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"Discover The TWO Stupid-Simple Changes aDesperate, Long-Term Diabetes Sufferer

'Accidentally' Stumbled Upon That Quickly, and Easily Led to PermenantWeight Loss and Healthy Digestion -

After NOTHING Else Worked!"

Without Drugs or VitaminsWithout Any 'Audio Therapies'Or Costly Medical TreatmentsWithout Dangerous Surgery

From: Jamie SutherlandFeb 22, 2009

Dear friend,

I know it may be hard to believe, but after suffering for years from Diabetes that was directly related to my obesity, which had plagued me most of my life... going through one supposed 'Weight Loss Remedy' after another and experiencing absolutely ZERO permanent results, I accidentally stumbled upon TWO simple little changes that to my amazement...

● Led to 20 lbs. weight loss in the first 14 days!

● Saved my work life (and my love life for that matter)

● Restored my health and energy levels

● Helped me become less dependent on medications and entirely free from Insulin Shots!

And brought peace, restfulness, and SANITY back into my life... for good!

And best of all...

It had nothing to do with any of those worthless, side-effect ridden pills and powders...

Or any of those 'high-tech' exercise videos...

And it most definitely has nothing to do with dangerous surgery...

In just a moment I'm to going to tell you all about this crazy 'accidental discovery' but first I want you to know...

I've Been In Your Shoes

My name is Jamie Sutherland and up until the last 2 years I suffered immensely from hyper obesity. But as you can imagine, it wasn't just me who suffered, but my entire family...

So believe me when I say.

I know what it's like to go through life feeling tense, agitated, and exhausted because of the extra weight you're carrying around...

I know what it's like to lay in bed for hours-on-end... hoping and preying for just a miracle cure you desperately need...

I know what it's like to feel 'disconnected' from the one's you love most because obesity is sucking the life out of you...

I know what it's like to worry about your work-life... fearing that sluggishness and sheer exhaustion will ruin your productivity and spell disaster...

But most of all...

I know what it's like to be utterly desperate for a solution...

Thank God one day I came upon a shocking discovery that would end up saving my life (and my sanity) by completely re-energizing my digestion...for good!

Oddly enough...

It Had Absolutely Nothing In Common WithWhat The Doctors Had Been Advising Me!

Still, this single discovery was the direct reason that I finally have my life back and no longer face the world in constant embarrassment.

And it was so simple that I wanted to slap myself for not coming across it earlier. It was right in front of me the whole dang time!

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests a link between yogurt and weight loss. The study, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, quizzed over 120,000 nurses and other health workers about their

dietary habits over the course of many years. The goal was to discover what impact diet had on weight over time.

In just a moment, I'm going to tell you exactly what this discovery was, but first I want to share my personal story with you.

Can YOU Relate To This?

I honestly can't remember when I became overweight. I remember being called “a stout little fellow” by a stranger in a supermarket when I was probably no more than 6 years old. By the time I was in 6th

grade, Jr. High in my area, I had been called “fatty” and “pudgy” and all the other nice names that hurtful kids feel the need to use. And of course by this age I had become interested in girls, but the best I could hope for was a pinch on my chubby cheeks. Not very heart-lifting.

By the time I started High School my self esteem was pretty much as mushy as my belly. I can't recall how many crushes I had, only to have them end when seeing my crush pointing at me, laughing with her friends. It's a wonder I made it through High School with even a shred of confidence!

My weight kept me from enjoying life through my 20s and 30s. My esteem was so low that I was afraid to go to college. The way clothes fit, there seemed no reason to buy decent clothing for a nice job, so I ended up working in the most detrimental place for me: fast food! And so my eating patterns went from bad to worse and the next fifteen years were dedicated to ruining my body!

Now, fast forward to age 35. I'm still a young man at heart but my doctors are telling me that my extreme obesity has caused Diabetes for certain and who knows what other untold problems. My mother died from complications of Diabetes. So did my older brother. Now I am afflicted with it and I could have avoided it by getting in shape long ago! Why did I wait so long?

I would love to think that was the end of my predicament, but it wasn't! Shortly after I was diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic, I suffered from a severe double abscess in a masculine place I'd rather not mention. Let's just say it was excruciating to sit, stand, lay down...anything! My urologist later told me that the infection was so bad that the odds of my surviving were worse than the alternative. I could have died!

I was scared to death! And what was my first impulse? To stuff my face full of crappy junk food! But while I did that, I also started reading and researching. One day I stumbled upon a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine that strongly proclaimed the benefits of yogurt, especially Greek yogurt. Seems the high protein and calcium mixed with low Lactose (milk sugar) is ideal for weight loss when added correctly to the diet. This intrigued me and so I delved into the study of its benefits for months!

