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Page 1: NCL -24th May 2016

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24th May 2016 • Volume 23, Issue 17 • Leader House, North Street, Swords. EirCode: K67 P5W4. • Tel: 01 8•400•200 • [email protected] •

In a recent edition of the County Leader,we expressed the great disappointmentof many locals that this constituencywas overlooked when senior ministrieswere doled out. As reported at thetime, constituencies with cabinet minis-ters statistically fare better than thosewithout them when it comes to majorinfrastructural projects and jobs beingdistributed. We expressed the hope thatthe appointment of Deputy Farrell asjunior minister would go someway to compensate for this, butthis was not to be. This is partic-ularly surprising when oneconsiders the fact that Farrellpolled very well at the lastgeneral election to retain hisseat, one of a minority of FineGael candidates to increase hisvote substantially, whilst amajor heave against his partywas taking place.He has also served with distinction onvarious Dail select committees,including Justice. Many insiders havesuggested that Farrell would have beena welcome addition to the ranks ofjunior ministers, with reports thatvarious Government departmentsregarding him as an asset to them.What is also curious to many people isthe fact that 15 of the junior ministerscame from the ranks of Fine Gael, whichwhen you consider the greatly reducedDail representation of the party, theodds would have been stacked inFarrell’s favour, with less to choosefrom. Three of the posts were filled byIndependent deputies, as part of the

minority led Fine Gael government.Speaking to the County Leader, Farrell,while clearly disappointed with beingoverlooked, was philosophical aboutthe situation. “It would have been greatto have been selected, but there areother areas, which are less high profile,where it is possible to influence policyand legislation and I will be seeking to

operate there. I served as theFine Gael Chair on the PublicExpenditure and Reformcommittee and later on theJustice committee. I have a lotof knowledge and experience,especially in Justice and Iintend to apply for this posi-tion again. I am now in my 13thyear as a public representativeand hopefully, I will besuccessful in any future

promotions that may come along.”“In the meantime, I intend to work hardon issues that affect my ownconstituency, where the demographichas changed dramatically. The mostpressing issue is now housing, followedby education and childcare and I will domy utmost to devote my energies in thatdirection,” concluded Farrell.With Dublin Fingal and the formerDublin North constituency having theyoungest, fastest growing population inthe state, the decision to exclude both asenior and now a junior minister isbaffling to say the least. Even whenDublin North was a four seater, we hada government Minister, in Dr James

Reilly at the cabinet table. Nowthat it’s a five seater is an evenmore compelling reason to haverepresentation at this level.Dublin Airport, one of the fastestgrowing airports in Europe islocated in this constituency, aswell as the promised Metro Northproject. Many residents will nowbegin to doubt if this project willever come to fruition, and nowwith no minister to guide it overthe line, doubts may well creep in, as towhether it has a future. Other majorinfrastructural projects that need urgentattention include the completion of theWastewater system in Rush, withoutwhich raw sewage is continuing to flow

on to the beaches, making tourism thereimpossible. The electrification of theDART line as far as Balbriggan is anotheressential project that has beenpromised, but will these be deliveredwithout a voice at Cabinet, or input atdepartmental level?

It will be interesting to see if theneighbouring constituency of MeathEast, which received two junior minis-terial posts, with a much smallerpopulation than Dublin Fingal, willsee a boost in job figures over thelifetime of this Dáil.

Ambulance ServiceNeeds To Be Fully


Local Sinn Féin TD and Healthspokesperson, Louise O’Reilly hassaid that there is a need to secure thenecessary resources for the ambu-lance service, which it has beenstarved of, in order to provide thepublic with the service it deserves.Speaking to the County Leader on avisit to Swords Fire Station, after thepublication of the comprehensiveNational Ambulance Service ofIreland capacity review, O’Reilly high-lighted that the paramedics in ourhealth service are working undergrowing pressure, with risingnumbers and increasingly complexcallouts.The local TD called for immediateengagement with all stakeholders,including SIPTU. She said: “TheNational Ambulance Service is a keypublic service. We recognise that theparamedics in our health service areworking under growing pressure, withrising numbers and increasinglycomplex callouts. We need to securethe resources, which it has beenstarved of, in order to provide theAmbulance Service which the publicdeserves. The State must guaranteebasic levels of care across thecountry.”

“Now that the report has finally beenpublished, it is imperative that theGovernment engage with all stake-holders and representatives of ambu-lance professionals to agree on a wayforward that ensures we have anoperational, properly funded andwell-resourced national ambulanceservice that is fit for purpose,” sheadded. She continued, “I think the CapacityReview Report, now that it has beenpublished, needs to be read carefullyby department officials, who need tomove to implement it. We have askedsome questions in terms of how muchthis is going to cost and we need thoseanswers. The Minister has had thisreport now, as well as the previousMinister and they haven’t provided uswith any reason why there’s a delay.We need action now, as the reportshowed that there are serious defi-ciencies in funding for both the DublinFire Brigade (DFB) Ambulance and theNational Ambulance Service.”She continued, “If Minister Harris isserious about patients and patientcare and safety, he needs to resourcethe Ambulance Service, be it the DFBAmbulance or the NationalAmbulance Service,” she said.

When Taoiseach Enda Kenny announced the names of theGovernment’s new junior ministers last Thursday, there was greatdisappointment locally that Malahide based Fine Gael TD, AlanFarrell was overlooked for one of the posts.

By Patrick Finnegan

Alan Farrell TD

Sinn Fein spokesperson on Health, Louise O'Reilly paid a visit to Swords Fire Station on Friday last,where she met firefighters/paramedics and discussed the lack of resources in the Ambulanceservice. She is pictured here with firefighters and ambulance crew members, Stephen Cushen, TomMcLoughlin, Finbarr Lambert and Gregg Hannon

Pictured after making their Holy Communion at St Cronan's Church Brackenstown, Swords are, Erin Ryoo, Jessica Finnegan, Caoimhe Curry,Abby Masterson and Emma Lyne. See picture page on page 12

DisappointmentAs Farrell Is Overlooked

Page 2: NCL -24th May 2016

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Daa Profits Up 47 Per CentProfits at airport operatordaa increased by 47 percent to €61 million lastyear, as commercialrevenue from its domesticand international busi-nesses grew by 30 percent and overallpassenger numbers at

Dublin and Cork airportsincreased by 14 per cent. Turnover at daa increasedby 21 per cent to €680million, driven by recordpassenger numbers atDublin Airport and stronggrowth in commercial andretail revenues both in

