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Normal Neonate Behaviors and Activities

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“The moment a child is born ,the mother is also born. The women exist but the mother never. A mother is something absolutely new……………..

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Bringing home your new baby will be one of the happiest days of your life. Many new parents might not know what is considered "normal" newborn behavior. Babies develop at different rates, but they still display many of the same behaviors.

*** If your baby was born prematurely, don’t compare his or her development to that of full-term newborns. Premature babies are often developmentally behind full-term babies.

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Color of newborn

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A pink chest and face shows that your baby is getting enough oxygen.

Your baby’s hands and feet may be blue, purple or grey and cool to the touch for the first few days – this is normal.

Your baby’s skin may get blotchy and red after crying or when cold.

*** If the skin on your baby’s face or chest becomes blue or grey talk with your physician .

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It is common for newborns to experience irregular breathing.

Newborns may stop breathing for five to 10 seconds and then immediately begin breathing again on their own. This is normal.

*** But if your baby stops breathing for longer than 10 seconds or begins to turn blue, call doctor immediately or take your baby to the emergency room.

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Newborn babies usually sleep 20 minutes to four hours at a time, up to 20 hours a day.

Their stomachs are too small to keep them full for long, so they need to be fed every few hours.

Babies have different sleeping habits, but at three months most babies sleep six to eight hours a night.

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What are the signs of sleep readiness?Your baby may show signs of being ready for sleep when you see the following signs:

Rubbing eyes Yawning Looking away Fussing

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Newborns might cry for several hours a day. Newborns cry when they:

Are hungry Are tired Are too cold or too hot Need their diaper changed Need to be comforted Have gas Are over-stimulated Are sick

It is also common for newborns to hiccup, sneeze, yawn, spit up, burp, and gurgle. Sometimes newborns cry for no reason at all !!!

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Never shake your baby under any circumstance. Shaking your baby can cause serious brain damage, known as Shaken Baby Syndrome, resulting in lifelong disabilities.

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Babies are all born with extra fluid and they need to lose that extra fluid first and then they become hungry .(All babies lose weight in the first week of life so do not worry)

colostrum (or first milk) and then transitional milk, which is very important for baby’s immune system.

Generally, breastfed babies will want to eat every 1.5 hours to 3 hours.

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Babies are born with the ability to focus only at close range — about 8 to 10 inches.

In the first weeks she can see only in black and white and mostly shadows.

Over the next 2 months, vision develops very quickly and she will be able to see across the room and by 6-8 weeks even smile back at you!

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Bowel movement & Diapers

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Usually baby has her first bowel movement within 24 hours.

Stool will change over from dark and thick tarry black (meconium) to green (transitional stool) to yellow and seedy by day 5- 6 for breast milk fed babies.

Formula fed babies will end up with beige and slightly more solid stools than breast fed babies.

 Any shade of green/brown/yellow is normal if you see blood in the stool or if the stool is rock hard like rabbit pellets must consult with doctor.

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Smell ,Taste, Touch…….

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Studies have found that newborns have a strong sense of smell. Newborns prefer the smell of their own mother, especially to her breast milk !!!

Babies prefer sweet tastes over sour or bitter tastes.

Babies are comforted by touch. Placing a hand on the baby's abdomen, or cuddling close can help a baby feel more secure.

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Hearing is fully developed in newborns.

Babies with normal hearing should startle in response to loud sounds. These babies will also pay quiet attention to the mother's voice, and briefly stop moving when sound at a conversational level is begun.

Newborns seem to prefer a higher-pitched voice(the mother's) to a low sounding voice (males).

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Normal reflexes of baby ……..

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The rooting reflex —The newborn turns in the direction of food and is ready to suck

The sucking reflex —If you place an object in a baby’s mouth, the baby naturally begins to suck.

The startle response —The baby throws out his or her arms and legs and then curls them in when startled.

This response often includes crying.

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The tonic neck reflex —The baby turns his or her head to one side and holds out the arm on the same side.

The grasp reflex —The baby’s fingers close tightly around an object placed in his or her palm.

The stepping reflex —The baby’s feet imitate a stepping action when he or she is held upright with the feet touching a hard surface. A baby’s arms, legs, and chin might tremble, especially when crying. This occurs because newborns’ nervous systems are not fully developed.

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Emergency situation ………………..

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Call your doctor immediately if your baby:

Has blood in his or her vomit or stool Has difficulty breathing Has a seizure Has any type of poisoning Has bleeding that you cannot stop Is not able to move Has yellow skin or eyes Has a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher Sleeps more than usual or will not wake up Is limp

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Thank you all for your visiting ……….

Adnan- ul- islam B.Pharm. (R.U)

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