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  • 1.Exploring Art:A Global,Thematic Approach Chapter 10 Power, Politics, and Glory

2. The Glory of the Ruler Artistic devices used to glorify a rulers image are idealization, symbols, and composition. Divine rulers and royalty Objects of royalty and prestige Contemporary political leaders n what ways can art be used in the service of the state and rulers? 3. Menkaure and his Chief Wife, Khamerernebty II, Giza, 4th Dynasty Idealizedyoung, strong & confident Compact pose suggest permanence befitting the pharaoh as a divinity and a descendant of the Sun God, Re. 4. San Vitale Ravenna, Italy 526-547 5. Justinian, Bishop Maximianus and attendants north wall apse mosaic, San Vitale Ravenna, Italy ca. 547 mosaic 6. Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, Church or San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, c.547. mosaic on north wall of the apse. 7. Empress Theodora and Her Attendants, Church or San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy, c.547. mosaic on south wall of the apse. 8. Crowned Head of an Oni. Zinc, brass. Nigeria, 12-15th c. ..(naturalisticidealized royal portraitnote facial scarification and neck rings) Jayavarman VII, Cambodia, Angkor region, 12-13th c. (mystic/meditativehis conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism spread that religion in the area) 9. Contemporary Political Leaders Images no longer works of art, but newspaper or television images Propaganda glorifies rule Triumph of the Will 10. Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003) Triumph of the Will, 1934 propaganda film for the Nazi partyfriend of Hitler. Her propaganda value may repel but histories cite the aesthetics as outstanding. 1934 Nazi party rally in Nuremberg 11. Triumph of the Will, 1934 film 12. The Power of the State Palaces and palace sculpture Seats of government and architectural styles Monuments and monumental sculpture How does politics influence the design of architecture? 13. Palaces and Palace Structures Palaces Grand size Lavish ornamentation Importance of height Art featured prominently to add symbolic content Ancient Persia Royal Audience Hall Mayan Civilization Palenque 14. Lamassu, Khorsabad, Iraq, 720 BCE Limestone, 14 Assyrians dominated the Near East for over 300 years 15. Persepolis, capitol of ancient Persia (Iran), founded over 2500 years ago by the first kings of the Persian empire. 16. Palace at Palenque. Maya. Chiapas, Mexico, 514784. Center for religious rites, facilities fro astronomical studies and an administrative precinct. 17. Imperial Throne Room, in Hall of Supreme Harmony. Forbidden City, Beijing. Its magnificence supported the Emperors rule as Son of Heaven, father of the people and the one who maintained Heaven on Earth. 18. Versailles, Francesign of power and an instrument for maintaining that power. Built by King Louis XIVthe Sun King (Apollo)moved his court from Paris to Versailles in 1682 in order to better control them. 19. Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, France, c.1680 20. OLOWE OF ISE. Palace Sculpture. Yoruba. Ikere, Nigeria, 19101914. 21. Seats of Government: Englands Houses of Parliament, 1836Gothic revival 22. U.S. Capitol, 1793 the Rotunda was intended to recall the Pantheon, the ancient Roman temple. 23. MonumentsArch of Titus, Rome, c.81; Grand Army Plaza, Bklyn.; Washington Square Park, NYC Stanford White, dedicated in 1895 the centennial of George Washingtons inauguration in NYC John Duncan, Soldiers and Sailors Arch (recalls Arc de Triomphe) 1889 (bronze statues added later 24. War Art in the service of war and reflecting attitudes toward war Art depicting warriors Fortifications, armor, and weapons War scenes and 19th century battle scenes Twentieth century images of war War memorials 25. Tula Warrior Columns. 16 to 20' high. Toltec. Mexico, 9001000. They once supported the temple roof. The warriors attire is functional and aesthetic to increase their power and prestige. Stylized butterfliessymbolize souls of past warriors. 26. Verrocchios Equestrian Monument of Bartolomeo Colleoni, c.1483 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Roman 27. Begun 206 BCE, Qin Dyn., 1,500 miles a wonder of the world 28. WAR SCENES GLORIFYING WAR 29. Palette of King Narmer, Egypt, c. 3000 BCE. Slate, 25 high. c. Jurgen Liepe, Berlin. 30. Burning of the Sanjo Palace. From the Heiji Monogatari. Hand scroll (detail), ink and color on paper; 161/4" high, 22'9" long. Japan, Kamakura period, late thirteenth century. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Shows the disorder of warfarecontrasts heighten the chaosjumbled shapes vs. clean lines of palace 31. Matthew Brady, Dead Confederate Soldier with Gun, 1865staged scene U.S. Civil Warnote the parellels of body and guns and the horizontal tree in foreground. 32. Battleship Potemkin is an important film because, even though it was made a long time ago, it is such a strong modernist statement. I expect that when people think of silent films they imagine slapstick comedy or something boring with no dialogue. But Battleship Potemkin is a very exciting, very moving film and it looks beautifully fresh. I've always felt that silent films are pure cinema and that, in many ways, adding words is cheating. Film at its purest is putting images together to tell a story, which is why it's not television or theatre. And Battleship Potemkin is a groundbreaking example of that. 33. "The Battleship Potemkin" af Sergei Eisenstein, 1925 34. By now, the editing style of Sergei Eisensteins Battleship Potemkin is the textbook example of montage, and deservedly so. Eisenstein more or less invented the use of quick cuts of several pieces of ongoing action, reaction shots, and close-ups, all spliced together to tell one complete story. 35. Guernica shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians. On completion Guernica was displayed around the world in a brief tour, becoming famous and widely acclaimed. This tour helped bring the Spanish Civil War to the world's attention. 36. Picasso, Guernica, Spain, 1937 Bullonslaught of Fascism Horsepeople of Guernica 37. WAR MEMORIALS 38. In 1981, at age 21, Maya Lin won a public design competition for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, beating out 1,441 submissions. A black cut-stone masonry wall, with the names of 58,261 names. The wall is granite and V-shaped, with one side pointing to the Lincoln Memorial and the other to Washington Monument. Ross Perot called her an egg roll after it was revealed that she was Asian. 39. Vietnam War Eddie Adams This picture is the most famous of all picture taken from the Vietnam War. The girl running in the middle is named Kim Phuc, at the time 9 years old. The American planes dropped napalm on the town, and it hit the girl, burning her flesh. 40. By most accounts, the Tet Offensive of 1968 was the beginning of the end of Americas positive outlook on Vietnam, not because American soldiers were defeated, but because of the way the Tet was portrayed by the press. Eddie Adams, General Loan shooting a young Vietnamese suspect. 41. Nick Ut, June 8, 1972, Children running from burning napalm droped by S. Vietnamese fighter plan Ut photo helped push the Vietnam War into the realm of the greatest political disasters of all time. 42. Peace Art about peace Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks Peace offerings and peace monuments Moctezumas Headdress Believed to have belonged to the last Aztec ruler Presentation Pipe Tomahawk Ara Pacis Augustae Peace parks 43. Ara Pacis Augustae,. Rome, 13-9 BCE. Marble; outerwall, 345 X 38 X 23. 44. Discussion Topics Why do governments and rulers support or suppress art and architecture project? What other institutions have the significant resources to commission large-scale works of art? What are some contemporary examples of art that promotes the power of the government? Is all art that is government funded intended to be used as a propaganda tool? Do you think artists involved in creating state-sponsored art think they are creating propaganda? 45. In what ways can art be used in the service of the state and rulers? What kinds of art/architecture have been so employed? Why have the designers of objects of war included aesthetic considerations? How has war influenced the form/function of architecture? How has art documented both war and peace.

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