Ireland and at the Group’soverseas businesses.Earnings before interest,taxation, depreciation,and amortisation (EBITDA)increased by 14 per cent

to €206 million.“daa had a strong year in2015 with recordpassenger numbers atDublin Airport, CorkAirport returning to trafficgrowth in the fourthquarter of the year, and anexcellent performance byour airport retail businessARI,” said daa ChiefExecutive Kevin Tolandwhile speaking to theCounty Leader. Dublin Airport set newpassenger records in allmajor sectors of its busi-ness last year. An extra3.3 million passengerswere welcomed with 23new routes and morecapacity on 40 existingservices. “Dublin Airport isa key driver for Irish tradeand tourism and the bene-fits of this additionaltraffic would have beenfelt throughout theeconomy,” according toMr Toland.“The new runway will bean essential enabler forthe Irish economy formany decades to come asit will support up to 31,000new jobs and €2.2 billionworth of economicactivity,” Mr Toland said.“It will allow our existingairline customers to grow

and will also help DublinAirport to attract newairlines to the Irishmarket.”Total sales at Dublin andCork airports, includingretail, food and beveragesales by concessionaires,increased by 20 per centto €273 million last year.An €8 million upgrade tothe main retail area atDublin Airport’s Terminal 1and growing passengernumbers helped deliver a28 per cent increase insales at ARI’s directlymanaged stores inIreland, as annual sales inthese stores surpassed€100 million for the firsttime. Average passengerspends at Irish storesoperated directly by ARIincreased by 12 per centlast year.The profit generated byARI’s overseas retail oper-ations and investmentsincreased by 19 per centto €22 million during theyear. Most ARI locationssaw double digitalincreases in sales in 2015and total managedturnover for ARI was up by19 per cent. Passengernumbers at DüsseldorfAirport, in which ARI ownsa 20 per cent stake,increased by 3 per cent to22.5 million. daa has also recently wona major multi-million euro

contract to operate a newdomestic terminal atRiyadh’s King KhalidInternational Airport inSaudi Arabia though itsdaa International arm. Thenew terminal, which has acapacity of up to 12 millionpassengers per annum,will open on a phasedbasis during this year.

The phenomenal growth of DublinAirport continues at pace with theannouncement that more than 2.2million passengers have used DublinAirport in April, a 10 per cent increase onthe same period last year. Passengervolumes to and from Continental Europeincreased by 9 per cent, with over 1.1million passengers travelling this routesector in April. UK traffic increased by 11per cent as almost 812,000 passengerstravelled to and from the UK last month.Transatlantic passenger volumes grewby 19 per cent with almost 196,000

passengers travelling to and from NorthAmerica in April. Other internationaltraffic, predominantly to the Middle East,declined by 6 per cent as almost 58,000passengers travelled to and from thesedestinations in April.Domestic traffic rose by 16 per cent withover 7,500 passengers travelling ondomestic routes in April.The number of passengers using DublinAirport as a hub to connect to anotherdestination increased by 31 per cent withalmost 66,000 passengers connectingthrough Dublin Airport last month.Almost 7.8 million passengers have trav-elled through Dublin Airport in the firstfour months of this year, a 15 per centincrease over the same period last year.Dublin Airport has welcomed over 1million additional passengers so far thisyear.

ContinuingGood News ForDublin Airport

Oldtown GAA Seeking Under 8’sWild Geese GAA Club,Under 8’s Hurling/Camogie teams arelooking for childrenfrom Oldtown,Garristown, The Naul,B a l l y b o u g h a l ,Rolestown, Knocksedanand St Margarets tojoin them. Training

takes place in theOldtown GAA Pitch andHandball Alley everyWednesday evening at6pm. Beginners arewelcome to comealong. All childrencoming to their firsttraining will bemeasured for thecorrect hurley so that isit as comfortable aspossible for them. They

will also be measuredfor a Wild Geesehelmet. Children willbe able to join immedi-ately as there are sparehurleys and helmetsavailable to start themoff. If you are interested in havingyour children joincontact Fergal Kennedyon 086 8252314 formore information.

Pictured is Kate Purcellfrom Swords, whofinished in third placewith an impressive timeof 37 minutes and 57seconds over 10km in the2016 Virgin Media NightRun in Dublin City Centreon Sunday last

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24.05.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Darragh Kinsella Cashe, who made his Holy Communion is pictured with his father PatCashe, his mother Siobhan Kinsella and sister Emma Kinsella Cashe

Great Show By LoretoSwords GirlsOver 700 young people from across Ireland were honoured at the 17th annual ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards Showcase and Ceremony on Wednesday18th May in the Mansion House, Dublin.The event is Ireland’s largest celebration of youth ECO-action and is held to recog-nise and reward the hard work of young people for their work on protecting andconserving their local environment and beyond.One of the groups shortlisted for an award was the team from Loreto College,Swords, who raised awareness about issues relating to trees and the environment.Teacher, Deirdre Scully explained how the school became involved. “It was part ofthe Junior Cert project for Civic Social and Political Education (CSP) and one of thetopics which can be covered is the Environment, so our starting point was that welooked at all the problems facing the environment, particularly in relation to howtrees can contribute to offsetting the worst effects of climate change. Trees help usto breathe and if we didn’t have trees, there would not be enough oxygen on Earthto sustain life. The Amazon rainforest produces 20 per cent of the world’s oxygenand deforestation which is causing grave concerns for many people,” she said.“It was then that we looked at the benefit of trees and the beauty of them, and wedecided to plant some of them here in the college grounds and then enter thisEnvironmental competition called the Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) whichis run by ECO UNESCO. We raised €125 with cake sales and we managed to get topclass trees very cheaply from a person who supplies trees to schools. In total, wegot 135 trees for as little as €150, including oak, rowan and birch trees. We copiedan idea I first saw in St Anne’s Park in Raheny, where we set up an arboretum, withtrees planted in different areas of the school grounds. We also gave away about 90trees to parents and teachers to plant in the community. This qualified us to enterthe competition under the Community Development section,” she said.

Loreto College Swords won an award at the Eco Unesco Environmental Awards cere-mony at the Mansion House, Dublin last week for their project on trees and the influ-ence they have on clomate change. Pictured beside one of the 135 trees on the schoolgrounds are, Rebecca Molloy, Linh Wilkins, Sneha Thomas, Sophie Coleman, CiaraWalsh, Deborah Ezumezu, Erika Reilly, Grace Tyrrell and Laura Gaffney

New Historical Map Tells Local 1916 StoryThe County Council hasproduced the map tocommemorate theactive role the men andwomen of the NorthCounty played in the1916 Rising. The mapmarks where the IrishVolunteers were based,the important locationswhere action tookplace, as well as siteswith links to people orevents leading up toEaster Week 1916. ‘Fingal and the 1916Rising’ Map is nowavailable in County HallSwords andBlanchardstown CivicOffices. An Irish versionof the map is availableon request from theHeritage Office or

ConservationOffice. Thehistorical mapwill be a keyfeature of the 1916E d u c a t i o n a lResource Packthat will beprovided toevery secondary schoolin the North Countynext month. The pack isdesigned to engagestudents in the story ofthe locality’s role in thefight for Irish freedomand it will also containillustrated biographiesof the local men andwomen who weredeeply involved andaffected by the eventsof 1916, scans of orig-

inal documentsfrom the eraand a list ofp u b l i c a t i o n sand onlineresources forthose who wishto dig deeperinto the localc o n n e c t i o n s

with this hugely signifi-cant period of Irishhistory. Speaking to the County

Leader, Helena Bergin,Fingal County CouncilA r c h i t e c t u r a lConservation Officer,commented: “TheNorth County played aunique role in the 1916Rising. Men andwomen from across thecounty were membersof the Irish Volunteers,the Irish Citizen Armyand Cumann na mBanand played important

roles in these organisa-tions. This historicalmap tells their storyand clearly demon-strates the widespreadactivity that took placeacross the NorthCounty in 1916.”The map is part of theCounty Council’sCentenary Programme,which will see over 50lectures, film screen-ings, performances, re-enactments, talks andexhibitions take placethroughout the county.

