
nbn Sky Muster

Provider Comparison Chart

Support opening hours may have a different time zone, check on your providers website for further details

All providers have peak/off peak usage stats, no providers charge extra for going over your data plan, instead you are 'shaped’ or slowed.

Some providers have additional fees e.g. activation fees, speed change fees, require 30 days notice to change plans e.t.c

All nbn Sky Muster Providers have the same off-peak hours, relative to your time zone 1am – 7am

Plus Plans = 25/5 speed tier + Speed burst & all content

unmetered/unlimited (except VPN & Video streaming)

Normal Plans = all data counts, two speed tiers 12/1 & 25/5

nbn Sky Muster PLAN Types

Compiled in conjunction with BIRRR Members, providers and from information available on providers' websites.

Always consult your providers' Critical Information Summary / Plan information for the latest up to date information.


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