Now, being a bit of a history buff, I had also began studying the daily eating habits of Greek and

Roman soldiers because both were known for their perfect physiques. It occurred to me that both ate their meals in similar ways and they ate foods in a slightly different order than we do now. Really simple nuances, yes, but believe me when I say that it makes all the difference in the world!

What happened next was like a thunderclap!

When I put the two ideas together on paper, it was a gigantic “DUH!” moment! I realized I had stumbled onto something that could change lives...could change MY life! Over the next three months, I developed the basis for the Greek Yogurt Diet by experimentation. Believe me, it was no easy feat. Some times little tweaks worked out great and others, I actually began to gain weight back!! It wasn't until the third month that my studies were complete and I had the ultimate formula.

Over the next three months, I applied what I had learned, and the weight began to come off with ease. Seriously, these couple simple habits, applied to your eating patterns, can seem almost miraculous!

I lost 20 pounds in the first 14 days!

That's just the start. Over the three month trial, I lost 60 pounds of fat. I gained muscle. My doctor (with great relief) lowered my Diabetes medicine and canceled my insulin shots!! I had to buy a whole new wardrobe after two months!

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Why then did every other attempt fail?

You and I Have Been Lied To...Here's the deal:

Whether or not you like it the drug industry (and that includes doctors) are in it to make money.

And while you're health is a large priority, the fat cats in the industry and even the doctors themselves hope and prey that you will never discover this information.

What's more, they do everything in their power to make sure information like this never sees the light of day! They'd rather keep selling you and me half-ass solutions that deliver severely lacking results...if that you have no choice but to keep coming back to them.

The truth is, there's a whole world of little known, all-natural remedies out there.

Many of which have been proven to cure many of today's most pressing ailments...

You just never hear about them.


Because if people knew about these things...the drug industry would lose BILLIONS of dollars. Thousands of doctors would soon be practice-less!

It's a horrible but true fact: it's just not in the best interest of the doctors to tell you about some alternative natural approach. Especially one that actually works so amazingly well to tackle the root cause of your problem.

You see, during my research I made a shocking discovery...

Two all-natural steps can lead to healthy digestion and Weight Loss!

When I first realized this breakthrough approach and the 2 steps I would need to take to finally cure myself, I was very skeptical.

But when I put it into action, I started seeing results so fast my jaw literally dropped.

And it all made so much sense, because each of the 2 steps involved were specifically designed to fix the all the factors that bring about obesity...completely reversing it in the process!

After Applying This Approach:

● It's been 3 years and excess weight hasn't come back!

● My blood glucose levels normalized, blood pressure lowered and cholesterol decreased!

● I can finally relax and enjoy my life!

● My work productivity has skyrocketed!And Most importantly...● The people I love most in my life finally get to have the “Me” I always wanted to be! That happy, free-spirited guy, who lives his life with a passion!

Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions about the 2-step all natural cure for obesity I've been talking about...

So to clear things up....

Here's What This Program Is NOT

● It's not a drug (prescription or non-prescription)

● It's not vitamin or supplement

● It's not any weird alternative therapy cd or expensive medical treatment

● And it most definitely does NOT involve any dangerous surgery

Instead, you get a 100% proven and easy 2-step system that can be put into action in just minutes that will immediately put put you on the road to fast weight loss and permenant health!

I'm Finally Letting TheCat Out Of The Bag

In an effort to finally set the record straight, I've decided to disclose all this information to you, so you can finally free yourself from the choke-hold obesity has on your life!

This powerful system is 100% guaranteed to ignite your fat-burning furnace, or your money back!


'The Greek Yogurt Diet'Discover What The Medical Industry

Doesn't Want You To Know!

'The Greek Yogurt Diet' Reveals The Only All-Natural, Proven, 2-Step System That Is 100% Guaranteed To reduce body fat and restore health by repairing your digestion...naturally!

If You Can Follow 2 Simple Steps, Then You Can Lose The Weight and Feel Great Permanently! Guaranteed...Or Your Money Back!

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Inside You'll Discover:

● How to quickly and easily implement the 2-main all-natural steps that will immediately begin to reverse the effects of poor digestion.

● What exactly is Obesity? (There are some things about your condition that I guarantee you don't know yet. Get the hard facts.)

● The single reason why over 95% of all dieters can't keep weight from returning and one easy way to make sure you do!

● The secret to losing weight in the shortest time possible (often showing results in less than a week!)

Plus, a whole lot more!

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