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NatCo OC Story Collection

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OC President

During the preparation of NatCo, many people had asked me this question: "How do you feel being an OCP so far?”

It’s REALLY COOL.I felt proud of myself when I firstly made the decision to be NatCo OCP and was gradually realizing that what a wonderful experience I was having.The JD of OCP is simple and complicated. You are going to be the final responsible of this conference, which also means, final responsible for everything. That’s why I always call myself “ OC Everywhere”. =) I faced pressure, but I never took it as burden.I can’t never imagine that I could be such a multitasking people. Everyday lots of stuff related to NatCo filled up my mind and I managed to deal with them one by one. Also all my OCs successfully done this, which made me so proud of.

AIESEC is always about talent development. It was true even being a conference OC.I learned how to care about people in my team better, I learned how to make work done efficiently and effectively. I learned how to lead a team. No such AIESEC experience I had before made me grow so quick.

Tons of appreciation want to give to my teammates and all the people I met on NatCo.


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OC HotelAt the very beginning , I haven’t prepared for being OC Hotel because I had decided to elect as OC Communication. Therefore, I felt a little bit nervous. After the 1st OC Meeting, the joyful environment of this team brought me strength and energy. Every one of us was passionate and full of various ideas. During NatCo ,despite the changeable situation caused by the hotel , the team gave me sufficient support and care, meanwhile, others like Edwin, Major, the others of MC Team and all the delegates also provided me with a lot of patience and pertinent advice.

I truly obtained much from the experience. In the past ,I knew little about the knowledge of signing a contract. And I felt difficult to deal with people with high social position. Nevertheless, communication with great patience matters. Every problem can be settled down if you make efforts and take patience. What’s more, never lose your rational mind even if crisis happens. Think for twice and then solve it.

For sure ,during this period ,I have faced quite a lot challenges. You can see them in the dischargement report. Luckily ,I have backups from dear Jovia and my external friends working in hotel industry, which avoided a larger loss.


Throughout this conference, I felt the change, and it truly happened to me. Whatever we do , we need to prepare a plan B. With Plan B ,many problems can be solved in a short time. Therefore, I am getting used to making risk plan before things. Another learning point is to wear other’s shoes, which made me more understanding and efficient.

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OC Sponsor

It is my first OC experience in AIESEC.I have learned a lot from it.

First of all, I think the biggest challenge I have met during this OC experience is the requirement of communication skills. Not only between OC teammates, more importantly, when communicating with companies and corporations.

Secondly, I have learned the importance of putting myself in our partners’ shoes if we want to well corporate with them. If we are not clear about what they want and what they really need, building a good partnership would become impossible.

Thirdly, as OC sponsor, we also have to be clear with what we need. To balance our expectation to the conference and the need of our partners, we have to stay in frequent touch with other OC members as well as MC members. Under no circumstances should we any decision without getting the permission our supervisors.

Thanks to this OC experience, I have the chance to go and explore and corporate with different kinds of companies and institutions, which really have broaden my eyesight and deepen my understanding of commercial partnership.


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OC Finance

Actually I didn’t see any problem when getting into the new team. I enjoyed every meeting because my teammates are so efficient and lovely. I really appreciate the experience with the OC team.

I got into the new role by the guidance of Jovia. After learning some principles and reading the materials left by former OCF, I got rough idea of what I should do.

We faced some crisis. I think the most serious one come from hotel, we were not allowed to use the plenary at night or have meals in the plenary. However these requirements were turned to be written on the contract. OCP and OC hotel stand out to communicate with the manager of hotel. For me, what I did is to accept the unexpected expense and check the budget again.

Only if I got enough information, I could made the budget closest to the truth. So, collecting information means a lot to an OC Finance. I got information from teammates and searching by myself.What I discovered about myself is I can be THAT patient. I used to working on the same thing for months, that is, making budget. I used to live under the protection of parents so I seldom have to take part in financial issues. But when I was OCF I must take care of the balance, I must make decisions instead of just waiting others tell me what to do.

