 1 v.. . .1 l :,.ti.

    ',-. .n,. r, .- . . : . n t v K l i l . . 111. > .a-"l •',-!

    At l l i l. l - . i i I ' i t v . X-w .t r r - . -:. I'.ri.i.'.-t N..r t..|i. a ii.i:i>."lI 'alt.ui . f i . i i i . l y K i l l > . a-.'. . l .:.".

    At t i n- . r. . ":i .i>. n , ' '.e.a- ia , .:ulii.l. r-f.».t ."K..--.-. . i ll- ; N..rrv Kir«an , l l - . 'vl, - , .svv:ui.-a . . l itt". -...I.- ; Knt-rpn-II .1.-1. rl,.... f ' ar.1.11 . i l i t t . . : Maria .Mini.'. I), v.-r. -ui , I'.-ipl ifT. l i t t . . ; .Mi.Rrnr.-t , K. Hy, Swan— .., It..-- , MI< ; .l .ili.-ml.a, Jon.» ,N. «- |H.rl , .

    l-t -Tli..m:is fi- . - l i i r . : lti.hanl Hill . I'ar.lirf.

  • l.t i CAI . l t . \ I I .WAV TltAI-T HK.I- I U , - U""-A- .-li oV, fV-'-l.i ;i , (Irl..l;;- -Si, 1S71.

    \V:it. -if.-r>l rirk l.ini. ri,lc W^ivrtM KUWnm""¦I 1 ami niul Kil. .lum-li-ii


    ' ill- cilizrn.-.

    lVi:-iil- ;- .i l' - > i' i i i 1 l|:iv i"."'' ;l !""' "''li'"" i'm'l •' < •¦>'

    p..!: i i inii i;i- : i : i-n. ll" % Mi'iy ni-,' .-I I I N M .U - 10 luv a

    liiii ::•• !•• ' • i ;i- . i i r i i l r a n i ci l ' i i U w i ' l m i i l nni i ' -( i ->>ary

    (i-'iii v, dn t i n il i; ri gli t 'o i-al l a i t f i n in n to t i n1

    (i'loir'tiioi- i -mi 'ii l "I' ll"- •Inv i -v inm.-nt nllirial-, and

    thu f ip l lu win^ l i U r r v T i i - wr i lu-n :• -•• .M.oiu:"* I lliiw, , Ocliilirr 7.

    1S71.•i .imi:i i iun I ID I I I t l i i s c i ty, liwuli'il

    l,v hi? Wur.-lii p, liail lln: p I'.-aMin- ¦> !' waili i i ir nil y«n.

    in lyjii.liin. '¦¦' n f.-roi.vii. t.i t l io i-nTtini i ui .-uil i iblv

    I'lUlal ami '1'i-lt^nip li ollki-> I'm- WaH-i-funl , you wirr fkiul I'I.I.I:}.;!' ii/i-ay il -rn » K'"'"' f :i-p

    ifii . -r.-i . i.»-i»ii- i" 'I . - vi-i-y Ki - '-nl iiicmivriiii -iip c tln.-y

    snrt'-r ri-iiin I '..- un:i-uall y limiiu.l acc.jinin.j.l vlimi in

    ll.l-oiricc, l- rmdun,

    ,'.V-df i c : :'. a-ni-inj ; t l io Maynr " I hat it. .-.hall

    liaw :i;:. n:i- .n:" «nd i'U llic ::l.«l. lliu following»¦:.? n-ci.- i \ i : d by hi- \\"i .i >hi p : —

    " t l i nvcal I'Dti Ollnv, London ,:tui!i Uclohcr , |s7I.

    - < u I M R I .I V 10 y..ur li-llcr of lliu 7lli instant , 1

    -,.., ,!-n'-ci.-l l'X il'- iWimasu-v- C..Mii-rul lo stale


    •!",. li- 11.1 -i l

    "'ul' ".ic Works in In-lan' l has onl y, wi lh in

    •i',. ;-i

    '-i f.-w day-, 1'i-i-n ahlc 10 comp

    ile the pro.

    i.M-i -vr i . -< ,r t l i . . 'pr"J"t't f"'' «o"»lrnctiiia a new lilock

    ¦ '•' rui ' il i i iL" :" Waicrford , in wl.ii-h accommcidali'.ii in

    r,r. »

