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Need For Speed Marketing Campaign

Page 2: Need for speed marketing campaign

There are a number of ways that a Film can be promoted but one of the most common ways is the use of interviews that feature the main actors of the film. The interviews can take place in numerous places such as Talk Shows and Radio Shows. This is known as Cross Media Coverage .Aaron Paul who was the main Star of Need For Speed appeared on shows such as Top Gear to speak about the film and at the same time promote it.

Below are a list of examples where the starts of Need For Speed have appeared to promote the film.

Absolute Radio: Graham Norton: IGN: Jimmy Kimmel: Part 1 - Part 2 - Radio 1: Radio 1Xtra - Top Gear: WWE Raw:

Page 3: Need for speed marketing campaign

On March 2nd on BBC2 Aaron Paul appeared on Top Gear to promote his film ‘Need for Speed’ Appearing on Top Gear was relevant for the promotion of the film as they share the same Target Audience which is Males both Teenage and Adult. They also both feature the same topic which is Cars. Aaron Paul appearing on Top Gear will allow the film to reach the shows fans and its own desired target audience gaining a wider target audience.

The main topic that is spoken about in the film is cars but they go on to discuss the movie briefly speaking about CGI and how all of the stunts were performed without the use of any effects. Speaking about this would attract car fans to watch the film more as they would like the idea of seeing real stunts being performed.

Top Gear:

Aaron Paul appeared on BBC Radio1Xtra on 8th March 2014 to promote his new film ‘Need for Speed’ Within 20 seconds we are informed of who Aaron Paul is and why he is in the UK as well as on the Radio. By appearing on this show Aaron Paul has managed to promote the film to its desired target audience as BBC Radio1Xtra’s target audience is 15 to 30 year olds.

They speak about Need for Speed for a few minutes letting us know the basic storyline of the film. The interview then goes off the topic of the film and moves on to the TV series ‘Breaking Bad’ in which Aaron Paul stars in. They stay off the topic of Need for Speed for the rest of the interview until the very end when Aaron Paul is asked when need for speed is released.

Radio 1Xtra -

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From the two interviews I would say in my opinion that Aaron Paul appearing on Top Gear would have been able to reach a larger group of its desired Target Audience. Top Gear primarily focuses on cars and is the widest watched television program in the world and because of this I believe that Aarons Pauls appearance on this show would have attracted a larger amount of people however, The Interview on BBC Radio1Xtra focused more on the film ‘Need for Speed’ and although they weren't constantly speaking about the film we learned more about what the film was about and when it was release which promoted the film more than his appearance on Top Gear did.So from the two interviews I believe that his appearance on Top Gear would have reached more of the films target audience but his appearance on BBC Radio 1Xtra was more informative and promoted the film better.

My Opinion

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Aaron Paul was the main star to promote Need for Speed, this was because he was the main character and is perhaps the most well known character in the film. He is best known for his critically acclaimed role as Jesse Pinkman in the American TV series Breaking Bad. I think that using Aaron Paul to promote the film was a good idea because he is quite well known. The TV series breaking bad will have a range of different fans and Aaron Paul himself will have a range of fans that would watch Need for Speed purely because they like him as an Actor. Dominic Cooper was also involved in the marketing campaign for the film, this could have been to reach a wider audience. He has starred in films such as Captain America, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Mamma Mia. His fan base would attract a larger audience to the film.I personally believe that Aaron Paul was the best choice to promote the film. He is more well known as an actor and could attract a larger audience. Dominic cooper could also attract people to the film which is why I think he was also chosen to promote the film.

Star Theory

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