Helena Bergin

Malahide Community GamesTable QuizMalahide Community Games are taking part in a tablequiz for under 14s on Friday June 10th. Anybody inter-ested in representing Malahide in the Table Quiz pleasetext 087 2891764 by Wednesday 25 May. Two teams of 4 can be entered. Participants must befrom Malahide and be under 14 on 31 July 2016.

Dance Fitness For Over 55sIf you are over 55 years of age and would like tokeep fit but in a more fun and interesting way,why not pop along to the St Nicholas room of theSt Sylvesters Parish Centre Malahide everyMonday. Dance fitness for over 55’s takes placefrom 12.30pm-1.30pm. Contact Karen on 087-6736678 for more information.

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04 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 24.05.2016

Only availablethrough yourITICA chipper

With the IrishTraditional ItalianChippers Association(ITICA) National Fishand Chips Dayhappening onWednesday, 25thMay, it’s the perfectchance for all to gettheir favourite take-away for half price onthe day. It is a well known factin Ireland that themajority of chippersare run, not by theIrish, but by Italians!The history of the IrishItalian communitygoes back to originswhen Italians arrivedin Ireland in the1880’s. These familiesbore the names well-known at the localchipper today. The

Irish Traditional ItalianChipper Association(ITICA) was formed tocelebrate the uniqueidentity of these chip-pers in Ireland and tomark the contribution

they have made to thecommunity.People strive at onepoint or another to getthat undeniable tasteof fish and chips fromthe chipper in theirown homes, but this

task has always provento be beyond them andit can only be repro-duced in an authenticchipper. These chip-pers located in ourlocal areas all serve

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National Fish & Chips Day25th MAY 2016

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Irish Navy Lieutenant Elizabeth Barrett with Irish AirCorps Commandant Fergal Ryan at the Sea FisheriesEvent at the Maldron Hotel

Crewman Chris McNicholl with Skipper Paul Baxter(Owner of Atlantic Osprey)

Susan Steele (SFPA) with Razor Fishermen Patrick and John Hughes

Sea Fisheries Sector Holds Information SeminarThe independent regu-lator for the sea-fishing and seafoodsectors, The Sea-Fisheries ProtectionAuthority (SFPA),hosted a special infor-mation breakfast for

fishermen, processorsand shellfishproducers from Dublin,Louth and Wicklow.The event took placeat the Maldron Hotel,Dublin Airport onWednesday, 18th May

last. The SFPA werejoined by representa-tives from a widerange of organisationswho provided informa-tion and helped withqueries on the latestdevelopments and

regulations as well asday to day mattersrelating to theindustry, includingquota management,food safety and trade.The Department ofAgriculture, Food andthe Marine; Air Corps;BIM; Food SafetyAuthority of Ireland ;Naval Service; InlandFisheries Ireland;Marine Institute;Loughs Agency and theDepartment ofAgriculture and RuralDevelopment NorthernIreland were amongthe organisationspresent.Susan Steele, Chair,SFPA said: “We aredelighted with the

response we receivedat today’s event. Thereare many changestaking place within thesea-fisheries industry.Today’s seminarprovided members ofthe industry along theeast coast with a ‘one-stop opportunity’ totalk with representa-tives of all the majororganisations involvedwith commercial seafishing in Ireland andlearn more about thechanges that affectthem as well as havingtheir queriesanswered. We intendto organise similarevents in other keyparts of the country,”she concluded.

Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords has some excitingprogrammes and workshops that will take placethere during May and June. First up is a half dayworkshop on 28th May with Fidelma Farley entitledMindfulness for Health. This workshop exploresways of living well in our bodies, whatever our expe-rience and to cultivate a healthier and more peacefulrelationship to your body. On 4th June, MaevePeoples is back for a one day workshop entitledCreative Meditation - Meditation through Art. Thisone-day workshop offers an introduction to medita-tion though art, allowing us time to reflect and bestill. On the weekend of 11th and 12th June theyhave two very different programmes taking place.The first is a one day workshop with Maria Lynch onConfidence and Assertiveness for Adults. and isaimed at adults of all ages that want to improve theirassertiveness levels. The second programme is atwo-day Retreat with Denis Gleeson CFC and thetheme is Trusting in God - Embracing Freedom. Thisretreat is available on a residential or non residentialbasis. Finally on 26th June, Maria Lynch will be backwith a one day workshop on Colour Style &Confidence for women. Do you want to have aninstant boost wearing colours that will enhance theway you look? Included in the price is your mini one-to-one session with Maria for colour analysis withprofessional drapes and your individual colourcards. If you wish to book a place on any of thecourses, you can do so on line at orjust call Emmaus on 01-8700050.

Upcoming EventsAt Emmaus

Page 5: NCL -24th May 2016

24.05.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0522 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Combining fine Asian cuisine with a real taste of Irish hospitality which you’ll find plenty of here.

Our chefs are proud to offer you their finest dishes. Created from the very best of local Irish produce

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Business Project Manager, TaquiuddinMohammed graduated in International BusinessManagement from Griffith College Dublin andyears of experience in business management. “PokPok is an Asian eatery, specialising in Thai food inparticular. We wanted to provide healthy food forthe people of Swords. While there are many Thairestaurants across the country, Pok Pok is adifferent concept because we will focus onproviding healthy food, as well as maintaining theauthentic taste of the food.”The name Pok Pok is called after a town in Thailand. It is also the soundof a clucking hen, which will be easy for our customers to remember.There are a number of similar type street food restaurants across Asia,particularly in India and we are confident that, by providing ourcustomers with healthy food of their choice, we can replicate thissuccess. We can also provide for the dietary needs of our customers.Wherever possible, our ingredients are organic, free range and are locallysourced guaranteeing freshness. The dietary requirements of ourcustomers are of great importance to us, particularly people with intoler-ance to dairy, wheat, gluten and sugar.We will have starters, just like other restaurants, as well as soups andsalads. There will also be the favourite Thai curries, green, yellow and redand our menu is also comprised of specialised items from Thai cuisine,which are very popular among diners. Pok Pok is both a sit down restaurant and a take away, as we wanted togive people a true feeling of authentic Thai cooking at home if they sochoose. People can avail of the delivery service and expect their food tobe delivered within 30 to 45 minutes.”