    "Sn---Sim- mv la»l h ttoso .'or which ilu-y were originallybuilt , thai purposo buinj,' to provide tt Bon-lnlucnliou,opi:ii to chil-lrcn of various roligious purj iiasions, uud

    thouj/h an wns of course to he cx|, a very larKOmajoriiy of tho children cducutwl at, thesu schoolshave Ux-u Human C.tholics, thov havo always boon

    attcu-le ** _ ^ . ~ AA Bh * *«* . . l liH 4 1.**

    ' When the school building !iru occu|"/.nv(r.- copies our reportof those cermonies, lml forgot to mention the sourcefrom whence they look it. That report cost consider-able t ime and labour, as well as money, to procure,and w c t h i n k wi- ought to he credited with its value.

    i : \ r K i i i A i N - .iKiii A I 1111: Cm II.M.i.—As advertised ,a musical company, with a varied and enticing pro.gramme, opens to-morrow night at the City Hall fora short season, and jud ging from tho lengthened andsuccessful lour they have had in Kngland, tho enter.taiimiL-iit promises to l»i pleasing and deserving ofpatronage. We can scarcel y add any thing to theelaborate advertisement , and beg to rerer our readersto that part or our paj ier.

    A M FIII . AN M ISSION .—W O are happy to learn that tlicliev. J. J.Hcffenian, C.C.," Star of the Sea" churc h ,lirioklyn , N.V., has been appointed pastor at Sagllarlj or , IJ .I. Tho rev. gentleman was greatly be.Iov1.1l bv the good people of ltrookl yn , amongst whomIn- officiated with so much piety auvl zeal.

    Tho Carrick-on-Siiir lla/.asr iu aid of the additionsL-> St. Kichoias 's Parochial Church of that parish ,realized the muni ficent PUIII of j tKIO.

    ( J . I V K K N M t N l Jo l lS—No O l l l i K I I I ll l t l l i K l . A N II .- -

    UlH.n the in t i 'Klue t ion of liall-pciuiy poiit-eanls, tho

    author i ti es i nU -nd into a conlniet with the firm of

    I). - la Hue ai.d Waiham (London) for the mauufac.

    tin-in" 'uid iirii.tii'g of Ihein. Till! contract was fnr

    thm-Var.", :'"J < ' »• numl»- i- -..-.lercd was 11»1,1 »^ »,!««1.

    TUe ini- nl. rat.: of CK imumpt ion is I ,-V M .I ,«1 a week,

    or ;!V Nii! ,. Ju i . ay ca r , an- 1, th. -reluit-, SII .I H X ' .U1"-1 ill

    l l i l i - i - vars. . .A'.lN l 10 I.» M: l'"\

    's I-:-> I \1 I .H. — Thu /.-''- r selling ten heavy pigs thai had theson- feel. Such then an* tho restrictions pt ;t tin thisgreat lir.nii.-li of exportation , by the sill y bill for whatis culled stamp ing out the. foot and mouth disease.Tlio supp ly o" Wednesday, about JOO, owing to thonriccs were a shade b'-tier. The Malnkoll' had linhorsL-s for London and M> pigs for Ilirining ham.

    fli ;U MARKETS— THIS W K K K .lIoM f (imix.—Whi le wheat , Ill's, to :1:1s. lid ; red ,

    •MI , to 3'M. '«'• Inferior , iSa. lo -J'Js. Supp ly fair ,

    and condition very much improved. OiiU in small"up,d?°mny ba »"ow, < ¦' .-' '.voiild imag ine, that , from the singulari-[.(.t . ..-iy --I ' 1 1.'¦ -•>! lloriisol. -i gh /...',/¦. r..,..̂ ',;rt;ll, . ij- |.-" :> .. !- '• >-. ..ul.l hi- tho lowest in t h o union ,\u--i , -t :\ ¦• ¦¦ ' MI ' ..lightened public will not, he sur-pri..-.| t . . ' i t in.! Ihrough the centre of tho riehestpastoral '!:-ir ic ! thei r rato is tho very highest , and ,tl.ouu'h 11." --il ierlicial observer might conclude, fromthe di.-p'-i'^a ~y conirnitteo having madi: a blunder ofhibernal ioii , and gono to sleep I ho entire spring, thaithe s-iuitary condition of their town n.-rpiircd noaii|H-rvision , 1 would not wish him for punishment tobo conipcllcii lo walk through what your corrcspoii.dent sty les, ' Dirty law: in liorrisoleigh."

