Download - Napoleon

  • 1. The Megalomaniac Genius

2. 3. 4. French? Italian! From the island of Corsica His name was actually Napoleonedi Buonaparte Was born in 15 August 1769 Son of Carlo Maria Bonaparte Turncoats! Allied with France against their nation 5. 6. Tough Guy Military Academy of Brienne-le-Chteau Great Student Great ability in math, history and geography cole Militaire Again a great student Military Genius! Artillery officer 7. French Revolution! Suport to the Jacobins No one likes Npoleon People thought he was a Corsican nationalist Best friends with Augustin Robespierre Artillery commander of Toulon In charge of the artillery ofFrances Army of Italy 8. Super Napoleon! Donw with Robespierre brothers Napoleon in house arrest! Jealousy between the Army of the Alps and the Army ofItaly Dsire Clary Engaged! No Vende Campaing for me! Claimed poor health Faced political problems for this A Novelist Clisson et Eugnie 9. Fame, Money and The One Fight at the Tuileries Palace Previous knowledge gave him advantage The army was really impressed! Commander of the Interior and givencommand of the Army of Italy Josphine de Beauharnais Married on 9 March 1796 10. The one Josephine My one and only Josephine,apart from you there is no joy;away from you, the world is adesert where I am alone andcannot open my heart. You havetaken more than my soul; youare the one thought of my life. 11. Great Victories "I have fought sixty battles and I have learned nothing which Idid not know at the beginning. Look at Caesar; he fought the firstlike the last. Trafalgar, Austerlitz, Egypt, Russia Go for the Hinge! Envelop the enemy! Newspapers! Napoleon used Army newspapers to make self propaganda 12. Egypt 13. Egypt Glory or strategics? Both Egyptomania Englands posession Suport from theDirectory Anything to keep Napoleon out of politics 14. Egypt The battle starts well Even though Napoleon had a smaller army he started wining 40,000 French x 100,000 Mamelucos Napoleon won the battle in one Day! 15. Egypt Nelson comes The Nile Battle the British destroyed the French fleet in Alexandria The French army was isolated No where to retreat to Attacked by typhoid fever 16. Egypt Retreat to the East Attacked the Ottomans Won at great cost Turks + British Won again at freat cost 10,000 x 15,000 17. Egypt Napoleon goes back to Paris Worried with the politic turmoils and prediting thefailure of his campaign Fleed of Egypt with healthy troops He left the remaining sick troops to fight alone! Those man suffered a horrible fate 18. 18 of Brumaire Coup dEtat 1799 back from Egypt Napoleons troops surround the national legislature The Consulate is created First Consul Living at the Tuileries!! Peace at last 19. Napoleon Rules France The plebiscite The people aproves the new constitution and gives toNapoleon all the power he wants Napoleon and the French Revolution The first consul will keep the good changes from theFrench Revolution 20. Firm grip on the colonies Louisiana 21. Firm grip on the colonies Haiti 22. Reforms Economy A strong and organised tax code National bank system A firm grip against corruption Educations Lices Public education Higher education The Napoleonic Code Civil Code Restricted freedom of speech and press Restored slavery in the French Colonies Road and sewer systemsLegion of Honour 23. Reforms The Concordat The Catholic Church is reunited with the French State Pope Pius VII The churchhad power, butno control overnational affairs 24. Reforms Emancipation of the Jews "I will never accept any proposals thatwill obligate the Jewish people to leaveFrance, because to me the Jews are thesame as any other citizen in our country.It takes weakness to chase them out of thecountry, but it takes strength to assimilatethem." 25. Emperor With the support of the army and the French people,Napoleon became Emperor Napoleon I on December 2 1804 at NotreDame de Paris Napoleon crowned himself andThem crowned Josphine Empress. He took the crown out of the popes Had This gesture meant that he wasabove the church and that he becameemperor by his own means 26. 27. 28. 