Taquiuddin MohammedBusiness Project Manager

Head Chef of Pok Pok, Asoka Silva comeshighly qualified and is and decorated chef. Hehas vast experience in all aspects of Asiancuisine, as well as European food. He also spent seven years in Saudi Arabia learninghis trade.Asoka, who comes from Sri Lanka, has been aprofessional chef for the past 33 years andspecialises in healthy Thai cooking. Part ofthe healthy options is looking after customers’ dietary needs,coeliac, gluten free for example and he looks forward to answeringquestions that diners may have about ingredients etc.Asoka makes all his own sauces, pastes, and blends them at hometo make sure that everything is as fresh and healthy as possible.“We make sure that everything is 100 per cent home-made to ensurefreshness from the starters right down to the last item on the menu.”To ensure a healthy menu, Asoka does not use any foodstuffs from jars or bottles, as he cannot guarantee freshness or that they are chemical-free. This is only made possible by him makingthese himself.All the meat and fish used in Pok Pok is locally sourced as well asvegetables, and we intend to have our suppliers’ names posted inthe restaurant.“We use lemongrass, galangal, sesame oil, ginger, fresh garlic, Thaibasil, coriander and we do not use any vegetable oil. Instead we usemint oil, sesame oil, which I make at home, as well as sesame oil.There is no MSG in any of our food. Sweetness, Saltiness, Sournessand right spices are the correct balance for the cooking.”

Asoka SilvaHead Chef

14 Main Street SwordsFor DeliveryT: 01 890 7444 / 01 890 7445M: 087 3993 755 / 087 3993 754

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Westown, Naul, Co.Dublin. Tel: 01 8417931 [email protected]

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Programmes & Courses At Emmausin May / June 2016

Contact us on: 01 8700050 For further information or log

28th May – Mindfulness for HealthHalf Day Workshop

Facilitators: Fidelma Farley Cost €40 Light Lunch Included Each Day

4th June – Creative Meditation Through Art1 Day Workshop

Facilitator: Maeve Peoples Cost €65 Light Lunch included in cost.

11th June – Confidence & Assertiveness for Adults1 Day Workshop

Facilitator: Maria Lynch – Cost: €65 Light Lunch Included

11th & 12th June – Trusting in GOD – Embracing FreedomTwo Day Retreat

Facilitator: Denis Gleeson cfc Cost: €135 Residential or €95Non-residential

26th June – Colour Style & Confidence for WOMENOne Day Workshop

Facilitator: Maria Lynch Cost: €65.00 Light Lunch included in cost.

Interested parties please contact [email protected]

Opening April 2017


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Council App WinsNational CompetitionThe County Council’s ‘Unfolding News Story’ App haswon a prestigious competition held by ESRI Ireland.The App, available on Google Play and the AppStore,is all about connecting with customers to update themon all of the latest news in relation to WaterDisruptions, Road Closures, Severe Weather, Floods,Latest Planning Applications and Community Events.This service is accessible to customers on the Councilwebsite and on mobile devices. It is also presented inthe interactive digital Atrium of County Hall in Swordson large multiple touch screens. At any time, thecontent is relevant for the current week.The Council’s team worked with PinPoint Alerts tocreate an application using ESRI cloud technology,ArcGIS Online, StoryMaps and AppStudio for ArcGIS.Speaking to the County Leader, Paul Reid, ChiefExecutive of the County Council said: “This is atremendous achievement by our Project ManagementTeam and one we are very proud of because it is anexcellent example of how we at Fingal County Councilare utilising technology for the benefit of the citizensof Fingal.”County Mayor, Cllr David O’Connor, said: “I would liketo congratulate the Project Management Team onbehalf of all the Council members on their success. Itis well deserved because we have seen at first handhow useful this App is and how it can help the peopleof Fingal.” Claire McIntyre of the Project ManagementTeam said: “This was team effort from myself, HazelFarley and Brendan Cunningham of Pinpoint Alertsand we are delighted to have won this prestigiouscompetition. The App is one of several we have devel-oped and all have been devised to make things easierfor people to interact with Fingal County Council.”

Last week we asked localcouncillors whether ornot they felt a monumentto the LGBT movementwould be an appropriateaddition to the Swordscultural quarter that iscurrently in develop-ment. Some councillorswho hadn’t had theopportunity to respondto us by the time wewent to press last week,have since gotten intouch with us to let usknow their opinions:Phillip Lynam, Sinn Feinsaid; “In regards to yourquestion about themonument, I would haveno problem with onebeen erected in theNorth County at all and Ithink it would be a greatidea. This referendumwas such a honour tohave been a part of, wein Sinn Féin led thecharge in Fingalcanvassing for weeks onend meeting families andchatting to the LGBTcommunity door to doorbringing the message ofequality and fairnesswhich we strive forwithin our party. Wherewould the best place beto erect it? I am not sureon the exact place butwould support any ideabrought forward withconsultation as on anymonument beenerected.”JP Browne, Fine Gaelsaid; “I thought theequality referendum wasa giant stride forward,where the people ofIreland voted for a moreequal and just society. Itwas really somethingspecial to see all thepeople flying home fromall corners of the worldto cast their vote. I wouldwelcome a monument to

celebrate the movementand would be happy tosee it located in Fingal,Dublin or anywhere elsein the country.”Grainne Maguire,Independent said; “Iwould be very much infavour of a monument torepresent the LGBTmovement, however fullconsultation with thecommunity would beneeded. I certainly wouldsupport a more centrallocation in Dublin Cityespecially around DublinCastle which was verycentral to the celebra-tions last year.”Eugene Coppinger, AAA,said; “ I would have noproblem with a monu-ment, it is also importantto to make sure we getthe right spot for it, but Iwould have no problemwith it being in theSwords Cultural Quarter.There is still a lot of workto be done in relation toequality for the LGBTcommunity. Things likesection 37 beingamended because wehave teachers beingsubjected to discrimina-tion in schools etc., so Ithink that while thereferendum was afantastic victory, we stillhave a lot to do, so Ithink a monument wouldbe a great idea to honourthe work that was done.”We also ran a poll on ourwebsite where we askedyou to give your opinionon the same question,the results of that pollare that 62 percent ofpeople who took part inthe poll said that theywould like to see amonument to the LGBTmovement built in theSwords Cultural Quarter,

32.9 per cent said theywouldn’t like it at all,and 5.1 per cent saidthat they think a monu-ment is a good idea,however, ‘not in theirback yard‘.It is interesting to notethat the results of ourpoll almost exactlyreflect the results of themarriage referendumlast year, which was 62per cent in favour of GayMarriage and 38 percent against it.