    As a rule. 1 detest anonymous productions , and ,though a wish not to obtrude lnrnt-lf on public ,at tention alnost templed mo lo correct tho unavoid-able error of your rep'.rl of lin: HT ll i anonymousl y,j el I ihritik fro m anythilig liko ciuisorshi p n-i t in ...Me of--1-"' '" >tato

    ment that thn resolution was hastily adopted , deniedthat such was tho f n:t , as it was deal t with ou a longdeba te, anil was followed by

    Tho MASTKII, who , on tins invitat ion of lho board toKtatu his reasons fir ll ppointnu-nl , said that thonecessity Tor such an olli. -e, was strongly commentedupon by tho justices at pet ty sessions, when ho wouldbring cases or absconding or tho liko before them.Tho very night bcl'oro a rul liin forced himself overtho front gate, at about li.ilf-p.-ist nine, aud there wasno one thero for sornu timo to take him iu charge, theassistant master being in his room, and the porteruuablo to copo with him , ho having but ono hand.—He was, however, afterwards given over to tho polico.Another thing was, tho lives of sevou or oight hun-ilred people in that house wore nt tho mercy, almost ,af parties succeeding in forcing themselves in in thatway, lirea , aud candles, and gas being iu every direc-tion , and it was to guard against such oventualities—mil his fear was more from the people, outsido thanUio people within—that ho asked for a paid watchman.

    Mr . L K A M V said it was unreasonable lo havo thohous-o,not without a watchman but without watchmen ,und men , too, of a proper stamp.

    Tlio Master , in answer to Mr. ClanipcU , said lio wasten years master in that house , aud ho had not awatchman—a paid watchman—all lhat timo. Mr.Clampett : And now, after ten yoars, you find that awatchman is required. It is useless.

    Tho Chairman put the motion, and it waa voted onas follows:—

    For—Messrs. Power, 'O'florman , Morris (Sir Ti.)Kelly, Kent , Ycalo, Lawless, Murp hy, llally, Clam-pett—10.

    yl^n iiiif—lingers , Loamy, O'.Shca—3.The resolution was declared carriod,and tho appoint-

    ment of n watchman rescinded.I.OXn SKRVICF.S r.CT A KKWAUII .

    Capt. VnwKit moved , pursuant to notice, that Mrs.Sloanc, houso hospital matron , for over twenty yearnan excellent officer of tho union , got an increaso of.C5 to her present salary or £20 a year. Mrs. Sloauohad , at that moment , upwards or three hundred pa-tients under her cliargo ; as such officer she had im-mense and onerous responsibilities , and at £'10 a year,was not a quarter paid for such position. Her predo-ccssor, Mr-B. Keut, had .C30 a year, with a paid assist,ant , and he had no hesitation in moving tin: iucronso,his only regret being that ho had not mudu tho addition£10 in place of ,C5. Mr. Km ;Kits seconded the motion.

    Mr. fj KAMY said ho was agaiust raising salarieswithout a very strong and very special reason , audho saw no such reason wh y this officer , with .K20 ayear and first class rations,'should havo her salaryincreased.

    Mr. Hor.Kim said Mrs. Sloauo was a long timo anofficer of that houso ; sho had heavy duties or thomost responsible nature to perform , had always giventho utmost satisraction, and , in his opinion , was wellontitlcd to this small increaso. The proposition wasdivided ou as follows :—

    fn r—Messrs. Power, Rogers , Kelly, Morris, (Sir ft) .Lawless, Murp hy, Clampett—7

    Aj uhist— Messrs. O'Clorman, Kent, I.eamy, Vealc,and O'Shea—5.

    'hrJi'iir-f—Mr. llall y—1.Tlm resolution giviug Mrs. Sloiinc .C23 a.year was

    declared carried.SMA1.I. - |-O\—I I I K K K I N I i .

    Tin: C I I A I I I M A N said that .-mall-pox was spreadingnipiillv in Dublir , them being npu-ririls of i'tf ty easesin t h e North Dublin union , and il was gratif y ing toreport—and well for the public lo know—that , withsuch a staid of things in tin: mcti -opoH?, they had buttwo such cases in WateiTord (hea r, hear). That wasa gratifying fuel , mainl y at tr ibutable '.o llmcare ihevhad taken of vaccination iu Watia-rord , from wiliercan- they had derived such benefit.

