Page 1: Network for Social Impact Inaugural Newsletter

2013/Jan/ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi



Dear readers, The word "volunteer" stems from Latin word "voluntarius" which means to will based on the heart - the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. People achieve remarkable things when they are willing to put their hearts into what they do. From the timeless social figure Mother Teresa, to the model modern entrepreneur: Steve Jobs and even the latest Ballon d'Or recipient: Lionel Messi; they are all champions in what their hearts stand for. Similar to its word's origin, the acts of volunteering have the same potentials to unlock possibilities to achieve great things and make a difference. Our platform recognizes the presence of these potentials and is designed to help facilitate and accelerate social changes through the power of volunteers. Entering into 2013, United Nations too has adopted a resolution to integrate volunteering to achieve its Millennium Development Goals. They deemed that Online Volunteering is one of the more effective ways for volunteer engagement for peace and development in developing countries. So, how about making a commitment to volunteer this year? And to listen more closely to our willful hearts to do good for others? Yours in a journey to make a difference, Folks at Network for Social Impact

to the underprivileged people who need our help, and hopefully my contribution has positively impacted them. The team (SOKOLA staff) was more than helpful and I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to volunteer with a greater depth of cultural understanding and community involvement. I would be happy to volunteer again through Net-Impact”

Our Partners This Quarter!

Open Projects: - Develop a marketing plan - Develop a movie-making module

and a fun learning centre for children in marginally poor Ledokombo sub district, East Java.

TANOKER: creates a second home and a fun learning centre for children in marginally poor Ledokombo sub district, East Java.

LKMA (agribusiness microfinance institution): provides financial support to poor Indonesian farmers’ agribusinesses through various saving schemes.

SOKOLA: provides education for the indigenous and marginalized communities in Indonesia.

LKMA (Lembaga

Keuangan Mikro Agribisnis)

Open Projects: - Create a standard operating procedure - Create a business plan template

Open Project: - Website Review and Revamp

Featured Volunteer

“This project has been a great experience for me. Even though, I am not physically there to help out with the Rimba (jungle) people, but along the process when I actually designed the presentation and the newsletter, I feel that some real good was done. I feel that I have delivered and contributed

Eunike Hidajat, Professional Graphic Designer, Indonesia. Eunike is Net-Impact

volunteer. She completed NEWSLETTER AND


SOKOLA the jungle school

Page 2: Network for Social Impact Inaugural Newsletter

2012 Journey Highlights Net-Impact team has just been

shortlisted to be one of SIF's Young

Social Entrepreneurs 2013. SIF's YSE is a

highly competitive challenge organized

by Singapore International Foundation.

We are thrilled with the news, and

looking forward to share about what we

do and to exchange ideas with other

young social entrepreneurs from the

region in March 2013. We will keep you

posted with highlights from this once in a

lifetime journey as we progress to the

next round of selection process.

Read our blog to know more about us:

Reflections: “Welcoming 2013” by TS

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

New face for the New Year!

Watch our space at for we will be donning a new fresher look beginning from March 2013.

Our web functionalities will be enhanced to allow easier volunteer and project sign-ups, projects’ information

Exciting Roads Ahead

[email protected]

Visit and subscribe to our website:

them meet their short – to –medium term objectives. And till to date, we are seeing 3 projects matched with skilled volunteers from 3 countries in the region: Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.

The Network for Social Impact team also had our team’s annual kick-off meeting last December. We had a rejuvenating time as we exchanged ideas on how to make our service better!

We are excited with this promising progress and we thank you for your support!

shares, and newsfeed subscriptions.

We improve the look and feel to enhance your overall browsing experience.

Have fun finding the right place for you to volunteer and to contribute!

Snapshot of the old site.

Snapshot of the new site

News on Net-Impact!

Photo courtesy of: SOKOLA public website



A Turkish proverb says: “no road is long with good company”. Our journey in 2012 too passed by quickly with many moments of excitements and hopefulness, thanks to our pioneer batch of partners who continue standing by us from the beginning.

The pioneer partners, SOKOLA (, Tanoker ( and LKMA are respectable Indonesia-based social enterprises that have personally touched the lives of many Indonesians in need.

Together, we crafted 8 project opportunities that potentially would help

Photo courtesy of: TANOKER public website

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