O’Brien Sets OutAmbitious PlanFor Foreign AffairsRoleLocal TD, Darragh O’Brien has beenappointed Fianna Fáil spokesperson onForeign Affairs and Trade, following theannouncement of the Fianna Fáil front bench by party leader, MicheálMartin TD.Speaking to the County Leader, O’Briencommented “I am delighted tobe taking over a role with such aproud history within Fianna Fáil.Since our foundation, a positive,proactive and independent Irishforeign policy has been a coreelement of the party’s vision andhas facilitated Ireland playing animportant role in global affairs.We have often enjoyed a roleand influence far in excess of our size oreconomic output and it is Fianna Fáil’sbelief that we can and should continueto have those ambitions into the future.”When asked by the County Leader if hewould have preferred to have been giventhe Transport, Tourism and Sport port-folio, particularly with Metro North at adelicate stage and Dublin Airport atrecord levels of growth, he was very defi-nite. “You have to look at things from abroader perspective, as the front benchformulates party policy and we arealready fully committed to the delivery ofMetro North. From a trade point of view,the further expansion of Dublin airport isto be commended. Initially there was alevel of worry over the appointment ofShane Ross to Transport and Tourism,

but I will be meeting him shortly in rela-tion to projects for Dublin, the NorthCounty and Metro North in particular. On his new brief, O’Brien continued,“Ireland and Europe are facing into veryuncertain times. There is the immediatethreat of Britain voting to leave the EU, achronic and growing refugee crisis, anunpredictable Russia asserting itself onEurope’s borders, the ongoing politicaluncertainty in the US, ongoing conflictsacross the Middle East and Africa toname just a few. Ireland may not havethe capacity to solve all or indeed any ofthese issues, but we have an opportu-nity to assert our analysis as an indepen-

dent neutral Republic, with anemphasis on human rights, thedignity of the individual andrespect for minorities on theinternational stage,” he added. He went on to say; “Fianna Fáil’sintention, within the area ofForeign Affairs, is to bringforward policies and positionsthat build on our proud history,

addressing the challenges facing theEuropean and global community in 2016and helping to establish Irish thoughtleadership on the big issues we face.”“In the important area of trade, workingwith our diaspora and leveraging thenetwork of excellent Irish diplomaticactivity across the world is somethingthat has the enthusiastic support of myparty. I also look forward to bringingforward new thinking on how to deepenand expand this activity,” he said. O’Brien concluded by saying; “In theimmediate term, I look forward tomeeting with key stakeholders acrossthe sector and also playing our part inseeking to positively influence Irishvoters in the Brexit referendum.”

By Aoife Read

O’Brien TD

Pictured is Brian Geoghegan, proprietor of Applegreen Service Station, North Street,Swords, as he serves up delicious Burger King whoppers to Swords lads, Ciaran Byrne,Kevin McRory and Aaron McFadden, as part of Free Whopper Friday at Applegreen

More Support For Monument Idea







Results of our online poll

Page 8: NCL -24th May 2016

08 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 24.05.2016

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In a mature andsettled area nearMornington, onMeath’s Gold Coast,Maydenhayes Estateis in the enviable posi-t ion of being justminutes from thebeach while sti l loffering easy accessto Dublin Airport andthe M1 and M50motorways. Describedby property experts asa place where buyerswil l get ‘plenty ofbang for their buck’, avisit is highly recom-mended to experiencefirst hand these A-rated, well laid out,well finished, flexiblehomes offering terrificvalue for money. Thed e v e l o p m e n tcomprises three, fourand f ive bed semidetached houses, aswell as some four andfive bed detachedhomes. Homes startfrom €235,000. The homes haveimpressive f i t tedkitchens and util ityrooms as standard.Upstairs, everym a s t e r - b e d r o o mfeatures a fully fittedwalk-in wardrobe anddressing room, adja-cent to the en-suitewhich has beenhugely popular withmany visitors so far. The vi l lage ofMornington with itschurches, restau-rants, pubs, beaches,sport and leisureactivit ies is a merestone’s throw away. The houses are openfor v iewing everySaturday and Sundayform 2pm to 4pm andon Wednesdays from12pm to 4pm, or atother t imes byarrangement. In themeantime, you cantake a virtual tour ofthese houses Contact agents KnightFrank on 01 6342466of Sherry Properties041 9841149

A view of the front of the new housesat Maydenhayes estate in Mornington

The stylish interior of one of the newhouses at Maydenhayes estate inMornington

Page 9: NCL -24th May 2016

24.05.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0922 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Local Students Reach National Final Students from FingalCommunity College,Swords and StJoseph’s SecondarySchool, Rush made thenational final ofSustainable EnergyAuthority of Ireland’s(SEAI) One Good Ideacompetition for theirenergy awarenessprojects whichtackled climatechange. The Fingal CommunityCollege students’project involvedcreating an app forandroid mobile phoneswhich sounds an alarmwhen the user’s mobilephone is fully chargedto remind them toUnplugIT! Aftersurveying around 600students and 55 staff,they believe the finalreach of their projectwas 15,000 peoplefrom using their socialmedia platforms tocommunicate to a

wider audience. Theyare now currentlyworking towardsgetting the app avail-able to Apple users.St. Joseph’s SecondarySchool’s One GoodIdea project encour-aged students to walkor cycle to school toreduce their carbonimpact. They also hada designatedwalk/cycle to schoolday. The students usedthe quiz app Kahoot tocreate a quiz about theimportant facts aboutgreener travel for theircampaign. Now in its eighth year,One Good Idea, spon-sored by AIB, attractedentries from over 113primary and post-primary schools fromacross the country,showing an increase of25 per cent in partici-pation levels from2015. Finalists show-cased their energy effi-

ciency themed projectsusing drama, song, artand electronic apps. Speaking to the CountyLeader about thesuccess of the compe-tition, William Walsh,Interim CEO of SEAIsaid: “Too often wecan think that issueslike climate change arebeyond our grasp.However, the OneGood Idea competitiontaps into the endlesscreativity, imaginationand energy ofstudents. Throughtheir inspiring energyawareness campaigns,these students aredemonstrating that weall have a role to playin addressing climatechange. We can all bemore efficient in ourenergy use and we cancollectively play animportant part in thise n v i r o n m e n t a lpriority.”Ray O Neill, AIB’s Head

of SustainableBusiness commented:“AIB is supporting SEAIto deliver this OneGood Idea programmeas part of a range ofinitiatives we areundertaking aroundthe environment, as ithas consistently deliv-ered awareness of keyissues in schools andin the wider commu-nity through thestudent campaigns.Primary schools are a

recent addition to thecompetition and thestudents’ confidenceand energy inpresenting theircampaigns is inspiring.Their efforts and thoseof their supportiveteachers and parentsare to be commendedin raising awareness ofclimate change.”Prizes included a€1,500 cash prize forthe overall winningschool, tablets forteam members and avoucher for theirteacher.

Pictured at the National Final of the SEAI’s ‘One Good Idea’ competition are St. JosephsRush students Aran Carrich, Stephen Bogan, Laragh Mollow, Emer Barry, the EducationProgramme Executive at SEAI, Keelin Kusch and Anna-Maria Curelea.