    Covruvr.s.—'flu. following ivero declared for amouth—l'hili p Devcrcux , ouo ton oatmeal , XI I -".s.—P. O'Ciorman , 2r the latter portion or his letter , at his owncost , ho cniild do so. The matter dropped withoutany order being made.

    Mr. JA M E S POHTK , K.O., reported his district ,Woodstowti , in '-a satisfactory sanitary state. Tin:respected .agent of the Marquis of Waterford , Mr.K. Kobcrts , was engaged in having privies mado inPflssngo, aud sewrrs constructed , where iioiiitcd ontby him (Mr. Power) . Thero wns but nno casn offever in his district , a woman named Harry, and shuwas now convalescent.

    Mr. Doy le reported that tbr> Trarnorc dispensarycommitleo wero taking immediate steps to improvethe sanitary condition of Tramore. lu Kilmeadcnthere was one caso of small.po.v, and tho patient , achild , was going on favorably. Messrs. Mackey andCarrol l reported equally favoiTibly or their districts.Mr. Jours, Now Itoss, wrote to state ho was propa-ring tho re( |iii«ite machinery to carry out his contrac trecentl y entered into with tho board.—Adjourned.

    *TATK or T U B II OL-SK.— Heinuiii.ns in hnus- . Octolicr 217!ll : a lmi l lHl , CM : in.rn , 1 ; .|i-cliari;r.l , 32 : dim) , 2 : re.ui:.iiiine Oi:lnlicr 27. 7'.11 ; nrrr > !>" 'lay twclvtiiniitli !., 1 I ;al.l...l>oilii'il main , -1; l.-inalcs , l:l1 ; Nit . in infirmary , :I12 :in fi-viT liosp il. il , 16 :i:ost of pruvi ^ iniis rr-mvi'il, Clli l SU. 7'1;cnn-uioMl , ij llll 3

    ¦*. 1'iJ.l. jalii' .lliit nf lio'ir nit ill.rt.'.l nml Mfcl .luriiif Umwcvk, t.V.! '!;llllC'illM-tr.1 , t:IH* •** N 1-! : h-'il'uu.-̂

    in favor nf union, AM!I I*. '>tl ;in- t ill i,ut-.l'iur "l i- f t"r ti n:«.ou have a measure removing allcause of comp laint, lie would move that 11 memorialsimila r to the Noivry oui) should hi: adopted by lh oCouncil , Dr. S'-oTr secouded the motion , which wascarried unanimously.

    I I I K r l lOI -KltTV AHOVK t l l t l l l l i K — I M l - Ot t T A N T IlKf Oli T.Tiio committee submitted the cont inuat ion of their

    report on the le t t ing or Hrid^e-strei-t. and Mary-strei-lpremises. Sine.! their last report they ha.I received ,considered, and accepted proposals Cor / Alderman It ic .hurd -ou inpr i . —ing the plol of bu i ld ing ground ly ing Mary .sn-i-et aii'l (lie new (,tiiay, arid lie- rortt st..|-.* '.IStrai ignian llrothers and Sli-angiuaii 's.i a iu - , s.-v ra lteil ' lel» wen: reeeive.l for same, lul l they coiisi ' l.-r .-ilthat i.r the Mes-M-s. Si ruuginau, Davis A Co. ( w i nproposed lo pay an annual rent of IV.n, uii 'l to expendthereon in pei -mani-iit and substant ial improvi 'in' -i i ls :isum of not lrss l imn £l ,llvi .-i-yy:ir. I adj oitiinir , '.11 l.-a.s.: for a t. Tin of 7". years. I I icyri-eoiuiiielided a grant, of a le.1-1: of .laid pri-mi-os att.'.n per annum , lo contain t i n - usual rov .-iianis , amirent, to bo pay able from 2 !lth Sept. 1*>7". Tin: t ' ouin.-ilhaving agreed to grant a h-ati .-of lho premisis at. ih-corner of Itridge.srre.-t, an.) Dvehoiise-lane to lh.-Doiiiiuicau Kriars , for the erection of a church anddwelling house, on condition they would nominatethree solvent lessee;, who would be respoii. i--u. .i , 111.-I 11 i:l.Hi- l . r i . i -' . f «l.i. -l. >-.- i|.!i- .l l.v M..l.rii ,J l. .r ..m- ........m-ili |!ri.l--..-lr.^l . :iri .l «-|,i.-l. .v.iir W .apl u-ii-|.|.-:.-...l In r. |.-r |.,Hi. I 'inati .v r-iui. t i l t . . - , wi l l , i i i ^ t r i i ' t i . - u - f .r I l i-M . I - . ; ]-l-.¦inn-: .-O..I »-.- ii-l l ia in . i-. up >• • I l i i - !«•« nl.l. t- . •-- I ll..¦ a— ut ..f t .. .u- l-.:.r.l t . i i . u r -- n il.i.. 11.- r.'. > . .I -'|. .I -.hi i.i n m- . j . . . . . . i - l.-f I,- .- >-.,, I ..I. l-.r , .|. Mill.- .M,.. .\p..|ili...l- r. l. . i.lir |.i-..pM-l.l. T."a.l, 1.,. i,,l.-r.;l II.. . . . ...m i l l . - " t i i n i n|---" l!i- 1.1;- :> ' '. •

