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National Apartment Association Education Institute


National Apartment Association Education Institute



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Telephone Presentations Objectives

• Implement good telephone etiquette in the workplace.

• Apply effective speaking and listening skills to telephone presentations.

• List preparations a Leasing Professional should make for a telephone presentation.


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Telephone Presentations Objectives

• Describe the basic objectives of a telephone contact.

• Develop a process for working with current residents.

• Handle an irate caller.


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Telephone Skills Self-Evaluation

• In all telephone conversations:

• When speaking to a prospective resident:

• When accepting a service request:


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Today’s Agenda


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Importance of the Telephone

• 9 of 10 future residents call first

• 4 times more likely to lease


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Preparing for a Telephone Presentation

1. Pens and pencils

Telephone message pads,

blank guest cards2.

3. A calendar

4. An up‑to‑date list of apartments available to lease


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Preparing for a Telephone Presentation

5. Written directions to the community from North, South, East and West for ease in providing directions

6. Blank service request forms

7. Frequently called numbers

8. A positive attitude


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Projecting your Professional Image 1. Smile and be enthusiastic

2. Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace

3. Not place your fingers or hand over the mouthpiece

4. Keep your personal calls to a minimum

5. Be sincere and courteous to your callers


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Telephone Etiquette1. Answer the call promptly

2. Add warmth to your response by smiling when greeting the caller

3. Keep the greeting clean and simple


4. Identify yourself


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Telephone Etiquette

5. What you are doing and give the caller your undivided attentionSTOP

9. Do not eat, drink or chew gum while on the telephone

6. Slow down and take control of the conversation

7. Do not carry on additional conversations with others in the office while you are on the telephone

8. Do not handle the call while trying to process paperwork, etc


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Telephone Etiquette

10. Put people on hold only after asking them to hold and waiting for their response

11. Do not leave the caller on hold for longer than thirty seconds

12. Always say “thank you”

13. Wait for the caller to hang up

before you hang up the telephone

14. Do not use industry jargon or slang


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Improve your Speaking Skills… Improve your Performance.

• Communication is a two-way street

• Never assume

• Think before you speak

• Vocabulary• Speaking• Voice Inflection


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 

7% Spoken word

93% Non-Verbal



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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Voice Inflection

“I didn’t tell Tom you were stupid.” 


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Active ListeningActive Listening

Perhaps as important as speaking is listening.


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Active Listening Activity

1. Did anyone make a profit?

2. If anyone did make a profit, who was it?

3. If there was a profit, how much was it?

1. Did anyone make a profit?

2. If anyone did make a profit, who was it?

3. If there was a profit, how much was it?


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Top 10 Ways to Improve Listening

1. Work to understand the other person.

2. Pay attention to the substance of the speaker's requests.

3. Make it a habit to listen first and respond second.

4. Be attentive.

5. Listen carefully for the main idea.


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Top 10 Ways to Improve Listening

6. Concentrate on the facts.

7. Ask good questions without overly interrupting the caller.

8. Do not allow positive or negative reactions to the speaker change your behavior.

9. Concentrate all your energy on the speaker.

10. Jot down more detailed notes.24

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According to Research

• Prospects call an average of nine communities


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Types of Callers

• Time Saving Caller

• I Don’t Trust you Caller

• Geographical Caller


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Basic Objectives

• Who?

• What?

• When?

• Where?

• Why?

• How much?

• An appointment?30

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Keep These in Mind1. Make sure you guide the conversation2. As you respond to questions, make sure you ask

some of your own3. Talk about a specific apartment. It is more

personable4. Elaborate on the benefits of this apartment before

quoting rental rates 5. Speak positively about the rates. Build value!6. Always remain pleasant even if you cannot

schedule an appointment7. Leave the prospect with a positive feeling


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• “How much are…”

• “Do you have any…”

• “Can you tell me about…”


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Why Use Q/A/Q?

1. It deflects the price issue momentarily.

2. It places the Leasing Professional in control of the call.

3. It helps qualify the caller by asking when they need their apartment home.

4. It begins the closing process with use of the “Assumptive Close”.  


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What’s wrong with this Telephone Call?What’s wrong with this Telephone Call?

• Leasing Professional

• Prospective Resident


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Key Elements of a Successful Presentation

The leasing presentationbegins the moment thetelephone is answered.

“People buy from people they like.”


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3 Key Elements




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Closing Begins with the Telephone

1. Establishes a relationship

2. Gathers information

3. Describes the community

4. Looks for opportunities to "close"


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Tracking Weekly Traffic

Resident R




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Taking Requests for Service

1. What are the three most frequent requests for services from existing residents at your community?

2. Which requests are easiest to address? • Which are hardest? • Why?

3. Do you notice any difference in your manner when talking with prospective residents than with existing residents? If so, how do you account for it?


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Identifying Caller Needs


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Identifying Caller Needs

• Resident's name

• Apartment number

• Telephone number

• The date(incl. year) and time of the call

• Permission to enter the apartment

• Pet?

• Intrusion alarm code

• Specific nature of the problem

• Specific location of the problem

Information that should be obtained from the resident generally includes the following:


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Resolving Problems

Follow‑up to Ensure the

Resident is Satisfied42

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Handling Irate Callers


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The Most Frequent Causes of Irate Calls

1. Previous service request was ignored.

2. Previous service request is still not completed.

3. Increase in rent or decrease in amenities/ resource facilities.

4. Personal problems of the caller unrelated to the service request.

5. Problems with neighbors.


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Dealing with Irate Phone Calls from Residents

• Remain calm.

• Use the caller's name once or twice during the conversation.

• Listen to everything the caller says without interruption.

• Identify the problems.

• Probe for additional information.


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Dealing with Irate Phone Calls from Residents

• Apologize for any inconvenience, real or imagined.

• Keep the voice low.

• Reassure the caller that everything possible will be done to solve the problem.

• Follow up to make sure the resident is satisfied with the results.

• Take thorough notes throughout the conversation.


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Fair Housing Implications

• Arranging appointments

• Making callbacks

• Acts of courtesy

• Personal information required

• Availability of properties presented

• Location of properties presented

• Follow up procedures


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