I used to made many versions of budget in order to control the balance, but some versions didn’t fit the real situation. We made some goals, like the amount of sponsorship and the total expense on hotel, however some of them are hard to achieve. Then we faced the truth and try to reduce every unnecessary expense.


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OC CommI have never dealt with such an event that is related to over 300 people.

It’s not an activity only dealing with kind teachers and students, it’s a work facing the real world. Crisis may rise because of lacking experience; challenges arouses because of the high standard I set for myself. It was really annoying when I was struggling, but everything would be OK with the teams’ encouragement and help. After all that suffering I suddenly realized the problems I had faced before was just little case, a wider and a more splendid road was right in front of me and waiting for me to explore.

Courage gained, self-awareness strengthened and challenge accepted!


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OC CommIt's not hard for me to get into the role because I love to try something new and I look forward to exploring myself through this experience. But in the beginning I was too shy to fit into the team. Thanks for the weekly meetings. Also, the OCP was of a gentle nature genuinely concerned with others, which moved me deeply.

When the conference ended, I felt happy and proud. For my role, if the delegates speak highly of the conference I think it a success. I hope that this conference will be a persistent topic, or be a good example.

As the OC Comm responsible for promoting to the delegates, I have to collect, sort out and publish the materials. It needs good team coordination. Through the work, I learned to put myself in my teammates' shoes, improving my communication and coordination skills. What's more, I've learned how to encourage and implicitly urge my teammates to work.


Through this experience I finally further knew myself. I found my passion about promotion and communication. On the other hand, I used to feel confident about my work. But after the conference, I found my weaknesses and realized there's still a gap between me and others, which inspire me to improve myself. I still had difficulties getting familiar with strangers quickly but I started to have more courage after talking with many kinds of people in the conference. I used to be impatient. But learning from my teammates' good temper I realized my shortcomings and began to be more considerate and understanding.

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OC Design

- My team and my roleIt’s a wonderful team. Everyone is kind, helpful, energetic and has different personalities. It’s very fun when we stay together and work together. You will feel that there’s always someone stand behind you and give you support. My role is OC Design before the conference’s opening and OC Everything on site.

- My challengesIt should be a person who can master the softwares, such as Photoshop, AI, to do the OC Design.But as a student major in Language, it’s a little bit hard for me to make an attractive souvenir when I just now basic operating. Sometimes you have a great idea, but you can’t make it because you don’t know how to make them in AI and Photoshop. The choice of calligraphy, color is the most different thing for me. I could only try thousand times and give many samples to let my teammates choose. It’s always happened that I used 3 hours to make a sample, and your teammate just used 1 second and 1 word to veto it. Sometimes I felt super frustrated.

- My developmentI was going to lose passion to @, maybe. Sometimes I thought, maybe I’m not suitable to be an AIESEC, lack of some traits which AIESECer need. But on NatCo, you could know different XP form many people. Their stories will bring you confidence, commitment and power. You will ask yourself, that others had tougher moments than you and they could overcome it, so you can do it, too.I’m not sure whether I’m empowered from NatCo, but at least I’m trying to keep on breaking my bottleneck.


Each experience brings me unforgettable memories, because I hadn’t tried it before. It’s happy to learn new skills and try different things, although sometimes they let me become crazy and felt anxious and pressure.

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OC Logistics

Actually, when I know I am the only boy in the OC team, I can strongly feel the responsibility in the OC team, and I also feel afraid. Before the NatCo, I never thought it would be so tough and engaged. I have stayed in the printing shop for three days to print the delegate books. As we all know, Shanghai is very hot, but there is no air-conditioners in the printing shop. When it was 3:00, I joked myself, ‘ I am the king of Wenhui Rd. Because there was no people in the road except the printer and me. On site, there were a lot of tasks you should fulfill. MC needed many materials to complete their sessions. The most difficult material was tricycle!!! Although it was really very hard, with the help of some delegates, we made it! I was obliged to everyone who helped us !!! So now, when I face with difficulties, I will say ‘Is there anything i cannot do even after that i have lifted a tricycle?(我连搬三轮车都做到了,还有什么做不到!)’ It is really an unforgettable experience. Until now, I can still feel the power of our OC team!!!Soooooooo proud of you all !!!


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