    ¦¦¦'' t?:- l' ..ip ..r.ili"i* 1- ».-• f -kli . .nn. :.I|.I u - u l l l ii..t ,....; ul .,l.. l-i . 1- I1. .I u. l .H. ||. 1,...i.| 1.. f.,i. >.. ,i , l..!y i. . . lni.l .i :,lK. W.. ;,.!. I ivnr l l .al Im..I..11...II ...l,. ...|> .M. i,.1.-1 t .. 11,' ... :.1.,1111.1 .1- . 1., :.lit ..I' Kl, . .m•in ali.11- t .> t l i . - . ' i l v . . f W:.l,rf..|..|. .11..I « ii l i l t . !•¦ !»¦ I. -. .f l l i . -i- .. r|«.R- logivn tin: m-uter fulli .r consideration. Tlioy a-ke .l 1.1l-.iive their powers coiit.iiitl-d, so as enable t hem to im-port , if neees-ury , for h-g islation in 1 >S7:S. Tie: powi- isof tie- i.-oiiiiuilie i : iv'-ri: ixi i t inu-d.

    'I'll" l-'iuaii i -l: Coui Mii l te i : n- i -oiuiii .' ii .le.l .IiH.-p h Ki '/ .-gei-al.l should g.-r C!\ und Kdinoud WaNh C:!.'. (I. ..M.e.oi-j i.ii-ali.Hi t .-haut-) , !-< >.uslaineil by lung disea.. - .These sums are iu each ea*e a hall '-vear's rum. C-.n-tin I.

    Tho Sli- 1-. .-l C'ornni i l t '- '- lrr..iiiniend. -.l that wat .-rp ipes .-lioul .l h. - laid il' .trn in .]ohii--tr i -' .t . , .'is a u u r n of I |>t

  • Srlrctrtr IJortmEVENING IIYMX.

    On thi * ti.irk hill 's wo-Nrn siilnThe l:i*t purpl.' cliaiu has .litsl ;Twilight l.i one folctim lino(¦|(;itil?«..« A !J, l>olh tfrccti anil l>}ne.In thi- r.\*hi].? mr mother, tlirmigli tlm jjloinl ,Siugcth from the outer room.While wmw thn curtain white.With a iiini , unci-rUIn Unlit.(In tin., llnor tlui faint Mars ul iinf ,)>t m.i- latest (lioujr lit l«i Tliiini.'Tiva* a Marry nik-lit "f "MWhc -u r.'j.iirinix wivi-l' InMTl.i- i«.,r rhi-plu-nii ¦¦( Thy Wrth,God become n Child on earth.Si.ft nu.l quiet is the IK-IJWhere I fciy my little h«ul ;Thou hailit but ii manner liar.*,Hu-^'t.-*l Flrav fvr pilliov f.-iir.Saviour, 'twas to win me pruroThou ,li,l-t «t....p t.i that ixiur place,I...yiur, with .1 |KTf.Yr ran harmWho liis i-raill,-«l on Thine arm.

