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8/12/2019 Network Revision 1/12

Why NAT (Network Address Translation) is used? Answer: All of them 

In IP fragmentation with MTU (Maximum Data Unit) size of 1500 bytes , a 2000-byt e datagram is fragmented into datagram(s) 

Answer:  2 Traceroute command uses 

Answer: ICMP RIP (Routing Information Protocol) in the Internet uses Answer : Distance vector routing algorithm 

1.You want to create a message to let people know a little something about the n etwork or router when they log on - what command enables you to do this? answer:banner motd 1. What is the IP address used to test a PCOs network card that donDt need connect PC to another PC? answer: all are correct 2.  . IP is datagram protocol answer:both a and b 3.  In classless addressing, is assigned to an organization.answer: A variable-length block------ 8.Which layer does ICMP reside in? answer:Physical 

8. DHCP is used to answer:Assign IP addresses automatically 8. What is protocol used to inform errors concerning IP? answer: ICMP 8. In classless addressing, the is another name for the common part of t he address range. answer:prefix 8. In classless addressing, the is the varying part (similar to the host id). answer: suffix 8. classless addressing, the prefix length defines the answer: mask 8.The number of addresses assigned to an organization in classless addressing _ 

answer: must be a power of 2 

8.The first address assigned to an organization in classless addressing answer:must be evenly divisible by the number of addresses 8. Which address could be the beginning address of a block of 32 classless addre sses? answer: 8. Which address could be the beginning address of a block of 16 classless addre sses? answer: none of the above 8. Which address could be the beginning address of a block of 256 classless addr esses? answer: 8. What type of routing protocol that BGP is? answer: Distance Vector Routing 8. What is the data unit used in TCP? answer: segment 

8.What is the service that the UDP protocol provides? answer: Guaranteed delivery 8. What flag is used to close TCP connection? answer: FIN 8. Because the sending and the receiving processes may not write or read data at the same speed, TCP answer: Uses buffers 8. The difference between TCP and UDP is primarily answer: One is connection-oriented, one is connectionless 

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8.TCP allows the sending process to deliver data as a of bytes and allows th e receiving process to obtain data as a of bytes. answer: Stream;stream 8.TCP uses to check the safe and sound arrival of data. answer:An acknowledgment mechanism 8. TCP is a (n) transport protocol.answer: Reliable 8. What is the combination ofan IP address and a port number called? answer:a socket 8.The bytes of data being transferred in each connection are numbered by TCP. T he numbering starts with a answer:Randomly generated number 8. is used to compress video. answer: JPEG 8.According to the Nyquist theorem, we need to sample an analog signal 

time sthehighest frequency. answer: Two 8. is more powerful and complex than answer:IMAP4;POP3 8.What does the URL need to acess a document 

answer:All are correct 8.The purpose of MTA isO answer:Transferalof message across the Internet 8. A -document is created by a Web server whenever a browser requests the do cument. answer: static 8.With WWW as an example of client-server computer software, the server is:answer:The machine that makes WWW document available 8. audio/video refers to on-demand requests for compressed audio/video file s. answer: Streaming stored 8. In resolution,the resolver expects the server to supply the final answe r. answer : Recursive 8.By default, FTP uses which ports? 

answer:20 and 21 8.Currently two message access protocols are available: and answer: POP3;IMAP4 8.With WWW as an example of client-server computer software, the client is:answer:Themachine that you use to display WWW documents 8.At the CRC generate, added the data unit before division process. answer:Os are 8.What type of routing algorithm that OSPF use? answer: Shortest Path Routing 8.The bytes of data being transferred in each connection are numbered by TCP. T he number starts with a answer:randomly generated number 8. The model shows how the network functions of a computer ought to be organ ized. answer: OSI 8. -audio/video refers to on-demand request for compressed audio/video files. answer:streaming live 8.The physical layer is concerned with the movement of - over the physical me dium. answer: bits 8.What is the protocol that network devices (for example: modem ADSL) use to as sign IP address to PCs in LAN automatically? answer: DHCP 8.If ASCII character H is sent and the character I is received,what type of er rors is this? 