Historical Talk In RushLoughshinny And Rush Historical Society are proud to present a talk by Peter Byrneentitled: “The Battle of Mount Street, Dublin 1916 Commemoration.” The talk willtake place at The Strand Bar, Rush on Thursday, 26th May starting at 8.15 pm sharp.All are welcome to what should be a very exciting talk about one of the most signifi-cant battles of the 1916 Rising.

Pictured at the fiftieth anniversary Open Day at Siemens in Swords are Patrick RedmondMD Siemens, Olashile Alimi student at Fingal Community College, Sharon McGrathPrincipal Fingal Community College and Cllr. Joe Newman

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10 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 24.05.2016

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Increasing age, weightand inactivity all add tothe risk of developingdiabetes. According to arecent Healthy Irelandsurvey, there arecurrently 854,165 adultsover 40 in the Republicof Ireland at increasedrisk of developing (or

have) diabetes.Knowing the risk factorsand symptoms fordiabetes is important,non-diagnosis can seri-ously affect your qualityof life.You are more at risk ofgetting Diabetes if youare: over 40 years of

age, have a parent orbrother/sister withdiabetes, had diabetesduring a pregnancy, areoverweight for yourheight, do not take 30minutes of physicalactivity daily, Have highblood pressure, havehigh cholesterol.


Diabetes can harm youreyes. It can damage thesmall blood vessels inyour retina, which is theback part of your eye.This condition is calleddiabetic retinopathy.Diabetes also increasesyour risk of having glau-coma, cataracts, andother eye problems.You may not know thereis any damage to youreyes until the problemis very bad. Your doctorcan catch problemsearly if you get regulareye exams.If your doctor finds eyeproblems early, medi-cines and other treat-ments may help preventthem from gettingworse.You need regular eyeexams every year, youshould have an eyeexam by an eye doctor

( o p h t h a l m o l o g i s t ) .Choose an eye doctorwho takes care ofpeople with diabetes.


Call your doctor if: Youcannot see well in dimlight. You have blindspots. You have doublevision (you see 2 thingswhen there is only 1).Your vision is hazy orblurry and you cannotfocus. You have pain inyour eyes. You arehaving headaches. Yousee spots floating inyour eyes. You cannotsee things on the side ofyour field of vision. Yousee shadows.


Inspect your feet everyday, and seek care earlyif you do get a foot

injury. Make sure yourhealth care providerchecks your feet at leastonce a year - more oftenif you have foot prob-lems. Your health careprovider should alsogive you a list andexplain the do’s anddon’ts of foot care.

Your health careprovider should performa complete foot exam atleast annually - moreoften if you have footproblems. Remember totake off your socks andshoes while you wait foryour physical examina-tion. Call or see your

health care provider ifyou have cuts or breaksin the skin, or have aningrown nail. Also, tellyour health careprovider if your footchanges colour, shape,or just feels different(for example, becomesless sensitive or hurts).

Advertising Feature

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24.05.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1122 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin


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Probably the greatestimpact of diabetes ondental health is that it canleave people more proneto gum disease. Mostpeople in the populationwill experience orencounter some degree ofgum disease (to a greateror lesser extent)throughout life. Gumdisease is caused by oralbacteria. Poor glycaemiccontrol as a complicationof diabetes can make gumdisease worse because itchanges the immuneresponse to thesebacteria. This is especiallyso if someone has expo-sure to high glucoselevels before diagnosis orstarting treatment fortheir diabetes.Gum disease may justaffect your teeth andgums, but can also bemore widespreadaffecting your overallgeneral health andglycaemic control. In itsearliest form (gingivitis), itcauses the gums to beinflamed so that theybleed on brushing andflossing. In its more

progressive and advancedform (periodontitis), itcauses bone and toothloss by destroying thetissues that support andhold your teeth in place.The best way of findingout if you have any gumproblems is to bescreened by a dentalprofessional. They canoften pick it up at a muchearlier stage by carefullyand gently probingaround the gums tomeasure the separationbetween the tooth and thegum (‘pocketing’). This isalso checked againstdental X-rays that recordthe bone levels aroundthe teeth.Having your teeth andgums checked regularlytends to be the best formof defence when it comesto making sure you don’trun into problems. Butdon’t forget – if you dohave problems, they areusually very easilymanaged. In general, theearlier they are diagnosedand treated the better.


You’ll benefit from exer-cise in a number of ways.

It’ll lower your bloodglucose, your treatmentwill work more effectivelyand you may lose someweight. Exercise willstrengthen your musclesand joints. Exercise alsolowers your blood pres-sure, and can help withcholesterol management,both of which are good foryour heart. Finally, beingin good shape willincrease your self-confi-dence and help you feelgood about yourself.


It is important that youchoose the kind andamount of exercise that isright for you and that youwill enjoy. Before youbegin an exerciseprogramme, you shouldconsider your generalhealth, your current phys-ical fitness and how wellyour diabetes iscontrolled. Discuss yourchoice of exercise withyour diabetes care team. Ifyou have complicationsfrom diabetes or otherhealth problems, theremay be some sports thatare more suitable for youthan others. It’s a good

idea to test your bloodsugar after exercise. If it isnormal or low, you shouldeat some more carbohy-drates. Be aware thathypoglycaemia candevelop several hoursafter a hard exercisesession if you are takingsome kinds of diabetesmedicine. If you are takingsuch treatments and youexercise late in the day,you should be particularlyaware of hypoglycaemiaduring the night and eatan extra large carbohy-drate based snack atbedtime. You may alsoneed to eat extra foodsrich in carbohydrate, suchas pasta, the followingday.


The link betweendiabetes and depressionis well documented. Being diagnosed andliving with diabetes canaffect people in verydifferent ways. Whilesome may find copingwith diabetes has verylittle impact on day-to-day life, others may findthat it has turned theirlives upside down.

own personal way todeal with these feelings,but for some theycontinue to struggle tocome to terms with howtheir diabetes makesthem feel. For somepeople with diabetesthese feelings candevelop into depres-sion. Although peoplewith diabetes have ahigher chance ofshowing signs ofdepression, not allpeople with diabeteswho are finding it chal-lenging develop depres-sion. If you are experi-encing any stress oremotional anxiety please contact yourlocal counsellor.