    TUB SISTERS OF MIOHCY.For fake of tlieir SiMiu«e ami Master

    For Mb- of the liln.»l that llu slid.They liavi- tnki -n their cross irini l.> follow,"mm the. w.irH an.l it- p imp tliej havo llml.FriomU ami W all an. f.irsakco

    Tlie follies ..f fashion ami il r.-si..They have left all to rrsiMH- the talli-n ,

    Anil to smaiir (Jo.l'« j vmr in "/.l10 r0.iir of ll'° t»>™elcmout wos so great that nil tho minor sounds wcroswallowed up, and tho fall of tho walla was only per.ccptiblo to the eyes. The boat was so intense attimes from soinu of tho burning buddings that theycould not I* approached within ono hundred and fiftyfeet which accounts for the manner in which tho Ereworked back, and often against tho wind.IIIK rl .AMK S AMOM .ST TIIK SIIMT INIi—TUB

    (iAS 1I0VSE]»: ii»K ailj iiuing "o(.-:is woiks.sel it on fire, and. t .j lC [];)|r _ J I ;. • ^

    M-eured a foothold , rushed ou

    I'n'r.lii -ii " wor» ..." Tut < HIT Jest rm-tinn. Tho gas honso' ..le.iroyod , iu.d the city was lij ihted only by tho

    « ,t which wee consuming itself. Thea camo a" ,,ic such as tho city luw raicly Vaguorumors of piltugo filled tho nir , oud ilcodn cf Tj olenco

    and horror wi>ri> moto than dreaded. Tim poop lorushed pell-mell from their houses rather thanremain within tl em iu darkness—the. most Imted middetested thing i I times of disaster and catastropho.Tlmy ran in croirds about tho streets, meeting crowdsrushing from opiosito directions , and , in their frighttry ing to push their way through tho denso masseswhieh encountered them , wero trampled down andmany of them oi ushed to death in tho desperation oftho moment. Tho vesxels in Iho river t-lion tookfiro, nnd as the llamcs ran u|> their masts, Hciicd thorigging, and danced like fiends upon tho sparB , leap,ing aliout from ^no yard to another, tho sceno wasboantiful and torr iblo boyoud description. But thorowas littlo thought of tho plcturesqun among thosowho witnessed it—all was horror and dismay.

    An awful spi!ctaclo was presented when tho fire ,having swept down from tho river , reached Lakft-streot. An eyo-witnesR of tho seeno says that thobody of the fl.-unu presented a front of half a semi-circle, and bchi id it was a raging, roaring boll of firo ,hill " a milo deep. Nothing material oonld withstandthe surge of this tremendous sea of Qiuno. On itsadvance northward it had driven tho inhabitants intoI*ikn and South Water streets and on to tho brid ges,much as a prairie firo stampedes affri ghted animals.Tho streets were filled with a distracted poop lo,panic-stricken and huddled in a mob almost astcrriblo to behold an tho roaring conflagration.Looking down on this awful assemblage, lit as it wasby the (laming urimson light , and hearing tho horriblehuman tumult above the crackling of tho oncomingfire, it seemed 'ike tho appalling realization of ono ofthoso old visions of the day of jud gment. An over-whelming; sen?o of a c.itastroplio boyond tlie powerof man to arres t , robbed this surging riot of wretchesof tho usual petty considerations of life Thoso whnwero strongest, and most cowardly, knocked thoothers down in their delirium ; men, women , andchildron were trampled upon by human herds thatfled withou t reason, hither and thither , uttering themost pitiful groans and cries of distress. When thofiro seized upon Ij ako-strcct f overlapping the magni-ficent stores and warehouses whicji extend fromLake-street to the river , and igniting them and alltheir costly contonts as if they wore so much tinder ,a horrible sight was presented , for now tho thousandswore hemmed ;n between tho firo and tho river. Thostampede was "sickening beyond tho power of wordsto tell. Men and horses were jammed on tho bridgos ;women and childre n , clinging aliko to each other andthe most precious of their household eflects ; somo ofthem with tho clothes nearly torn from thoir bodies,ran blindl y about , screaming and moaning. At lasttho morning dawned—and upon what a scono ! Thusun rose lurid as seen throug h tho smoko which hungibovc tho city liko a curso. That which at night hadbeen awfu l in its grandeur , looked desolato and wanin the oarly li ght. Tho burned districts looked likohell with tho fires burnt out. All along tho

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