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answer : multiple-bit 8. HDLC is a protocol answer : bit-oriented 8.An image is 1024 x 768 pixels with 3 bytes/pixel .Assume the image is uncompr essed.How long does it take to transmit it over a 1-Mbps cable modem? 

answer:18874 sec 8.What type of routing protocol that BGP is? answer:Distance Vector Routing 8.A bridge has access to the -address of a station on the same network. answer:none is correct 8. The - layer is responsible for the delivery of a message form one process t o another. answer:none is correct 8. With WWW as an example of client-server computer software, the client is answer:The machine that you use to display WWW documents 8.Routers function in the -layers. answer:physical, data link, and network 8.The purpose of MTA is 0 answer: Transferal of message across the Internet 8. A document is created by a Web server whenever a browser requests the doc 

ument answer: active 8.What type of service that VC network provides? answer : Connection-oriented 8.A TCP machine is sending full windows of 65,535 bytes over a 1-Gbps channel t hat has a 4-msec one-way delay.What is the line efficency? answer: 6.5% 8. - is more powerful and complex than  answer:IMAP4;POP3 8.TCP allows the sending process to deliver data as a of bytes and allows t he receiving process to obtain data as a - of bytes. answer: stream;stream 8.TCP uses to check the safeand sound arrival of data. answer:an acknowledgment mechanism 8.In the OSI model, as a data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers, 

headers are - answer:removed 8.Which IP option is used if exactly four specific router are to be visited by the datagram? answer:strict source route 8.What is the service that the UDP protocol provides? answer: guaranteed delivery 8.In the OSI model, encryption and decryption are function of the layer. answer:presentat ion 8.Which device can amplify and make free- noise signal to all computer in LAN? answer:allthreedevices 8.What is information used to route packet in network? answer:destination address and source address fields in IPheader 8.Because the sending and the receiving processes may not write or read data at the same speed. TCP answer: uses buffers 8. The difference between TCP and UDP is primarily answer:one is connection-oriented, one is connectionless 8. In classless addressing, - is assigned to an organization. answer: a fixed number of blocks 8. In -resolution, the resolver expects the server to supply the final answer 

answer: recursive 8.By default, FTP uses which ports? answer:80 and 8080 

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8.What is NIC? answer: A printed circuit board that provides network communication 8.What must computers on a network have in common in order to directly communic ate with each other? answer: Use the same protocol 8.What is LAN? 

answer:A networkthat connects workstations, terminals, and other devices a geo graphically limitted area. 8.What do WAN do? answer:Operate over a large geographic area 8.What type of numbering system is characterized by ones and zeros? answer: Binary 8.Which numbering system is based on powers of 2? answer: Binary 8.What is the decimal number 151 in binary? answer:10010111 8. What isthe binary number 11011010in decimal? answer: 218 8.Bandwidth is described in ? answer: Bits per second 8.What term is use to describethe rated throughput capacity of a given network 

medium or protocol? answer: Bandwidth 8.Which layer offersprovisions for data expedition, class of service, and exce ption reporting? answer: Session 8.Which of the following is the PDU for the transport layer? answer: Segment 8.Which layer of the OSI model provides connectivity and path selection between twoend systems where routing occurs? answer: Network Layer 8.Which layer of the OSI model is responsible forreliable network communicatio n between end nodes answer: Transport Layer 8.Which of the following best describes the function of the presentation layer? answer:Concerned with data structures and negotiation data transfer syntax 

8.What functions are the data link layer concerned with? answer:Physical addressing,network topology, and media access. 8.Which of the following protocols uses UDP as its underlying protocol? answer: TFTP 8.Which of the answer:b. ayer 

following statements regarding TCP/IP istrue? TCP/IPcombines the OSIdata link and physical layers into one 1 

8.Packets are encapsulation in frames at which layer of the OSI model? answer:Data link 8.In the TCP/IP model which layer would deal with reliability, flow control, an d error correction? answer: Transport 8.A NIC is considered an OSI layer device answer: Two 8.A hubis an OSIlayer -device answer: One 8.Which of the following is true concerning a bridge and its forwarding decisio ns? answer:They operate at OSI layer 2 and use MAC addresses to make decisions. 8.Which of the following is true concerning the function of a switch? answer :Combines the connectivity of a hub with the traffic regulation of a bridg e 

8.What do routers connect? answer:two or more networks 

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8.What does a router route? answer: Layer 3 packets 8.What is the correct order of encapsulation? answer:Data, segment,Packet, Frame,Bits 8.Which LAN topology connects all workstations to a central point, usually a hu b or a switch? 