Finding diabetes diffi-cult to cope with doesnot mean that you aredoing something wrong.Many people withdiabetes who we speakto feel that at somepoint in their lives, theirdiabetes causes them tofeel like they are notcoping. Many feel alone.The physical impact ofdiabetes is wellreported but theemotional impact is stillnot always recognised.Diabetes can have anemotional impact, espe-cially around diagnosis,starting insulin, and ondeveloping complica-tions. Many people find their

Advertising Feature

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12 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 24.05.2016

Saturday, 14th May was a wonderful occasion for the boysand girls who made their First Holy Communion at StCronan’s Church in Brackenstown, Swords. The day wasbathed in glorious sunshine, as pupils from Gaelscoil BhriainBoroimhe, Swords Educate Together National School andThornleigh Educate Together National School celebratedtheir big day. The ceremonies were performed by local priest,Fr Paul Thornton, who praised the children and spoke aboutthe wonderful gift they received at the Sacrament. The chil-dren, their families and friends posed for photos after theceremonies, which were attended by many teachers from theschools. There was praise for the efforts of teachers andparents, who contributed to making this day so special forthe children. The beautiful ceremonies, which were bothperformed in the presence of a full church, were enhanced bythe excellent singing of the school choir and the musicalaccompaniment, which was enjoyed by all present.

Moya McKenna made her Holy Communion. She is pictured with JessieMcKenna, Helen McKenna, Ellen Stafford and Brendan McKenna

Caoimhe Ní Neill is picturedwith members of the Webb


Mia Brady, who made her Holy Communionat St Cronan's Church, Brackenstown ispictured with Ciaran, Liliana and Jovita Brady

Hannah Downes, who made her HolyCommunion is pictured with Angela Daly

Twins, Ryan and Conor Kavanagh made their HolyCommunion at St Cronan's Church, Brackenstown

Darragh Brereton, who made his HolyCommunion is pictured with Lilly, Cian, Colin,

Evan, Nicola Brereton and Christine SmithTwins, Odhran & Cara O'Connell . They arepictured with Philip and Jennifer O'ConnellMegan Hamilton who made her Holy Communion is pictured

with Aisling Hamilton and Stephen Maher

Caitlin Lundy made her Holy Communion at St Cronan's Church, Brackenstown. She ispictured with Maureen Salmon, Grace, Aisling, Emma, Brendan and Eithne Lundy

Lucy Goodman, who made her HolyCommunion is pictured with Louise


Ryan Dunne, who made his HolyCommunion is pictured with Nikita Dunne

& Darragh McCarthy

Aaron McKay (left) made his Holy Communion . He is picturedwith Ryan, Kyle and Sharon McKayPictured are James Russell and Laoise Ní

Mhurchú who made their Holy Communion

Tadhg Doran is pictured with family members, Jim Doran, Nicola Doran,Andrew Sankey, Margaret Doran and James Doran

Nikolaj Grabowicz, who made is Holy Communionis pictured with Kasia and Hanna Grabowicz

Pictured after making their Holy Communion are ErinRyoo, Jay Ryoo and Caoimhe Curry

Nathan Martin who made his Holy Communion is pictured withClaire, Richard & Bernard Harford

Síofra Dunne, who made her HolyCommunion is pictured with Erin,

Denise, Darragh and Caoimhe Dunne Eva Mooney is pictured with Phil andAngie Mooney

Page 13: NCL -24th May 2016

24.05.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Summer is awonderful time to getout there and dothose niggly jobsthat you’ve beenputting off all year.

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possibly just want tomake the house moresummer friendly. It ispossible to changethe look of yourhome on the outsideand inside, on just asmal l budget.Businesses here inthe North Countyhave some greatsummer offers on togive you the bestbargain, and achieveyour summer homeon a small budget. Somake sure to keep aneye out for somegreat bargains tomake your home andgarden into a placethat ref lects ourfavourite season.

Advertising Feature

Page 14: NCL -24th May 2016

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Malahide and PortmarnockAdverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

Architects based outside our distribution area can pick up the paperfrom our offices or at pick-up points listed on page 2.

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14 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 24.05.2016

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Take it dear Heart ofJesus and place it

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merciful eyes it willbecome your favour

and not mine.Say this prayer for 3

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Recent published deathsfrom the North County

BYRNE, Mary (née Begg) (St. Margaret's,Dublin / Oldtown, Dublin, Formerly ofOldtown, County Dublin). The death hasoccurred of Mary Byrne, peacefully, atBeaumount Hospital, surrounded by herloving family. Beloved wife of the late Denisand cherished mother of Seamus, Teresa,Bernadette, Veronica, Patricia and the lateThomas and Denis. Mary will be sadly missedand remembered with love by her children,grandchildren, great-grandchildren, daugh-ters-in-law, sons-in-law, sisters, brothers,nieces, nephews, extended family, neigh-bours and friends. May She Rest In Peace

LEAHY, Brian (Baskin, Cloghran, Co. Dublin) -May 17, 2016 (peacefully) at BeaumontHospital; sadly missed by his wife Mary,sons Stephen and Alan, daughters-in-law,grandchildren, great-grandchildren,brothers, sister, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, relatives and friends. Rest In Peace.

HALES (Née Brady) (Malahide, Co. Dublin)16th May 2016 peacefully in BeaumontHospital. Mary, beloved wife of the lateCharles. Loving mother of Johnny, Maura,Michael, Maurice, Eileen, Anne, Noel, Jamesand the late Martha. Sadly missed by herloving family. Rest in Peace

BEHAN, Paddy (Swords, Co. Dublin andformerly of North Summer Street, Dublin 1and late of SIPTU) 13th May 2016 (peace-fully) in St. Francis Hospice, Raheny. Belovedhusband of the late May and loving father ofDerek, Brian, Raymond, Noeleen, Louise andAngela. Sadly missed by his loving family,his grandchildren and great grandchildren,sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers,sisters, nieces, nephews, relatives and manyfriends. Rest in Peace

GILMORE Tony, (Ranelagh, Dublin andformerly Malahide, Co. Dublin) 15th May2016 (peacefully) in the wonderful care of thestaff at Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross,Dearly beloved husband of Helen and muchloved father of Frederick, Aindreas andCatherine. He will be greatly missed by hisdaughter-in-law Lorraine, his brothers Barryand Brian, sister Niamh, mother-in-lawMerete, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,nieces, nephews and all his relatives andmany friends. Rest in peace

MORRIS, Ray (Swords, Co. Dublin) - May 13,2016 (late of Eircom and Smart Brothers),beloved husband of Ger and devoted dad ofHolly and Geoff and brother of the late Phil;sadly missed by his heartbroken family,sister Helene, brother Robert, family, rela-tives, neighbours and friends.

MURRAY, Desmond (formerly St. Margaret's,Hampton Wood Crescent, Dublin 11 and lateof Crumlin and The Air Corps) 12th May 2016peacefully at Beaumont Hospital, belovedhusband of Sarah, loving father of Desmondand Ross and son of Sheila and the lateGerry. Sadly missed by his loving family,brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.