29. War of the Third Coalition Great Britain broke the peace Declared war on France in May 1803 Britain had convinced Austria and Russia to join aThird Coalition against France. 30. War of the Third Coalition Trafalgar Napoleon wants to invade England Will have to lureNelsons Armada tothe Caribe Total failure! Will fight him withthe Spanish Napoleon has to let go of the plan of invading England He wants his armadato Retreat to theMediterranean sea 31. War of the Third Coalition Nelson has a new strategy! Enveloping the enemy in the sea The british win But the war still goes onfor another 10 years in land The french and theSpanish will never try totake donw the Britisharmada again Nelson dies 32. 33. 34. War of the Third Coalition Austerlitz 1805 the Battle of the ThreeEmperors France x Austria x Russia The French Empire effectively crushes the Third Coalition 35. War of the Third Coalition A battle won by briliant strategy Eveloping, going for the hinge, good use of climate but, most of all, knowing your enemy Taking donw the weak A 9 hour battle Napoleon wasnever again thispowerfull 36. 37. Jobs for the Family Jerme Bonaparte youngest brother of Napoleon The King of Westphalia 38. Jobs for the Family Joseph Bonaparte The elder brother of Napoleon The king os Spain, Naples and Sicily 39. Continental System How does a country defeats England without fighting it? Strangling its economy! The ContinentalSystem No country should make trade with Englad Unless itwants to beinvaded by Napoleon Portugal! 40. Continental System Church Problems The church doesnt like the continental system Napoleon annexed the PapalStates because of the Churchsrefusal to support the ContinentalSystem Pope Pius VII responded byexcommunicating the emperor The pope was then abducted byNapoleons officers Napoleon got divorced and thisfurther strained his relations withthe Church The pope remained confined for5 years and did not return to Romeuntil May 1814. 41. Divorce The necessity of na heir When, after a few years, it became clear she could not have a child, Napolon while he still loved Josphine, beganto think very seriously about the possibility ofdivorce. Josphine was to live ate the Malmaison, asmall palace. She continued to make publicappearances as Empress, but the impendingdivorce was common knowledge. Napolon once remarked after marryingMarie-Louise that "he had married a womb". Even after their separation Napoleoninsisted Josephine retain the title of Empress. "It is my will that she retain the rank andtitle of Empress, and especially that she neverdoubt my sentiments, and that she ever hold me asher best and dearest friend." 42. 43. 44. Divorse Archduchess Marie Louise of Austrias tiara 45. 46. 47. Russia! The Russians did not want to obey the Continental System In 1812 Napoleon decides to invade Russia Russia in the fall not a very good a idea Napoleons Ego He is used to fast wars 48. Russia! Scorched Land Tatics The Russians would destroy their city and leave Burn the houses, kill the animals,poison the wells Deeper and deeper on the land The war just gets longer The General Winter comes 49. 50. Things go Wrong The sixth coalition steps in Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal Napoleon has no army to fight them Still does Mutiny His generals refuse to keep on going Treaty of Fontainebleau exile onElba Attempt of suicide 51. 52. Hundred Days The Bourbons are back! Louis XVIII takes the throne He was the brother of Louis XVI Scape! March 1 1815 "Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish. "Vive LEmpereur! Donw with the Bourbon! Emperor once again 53. Waterloo Duke of Wellington Leader of the British troops Prepares battle near the village of Waterloo, in Belgium Napoleon attacks The british just need to buy some time The prussian Army arrives Two armies at once! Plus rain and bad guts After 2 days Napoleons armysurrenders 54. 55. 56. 57. Last Days Napoleon goes to exile in Santa Helena A small island in the south Atlantic The Balcombes A nice family The Times Everybody is curious Napoleon Dies After six years of exile Poisoning? 58. Goodbye May 3, 1821 Stomach Cancer? "France, army,head of the army,Josphine." A tomb with noname 59. 60. 61.

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