answer: Star 

8.When connecting four host computers in a LAN what is the minimum hardware nee ded to be used for file sharing capability? answer: Hub 8.If 4 hosts are connected to a hub and then to the Internet, how many IPaddre sses are required for these 5 devices? answer: four 8.What kind of power is supplied to the microchips on the motherboard of a comp uter? answer:DC 8.Where isthe safely ground connected for a computer? answer: Exposed metal parts 8.Electrons flow in loops called answer: Closed, circuits 8.A half duplex circuit means 

answer: Only one side can talk at a time 8.Attenuation means answer:A signal losing strength to its surroundings 8.Which of the following is an external source of electrical impulses that can attack the quality of electrical signal on a cable? answer:a. EMIcaused by electricalmotors 8.What is the primary cause of crosstalk? answer:d. Electrical signals from other wires in a cable 8.Which of the following describes cancellation? answer:Cancelation is a commonly used technique to protect the wire from undesc rible interference 8.What is it called when two bits from two different communicating computers ar e on a shared 0 medium at the same time? answer: Collision 8. -means converting binary data into a form that can travel on a physical c 

ommunications link answer: Encoding 8. The network area within which data packets originate and collide is called a 

? answer: Collision domain 8.What happens to packets that are involved in a collision? answer: b. The Packets are OdestroyedO bit by bit 8.What is another name for a rollover cable? answer: c. A console cable 8. Using repeaters the collision domain answer: Extends 8. What does the twisting of the wires do in a CAT-5 cable? answer: c. Reduce noise problems 8.Which best describes a collision in a Ethernet network? answer: b. The result of two nodes transmitting at the same time 8. How many collision domains exist in a network containing two hubs? answer: One 8. Seperating collision domains with bridges, switches and routers is called 

answer: Segmentation 8. Which best describes bus topology? answer: b. All of its nodes connected directly to one physical link 8. Which of the following best describes an extended star topology? answer:a. LAN topology where a central hub is connected by a vertical cabl 

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ing to other hubs 8.Which LAN standard specifies an implementation of the physical layer and the MAC sub layer of the data link layer in Ethernet networks? answer:IEEE 802.3 8.Which is not one of the recognized IEEE sublayers? answer:Datalink control 

8.Why did the IEEE create LLC? 

answer: a. To meet the need to have part of the datalink layer function be independent of existing technologies 8.Convert the decimal number 2989 to Hex answer: BAD 8.Convert the hex number ABE into decimal answer: 2750 8.Convert the binary number 11100010 to hex answer: E2 8.Which ofthe following statements best describes communication between two de vices on a LAN? answer: a. 0The source device encapsulates data in a frame with the MAC addre ss of the destination device, transmits, everyone on the LAN sees it, but the devices with non-matching addresses otherwise ignore the frameO 8.A frame is a 

answer: layer 2 PDU 8.How does a computer on a LAN detect an error in a frame? answer:c. Compare a FCS in the frame to one that the computer calculates f rom the contents of the frame 8.Which is true of a deterministic MAC protocol? answer: c. It allows hosts to Otake their turnO for sending data 8. Which of the following describe Token-Ring? answer: a. Data transfer rates of 4Mbps or 16 Mbps 8.The data/command frame and token frame have which of the following fields in common? answer: c. Start delimiter,access control,and end delimiter 8. What is the difference between single-mode and multi-mode FDDI? answer:All 1,2,3 8. One of the primary reasons FDDI is extremely reliable is because ?answer: d. Of itOs dual ring design 

8. Orf you hava to connect a FDDI between buildings, which mode of fiber would you use?O 

answer: single-mode 8.Which of the following is an accurate description of an Ethernet variety?answer:a. lOBASE 0T uses and transmits at 10 Mbps 8.The Ethernet version 2 header is the header of an 802.3 frame answer: c. The same length as 8.Which of the following is true regarding lOBASET signals? answer:c. Designed to send and receive signals over a segment that consist s of 4 wires 8. 0 A diminishes the traffic experienced by devices on all connected segme nts, because only a certain percentage of traffic is forwardedO answer: Bridge 8.Which of the following best describes a broadcast storm? answer:b. When too many broadcasts are sent out over the network 8.If Acme Inc. occupies the first three floors of a building and each floor is 1500 square meters, how many wiring closets should be installed according to EIA /TIA 569? answer:six 8.Which of the following is a specification for walls, floors, and ceilings of a wiring closet? answer: c. Interior walls on which equipment is to be mounted should be cov erect with 1.9 cm plywood that is raised away from the underlying wall a minimum of 4.4 cm 

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8.Which of the following is a requirement for room and equipment access in a wi ring closet? answer:b. The wiring closet should lock from an outside access in such a w ay that exiting from the room is always possible. 8.What is the purpose of the safety ground in a computer?answer:prevents metal parts from becoming energized with a 