We thought of you todayBut that was nothing new,

We thought of you yesterday and the daybefore that too,

We will think of you tomorrow,As we will our whole lives through, for theday we fail to think of you is the day God

calls us too

Sadly Missed ByLoving Mam Angela,

Brothers, Sisters, Nieces and Nephewsxxxx

In loving memory of DarrenLate of 7 St. Cronans View, SwordsFirst Anniversary away from home

(28th of May)



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O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel,Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed

Mother of the Son of God, ImmaculateVirgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of theSea, help me and show me herein you are myMother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Empressof Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech theefrom the bottom of my heart to secure me inthis my necessity. There are none that can

withstand your power, oh show me herein youare my mother. O Mary conceived without sin,

pray for us who have recourse to thee(3 times.)Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your

hands(3 times). Say this prayer for 3consecutive days and request will be grantedon the 3rd day. Prayer should be published.

A. D. R

Novena To TheBlessed Virgin

Fingal County CouncilI Barry Conyard am applying for permission for proposed build-up of existing hip in roof to sideat attic level, proposed attic conversion to storageroom with dormer window and 1 no. velux roof lighton front slope of roof and 2 no. velux roof lights inrear slope of roof all at attic level at 1 HolywellMeadows, Holywell, Swords, co. Dublin.The Planning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority during its public opening hours and asubmission or observation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by the authority of theapplication.

Fingal County CouncilWe, Janice Reynolds and Noel Gorman wish to applyfor planning permission to convert existing atticspace to new bedroom with dormer extension torear and to accommodate new stairs at No. 2Allendale Heath, Clonsilla, Dublin 15. This planning

application may be inspected or purchased at thefee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the Planning Authority duringits public opening hours and submission or observa-tion may be made to the authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee of €20 within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receiptby the authority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for a detached 2 storeydwelling (with attic accommodation), off streetparking & associated site works @ site to rear of 20New Street, Skerries, Co. Dublin for David Fox. Theplanning application may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the planningauthority during the public opening hours and asubmission or observation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to the planningauthority on payment of the prescribed fee (20euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning onthe date of receipt by Fingal County Council of theapplication.

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Page 15: NCL -24th May 2016

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for relocation ofapproved dwelling (F15A/0350) &approved garage (F16B/0054), this is dueto revised site boundaries. The revisedlocation of the house & garage will be16m North & 1.5m East of approved loca-tions @ Knocknagin Road, Knocknagin,Balbriggan, Co. Dublin for Alice GraftonCrowe. The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the planningauthority during the public openinghours and a submission or observationin relation to the application may bemade in writing to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee (20euros), within the period of 5 weeks,beginning on the date of receipt byFingal County Council of the application.

Fingal County CouncilI, Eileen Reale intend to apply for plan-ning permission at No.2 Park View,Portmarnock, County Dublin. Consistingof the construction of a single storeyfamily flat to the side and rear of theexisting dwelling with a hipped roof.Single storey extension return to the rearof the existing dwelling with a mono-pitched roof and consequential alter-ations internally. Widening of existingpedestrian access gate at front to accom-modate vehicular access. Along withassociated site works. The planningapplication may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of the Planning Authority duringits public opening hours and a submis-sion or observation in relation to theapplication may be made to theAuthority in writing on the payment ofthe prescribed fee within the period offive weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the Authority of the applica-tion.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for detachedbungalow, associated car parking & site-works on site to rear of 9 Rush Road,Skerries, Co. Dublin for Seamus Russell.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the planningauthority during the public openinghours and a submission or observationin relation to the application may bemade in writing to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee (20euros), within the period of 5 weeks,beginning on the date of receipt byFingal County Council of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is sought for revi-sions to previously approved planningapplication reg. ref. F12A/0162 (An BordPleanala ref. PL06F.241275) to include:1. Proposed new extension (2.7m2) to GPhall to accommodate a folding partitionin parked position.2. Proposed new 6no. aluminium framedrooflights to GP Hall roof.3. Proposed extension to GP Hall toaccommodate an external store(26.3m2).4. Proposed internal alterations at firstfloor level (South Block) to accommo-date an additional SE room andResource room.5. Proposed internal alterations atsecond floor level (South Block) toconsist of changing Classroom 32 into 5no. learning areas. 6. Proposed new canopy at entrance toschool building.7. Proposed learning garden to southeast of site incorporating tiled octagonalpitched roof.8. Demolition of existing external W.C.,removal of existing container store andconstruction of new single storeyexternal shed (30m”) containing newtoilet facilities and storage.9. Alterations to previously approvedpathways and steps to east, south and

south west of proposed school building.10. Proposed new welded mesh fencingbetween the play area to the south of thesite and the school building and to theeast and west of the play area.11. Omission of ESB substation, switchroom and bin store to north west of site.12. Alterations to previously approvedcarpark to comply with granted firesafety certificate.13. Alterations to the previouslyapproved pedestrian entrance off GroveRoad.14. Proposed new boundary treatment tosouth east of site.15. Alterations to previously approvedGrove Road boundary wall and railing. 16. Proposed new external seat, stepsand ramp to ‘Boyd Barrett’ building.17. 3 no. 6 meter high Flag Poles to sideof pedestrian concourse entrance. and all associated works at St. OliverPlunkett School, Grove Road, Malahide,Co. Dublin for The Board of Managementof St. Oliver Plunkett School.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its publicopening hours. A submission or observation in rela-tion to the application may be madein writing to the Planning Authority onpayment of the prescribed fee of 20euros within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilCiaran Byrne and Terri Morrissey seekretention planning permission for thechange of use of the ground floor ofthe existing detached property fromcommercial back to residential and alassociated works to 41 South Strand,Skerries, Co. Dublin.This planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to theauthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20euros) within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilI Eddie Comey intend to apply forpermission for development at thissite, 48 Pine Grove Park, Swords, Co.Dublin.The development will consist of asingle storey granny flat extension;comprising bedroom, bathroom,kitchen/dining area, extend existingkitchen area, all to rear of existingdwelling with all ancillary works.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to theauthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20Euros) within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of thisapplicationSigned on behalf of the applicant byDalyHudson Building Surveying &Architecture www.dalyhudson.com045-531446

Fingal County CouncilWCS Project Management Ltd intendto make an application for planningpermission for a housing developmenton lands known as Site 1 on PlanningPermission Reg. Ref. F15A/0294(6.038ha plot of land bounded by SeaBrook housing development to thewest, Brook Lane and Brookfordhousing development to the southand agricultural fields/Woodland Parkto the north and east, Rush, County

Dublin). The development consists of theconstruction of 129 houses in totalcomprising 5 no. blocks of 2 storey, 3-bedroom terraced houses (20 houses), 1no. block of 2.5 storey, 4-bedroomterraced houses (3 houses), 1 no.detached and 36 no. semi-detached 2.5storey, 4-bedroom houses (37 houses), 3no. detached and 66 no. semi-detached 2storey, 3-bedroom house (69 houses).The development also incorporates a sitefor a future créche/childcare facility andall associated site development works.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of makinga copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority during its public opening hours.A submission or observation in relation tothe application may be made in writing tothe Planning Authority on payment of theprescribed fee of €20 within the period of5 weeks beginning on the date of receiptby the authority of the application.

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