8.What best describes a wiring closet specification? 

answer: The room should be equipped with a single stage sprinkler system. 8.When starting to design a network, what should be the first step in the answer: collecting information about the organization 8. What happens if you touch two objects with different potential voltages? answer:you complete the circuit and get a shock 8.What kind of floor should the wiring room have?answer:tile or other finished surface 8. How can the creation of potentially dangerous circuits between buildings answer: Fiber-optic cable should be used as the backbone of the network. 8.What problem could be caused by a faulty ground wire connection at an outlet that is used by networking equipment? answer:There could be potentially fatal voltages between the LAN's UTP cabling and the chassis ofa networking device. 8.Why should fluorescent light fixtures be avoided in wiring closets? 

answer:They generate outside interference. 

2. Which keys are pressed inthe escape sequenceto terminate the initialconfigu  ration while in setup mode? answer:Ctrl-C 3.  Which command is used to copy a system image to a networkserver?  answer:Router# copy flash tftp 4.  Which configuration register mode is used to tell the router to boot fromROM? answer:Ox---1 5.  Which command is used to tell the router to boot fromflash? answer:Router(config)# boot system flash IOS filename 6.  Which command can be used to check the amount of systemmemory available?  answer:Router# show flash 7.  In the Cisco IOS name cpa25-cg-l, what does cg

represent?  answer:Special capabilities and feature sets 8.  Where will the router search for the IOS software if there are no bootsystem commands in NVRAM? answer: Flash 9.  Which command is used to change the default configuration registersetting?  answer:Router(config)# config-register 10.  Which command is used totell the router to boot fromROM? answer: Router(config)# boot system rom 4.4.  Why NAT (Network AddressTranslation) is used? Answer:A. All of them 4.5.  In IP fragmentation with MTU (Maximum Data Unit) size of 1500 bytes ,a 2000 -byte datagram is fragmented into datagram(s ) Answer:A. 2 4.6.  Traceroutecommand uses Answer:A.  ICMP 4.7.  RIP (Routing Information Protocol) in theInternet uses Answer:A. Distance vector routingalgorithm 4.8.  Routers operate in the  layers. Answer: *A.  network 4.9.  DijkstraDs algorithm is Answer: *A. A link-state routing algorithm 4.10.Distancevector routing algorithm requires Answer: *A. all nodes to know link costs to their neighbours 5.1.  In CRC, if the generator is xA4+x+l, then which one is added in to the frame 

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before the dividing process to find the remainder Answer: *D. 0000 5.2.   . is (are) (an) example(s) of randomaccess MAC Answer : *A. All of them 5.3.   .In cyclic redundancy checking,what is CRC Answer:*B. the remainder 

5.4.  uses CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) as

the MAC sub-layer protocol Answer : *D. Wireless LAN 5.5.   .What is store-and-forward operation in switches? Answer : *A. They receive the whole frame before forwarding to next stati on 5.6.   is used in Ethernet Answer : *A. CSMA/CD 5.7.   .Which one is the flag used forframing in PPP? Answer: *B. 01111110 5.8.   Which one can be a MACaddress? Answer: *A. 00-D0-56-F2-B5-12 

5.9.   .ARP stands for - 

Answer: A. Address Resolution Protocol 5.10.Parity checking . Answer: A. can detect a single bit error in a transmission 1  Standards for CSMA/CA are specified by which IEEE 802 sublayer Answer: 802.11 2  UDP offers which of the following benefits relative to TCP Answer:UDP consumes fewer computer resources by not maintaining connection stat e 

3 What is the purpose of LCP packets Answer:All of the others 4 Which layer of the OSI seven-layer model keeps track of a system's connections to send the right response to the right computer Answer: Session Layer 5 Which of the following is a Man Answer:WiMax 

What is the /48 prefix of the address 2001:0480:b6f3: 0001::0001? Answer : 2001:480:b6f3 7 A fixed-lengthpacket,the basic transmission unit on hight-speed network, sue h as ATM, is called Answer: Cell 8 Which of the following protocols provides the security forHTTPS Answer:SSL 

9 From the list of choices, which of the following media access methods is used for an IEEE 802.5 network Answer: Token Passing 

10 Which of the following statements is False of the Sequence Number in TCP head er Answer:It is used for reordering of the octets received 

11 Which of the following is not function of the data link layer Answer:Data rate control 

12 Which of following term does NOT belong the ToS field of IP Header Answer:Priority 

13 In Ethernet frame, the maximum size of the Pad field is Answer:64 byte 

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14 Flow control is needed to prevent Answer:overflow of the sender buffer 

15 Which of the following is a valid IPv6 address Answer: 2001.0407.b33e.23f4 .27de.d34a.aed2.1827 


The compression standard JPEG is called lossy compression is because of the 

effect of phaseO Answer:?Quantization 

17.  in the resource records os DNS, which record is also know as an Oalias recordO Answer: ?CNAME record. 

18. A bridge can increase network effeciency by: Answer:?Learning and storing theMAC address for each NIC on each side og bridg e and then 19.  In a thin ethernet, what typically connect s the NICOs transcevier to the back bone cable? Answer: ? BNCs 20.  Which of the following are characteristic of a peer-to-peer network? Answer:? A computer can be noth clientand server. 


Q931 is a protocol of the H323 protocol stack, it canO Answer: ? talking to the gatekeeper 22.  TCP uses multiple timers to do itwork,when a segment is sent, a timers is started,if the segment acknowledged before the timer expires, the timer is stopp ed, this time is call: Answer: ?Persistence time 

23.  . you are administrator os a small business network.You notice that as you a dd workstations to the network over time the speed of th network .. Answer: ? Replace repeater with hubs. 24.  which of the following has the highest possible throughput? Answer: ? Fiber-optic 25.  . The origin data is 0100,ifhamming code is used correct the error,which of the following is the codeword? Answer: ?1001100 


According to the PPP transition state diagram, options are negotiated in the state 

Answer: ? establish 27.  Find the minimum hamming distance for the correction of two errors Answer:? 6 28.  .your network uses lOOBaseFX so that data can be transferred at higher speeds and up to distances of 400 mO 

Answer : ? half-duplex. 29.  what is a router? Answer:? a piece of hardware or software that forwards packet sbase on ip addre SS. 

30.  OSPF multicasts are sent out as whatclass of address? Answer:?Class A 31. what is another name for a packet-switchingnetwork? Answer: ? store and forward. 32.


updates fora satelliteOs coordinates can be optained on the www.0 Answer: ?Dynamic 

33. An email contains a textual birthday greeting, a picture of cake, and a songO what is the content-type? Answer:? Multipart I mixed 34.  Port llO(POP) is what kind of port?Answer: ? Well-Know 35.  in the resource records ofDNS, which record type is associated with ipv6 ad dress? 

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Answer: ?A record 36.  In TCP,when client executes a CLOSE primitive which of following states is NOTclient state Answer:? FIN D WAIT 2 37.  . The field in the MIME header uses text to describe the data in the body of the message. 

Answer: b.Content-Id 38 Which of the following statements is FALSE of the protocol SIP Answer: It allows two-party and multiparty calls 39.The HDLC field defines the beginning and end of a frame.Answer:c.Flag 41  Distance vector routing protocols rely on what metric to determine the best r oute Answer: Hop count 42  The PING and the TRACEROUTEutilities uses protocol Answer:ARP 43  Which layer of the OSI seven-layer model controls the assembly and disassembl y of data Answer: Transport layer 44  Which ofthe following statements regarding protocol stacks areFALSE Answer:A given protocol stack can run only one computer type 

59. If an advertised window for TCP connection is 4000 bytes, MMS 256 is bytes, CWND is 2560 byte, ssthresh is 65 KN Answer: 128 Bytes In OSI model, as data packet moves from the lower to the upper layer header arej-.. Answer: *A. Removed There are two broad classes of packet-switched networks are: Answer: *B. datagram network and virtual-circuit network Which one is correct about Denial of Service (DoS) attack? Answer: *D. Attackers make network resources unavailable by overwhelming resource with bogus traffic What is the throughput of a link in a network? Answer: *C. Number of bits travelling through the link in a unit time Any network that routes packets according to host destination addresses is a 

Datagram network Answer : *C. Virtual-circuit network 

Which statement is correct for j0

layeringj± in OSI model Answer: *E. Layering allows easy and maintain and updating the system; c

hanging the protocol of one layer does not affect the others is the protocol suite for the current Internet. 

Answer :  * C. TCP/IP The time required for a data bit to travel through the link from router A to rou ter B is Answer: *E. Propagation delay A set of rules or guidelines that govern interactions between two computer syste ms in a computer network is called Answer : *A. Network protocols A packet of L bits is transmitted via the link with the transmission rate of R bits/sec; the transmission delay is Answer: *C. L/R Which one is correct about P2P network? 

Answer: *C. A user computer can be both client and server HTTP uses the services of on well-known port 80. Answer: *E. TCP 

provides reliable, in-order transfer of bytes between client and server Answer: *E. TCP A Web page (also called a document) consists of such as a HTML file, a J PEG image, a GIF image, a Java applet, an audio clip, etc. Answer: *A. Objects How long does it take to download an object from a Web Server to a client if usi 

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ng non-persistent HTTP? Answer: *A. The summation of Two Round Trip Times and the Transmission Time Which one (s) is (are) correct about Decentralized DNS? Answer: *E. All of the other SMTP stands for 

Answer: *A. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol FTPuses connection to the server with portnumbers Answer : *E. TCP i-· 20 and 21 IMAP and POP are Answer :  *A. Mail access protocols 

is a supplementary protocol that allows non-ASCII data to be sent thro ugh email. Answer :  *E. MIME TCP provides between application processes running on different hostsAnswer: *A. Logical communications What is WRONG about UDP? Answer: *A. receiver 

Use ACK to notify the sender that the packet has arrived the 

In the transport layer, the job of gathering data at the source host from differ ent application processes,enveloping thedata with header information to create 

segments, and passing the segments to the network layer is called Answer: *C. Multiplexing In the algorithm of the TCP congestion control, the size of the congest ion window increases exponentially until timeout Answer: *A. Slow start 

If the segment has sequence number of 128 and length of 8 bytes, the receiving computer will send ACK with value of Answer : *C. 136 Which one is correct about TCP and UDP? Answer : *A. TCP is reliable transmission and it has congestion control a nd flow control while UDP is not What flag is used to close TCP connection? Answer : *A. FIN Thedifference between flow control and congestion control isprimarily 

Answer : *A. One is to avoid overflowing the receiverOs buffer; one is to a void congestion of the channel TCP is a protocol . Answer: *A. Connection-oriented TCP assigns a sequence number to each segment that is being sent. The sequence number for each segment is the number ofthe byte carried in that segment 

Answer: *A.  First What is the data unit used in Internet Protocol (IP)? Answe r: *A. DHCP(dynamic host Answer: *A. 

Datagram configuration protocol) is used by the server to: Assign IP addresses to clients automatically 

Assume that the IP address has only 8 bits; first 5 bits are used for network an d the remaining bits areused for host. How many subnets and hosts in each subne ts can be addressed? Answer: *A. 32 subnets and 8 hosts Why NAT (NetworkAddress Translation) isused? Answer: *A. All of them In IP fragmentation with MTU (Maximum Data Unit) size of 1500 bytes , a 2000-byt e datagram is fragmented into datagram(s) Answer: *A. 2 Traceroute command uses Answer: *A. ICMP 

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RIP (RoutingInformation Protocol) in the Internetuses Answer: *A. Distance vector routing algorithm Routers operate in the layers. Answer: *A. networkDijkstraOs algorithm is Answer: *A. A link-state routing algorithm 

Distance vector routing algorithm requires Answer: *A. all nodes to know link costs to their neighbours 

In CRC, if the generator is xA4+x+l, then which one is added in to the frame bef ore the dividing process to find the remainder Answer: *D. 0000 

is (are) (an) example(s) of random access MAC Answer: *A. All of them 

In cyclic redundancy checking, what is CRC(cyclic redundancy check) Answer: *B. the remainder 

-uses CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) as the MAC sub-layer protocol Answer: *D. Wireless LAN What is store-and-forward operation in switches? Answer: *A. They receive the whole frame before forwarding to next stati 

on  is used in Ethernet Answer: *A. CSMA/CD Which one is the flag used for framing in PPP Answer: *B. 01111110 Which one can be a MAC address? Answer: *A. 00-D0-56-F2-B5-12 ARP stands for Answer: *A. Address Resolution Protocol Parity checking · Answer: *A. can detect a single bit error in a transmission 

Chapter 1: Introduction 

1.  In a connection,more than two devices can share a single link.

Answer: c.Multipoint 2.  Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves trans mission answer (c):Simplex 

3.  In a network with 25 computers, which topology would require the most extensi ve cabling? answer (b):Mesh 

4.  Which topology requires a central controller or hub? answer (a):Star 

5.  The is the physical path over which a message travels.answer (b): Medium 


Which organization has authority over interstate and international commerce i n the communicationsfield? answer (d):FCC 

7.  The information to be communicated in a data communications system is the 

answer (d): Message 

8.  Frequency of failure and network recovery time after a failure are measures o 

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